Chapter 3

Naruto moved Thalia behind him and slid Zetsu in her coat sleeve. Zetsu knew what to do if needed but he knew Naruto would have it under control.

Naruto turned to the goddess and activated his eyes. "Really that much of a sore loser that you come and attack me?" he says as Artemis's hunters come out of the trees. He doesn't draw his sword just yet, he wanted to try and get Artemis to leave him alone and going straight to violence wouldn't really help.

"You disgusting male laid a hand on me, knocked me out and left" she says drawing her knife. "I'll admit I let my rage get control of me but now I'm in control and you will have to pay" she says glaring at him.

He sighed and looked at Thalia who was still in the disguise "Stay back with Zetsu okay?" He says getting a nod from her as Zetsu readies to open a portal to the pocket dimension at a moments notice. He turned back to Artemis "This is ridiculous, all this over a deer I killed. And don't you have to be attacked by a demigod first before you can retaliate?" He asks making her smirk.

"Not if this is a hunt" she says with a grin that remind him of Orochimaru making the girls smile.

He frowns "That's really cheap" he says shaking his head. "What you say we make this official. You swear on the river Styx that only you and I fight. If you win you get the girl and I become your slave, but if I win you swear to never reveal me to Zeus or anyone else and you leave me alone, you don't send hunters to follow me and you don't keep tabs on me" he says staring her dead in the eyes with the Shinju eyes spinning slowly. She would either swear on it or he'd make her. He wasn't taking chances of anyone knowing of Thalia or taking her away.

Artemis smiles at the thought of having the son of Chaos as a slave "Fine I swear on the Styx to abide by your terms but it is no problem. I am a goddess millennia older than you and much more skilled" she says as she twirls her blade.

That was true but Naruto had the help of a Primordial and battle instincts from him as well. Also the abilities of his eyes and jutsus even the scales. He takes out Tenno and swipes the blade across "Amaterasu" he calls out creating a circle of black flames around them. "This is so no one interferes. These black flames will burn all that it touches and will never be quenched" he says turning to Thalia who was outside the ring. "Do not worry I promised to keep you safe and I never break my promises" he says making her smile.

"Are you ready to be defeated boy?" She asks in an arrogant tone.

He frowns and goes into his cloaked form staring her dead in the eyes, asking Shinju for help. "Yes let's start. Tsukuyomi" he calls out drawing her into his illusionary realm.

-Illusionary Realm-

He looked around his realm to see it was the old leaf village. It reminded him of the days when the villagers use to at least liked him, such as after Pain's invasion.

Artemis looked around in shock "Where in the world did you take me?" She asks unfamiliar with these forests.

He sighed and stared at her "I have brought you to an illusionary realm of my creation. Years could pass in this realm for only a second to pass in the real world. Now I am not in any way a master at this but I can at least control this to the basics. Now I can do 3 days at least" he says as he turns to Artemis to find her standing bound by chains.

Her eyes widened at the chains. A second ago she was fine, about to gain a new hunter by defeating him and now she was at his mercy.

"Now I am not really one to hurt others without reason but I find that you need to be taken down a peg" he says pointing Tenno at her. "I will teach you to never underestimate someone no matter if they are below you as a God can still die to a dagger" he says plunging to blade through the stomach, burning her with the black flames.

She screamed and blacked out only to open her eyes again to see the same scene minus the wound.

"You cannot die in this realm. When you do you just return to normal to repeat this over again. As I said I am not one to torture so I will limit it to a day. It's been 5 minutes. Only 23 hours 55 minutes left" he says as he swings his blade to cut her head off.

-1 Tsukuyomi Day Later-

He wills the world away to bring him back to the real world. He frowns as Artemis stares at him with fury in her eyes as she goes down to a knee. "Strong will but that is to be expected with you" he says as he swings Tenno down bursting up the flames as one girl was trying to get through.

"What did you do to Milady?!" The same girl he met in the forest yells at him as she backs away from the flames.

He sighs and looks to her "I have no responsibility to explain myself, ask your Mistress when I win" he said as he goes into his cloaked mode and summons the Truth Seeking Orbs. He wasn't being cocky. He was confident and he had to win to keep Thalia safe.

Artemis sends 2 hunting knifes at him, the orbs block them unconsciously and he dashes to her and lands a palm thrust sending her crashing into a tree hard, breaking a few ribs. He ducks under a sloppy kick and knees her thigh, breaking that bone as well.

