Chapter 7

Zeus was watching the scene with a bit of worry. Yes the Fleece would save his daughter but what would she think of him? Would she really hate him for trapping her to get away from punishment?

He would have to watch and see. Unbeknownst to him most of the other gods were watching the scene play out.

It was the night after the Fleece was placed on Thalia's tree and they could feel the power of the Fleece at work.

Seconds later on the screen his daughter could be seen emerging from the tree.

Percy looked to her "W-Who are you?" he asks confused why a normal looking girl came from the tree.

"I am Thalia Grace, child of Zeus" she says before going to a cloud of smoke.

Everyone was confused and shocked.

Everyone except the ones who knew of it before hand and Zeus, who was fuming in anger as he had seen someone who did something similar, whenever a clone of his was destroyed.

"NARUTO OTSUTSUKI!" Zeus yells in rage. The damn demigod saved his daughter and had the nerve not to tell him. Ancient rules be damned, Chaos be damned he was taking his anger out on the boy.

Naruto sighed as he had heard Zeus yell his name from camp but warped to Olympus as he felt if he didn't then Zeus would take his anger out on whatever was closest until the cry baby king found him.

He looked at Zeus "So finally figured it out eh?" he asks as he unseals Yamato and straps it to his waist.

"You pitiful mortal stole my daughter! You saved her and you dared not to tell me!" he yells as his bolt intensifies in his hand and the winds pick up,

Naruto summoned his eyes and glares at Zeus "You lost the right to call her your daughter the second you trapped her in the tree to save your pitiful ass! I saved her and I gave her everything she needed! I protected her, I gave her love, family, and the ability to protect herself! You fucking trapped her in a tree to save your own ass from being punished!" he yells, erupting into his cloak mode. "You are not her father anymore! I am!" he yells summoning the Truth Seeking Orbs.

Zeus was absolutely red in anger. This mortal dared to yell at him and disrespect him. He raised his bolt and fired at him.

Naruto smirked and drew Yamato absorbing the bolt with his Preta Path. "You just made a bad move Zeus" he says as Yamato glows and his eyes start to spin. In a quick burst of speed he appeared in front of Zeus and slammed a Susanno fist into the god's jaw, sending him crashing through his throne, numerous columns and numerous walls.

He fades the arm away and started to walk through the rubble to see numerous other gods and Hestia watching him.

Hera frowned, she knew her husband broke ancient laws and he'd be punished again and she also knew no one else could get involved.

"Please don't hurt him too much Naruto" Hestia said with an understanding look in her eyes. She knew her fiancé was not a violent man in any sense of the word unless you threatened someone close to him and then he'd do anything in his power to make sure that threat never reached his precious people.

Naruto nodded as he continued to walk through the rubble. Zeus seconds later blasted himself out of the rubble and dashed towards him. Zeus attacked in a fury of swipes and blasts with his bolt.

He expected more of the king of gods, but he was being overcome with his rage. Naruto quickly dodged and landed a strong palm thrust with a Susanno arm sending the god skidding backwards. "Zeus you expect Thalia to accept you as her father when you trapped her for no reason!? Trapped her in a dark void like hell that she still has nightmares of!" he yells kicking the man through a few more pillars. "You trapped in there so you wouldn't be scolded! You are a child and a hypocrite" he says as the god spits out inchor.

"How dare you talk to me like this! I am your king! I am the god of justice!" he yells only to be silenced by a skeleton arm grabbing him and slamming him into the ground.

"You don't deserve that title. You nearly blasted Percy when he was found out when you broke the pact first! Then you yell about being the god of justice when you wanted to punish me for retrieving your bolt and fighting Ares! When he broke ancient laws just like you are, though he was at least under control of someone. Remember, you attacked first o-king of justice" he says making Zeus yell before charging at him again.

Naruto was getting tired of this, he seriously expected more from Zeus. He wanted to end this quickly. He could either go for a Rasenshuriken or a Bijuudama outside of beast mode.

He quickly gathered Nature energy, feeding off Yamato as it still held the Fleece's ability to draw it in, even if it was lesser since it wasn't in living material such as fabric or cloth.

