Chapter 2

Naruto set his clone to work and unsealed some smaller clothes for the punk dressed girl. She was annoyed at his lack of leather but she got over it quickly as she found some clothes she called 'badass'.

She decided on a black trench coat with tight black jeans and a sleeveless grey shirt. He sealed her old clothes away as no use just leaving them behind.

"Who are you by the way? You never told me your name as I was zapped into a tree before the greeting to the camp" she said with a frown as she had been curious about it since he never introduced himself

He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a bit embarrassed that he hadn't introduced himself yet. "My name is Naruto Otsutsuki, sorry about not introducing myself sooner, things were a bit hectic" he said flashing her his foxy grin as he chuckled.

"Weird name, who's your godly parent?" she asked with a frown, incredibly curious as the blond had abilities she had never seen with those weird orbs and cloning ability.

Naruto frowned as he stroked his chin, thinking over if he should tell her his true heritage consider he would be training her for the foreseeable future and wanted the girl to trust him. If she found out by someone else or by himself later on she might feel betrayed and ruin the teacher student relationship.

'Just do it Kid, you can make her swear on that river Styx to keep it safe from others knowing' Shinju chimed in as he had nothing real else to do inside Naruto but he didn't mind, in his elder years he has become quite lazy.

"I will tell you as long as you swear on the river Styx to never mention it without my permission" he said as he smiled and looked towards Thalia, making the girl look even more confused.

'Why would I need to swear on Styx just to know his godly parent?' she thought but then she remembered how he had Zeus angry at him. "Fine I swear on the river Styx not to tell anyone" she said as she sat on the log and looking towards the blonde, waiting for him to continue.

"You see I am not from this pantheon, I am the grandchild of the goddess Amaterasu the Shinto goddess and the only Shinto primordial Shinju as well as the son of Kaguya the Rabbit Goddess" he said with a smile, shocking the punk girl.

She had heard that the Shinto's were powerful beings but incredibly peaceful. She heard from Grover and Annabeth that her father had fought them long ago and lost badly so seeing a child of three strong beings surprised her.

"My grandma sent me here to help this pantheon under the guise of the son of Chaos" he said making her even more shocked only to shake it off as if she kept getting surprised at everything it was going to be tiring.

"So when does training start?" She asked, moving on from the surprise and already excited to be trained by someone so strong.

"Most likely in the morning as you have been through a lot today," he said as the clone finished up cooking the rabbits "now eat up Thalia, you need the energy" he added as he unsealed the summon scrolls again.

He knew he needed a contract to use Sage mode and he was going to think about it but he needed to ability to sense energy better than he already did. He looked them over to see wolves, slugs, hawks and foxes. Those were the only ones that actually got his interest.

He grabbed the slug one and signed that one first since he knew most about the slugs and it would allow him to contact Tsunade.

As Thalia ate he summoned a divided part of Katsuya, the small white and blue slug looked at him with what he swore was a smile on her face.

"Naruto, Tsunade-sama told us all what happened, the other summons are deeply disappointed in the Toads and the villages. I am glad Tsunade-sama can still summon us. On behave of the slugs we accept you are our summoner and since we are the first you have signed Nature chakra will channel though us. It is the same way as the Toads except your markings will change" she explained as most likely Tsunade had already filled her in, as her calm caring tone made him smile.

"Thank you Lady Katsuya, I will bear being your Sage with honor" he said with a smile, making the slug giggle before dispelling. Katsuya had always been such a kind and caring summon, something he noticed from the few times he saw her and he knew she could be devastating.

He figured he'd sign the other contracts later as he needed to see how long it took to obtain Sage mode in this new world.

He couldn't help but chuckle as he saw Thalia gaping in shock from him summoning a creature that could talk. "I'll explain it to you later as right now I need to do something important" he said as he sat in his meditative stance.

The second he started he felt something that upset him.

Nature energy was very low and difficult to draw, he remembered that this realm had expanded in a larger scale than his old world had so drawing Nature energy would be more difficult.

As he felt him enter Sage mode he stood up and walked over to the lake that was nearby to them. "I'll explain everything just give me a second" he said as he looked at himself on the reflection of the lake.

He now had 2 light blue markings going from under his eyes down to his jawline, they were roughly an inch thick and wavy like the markings on Katsuya. He also had blue pigmentation on his eye lids like when back with the toads. He noticed his eyes were very different. They had pale blue very large pupils with a thin yellow iris around the pupils.

'Must be what slug eyes look like' he thought to himself as he turned back to Thalia and smiled and sat down. "So what's your first question?" He asked staying in Sage mode so he could continue to be a able to sense.

"How did you bring that slug here and then make it disappear?" She asked as she had many more but might as well start at the beginning.

