Chapter 4

-2 Weeks since the Olympus Meeting-

Naruto frowned as he fiddled with Hermes's business card. He needed some kunai made so he could start testing his understanding of the Hiraishin. According to Shinju his father got the idea from watching his mother flash away to the godly realm. But the Hiraishin was different as it was much faster and easier as well as less dangerous to demigods and mortals. The only downside was the need for a marker to warp to.

With the help of Shinju he had it down in theory but theory and real life application were 2 completely different things. He had spent the majority of 2 weeks reading through space-time Ninjutsu theories that without Shinju it would have taken much longer to understand.

He pulled out his cell phone and walked out to the backyard "Stay inside Thalia and continue with the third step I need to place an order with Hermes" he says getting an absentminded nod from the punk girl as she was too focused on the Rasengan.

He chuckled and dialed the number. He heard a voice on the other side "Yo what you need?" He heard Hermes say.

"Come here I need you to get Hephaestus to maybe build me something or at least get me some Celestial bronze so I can make them on my own" he says as the phone hangs up on Hermes's end. Seconds later a flash fills the clearing.

He looked to see Hermes standing atop a huge stack of big bronze cubes. "This good enough? I had a feeling you'd call for material or something like this" he says jumping down from it. "Good luck using it as I have no idea on how to do it and I doubt Hephaestus would help as he doesn't interact with people too well" he says waving him off. "Call again if you need help" he says before flashing away again.

Naruto sighs and seals it all away. At least it went easy and quick, seems like Hermes pulled through with what he promised last time.

He walks back in to see Thalia still absorbed in her 3rd step. He chuckled and ruffled her hair getting a slap on his hand out of reflex for her. "I'm going to be in the basement, Zetsu will be watching over the house okay?" He says to her getting another nod.

He shook his head and set up a clone for Zetsu to use and went down to the basement and removed the illusion he kept over it revealing a huge forge and training grounds. After the run in with the Hydra he trained her down here using spatial seals to make it 25 times larger than it originally was. His crescent mark worked wonders.

He unsealed the materials and reread up on how to craft things. He needed the kunai to be celestial bronze with some chakra conductive steel which he had more than enough of. He found he couldn't create celestial bronze with the Creation of All Things as the metal was very specific.

He sighed as he created clones and got into the right gear to start forging.

-Several Hours Later-

He had finally got done using all the materials to make a crap load of Hiraishin kunais and proceeded to mark them all as his crescent mark could create the Hiraishin seal, which he promptly set on the house and a leather spiked wrist band for Thalia to have at all times.

He would start testing tomorrow as he was exhausted and needed a shower.

He walked up the stairs and went to his room to notice a passed out Thalia with a rubber ball still in her hand. 'Poor girl tired herself out' he thought as he picked her up bridal carry and went to her room. He laid her down on her bed and pull the blanket over her only for her to grab his hand in her sleeping state.

"Love…you…daddy" she says clearly asleep from the mumble.

He smiles kindly and places a small kiss on her forehead "Love you too Thalia" he says as she smiles and lets go, still asleep.

He chuckles as he turns to leave to see her desk covered in notes. He could see one named 'Birthday gifts for Dad' that one brought a massive smile to his face. He forgot it was getting close to his birthday, he'd be turning 21 in a few months. He didn't look at the list as he didn't want to ruin the surprise or anything.

He carefully left the room and closed the door behind him to see a smiling Zetsu clone before him "That girl definitely doesn't give up" he says making Naruto sigh. He would have to watch over her to make sure she doesn't do the same again.

"I'll have to watch her more as she trains so she doesn't over do it anymore. Go to bed or whatever you do at night" he said to Zetsu as he goes to his room to shower.

-Next Day-

Thalia had woken up early and went back to work, which woke him up. All the loud pops were not good to sleep through.

He got up to see Thalia still struggling with the third step "Hey what did I tell you about training" he says rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

She looks at him sheepishly "As long as you don't wake me and don't make yourself get chakra exhaustion I'm good?" She says worried.

Naruto sighs and bops her on the head "You woke me up and you made yourself pass out yesterday so take it easy today" he says with a flat tone.

She rubs her head "Fine dad, I'll take it easy" she says sitting down at the table, waiting for breakfast.

He summons food for them and sits down. He tosses her the leather bracelet "Wear that at all times just as you do with the Nemean pelt. If what I am training to do today goes correctly I'll be able to get to you in a flash" he says as he starts eating.

Thalia looks confused but puts it on, smiling at the bracelet "Thanks Dad" she says as she starts eating.

Naruto smiles "Welcome Thalia, now remember to be careful training" he says getting a nod from her as they continue their meal.