She curses as she gets sent spiraling back. She was being toyed with. She could tell he was holding back and it angered her.

Artemis stands shakily and dashes towards him. He weaves around her slices and cuts her arms multiple times using small blades of wind chakra. He ducks under he and hit her with a hard upper cut sending her flying up wards "U!". He sends two clones to kick her higher yelling "Zu!", then 3 more punch her higher "Ma!", after that 2 more throw her higher "Ki!", finally the original drop kicks her down full force in a very Tsunade like fashion "Uzumaki Barrage!" he yells as Artemis rockets down to the ground and causes the ground to shatter and crack.

When the smoke dies down a heavily bleeding Artemis crawls from the hole he sent her in. Her golden blood drips to the ground. She shakily stands, barely able to stand "You bastard" she says glaring at him with pure hatred.

He appears behind her in a burst of speed and starts to sheath his sword "Even after everything you underestimated me Artemis and thus was your downfall" he clicks his blade back into the sheath and a large number of cuts appear on her "Wind Style: Swallow Cuts" he whispers as Artemis falls to the ground.

He extinguishes the flames letting the hunters rush to Artemis while some point their arrows to him. "Stay still and let us redeem Milady" the girl with the circlet says.

He eases out of cloaked mode but keeps the orbs. "I won the battle meaning the Styx oath is in play, she swore none of you would bother me. If you attack me you risk betraying a Styx oath and that doesn't go down well" he says walking back to Thalia. The girl smiles and jumps up and down excited, her blades strapped to her sides in a makeshift manner in a leather holsters he made to help her carry them around.

"That was crazy! What was that weird thing you did it was like you two were just standing there for a second before she fell to her knees all exhausted and seemed to be hurt" she says as she sees the hunters glare at him as they take Artemis away, deciding not to risk breaking an oath on the river.

"Relax it was just an ability of my eyes, frankly I still can't use it on my own" he says as he had needed Shinju to help him. Luckily his control was much better so soon he will be learning the powers of his eyes. Good thing he stole all of Teme's scrolls on the Sharingan.

He summoned a clone and transformed it into a bird and told it to watch the hunters and to dispel when they left. The clone flew off. His transforming ability had improved as well. As a kid he couldn't do a henge as well as the others so he put too much chakra into it and discovered something incredibly useful. He could literally transform into other things. Like the windmill shuriken that he turned if it was a normal henge how would you explain the Teme throwing him like an actual windmill shuriken?

The clone he sent off to gather items in a town came back. The clone had no trouble as he got all the items needed. He sealed away the perishable items and smiled at Thalia. She smiled back as they got back to training. Sure it was all they were doing but they were having fun and they both needed to hone their skills. Especially him since being chained in a dungeon for 3 years tends to weaken you a bit but thankfully his regenerative abilities kept his muscles form getting atrophy.


Artemis woke up a few hours after before she woke up. She rubbed her head as her hunters worried over her. Then she remembered what happened, that male had trumped her in battle like it was nothing. That illusionary world, the cloning ability and that sword technique. But the thing that angered her the most was the fact she felt he was holding back extremely.

Between that confusing silver fiery appearance and those eyes that would haunt her nightmare as well as those black orbs that floated around him and apparently according to Zoe could change their form. And those blades that gave off the aura of a god, she had only seen the red sheathed blade but she could feel the black sheathed one was just as powerful. She knew that male had tremendous power and she hated it.

She was taken from her thoughts as Zoe, her faithful lieutenant shook her from her reprieve. "Lady Artemis? Are you okay?" she asks worried.

She nods "I am fine, as you were saying?" she ask as she unrolls the bandages from her arm.

Zoe nods "I was saying that we need to find some way to act against that pigheaded male. You may have sworn an oath on the river Styx but there has to be some way around it" she says making Artemis frown.

There was a way around. She'd take the form of her Roman aspect but that form is unstable since she is around children of the Greek half. Her Roman side would do who knows what with them. She'd have to wait a time where the oath would be null and void, which can happen if someone unknowing of the oath breaks it so it would have to be a new hunter. And they were nowhere near anyone to possibly recruit.

"Tell the hunters we are packing up and moving to a new camp ground, we are heading north. We leave in 3 days' time and tell all hunters not to go searching for that man or they will suffer the wrath of Styx" she explains making Zoe nod and rush out to inform them.

She sighed as she got up, still feeling the pain of being crashed into the ground at such a great speed. She hoped she never met that man again. He was too powerful and she did not like that.

