Chapter 5

Naruto stared at the boy in front of him. It was the same boy from the photos on the wall. He was wearing a uniform of sorts and was looking at him in confusion.

Naruto chuckled "My name is Naruto. You could say I'm your mom's new boss?" he says still curious if that's how it is. "I also helped her get that jerk Gabe out of here" he said getting a smile from the kid.

Sally comes rushing in "Percy please don't run inside like that. I wanted to be here to introduce you to our guest" she says smiling to him as she looked to the food on the table, all of it blue. "Thank you Naruto for cleaning and cooking though you didn't need to clean" she said with a slight frown upset that he was helping her more so and yet she hasn't done much to repay him.

He waved her off "I am guest here I need to help out a little bit" he says as the kid Percy walks up to him. He looks to the 11 year old and smiles "What can I do for you?" He asked with a smile.

Percy looks him over "How did you know to make the food blue?" He asks.

Naruto chuckles and shrugs his shoulders "Your mom told me, I personally don't know why but who am I to complain" he said with a smirk. "Sit down, eat up and enjoy your break from school" he saying motioning to the seats.

Percy nods and smiles "Thanks" He says running off to eat.

Naruto chuckles and looks to Sally "Definitely a hyper kid though I think my daughter might have him beat on that" he said making Sally giggle and smile.

"So what is your daughter's name?" She asked with a kind smile as they sat down to eat at their own pace as Percy was basically inhaling it all.

"Her name is Thalia and she is 14. Mind you she is adopted but she might as well be my daughter by the way she acts is eerily similar to me when I was her age" he said with a smile, still missing his daughter some even if she only left him yesterday. "She has a godly father but he basically sent her to her death and I happened to be there to save her and we have been together ever since except for now as she is off doing something important for the next few months" he said staring out of the window with a slight frown.

Sally frowns a bit "Well I am glad you were able to save here and I am sorry she is away, I would've loved to meet her. Who is her godly parent?" she asks curious.

He shakes his head "I can't say as it would endanger you and possibly her" he said getting a frown from Sally. But Sally knew that speaking the Gods name gets their attention especially in New York being so close to Mount Olympus.

She turned to see Percy all done with his food. He smiled at her "Can I have more mom?" He asks looking to his plate.

She smiled and nodded heading to the kitchen to plate him more food to notice no pans were dirtied or even used. "Ah forgot to tell you about that" she hears Naruto say from behind her.

She turns around and looks at him confused "Tell me what? Where is the food?" She asked not understanding it all.

He pointed to the plate and more blue food appeared "I also happen to be the champion of Hestia. Conjuring food is a blessing of hers" he said with a smile as he went back to the table.

Sally shook her head. Ever since she met Naruto he has been constant surprises. Last night she called the card to find out its balance and set up a PIN number to find that there was over 2 million dollars on the card. Naruto told her it was a small fraction of his sales. If 2 million was small he had to be rich but he didn't show any aura or attitude of a well off person. More of someone who can comfortably meet ends meet with some small left overs to buy the occasional splurge item. She decided she would only use the card for emergencies or possibly college for herself and her son when the time arrives.

She went back to the table and gave her son the plate and smiled as he ate happily. Most likely due to the fact Gabe was gone. She told him she kicked him out with the help of a new friend and was rid of him. Leaving out that Gabe was now in Hades's realm of course. Not really something she would tell her kid.

Naruto smiled at Percy "So Percy why the blue food anyways?" He asked making Sally giggle.

"I can answer that" she said gaining his attention. "Some time ago Gabe and I got in an argument that there was no blue food so I would go out of my way finding any blue food possible. And now ever since then I make Percy blue food all the time" she says making her son smile and nod.

"So how is school going Percy?" she asks making him frown.

"Not good. Nancy Bobifit keeps being terrible and giving me and Grover trouble" he says frowning "but at least I should be able to keep in there until school ends but there is a field trip to this museum thing soon with Mr. Burner" he said as his mother smiled at him.

"You are doing such a good job Percy I am so proud of you" she says in a loving motherly tone.

Naruto smiled at the two, Sally was definitely a great mother and she showed it. Putting up with Gabe to hide his scent was a testament to that.

Percy turned to him and looked confused "So how long are you staying here for?" He asks getting a slap on his arm by his mother.

"Percy don't ask that! After all he has done for me he could move in for all I care" she says scolding him.

Naruto chuckles "It is okay Sally" he says smiling kindly to her which made her blush slightly. "Percy no need to worry I won't be staying here all too long though I might visit occasionally. I have my own house in Oregon and only came here to check up on a few things when I ran into your mother and helped her out. Most likely I will be here for a month or two at the very most" he explains getting a nod for the 11 year old.

Sally sent him an apologetic smile that he waved away. He knew how kids were. Thalia could be just as blunt if not more. It happened whenever they went shopping and he'd be hit on by single mothers and single women. Thalia was oddly protective of him when it came to the opposite sex, especially goddesses. When Hestia first started showing up she would hold into his arm and stare at the goddess intently as if to be warning her to stay away from him.

Something that had made him and Hestia chuckle over on many occasions. Thalia still guarded him around Hestia sometimes but not much anymore.

He feared how she would react if she ever met Aphrodite and how she was such a shameless flirt with him. You'd think the horns would make the goddess shy away from him but apparently not.

(AN: Naruto still has his horns he just hides them with the Mist. Sally didn't question them as she figured he got it from Chaos. She noticed them the second he told her he was a demigod)

After breakfast Sally and Percy got all packed up for an annual trip they took. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" she asks upset she is just leaving him alone.

He waves it off "Do not worry. I have some things to check up on but I will look after the house while you two are gone" he said flashing them a smile.

Percy just wants his mother to focus on leaving "Call me if you need anything" she says as her son pulls her towards the car. "My cell will work, I'm sorry for having to leave you behind" she says while Naruto waves it away.

"Forget about me, enjoy yourself for the week or so. You all deserve it and don't forget to use that if you need me" he says shooing them away with a kind smile. He had given Sally a marker just in case she needed it. He had seen that Sally put the camouflage tag on Percy so that should keep him and her safe but there are always just wandering beasts that could find them. He stands outside until they drive off. He heads inside and straps his scroll this his back. He summons a clone and orders it to look after the house. He takes a deep breath and focuses on the marker near the border of the camp and disappeared in an orange flash.

