Chapter 6

Naruto smiled as he and the others sat down just in time for Ares to burst through the doors of the fast food restaurant. He had the patrons under a mist illusion so no trouble would be caused

He could feel the Bolt and the Helm in war god's bike as his foxes went to work. He just needed to mess with Ares a bit. "Well if it isn't the war god. What could you possibly want with this little rag tag bunch" he says smirking at Ares.

Ares frowned, the son of Chaos wasn't supposed to be on this quest. He had a bad feeling he was being played but shook it off deciding that no one could get the drop on him. "Well isn't this an interesting group. Son of barnacle beard and owl head with a satyr and a demi-primordial. I just came to visit and offer you all some help" he says stealing a seat and sitting down next to the table.

Naruto has to struggle to hold back a smile as he can see Percy clenching his fist, being influenced by Ares's aura. "Why would we need your help" Percy says glaring at the war god.

Now normally Naruto would've smacked him but he needed this. He needed to keep Ares from his bike long enough for the foxes to do their jobs. Two tailed foxes were special, they had the ability to transform into perfect replicas of items, aura and all. He sent the foxes to switch out the real godly items for imitations and send the real one to the foxes summon realm for the time being. Of course he had them leave a marker on Ares's bike so he could get to him at any time.

Ares chuckled at Percy "I like your guts but when an Olympian comes offering help you take it. I can offer you transportation, info and supplies. All I ask is for you all to go retrieve my shield for me then I can give you a ride to the west" he says lowering his sunglasses to give Percy a view of his flaming eyes.

Naruto noticed they were much wilder and harsh flames compared to Hestia's whose eyes were calming to look into. He shook off the thought, as she was his patron. He went to focus more on the conversation just in time.

"Why should we go and grab your stupid shield. Just do it yourself" Percy says to Ares in a harsh tone. Annabeth looks at him in shock while Naruto finally lets out a laugh.

"He has a point Ares, we have supplies in my seals, we have transportation with my foxes or even another way and I already know whatever you are planning to tell us" he says starting Ares dead in the eyes, ignoring Ares's anger. "Also I can feel ill intentions rolling off you in waves Ares. We don't have time to do this as we are on a deadline to stop war" he says as he stands up making Ares do so as well.

"You might be a son of that old bitch Chaos but don't think you can do whatever you want!" he yells melting his glasses.

Naruto frowns "Just because of my lineage doesn't mean I think of myself as all powerful, I just know when to decline an offer that could get these kids in danger" he says summoning his eyes. "Though you might want to watch your back as you just called the creator of everything an old bitch" he says as he motions for the kids to follow him.

Ares pales a bit before storming off "You will regret it kid. I can make it so you will always fail in battle" he says slamming open the door.

"Sure and the asshole can kill me with his lightning!" he yells at Ares as he absentmindedly swats away a bolt like it was a fly, making it crash into a street sign that was across the street. The bones he used as an insulator with a bit of wind chakra infused in them on his hand were a bit charred so he made them break off and fall to the ground turning to ash.

Ares glares heavily at him and storms off.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Annabeth yells at him.

He sighs and looks at her "We have a deadline, we don't need anything from him and he would most likely bring us near trouble. All we need to do is eat, grab some food for the foxes and be on our way" he says as he grabs the food from inside and brings it out. "Eat up and then we can get going. I need to talk to a summons of mine alone" he says as he walks off.

"Why is he all in charge, it's my quest" Percy says grumbling. He needed to get to Hades and save his mother and get the bolt from him.

Grover pats his friend on the shoulder "Percy, the thing with Naruto is that he has insane powers ranging from cloning himself, use of those weird floating orbs, his eyes and his own bones. He has survived to be 20 or so and has experience. He is only doing this to keep us safe" he says making Percy frown.

As that was going on Naruto walked away from their hearing range and summoned another fox. It was a small 1 tailed fox "So did the twins do their mission?" he asks it.

The fox smiles and nods "Yes Naruto-sama the items are in this scroll" a small scroll poofs in existence "also they placed the marker and are in position. Did your side go over well?" she asks as she sits down.

He nods "Yes it went perfect Yumi. Ares went away none the wiser and he is planning to attack us later on but that is perfect for what I have planned. Only thing left needed is Hades's agreement to the deal I have thought up" he says pocketing the scroll. True he could just give them back but he needed to prove Ares took it and that he was being controlled by a certain Titan.

Yumi nodded "We are ready whenever you need us for travel. Until next time Naruto-sama" she says as she disappears in a puff of smoke.

Naruto sighed as he looked up at the sky. He really didn't want to be on this stupid quest but it was either tag along or let Percy be his idiotic self and possibly go off on numerous tangents, wasting time. He walked back to the group and sat down with them.

"We can leave in 10 or so minutes, we need to head to Los Angeles as we need to retrieve something from Hades" he says as Percy nods along.

"Yeah, we need to save my mother and get the bolt from him" he says getting a smack to the back of the head.

"Hades doesn't have the bolt. Why would the god of death want more work? He lost his helm of darkness during the solstice as well. We are going to save Sally and strike up a deal with Hades" he says as Percy rubs his head. "Now eat up so we can leave" he says as he conjures up a bowl of ramen.

The ramen he made with Hestia's blessing was always the best. Another reason he liked the woman. She was kind, sweet, beautiful and much more. He blushed a bit and shook those thoughts out of his head. He can't be having these feelings for her…can he?

After a few minutes of confused thinking for Naruto he summoned the same foxes back to him. "We need to go to Los Angeles. After that we should be fine" he says to Tairo as the triplets get the others situated.

Tairo nods "We will get you there in record time and protect you if there is any troubles" he says as they dash off.