"That is called the Summoning Jutsu, by signing a contract with blood you become able to summon animals of that contract to aid you in battle. You can only sign one but I'm different as I can sign multiple, the first one I summoned was the slug contract" he said showing her the contracts.

"Can I sign one?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yes you can later but as you do not have chakra it would be pointless" he explained making her grumble.

"What's with the markings and weird eyes?" She asked weirded out by his eyes a bit.

Naruto chuckled as he rolled his eyes slightly. 'No one ever gets use to the eye part' he thought as he held out a hand, allowing numerous birds land on it.

"The marking and eyes are a sign that I am one with nature, this is Sage mode. By drawing in Nature energy and channel through myself I can wield nature's energy and it will increase my normal strength to insane levels. It also makes me empathic and increases my techniques strength" he said petting the blue jay that landed on his horn.

"The satyrs and dryads would just love you" she said making Naruto laugh.

"After you were trapped in the tree I used my bare sensor abilities to read if you were alive in the tree. They had asked me how and I told them I was a Sage and they nearly jumped me" he said making her giggle before it faltered and she frowned.

"Wait are my friends allowed to know I'm alive?" she asked as Naruto frowned and shook his head.

"If they were to know right now your father would get wind and trap you away in the tree again or possibly worse" he said as he didn't know how the paranoid king would react.

"So they all think I'm trapped?" she asked as Naruto nodded solemnly.

"It is to keep you and them safe for now. You can always rejoin them after your clone I put in the tree gets removed" he said as he didn't think it will be anytime soon considering it just happened.

He widened his eyes as he quickly stood up, feeling an energy source coming towards them while he drew his katanas and readied himself.

Once Yamato was out wisps of golden light rolled off it while Ten no Kuroi Hono had wisps of black flames. Yamato's blade was pure silver while Ten no Kuroi Hono had a blood red color to it. He didn't know how to use then but he had used too much of his new cloaked form and he wasn't fully use to using Shinju's potent chakra just yet.

'Don't worry Kid as long as you don't try to use their abilities you will be fine but watch out this energy signature is that of a god or goddess' Shinju explained, making Naruto worry a bit more.

It didn't take long as seconds later a woman appeared before him. She had long blonde hair with what looked to be wheat weaved into it while she wore a tan toga and had a kind look on her face but he was still on guard.

"Relax son of Chaos I mean you and the child of my brother no harm," she said with a kind smile "I am Demeter goddess of agriculture and some of nature. I only came as I felt someone access nature and it peaked my interest" she said making Naruto sheath the swords.

"I will tell you as long as you swear on the river Styx not to reveal Thalia being free" he said before she quickly swore to his terms.

"I can access Nature as I am a Sage, I didn't know it brought attention to me. What other gods or goddess did I notify?" he asked slightly worried of blowing their cover.

"I would be the only one who could feel it, maybe Artemis but she couldn't care less as she is focused on hating men" Demeter explained as she smiled and waved it off putting him at ease. "I wish you two good luck. I personally voted against turning Thalia into a tree but I was outvoted as only Poseidon, Hermes and Athena voted against it" she said with a frown.

"Thank you for trying but do not worry I will keep her safe" he said in a serious tone as he slightly bowed his head to her.

Demeter smiled, thankful for his respect before she snapped her fingers. "I gave you both permission to grow crops at anytime as you can't survive on hunting alone and I can tell you have to power to grow things" she said with a smirk before she flashed away.

Thalia let out a breath of relief as she was happy the goddess wouldn't say anything to her father before Naruto went to the scroll and unsealed bedding for the both of them.

"Get some sleep Thalia, you will need it for tomorrow. I will go to bed in a while as I need to do some well needed tasks" he explained getting a yawn from the girl as she took off her trench coat and laid down for bed.

Once she was out he unsealed the elemental scrolls. He would work on his eyes later but first he wanted to expand his arsenal. He had been a one trick pony for too long and he needed more skills. He created 600 clones easily "Divide into six groups of 100. Each group will one element and the final 100 get to work on Mokuton as we need to be able to create crops to eat" he ordered as they saluted and headed off.

After they went off he took out some kenjutsu scrolls and under the tutelage of Shinju got to work on learning how to wield two swords in battle.

-Next Morning-

Thalia woke to the sound of cooking and the scent of what smelled of French fries or something along those lines. She opened her eyes to see multiple Naruto's cooking multiple dishes using what seemed to be flowing metal which at closer inspection turned out to metal sand.

"Mornin Thalia don't worry boss will wake up soon" the Naruto she figured to be a clone said motioning towards the bedding next to hers as she saw Naruto snoring underneath.

