Chapter 5

Brahk found himself back in the medical bay. Looking down at his data pad it had been about the same time difference from when he had woken up under that house. About seventeen hours. It was interesting there was no time dilation. Which meant information was traveling really fast. So instead of speed he thought it might have to do with quantum entanglement. One body is unconscious while the main personality transfers over to the other body in an instant. While it has a few holes that don't make complete sense it is the best he has.

Looking around he finds Mystreioj and Glex talking to Sidarce. He stands up and goes over towards them. While her voice is a little cracked, she is breathing without aid for now.

"… gathered supplies. Everything has been inventoried. There are no longer any fires present as the… Brahk had taken care of that before I got up." Mystreioj was the one talking at the moment. After he finished Glex saw him walking over and alerted the others.

"How are you?" Brahk asked Sidarce.

She looked at the others quickly before answering. "Doing better. The nanites are doing their job."

"Good to hear." He looked at the other two next to her. "Anything happen while I was out?"

Glex was the first to speak after taking out his data pad. "These hull sections in red are completely destroyed along with everything inside. Orange the hull is gone and these sections are intact for the most part. Green and where we are, are completely fine."

"I scouted the area outside and it is in a defensible position. We just missed the cliffside and landed on flat land between two mountains. We're about a kilometer high up from sea level on this planet. This is a video from the drone I sent out." While Brahk watched the video Mystreioj showed him, he continued to explain. "As you found earlier, air is safe to breath. I have yet to find signs of life, but considering the samples I looked at so far it wouldn't be too far fetched that something exists here. The miniature valley has a river with clean, freshwater. I'm still running tests on the soil and surrounding flora, but if everything looks good we can start a farm for food."

With the information presented from Glex and Mystreioj, he could see that it wasn't all bad. Just over half the ship was wiped out and about 25% was green and orange each. Scrap could be repurposed to build from there. Glex also showed him the inventory they had so far and more of the essentials had been found plus some extra goodies.

Their location was advantageous to them. An easy supply of water about a kilometer away. A good amount of vegetation was around to be tested for safety, but could easily be replanted and reused. Either for consumption or a use they might need.

"Alright good. When you guys can, get some rest." He looked at his data pad. He knew if he went easy on them right now they wouldn't like that. "Ten hours should be good. We'll head out then and set up a perimeter. That way we will know if any locals try to eat us." He saw Glex and Sidarce smile with Mystreioj being him off to the side. "I need to have a talk with Sidarce." He could see that Mystreioj was hesitant, but Sidarce even nudged him away and Glex grabbed him too.


"How are you really?"

"It… really hurts. If I try to bend my chest to sit, I feel like something is stretching that shouldn't be."

"Okay." He grabbed the data pad on her table and looked at it. "It looks like the nanites are still working hard to repair the damage around your heart. You're really lucky."

"How's Thevhei?"

He took a look at the data pad. While the main issue is the pressure building in her cranium, there were also some injuries that Mystreioj or Glex had noticed and updated the nanites to work on. He knew he wasn't perfect, but when it came to something as important as this he felt like he failed.

"It's looking like she will be in a coma for quite some time. Right now it's medical, but it might last longer than that after the swelling and bleeding stop."

"She'll be fine."

"I hope so."

"Tell me how you are Brahk?" He really wished she hadn't asked him. Probably knew he would omit the truth if she didn't. He would have, so it doesn't sting as bad.

"I'm confused. Everything is happening so suddenly. I'm worried about all of you and I feel like I'm not doing enough to protect you all." He was trying not to speak from his heat but it was impossible to ignore the implant. "We should have never gone to that moon. It wasn't a part of our mission. Because of me all of this happened and now we might be stuck here on this planet. I ruined all of your lives." It was terrible that his brain went down that route. Opening a wound he didn't even have to answer to. In a way he wanted to be punished.

"Brahk it wasn't your fault. Say it wasn't your fault."

"It's not my fault." He could have repeated her words, but he knew that wasn't what she meant. He also knew she was just trying to get him to say it.