Naruto keeps an eye out for any monsters as they went through Las Vegas and towards LA. He could feel some auras near a hotel. They felt like powerful demigods but he shook it off as he focused on the task at hand.

As they slowly made their way towards LA he used the Nature energy he still held inside to boost his senses. He felt Ares following behind them a good distance back and he could feel the auras of the fake godly tools.

They gradually made their way to LA and the foxes got them as close to DOA recording studios as possible as the aura of it kept them from going too close. "Okay everyone, Hades is expecting us so it shouldn't be that bad. Though do not piss Hades off" he says looking to Percy mainly.

Percy grumbles but they nod and walk inside. They enter a waiting room with ghosts floating all around. The kids look around while Naruto walks up to the front "Hello Charon, I believe Hades is expecting us. My patron Hestia informed him" he said getting the ferryman's attention.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion until his phone rang and he answered it "Yes sir? Yes they are here. Oh they are allowed in? Even the little kids? If you say so" he says before hanging up. He looks to Naruto and nods "Hades is expecting you so just head down the elevator and it should take you directly there instead of the run around" he says waving them off.

Naruto smiled "Why thank you sir" he turns back to the kids to see Percy staring in shock at one of the ghosts. It was Gabe. Naruto walked up to him and activated his eyes "Gabe, are you harassing Percy here?" he says making the apparition of the man scurry back in fear.

"Those eyes! Those eyes!" he yells going into panic.

Percy looks to Naruto in shock "Why is Gabe scared of your eyes and why is he dead? Mom told me you both kicked him out" he asks confused.

Naruto sighs and shrugs his shoulders "I ended his life as she was afraid of what he might do and to be honest he was a terrible human being" he says shocking the kids "Now come on, Hades is expecting us" he says as he goes to the elevator.

The kids nervously follow behind until they are all in the elevator. Once in Naruto hits the button with Hades's symbol on it. The ride down is silent as they stood nervously minus Naruto.

When the doors open they see themselves in a throne room in front of a throne made of obsidian and bones. "Well how nice of you to join us. My sister spoke great things of you" Hades says as he stands from his throne.

Hades had shoulder length straight black hair and dark eyes. He wore pitch black toga that seemed to be made of shadows.

"Lord Hades, thank you for welcoming us to your realm. I am here to negotiate Sally Jackson in return for your helm. All I ask for is help exposing the culprit to the council" he says in a respectful tone as he bows to him. Hades was one of the only gods he had respect for besides Hermes, Demeter and Hestia. Hades got the crap end of the stick and was banished just for his domain. Naruto knew how it felt to be shunned for something out of your control. He looked to the others and gave them a look telling them to bow as well.

Hades raised an eyebrow at this. He knew the boy wasn't being sarcastic but from what he heard from various sources that he had trailing him that this boy did not show any respect to any higher up gods. He downright disrespected Zeus at every chance he got. "Stand son of Chaos and let us talk more of this deal" he says creating seats for all of them.

Naruto nods and sits down "The one who stole your helm also stole the bolt but I fear he is being controlled by an old enemy, someone you should be familiar with since he is your father" he says making Hades nod.

"Yes I have felt him stirring inside Tartarus but my brother won't believe me, he thinks it's a ploy to overthrow him" he says with a tired sigh.

"All I ask is for you to help broadcast the fight with the culprit to help broadcast the confession as well" he asks with a bow.

Hades strokes his chin "Fine but I get my helm back right now as I can feel it on you then I will help you with the rest" he says extending his hand.

Naruto nods and smiles, pulling out the scroll containing the godly items. He unrolls and unseals his heal. It is a pure black helm with swirling gray wisps on it. He places it in Hades's hand and bows.

Hades smiles as he puts it on his head "Okay so how do you want me to help you exposing him?" He asks as the helm changes into a dark crown.

Naruto smiles "Just be sure the fight broadcasts to all the council and we need a quick exit from here to seem like you kicked us out" he said as he stood.

"What about my mom!" Percy yells annoyed. They had just given Hades back his helm without getting his mother first.

Hades frowns and snaps his fingers and a shadows gather to form a screen and the image of Sally laying on her bed appears on it "She is safely returned home unharmed, you are welcome son of Poseidon" he says slightly glaring at the boy making him shrink back in fear.

Hades turns back to Naruto "You focus on the perpetrator and I will broadcast it all. Good luck son of Chaos" he says tapping him on the forehead. "You are always welcome back here, you are quite respectful" he says with a smile.

Naruto nods and bows to Hades again "Thank you lord Hades and if you ever need me use this" he says handing him a marker "or just contact my patron" he says as he stands.

Hades nods and pockets it "Now I am sorry if there is a rough exit but it is for the sake of acting" he says snapping his fingers, enveloping the group in shadows.

-San Francisco Beach- (idk if that's where the fight is but it is now XD)

Thankfully Naruto's shinobi instincts helped him land on the water gracefully as the others fell in. He summons clones to help them as he walks towards the figure in front of them.

He frowned as Ares walked up to him "Aw did old bone head kick you out. Surprised he didn't kill you though I wanted the honor of that" he says drawing his blade.

Naruto mentally dispels the clone back in camp causing the Nature energy to flow into him, making the Sage markings appear. "You knew he didn't have it didn't you? And that's because you have it" he says making Ares frown.

"How the hell do you know that?" He asks as he pulls out the bolt and helm before smirking. "Oh well I'll just place the blame on you and barnacle beard's kid. It'll seem like I was saving Olympus" he says as Naruto 'frowns'.

"Oh poor Ares, the proud God of war now lowered to a goon to obey some chunks of flesh down in a pit" he says making Ares glare heavily at him.

"No one controls me! That dream wasn't real! He can't be back!" He yells having his eyes briefly but very clearly flash gold.