"You can control the elements as well?" she asked with a confused frown as her hand was hit away before she could steal any food.

"Yeah. Fire, water, earth, wind and lightning as well other mixtures as you can see behind us" he said pointing to the clones that were drawing up crops and trees like they were nothing.

"Wow you are powerful" she said clearly impressed.

"Only recently, I use to be dead last in my class and was until I finally got serious with training" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Why must grandma shine so brightly?" the real Naruto groaned as he got out of bed wearing only pajama pants and a sleeveless muscle shirt.

"I think Apollo controls the sun in this realm" one clone said making him dispel the clone muttering something about how why all of his clones had to have his smart mouth.

"So what are we going to start on first?" she asked with a giggle as a clone plated food and gave it to her.

"We start with combat training and then eventually we will start on chakra" he said getting the young girl excited as he started to eat some of the food. "But first where is Zetsu?" he asked putting on his kimono top while Thalia was confused.

"Over here Naruto" Thalia heard a voice call out and turned towards it and promptly screamed.

The thing was a black blob with sharp teeth and glowing eyes. The blob seemed to frown as it slithered over to Naruto and went up his sleeve.

Naruto chuckled as he turned the sleeve towards her so the thing could frown at her. "Was the scream necessary? I know I am different looking than everyone but I'm not that scary" Zetsu said in an upset tone.

"Oh relax Zetsu can you think of anyone who wouldn't freak out after seeing you the first time?" he asked making Zetsu grumble.

"Thalia meet my brother?" he says the last part confused but Zetsu just shrugs, making his sleeve ruffle. "He was created by my mom, he's part parasite, part plant and some other confusing stuff" he said chuckling. "If he had his original body he could move on his own but I think it got destroyed so I'd have to grow one and it isn't very inconspicuous" he said as Thalia nodded confusedly.

"So let me get dressed and go with a clone to the training area okay?" he said as she nodded and finished up her breakfast before running off.

Naruto smiled as he watched her run off while he went to change. He unsealed some clothes, deciding to change things up. He put on a black kimono closed with an orange obi with orange hakama pants. His swords were strapped to his waist, both on his left side. He also sealed away his headband as he really didn't feel like wearing it.

He walked to the area to see Thalia wielding her spear and shield while she was bouncing on her feet in excitement. He chuckled and held her head to calm her down.

"So what are we going to do first?" she asked as she knocked his hand away off of her head.

Naruto chuckled as he drew out Yamato, not wanting to accidentally burn her as he decided to get a test of her skills. "Come at me with the intent to kill, I need to see your skills so I know where to start before I give you the weapon I have in mind for you" he said inspecting Yamato and wielding the sheath in his left hand.

Thalia frowned before he chuckled and waved her off. "Don't worry you aren't going to kill me I just need to see you unbound" he said getting a nod from the punk girl.

He watched as she took a deep breath and dashed at him with a spear thrust. He easily dodged it only to jump over a shield bash she did as she spun on her heel. She tried to thrust her spear at him again as he was in midair only for him to block it by bashing it down with the sheath and spun around striking her shield with the blade hard, sending her skidding back.

She got back up quickly only to have to immediately dodge a swing from Naruto with his sheath. She ducked under a slash and stabbed upwards in an attempt to hit him but he dodged it by tilting his head to the side. He quickly kicked her shield with a fraction of his super-strength and sent her tumbling backwards into a tree.

She raised her head to feel his blade at her throat before he slide it back in the sheath and tied it back onto his left side.

"You did very good Thalia, better than I expected though a spear is quite unnatural for you" he said as he helped her up with a smile.

"How is it unnatural? I fight pretty well with it" she said upset with a frown before he ruffled her hair and smiled down at her.

"Now do not get angry at me as I do not mean it offensively but you are a girl" he said confusing and slightly pissing her off. "Females are much more graceful – no pun intended – you have more flexibility and can almost dance in battle. Males are very stiff and rigid, the only reason I'm not is that I was trained heavily by a clan that taught me a lot. Also a spear is a rigid weapon while yes you have skill with it but it doesn't suit your potential" he said making her understand and calm down, the lack of static electricity was a sign of it easily.

"Well then what am I supposed to use? My father gave me these, it's the only thing he's ever given me" she said as she looked up at him, making Naruto frown.

He sighed as he crouched down to her level and looked her in the eye. "Thalia while yes your father gave you these but isn't this a replica of Aegis, Athena's shield? And the spear a replica of the spear Hera gave to her daughter long ago?" he asked making Thalia notice and frown.

"He basically gave me these copies, nothing really original?" she asked confused as he nodded.