He slammed his foot on the ground "Wood Style: Nativity of a World of Trees" he yells as massive tress ensnare Zeus.

Zeus struggled to get free to find his energy being drained. "Nature is very powerful force Zeus, peaceful when treated correctly but vicious when harmed" he says as he creates a Rasenshuriken, since Zeus had control over wind and lightning he was going with Lava since it was the only one he could think would do a lot of damage to him.

Zeus paled at the spiraling orb of what looked to be Lava. "You can't do this! I am your King!" he yells, struggling harder to free himself.

"Oh don't worry, this won't kill you. Put you in a coma, quite possibly but not kill you" he says as a clone flashes to him with an angry looking Thalia but the anger wasn't directed towards him.

She was glaring at Zeus. "Thalia why are you here it is dangerous" he says motioning to the lava orb in his hand.

She nods "I know dad but I need to say this to him" she says in a serious tone. He nods and takes a step back as she walks towards the trapped Zeus. "I hate you" she says looking him dead in the eyes "You trapped me in limbo just to save your ass. If dad hadn't saved me who knows how I'd turn out. He gave me a life and so much more. I will never call you dad, I will never bow to you and I will never use your powers again. I renounce my lineage to you" she says as she punches him hard in the face, breaking his nose.

She stormed away and walked behind her father (AN: when she says father she will ALWAYS mean Naruto, Zeus will either be asshole or just Zeus. Maybe another insult). "You can finish this now" she says as she cries a little bit.

He nods and looks to Zeus "You think you are so perfect Zeus but you are a terrible king. You are quick to kill and never listen to any proof so blatantly in front of you. You need to open your eyes and curb that arrogance and paranoia of yours" he raises the Rasenshuriken above his head "May you have time to think as you sleep but first" he stares into Zeus's eyes, causing the Sharingan to appear on them.

Zeus calms down and speaks out in a monotone voice "I Zeus, swear on the river Styx not to get any kind of revenge towards Naruto or Thalia for defeating me in battle". Thunder booms in the background solidifying the vow.

"Good, now let's end this. Lava Style: Rasenshuriken!" he yells throwing it straight at Zeus, resulting in a massive dome of Lava to swirl around him. You could hear the god's screams as he was shot out of the dome and was imbedded into the wall.

He was heavily burnt and cut up like crazy. His skin was charred black with golden blood pouring from it. His master bolt was the only non-damaged thing left but it was red hot.

He turned around to see Thalia crying silently. He holds her close and rubs her back "You are not his daughter, he won't bother you anymore" he says as the other gods start walking in.

Ares, who was still somewhat recuperating shuddered at the condition of his father. He felt bad for his father, seemed he got off easy. At least he was only exploded and not burnt with lava. "Apollo, stabilize Zeus" he says as he walks to Naruto who stares at him, still in his cloaked mode.

"Leave me alone Ares, you can't try and get revenge as he started this without me doing anything. He broke ancient laws" he says moving Thalia behind him.

Ares nodded "I know, I just want to thank you for getting me out of you-know-who's control. I am not a fan of it and I admire your strength kid" he says shocking Naruto greatly.

Naruto felt no negative emotions as he nodded "Noted, thank you Ares. I would love to spar against you when you are under your own control" he said as Ares nodded and walked away.

Ares had no beef with the son of Chaos. He was a beast in battle and a great warrior.

Hera frowned as she saw her husband "You didn't have to go that far!" she yelled slightly annoyed.

He looked to her "Trust me, I could've done worse. The Bijuudama I hit Ares with was at 1/6 power as I haven't made one of those in years. I could've fired a full powered one at him instead" he said staring her in the eyes.

Poseidon bangs his trident on the ground "Enough! Enough fighting for one day!" he looks to Apollo. "Get my brother to your temple to heal, Athena contact whoever normally fixes Olympus to fix this damage and everyone get back to the thrones" he says in a commanding tone, getting them to follow his orders.