"You might not mean it right now, but it's not the end. You taught me that Brahk. We'll get through this." He should be comforting her.

A silence washed over them both. He could see her looking at the ceiling before she looked back at him. "Is there something you aren't telling me Brahk?"

"There is, but please don't ask. I don't really understand it right now and it might cause confusion. Just get some rest."

"If it causes problems, you need to tell me right away."

He nodded.


While the others slept he got their supplies ready and mapped out the perimeter with the drone footage.

From his estimates it would take about half a day to set up a really secure perimeter. Since they were in a valley there were very limited places land creatures could come from. Natural disasters like mudslide or an overflow of the river would pose a problem, but because they were near a cliff it wouldn't build up and overflow their area.

The ship landed on a small hill that it made for itself as it dug deep into the ground. They came from the cliff side towards the inland. So they wouldn't be falling off from being close to the edge. Though the ground was a bit unstable and rainfall could easily move the ship. They would need to dig into the ground and stabilize the ship soon. Thankfully they did run into some trees so they could easily harvest them for wood in the meantime too.

It would take a long amount to really see what they can get from their efforts.


Brahk had gone out with Mystreioj. Glex would stay inside and coordinate with the drone and look over Sidarce and Thevhei. They had already been going at it for a few hours so far.

"Heading back for a break." Brahk said into his data pad. They made sure to check in every once in a while. "Clearing comms as we come in." He waved towards the drone and then gestured for Mystreioj to turn off his mic. They could still hear in case of an emergency, but he wanted to have some alone time.

"Need something Brahk?" Mystreioj was in a bad mood.

"Just seeing how you are doing. How are you Mystreioj?" His words were caring and serious.

"I don't understand it." Mystreioj let his emotions out with that short sentence. It was a very bad sign. Silence fell upon the two as they stopped walking and Brahk waited for Mystreioj to let it out. "Everything was fine. The calculations were correct… She should have been safe." It was like he was jumping from one situation to the next. Rambling to get it out. "We were fast. I don't get it. None of it makes any sense! Why?" A defeated scream came out.

He could say it was just random, fate, or they were targeted. It didn't really matter if he answered or not. Brahk wasn't really sure how to answer as it sounded rhetorical more than anything else.

"I don't know why and we have no way of knowing." Brahk kept his hands away from Mystreioj. He knew the young man was looking to be alone for comfort and he wanted to avoid that as much as possible. "I know it doesn't look good, but we have each other. It's tough on everyone. You're not alone-"

"I know that Brahk. I know that very well. It was just that this was a research mission. Nothing should have happened while we were this far out." Anger flared as he glared down Brahk. "'We got each other…' I know that. I'm not stupid. 'We' have to work as a team. 'We' can get through this. I know that. I know it all." His emotions fell and Brahk knew it was now or never if he retreated.

"Mystreioj, listen to me right now." This was probably the first time he raised his voice like this. He had to be careful or his implant accused him of trying to hurt Mystreioj and stop every thought he had. But he was doing this for him. "With all the data you see right now, everything in front of you, you can see what has happened. I know you can even guess what will happen using that data, but none of us know the future. Any one of us could have died. Sidarce and Thevhei are both in bad shape and Glex isn't too good either. 'We' need each other. 'We' need you. Don't try to run or hide. If you do, then we cannot help you. You will lose everything if you do. Trust me. Trust the others. You know full well I'm telling the truth."

"I know…"


Mystreioj didn't say anything after that. Brahk did his best to avoid resting or sleeping. He needed to keep watch over Mystreioj for now. The problem was that they were the only ones to handle most tasks. Glex could once his arm got better, but right now he needed time to heal and to not do strenuous tasks. So they would be split up, like they were now.

"Update check." Brahk spoke over comms to Mystreioj.

"Finishing power cable switch." A few moments later he continued. "Red A cables have been replaced with green C cables in section eighty-four C."

Red cables were used for greater power consumption. Having a greater draw with a slight waste to them. Normally it wouldn't be a problem as it was needed for traveling the stars. So the power waste wasn't noticeable. Now they needed to use less power and conserve it for a greater amount of time and that was where the green cables came in.