"Your father is a lazy man, I'm sorry but it's true. I have no respect for the man who turned his own daughter into a tree. It is very backwards but that is why I saved you. I don't want you to grow up in that backwards camp or being stuck due to your idiotic father" he said making her smile. "Now how about I give you something more suited for you, something that with adequate training you could give me a run for my money" he said exciting the 12 year old girl who was almost bouncing on her feet.

He chuckled as he unrolled the scroll until he got to the weapon section and unsealed a scroll that read 'Seven Swords of the Mist' on it. He smiled as he unsealed two blades slightly shorter than his.

They had no sheath and she could easily see why as two fang like protrusions poked out from each blade, one near the top on one side and a lower one on the opposite side. They had golden handles and blue cloth wrapped around them.

He smiled as he twirled the blades around in his hands after he sealed everything else back up. He turned to Thalia and pointed the blades towards her, not in offense, to show her.

"These Thalia are the Kiba blades, the Twin Lightning Fangs" he said as he made lightning course through the blades with a smirk.

Thalia smiled and bounced excitedly at the sight while he smiled but then got a serious look on his face that calmed her down as well.

"Now listen here Thalia you will have to earn these blades. I am letting you use these, if I feel you are misusing them I will take them back" he said making the girl frown but nod reluctantly.

All she could think about was becoming stronger and more power and just as she finished that thought Naruto bopped her on the head.

"Get those power hungry thoughts out of your head Thalia" he said making the girl grumble, upset that she let her fatal flaw flare up.

"Don't worry I'll beat that fatal flaw out of you over the course of time" he said with a chuckle, making Thalia smile until she noticed something.

"Wait if you are from a different pantheon how do you know so much about the gods and the hero stuff?" she asked confused as it was a bit odd.

"Ah finally noticed that. Well when my grandmother sent me over she gave me full knowledge on this realm and its history. She felt sending me in here blind would be idiotic" he said as Thalia accepted the answer before he handed her the blades.

"Now you should be able to send your natural lightning through it but it won't make the swords sharper, just more like lightning. When I give you chakra we can work with sending it through the blades" he explained exciting the girl once more.

"Now I am assigning a clone to you to help teach you the stances with that blade, follow them and only move on once you believe you have gotten it memorized. Do not rush since we have more than enough time as this is only the first day of training" he said getting a serious look from the girl.

"What about you? What are you going to do?" she asked curious as he smiled.

"Well I am going to practice my jutsus that I've been learning currently and I don't want to harm you if I accidentally do it wrong" he explained as she nodded while she headed off with a clone.

"Do you think it is wise to give her power Naruto? As you stated her fatal flaw from what I can see is her thirst for power" Zetsu said with a frown as Naruto sighed.

"I know but I believe I can teach her what Haku taught me long ago that you truly become most powerful when you protect your precious ones. I believe in her and trust her, she can overcome that flaw" he said as he walked off into the forest.

"Well I am going to keep watch, best not to leave her with a clone" Zetsu said as he slithers out and back towards Thalia while Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, be good and don't scare her" he yelled out with a chuckle making Zetsu grumble.

As he got to the clearing he opened up the jutsu scrolls the clones had unsealed for him. He created the same number as last time but this time he added another 100. "Same as last night but I want 100 of you to work on chakra control, we need to keep our control over it since having Shinju inside us our reserves are growing more and more so" he explained getting nods from all as they went off to work.

'Once you get your control a tad bit better we can work on the eyes of mine' Shinju said getting a nod from Naruto. 'Also as a review from last night I found you aren't suitable for wielding 2 katanas at a time. You are better at using one at a time with a sheath or a chakra rod as a guard. Wielding two will not benefit you' he explained while Naruto had to agree as he knew he wasn't nearly as flexible.

Sure he could do the stances and everything but when he actually fought with them last night it felt weird and he wasn't nearly as natural at it as he expected Thalia to be.

'We will be going through the stances again and you will fight me again' Shinju explained as he made Naruto create a shadow clone for him to possess. The clone's hair becomes long and dark gray, its eyes turned into the Shinju eyes he used in his cloaked form and the fingernails elongated into claws.

"Toss me Yamato as today you will practice with Ten no Kuroi Hono" Shinju said as he stretched his limbs while Naruto unstrapped Yamato and tossed it only for him to easily catch it and draw it making the light wisps turn silver.

Naruto frowned as he drew Tenno (AN: Abbreviation of Ten no Kuroi Hono as that is a lot to type every time I refer to it) and held the sheath in his left hand in a reverse grip.

Shinju instructed him for an hour or so until he decided it was time to test him again. Naruto's goal was to land a cut on the clone but considering the clone had absolute vision and instincts greater than his so it mostly would focus on guarding.