Naruto smirked as he walked forward, keeping the clones back to watch after Percy and co. Knowing Percy he'd rush into and fight Ares. "You get all that Hades?" He asks causing the Death God to appear floating above them.

Hades smirks "Why yes I did and so did the entire Olympian council. I have fulfilled my deal but I wish to keep broadcasting this, I can tell it'll be a good fight" he says as he sits in a floating throne.

Ares glares at Hades and then back to Naruto "How the hell does bone head have the helm! I have it!" He yells shaking it for it and the bolt to turn into two foxes with twin tails each.

"Dispel!" Naruto yells to the twins getting their attention as they poof away and Ares stares at him in shock.

"Oh I knew you had them long ago and at the fast food restaurant I made the twins replicate them as I pocketed the real ones. I could've ended the quest but I wanted to prove the asshole that things were going on that he needs to know about. Now Ares you can either take your punishment peacefully, going back to Olympus or I can restrain you" he says making Ares roar in anger charging at him with his sword.

Naruto sighs and quickly blocks it with a bone pulse he drew out of his palms. He didn't have enough time to unseal Tenno or Yamato as Ares was fast. Not too fast but enough to catch him off guard. He blocked wild slashes from the war God as he yelled in rage.

"You will not make a fool of me!" He yells as Naruto blocks every strike.

"You did that yourself!" He yells back dodging backwards as he fired finger bones at the War God making him recoil in pain. That gave him enough time to unseal Tenno and draw it. He had to push for a Susanno, hopefully it would give him a rib cage and an arm.

He takes a deep breath "Susanno!" He yells shrouding himself in in silver energy as vertebrae appeared behind him. Slowly the ribs formed and then it got difficult. Naruto had to push forward to grow an arm and create tendons, he tried for another arm but the most he could get was a bone arm with no tendons, he also couldn't make it form a head.

Ares looked at him in confusion "What the hell is that?!" He yells.

Naruto takes some breaths and looks to Ares "The one who will bring you back to Olympus" he says as he swings his fist down on the war God.

Ares tries to block but finds his sword shattered into a million pieces as the glowing fist crashes down into him, sending him barreling into the ground mercilessly.

Naruto groans as the motorcycle transforms into a huge boar and crashed into him, cracking the Susanno's ribs. He groans as he struggles to keep the ribs together. He grabs the boar and throws it far away just as Ares breaks the Susanno arm without tendons.

"Not so tough are you" he says with a smirk as he spits out inchor.

Naruto knows he can't reform it nor repair it as it takes too much energy to even keep it on for a long period of time. He feels a pull in his gut as he looks down to the sand and he gets an idea. If Shinju is all the Bijuu together then he should be able to use their abilities.

He jumped back and let the Susanno fall. He took some deep breaths as he remembered how Shukaku was and how he looked. He felt a pull and went with it.

He opened his eyes to reveal the eyes of Shukaku "Beast Transformation: One Tail" he says as sand starts to collect around him forming claws and tails and the markings of Shukaku.

Ares was confused as suddenly the sand exploded and when the vision died down all that was left was a massive raccoon made of sane with strange markings and weirder tail. "The fuck?" He says until the sand around him stabs him in multiple places.

"Now I don't have much time in this form so I'll make this quick" he says in a voice that sounded like a mix between his and Shukaku's but he knew it wasn't as Shinju was still intact inside him.

'Kid I will explain how this is even possible later, just focus on incapacitating Ares for now' Shinju says as he keeps the transformation up. Somehow Naruto was able to access the old fractions of himself. He figured it was because he held all their souls together at one point and since he was a natural at using his cloaked form it only made sense that he could pull off beast transformations.

Naruto nodded as Ares broke the sand spikes that drove through his arms. "Brat I've fought scarier looking things, this isn't shit compared to them" he says smirking as he summons another sword.

Naruto smirks and opens his mouth. Slowly orbs of clear and dark energy start gather and collecting in front of his mouth. Naruto kept in mind the ratio of forming Bijuudama as it got larger. Once stable he looked Ares as he charged at him and yelled "Bijuudama!" firing the orb at him at a great speed.

Ares never saw it coming as it hit him dead on and exploded fiercely, the sand around them was turned to glass as Naruto moved his tail in front of Percy and the others.

Hades was in shock but smiled glad that this demi-god liked him and helped him.

Percy was staring with his mouth wide open at this all. At the beginning he wanted to fight Ares but he was glad he didn't as he feared he wouldn't be able to defeat him.

Annabeth had the biggest glint in her eyes as she drooled. She couldn't wait to question him about these interesting abilities.

Grover fainted once the massive skeleton formed so he'd be filled in later.

When the smoke and dust died down Ares was shown heavily injured in the center of the glass crater. His clothes were all but evaporated leaving his leather jeans now shorts, losing his shirt, jacket, armor, boots, weapons and anything else on him. His arm was mangled and the other burnt beyond recognition. He was bleeding a steady flow of inchor and was clearly unconscious from the pain of being hit with the equivalent of an Atom bomb.

Naruto, still in his Beast transformation poked Ares, sending medical chakra into him to at least heal the cuts and stabilize him. He eased out of the transformation making the sand ripple off him and his eyes return to their sapphire blue color. Once it was all away he buckled over.

Hades quickly caught him "Nice job Naruto, now let us go to Olympus as I believe you all have a bolt to return and Ares needs medical attention" he says as the others nod still in shock.

Naruto quickly unseals the bolt and tosses it to Percy "It's your quest, you deliver" he says in a hoarse voice, exhausted from using Susanno and an untested beast transformation. He'd definitely train like hell to get the other forms.

Hades nods and snaps his fingers, taking them all away to Olympus.