"Come on back for a break." They still had a lot to do, but Brahk felt it would be nice for him to return instead of being left alone.

"I can get to section eighty-five through seven now. I'll finish that up before heading back." Mystreioj was hesitant. Clearly he wanted to be alone.

"I can take care of that later. The others are getting ready for dinner."

"Sure…Coming back. ETA ten minutes."

Brahk felt terrible using one of his crew as bait to bring back Mystreioj. He was very aware that Mystreioj was having a hard time and pushing everything towards Sidarce was terrible. It could lead to an unhealthy relationship. He wished to avoid that. But Mystreioj wasn't the only one avoiding the others, Sidarce was doing it in her own way. Second guessing herself and asking Brahk for his opinion on casual and mundane matters. All the work he did earlier with her, before the crash, was gone. Even when he unloaded his problems on her, she hid it well. Though after hearing Mystreioj on their way back did he sense something was off about her. He almost fell for her mask.


Glex himself was doing better. If before he was a bit selfish and was blunt with his words, he became more reserved. Not completely and definitely not when it mattered. But he was holding himself back, else the others, himself included, might break.

"They won't be back." Glex affirmed information Brahk deduced before.

"I'm just saying, we need to be prepared in case they do." Mystreioj was being more vocal than he was normally.

"If we set our long range scans to constantly watch for them, we will lose our power. In a month we could lose a whole percent and we have already lost a lot." Brahk stayed out of it for now, letting them speak. It was important to have this conversation.

"They ambushed us, they could do it again. 'We' need to be ready." When he said 'we', he looked towards Sidarce.

She was eating a nutritional pudding. It was best for her to stay away from solids for a while. Everyone else had sandwiches. Not ideal, but they needed it. Sidarce looked his way for a small moment before turning back.

"We need to conserve power." Glex sighed. "If we built some generators, we could make up for it and use the reactor as a battery in the long run." This was more of a question aimed at the entire group. Rather than sticking on one problem, he looked for another solution and compromised. Brahk was proud.


Since the medical bay was their combined home, everyone was currently resting in their own areas. Sidarce was next to Thevhei in their separated area because of the machines watching over them.

Brahk had his own little area against one of the walls where he had a blanket and pillow. Rather than lie down and use up more space, he chose a sitting position with his back against the wall.

On the other hand, Glex created a walled city. Blankets and pillows around him for comfort. Which was a big waste of space, but since he had to stay in the room until his arm healed, it was fine. He did have a bunch of data pads that held varying bits of information on them. He had a lot more consolidation to do, so they were very necessary to keep any semblance of organization. He could lay down anywhere in his area before turning over somewhere else to look at another set of data.

Mystreioj kept to himself in the corner of the room. A few data pads to look over, but nothing else. He just sat there currently going over something on his data pad. He could lay down any moment like the others and sleep, but he wasn't. Brahk was doing the same as him, taking peeks here and there to make sure he didn't go off on his own.

Time kept moving forward. The two of them working hard on their respective tasks.


Brahk was getting tired himself after the day he had outside. The perimeter was set and so far nothing had crossed it or had been seen from several drone outings. He was going to sleep regardless of Mystreioj soon, but when he looked up, the young man was asleep. His data pad slightly fell out of his hand.

Brahk stood up and slowly made his way over. He grabbed the data pad, set it down, then moved Mystreioj on to his pillow. Mystreioj did wake up for a moment, but as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out again. There Brahk threw the blanket to cover him, before he moved back to his little area.

He set his alarm on his data pad to wake him in two hours. That should be enough to help him out.

He wasn't completely sure if the alarm woke him up he would fall unconscious in the other body or what, but it was best to find out. There weren't really any other options. If it went longer than two hours over there, he could just fall back asleep there and come back.


If the research ship was quite a moment ago, it was loud now. Well he wasn't on the research ship, but he could easily hear people talking and they weren't entirely quiet either. Two of them were shouting, but then another one of them suddenly screamed in agony.

