The races (Beastkin)

I'm sorry about my outburst last time, I just find it mildly annoying when summons tell me they already know what all the races are. This time we'll talk about the beastkin.

The beastkin are the most recently formed race, and as such have no real magic available. They were found in the southern most edge of the continent, in a place now known as beast forest around 100 million years ago. However now it's been discovered that they do infact have a magic system.

The beastkin are widely regarded as a weak race, not because their bodies are weak, but because they have no innate magic. However this didn't stop them from devloping a nation long ago. It was called Beastera a place where they were free from the oppression of the Raygene Empire. But it fell after 10 thousand years, when the war between the ather and humans picked up and swallowed their nation whole.

Their ruined country's ruins remain in my Demos as a artifact of a more peaceful time. I had to make sure it remained intact for future generations to see, because some citizens decided that it didn't deserve to exist any longer. Luckily it was a problem I solved with the use of the King's eyes, and the Incubi to find and kill all of the vandals.

However when Huma came to be, most of the surviving beastkin joined them. In Huma the beastkin weren't oppressed or victimized, instead they were educated and trained to use human magics since the didn't have their own. And Thus they were a race that fell and were brought back up... However when Huma entered the war with us Demons they were the first to sign up. So we had to adapt and evolve once again so we would have instinctual counters for the beastkin and their fighting style. I remember when we had no real counter, it was a bloodbath they could innately infuse mana in their bodies and strikes. On top of that they have the greatest physical strength of all of the races.

All of my personal worries aside their ranks are... how should I say it, weird? You're going to understand it in a bit... maybe. They go Rat, Prey, Lynx, Hound, Deer, Wolf, Forest spirit, Tiger, Mammoth, Tiger king, Wolf lord, Shadow, Chameleon, and man at the top of their race. Now what rank would you guess is stronger Prey, or Tiger king? I'll give you a minute to guess... did you guess the answer is Prey... Yeah the more developed rank is weaker than the second thing they're going to become. Man is stronger than all the other ranks excluding shadow, the weakest rank. Just imagine training day in and day out just so you could evolve to a stronger rank and you level up to shadow, you just went from being unquestionably strong to laughably weak in an hour.

Let's finish this off with the only beastkin worth mentioning. A few years ago there was a prodigy on the battlefield and his name was Lars. He was a half Ather, half Beastkin, but he went far beyond what I expected. He trained so he could use human magic, Ather magic, and beastkin fortification all at once. On top of that he also learned demonization, which should have been impossible given he doesn't have human blood in him. However he did become far too great of a threat, far too great for me to ignore. It saddens me to say that he left this world with a vengeance.