-2 Weeks Later-


Naruto's clone had informed him that the hunters left after 3 days so he was able to relax more and remove Thalia's henge tag. Over the days he had been learning how to use the Shinju's eyes. They caused him a headache the first couple times but now at least he could cast illusions with eye contact.

Thalia also was making good progress with her blades. She even killed a few hellhounds that attacked her some time ago. They weren't much of a challenge but he told her the same thing he told Artemis. "A god can fall to a dagger so don't get cocky". It seemed to help her as she was catching herself from thinking like that. Zetsu even noticed it as did Shinju, though he still wanted another week or so before doing anything with giving her chakra.

He focused mostly on his eyes but clones were definitely a god send for training as he now had a lot of elemental jutsus under his belt. Ranging from the basic elements to even some for Mokuton, Lava and Steam. He still had his Rasengan but he only used them when he truly wanted to obliterate something.

He knew Thalia should be going to school but having the knowledge of a primordial inside him helps him to be a good teacher for her. Even if she complained every moment of it like he did when he was her age.

Their cash problem was easily solved as his grandmother had oddly packed in Jiraiya's books away in the scroll. They had a note saying 'sell' on them so that's exactly what he did. He sent a clone henged as Jiraiya and got the books published and something called a credit card that the money was put on.

Thalia was fairly reserved but she knew she could always talk to him about anything. She was opening up to him nicely. She even dragged him along to get girl stuff that he was frankly afraid to ask about. She also brought up her past of how her mother had broken down and how her brother got kidnapped. She cried in his arms for 15 minutes that day.

He truly liked the young girl, sure she was brash at times and quick tempered but so was he when he was her age. And she was slowly getting out of it but was still like that at most times after all someone can't change in a short period of 2 weeks.

He sighed as he sat training in drawing nature chakra with more ease. Thalia was bathing in the creek behind him as he and Zetsu stood guard and swore on Styx not to peak. He was 20, nearly 21 for Kami's sake he wasn't going to peak on a 12 year old girl.

He was relaxing when he heard her return wearing new clothes but kept the lion pelt that was in a constant golden trench coat form. He looked to her and smiled as they walked back. He sighed "Thalia are you tired of camping?" He asks her as he starts on cooking dinner.

Thalia thinks for a second "Sure but monsters would always find us and we'd have to get away if we tried living in a town" she says with a frown.

He nods "Yes monsters will find us but who says we need to run? With my skills of silent killing and your eventual use of chakra we can survive peacefully for some time before big monsters come and start destroying stuff. And money isn't a problem as the last time I sent a clone into town to check my cards balance it came up with a number with 2 commas" he says making Thalia's jaw drop.

She thinks a second before smiling "I would love a place but I think we'd somewhere with a big backyard to train" she says excited to finally have a house again.

He chuckles "I'll send some clones out to find houses for sale near here" he says making her excited.

She bounces in excitement and nods "Yes one with a nice big room for me!" She says with a massive smile

"We can leave tomorrow for the road so you have to go to bed early" he says making her pout slightly but nod as dinner was served.

-Next Day-

Naruto had changed his outfit to be more modern, it consisted of dark jeans and an orange button up with a black trench coat so Zetsu could stay in his sleeve. He kept his sandals of course. His swords were sealed inside a storage seal on his left wrist for easy access.

He had the motorcycle he bought some time ago unsealed and everything sealed up in scrolls in the side bags. The motorcycle was a Harley-Davidson colored in black with a side car. He made sure to get a helmet for Thalia and him. She was sitting excitedly in the side car.

"Relax Thalia we will be heading off shortly. The clones found a nice house with a big backyard" he says making her bounce more.

Thalia nods and smiles "I know but I'm getting my own room! To decorate and have more clothes and somewhat normal life" she says smiling happily.

He ruffles her hair playfully, which made her swat away his arm. He hands her the helmet "Put that on and we can get going" he says making her fasten it quickly.

He starts the bike and starts driving out of the forest carefully before he gets on the road. Driving was easy especially when he could manipulate the Mist to broadcast his illusions to some extent. He even taught Thalia to manipulate the Mist to a lesser extent.

A few hours later they arrive at the house he set up to buy. With the help of clones during the night and the internet he was able to buy it very quickly. The bubbly real-estate agent dropped off the keys and showed them the house.

It was a very nice looking 1 story house 3 bedroom house. Large backyard and even a basement.