Thalia heads down to the basement with Zetsu as he was very cautious since gods or goddesses could still get in here.

He sighs and heads outside, placing a marker near the door as he sits on the far side of the backyard.

"Now remember kid, each marker has a mixture of your chakra and small nature chakra. Since you put it there it will only work as a marker for you to warp to. You need to feel the marker and pull yourself to it" Shinju says trying to explain it as simply as he can.

"I understand all that Shinju but actually doing that is more difficult. I can feel the marker and its pull but I'm still working on going to it" he says as he tries to go to it but gets nowhere.

"Maybe go into Sage mode to get a better sense of it and if that doesn't work put some of my chakra into it to strengthen it" Shinju offers as help.

Naruto sighs and sits in his meditative pose and eases into Sage mode. First thing he noticed was the string of nature chakra connected to him and the marker but the weird thing was it wasn't his, it was as if the stagnant nature chakra in the air connect him to the marker and kept the marker powered. If he could strengthen this pathway it might make warping much easier.

He went over to the marker and sent some of Shinju's chakra into it and immediately felt the pull the second he placed it down. Curious to see if he could pull it off he went back to the edge of the backyard and took a deep breath and went with the pull. Resulting in an orange flash.

He smiled as he picked up the marker, twirling it around his finger "Perfect, that was much easier" he said as Shinju chimed in.

"Kid that is because your father struggled with the theory for all those years, you had it in front of you and not to mention my help as well as your nature energy and access to my energy. It took you 2 weeks to understand it all whereas your father took 5 years" he explains getting a nod of acceptance from Naruto.

"Well thanks Shinju, this will help me much more" he says as he heads inside to the basement. He say Thalia cursing as she sat down.

She saw him and frowned "Dad I can't do it" she says getting upset. She wanted to make her dad proud by mastering his signature Jutsu quickly but couldn't do the final step.

He chuckled and sat down grabbing her hand with the wristband putting Shinju's chakra into it. "Look Thalia it took my dad nearly 3 years to even make it, my god father took many months and so did my father's student. The only reason it took a week for me to do it was because I had my clones help me. You need to be patient and try and balance the ratio of power and rotation so it doesn't get out of hand" he says hugging her kindly.

She nods and wipes her tears "Thanks dad, did you finish what you were planning to do?" She asks as she picks up another ball.

He smiles and nods "Yup now I can always return to you as long as you have that bracelet on" he says confusing her.

"How does that work?" She asks as she tries out a ratio for power and rotation speed.

He smiles and walks to the opposite side of the room and looks to her "Hold up your bracelet" he says getting her to do it. "Now don't freak out as my dad designed this technique" he says as he disappears in an orange flash and ends up next to Thalia, shocking her greatly "It is called the Hiraishin and it's a space-time Ninjutsu like my Kamui" he says getting a nod of understanding from her.

"Getting more and more shocking every time you show me something new Dad" she says chuckling then frowning as the ball burst.

"Just you wait 'til I figure out my eyes you'll be even more shocked" he says as sits down to watch over her, hoping he can keep these peaceful times with his daughter.

-2 Months Later-

It had been relatively peaceful for the last two months. A hellhound here, a Cyclops there, nothing too bad.

Thalia had finally perfected the Rasengan after training in the third step for another week or so. She then focused on lightning and wind jutsus as they were incredibly easy for her.

Naruto focused on mastering the Hiraishin and aspects of his eyes among other elemental jutsus. It went nicely but today he decided was a relaxation day as it was his birthday.

A week or so ago Thalia asked for the credit card and Zetsu so she could go to town. He knew what was going on as he saw the little list on her desk (didn't read it though, just the title) so he asked if her could come. She used her girl problems as an excuse for him to stay home. She always did that when she wanted something private.

He was told by Thalia and strangely enough Hestia to stay in his room until they call for him. Even Zetsu was out of the room, he suspected he went off to Heaven like his did at the end of every month to fill in mom of how he had been doing.

He sighed as he heard them call for him. He had never been the birthday type, hell the only time he really celebrated it was with his dad at the end of the war and that wasn't really anything. The other time had been with Iruka and Jiji and that was just ramen. Which Shinju wouldn't let him summon mountains of it claiming he needed a balanced diet but he digressed.

He walked out of his room and heard "Surprise!" He saw Hestia, Thalia, Zetsu, his mom, and his grandma all together smiling at him.

"M-Mom and Grandma what are you doing here?" he asks looking to Hestia.

She waved it off "They explained everything and I love that you are here to help. Maybe you will get my stubborn family to get along" she says with a kind smile.

He sighs in relief as his mother hugs him tightly "Happy Birthday Sochi, I'm sorry for missing all your other ones" she says in a sad tone.