-Camp Half-Blood-

Naruto frowned at the tree that held the clone of Thalia. It looked uncared for as if they just left it there and didn't water it or anything. Even if it was a clone they didn't know that, to them it was the real Thalia inside it.

He sneaked inside the camp and frowned. The camp seemed to be full of negative emotions, mostly sadness and some resentment. He looked over the camp from the shadows and noticed someone he remembered. The small blonde Athena child he met when he first got here. Annabeth if his memory was correct.

He could feel regret and sadness rolling off her as she looked at Thalia's and a bit of something he couldn't pinpoint as he was more attuned to negative. Whatever emotion she had was positive so he had no idea.

He also noticed the son of Hermes, Luke that he also met when he first arrived here. He could feel pure rage rolling off him as he looked at Dionysus and anger. He sighed as he recognized to combination. Luke was slowly becoming a Sasuke by becoming intent on getting revenge on the gods for what they did to Thalia and he'd be damned if he'd let it happen.

He activated his eyes and whispered out "Kamui" drawing him and Luke into his pocket dimension.

-Pocket Dimension-

Luke looked around shocked. One moment he was in the forest and next he was in this weird greyscale area with floating blocks and platforms all around him. "Whoever is there show yourself!" he yells out brandishing his sword.

"Relax kid, even with that sword you couldn't do much damage to me in my own little pocket dimension" he said as he came out from his cover looking the kid over. He had grown in his years, he looked around 16 or so. He had a new scar near his right eye.

"You brought me here? Why?" he asked still wary of the man. He hadn't seen him since he saved them and yelled at Chiron and Zeus before catching a bolt in his bare hand and crushing it.

Naruto nodded "I brought you here to try and steer you away from the path you are heading down. I know you have rage towards the gods and you do have some right to have it but I know you plan to get revenge but that is stupid" he says making Luke glare at him. "Revenge will solve nothing, just cause more pain. You need to help get strong so you can be strong enough to change things. Not by revolting or causing a revolution as that will cause nothing but death" he says in a serious tone.

Luke glares at him in rage "What would you know! You most likely got everything handed to you and lived a perfect life! While we demigods had to struggle to survive outside of camp! If I can take down the gods I can change everything!" he yells only to be hit in the gut by a strong hit.

"Luke you don't know shit about me. From the age of 4 to 8 I lived on the streets of my village. From 8 to 12 I was constantly hunted by the villagers of my village and then when I finally got a friend he betrayed me and went evil. Over the years I fought people with powers that you would think they were gods. One of them had the eyes of one and powers you wouldn't believe. Hell I fought a primordial and nearly died so don't you dare think you know me" he said in a deathly calm, bone chilling tone. "If you fight the gods you and many others will die in this pointless fight. My mother claimed me so I could try and help Olympus reach peace. You need to let this go or it will eat you away and take away everything you hold dear" he said staring him in the eyes with his Shinju eyes.

Luke goes pale. The tone in Naruto's voice was terrifying. His voice bore no falsehood or lies. He had thought it over numerous times, Ethan had told him of a ritual to become the vessel to Kronos's spirit but now he was shying away from it. Maybe he'd stay in camp and try to change things while on this side. He sadly couldn't stop Ethan as he had left camp weeks ago but hopefully the son of Nemesis wouldn't go through with it. He nods "Fine but what am I to do? I am just a son of Hermes?" he asks with a frown.

Naruto smiled as he felt the negative emotions in the boy dwindle down. "The smallest people can make the biggest imprints. The smallest decisions can lead to the biggest changes" he said handing the boy a marker. "Stab it in the ground whenever you are in desperate need of help" he said getting a nod from him.

"Also do not speak of this to anyone and I won't mention how you nearly went to the dark side" he said as Luke nodded nervously. He looked to Luke one last time before whispering "Kamui" exiting with him from the pocket dimension.

-Camp Half-Blood-

He smiled as he saw Luke smile up at the sky and walk away. His negative emotions were all but gone. Sure he still had some hard feelings for the gods but that was understandable. They had taken a dear friend. He was just glad Luke was steering away from the dark path.

He watched over some other campers and found only a few were skilled in the slightest. There was a girl, from Ares cabin who fought with an electric spear. She was okay as she was more suited for a spear since the girl was very gruff. Her name was Clarisse from what he heard with his chakra enhanced senses.

Camp was very boring. Truthfully he would never stay here as it was too bland for his tastes. During dinner he was sitting atop a marble column hidden using a strengthened version of Jiraiya's camouflage jutsu.

He would've left long ago but 1. He had nothing better to do and 2. He wanted to see a full day in camp. All he heard was gossip, kids wanting to go on quests and complaining. Frankly it annoyed him.

He noticed Hestia near the flames as she waved at him. Him being her champion he couldn't hide from her. He waved back and smiled before she disappeared probably off to look over the house or do her Olympian duties.

He looked down at the campers again as they went off to sleep. He groaned and stood up atop the column and stretched a bit. 'I swear when Thalia's clone comes out of here we are leaving clones in our places unless she goes on a quest or on a mission or whatever it is. I will not stay in this boring camp unless I absolutely have to' he thinks with a groan as he flashes away leaving behind confused campers as to why there was a sudden orange flash.

-Sally's house-

He decided to sleep after sending some clones out to do a few chores he wanted. He was exhausted from the boring day in the camp. Only interesting part was this morning with Sally and her son and then the moment with Luke. He truly did hope the boy would turn himself around.

Maybe he could find something more interesting to do tomorrow.


Naruto was not one to see demigod dreams. Shinju blocked them as he found them useless 90% of the time. So for whatever reason this one was important.

He was on a beach. The weather was worse than it was in the real world. He could see a golden eagle fighting a sea green horse. They were going blow for blow until a murder of crows flies in and gets in-between the two, trying to stop them from fighting.

In the distance he could vaguely make out another animal just standing there almost smiling with one golden and one red glowing eye.

He understood what it meant. Poseidon and Zeus were fighting. Hades was trying to stop them or hurt Zeus, both were good and another god was being controlled.