He knew this wouldn't last long but he would try his best to keep her happy with a somewhat normal life for as long as he could. She deserved this much after everything she's gone through.

Thalia ran directly for the main bedroom but he booted her out. He would have to take her shopping later. He was more focused on putting up a barrier. He slammed the crescent mark down on the ground, covering the ground in a large sealing array that grew the more chakra he pumped into the mark. That seal will notify him if someone entered the house will ill intent.

He sent a clone to set a protective barrier around the border. He wasn't taking any risks, years of being a shinobi taught him to stay vigilant.

He walked over to see Thalia smiling at her room "I can decorate it however I want right?" She asks with a smile.

He nods and ruffles her hair "Of course, we can go right now if you want. I'll leave a clone to be here to sign for the furniture and everything" he says making her smile more.

"How did you get all this done in a night?" She asks somewhat confused.

He chuckles "Well a mixture of many clones and a lot of money helps" he says as they leave the house. They drove and got a lot of black and blue paint as well as a lot of clothes and electronics as his barrier can keep her demigod scent from being broadcasted.

No one noticed the fact they were driving a motor cycle and buying enough stuff to overfill a minivan. The Mist is a powerful thing.

They return to the house to see clones setting up everything with Zetsu controlling one of the clones. He had it henged to look like a normal version of White Zetsu. Luckily he was able to parasite off it without the half black thing. "Good to see you two are back, we have a guest" he says pointing to the 8 year old girl sitting by the fireplace.

He looks to Zetsu and frowns "How did she get in?" He asks as Thalia shuffles behind him. The girl was wearing a cream dress with a hood, her cinnamon hair cut short and her eyes a fiery color, changing every few seconds as if they were flickering flames but they had a kind homelike sense to them.

Zetsu shrugs his shoulders "Moments after I lit the fire she appeared. She has no ill intentions in the very slightest so she is fine" he says leaving the room.

Naruto turns to the woman "Hestia?" He asks confused how and why this goddess was here.

The young looking goddess smiles at him and Thalia "You have a beautiful home here" she says with a smile. "Such a classic house and perfect for the two of you" she says as she waves her hand to conjure cookies and hot chocolate.

"Why are you here?" He asks as Thalia hides more behind him. Why is it that when he is trying to hide from every god or goddess they end up finding him? First Demeter, then Hermes and worst of all Artemis. At least Demeter and Hermes were helpful, Artemis was an annoyance. Hopefully Hestia was as kind as she was in the legends.

Hestia smiles and looks towards Thalia "Relax I mean you all no harm as Hermes told me everything. I think what you are doing is sweet Naruto" she says with a smile. "I also chimed in at the meeting to try and save Thalia. My siblings can be quite heartless" she says with a frown.

Naruto turns to Thalia "Go stay with Zetsu, tell him it's all okay but I just want to make sure" he says getting a nod as Thalia rushes out of the room. Thalia always acted afraid around any god or goddess, he thinks it's because she's afraid they will return her to the tree. Even if she was only in it for a couple hours it terrified her.

She had described it as pure darkness, she couldn't make or hear any sound and she felt float. She still had nightmares of it occasionally.

Once Thalia left the room he went over and sat across from Hestia. "So you really mean Thalia no harm cause I already had to fight one goddess to protect her, I don't want to do another as I can feel you are leagues stronger than Artemis" he says with a frown.

Hestia nods and smiles, handing him a cup of hot chocolate "I apologize for my niece, she is too arrogant for her own good. I am sorry you had to fight her and put young Thalia through all this" she says taking a sip of hot chocolate. "Though from the feel of this house you truly care for the child" she flashes him a warm smile.

He nods and takes a sip "That girl has gone through enough and her asshole of a father doesn't make it any better" he says looking to the goddess. "So what do we owe the visit Hestia?" he asks as the goddess puts down her glass of hot chocolate. He turned to see Thalia ordering around some clones as they carried her supplies to her room. He chuckled slightly before turning to the goddess again.

"I came here to visit your new household and maybe help you out and see this cute new family you formed" she says smiling at him. "I can feel she considers you like a father and looks up to you" she says handing him a cookie.

He takes a bite and frowns "Well I'm glad you are here to help, strangely enough you are the third godly being to help me" he says making her chuckle. He raised an eyebrow as she changed from her 8 year old form to that of one that looked around his age.