Naruto frowns and hugs his mother back "You are here now, it is all that matters. Now none of this sad stuff we are here for a party" he says smiling at Thalia. "Mom and Grandma I would like to introduce you two to Thalia, original daughter of the asshole king and now adoptive daughter to myself" he says holding her close to him.

She blushed and waved to the goddesses.

Amaterasu squealed and hugged Thalia "She is so cute!" She yells making the other goddesses and Naruto sweat drop.

"Grandma please don't suffocate Thalia" he says as he pulls her from his grandmother and moves her to his mother.

Kaguya smiles at her "Hello Thalia you could say I'm your grandmother" she says making the punk girl get nervous a bit. Kaguya chuckles and hugs the girl "You are family, do not be nervous" she says making Thalia smile.

"Okay everybody come get some cake but first Naruto needs to blow out the candles" Hestia calls out in her elder form.

Naruto chuckles and looks at the candles. He takes a breath and blows out the candles thinking only one thought 'I wish to keep Thalia and everyone in my life'.

The party went on as gifts were given. Amaterasu got him more scrolls and items she stole from the Elemental Nations which were thriving nicely under Tsunade and Gaara's watch. The villagers were upset at the loss of chakra but when they were told who took it they felt terrible.

Hinata apparently apologized to Tsunade according to the letter that came with his gift and described the reason why she didn't help. Fear of the villagers and her clan elders which Tsunade completely understood as did he.

Tsunade gave him sake, Shizune gave him hang over cures and Gaara gave him a gourd of iron sand all very useful items.

His mom gave him a male version of her kimono but in reverse color scheme. He liked it a lot, he could use it for staying hidden and teaming up with Zetsu.

Zetsu gave him a scroll on the bone pulse kekkai genkai which apparently he had but didn't know how to use. It could be useful so he'd learn to do it later.

Hestia's gift was very sweet. Homemade cookies from the goddess of home and hearth. He took one bite and nearly passed out due to how delicious they were. He immediately sealed them away to keep them all to himself, maybe he'd share with Thalia but mostly all for him. Something that made Hestia very proud.

Then Thalia came up with her gift "Here you go dad, I hope you like" she says as she hands him the box and looks down at her feet nervously which made Amaterasu squeal and nearly hug the girl again, luckily his mom and Hestia held her back.

He opened the box and nearly she'd a tear. Inside was a homemade orange scarf. 'She must've knit this' he thinks as he wraps it around his neck and smiles happily as he hugs his daughter. "I love it Thalia, thank you" he says making her smile brightly and hug him back.

"Welcome dad, it's my first time doing something like this. Also" she says pulling him down to her height and kisses his cheek "love you dad" she says as she runs to hide behind Hestia who smiles warmly.

He smiled brightly and smiled to her hidden form "Love you too Thalia" he says as the party continues on with Thalia occasionally being forcefully cuddled by his grandmother.

-9 Months since the Party (1 Year 'til the Lightning Thief)-

Naruto stood before his daughter with Yamato in his hands and wearing black jeans and black sandals with a white button up and orange vest. Also around his neck was Tsunade's necklace, he would be wearing Thalia's scarf but it was far too warm and since they were going to sparing he didn't want to damage it.

Thalia had grown in the 9 months. She was now 13 and they had celebrated her birthday in a similar manner to his. Something that made her cry tears of joy. He had gotten her a summoning contract, the eagle one.

She grew her short hair out so it was now down to her shoulders. In each ear was a small black bar - a chakra rod. Only there so Naruto could summon her back to him if he was in range of her since they were small. She wore the golden trench coat that was actually the Nemean Lioness's pelt. She also wore grey skinny jeans and a Green Day band shirt with her leather studded band on her wrist. Strapped to her waist were the Kiba blades in the sheaths he made for them.

Over the 9 months she learned more lightning jutsus than he did and even a large amount of wind jutsus, some that she learned in secret as he focused on his Hiraishin and keeping her and the house safe.

"Okay you know the rules. I will hold back from using the Shinju's eyes and the cloaked form as well as the orbs. This will be a straight sword fight and Jutsu battle" he says drawing Yamato and holding the sheath in his left hand.

She nods and releases the Kiba blades "Any Jutsu restrictions?" She asks as she twirls the blades around getting ready.

He nods "No Raikiri and I will not use anything higher than the normal Rasengan" he says getting a frown from her but nods once she remembers the power of a strengthened Rasengan or a Rasenshuriken.

"Ready?" He asks getting a nod from her "Remember come at me with the intent to kill" he says getting a shaky nod from her.

He smiles and nods "Go!" He yells getting a burst of speed from her. He immediately blocks strikes from all around. Only thing keeping him from being cut was his hardened senses from battle as a shinobi.