That got Brahk to look around. There was an IV in his arm and he was in a medical bay. A lot more beds permeated the area. For the most part there was someone in a bed with one empty one between the others. Not all though as it seemed like they needed more beds.

Everyone looked like they had just got here too. The ones screaming were next to him and the others were just being checked up or had smaller injuries. Honestly he couldn't be sure as he looked around really fast and his focus was now on the injured woman in front of him. Her leg was… much worse than what Glex's arm looked like. If this was a precise cut, which it seemed like, this was just the crash sight of his ship. A complete mess. Actually the ship was in better condition than her, that was for sure.

She was losing blood, a lot of it. Nanites could help her, but he wasn't sure if they could save her. If he wanted to give them that option he needed his stuff.

Since he had no idea where he was or why… Well considering time is the same, then he was probably sleeping for more than a day. They might have thought something was wrong and moved him there for his safety.

It didn't matter. He removed his IV and pushed his way out of there. Slightly disoriented, but fine over all. Data pad and his case that contained Avartseeble. Brahk needed to get that fast if he had any chance of helping out.


It wasn't until someone stopped him that he realized he was lost.

The man in front of him was as confused as he was. Neither knew each other and the language barrier made it worse. He slowly calmed his breathing. Looking at the man with a smile and in a heavily accented voice he said, "thank you."

After all, he didn't know much of their language. That one he had just learned not too long ago so it worked for him. He just waved at the confused man next to him before rounding the corner.

It wasn't until he was leaning on the wall that he realized he ran away. Not to help, but to get away from it. Not the people, but the injury. With his crew, they suffered terrible injuries, life threatening ones. But for the most part they were easy to handle and he had everything close by to take care of them. Now he did it with haste and did his best to do the right thing. The gore didn't bother him as much as the pain they had suffered did.

Actually when he left that house, where Iremagren and his squad made his stand, he knew there were dead bodies there hidden by the smoke. That smoke burned his eyes so it was tough to see, but they were there. He knew it and it didn't really bother him.

But that woman and her leg… It was there for him to see. It reminded him of his previous crew. His body shivered in repulsion. He threw up.


He was a bit dazed after that. He wasn't sure where he ended up in that building.

It wasn't made of mud. His first guess was a composite material. Smooth, so it meant that it was easily moldable. Clean, so this whole place rather than that room was for healing.

If he just focused on healing. His crew was healing. Brahk's mind snapped back as he tried to find his data pad. He needed to know the time as he didn't want to leave his crew unattended for long or have them worry about him. It could have been minutes or hours, it was tough to tell.

A little bit more of walking and he found the exit. Two people were next to the door and let him through. Thankfully he was wearing the same clothing as yesterday rather than that thin medical dress. The sun was warm on his skin and the air was very different from the ship.

It really helped him clear his thoughts. Shortly after his walk, a loud blaring sounded. Just a sound and not words. An alarm of sorts. Considering the battle he was in the other day, it must be common.

'Is there an attack?' He walked closer to one of the poles that was playing that noise. Then it switched over to someone speaking. While he didn't understand it all, they used a word for a person. The word was used when Iremagren pointed at him and other 'male' members of the group. There was a similar word used when Woph was mentioned when they were out there. He also heard it used when he was getting tests done to him. Now he couldn't be sure they were referencing him, but since it was for a male individual, that wouldn't mean an attack. Then again he could have also heard wrong or it was out of context or whatever. He had no idea really.

He covered his ears as he walked around. It wasn't until a group of four individuals rounded a corner of a building and pointed at him did he guess they were after him. He didn't run or move.


He was brought to Heardisven. She tried talking to him and checking up on him as best as she could. A few tests later and he was quite sure it had been over an hour. He was worried about his crew now. He wasn't awake over there and stuck here. He even tried to catch a quick nap, but was quickly kept awake.

Thankfully he was learning more words. 'Hurt', 'injured', 'sleep/tired'.

"No." Well he was still learning, but clearly that one word was what he kept repeating. If he had to say that was his best and most used word in their language.