"Now today I will be only guarding as you need offensive trained as opposed to defensive training" Shinju explained as he held Yamato in his right hand with the sheath tied to his waist while Naruto nodded and burst off, striking with the sheath.

Shinju easily blocked in and flicked the blade away as Naruto tried to slice at his abdomen as Naruto smirked and tossed the sheath up, momentarily distracting Shinju as he tried to slice him across the chest.

Shinju went to block only to smirk as mid slice, right before Naruto's blade met Yamato Naruto dropped the blade and caught it in his left hand in a reverse grip and slashed lower than his guard was. He quickly evaded but he noticed the cut on the clone's hakama pants.

(AN: I got the idea from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Yamamoto's 5th offensive stance of Shigure Soen Ryu. Named Samidare or Early Summer Rain. PS I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn either)

"Very ingenious tactic but avoid using it when you are using the sheath as you don't want to have to throw it up every time" he said with a smile as Naruto caught the sheath.

"Sorry I just wanted to try something, but it worked somewhat. Caught you off guard didn't it?" he asked with a smirk as he dashed towards him.

Shinju blocks every strike easily but found that Naruto was progressing nicely before they decided to stop once Thalia's clone dispelled.

Shinju went back inside the seal and tossed him Yamato which he strapped to his left side again as he put Tenno on the same side. Since he was only using one blade at a time he wasn't sure why he should keep them on separate sides.

He smiled as he walked over to see an exhausted Thalia who was smiling brightly at him.

"How'd I do?" she asked a bit nervous about how she did.

'Tell the girl she did great for a beginner. She is showing a tremendous amount of skill and talent' Shinju said impressed at her level.

Naruto smiled and relayed the message making the girl cheer in joy as she almost fell but was caught by him while he chuckled. "Let's go get some lunch and we can continue more after. This time I will be with you myself watching as my clones are bound to dispel their progress at the jutsus and most likely give me feedback" he said as he she nodded while he helped her get back to their campsite.

The clones once again cooked for them as they decided to talk about themselves, he wanted to give her the Kakashi treatment of questions since she was going to be his student.

"So tell me Thalia, what are some of your likes and dislikes? Dreams for the future and what not?" he said with a kind smile.

Thalia frowned a bit as she didn't want to bring up her past but decided to do it since he revealed his true heritage to her. "Well I like Green Day and the color black as well as my brother" she said with a frown before continuing. "I don't lie people who judge before meeting people, people who think they are better than everyone else and heights" she said the last part shyly. "My dream is to train hard so I can eventually show my dad how much of an asshole he is" she finished up and Naruto laughed with a proud nod.

"Very well put. Well I like ramen, orange, my mother and family and a few friends back home. I dislike the Teme, the villagers and also when people judge people before meeting them. As for a dream, its more or less helping things here so I can relax" he said as the food arrived.

-After Lunch-

Naruto smiled as he sat under a tree with Zetsu, who had returned during lunch without him noticing while they watched as Thalia went through the stances of the style that went best with the Kiba blades.

She was doing great and seemed to have the flow of it, only messing up a few times but caught on quickly and fixed it. She wasn't a master by any means but she had a great understanding of the basics and he could see her becoming strong with those blades.

He could feel the influx of memories from the clone's training. He was making good progress with the elements, though wind was still easiest. His control was going great and he was getting to a point where he could use Tsunade's strength easier. Soon he'd have to start working on the Sharingan and Rinnegan abilities and tapping into his sword's abilities as well.

He smiled as Thalia finished with a nervous look on her face. "You are doing great Thalia, you'll become a great warrior quickly" he said making her smile and jump in excitement.

'She may be serious and focused at times but I keep forgetting she is a 12 year old girl' he thought to himself with a smirk as she was a sweet little girl.

'So when do you think she can receive chakra?' he asked Shinju as he wanted his permission before gifting it to anybody seeing that it was his gift.

'Give her a week or 2, maybe a month. I want to try and dial down that fatal flaw of hers before giving her chakra' Shinju said getting a nod of agreement from Naruto.

"So how goes your training with the clones?" she asked as he had filled her in on the clone's memory relay while they were eating.

"Good but my head is starting to hurt now" he said with a chuckle as he rubbed his head.

"Well that just means your training is working" she said before they both heard a massive beast roar and Naruto jumped to his feet and releasing Zetsu.

"Stay with Thalia, from what my clones have seen it's the Nemean Lioness" he said getting a nod from Zetsu and a frown from Thalia.

"But I can help!" she yelled as Naruto looked at her with a frown.

"This is a beast with impenetrable fur, even I will have difficulties with it" he said looking her dead in the eye. "Stay here or Zetsu will make you" he said making her pout and cross her arms before he looked towards Zetsu who nodded, understanding him.