'She is a natural at using her Swift Release' Shinju says with a smirk as Naruto continues to block. Luckily Yamato's sheath was invincible so using it as a shield was nothing.

He continued to block "Going to have to do better than just speed Thalia!" He yells out as he quickly fires chakra from his tenketsu points and starts to spin "Kaiten!" He yells out creating a massive spiraling dome around him, sending Thalia skidding back before she was on defense from her father's powerful strikes.

Thalia had noticed that while her father held back in their spars. He wasn't finding her weak, he just didn't want to hurt her. He always went to a level he felt she could trump if she truly pushed herself. Hell that's how she found out she could summon Black Lightning. It was one of her most powerful techniques to use and even more so to control.

Naruto swung his blade before tossing the sheath up shortly before striking her with Hidden Vine. Only for her to block it skillfully. He caught the sheath and switched the sheath and sword back to the right hands as he swept under her legs.

He was impressed she had blocked that technique as he found it was difficult since your senses never noticed it before it was too late to block.

Thalia jumped over the sweep and ran her hands through the hand seals as she let the blades dangle from the bands she put that were attached to her wrists so she could drop the blades at a moment's notice to use a Jutsu and then grab them a second later. "Black Lightning: Electromagnetic Murder!" She yells out creating a ball of dark lightning to fire numerous streams of high powered streaks of pitch black lightning at her father.

Naruto coated Yamato in wind chakra to negate the lightning element "Wind Style: Dividing Wind" he yells as he swings his sword creating a large blade of wind chakra hitting about 2/3rds of the streaks. He dodged the few others. His vision was obscured by the dust. He kept his senses alert as he heard a chirping noise he knew all too well.

He turned and saw Thalia not too far from him with a Chidori in her hand "Chidori!" She yells as she knew he had no time to create a Rasengan.

He groaned and just as the Chidori hit he substituted with log. He landed next to her and swing Yamato at her.

She quickly grabbed her blades and blocked but was sent skidding back from the force of the blow. She stabbed the blades in the ground and unstrapped them. 'Time to show him what Grandma gave me' she says as her body was covered in electricity.

He smiled "Lightning Armor, great job" he said as he sheathed Yamato and sealed it away.

Thalia burst towards him and attacked in a fury of powerful and incredibly fast punches. It had taken her 5 months to get to where she could keep it up in a spar against Zetsu, who helped her keep it hidden from her dad.

Naruto blocked the strikes, feeling the power behind them. He used what he remembered of the Frog Kata to dodge and block her hits but with her powerful lightning element and Swift release it was actually getting difficult at the current level he held himself at.

"Lightning Uppercut!" She yells firing a powerful hit towards his chin.

He tries to block it with his hands but still found himself being fired upwards. He smiled proud of his daughter and how strong she had gotten.

He ran his hands through the seals and clapped his hands "Wind style: Great Breakthrough" he calls out sending Thalia skidding backwards as the gust hit her hard.

Naruto landed wiping the blood from her mouth and clapped. "Great job Thalia. You pass, you did amazing" he said making the girl smile brightly as she ran towards him.

She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly "Thank you dad, I never would've gotten like this if not for you" she says with a smile.

He hugs her back and smiles "Your control over Black Lightning is great. Also using the Lightning Armor of the Raikage's is amazing and that Chidori was greatly done" he says making her smile more.

"Thanks dad, what was that spinning dome thing?" she asks as she sheaths her blades back and smiles.

"That was a memorial to a friend of mine I lost in war. His name was Neji Hyuga and that was his clan's ultimate defense" he said as he looked up into the sky as if to remember him.

Thalia nodded "I'm sorry for bringing up bad memories" she says only to get a chuckle from him.

"Remembering the lost isn't a bad memory. It helps keep them warm in our hearts, only when you lose sleep over them is it bad as they most likely wouldn't want you to do that over them" he says as he heads inside with her not far behind.

"Can you maybe tell me stories of your life in your original realm? Maybe we can visit there?" She asks curious.

He ruffled her hair playfully as he always did "Sure I don't mind telling you some stories but we can't visit right now, maybe later" he says getting a nod from her after she swatted his hand away like she always did.

She didn't hate him ruffling her hair but it made her feel like a little kid. But she put up with it cause it was from her dad and he did it as a sign of affection.

He summons some drinks for them as he sat in front of the fire place. He started around the time of him graduating after defeating Mizuki with his armies of clones. He told her of his first mission outside the village and the encounter with Haku and what he learned from the girl (AN: in my mind Haku will always be a female). He also mentioned the chunin exams and how he defeated Gaara and befriended him. He bitterly told her of Sasuke's betrayal and how he fought him at the Valley of End, he even showed her the scar.