He looks to Naruto and sighs "I know he started this all and I am very sorry for that but you are needed. It won't be much" he says getting a nod from Naruto.

He summoned a clone and laid a kiss on his daughter's forehead "Go with the clone and wait in the house with it until I go, keep Zetsu with you and I will be home soon" he says getting a nod and a hug from her.

"Be safe dad" she says before walking off and flashing away with the clone.

He smiles as he walks through the rubble, easing out of his cloaked mode and sealing up his sword. He made it to the throne room to see the gods all sitting down, waiting for him.

He sighed and made it to the center "So what do you all want, my side of it?" he asks as he turns his eyes off.

Poseidon nods "We want to know how long you have been raising Thalia and where have the two of you been?" he asks as he rubs his temples. He wasn't angry at Naruto, frankly he was glad he looked after the girl.

"I have watched over her for nearly 3 years. I helped her get over her fatal flaw and I will not reveal the whereabouts of my house as it is to be Thalia's safe zone" he says as they nod understanding it.

"Since she may not be Zeus's daughter she was still born of eldest god so she will be needed at camp in case she is the child of prophecy" Poseidon says with a frown.

Naruto shakes his head "She will visit camp and whatnot but she has expressed that she will not be the child of prophecy, she is leaving that to Percy and will help him as needed" he says as Hera clears her throat.

"I don't mean to sound like my husband here but don't you all think this demigod is too dangerous? He beat Zeus, the supposed strongest of us like it was nothing" she says getting the interest of a few.

"The boy is a powerful warrior but he isn't bloodthirsty, he fights to protect and defend" Ares says surprising everyone. "What? I can't like the kid?" he asks confused "Just because I like war doesn't mean I don't like a good clean warrior".

Poseidon nods "He is powerful but his mother is Chaos, he wouldn't dare do that and I trust him fully" he says as he smiles.

This gets nods from everyone "Now can I leave? I have a distraught daughter to care for" he says fiddling with a marker.

Poseidon nods "Thank you Naruto, you may leave" he says as the boy flashes away. Now he just had to figure out what to do while Zeus was recuperating and how to punish him for breaking ancient laws.


The second he got there Thalia hugged him tightly, still crying. "Shhh Thalia everything is okay. I promised I'd never leave you and I never break my promises" he says laying a kiss atop her head.

She nods and keeps hugging him but her tears stopped "So I'm guessing we have to stay in camp for some time?" she asks curious.

He nods "Yes but I can set up a gateway with Zetsu and my seals to link Hestia's cabin with your room here if you want" he said getting a smile from her. He kissed her forehead again which made her smile happily.

"I love you dad" she says hugging him again.

"I love you too Thalia. Now let's get everything set up before we leave for the incoming headache" he says getting a chuckle from her.

They spent the next few hours setting up the seals in her room and on her door as well as packing some of his essentials.

"Thalia bring your trench coat over here, I need to create the mini Fleece for you" he says drawing Yamato as he touches the blade to the scarf Thalia knit for him a couple years.

He flows half of the Fleece's power into it and the instant after the scarf gets a golden glow and becomes a bit longer.

He puts it around his neck and smiles at Thalia.

Thalia looks excited as he touches Yamato to the Nemean Lioness pelt "So this will act like the Fleece did? It'll draw in Nature energy to it and heal me?" she asks as her trench coat glows a bit.

"Yes, it'll be at 25% of the Fleece's original power but even at that we will be able to reach Sage mode much faster but remember to be careful, only draw in what you need okay?" he says as he ruffles her hair.

She nods and for once doesn't swat it away. She looks up to him "When we get to camp will you help me explain everything to Annabeth, Luke and Grover?" she asks nervously.

He takes his hand off her and smiles "Of course, they will understand. It was either tell them and get possibly stuck in the tree again and possibly get them in trouble or hide it until your clone came out" he said easing her worries a little.

She nods and holds onto his arm "Ready?" she asks nervously.

He nods and holds her hand and flashes away to camp.

-Camp Half-Blood-

Camp was in an uproar of confusion.