(AN: Remember Amaterasu gave him full knowledge of the Greek realm that means anything relating to the gods such as what animals they are related to)

He sighed as the dream faded away. Basically shit was going to go down pretty soon.

-Real world-

He awoke from his dream with a groan. 'Sorry Kid I just thought you might want to see that so you can prepare yourself' Shinju said as he sat up from the pull out couch.

'Its fine, I most likely did need to see that' he said as he got up from the bed and went to the table to eat some food.

He decided to visit the camp one more time. Just for a short period as he was mostly curious about the feelings he felt from that Annabeth girl.

'Shinju could you help me detect positive emotions instead of just negative?' he asks as he straps his scroll to his waist.

'Sage mode can solve that. Just be careful of drawing Dryads and Satyrs attention' he explains going back to sleep. Shinju didn't mind being inside his grandson but it got boring sometimes.

Naruto nodded and took the time needed to ease into Sage mode. The slug marks appear and his eyes change. He nods to the clone and flashes away.

-Camp Half-Blood-

Naruto arrived at camp and tested out if he could really feel positive emotions.

From the Aphrodite cabin he could feel waves of love and lust which surprised him since most of them were quite young.

He shook off the shiver and went to find Annabeth. He found her near Thalia's tree. He felt the same emotions from her as he did from yesterday except he could finally pinpoint the positive part.

It was love but it felt unsure and confused.

He couldn't tell if it was a sibling kind of love but it felt very pure even as it was confused. No negative pieces in it. He had heard that in this realm girl dated girls and males dated males. He was from a realm where incest was smiled upon as long as it kept a bloodline strong so same gender relationships were better in his eyes than weird incest. But then again these Greeks did a lot of that as well.

He was curious about Annabeth and her feelings so he followed her for most of the day. When she was near Luke he felt the same love emotion from her towards him but much more watered down, maybe this was sibling kind of love. One you feel towards a brother and not romantic.

He also noticed Luke had the same sort of feeling so he too saw her as a sibling possibly. He saw that Luke was less negative and more calm, determined. Which was very good for the boy.

He felt around for move positive emotions so he could become accustomed to them so he might be able to determine them out of Sage mode before getting bored.

He really missed Thalia. She always made it interesting and fun. The hyper girl was a great part of his new life. He was glad he saved her and gave her a normalish life.

He groaned and decided to just stay in Sally's house until they returned, not much else to really do.

He disappeared in an orange flash, confusing the campers once again.

-2 Weeks Later-

Naruto smiled as Sally and Percy returned. They looked to have enjoyed themselves and had a good time.

"Sorry again that I left you here Naruto" Sally says with a frown as he waved it off yet again.

"It was a family thing, it would feel weird if I went with you and anyways I should be going as I have a business to watch over miss manager" he said ending with a teasing tone that made her giggle and blush slightly.

"Well I will do my best at manager. You can always visit or stay here whenever you are in New York" she says with such a kind smile he couldn't find the heart to tell her that he had bought a flat in the building next door. It was coincidence it was the closest one available.

He nodded and strapped his scroll to his waist again and said goodbye to the small family.

He walked a bit until he went into the forest. "You can come out now I felt you following me since I left the house" he says to the seemingly empty clearing.

Seconds later someone familiar appears. Artemis but in her Roman form. Her hair was darker auburn and the olive green in her outfit changed to dark purple as her blades also turned to gold, Imperial Gold. 'So she figured out a loop-hole' he thinks with a frown as Diana steps towards him. "You might have defeated my puny Greek side puny male but this form is much more powerful and skilled" she says stepping to him.

He frowns "Stop this Diana, this is ridiculous. Artemis fought me over a stupid deer and she attacked first. I merely defended myself. Never once did I antagonize her or you or however this stupid dual natures works out" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just stop this nonsense as I am not in the mood for it" he says looking at her.

"No male, I am going to restore my honor. I am the huntress, a sign to females that men are weak. I must regain it" she says drawing her hunting knifes.

He glares and turns on his eyes "Fine but since we are too close to camp let's go somewhere better" he says spinning his eyes "Kamui" he calls out drawing them into his dimension.

-Pocket Dimension-

Diana looks around confused, she was in a weird space of floating platforms and blocks. "This is my own little pocket dimension. One only I have access to" he says drawing out Tenno. He wanted to focus on his Sharingan aspects before going to his Rinnegan so he mostly used Tenno to help it ease the control over the abilities as the sword eased the stress of accessing the powers.

Diana glares "So you brought me here to have your way with me once you defeat me!?" she yells accusing him.

He stares at her deadpanned "Stop jumping to the worst conclusion. I am not like that. I brought you here so I wouldn't destroy the landscape like I did back then" he looks at her. He wasn't going to fight her with a sword. He wanted to try something out.

He was going to access the last aspect of the Sharingan left.

He stared at Diana with his eyes spinning fast and spoke out one word "Susanno" he said causing a massive explosion of fiery energy.

His body was engulfed in a shroud of silver energy as an ethereal spine started to grow behind him. Vertebrae by vertebrae it grew taller. As it got to the correct height ribs started to form. Once the torso was made 4 arms grew out of it and 2 heads atop it. One was facing backwards and the other foreward. Tendons grew over the bones and turned more solid. In one arm grew a golden flaming katana. On another grew a golden bow with an arrow in the 3rd and a sheath for the sword in the 4th hand. The heads had horns like him and fangs for all the teeth.

He could feel his body burning extremely 'Relax kid that is normal but I will keep it from going too bad. Just end this annoying charade as I too find this annoying' Shinju said as Naruto felt the burning sensation lessen. "This is the ultimate defense and offense of my eyes. If I defeat you I want you to leave me alone! I didn't do shit to deserve this" he says glaring at the shell-shocked goddess as he pulls back an arrow. "Swear on Styx or your Roman honor or however that goes that you will leave me alone or I will make you!" he yells pulling the arrow back further.

Diana frowned and tried to dash behind the construct only for the eyes in the back head to start glowing and shift its arms around, keeping the arrow trained on her. She tries to hit it only for her to feel like she just slashed at a building as her Imperial gold knife shattered and she was swatted away be one of its arms, sending her crashing hard into a pillar.

"Swear or I will kill you Diana" he said getting angry at the goddess. She was ridiculous, acting like a spoiled child that hadn't got her way.