"Why did you teach me a move that hurt you so bad?" she asks with slight tears in her eyes. She almost hit him with the same technique that nearly killed him.

He pet her head and smiled "Thalia I taught that to you as I felt you could use it as Sasuke could not, to protect people and not in revenge. You are nothing like Sasuke, hell if anything you are more like me when I was your age" he said chuckling as she smiled then swatted his arm away like she always did.

He got back to telling his stories as he found Thalia very interested. He told her of his training trip to going 4 tails and fighting Orochimaru. He told her of his learning of Sage mode under the toads which confused her.

"Wait I've never seen you summon toads, just foxes, wolves, slugs and hawks" she says confused. Why did her father summon toads anymore if they were that powerful?

He sighed and took a sip of the tea he made "Something happened and they ended up leaving me hanging out to dry. They could've prevented something from happening but chose to abandon me but forget about that as it will make sense later" he said getting a nod from her.

He went back to telling her of Pain's invasion and him getting Kurama's power under control and the beginning of the 4th great ninja war.

"Wait you fought against Grandma?" she asks shocked. Her grandmother seemed so peaceful.

He shook his head and explained to her the same way Shinju explained to him which made her release a breath of relief as he got to telling her the end of the war and what happened after.

"…And then I came here and saved you. That's about everything" he says as he rubs the back of his neck, trying to think if he forgot anything.

Thalia frowned "Those villagers are assholes as are those toads" she says getting a bop on her head.

"What did I tell you about cursing" he says in his 'father' tone as Zetsu liked to call it.

She grumbles "I can only curse if it's directed towards Zeus" she says rubbing her head.

He smiles and nods "Exactly. Now enough story time I believe it is getting near your bed time" he said making her groan and look at him.

"I'm 13! I shouldn't have a bed time" she says as she pouts at him. She had been training with deadly swords and deadly techniques yet still had a bed time.

He pats her on the head "It is so you get rest as your body is still growing and needs rest to grow" he says directing her to her room.

She sighs and hugs him goodnight "Night dad" she says as she leaves.

"Night Thalia, sleep tight" he says after he hugs her back and heads off to his room.

-2 Months later (10 months 'til Lightning Thief)

Over the next few months Naruto sent out clones with markers to test his distance and to mark certain places such as Thalia's tree and the Empire State Building.

He found warping long distances wasn't difficult it just took some more energy but with Shinju and his already insane reserves it was of no worry.

He was working on Hiraishin 2nd step where he would warp to it midair and found that more difficult as it wasn't connected to anything. But that's when it hit him, it was connected to the air and the nature energy flowing in it.

It took him roughly a month or 2 to get the 2nd step mastered.

He sat in front of Thalia who was excited as laid before him was a summoning contract. Not just any contract, it was the Eagle contract. The one he found for her and gifted her for her birthday. She had signed it then but he told her to wait until she was much stronger as sometimes the summons will have the summoner fight for the right to summon them.

"Okay Thalia remember treat them with respect as they aren't fond of your father, as he claims the eagles as his animal when he holds no attributes of them. Such as equality and humbleness since he thinks he's always the best and hasn't been fair since very long ago" he says grumbling.

Thalia nods "Of course dad. I'm ready" she says with a smile. He nods and motions her to go.

She takes a deep breath and runs through the hand signs "Summoning Jutsu!" She calls out slamming her hands to the ground. Enveloping the clearing in a large plume of smoke.

"Who has summoned me" she hears a deep voice call out as huge bronze wings clear the smoke to reveal a huge eagle with dark green eyes and a golden beak. It looked around until it stared down at Thalia. "Ah Thalia Otsutsuki" it said with a smile in its voice.

Thalia signed with his last name as he officially adopted her shortly after she called him dad for the first time. She nods "I would like permission to be your summoner" she says bowing to the huge beast.

The eagle laughs "Oh I am glad you are nothing like your original father. We the eagle clan have heard of your progress from our brothers, the hawks and we would be proud to have you as a summoner and even our Sage when the time comes" he says nodding.

Thalia smiles brightly and bows again "Thank you Boss summon of the Eagles" she says in a respectful tone.

The eagle looks at her "My name is Mashitiro" it says before dispelling.

Thalia smiled brightly and turned to her dad "They accepted me!" She yells in excitement "but they didn't have me do anything" she says confused as to why.

He smiled and ruffled her hair "Most likely cause they trust you from hearing from you from the hawks, also eagles are very empathic, most animals are so they most likely felt no ill emotions that would mess with them" he says getting his hand swatted away.

