Eras(lost page)

I can sense the confusion my dearest snoopers, You're wondering, "What the heck is an Era?" Well I'm here to explain that.

When I was born there were no such things as Eras, but there was the celestial calendar, in my homeland. For the humans they had the Sun cycle calendar, and so on. One day the Requis Dukedom suggested that we make a unified calendar, so the responsibility fell upon Raygene. Emperor Gorgas released the Era calendar.

At its core this new calendar was a combination of the sun cycle and celestial calendars. One year would be 400 days and one Era would be 100,000 years, but it was changed because of the inputs of an otherworldly summon. The revised calendar would have 360 days in a year, then two new units were implemented the decade and century, finally resulting in the Era. An Era was one thousand centuries like the first version, but had some changes such as the years being shorter. However the other difference is all I cared about, whenever a massive geopolitical shift is reached it would be the birth of a new Era.

Am I too old... As of today the second Era's 700th century, 300th day, I am over two hundred thousand years old. To your average person I might as well be immortal, humans usually only live to at best ten thousand, ather are a similar benchmark, so how am I not dead...