She pulled herself out of the pillar and spat out golden inchor. "I won't swear you vile man. You can't kill me, you are a lowly demigod" she says before dodging a massive arrow, just barely.

"Then I will have to bring you to near death" he says as the massive katana was swung down on her. She tried to block it, forgetting how it broke one of her knifes just by being hit alone. Her other knife shattered like ice and she was sent crashing through the thick platform she was on just to crash into another below it.

He sighed as he jumped down to the below platform with his Susanno still active. He saw Diana crawl out of the crater she had formed. One of her arms was hanging limply from her side as she drew her last knife, golden inchor basically pouring from her. He frowned at her "Diana, your pride keeps leading you to situations like these. Remember last time that I did nothing. You fought me, I defended and left. Then you found me again and I defeated you. Now you found me yet again. I warned you and you took the hard path and look where it has got you" he said stepping towards her.

She was swaying as she looked to be about to keel over.

"Swear and I will heal you and let you leave. Keep this up and you will have to reform. I do not wish to fight. Especially not a goddess, who will look after and guard your hunters" he said making her frown.

Then it dawned on her. Had she been so pigheaded and prideful? Had she started acting like the males she so despised? She let the knife fall from her hand as she looked to him "I am sorry, I won't bother you. I swear" she says as her vision started to fade. She started to fall and the last thing she saw was one of the hands catch her and lay her down gently before she passed out.

He sighed as he laid her down and faded Susanno out of existence and nearly fell to the ground himself. 'You definitely need to train using Susanno. Try using one part at a time, like summoning an arm or a rib cage before going slowly to a full body. The only reason you could use a full one was that I was helping as well as Tenno' Shinju explains as Naruto takes some deep breaths and sheaths Tenno and seals it away.

He creates a shakujo to help him stay up as he walked over to Diana or Artemis, whoever she was. This dual personality crap was confusing him too much. He crouched down and ran his hand over Diana, coating his hand in medical chakra. He learned this with scrolls he got from Tsunade over the 2 years from the slugs. He could sense numerous broken bones, some pierced or crushed organs and severe trauma.

He frowned as he laid his sun mark on her forehead and channeled medical chakra through it. He found the mark itself could regenerate small organs such as eyes or fingers, hands if he pushed it but if he channeled Shinju's chakra or medical chakra through it he could regenerate much larger things and fix things even faster.

He sensed her organs healing and her bones piecing themselves back together. Her cuts were slowly healing and her skin regained a healthy glow.

He groaned as he sat up and went to rest up against a pillar, waiting for her to wake up. Time flowed here the same as in the real world but he had no way to tell what time it was. Not like it really mattered, not like he was needed anywhere right now.

He closed his eyes and decided for a small nap.

-Hours Later-

He awoke once Diana started to wake and noticed she turned back to Artemis. She sat up and looked at herself to see all wounds gone and any pain she felt before had vanished.

"You're lucky I was here. If not you wouldn't have made it. Too much damage inside so even if you tried ambrosia and nectar would do nothing to help it as it wouldn't be able to make it to your stomach" she hears Naruto say as she turned to him, embarrassed and disappointed in herself for acting in such a way.

"Relax, I can feel your emotions from here. I do not hate you nor do I think of you as a nuisance. You merely let your pride get the better of you. It can happen to all of us" he says as he stands using the shakujo to help. "As long as you grow from this experience I see no reason to speak of this to anyone" he said extending his hand to her, offering to help her stand.

She nods and accepts the hand "I would appreciate that and I am quite sorry for everything I have caused you" she says with a frown.

He waves it off "It is fine, consider it fine and the oath vanished. Though I do wish for you to keep the fact of my adopted daughter a secret still" he said shocking the goddess.

"You adopted a girl? Why?" she asks, still wary as a man his age adopting a daughter is confusing.

He shrugged his shoulder "She was in danger, I saved her from her asshole father and gave her a normal-ish life" he said erasing his shakujo as his muscles were fine. He turned back to Artemis "So shall we leave?" he asks getting a nod from her. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes "Kamui" he whispered, taking them back to the real world.

-Real World-

Once he was out he noticed the sun was setting. He turned to Artemis to see her standing nervously "Relax Artemis, I won't say a word of our fight to anyone as long as you don't speak of my daughter" he said calming her a bit. He understood she was worried of people seeing her as brash and pigheaded as the males she bashed on.

"Look I'll even give you this" he says tossing her a marker. "If you ever need me for anything just stab it in the ground and I'll be there in a flash" he says getting a hesitant nod from her.

She wasn't weary just embarrassed as she had never been given a gift from any male. She hid her blush behind her bangs. She shook it off and nodded as she slipped it inside her gear. "If we ever cross paths again I would like to spar with you. For a male you have great skill" she says as she walks away.

He chuckles "Sounds like a deal Artemis, until next time" he said as the goddess disappeared in a silver flash. He smiled as he went off, still needing to decide what to do while Thalia was away.

-4 Months Later-

Thalia was still not back but from what he heard from his hawk summons she was making good progress, he had been a rare case where becoming a Sage was easy but Thalia was making good progress for someone not like that. Also apparently cried tears of happiness when she got his present and wore it every day.

That made him smile.

Over the four months he stayed in New York deciding to stay in the flat nearby Sally's though she never noticed him. He also trained in his pocket dimension to get a better grasp over Susanno. So far he could summon one arm and a rib cage with little to no difficulty but anything more was quite exhausting. But progress was progress.

He also was finally able to access his Bone Pulse abilities, which weirded him out the first time but gradually got used to it. Though he mostly used it to reinforce his body and create quick weapons.

He was going about a normal day, training when he felt a pull of a marker, a new marker. He grabbed his scroll and quickly flashed away.

-Camp Half-Blood-

He flashed there and the first thing he noticed was Sally in the grips of a Minotaur and Percy with his hand on the marker. He saw Sally smile sadly before turning to golden dust and vanishing.

She had been abducted by Hades as he was the only one to have control over any kinds of monsters. That god had just made a big mistake.

He glares at the beast and bursts into his cloaked form and slammed the Minotaur with a strong punch to the face, breaking bones and sending it crashing through multiple tress. He turned to Percy "Go up the hill with your friend. Explain them the son of Chaos has returned" he said as Percy just stared at him in shock. "Go!" he ordered snapping him out of his shock.