"And if they are considering making you their Sage which is a great honor for any summon to do. I was originally the toads' Sage and now am the Slugs first ever Sage" he says in a proud tone making her smile even more. "In a few months you might even go to their realm and learn" he said patting her back.

She smiles "Will you be able to come?" She asks nervous.

He smiles somewhat sad and shakes his head "I am not a summoner of them and you have to go through it alone but Zetsu will go with you to watch over you and relay messages" he said hugging her.

She frowns but nods hugging her father back "Well not like I'm going right now but we can still train and be together 'til I have to go and I will return afterwards" she said smiling up to her dad.

He nods "True but if you complete it you will be the youngest Sage, beating me by 3 or so years" he says as stands up and smiles at her "Lets rest for a bit and relax. We've been training really hard as of late" he says getting a nod from her.

(AN: I use Time Skips to skip menial training that will have no importance. Long story short Thalia learns to fight with her summons and use more lightning and wind jutsus and more control over black lightning. Naruto focuses on creating seals and training his daughter.)

-4 Months Later (6 more 'til Lightning Thief)-

Another year had passed before any of them realized. Naruto's party was small just him and Thalia. He was given a bunch of gifts from his friends and family members again and a silver skull ring and necklace from Thalia that he wore at all times.

He stood hugging his daughter as she was finally ready to go under Sage training. He spent the majority of the time training her to get to a level where Sage mode wouldn't be too difficult but since she had his hyper active personality when he was young it might be difficult.

Also he hoped she wouldn't be gone for her birthday that was in 2 months but either way Zetsu had his gift for her since he would be going with her.

"Stay safe and listen to your teachers. Even if they smack you with sticks or anything as it is to get the nature energy out of you so you don't turn to stone" he says as he fastens her scroll on her with her Nemean Lioness pelt on her as always. Her leather band was around her wrist and Zetsu was in her sleeve.

She nods and holds her dads hand "What are you gonna do while I'm gone?" she asks making Naruto scratch his chin thinking.

"I might travel around. Maybe fight some monsters or something. Maybe go and see how that backwards camp is holding up" he said getting a nod from her.

"Stay safe dad" she hugs him one last time "Love you" she says as her father hugs her back.

This was the first time she was leaving him for an extended point of time. She was worried but he helped ease her worries "I will be fine, you do the same, I love you too Thalia" he says as he lets go of her to see her disappear with the eagle she summoned.

He frowned and sighed. "You miss her already?" he heard Hestia say from behind him. She stood in her elder form with her hood down, letting her cinnamon hair flow out.

He nodded "I've been with her for nearly 2 years. She's grown on me and became my adopted daughter. How can I not miss her?" he said as he rubbed the skull ring on his finger.

"Well do be safe when you travel. What are you going to do about the house?" she asks as he heads back inside.

"I am going to set up countermeasures and leave a strengthened clone behind" he says laying the crescent mark on Thalia's door, creating an intricate array on it. "If the house is about to be destroyed or robbed all of Thalia's things will go to my Kamui pocket dimension" he then went over and strapped his scroll to his waist. "It'll be fine Hestia though I do hope nothing happens to it" he says with a frown.

Hestia nods "I will look after it as well" she says as Naruto hands her a weird 3 pronged knife.

"Stab that in the ground if you need me. It's a marker for a teleportation technique of mine" he said as he focused on a certain marker he set up near the camp.

Hestia nodded and smiled "Thank you, enjoy your travels" she says as he disappears in an orange flash.

-New York-

Naruto frowned as he arrived in New York as the first thing he noticed was the weather. It was storming and the tides were crazy.

'Stupid asshole must be angry about one thing or another' he thinks as he walks through the city. He wore dark jeans with his black sandals. He also wore a black button up with an orange jacket as it was winter. Around his neck was Thalia's scarf she made for him and the skull necklace. Tsunade's necklace was gone as he gave it to Zetsu to give it to Thalia.

He knew the girl knew of its importance and he hoped she liked it.

He walked through town noticing some females looking at him and groaned. It reminded him of how Aphrodite had offered her services to him at the meeting so long ago.

He continued walking ignoring the stares he got as he hid away in the closest store to him. He looked around to see himself in a candy store called 'Sweet on America'. He walked around until he noticed one worked being yelled at by a customer. He got closer so he could over hear and possibly help her.

The female had light blue eyes and wavy brown hair, she was in her uniform and looked around her early very early 30's. "Look Gabe we don't have enough money for you to spend tuning up your engine in your car" the woman says with a frown.

The male, who looked like a mix between a walrus and a seal combined. He was disgusting to say the least. "Yeah cause we spend all our money sending your idiotic son to a boarding school. We could always just take him out as he will only get kicked out again" the man he figured to be Gabe said in a snide tone.