She was professional and clearly concerned for his health. Other than the hole in his head, which matched exactly from the scan Thevhei had taken on the ship, he was fine.


Afterwards he was moved to a barren room. It had a large metal table with three chairs on one side and a single chair on the other. He was to sit down in the lonely chair. Not so far off with how he felt about the situation. A single light came from a standing lamp off to the side.

He tried to fall asleep, but people kept trying to wake him up. The two soldiers who led him to this room were the ones. It wasn't too long before three people showed up.

The first one in was a man in a suit. Clean, respected, and clearly the one in charge as the two behind him stood at attention. Followed by a woman who had less muscle than everyone else he had seen. That was clear from their essentially skin tight clothing. The clothing she wore was comfortable but professional and clean. The last one in was Iremagren. Rather than the soldier uniform everyone was wearing, he had a suit like the man who walked in first. Similar items adorned his clothing as the first man, albeit less. The two guards in the room left.

Now he understood this to be a talk. To maybe get or confirm information from him. Brahk didn't know why they would do that when they still had the language barrier to worry about.

"I am Yethania." Brahk quickly looked towards the woman who sat on the right side of the table. She was speaking in his language although rough and in a different dialect. "… Fraggon. You know… Iremagren." There were a couple words he didn't understand. It was like a vague mix of his language with another that was really close, but not enough to where he understood it all.

"Yethania, what language is that?" Perhaps she was confused by his sudden question or didn't know that specific word, he didn't know. After a moment passed he decided to just continue. "My name is Brahk. I'm sure you all need me for something, but I need to sleep." Even he cringed at what he said. "My crew needs me."

She was talking to the others. Iremagren just sat there watching him, but the man sitting in the middle of the two was frowning. He couldn't be sure but it might be because of the language difference. More than likely she would have noticed it too when he spoke. Afterall he was talking like he was crazy so that didn't help.

"From where Brahk from you?" The man, Fraggon, had spoken, but Yethania was speaking for him. It was a mess, but he got the gist of it. Enough that his implant was forcing him to answer. Well he didn't have problems with answering. He needed to hurry and he was getting anxious.

"I am from Subhillaj. Our main ship is… well I don't know where it is in relation to this star system. With enough time and a star map, I could pinpoint it for you." He could also find where he and his crew crash landed.

Yethania was speaking to Fraggon. He heard her mention Subhillaj. She was referring it to a place of importance. It seemed like she wanted to say more, but instead of talking to Fraggon, she asked him.

"Star… what does it mean?"

"A sphere made of plasma… gravity…" She didn't seem to be understanding what he was saying so he tried to explain it like he would to a child. "A star provides light and heat." Considering the language barrier he tried to gesture to it with his hands.

He created a fist as the center, the star, then used his other hand and fingers to simulate orbiting of nearby planets.

The man and woman seemed to be surprised at that. He wasn't entirely sure why, but it didn't matter. Now it seemed like Iremagren wasn't surprised or held back his emotions. But it was the first time he spoke. Even though he was speaking to the others, he kind of already guessed he was talking about him. Iremagren opened up a container that held his stuff. His data pad all the way to the various tools he used. Iremagren then took the data pad and pulled up the video about how to program the nanites.

Shortly after the video they talked and then Iremagren held up his hand and slowly released all his fingers like he was counting. He made sure Brahk was looking and then gestured towards the data pad.

"Pull picture?" Yethania asked.

Iremagren wanted Brahk to show him that picture he showed him in the aircraft? He could show them, but why?

Iremagren started pointing. Not at him or his crew, but to the sides. It was the picture from the medical bay. After some more talking from the others, Fraggon talked to him through Yethania again.

"Where… kids… picture?"

"I don't know where they are? Without a star map, I cannot know for sure."

She must have been repeating what he said to the others. Iremagren then pulled out his arc knife. He didn't give it to Brahk, but held it there and then he was asked to turn it on. Brahk pressed a button with Iremagren's hands and then gestured for him to tighten his grip. It turned on, showing the others before he sliced through the side of the table.

The other two were like children. Looking at it with both fear and awe.