Percy grabbed Grover and headed up the hill, limping as the car crash had hurt him a bit more as well as barely surviving that weird beast.

Once Percy was up the hill the Minotaur charged at Naruto. He held out a hand and stopped him dead in his tracks. Naruto stared in the eyes of the frightened beast, summoning his eyes "You tell Hades I am coming for Sally. She has nothing to do with this and I won't let her be a hostage" he says before crushing the beast's head, leaving behind a pair of horns which he promptly sealed away.

He walked up the hill to see Chiron standing nervously "Just stood around watching yet again?" he asks with a hint of anger in his voice.

Chiron paled a bit before clearing his throat "You know we cannot interfere as children reach us" he says before feeling Killer intent coming from Naruto.

"They are children!" he yelled before calming himself down. "Whatever just tell me when Percy wakes up" he says before heading towards the cabins.

"Where are you going? You can't go in any of the cabins still" he yelled as he followed the blonde.

Naruto sighed and ran through the hand signs and slammed his hands down "Wood Style: 4 Pillar House" he yells creating a large wooden house next to Hermes's cabin, getting the attention of the campers. It looked like a log cabin you'd find in the woods. It was nearly as big as Hermes's cabin.

He saw Annabeth looking at him curiously as she seemed to want to ask him something. He also saw Luke send him a subtle nod which he returned. He turned and looked at Chiron "I deem this cabin for Hestia, my patron" he says as the symbol for the hearth was burned above the door. Seconds later a bolt of lightning tried to hit it only for the wooden house to absorb it like it was nothing.

"Gonna have to try harder than that asshole!" he yelled making the sky rumble. He turned to Chiron "Hestia is an original Olympian and the eldest child of Kronos and Rhea. She deserves some tribute and representation at camp and as her champion I am doing so" he says making the horse man frown at the sky. "Tell me when dinner is" he says closing the cabin door behind him.

He unsealed the furniture and set clones up to get it set up. He sneaked outside and saw Hestia near the fire again with a warm smile on her face as she waved at him and mouthed the words 'Thank you'. He nodded and smiled back.

He sneaked off to the arena as most of the camp was trying to get into his cabin but found it not budging as only a champion of Hestia or someone with Hestia's permission could open it.

Seconds later Annabeth storms in with Luke standing guard near the door. "Where have you been these last years!?" she yells, asking at him. He had calmed her down after he saved her and Luke. She had been crushed by the loss of Thalia and then her savior had left.

Naruto sighed "I didn't want to stay in this backwards camp. So I travelled, killed some monsters became a champion and received some blessings from a god and goddess. Also I fought a goddess, I've been busy" he says getting a frown from Annabeth.

"Whatever, maybe with you here we can get a quest" she says nodding only to get a bop on her head.

"I'm not going on a quest. I could care less of some oracle deciding if I should fail or not. I've never been one to let fate control me" he said walking away.

"Why did you leave?" she asks in a whisper but he and Luke heard it clearly.

H sighed and looked back at the blonde girl "After Thalia was imprisoned by the idiot Zeus I couldn't stay at the stupid camp. I traveled and grew stronger so I could eventually get her out of that tree" he said lying a bit as he walked past Luke.

Luke nods to him before walking over to Annabeth. He could feel her sadness and a bit of anger from her. She most likely had one of a child of Athena's fatal flaws. Hubris or being too prideful. Hopefully hers wasn't that bad.

He left the arena, he came here to train a bit but Annabeth and Luke sort of ruined it. He sighed and walked around camp. He would've left bur he owed Sally to at least help her son before he left to save her from Hades.

-2 Days Later-

Naruto sighed thinking if Percy was truly this stupid. Not only was he denying everything even when there was proof in front of him but he was also insulting Dionysus.

Now he could piss off gods cause his blessings kept him safe and the asshole was a one trick pony with his stupid bolts. But Percy was a demigod with no such blessings.

He groaned and slapped Percy upside the back of his head "Percy, think before you talk, annoying the gods will get you killed" he said making the kid grumble and rub his head.

"Does my mom know what you are?" he asks finally noticing his horns and remembering the fact he had a weird fiery mode.

Naruto nods "Of course she does, I told her shortly after meeting her. I even gave her a tag to help hide you" he says grabbing Percy's arm and ripping off a paper tag. Instantly Percy's demigod aura returned.

"So that is why Grover had trouble finding him" Chiron says stroking his beard. "What is that slip by the way?" he asks.

Naruto glares at him "None of your business but if you must know it hides a demigod's aura. Hell this and other things is how I stay hidden from all the gods and goddess" he says ignoring the rumble in the sky.

Chiron clears his throat "Well I believe Percy needs to be shown around camp. Naruto do you want to do it?" he asks.

"Nope, give him to someone else. I'm not a baby sitter. I may know him but I have other things to do" he says getting up and heading towards the door.

"We didn't dismiss you boy" he hears Dionysus say in an annoyed tone.

Naruto scoffs and looks back to Dionysus with his Shinju eyes active "You don't command me Dionysus and you know it. If I didn't obey the full council what makes you think I'll listen to you? Your madness doesn't affect me" he says as he walks out the door.

He ignored the stares of campers as he kept walking until he heard a new voice call out for him. He turned around to see Clarisse walking up to him with 2 others behind her. He rose an eyebrow, curious as to what they were going to do. "What do you want Clarisse, daughter of Ares?" he asks in a flat tone, annoyed that people keep bugging him.

"Ares cabin wanted to ask you if you'd like to join our side in capture the flag. It's a war game the camp holds to help hone our senses. Since you are technically Hestia cabin" she asks in a semi-respectful tone. Clarisse was a tough looking girl, muscular but not overly so. Her choice of clothes just made her look more masculine than she really was. She wore a red version of the camp shirt and camo cargo pants with a bandana around her head. Her brown hair in a ponytail.

He sighed "No. I have fought in war before and I don't feel like playing it with kids. No offense but when I fight I don't play around unless I am training someone" he said noticing the frown on the two people behind Clarisse. "Is that all you wanted to ask or do you have more?" he asks though he really just wanted to go and train.