-Olympus council (beginning of the fight)-

Zeus was in shock, his own son being controlled by the remains of his father had stolen his bolt and his brother's helm. Now the son of Chaos had summoned a terrifying skeletal construct.

Artemis shivered a bit at the Susanno but noticed it wasn't as complete as it used to be. Ares was getting off lucky. She was angered that her Roman side took over and made her fight Naruto. She feared how Ares would fare against it though it looked weak so he might be able to break it with brute strength.

Apollo and Hermes were taking bets who would win with the other gods and goddesses. Sufficient to say Naruto was winning.

Hephaestus was tinkering with things and recording the fight as blackmail material and so he could broadcast it on his Hephaestus TV.

Demeter smirked at Hestia as she blushed at seeing her champion fighting so masterfully. She had been having feelings for her champion for a year or so now and was struggling to admit them. Demeter was the only one who knew of them as she was the only one who wouldn't judge her and actually help her.

Aphrodite could swear she felt love in the room but couldn't for the life of her pinpoint it. It felt so strong but hidden. It annoyed her she couldn't read it.

Athena was angry at the blonde. He destroyed Medusa's curse and she could not find Medusa anywhere. She would definitely question them about this idiocy. Medusa sullied her temple, in her eyes that was deserving.

Poseidon was a bit annoyed. This was supposed to be his son's quest but after seeing Ares and the son of Chaos fighting he was somewhat glad his son didn't fight the war god.

Hera was upset that she wasn't able to get the demigod to possibly become her champion. She didn't like such a powerful demi-god not under the control of the council.

The fight was intense when all of a sudden it got even more intense as the son of chaos transformed into a gigantic raccoon made of sand. The voice was bone chilling.

"Just what else can the damn boy do!?" Zeus yells in rage. The boy was too powerful for his own good. First that skeleton thing and now he could change into a beast taller than any monster besides Typhon and even bigger than the gods in their full height.

Hestia was surprised, Naruto had told her of the Bijuu and of Shinju but she never knew he could transform into them but she felt he just recently discover it. She frowned as Ares was hit with the Bijuudama but she knew that while under Kronos's control Ares would've stopped until he was unconscious.

"Wow Hestia, your champion is full of surprises" Hera says to her with a frown.

Hestia nodded and frowned. She knew Hera was trying to get her to give Naruto away. Over the years she has been trying adamantly to do so.

Once the battle was over they flashed over to Olympus and Hestia went to her champion and took her aged form to help him walk. She gave Hades a thankful look that he smiled and waved off.

She helped him over to the hearth where he sat for the proceeding since he wasn't officially on the quest, hence how she was able to help him without breaking any ancient laws. She sat next to him in her younger form and silently held his hand. He was unconscious from over stressing his body but in his sleep he held her hand back making her blush darkly.

After some time Zeus looked over to her, luckily she let go by then. "Sister, wake your champion, we need to speak to him" he says glaring at the unconscious man.

She frowns and gently shakes him "Naruto, I'm sorry to wake you but Zeus requests your attendance" she says making him stir and open his eyes. He smiled at her and got up shakily. She helped him up and once he stood he rubbed her shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks Hestia" he says as he summons a shakujo to help him walk. He groaned as he got to the center of the throne room and frowned at Zeus as the god was glaring at him. Most likely trying to find a way to smite him for no real reason. "What is it? As you can see I am very exhausted after fighting a controlled Ares and using an untested technique" he says leaning more on the monk staff.

Zeus glared at him "You have been called in under suspicion of breaking a goddesses curse" he says looking to Athena.

She nods and stands "You broke a curse on Medusa, how do you plead" she asks.

He groans and looks to Hestia who nods reassuringly "I broke the curse because she has no reason to be cursed" he says making Athena glare and Annabeth frown. "She was cursed because Poseidon took her to your temple. She had no idea it was your temple. You curse her because you can't curse Poseidon" he says and turns to Poseidon. "And then you just abandon her even though your blessing could break her curse but you just left her alone. I decided to give her back the life you gods took" he says tuning back to Zeus.

"Think of it this way. I removed a threat and neutralized it in a peaceful way instead of the asshole's constant smiting" he says making Zeus grow red in anger.

He had enough. In a quick motion he fired his Master Bolt at Naruto only to be shocked.

Naruto held out a hand and turned on his eyes 'Preta Path' he thought as he absorbed the bolt with ease. Preta path was the only Rinnegan path he could use without trouble or the need of help from Shinju. "Stop with the fucking smiting for no good reason!" he yells in annoyance. "I just got you that back and the first thing you do is try to zap me!" he yells as he walks back over to Hestia.

"We didn't dismiss you! You still need to be punished for injuring Ares" he says making Naruto laugh hysterically.

"He attacked me first which I would like to point out is against ancient laws, he was under the control of a titan and would've killed me and stolen your bolt again if I didn't stop him so instead of trying to punish me for no reason, how about a thank you!" he says staring at Zeus with an annoyed look on his face.

Zeus glares at him and sits down, going silent. He refused to thank such an ungrateful demigod.

Hera frowned and turned to Naruto "On behalf of my husband I thank you for retrieving the bolt and saving us from going to war" she says flashing him a kind smile.

Naruto wasn't as dense as he used to be, he knew she was just doing that to seem nice. Now he knew that Zeus really did throw Hephaestus off Olympus from his knowledge so she wasn't all that bad. He still didn't trust her all that much. He just nods and walks back to Hestia "I'm going back to the house, see you later" he says flashing his patron a warm smile as he rubs her arm before flashing away.

"He can teleport?" Hermes says shocked. He thought only gods and goddesses could teleport places.

Hestia nods "It is a technique his father created when he saw his mother flash away and grew the concept which he was a natural at" she says tending to the hearth, mostly to hide the blush on her face.