She was a few inches shorter than him and her short hair now reached the middle of her back. Her figure couldn't be seen under her cream dress but she gave off the aura of being very lovely figure. She stood up and dusted her dress off for crumbs. "Please do excuse this form as I am fonder of my younger form but I need this form to bless others" she says straightening her dress.

He smiled "Well I think you look lovely Hestia" he says getting a light blush from the goddess.

The goddess felt nervous as she adjusted her dress and hood. She had never been complimented like this. Never with someone with no ill intentions behind their words. The main reason she stayed in her younger form was because Hera and Aphrodite had been very unkind to her because she unknowingly brought the attention of males and she had once almost been raped at an Olympian party because of it. Luckily a donkey had awoken her and protected her.

"W-Why thank you" she says brushing her bangs to cover her blush. She clears her throat "So," she says as she places 2 fingers on his forehead "I Hestia the goddess of hearth and home bless you to use powers of my domain" she says and then proceeds to take a step back.

Naruto rubs his forehead and looks to the goddess "I am honored to be blessed by you Hestia" he says flashing her a kind smile "May I know what your blessing entrails?"

Hestia blushes once again and turns around "W-Well I'm glad you are honored, I have never blessed anyone before" she says in an embarrassed tone. "You will be able to conjure food and clothes as well as Greek fire" she says turning back around once her blush died down.

Naruto nods and stands up "If I am the first one you blessed then I am even more thankful for the honor" he said speaking the truth. From the info his grandmother had given him Hestia was very reserved yet unbelievably kind, she had no evil in her being. It saddened him that a goddess like this was taken from the council, the only voice of reason had disappeared from it. "I will do my best to not abuse your blessing. Also feel free to visit whenever" he says smiling again.

Hestia shifts back to her younger form, blushing again and nods "I would like that, the only thing I ask is for you to offer some food each time to the gods and goddesses that voted to save Thalia" she says making the dishes disappear.

Naruto nods and stands up "The least I can do. Also you being here will maybe get Thalia to stop being so nervous around the gods and goddess. I think she just fears returning to a tree" he says as he gains memories from a clone that Thalia dispelled on accident when they got in a paint fight. He chuckled and smiled at Hestia.

Hestia nods "I will try and visit regularly as my Olympian duties do not require much" she says as she heads to the fire and strokes it. "Keep her safe Naruto, she will need a strong family to survive this harsh world as a demigod" she says before vanishing from his house.

He nods, he was dead set to keep her safe, as much as he could and prepare her for the harsh world. He knew she would have to leave him eventually as she was a possible child of prophecy and needed to eventually be a part of that backwards camp. He just hoped he could train her enough before that came to be.

-3 Months Later-

Naruto smiled as he over watched Thalia's training inside his Kamui dimension. Over the 3 months he could at least draw her in here and return to the house. It made great training grounds since the realm couldn't be destroyed or damaged.

He also got the hang of Amaterasu and Kamui over the months. Plus a small amount of Rinnegan abilities but found he could use the abilities easier with their respective blades drawn. Yamato helped the Rinnegan and Tenno helped the Sharingan. Just as his grandmother had told him.

When he gave Thalia chakra he found something interesting with her. She had 2 affinities, lightning and wind. That wasn't the surprising part since she was a child of Zeus. She was a lightning power house and he theorized she'd be able to fire off Kirins like nothing. But the surprising part is she had 2 kekkai genkai Storm and Swift release. By mixing lightning and wind at different ratios she could assess the both of them. (AN: Wind (+) & Lightning (-) = Swift. Lightning (+) & Wind (-) = Storm.)

He had been training her in numerous jutsus of her elements and with Shinju's help he wrote down jutsus for her 2 releases. He was even teaching her the Rasengan as he trusted her with it.

But the most surprising thing had happened around 2 months ago, about a month or so after Hestia's first visit.


Naruto was training Thalia in the backyard. Hestia was cooking in the kitchen. Sure she could make food instantly but for some reason she liked to cook and especially liked to do it for him and Thalia.

Training was going as normal until a massive roar filled the clearing as something massive burst through the trees. He quickly burst to in front of Thalia and moved her behind him as a massive beast stared down at them.

It stood on all fours with scaly grey skin. It had a long tail at its end and 5 massive heads with long snakelike necks. It was the Hydra.

"Thalia head inside, this is not a request" he says in his stern voice "Go stay with Hestia, I won't let this thing get near the house".

She frowned but saw the look in his eyes, they were dead serious. Like he always was whenever he was worried about her getting hurt. "Fine but be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you….Dad" she says blushing darkly as she leaves a shocked Naruto behind.