"I was wondering how you killed the Minotaur. Because from what I saw you entered camp with no weapon" she says remembering how she heard stories of how he fought an army of Hades's minions with no blade, only weird floating orbs and a spiraling sphere thing.

He groaned "I crushed its head with my bare hand. Does that satisfy you?" he says back in a hurried tone "Can I go now?" he asks as he sees Percy and Annabeth coming towards him.

"No" Clarisse says. "I want you to train me" she says in a confident tone.

He stared at her blankly before pinching the bridge of his nose. He let out a sigh "Why do you fight?" he asks confusing her. "Answer that question and if I like your answer I will consider training you" he says tapping his foot impatiently as Annabeth was getting closer and he could see that spark in her eyes that means she wanted answers.

"I fight to defeat my enemies and crush them" she says making him groan.

"No. That is a terrible reason to fight. Think it over and find your actual answer. That felt like an answer forced out, most likely taught to all Ares campers due to their lineage" he says patting her on the back before disappearing in an orange flash.

Clarisse frowned and was slightly angry but felt truth in his words. She was upset over it and needed a stress relief. And what a coincidence, a newbie to initiate.

-Hestia Cabin-

He sighed as he just barely escaped Annabeth and her horde of questions. He smiled as he saw Hestia near the fireplace he created using Earth style. "What can I do for you Hestia?" he says with a smile as he sits down on a chair across from her.

She smiled back "My brother's bolt is missing and I fear him and Poseidon will fight, resulting in the deaths of many mortals. You need to help somehow but I think Percy is Poseidon's son" she says summing cocoa for her and him.

Naruto nods and takes a drink of his cocoa "He is Poseidon's son though do not say anything 'til he is claimed. I fear Zeus will force the boy to retrieve it" he says making her frown. "Do not worry I will forcefully tag along as that boy is way too unskilled to survive on his own" he says calming the goddess.

"Thank you Naruto. You being there to keep him safe will ease my worries and knowing Poseidon, it will ease his worries as well" she says as she stands from her chair. "I must go back to Olympus as myself and Demeter are the only ones that can keep them from fighting each other. If you need anything just sacrifice a letter in a fire to me" she says as she waves goodbye and flashes away.

He groaned as he sat down the cup. He really didn't want to go on any quest but he couldn't turn down Hestia. Something about her made him want to keep her happy. He sat in a meditative pose. He was going to meditate until he heard an explosion and the sound of gushing water in the distance. 'Percy, I swear I will beat your idiocy out of you' he thought as he sat up and left the cabin.

As the day went on he kept an eye on Percy and he could say without a doubt in his mind the boy was very dumb.

He heard that he pissed off Clarisse by insulting her and Ares blatantly. Then when Clarisse tried to initiate him or something he doused her, her 2 friends and Annabeth in toilet water.

He challenged Luke the best swordsman in the camp to a fight due to him being annoyed. Luke defeated him numerous times until Percy unknowingly used on of his demigod abilities to enhance his traits with water. After that he could feel some smugness in the boy.

How no one noticed he was a son of Poseidon after those two incidents he had no idea. Were people more oblivious to blatant signs in this realm?

The lack of skill with a bow and arrow should've pointed to it more since Poseidon's lineage was cursed by Artemis to never have skill with a bow ever since Orion tried to rape her and her hunters. Percy definitely had no bow skills as when he tried he shot his bow backwards into Chiron's tail or a tree.

He laughed at Chiron and healed the tree which now earned him nymph fan girls as they loved his attachment to nature. He blamed Percy for that.

Days went by and Naruto was very bored and annoyed at having to stay here. He needed Poseidon to claim him and get the quest on the road so he could go off to the Underworld.

It was finally time for capture the flag and he decided to watch from atop a tree, with the Dryad's permission of course. He took the blushing and fainting from her as a yes as he laid her up against her tree and sat atop one of its higher branches.

He sighed as he saw the two teams get ready. He understood that this helped them but it was stupid. Making them think war was a game and battles meant nothing. No wonder demigods died in such high numbers.

As the battle started he felt a dark presence in the background. He frowned and dashed off to the presence. He was met by a boy roughly 13 years old with an eye patch over his left eye. He wore dark jeans and a red shirt with a leather jacket.

"Who are you and tell me why you are summoning beasts within camp boy" he says turning on his eyes and drawing Yamato.

"I am Ethan Nakamura, and I am doing this to end that son of Poseidon" he says before barely dodging the slice from the man's weird glowing sword as it still gave him a nasty cut on his cheek. He shivered in fear at seeing the man's eyes. He quickly let out a whistle as the shadows enveloped him and took him away.

Naruto groaned as something about the boy made him miss, it felt like he held something inside him. And now he was gone.

The beasts he summoned were gone and he heard clamor behind him and not the kind he heard before. He quickly made his way to the battle ground to see Percy struggling against 2 hell hounds. He intercepted one that was about to lunge and sliced its head off with Yamato and fired a blade of wind chakra, slicing the second one in half.

He stood and turned to Percy who was just being claimed. 'Finally, this stupid quest can get started' he thought.

-Moments Later-

Oh how wrong he was. They had spent the last few hours describing what Percy being a son of Poseidon meant. "Just freaking tell him about the asshole being pissed over losing his toy already!" he yelled out in annoyance. He was sick and tired of this run around crap.

Chiron frowned "How did you know of it?" he asked him.

Naruto looked at him blankly "I am a champion of Hestia and I had a demigod dream about it around Christmas time. I'm surprised the asshole took so long to notice" he says ignoring the thunder rumbling outside.

Chiron sighs and starts explaining it to Percy. He zoned out as he knew it all already. Once Percy went up to the attic Naruto stood up "Well tell him once he's done with all this annoying stuff that I am coming too" he says as he heads to the door.

"Why do you think you are going?" he hears Annabeth say. "If anyone should be going it's me. I've been here longest and I need a quest" she says until he bops her on the head.

"Get rid of that 'I am better than you' pride. Seniority at camp means shit when someone is more skilled than you. I fought that army of beasts those years ago and I am much stronger as of now. Just because you think you're smarter doesn't mean you are. My mother's blessing gives me complete knowledge of anything referring to monsters, titans, gods and anything else in-between" he says lying though his grandmother had given him all that info.