"Just who was his father if he managed to get the attention of Chaos?" Apollo asks semi-curious.

Hestia frowns, wondering how much she should tell them. "His father died shortly after Naruto's birth so he's lived in his own for these 22 years. For the first 4 or so he was in an orphanage until they kicked him out and he's lived on his own since then" she says turning back to them.

Hera frowns, curious as to his father was as well.


Naruto sighed as he continued to use the shakujo as a walking stick as he made his way to his bedroom. He laid down on the bed and sighed in exhaustion before falling asleep.

Hestia flashed into his room and smiled as she saw her champion sleeping. She wasn't one to ever fall in love, she was committed to keeping her vow but feared it might be broken in the near future. This thought brought a dark blush to her face as she shook it away.

She knew she loved him. She fell for him nearly months after she told him that she had made him her champion. They had shared stories and food, which she discovered he was a great cook and incredibly family orientated by the way that he behaved with Thalia. Both which happened to be turn-ons for her apparently.

Hestia may be the virgin goddess but that never meant she didn't want a child it was just that Zeus was afraid of her having a child since she was the eldest child of their parents.

She sighed as she ran her hand through his hair and leaned down, in a haze. As she inched her lips closer to his, once they were mere centimeters away his eyes opened and in shock Hestia lost her footing and their lips met.

After what seemed to be hours to both of them Hestia backed away shakily, her face as red as a cherry. "I-I'm sorry" she says trying to run only for Naruto to grab her wrist.

"Hestia pleased don't run, talk to me. I'm your champion, I'm here for you" he said looking into her warm eyes. He would definitely have to thank Shinju for waking him.

Hestia nodded, still blushing and sat down next to him on the bed. "I-I need to be honest, for a year or more I have had feelings for you. I shouldn't be having these but I do. I have never felt love like this ever" she says blushing and looking down to her feet.

Naruto smiled and held her hand "Hestia you don't have to be afraid of having feelings. I have felt the same way as of late and I was trying to decide how to tell you so this kind of makes it easier" he strokes her cheek and smiles at her. "You don't have to worry about Zeus I won't let him do anything to us. I love you Hestia" he says as he kisses her gently.

She had never felt as happy as she did now as she kissed Naruto. He was very gentle with her and she could feel he cared for her deeply. She kissed back and leaned more into it.

As the kiss ended as they needed a breath, they stared into each other's eyes. "I love you too Naruto" she says as she lays in his arms.

Seconds later smoke fills the room and an audible poof was heard signaling a summon entering the room.

When the smoke cleared Thalia was shown standing in front of the bed. Over the months her hair had grown to go past her shoulders and one of her bangs was tied in a ponytail with beads dangling from it with the kanji for mountain, nest and bird painted on them and a golden feather dangling from it as well. Her golden coat seemed to have embroidered flames on the bottom and the words "Eagle Sage of Su no Yama" on the back of it (AN: Su no Yama means Nest Mountain). In her sleeve Zetsu was obvious with his glowing eyes. Under the coat she wore a sleeveless black vest buttoned up all the way with dark jeans and boots on. Around her was Tsunade's necklace in clear view.

Thalia looked around until her eyes landed on her father, who had Hestia in his arms. She was shocked and she went in protection mode she used numerous times to guard him against single women. In one quick motion she jumped into her dad's arms and glared at Hestia.

Naruto chuckled and hugged his daughter as Hestia still held onto his arm. "Thalia I am glad you are back but do not do that again, me and Hestia were having a moment" he says smiling down to her.

Thalia pouted "But she's a goddess, they don't date" she says getting a bop on the head.

"You know Hestia is a virgin goddess and has never been with anyone plus she is different from the other goddesses and gods" he says making her frown.

"Fine but she better not hurt you" she said glaring at the goddess who was blushing from being caught.

Hestia smiled and held his hand "I-I have to go but I'll be back" she says laying a kiss on his cheek before flashing off.

Naruto smiled as he ruffled Thalia's hair "Do I have a story to tell you" he says as she swats his hand away with a smile.

"So do I dad, my Sage training was intense" she says as she hugs her father again and getting a warm hug in return.

Over the next hour or 2 he listened intently to Thalia's story.

Apparently the Eagles drew their nature energy from the air, thus needing to be off the ground or at least in motion. It shocked him as he was taught to stay perfectly still but at least the way she had to move was in the form of a fighting style so she wouldn't be left defenseless though if she didn't draw it all in one go she had to expel it all and try again.

They also helped her get over her fear of heights which he had been trying to in the past but stopped after she started focusing on the Rasengan.

Though thankfully the Eagles taught her the staying still method as well, he'd have to teach her the shadow clone technique.

Thalia explained how she was able to use Nature energy easily once she got the drawing it in problem over with.

"Great job Thalia" he says ruffling her hair with a kind smile. "I am so proud of you, though I always have been proud of you" he says making her smile happily as she swatted his hand away again.

"Thanks Dad" she says with a smile. "So tell me what you have been doing while I was away besides getting a girlfriend" she says with the last part in annoyance.

Naruto chuckles and pets her head "Well while you were away a lot has happened" he says as he starts to tell his tale.

He told her of his training and saving of Luke which made her smile. He told her of Sally and of Percy who turned out to be her cousin in a sense. He told her how he was very idiotic and how he met Annabeth and how he found her too prideful. He mentioned the use of Susanno and how he had made amends with Artemis. He told her of the quest he took some control over and how he beat Ares mercilessly and returned the bolt and helm. And he finished up by telling her of the council meeting and how he yelled at Zeus and got annoyed at them all.

"Wow dad you've had a busy schedule. Well at least we can relax for now" she says as Zetsu slides out after waving to Naruto.