'D-did she just call me dad?' he asks Shinju to hear him chuckle in response "Yes she did Kid, seems like I'm a great grandfather now" he says making Naruto grumble. 'We'll figure this out later, we need to kill this thing" he says looking to the beast that finally noticed him.

'We can't cut its heads off cause two will take its place. Fire is the weakness' he thinks with a smile 'Great opportunity to test out a Greek fire jutsu' he says as he dodges the lunges from the heads, keeping them at bay with his Truth Seeking Orbs.

Over the month he found out his normal fire could be changed to Greek fire, a powerful green flames.

He ran his hands through the hand signs and took a deep breath as a clone severed all their heads using Wind Style: Swallow Cuts. The second the heads were cut he called out "Fire Style: Greek Desolation!" sending out a massive burst of green flames to cauterize the wounds, killing the beast in a shower of golden dust leaving a scaly hide behind and 2 heads.

He groaned as he put out the flames left on the ground and sealed up the hide and threw the heads in the fire and sacrificed them to Hestia.

He walked his way back to the house to see Thalia hiding behind a 25 year old looking Hestia. He chuckled as she smiled at him "Thalia are you okay there?" he asks making her nod as she still hid behind Hestia.

"You know I don't mind you calling me dad, I actually really like it. Especially since I've considered you a daughter shortly after I saved you" he says patting the punk girl's head.

Thalia looks up to him nervously and nods as Hestia smiles kindly at the two.

"Well clean up and get ready for lunch" she says making Thalia hug him quickly before running off fast to get away from the embarrassing moment.

Hestia smiled warmly at him "Thank you for the sacrifice and thank you for being there for her" she says rubbing his arm before walking away.

He smiled "I promised I'd be here for her. Being a father figure to her like she deserves is great for her" he says as he follows Hestia.

-Flashback End-

Ever since she called him dad she had been very nervous and shy at times. She still called him Dad at times but most of the time when they were alone. She did it around Hestia but very quietly as if she didn't want her to hear.

Also Hestia had been around nearly every day. It was nice having her around. She was someone nice to talk to and a sweet lady. She also helped Thalia with girl talk that he was nervous to do. Especially when she got her first period and he didn't know one thing about it. They had kicked him out of the academy when they were learning about reproduction stuff for some reason or another. He knew about the male side from the pervy-sage but even then he didn't truly trust those words. He was thankful to Hestia for her help that day.

He cleared his throat "That should be enough for one day Thalia!" he calls out getting the girl's attention.

She frowns "Come on! I can keep going!" she yells back waving her swords charging them with lightning that happened unconsciously when she was angry.

He chuckled and walked over to her, stepping on the floating platforms that riddled his realm. "Relax, you have been working hard all day. You need to rest and you still need to practice chakra control and the steps to the Rasengan" he says making her grumble but sheath her blades.

The sheaths were handmade by him. They were the first things he created using Creation of All Things. They were like a briefcase sort of sheath. They opened up on a hinge and clasp, she would lay the blades in and clasp them close. They even had a quick release switch that would open them in a second for easy access.

"Fine but you need to help me with the 2nd step of it" she says with a pout. "You said I had to do it all but you got a hint when you learned it" she says as the walk through the portal he made.

He chuckles "Well I used a clone but you don't have the same problem I had, you are just trying to make it rotate fast and powerful. Maybe try multiple directions" he says as he tosses her a rubber ball.

She groaned "Why is this so difficult! I had no trouble with the Chidori and the Raikiri even if you won't let me use the second one without you around but that's not the problem. If I had no problem with techniques that powerful why is this one giving me so much trouble!?" she yells in frustration.

He chuckles and ruffles her hair "You have an insane affinity to wind and mostly lightning so those techniques were nothing to you. The Rasengan on the other hand is no element. It is pure chakra, pure chakra manipulation and pure shape manipulation. That is much more difficult" he explains making her grumble.

"Fine but this is really annoying" she says as she runs off to her room. She always went there to think if she was having trouble. He room was painted with black walls and grey dresser and bed and the walls were covered with band posters. She had a computer, tv and mp3 player as since the barrier stopped them from broadcasting her demigod scent.

The hydra had just accidentally wandered upon them. They occasionally got wandering monsters, mostly just Stymphalian birds and hell hounds nothing else big.

He chuckled as he went to rest in the living room. He conjured up some food and drink just in time for Hestia to appear in her aged form.