She glared at him but he just left. As he left to go back to his cabin he found Luke on the porch leaning against it.

"Don't hold it against Annabeth for how she acts. She gets that from her mother. She is a kind girl when it doesn't show up" he says making Naruto pinch the bridge of his nose.

"I know Luke but she reminds me of someone I use to know. She thought she was the best because she always scored highest on tests but in battle she would fail. Knowledge can be helpful but only when you can back it up with strength" he says as he heads down the porch steps. "Also a boy named Ethan summoned the hell hounds. Was he the one that brought you towards the dark path?" he asked quietly getting a small nod from Luke.

"I'll have to deal with him later, I need to get ready for an annoying quest I have to be on" he said as headed towards his cabin and went inside to grab his scroll.

He left a clone here to gather nature energy just in case he needed it. He'd rather have it set up than have to do it in battle though he'd try and prevent battle from happening as these kids were too unskilled.

He left the cabin to notice Percy, Grover and Annabeth going into a van. He could see Annabeth smirking at him as she closed the door. 'Oh I am so beating that hubris out of her' he thought as he went to Chiron. "Did the quest members leave? Didn't I say I was going to be one of the members?" he said glaring at the horse man.

Chiron cleared his throat nervously "It is Percy's decision who goes on the quest" he says as he avoids his glare.

"And yet Annabeth most likely forced herself on the quest. Screw this I'm going" he says leaving the house. Chiron tried to stop him but he disappeared in an orange flash.

-Greyhound bus-

Annabeth was regretting leaving Naruto behind. She thought she had it under control as they got on the bus but when all 3 Furies appeared she started to worry. She lent Percy her cap to go escape but then in an orange flash Naruto appeared behind the Furies and Percy did something stupid and dangerous. He made the bus veer into a wall.

Naruto's reflexes helped him correct the bus so it wouldn't crash and knocked Percy out. He quickly casted a sleep Genjutsu through the mist making all mortals pass out. The idiot of a boy seriously almost crashed the bus and could've killed numerous mortals. He'd definitely deal with him later. First he had to deal with the Furies.

He frowned at them "Really, you 3 just have a lot of problems with kids don't you" he says as he walks forward summoning his Truth Seeking Orbs.

The Furie with the whip frowned "Watch out sisters, this is the child of Chaos. He ended you both with those orbs and made me explode. He can clone himself and control wind and is somehow immune to hellfire" she says shocking the two others. One takes a step back and Naruto notices.

He quickly sends an orb turned into a thin spinning drill through that one's head, killing her instantly. He dashed forward at great speed and drew forth a bone spike from his palm and pierced the other one, turning it to golden dust. He quickly points it at the whip wielding one and glares at her "You can either leave by yourself to deliver a message or I kill you and you deliver it anyways. Tell Hades I am coming to get Sally and I wish to speak to him peacefully" he said in a deadly calm voice making the Furie freeze. "Now will you leave or do I have to kill you?" he asks her, snapping her out of the trance.

She nods and backs away slowly until she is out of the bus and flies away.

Naruto sighs and draws in the bone spike. It still felt weird to use but it made a great quick weapon. He turned around to see Annabeth staring at him nervously and Grover shivering in fear. "Grab the idiot and meet me outside" he said as he walked out, stepping over Percy.

Grover grabbed Percy as Annabeth grabbed their things. They went out to see Naruto standing near a fire.

"Good. Now lay the idiot down and tell me why the hell did you try to leave me behind? If I didn't get here in time those mortals could've died from that idiot's stunt. I told you that you weren't ready for a quest Annabeth and yet you forced yourself on it anyways" he says with a sigh.

"I wanted to prove myself!" she yells at him getting a hit to the back of the head "Stop hitting me! I know what Percy did was stupid I told him to leave but he didn't" she yells at him only to be silenced from his glare. He groaned and just turned away "Fine you can stay but you listen to me. This is like a mission and I have more experience and have fought monsters more" he says getting a begrudging nod from her.

He turned to Percy and woke him up with a smack to his head.

Percy got up with a groan and noticed Naruto glaring down at him. "Ummm hi?" he said nervously until he got hit on the back of his head twice. "Ow! What the hell was that for!" he asks but silencing up when he saw his red eyes.

"I hit you twice because not only endangering mortals by almost crashing the bus!" he yells glaring at him "And then you abandoned your team. Those who break the rules are trash but those that abandon their friends is worse than trash" he says in a serious tone.

Percy nods solemnly "I am sorry, I was just worried about them and it was the only thing I could think of" he said as Naruto sighed.

"You're lucky I arrived in time or you would be the murder of numerous mortals on your hands. Now rest up, we leave in the morning. I am taking over this mess of a quest since you being in control nearly resulted in numerous deaths" he said making Percy nod but he understood.

They pulled out their sleeping bags and went to bed with Naruto watching over them. He sits next to the fire and sighed as Hestia appeared next to him. "I heard your message. Hades agreed to your meeting as long as you do not attack anyone. He won't allow a marker there so you need to get there yourself but I fear he isn't the one behind it as he is missing his item of power as well" she says patting his hand that was on the log and squeezing it slightly. Though stopped after a blush appeared on her face.

He smiled and nodded "Thank you Hestia. I figured he wasn't it as in my dream the crows were trying to stop the battles. Also I recently got another version of the dream, I think I know who really is behind all this" he says getting a frown from Hestia.

-Next Morning-

The group woke up to see Naruto in a meditative pose. "What's he doing?" Percy asked confused as Grover gasped.

"H-He's drawing nature!" he says shocked as Naruto grows weird marks. He grows 2 light blue wavy lines that were about an inch thick with blue eye lids. He opens his eyes and they gasp, his pupils were light blue and yellow irises.

He stood up "You are right Grover, this is my Sage mode. I can harness nature. I think I know where the Master Bolt is. I can feel its energy presence" he says as he looks to them. "Pack up, we are heading west" he says as he dismisses most of Sage mode, resulting in flowers growing around his feet. It was only enough to erase the markings.

They nod and get ready to leave. Grover was staring at Naruto in awe. Naruto just groaned and led them to a place reading 'Auntie Em's Gnome Emporium'. "I felt something here that might be able to help us. Stay outside until I say it's clear" he says walking in leaving them behind.