Their questions went on for a while longer before they asked him why he was anxious.

"I have to get back to my crew." He pulled up a picture of his crew and pointed towards them.

"You… know where… crew are?" She was confused at his earlier statement.

"No, I don't know where they are. It's really confusing, I know. I need to sleep, they must be worried about me."

He had quickly understood in that terrible conversation that they weren't as advanced as he would have hoped they were. The arc knife was clearly something amazing and when he showed more personal videos and pictures they only looked at the technology on the side. It was clear they wanted that from him and he didn't care about it. His crew came first. So to try with the most reasonable gesture he could, he laid his head down on the table and closed his eyes. A short moment later he got back up and spoke to the woman.

"Please let me sleep."

It wasn't long after that that Iremagren brought him back to his room with all his items. They were hesitant to give him the arc knife back, Fraggon being the main individual against it, but Iremagren must have said something that meant it was okay. He didn't really care.

Once he was in his room he quickly got in bed. Did everything he could to be comfortable and then closed his eyes. The problem was he couldn't sleep. He turned over and over in his bed, but nothing. He would have liked to knock- Of course his implant wanted to protect him.

So he started doing great, strenuous, exercises. He needed to wear himself out, to fall asleep. After hours of that, he still couldn't sleep.


Later Iremagren and Yethania came in and saw the mess that was him. It wasn't good.

"Are you okay?" That wasn't his language and it was Iremagren speaking to him. It wasn't a perfect translation either, just what he believed it to be.

This led him to Heardisven, who started running more tests on him. Checking what could be the problem. Yethania was keeping him company, trying to learn his language. She was doing her best still.

"Brahk… cannot speak-… sleep?" She had made a slight mistake, but quickly adapted.

"I need to sleep and I cannot. It's really complicated, but if I sleep I can see my crew." As he said that she looked at him with pity.

"Lost crew… does mean death?"

"No!" He quickly shouted at her, not with hostility, but with surprise. "They are alive thankfully."


They gave him some drug that would supposedly help him sleep. After being offered food, he took it upon himself to eat with this body. It was a crazy thought that he had two of them, two bodies now.

The three of them were in the big eatery area. Bunch of people around, some grabbing stares towards him. He honestly thought some of them wanted to take him away. There was something just so surreal about it.

But he didn't have time to care. His body needed food and he wanted to fill that order as fast as he could. Sleep was his goal and food would help.

Iremagren and Yethania were trying to make conversation. Asking him what he did for a hobby or work, well it was tough to tell. He didn't answer either as it seemed they weren't doing it for conversation or friendship, but for science or for their own job. It made the whole thing feel hollow, really did. He wished he felt warm and cared for by these people, they seemed like it at first and that might have been true, but now it wasn't like that. Iremagren, someone he felt and wanted a connection with, was distant. Nothing more to it. Yethania was similar, although she seemed more interested in his language rather than him by her questions.

'Would Roush be the same?'


Thoughts of betrayal covered his mind. This place seemed hostile to him because it was hidden under context. It could be a giant misunderstanding due to social cues of this planet, it really could. A hand signal to him could have a very different meaning to them. Because in truth it was him and them. He was the outsider and he very much knew that from the beginning.

Like the nobles they wanted something. That seemed to be his technology. Clear from the pictures and videos. If they needed that, then they did not have the capability to help him and his crew on that planet.

But that fear didn't make him delete- That was due to the fact that it could bring harm to him if he didn't do what they wanted. If he became obsolete, then they had no use. Without a purpose, then it would be easy to throw him away. To tell them everything, once he learned the language, would come first. He would have to and once again he would have no control. Just like in his youth.


"He's awake!" Glex yelled right into his ear. Which quickly made him frown. He was late and he knew it.

Glex, Mystreioj, and Sidarce… "Why are you out-" He wasn't angry, just worried. His voice was a little sore as he needed some water, but they quickly forced him to stop talking.

"Don't talk, I already told them everything." Sidarce had her mask up, while Mystreioj was holding her up with his emotions out. Glex was…

"We don't care if you brought us to that moon. But Brahk you need to tell us what's wrong with you. This situation is already messed up and you are trying to hide something now? Please just tell us."