Naruto nods and smiles "Let's hope it stays that way for now" he says as he lays back down with Thalia next to him as she too was exhausted from her training.

-6 Months Later-

(I am terrible at writing dating scenes so I will just mention stuff they did on dates)

Over the six months Naruto had been training heavily to use more Beast Transformations. He was now up to 3 tails, nearly to four tails and could finally summon a 2 armed basic Susanno with minimal difficulty. The beast transformations were tiring but he could keep them going for a few hours at most and even use the abilities of each Bijuu.

(AN: Basic means full body, tendons & head but no weapons or extra arms/heads)

Thalia was making great progress with her elemental Rasengan as she had Sage mode to help keep it from getting out of hand. She was going for a lightning based version.

Her sage mode was different as it made her hair turn light brown with a white undertone, like an eagle, with golden eye lids and dark green eyes. Instead of just the eyelids and potential other markings like he had.

Today he was taking a break from training as he stood in front of an incredibly fancy restaurant as today was his and Hestia's date night.

Over the months he and Hestia had grown even closer. Even Thalia was opening up to her, she called her mom once by accident, something she denied adamantly and with a furious blush on her face whenever mentioned.

They went on numerous dates to various places: movies, diners, restaurants and much more. They also made out numerous times, in her elder form of course. She never stayed in her younger form at his home as that was only for Olympus.

Tonight he wanted it to be special as he was going to ask her to marry him. He knew it wouldn't be until he became a God that they would truly marry but he still wanted to ask her.

He had rented out the entire restaurant to keep it just them, he even had clones doing everything for them.

He checked the ring in his pocket. He had made it himself using the Creation of All Things to make the regular bronze and Crystal Release for the diamond on top of it. It had taken him a month or so as he wanted to make it perfect for Hestia.

It was a dazzling bronze band that he infused with Celestial bronze. The diamond was colored like fire, it had hints of red, orange and yellow in it. Just like Hestia's eyes. He pocketed the ring again and took a deep breath just as Hestia arrived.

He smiled as he stared at her. She was gorgeous. She wore a cream dress with a modest cut. Showing barely any cleavage and slit down from her knee down. In her elder form and in this new dress he could see her figure clearly as it wasn't hidden in her baggy dress. She was a high C - low D but he wasn't a pervert so he looked only for a second. She clearly had a nice hourglass figure as well and her hair was down to her middle back.

She blushed as she tried to cover herself with her hands still embarrassed to be out of her normal dress as it brought up memories of Hera and Aphrodite being terrible to her for being apparently prettier than them. But around Naruto she was able to be herself again.

She had enjoyed the months she had been with him. She truly loved him and their relationship was going along great. Demeter and Hermes were the only ones that knew and even helped keep attention from them.

"Shall we go in?" she asks as she holds his hand. She was excited for today, she felt something big was going to happen but couldn't think of what could possibly happen.

Naruto steeled his nerves and led her to the table. He pulled out her chair for her and then sat down.

The dinner went nicely as the talked about anything. They never ran out of things to say. They would talk about his past, her days on the council and anything else that came up.

When it came time for him to propose the clones knew and left the dining room. He took one more deep breath and looked into her eyes. "Hestia, you know I love you and have loved every second of being with you for these 6 months right?" He asks as she smiles and nods.

"Of course and I love you and being with you too. What is this about?" She asks confused.

He took a deep breath and got down on one knee in front of her. "I know you are a goddess and I am but a demigod but I love you Hestia with all my heart. So Hestia will you marry me" he says opening the ring case, showing her the ring.

Hestia was speechless as she saw the ring. It was the most beautiful ring she ever had seen. She never expected him to propose. She knew he would be a god eventually but then she remembered her vow. But that wasn't important at the time.

She cried tears of joy as she held Naruto's hand "Of course Naruto, I love you so much" she says making Naruto smile.

He slides the ring onto her left ring finger and kisses her sweetly "I cannot wait for the day when I become a god and can be with you forever" he says after she kisses him back.

She was crying tears of joy as she stayed in the arms of the man she loved, overjoyed to have the opportunity to be with him forever.

As they left Hestia remembered something "What happens if anyone notices the ring?" She asks not wanting to ever take it off.

He smiles and runs his finger over the ring "I enchanted it to only show itself to those who have no negative emotions towards me or you so that means only Demeter and Hermes will see it" he says making her smile as she held his hand.

"Also my oath of being a virgin will bring problems" she says blushing as the farthest they had ever gone was the time she put his hand on her breast as they kissed.

Naruto smiled "Well I'm sure Styx will give me some challenge in exchange for dissolving your vow" he says as the smile and walk on, hoping to stay together forever.

-1 Month Later-

The news of their engagement went well with Naruto's side of the family. Kaguya was overjoyed and cried whenever she saw the ring. Amaterasu tried smothering Hestia in hugs, Thalia liked it as it meant Hestia was serious about it.

Tsunade was happy for him for finding Hestia, as was Shizune. Gaara was glad that his closest friend found happiness as he thought Naruto deserved it after how everything went before.

Also Hermes and Demeter congratulated her and was glad she found someone. They also would work extra hard to help them hide it from the other gods and goddesses.

Over the month they had spent the time loving the others company and kissing…a lot of kissing.

Naruto would be doing that right now if it wasn't for the news he received from a clone he left behind as a bird in camp.

Ethan had poisoned Thalia's tree and Chiron was getting all the blame.

He was worried that would dispel Thalia's clone but found that the nature energy from being in the tree kept it alive but the second it was to be removed it would dispel, causing a lot of trouble for him.

He didn't really want Thalia to exit the tree as then she would have to return but even if she did go back he would be there with her and he would stay her father.