He walks inside knowing there was a monster inside. This one felt cursed though and he was curious about it.

"Hello dear, how may I help you?" he hears a woman's voice say from behind a bead curtain. She was wearing a dark green dress with a shroud over her face.

He couldn't feel any other people in the store so he turned on his eyes behind a henge and saw an owl with its claws tore into her shoulder. It was a curse from Athena. He could only think of 2 people cursed by Athena and she didn't look like a giant spider.

This was Medusa, cursed for being with Poseidon in her temple. More proof of the gods being too quick to punish. He walked up to her, he could feel kindness in her and sadness of being cursed. From what he remembered Medusa hadn't been too evil. She was trapped being unable to look people in the eyes or show her face.

He walked up to her and smiled "Well you can help me but how about I help you first?" he says placing the sun mark on her forehead. She was shocked, having this random man put his hand on her.

"Sage Art: Nature Purification" he says coursing the small amount of nature chakra he had stored and sent it coursing through her, destroying her curse.

The snakes in her hair screeched as they died and she felt a tingling sensation in her eyes. "What did you do to me!?" she asks in fear as she puts her hands up to her head to feel no snakes. She takes off her shroud to see her long black hair returned and rushed over to a mirror to see her yellow snake eyes gone and her blue eyes back. She looked to the horned man in shock "Y-You destroyed Athena's curse? Why? I am a monster" she asks confused.

He shrugs his shoulders "Well Athena can be a bit weird and it wasn't your fault Poseidon took you there" he said walking further into her emporium. "Though I need help finding the entrance to the underworld. You know where that is?" he asks looking at some stone statues.

Medusa frowns "Who are you? To be able to break a gods curse is unheard of" she says walking after him.

"Names Naruto Otsutsuki, child of Chaos and nature can always help people return to their purest state. You can live your life now. Now about that entrance to the underworld. I may have great knowledge but even I don't know where all it moved over when the Greeks traveled west" he said poking a stone bird turning it back to life as it flew away.

"U-Uh thank you for saving me. I'll be right back with the location of it" she says as she rushes off.

He frowned as he kept poking small stone animals so they could be free. He would've revived the people but that would take more nature energy that he could absorb at the time. Maybe one day he'd be able to save them but until then he just focused on sealing them away.

Minutes later Medusa returned and handed him a slip of paper reading 'DOA Record Studio. Los Angeles California'. He pocketed it and smiled at her. "Why thank you Medusa, you have been very helpful. I hope you enjoy your new chance at life just keep this on your arm so you can hide from the gods, just put it on your arm or something" he hands her his camo tag. "Also take this if you ever need me" he then hands her a marker and waves good bye.

Medusa smiled and cried some tears of joy at finally being able to live a normal life and maybe find love.

As Naruto was walking back Shinju chimed in 'So why did you do that? You could've just ended her as she was a monster' he asked curious.

He shrugged his shoulders 'It was mostly Poseidon's fault and he didn't even try to help her, just kind of threw her away. If he had blessed her it would've broken Athena's curse as he is one of the Big Three. I saved her to give her the life Athena took from her' he replied making Shinju smile.

If it was anyone else they would've just killed Medusa but Naruto saw that she was just screwed over and decided to help. Shinju liked that about his grandson. He knew who could be helped and who was a lost cause.

Naruto got back to the group and smiled "I got the address, we are heading for LA. I have a meeting with Hades" he says as he brandishes the address.

"How are we going to get there?" Annabeth asks with a frown as she looks at the address.

"Yea we have meager money and can't fly, plus we have a deadline" Percy says somewhat annoyed at Naruto's high jacking of the quest.

Naruto sighs and rubs his chin "I could summon foxes as they are fine with being used for transport. Hawks would work too but since Percy is here we can't really fly in asshole's territory" he says making the sky rumble and makes Percy confused but the look from Annabeth told him no to ask.

"So foxes it is" Grover says confused "Do you have like a whistle to call them or what?" he asks.

"Nope we do this" he runs his hands through the hand signs and slams his hands down "Summoning Jutsu: Fox Contract". Smoke envelopes the clearing and when it dies down 4 horse sized foxes are looking around, 3 of them have 4 tails and the 4th has 5 tails.

"Naruto-sama how may we help you today?" the 5 tailed one with dark red fur asks as the 4 tailed ones, all having varying grey coats run around being hyper.

"I need a ride for me and my 3 friends for as long as you can go, possibly somewhere near food if you don't mind Tairo" he says making the fox smile and nod.

"We would be honored, we can make it some distance before tiring out, Kami knows the Maido triplets have a lot of energy" he says as he barks at the 3 foxes making them sit and calm down.

He turns to the others and smiles "You three will take the Maido triplets and I will take Tairo. They are sentient foxes and very proud creatures so show respect" he says getting on top of Tairo.

The others get on top of theirs nervously "How can you summon animals?" Annabeth asks curious.

"Ability of my mother. Now foxes away!" he yells making them burst off. Annabeth screams for a bit as the foxes burst off. Grover holds on for dear life and Percy just focuses on holding on.

Naruto chuckles as he holds on with chakra as the foxes jump over various obstacles and cars. Annabeth passes out but the fox she was on keeps her on him with its tails. Grover and Percy are fine but Grover almost falls off once so he is being held on with the tails.

They run for many hours until they stop at a fast food place and let them off. Naruto looked around and noticed they weren't too far from Las Vegas from the road signs he saw and referenced back to his map.

Percy woke Annabeth up as Grover stood shakily off his fox.

Naruto smiled to the foxes and created some raw meat for them to devour "Thanks again guys and don't worry I am giving you guys the Sage info as well. Most likely after my daughter gets back" he says getting nods from them.

"Thank you very much Naruto-sama, you do great honor to Kurama's blessing" he says before they dispel.

Naruto smiles sadly before turning to them "Well, let's get something to eat. I'm paying" he says as he leads them inside. As he is paying he hears a motorcycle rumble loudly outside. And he smiles feeling the presence outside. 'Perfect' he thinks with a smile, now he just needs Percy to be his usual self and everything will be great.

He summons 2 small 2 tails foxes the size of small dogs and gives them the orders.

It's time to bring back the most unpredictable ninja.