Brahk was greatly surprised by Glex. His words didn't contain any anger. But he needed to answer, his implant told him to. But he truly believed there wasn't really anything wrong, but he still wanted to tell them. He was more sure of it than anything now.

"There's nothing wrong with me." Considering how Sidarce was looking at him and about to speak he moved his hand to block her. "I don't think so. At least short term effects, maybe long term." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He wasn't trying to build up tension, but the others were clearly getting agitated. "I already told you about my implant, I cannot lie, but this whole thing is crazy. Really crazy." He shifted in the bed Sidarce had been lying on for her injuries. If he wanted her to take her place back he needed to hurry.

"Spit it out Brahk!" He was happy when Glex shouted that, so he smiled when he spoke.

"When I sleep, I go to this planet. I have a separate body, a copy of my own. When I go unconscious or asleep I toggle back to the other body." Their faces were priceless, he just started laughing. Sidarce looked like she… well she didn't expect him to say that. Mystreioj just closed his mouth and returned to his normal emotionless face. While Glex was looking around thinking that he had gone insane and needed to put him out- It was just hilarious. "I'm serious." He snuck those words in between his laughter.

"Continue Brahk." Sidarce shut him down quickly as his implant quickly stopped his laughter.

"It is a planet with humans on it. None of them speak our language, well not completely. I don't think anyone I spoke to so far even knows about Subhillaj."

"The slipstream?" Mystreioj had guessed what he had thought too. Sidarce looked at him and then they were all waiting for him to speak again.

"Yes, I believe so. It happened right at the same time, there is no other explanation that I can think of. Though weirdly I had slept on that planet for a whole night, but didn't return here for my first day. More than that if I include the helicopter crash and-"

"When you were shot in the head… That was what you said." Mystreioj chimed in again.

"Well that time was a haze, but when I first woke up here was right after the gunshot. I just didn't really process it at the time or even realize what had really happened."

"It's going to happen again?" Glex asked him.

"It has happened every time so far. But we should really get to work."

"Brahk, this is important. Not to us, but to you. What you said is happening to you. Take it seriously." Sidarce reprimanded him. While he was aware how serious it was, it wasn't like he didn't. From her words and eyes, it seemed like she was feeling confident now. It was a start and a good sign, he just hoped she wasn't forcing herself.

"I know."


He told them everything from beginning to end. What his thoughts were during his meeting with Iremagren and the others all the way to when he was questioned.

It was complicated, but to him he trusted Iremagren and his squad. They had protected him either out of duty or curiosity, but even after that when they were in danger, they didn't leave him behind. There might be more to their actions and until he can ask, that is how he feels.

Now about the rest, those who were in charge and those who attacked him, well he doesn't feel much really. He is more wary of them than anything. Strange as it might seem, he thinks that they really need to just talk. All parties, enemies and allies. Whatever their problems are can be solved with that and if they really made an effort.

But he also knows those thoughts are naïve. With what he was taught from his mother, that sounds like everything Subhillaj has taught him. To talk it out and to not use violence. That way no one dies, they can give everyone an implant, then control them for the rest of their lives.

See that is the thing, he doesn't know why they fight. Why that battle occurred or why the helicopter crashed. None of it. He explained as much to his crew and they were thinking along those lines of Subhillaj. It made more sense to them than anything. Which was funny as they don't think that way about the aliens. Such an interesting way they all think.

So would he share his knowledge with them. They clearly wanted it. Well he would. He and his crew needed help. If he could achieve that, the rescue was possible.

His crew also suggested studying him while he was asleep. They were researchers and this was also their ship. It wouldn't hurt to be more careful and he was excited to learn this himself. Whatever information they could receive would be great and a huge help.

They were all standing next to Thevhei hoping she would wake up from her coma. It was terrible what happened to her and it was because of him. He needed to make up for it and to protect her. Brahk needed to protect his crew. They were alone, but they could survive. Build what they need and get off this planet.