Naruto dashed off, quickly arriving where his clones had been dispelled to see the beast sniffing around until its eyes land on him and it roared again.

He quickly summoned a shakujo and took a deep breath while he eased into his Cloak mode and summoned his Truth Seeking Orbs.

'They won't work on the beast as its fur it one of the strongest defenses in this realm' Shinju told him as Naruto changed the orbs into plates to help defend him while he dashes towards the beast

He quickly had to duck under a slash from its paw before he hit under its chin hard with the shakujo. The beast recoiled and went to pounce only to hit the plates that defended him.

Naruto noticed whenever it roared he could see that its mouth seemed fleshy and not durable like the fur.

He sent a few orbs towards it to distract it as he changed 3 into thin drills and make them spin fast, infusing wind chakra into them. He waited for it to roar again and the second it did he fired the drills off like bullets.

He smiled as they went straight through the roof of its mouth and the Lioness recoiled in pain as the drills went all the way through its snout.

'I need some way to finish this beast off. Maybe kill it from the inside' he thought with a smirk as an idea sprung up in his head that could work.

Quickly he started to run his hands through the hand signs before slammed them down to pull out a seed the size of his fist. He coated it in a Truth Seeking Orb and dashed towards it as it roared. Just as its mouth fully opened he quickly fired it into its mouth and erased the orb as he put his hands in the tiger seal.

"Wood Style: Springtime Ensnarement!" he yelled as wooden tendrils burst from the Lioness and made it burst into golden dust. All that is left behind was a Cherry Blossom tree and a golden furred trench coat that reminded him of his father's coat. He picked it up and sealed it away, frowning at the Cherry Blossom tree. It wasn't that he hated them but now they brought up bad memories of Sakura.

He sighed as he walked back back to Thalia to see her still pouting. "Look Thalia, I'm sorry for leaving you behind I just didn't want you to get hurt as yes you are getting skilled but a sword is little to no use. It can't be cut and is most likely immune to any and all outside elements" he said making her sigh.

"Fine, next time something attacks camp you can help" he said tossing the cloak at her. "Wear that instead of the black coat, I'd rather you have an impenetrable coat so I have to worry less when I'm not near" he said making her smile as he ruffled her hair.

"Thanks Naruto" she said as she put it on and twirled around.

"Wait how did you kill it?" she asked curious as to how exactly he killed the Nemean Lioness, a powerful monster.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Well I kinda made a tree bust from inside it and shatter it from the inside out. It was very difficult to do as I had to make chakra penetrate its cloak which was quite thick" he said making her jaw drop.

'He basically exploded it!' she thought to herself as she shook her head. "Geez lets hope PETA doesn't find out" she said with a giggle as Naruto chuckled and nodded.

"Come on lets rest for a bit before dinner" he said as the walked back but not before he let Zetsu back in his sleeve.

As they get back at the camp he summoned more clones to start on dinner as they sat down.

"I think we should get moving to another forest or something as the Nemean Lioness has bound to get the gods attention" he said making her frown.

"We have no way of getting around though unless you have a motorcycle or car sealed away in there" she said making him stroke his chin in thought.

"I could always sign the hawk contract but flying would get the asshole's attention. Maybe the wolves or foxes could work?" he thought out loud as he unsealed the contracts.

'Go for wolves first or else they might get angry. Foxes and hawks are laid back but it should be fine if you show them my eyes' Shinju pointed out making Naruto unroll the wolf one and sign it.

"Okay Thalia keep the coat on as I summon the wolves" he said getting a nod from her as she pulled it close. He ran through the seals and slammed his hands down with his eyes active.

"Summoning Jutsu: Wolf Contract" he yelled out as he summoned a wolf roughly the size of a horse.

"Who dares summon the wolf clan with another contract signed" it said staring at Naruto until he noticed his eyes and jumped back. "L-Lord S-Shinju?" it asked in a worried tone as Naruto nodded.

"Yes he is inside me and my grandfather. I have use of his eyes and he allows me to have multiple contracts as he is the Primordial of all beasts" he said making the wolf nod and huff.

"Fine I will inform the clan though some will be upset you didn't sign us first" it said before it dispelled and he turned back to Thalia.

"Well I think that went better than I expected since I was honestly expecting him to attack" he said as Thalia nodded. "We can leave tomorrow morning, I'll have clones pack up once we are done here in the morning, okay?" he asked getting a nod in return.

Naruto and Thalia enjoyed their dinner before she went to bed a bit after. He sighed as he stared up at the sky before he smiled.

Ever since he escaped thing have been a little hectic but in a good way. Better than being locked up and be in a place that everyone except for a very select few hated him. He just hoped he could keep Thalia safe, she didn't deserve this crap just because of who her father was.