"Hello there, how has the training been?" she asks as she accepts a cup of tea. "I hope you aren't pushing her too much, she is just a child after all" she takes a sip of her tea and smiles.

Naruto nods and drinks his tea "I'm not pushing her too far. If anything she is pushing herself too far" he says making the goddess chuckle before she frowns and puts down her glass. He notices it and puts his down as well, looking over to her "What is wrong Hestia?" he asks confused.

She looks to him and has a nervous look on her face "Hera found out I have been in my elder form and that I have a champion and she wishes to meet said champion and test him" she says with a frown.

"Wait I'm your champion?" he asks unknown to the fact.

Hestia blushes a bit and nods "I'm sorry when I blessed you I sort of made you my champion. I'm sorry I should've told you, and I-" she says as she was interrupted by a finger on her lips. She looks up to see Naruto smiling kindly at her.

"It is fine, I don't mind being your champion as you are the most level headed Olympian. I figure Hera will want me to fight someone? He asks getting a nod from her. He sighs and summons a clone for Zetsu to possess "Protect Thalia and tell her where I am and that I will be safe, okay?" he says getting a nod from the possessed clone.

"Be safe brother" Zetsu says as he tossed Naruto the scroll that contained everything.

He nods "Of course brother" he says back as Zetsu leaves. He turns and smiles to Hestia "Ready whenever you are Hestia" he says with a warm smile making her blush again.

She nods "Yes, let's go" she says as they flash away.


Naruto stared in interest at his surroundings. The sky was a glowing dark blue with dark grey clouds brightened up from arching lightening between them. He saw Greek architecture all around with columns and arches. He looked around until his eyes landed on 12 large thrones with equally as large beings on them. The Olympians.

He noticed Demeter and Hermes who gave him small smiles while Artemis and Zeus glared at him heavily. Artemis seemed still healing from her posture and Zeus just plain hated him.

"He is your champion sister?" Hera asks looking at him, her bronze hair billowing over her shoulders, draping over her golden toga. Her eyes looking at him as if judging him. "Son of Chaos is a powerful champion, how did you get him as your champion? He hides his presence far too well for any of us to find him" she says frowning.

Naruto steps forward "She found me while I was wandering around as I refused to stay in that backwards camp. She blessed me so I could stay fed even though I can hunt quite easily" he says as Zeus glares at him.

"How dare you speak badly of the camp!" he says in anger. First this boy bad mouths him and now the camp he set up for millennia.

Naruto looks to them and scoffs "You focus too much on training them as solo acts when they should work as cells. They stood around watching Thalia and her group struggle and I had to jump in and save them. Not to mention they aren't allowed to leave without permission or a quest, they never see or fight real monsters and that leads to many dying when they do eventually go on a quest" he said making Athena nod.

"He speaks solid logic. In groups our kids would be stronger and if they had experience fighting monsters under the watch of seasoned warriors it would bring down the risk of quests considerably" she says making Zeus grumble but sit back down.

Aphrodite smiles and waves at him "Why don't I borrow you from Hestia since she has a vow of chastity you should get some fun" she says to him making Ares glare at him and Hephaestus glare at her.

He shook his head "No, I am not one to do that with someone I just met and someone I don't love" he explains as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Was this how the teme felt when Sakura was all pushy for him?

Hera cleared her throat "If we can get back to what we called him here for I would like to ask him a question" Hera says as Aphrodite backs off from him, making Hestia happy. "We called the son of Chaos here as we feel him bing Hestia's champion is too dangerous as she is not an Olympian" she says making Naruto scoff.

"She is one of the most level headed goddess out there, no offense Lady Demeter" he says getting a kind smile and nod from said goddess "and after how you did Zeus's punishment I don't think I want to be any of your champions" he says glaring down Zeus.

"You dare question my judgement!?" He yells making Naruto glare heavily at him.

"Yes I dare! You decide to throw your punishment onto a scared little girl. A girl who had been running and surviving for years just to finally end up at her safe haven to have her safety stolen from her!" He yells making the Shinju eyes spin. "You trapped her in who knows what kind of hellish limbo! To be alone for years until she somehow gets saved by Demigods that have no idea what to do! Tell me O god of Judgement! Is. That. Fair!" He yells bursting into his cloaked mode.

Zeus glares him down before Poseidon yells "Enough!" Poseidon looks to Zeus "He is right you pushed your punishment into your own daughter Zeus and since the judgement has been passed we can't fix it. All we can hope for is that we did not screw over our child of prophecy" he says making Zeus slump in his seat glaring at Naruto.