The woman sighs "Fine just use the money from my savings" she says in defeat.

The man smirks and pats her cheek "Good girl Sally, I'll buy it all while you are at work" he says in a smug tone as he leaves the store.

Sally frowns until she hears someone clear their throat. She turned around and blushed slightly. The man was a few years younger than she was. He had spikey vibrant blonde hair with 2 spikey bangs framing his face with the rest of it in a ponytail and the clearest sapphire blue eyes she had ever seen and 3 whisker like marks on each cheek. "O-Oh sorry customer what can I help you with?" she asks erasing her blush.

He chuckled "Well I am looking for some orange candy but I couldn't help but overhear the conversation. Sorry for eavesdropping but that man is disgusting, why is a beautiful woman like yourself with a man like that? It's obviously not for his personality" he says ending in a flat tone.

She blushes at being called beautiful and chuckles at his tone but frowns "Sadly it is for my son" she says as she gets a better look at him. "I'm Sally Jackson, and you are?" she asks in a kind tone.

Naruto rubs the back of his head "Well that is very strong of you. My name is Naruto Otsutsuki though I have to ask why a mortal is blessed by Poseidon?" he asks shocking her, nearly making her fall over. Luckily he caught her. He noticed Poseidon's blessing as he looked her over with the Shinju's eyes. The blessing looked like an aura of blue in the form of a crown made of what looked to be coral.

"H-How do you know of that?" she asks in a whisper as she straightened herself. She had never met another mortal that could see through the Mist like she could and how could he see Poseidon's blessing? She never heard of anyone doing that before.

Naruto chuckled "Well I myself am a demigod and I can sense auras easily" he explains as he picks up a bag of jellybeans. "We can always talk more maybe after your work? As I think I can help keep your kid safe and keep you from having to stay with that vile man" he said as she nodded and rang him up.

"I get off at 7 though I am curious of how you survived so long" she says as she hands him the receipt.

He smiled and took the receipt "Well I am a bit special, I'll explain more after you get off work" he says as he leaves the store. He really didn't like the way that man treated her. Now he isn't like Artemis he just happens to hate this one man for how he acted. He thought up a plan to help her out a bit.

He summoned a clone and smiled at it "You know what to do" he says as the clone nods and body-flickers away. He wasn't going to kill that man just yet, he first needed to give her the suppression tag he created.

He made it long ago when he and Thalia were first travelling together. It would suppress their aura but not their abilities so it was more a camouflage tag.

He waited around until 7 rolled around. He waited out front as Sally walked out still in uniform but was wearing a jacket. "Ready?" she asks.

He nods and they walk. "So who is your godly parent?" she asks as the cross the street.

"Chaos, technically I'm a demi-primordial but not that it really matters" he says shocking her more so.

"C-Chaos, the primordial of creation is your mother?" she says in shock. "You must be powerful" she says looking him over.

He shrugs his shoulders "I don't care about being strong as long as I can protect my daughter. I adopted her over 2 years ago. She is busy at the moment so I'm all alone at the moment. While we travelled I developed something to hide her aura and keep her powers" he says pulling out a tag with the seal on it.

Sally looks it over confused "How is paper supposed to help my son?" she asks as she runs her finger over the markings.

"It uses energy that this realm hasn't seen in eons. It will work trust me" he says flashing her a kind smile that made her blush as she slipped the paper away. "So now you can leave that vile man if you wish" he said giving her a thumbs up.

She chuckled but frowned, somewhat afraid of how Gabe would react. He's never laid a hand on her per-say but he wasn't non-violent. He would threaten her son. "Even if I did I wouldn't be able to support myself" she says with a frown. Gabe paid for most of the expenses since he was a manager at an electronics store.

"Well got thing you are being promoted" he said brandishing a huge smile.

Sally stared at him confused "What do you mean? I'm not getting promoted" she says in a wary tone.

He flips open his phone and dials a number "Yes, did the deal go through?" he asks to the person on the other end. "Great and not too bad on the cost. Be sure to promote Sally" he said giving the confused brunette a thumbs up. "Okay, thanks. Bye" he said closing the phone. He turns to Sally "Well you are looking at the new owner of Sweet on America and you are the new manager. Better pay and free candy" he said with a smile shocking her even more.

"You bought the little store? Why? Or better yet how?" she asked. Whoever this man was he was powerful.

He nodded his head "Yeah why not, it's a cute little store and I wanted to help you. You get crap pay and I feel now you can relax more. And I used the pay from my godfather's books that I republished so it was no big deal" he said waving it off as they continued walking. "Now you don't have to worry about financing" he said in a carefree tone flashing her a foxlike grin.

She smiles but still feels nervous of doing it, she fears of Gabe hurting his son or seeking her son out.