One second Thalia was out and then the next she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Then they could hear thunder and see lighting going like crazy until all of a sudden it just stopped.

Dionysus returned and just sighed before an orange flash lightened up the area.

This time it was Naruto with an older looking Thalia.

He clears his throat getting everyone's attention "Okay I know everyone is confused at the events that happened earlier but I can help explain everything" he says as the gather around. "This here is Thalia Otsutsuki, my adopted daughter and the ex-child of Zeus. Due to certain circumstances she renounced her relation to him" he said getting confused mumbles from everyone.

"Now I need Grover, Luke and Annabeth to follow us to Hestia cabin" he says as Hestia's symbol appeared over Thalia's head.

The 3 kids step forward and follow him as Thalia smiles at them nervously. He opens Hestia's cabin doors and lets them in, keeping others from entering.

Percy frowned "Can I come in as well?" he asks.

Naruto shakes his head "This is something personal between Thalia and those 3" he says making Percy frown as he saw Annabeth blushing as she looked at Thalia.

Percy grumbled and walked away as Chiron ushered the campers back to their cabins as Naruto closed the door behind him.

He sighed and turned to the kids. Annabeth was hugging Thalia tightly and crying as Luke as rubbing Thalia's back. Grover was just smiling at it all. "Look I've had a rough day, I'd rather be at home relaxing with my fiancé but now I need to explain everything so don't interrupt me" he says as the sit down and look towards him.

"Why did the Thalia that came out of the tree look so different than this one?" Annabeth asks. The tree version looks like she did back when they traveled but this one was so different. Longer hair, different clothes and the aura of someone confident and happy.

"I am getting to that" he says as he sits down in front of them. "When I first got here I saved you all from Hades's minions I was enraged at Zeus for trapping Thalia for no reason. Now my eyes have certain abilities that some of you have seen" he says turning on his eyes to show them.

Luke had seen the powers first hand when he was pulled into that pocket dimension. Annabeth and Grover had seen those powers while on the quest a couple years ago.

"I decided to screw over Zeus and save her. Using my eyes I pulled her from the tree and replaced her with a clone" he says patting her hand. "Over the years I trained her and looked out for her, even adopted her hence the Otsutsuki name and Hestia claiming her since I am Hestia's champion" he explains as Annabeth looks like she is about to ask a question.

"Wait until he's done Annabeth" Thalia said with a smile making the blonde blush a bit and nod.

Naruto saw this and chuckled "I know some of you are wondering why she didn't tell you all and that is because I told her not to" he says getting confused looks from everyone. "If you all knew she was out it might get out to some gods that voted to go along with her being trapped in a tree. You would be in danger and she might as well. Do not think she forgot about you all, she was worried about you all the entire time" he says getting nods from them.

"I understand the worry about telling us and I am just glad she is back" Luke says as he rubs her shoulder.

Grover nods "Yeah, she's back and Zeus won't bother anymore. Right?" he asks Naruto.

Naruto nods "Yes, I dealt with Zeus after he found out I put a clone in there he got angry and we actually fought" he says rubbing the back of his head.

Annabeth was speechless which was rare for her. "Y-You beat Zeus?" she asks confused.

He nods "Yeah though he attacked me first with no reason other than he was annoyed so nothing will happen. I made sure of it" he says as he stands up. "Now it is very late and you need to go to bed, we can talk more and whatnot in the morning" he says as Annabeth grumbles.

Luke chuckled as he helped get everyone out. Before leaving he turned to Naruto and nodded "Thank you for saving her and me" he said before walking off.

Naruto smiled as he went back inside to see Thalia smiling softly "I will get your doorway set up tomorrow, until then sleep on the bed and I'll take the couch" he says while he ruffles her hair.

She nods and hugs him "Night dad".

He smiles and hugs her back "Night Thalia, sleep well" he says as she lays down.

Once she was asleep he crafted the doorway to Thalia's room. Space-time Ninjutsu might not be his forte but he could do this easily enough. Once the door was set up he laid on the couch.