Poseidon looks at him "You can relax now son, Zeus won't do anything" he says getting Naruto out of his cloaked mode but keeps the eyes active. And who could blame him for being cautious around his paranoid brother. "Now all we want to do is evaluate you, a spar against Ares, he won't go over board or anything we just want to see how much strength you do have" he says getting a sigh from Naruto.

"I have no wish to just flaunt my power in a spar, I only fight to protect others and if you want proof of how strong I am" he opens a portal, connecting to Zetsu asking for the pelt for a second "here, the pelt of the Nemean Lioness" he says showing it to all. "I killed it by making it explode from the inside out with a seed" he says as he tosses it back through the portal.

Ares is drooling "Made it explode with a seed how does that work?" He asks curious to see if he could do the same with grenades.

Naruto sighs and stomps his foot, sending what little nature energy he had on him into the ground. He found with Nature energy when courted through the ground you could use Mokuton without hand signs. "Wood style: Springtime Ensnarement" he calls out catching a seed in his hand. "I through this in its mouth, sent chakra to it and grew a tree from the inside out" he says tossing the seed over his shoulder making it land in the garden and a massive Cherry Blossom bloom from it.

Apollo lets out a whistle "Amazing, control over nature just like Demeter. Did you know of that?" He asks the goddess.

She nods "Yes I did and I allow him to grow whatever he wants, he does no harm in it so why not" she says with a shrug.

"What else can you do?" Athena asks with a glint in her eyes. Naruto remembered that same glint from her daughter Annabeth.

He shakes his head "I will not go around explaining all my skills, I did it this one time to show you all I can survive on my own. Now can I go as I have much to do" he says opening a portal. No one stops him or says anything so he steps through and closes it behind him.

Zeus turns to Hestia "Sister you have a dangerous champion, if I feel you are trying anything I will smite you and him consequences be damned" he says glaring at her only to get an ice cold glare from his normally warm sister. This causes him to flinch.

"Brother you need to stop being so paranoid, I only asked him to be my champion so I could keep him from starving in the wild. No ulterior motives that you imagine so much" she says before leaving to tend to the hearth.

Zeus grumbles and slumps in his chair, he really hated that kid.


The second he got home he was hugged/tackled by Thalia. "Dad are you okay? Did they threaten you or anything?" she asks worried.

He chuckles and pets her head "The asshole threatened me but I put him in his place with words, the queen was a bit pretentious but seemed fine, Athena was too curious and Ares was itching for a fight but I got out before any could start. I promised I'd keep myself safe to look after you and I always keep my promises" he says as he hugs her making her smile and hug her father back.

'He may not be my father by blood but he has done more than any of my parents ever could' she thinks as she backs away from the hug. "Oh! I finished the second step" she says excited to learn the next step.

He smiles and stands up as Thalia had knocked him down "Oh really? Great job" he says as he gets a nod of assurance form Zetsu. "Now you just need to do both steps at the same time" he says picking up a spare rubber ball and holding it up.

"Nothing's happening" she says with a frown. The ball wasn't rumbling or even twitching.

He smiles and pops the billon with a needle to reveal a perfect Rasengan under the balloon. "Now you must combine power and rotation and not pop the balloon. Trust me I know it seems easy but it is the most difficult step" he says handing her a bucket of rubber balloons. "You're gonna need them" he says with a smirk as she darts off in excitement to train. "Don't train too long!" he yells just as she closes her door.

He turned to Zetsu and smiled "So nothing interesting happened while I was away?" he asked as Zetsu hid in his trench coat sleeve.

"Nothing beside her training and worrying about you at the same time" he says with a chuckle. "You really like being a father for the girl don't you?" he asks as he had seen his brother care for the girl a lot since he had saved her.

Naruto nods "Of course, she reminds me of a younger version of myself minus the villagers and whatnot" he says waving it off. "She deserves some father figure since the asshole won't provide" he says getting a chuckle from Zetsu.

"Well I better get started on dinner. And when I say "I' I mean my clones" he says summoning clones to get to work. He needed to study on something important, his eyes could wait. He needed this technique should Thalia ever get taken away or if she ever decides to go back to camp.

He unsealed the scroll he was looking for from the main scroll and opened it up. The first words said it all.

"Introductions to Learning of the Hiraishin or better known as The Flying Thunder God…" He knew this was going to take some time to learn.