Then he thought back to what Demeter said.

'Only Poseidon, Athena and Hermes voted to save her besides Demeter. I'll have to be careful when travelling or else we might run across others who didn't vote to save her and they would most likely report it to the asshole and I really don't want to get into a fight with that man' he thought with a frown as he looked down to Thalia.

He felt a weird feeling like he needed to make sure she was happy at all costs.

'That's a parental instinct and it's sweet of you. I could feel negative emotions rolling off her when you brought up the past. She most likely has had a not so great childhood, the fact you are trying to make up for it is very kind of you' Shinju said with a smile as Naruto chuckled.

'So I'm like a dad to her…I can deal with that' he thought with a smile as he summoned two clones to watch over them.

-Next Morning-

Naruto woke up early so he could get everything fixed in the clearing, fixing the ground to hide any electrical burns on the ground.

Call him over cautious but he didn't care.

He waited a bit before woke Thalia up who was groggy while she glared at him. "Relax Thalia you can try and sleep on the wolf" he said as the clones sealed everything into the scroll and Thalia's blades into a personal scroll for her to carry around, since they don't have sheaths he'd rather them be sealed up.

The traveled down the road until Naruto felt a presence behind them. He unsheathed Yamato and pointed it at the neck of the one behind him and moved Thalia behind him even as she had the pelt on he wanted to make sure she was safe.

The man had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, he wore a business suit and had a cellphone with a caduceus as the antenna. "Relax man I mean you no harm" he said as the snakes move on the caduceus.

"Hermes, what are you doing here and how did you find us?" he asked as he kept the blade to the gods neck.

Hermes sighed as he pointed to the road. "I'm the patron saints of travelers and roadways, I felt your presences the second you set foot on the road. Do not worry though I swear on Styx not to reveal you to Zeus or any other god" he said making Naruto quickly sheath the blade.

"So what do you want?" Naruto asked as Thalia poked her head out from behind him while Hermes smiled and straightened his suit.

"I came here to help. I can feel Demeter's blessing as she most likely helped you with food. I just want to give you safety while travelling and on the roads" he said holding up a hand and snapped his fingers. "It will also hide your presence more from other gods and goddess as long as you don't directly enter their domains, like the sea for Poseidon or a fancy clothes store for Aphrodite" he said chuckling at the jab at Aphrodite.

"Thank you Hermes and thank you for voting to keep Thalia safe. Tell the others who voted to save her she is under my protection, but make them swear not to reveal anything beforehand" he said getting a smile and nod from Hermes.

"If you all every need anything give me a call" Hermes said as he handed him a business card before flashing away.

"Its okay, no god or goddess will take you away" he said with a smile as he calmed the nervous girl while she nodded and held his arm as they walked.

They eventually get to a point where it's safe to summon where she begrudgingly let go of his arm as he summonsed a wolf the size of a horse, this one had pure white fur and violet eyes.

The wolf turns to him and looks at him dead in the eyes before he flashed the Shinju's eyes making her nod. "My name is Junsuina, what may I do you for young ones?" the wolf asked in a female tone as he bowed to her.

"I need travel as I need to get as far away from here as possible, I would like if we could go southwest" he said as he showed her a map and traced his finger along until he got to Oregon.

Junsuina thought for a second before she nodded with a hum. "I will allow you to ride me but do not make it a common occurrence" she said as Naruto nodded.

"Of course not we are just in a hurry" he said as they got atop the wolf, Thalia sitting behind him and holding on as he used chakra to stick to the wolf.

"I am one of the fastest in the clan, I can get you to this Oregon place you showed me in a few hours' time" she said as she dashed off.

Thalia held on tight as the wolf ran, none of the cars or people noticed as a massive wolf ran through the road.

The mist was a powerful thing and a powerful illusion. It made him wonder if maybe he should teach Thalia to manipulate it as apparently his grandmother left him scrolls on how to do it. It would help hide her from beasts and keep mortals from being in the cross hairs.

Two hours later they arrived in the forests of Oregon and as they got off Naruto bowed to Junsuina. "Thank you greatly, and do not worry, this was indeed a one time thing" he said getting a nod.

"Thank you for that, until next time summoner" she said before dispelling.

He wanted this done quickly as he summoned five clones to unpack everything and another to use henge to go to town and gather some clothes and other essentials, maybe buy some food with some money he had gotten from his grandmother.

He smiled as he turned to Thalia and unsealed her blades for her. "Go and train some as I start making breakfast" he said getting a nod as she left with one of his clones again while he went to hunt and left Zetsu with his clone.

He summoned his Truth Seeking Orbs and turned them to arrows. Manipulating the orbs was easy, making them go far away from him was more difficult. He sat on a branch and waited silently for an animal to cross his path.