"Another thing you should know is I'm empathic. I can feel your fear" he said in a solemn tone with a frown making her frown and look to her feet. "I can take care of him Sally, he is pure trash and you know it. I won't make it messy. You deserve your freedom" he said shocking her.

Could she really ask him to do this, a demigod she just met not hours ago? She took a shaky breath and nodded "Please don't make him suffer" she said in a quiet tone.

He smiled and chuckled "You are too good of a woman Sally" he said smiling to her as they continued to walk towards her apartment.

When they got there Naruto turned to Sally "Wait out here until I return, by the time I return he will be gone and so shall all his trash. You can keep the car" he said chuckling as Sally nodded and gave him the key.

He kept his smile until he closed the door behind him and it turned to a frown as he saw the mess of an apartment before him. He activated his eyes and looked around.

'Are you really going to help her out?' Shinju asks as he had been silent the entire time, watching to see his grandson's reasoning for doing all this.

'She is such a pure hearted woman, she sacrifices everything for her son and is terrified of her spouse. She deserves to be free. Will you help me with the Human Path?' he asked in a serious tone.

'Of course, lets deliver him to Hades' Shinju says with a fanged smile.

Naruto smirks and walks into the house. "Oi Sally get your ass in here I need you to unlock the damn safe so I can get your checking book from it" he hears Gabe yell from the other room. Naruto grows a massive smirk 'Let's put on a show' he thinks as he puts on a henge of the Shinigami of his realm. He slowly walks to the room and infuses his voice with Shinju's menacing voice.

"Gabe Ugliano, you have been found guilty of being a terrible human being" he says making the seal man jump and scurry back in fear.

The man was shaking in fear "N-No I can't be dying! Take Sally instead" he yells making Naruto scowl in hatred.

"You are a terrible person. After this day no one will ever remember your horrid life" he says placing his finger on the man's shaking forehead. "Human Path: Soul Removal" he says tearing Gabe's soul from his body in one fail swoop. He drops the soul to the ground, letting it fade away to the Underworld.

He glared in disgust as he stared down at the man's dead body as he dropped his henge. This man while he was at Death's doors offered up his wife trying to get out of death. He stared at the man's body and drew Tenno from his seal. "Amaterasu" he calls out burning the body alone and destroying the ashes as well.

He summons 2 clones "Go destroy anything of his and leave anything of value for Sally" he said getting nods from the clones as they hurry to get to work. As he walks to the door he notices pictures of Sally with a small boy. He had dark black hair with sea green eyes. 'Must be her son' he thinks as he exits the house.

He smiles at Sally "All good" he says getting her attention. She looked at him and nodded as she headed inside with him behind.

She cried tears of joy seeing everything of Gabe's gone and no sign that he was even there. "Thank you Naruto. I don't know how I could ever thank you. In one day you have helped me so much" she says smiling at him.

He smiled "It is fine Sally, I'd like to give you this as well" he says handing her a credit card and a slip of paper. "The first is an account set up to help you and the next is my number if you ever need me" he said placing a tag version of the Hiraishin seal on her wall for it to burn into it and disappear.

She frowned "I can't accept this card" she said trying to hand it back to him only for him to deny it.

"You don't even need to use it. Just have it in case you ever need it. It has a fraction of my total account on it and will get periodical payments deposited into it" he said flashing her a warm smile. He turns around "Well I ought to be going. I need to find a hotel or something to stay in for the time I am staying in New York" he said heading for the door.

"Wait!" he hears Sally yell out. He turns to see her standing nervously. "You can stay here on the pull out couch if you want. I'd offer you my son's room but he is returning for winter break soon" she says nervous, with a slight blush.

He smiles and bows "Thank you very much Sally. Are you sure? I don't wish to inconvenience you by staying here" he says getting a chuckle from Sally.

"You have done too much for me. If anything I am the inconvenience. My son is 11 so it is no worries" she says getting a nod from him.

"Fine but I cook if I am being your guest" he says getting a smile from Sally.

"As long as you cook your food blue for my son" she says confusing him a bit. He shrugged his shoulders 'must be an inside family thing' he thinks as he pulls out the bed.

He turns to Sally "Well I will see you in the morning Sally. Goodnight" he says with a smile that made her blush slightly.

She nodded and headed off to bed.


Naruto woke up slightly after Sally as she had to leave to pick up her son. He spent to morning cleaning the house with clones as he created blue food for them.

He heard Sally drive up to the house as he set the food down at the table. Moments later a little kid burst into the house and looked at him confused.

"Who are you?" the boy asks very bluntly as the kid looked at in confusion.

He chuckled as he felt he would start to like this kid after some time.