Apparently they issued a quest to find the Golden Fleece, an artifact capable of using Nature energy to heal deadly wounds, grow plant life and much more. Theoretically if he drew in some of the cloths abilities he might be able to infuse it into something else.

Both he and Thalia were interested in it greatly as it would make going into Sage mode a million times easier and might be able to boost his Mokuton abilities.

He found out Percy went against camp orders and was choosing to hijack the quest. He swore the boy was a worse idiot than he was when he was young and that's saying a lot.

Currently he and Thalia (in her Kushina disguise just to be safe) were following the quest. They had just left to go into the Sea of Monsters which he learnt was in the Bermuda Triangle.

Thalia frowned at the water. Since she was a child of Zeus they generally weren't allowed in the water just like how Poseidon's kids weren't allowed to fly. She turned to her father "Now how are we supposed to follow them because you aren't ditching me" she says crossing her arms and glaring at him.

He chuckles and ruffles her hair "I got two solutions for that" he says getting his hand swatted away. He unsealed a large grey hide, the hide of the Hydra and threw it into the water. "I offer this to Poseidon to ask permission for me and my daughter permission to travel through your domain" he says as the hide shimmers away and blue glow envelopes the both of them. "I take that as a yes" he says smiling at her.

"We still need a way of travelling as I doubt even with our large charka reserves either one of us could make it there without getting tired" she says making Naruto nod.

"Yes I have a way of fixing that I just need to go into Sage mode and then we can go" he says as he sits down, drawing it in a very small fraction faster since the Bermuda triangle was nearby. After some time he stood up bearing his Sage marks.

"So how are we going to go there?" she asks as she sees her father step out onto the water. He closes his right eye as his left one changed to red with yellow iris and a crimson pupil.

"Beast Transformation: Three Tails" he says as his back starts to grow a crab-like shell, spikes grew from it and 3 shrimp like tails grew from him. Under the shell was red, muscle-like tissue. His arms grew the same kind of armor as the shell as his hind legs disappeared. On his lower jaw, teeth-like horns grew from it pointing upwards as his forehead did the same but downwards. He grows to Isobu's full size and looked back at Thalia.

"Get on" he said in a voice sounding like Isobu's calm voice and his.

Thalia nodded and walked up one of the tails and onto the back of the beast her father turned into "How long can you keep this up dad?" she asks as the set off, going a pretty good speed.

"Nature chakra should make me hold it even longer, maxing it to half a day. Even if I go out of it I can return to it without much trouble as long as I am still in Sage mode" he says as he keeps going.

As they went through the Sea of Monsters no monsters actually attacked them. Though when you are a massive turtle the size of a nearly a mountain monsters tend to fear him. Having an impenetrable shell helped work as a great defense as well.

"Thalia get into Sage mode as I cannot use my sensory skills in this form, I'm mostly focusing on swimming" he says getting a nod from her.

She quickly by carefully went through her kata's of drawing Nature energy atop him as he stopped as to not disturb her. Her hair quickly turned brown and white as she obtained her sage markings.

"Good now direct me as I have no idea where I am going" he says making her chuckle.

"Fine just keep heading forward, you actually are going the right way plus the quest is that direction as well" she says as she sits down and focuses on keeping a steady flow of releasing and gathering Nature energy. She found it was much easier to draw Nature energy while in the Sea of Monsters. Must be the Fleece's work.

Naruto nods and keeps on course. As the finally caught up to the quest Naruto frowned as they were being attacked by Charybdis and Scylla. He frowned "Thalia stick to the air as my next technique you can't be on me for" he says getting a nod from her as she went to flying.

She wasn't using an ability of her father as she didn't get that blessing from him. She was using the technique of the Tsuchikage to manipulate wind chakra to fly and float. She learned this from a scroll she got from her grandma for her most recent birthday.

Naruto jumped in the air, using his tails as help and curled into a ball and started rolling fast in midair. "Shell Tower Falling!" he yells as his rolling increases greatly and he is sent rocketing into Charybdis.

The members of the quest were in shock as a massive talking turtle just crashed into Charybdis. The turtle unrolled and looked at them and they backed away from the edge of the boat.

Naruto sighed mentally as he manipulated his voice to only speak in Isobu's "Leave quickly, as I can only hold off one at a time and Scylla will still try and attack you" he says as they understand and rush to leave.

Naruto looks to see Thalia out of Scylla's reach and was waiting for him. He worked to hold Charybdis back but her many tentacles were very annoying. He slammed his hand on the monster's chest and wound up as many of her tentacles as he could and took a deep breath "Coral Palm!" he yells encasing the monster and her tentacles in hardened coral.

He looked up just in time to see the boat containing Percy and everyone else explode. He didn't feel anyone of their auras die out so they clearly made it out alive. He looked over to Thalia and nodded as he started floating towards the wreck.

Thalia landed on him "They all got away. Apparently they had a Cyclops with them" she says as she sits down.

Naruto nods, returning his voice to the mixture of his and Isobu's "The Cyclops had no negative emotions except for worrying about someone. They will be fine as they all are alive" he says as he keeps swimming in the direction of the Fleece.

As they were floating along they got to a resort that seemed to be being pillaged by pirates. Naruto frowns as he feels Percy and Annabeth float away on a massive boat. 'Damn Percy, I just know he caused all of this somehow' he thought as he docked near there and reverted back to himself.

Thalia frowned as she saw the pirates attacking everything "We are going to help them aren't we?" she asks worried.

Naruto nods as he rolls his shoulders "Of course, we can't let these girls be attacked by them. Incapacitate if you want but remember these men are pirates from old times, probably trapped here by Circe though I don't blame her" he says making Thalia nod as she unseals her Kiba blades as he draws Yamato.

Thalia nods and dashes off to help some girls.