It didn't take long as just as a deer arrive he fired the arrow into the heart of the deer just as a silver arrow hit it seconds later. He dashed to his kill and took out the silver arrow, keeping the orb turned arrow inside.

He frowned as he saw three girls in similar gear, silver and green hunting outfits. 'Hunters of Artemis,' he groaned mentally 'why did he have to run into the man haters' he thought as they drew their bows.

"Get away from our kill male" one said, she had olive colored skin and pitch black hair with ocean colored eyes. Her outfit was different from the others as she had a silver circlet on her head.

"I hit the target first, meaning the kill is mine" he said pointing to the arrow he had inside.

"There is no way you shot it first" one girl said glaring at him as he sighed.

"Well too bad it is my kill" he said as he drew the arrow out and turned it back into an orb confusing the group greatly. "My name is Naruto Otsutsuki, son of Chaos, this is my kill. I used my arrow to kill it" he said, already annoyed at these girl's attitudes as the two drew their knives until the main girl stopped them.

"As much as I would love to castrate a male sadly he is right..." she said before getting a smirk "but I have a feeling he will give it to us" she said as Naruto raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"And why would that be?" he asked before dodging a volley of arrows, catching them all in his hands.

"Because I am here foolish boy" he heard a female voice call out before he turned to see Artemis with her bow drawn.

"Really, you are going to fight me over a stupid kill of a deer? This is ridiculous" he said as he groaned and tossed the caught arrows down on the ground.

Artemis glared at him, him already feeling her trying to turn him into an animal to no effect, which seemed to piss her off. "Yes as my lieutenant was on the trail of the beast first and you stole the kill" she said drawing back the arrow and taking sight.

"Oh for Kami's sake, just fucking take it. Too much trouble to go against the annoying man hater squad" he said as he walked away.

"You dare speak of to me like that you dirty male!" she yelled firing the arrow at the speed of a bullet only for him to catch the arrow easily without even looking.

"Leave me alone or you will regret it" he said as he broke the arrow and summoned the Shinju's eyes.

Artemis glared and dashes for him only for him to block her strikes with Yamato and use the same technique he created in his spar against Shinju that he name it Hidden Vine.

Artemis never saw it coming as she was shot backwards crashing through multiple trees as even though he hit her with the back of the blade she did at most she have a few broken bones.

He sighed as he turned to the others as they stared in shock. "Just leave, this is getting too annoying" he said in a bored tone as he kept Yamato out in case Artemis got up, which was a good choice as seconds later he dodged Artemis as she appeared behind him.

Naruto weaved around her and hit her with the hilt of the sword on the back on the neck knocking her out again while he tossed her to the lieutenant apparently "Just leave me be" he said as he disappeared in a burst of speed.

The second he got back to camp he was immediately cursing his luck, he was supposed to be hiding from the gods and goddess and he kept running into them. He would need to keep strengthened clones nearby to protect him and Thalia since he would be dammed if Artemis reported back to the asshole.

He arrived back as Thalia smiled at him. "So how'd hunting go?" she asked as she was starving while he sighed.

"My hunt was stolen by some spoiled hunters of Artemis" he said making Thalia scowl.

"What!? And you just let them steal the food?" she yelled as he holds up a hand to silence her.

"It was three hunters, including the lieutenant and then Artemis appeared and I knocked her out. Though she was enraged, if she was more in control she would be a difficult opponent" he explained making her huff in annoyance.

"Then what are we going to eat?" she asked as he unsealed some food as Zetsu crawled back to him.

"Luckily we have leftovers that I can heat up" he said as he set a clone to do it before he pulled out a tag and started writing down a seal with the help of the crescent moon mark on his palm.

"What are you doing?" Thalia asked as she peaked over his shoulder while he smirked at her.

"It's a seal that will hide your appearance just in case the hunters roll up on us" he said as he rolled up her sleeve and places it on her arm before rolling the sleeve down. He channeled chakra into the sleeve and her appearance instantly changed.

Her black hair turned red and her blue eyes turned violet as he modeled it after his mother's mortal aspect.

"There it should help keep you hidden if they spy on us" he said getting a nod from her before they started to eat breakfast.

After breakfast they cleaned up and he was going to train her some more until a barrage of arrows surrounded them.

Thalia drew her blades but didn't charge them as she felt it would give her away before they both frowned as they both knew those arrows as seconds later a pissed off looking Artemis walked out of the forest.

"Ah crap" he said with a groan and a flurry of mental curses.

Safe to say he didn't quite have his godly luck while in this realm. 'So this is what Tsunade felt like' he thought with a groan as things went from bad to worse