Naruto defeats some pirates that were surrounding two girls and crouches down to them and smiles at them "No need to be afraid, I can help you escape" he says putting them to some ease.

The girls looked exactly alike, both with black hair and dark, almost black, brown eyes. One was much taller and a bit older looking than the other. Most likely the older one.

"How can you help us?" the taller one asks as she moves her sister behind her.

Naruto summoned a clone, shocking them "Go with my clone and he can take you back to land quickly. Do you have somewhere you want to go?" he asks them as he had sent various clones to set markers through various cities across the US.

"Y-Yes, I heard of a camp for demigods in San Francisco" the taller one says.

Naruto knew she meant the Roman camp, he never got around to visiting it because he felt he shouldn't go there yet. He needed to focus on one camp at a time.

He nods to them "I can take you there. What are your names?" he asks with a smile.

"I am Hylla and this is Reyna, my sister and we are both daughters of Bellona. And who are you?" she asks as Reyna smiles shyly at him.

"I am Naruto Otsutsuki, child of Chaos and champion of Vesta" he says using Hestia's roman name as the Greeks and Romans were not meant to meet each other. Luckily Chaos was Chaos in either pantheon.

The girls stared at him in shock and tried to bow but he stopped them "Please don't do that, I am not one to be bowed to. Now go with my clone and he will take you to the camp or as close as I can go as I don't wish to go there yet and may you both be happy" he says with a smile as they walk off and flash away. He gets the memory of various clones he sent out and saw that all the girls who had worked here had been taken to safety.

He returned to the dock to see Thalia waiting for him "Thanks for sending clones to flash them away made everything much easier" she says with a smile. She was still in Sage mode, as was he as they both noticed it was incredibly easy to do so in the Sea of Monsters.

Naruto nodded and proceeded to turn back into his 3 tailed transformation. "Let's go, we need to catch up to them. Hopefully I can absorb some of the Fleece's powers before they leave with it" he says as Thalia nods and jumps back onto him.

He swims faster as Thalia told him she felt their aura's on the island where the Fleece was. They made it there shortly after and he reverted back to normal and made it onto land.

"We need to be silent as we don't want anyone to discover us" he says as he unseals Yamato again. Since he had unlocked the majority of the Sharingan, he didn't need to use Tenno as much. Kotoamatsukami was something he stayed away from as controlling people was not his thing.

Thalia nodded as the leapt from tree to tree silently.

They arrived at the clearing where the fleece was hanging from a tree. Everything in the clearing was thriving and so full of Nature energy. Thalia was about to jump down until Naruto stopped her.

"What's wrong?" she asks as her father stared down at the sheep. Once she got a better look she shivered. The sheep were devouring meat like piranhas.

Naruto took a deep breath and summoned the mist and cast a wide sleep Genjutsu on the sheep making them all pass out for now. He jumped down and drew Yamato and touched it to the Fleece.

'Preta Path' he thinks as Yamato draws in the Fleece's abilities. Yamato could store energy and use it later or infuse it into things. Right now he was making Yamato steal about 50% of the Fleece's power to use later.

He'd give himself 25% and Thalia 25% as well. Even at a quarter power it would increase the speed to draw in Nature energy tremendously.

Right as he got done he heard a beast roar and yell something about 'Nobody'. He looked to Thalia "Let's disappear until they leave. We got what we needed but I want to stick around a little bit more" he says as Thalia nods and they body-flicker away.

Once Percy and his group had ran off and left Naruto appeared behind the blind Cyclops Polyphemus with Yamato drawn. He sheathed the blade and the Cyclops burst into golden dust. He runs his hands through the signs and slams his hands down "Summoning: Wolf Contract" he calls out summoning 5 large wolves.

"What do you need Naruto?" one wolf asks as they look around.

"I need you to rid this island of any sheep, they are carnivorous and I kinda want to set something up on this island as even without the Fleece it is so pure" he says as they nod.

"So we get to eat?" one of the younger wolves asks.

The alpha of the pack he summoned smiles and nods "Yes, it's a buffet!" he yells as he runs off, the others not far behind.

Naruto chuckles and turns to Thalia "Just let me set up a marker and we can leave. Do you want to leave my Isobu or Hiraishin?" he asks as he sets up tags in various places, both security and Hiraishin seals.

Thalia smiles "I kinda like sailing if it isn't too much trouble" she says a bit nervous.

He chuckles and ruffles her hair "It is no problem, frankly it helps me as the more I use my Beast Transformations the more I get used to it and possibly helps me with the next" he says as they walk towards the shore.

The alpha walks up with a content look on his face "They are all gone, no problems from them. Just call us back if you need any help Naruto" he says getting a nod from Naruto before they dispel.

He takes a deep breath and returns to his Isobu form "Hold on tight, I wanna get out of here fast as I fear with the Fleece your clone might be taken out soon and before that happens I have much to plan" he says making Thalia frown but nod. She sits behind his head under his shell so water won't spray on her.

He quickly speeds off in the water and quickly wizzes past Charybdis and Scylla. Once out of the Sea of Monsters he sees a confrontation between Percy and the Ethan boy. He stayed back as he wanted to see how it went.

Percy handled himself nicely causing Ethan to retreat. Naruto sighed as Percy and co finally left. He walks onto shore with Thalia behind him "Let's get home as I fear things will get hectic very quickly" he says as Thalia nods and frowns.

She wanted to go back to see her friends but didn't want Zeus to do anything to her again. She knew Zeus would be enraged at her dad for him saving her and keeping it secret but she was glad he did it.

He gave her happiness, love and help with so many things. But most of all he gave her a family.

She didn't want that to disappear but she knew he would never leave her.

She just crossed her fingers and wished that the upcoming days wouldn't be too bad.