Just as he closed his eyes he felt a weight lay atop him. He smiled as he could smell homemade cookies and saw Hestia sitting on top of him. He smiled and stroked her cheek "Hello there honey" he says as she smiles and holds his hand.

"Hi, I'm sorry I couldn't stay away from you" she says as kisses him softly.

He kisses her back and rubs her sides "I'm sorry for how everything went, I was expecting Zeus to get angry but not actually attack me. How is everything going on Olympus" he says as she lays her head on his chest.

"Poseidon is handling it nicely with Hera helping out though Hera is a little annoyed at Zeus being that injured but she understands this way he is getting off lighter than if the Fates got to him" she says as she rubs his chest.

He nods and kisses the top of your head "Stay here and sleep, we can worry in the morning" he says as he wraps his arms around her.

She giggles and kisses his neck "Fine but I have to leave early. Love you Naruto" she says as she starts to close her eyes.

"Love you too Honey" he says as he drifts off to sleep.

-Next Morning-

He was awoken by a kiss on his forehead. He opened his eyes to see Hestia standing over him, he was about to say something when she placed her finger over his mouth "I have to leave dear, there is a meeting and I have my duties but I will see you during dinner. I love you" she says as she kisses him lovingly.

He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her back "Love you too, see you tonight" he said as she flashed away.

"If you two are going to be all kissy can you do it not around me" Thalia says as she stares at him with a flat look.

He chuckles "Kinda difficult when there are no rooms in here yet but enough bagging on me let's get to breakfast" he says as he gets up.

Thalia nodded and quickly went to her room to get changed.

While she was doing that he changed into less damaged clothes. He now wore black jeans with his sandals and an orange short sleeved button up shirt. Wrapped around his waist like a belt was Thalia's scarf acting as a mini Fleece so he could always have it on him. Around his neck was Thalia's skull necklace she gave him and on his left hand ring finger was his engagement ring with Thalia's skull ring on his middle finger.

Thalia returned wearing the Nemean trench coat. She wore tight blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. Around her neck was Tsunade's necklace and another necklace bearing the Uzumaki swirl that she must've gotten from his mother or grandmother.

"Ready?" he asks as he smiles to her.

She nods and holds onto his arm, still slightly nervous to be in camp and around her friends again but at least she had her father with her.

He smiles and ruffles her hair before heading out for breakfast. Everyone was staring at them but he paid them no mind as he led Thalia to Hestia's table. He saw Annabeth looking at them nervously as if she wanted to join them.

He smiled at her and signaled for her to come over "You can sit with us Annabeth, Hestia won't mind since you are Thalia's friend" he says making the blonde girl smile and rush over.

He summoned food for them and after they sacrificed some to the gods they spent breakfast talking about Thalia's life with him.

"Wow he sounds like a really good father and he taught you all that?" Annabeth asks shocked as they eat. Her friend got a father that protected her and made her lose her fatal flaw. Annabeth looks to Naruto nervously "C-Can you maybe train me and help me?" she asks nervously.

He looks up from his food and raises an eyebrow. He looks to Thalia silently asking if he should. She nods and he sighs "Fine but you aren't getting chakra right away, I might bless you with it but we would have to curb that pride of yours first" he says thinking up a training program. "I also don't know if I have a sword for you since you use a knife. Only thing short enough would be Raijin no Ken and I don't think it'd suit you" he says making her frown.

"Don't worry Annabeth I know dad will figure something out" Thalia says making Annabeth blush and nod.

Naruto noticed that the girl always blushed around Thalia and he could feel her emotion towards Thalia was always love. It didn't bother him just made him curious. He nodded "I just need to look through my scroll. After breakfast go to the arena with Thalia and I will find something for you" he says as he sacrifices the rest of the meal to his fiancé, mother and grandparents.

They nod and continue talking as he walks away, heading towards the cabin.

He enters Hestia cabin and unrolls his scroll and goes to his weapon section of it. When he originally packed the scroll he just grabbed the 7 swords of the mist and some other tools but apparently Amaterasu added a lot. She put Raijin no Ken, Orochimaru's Kusanagi and a lot more. All of them infused with celestial bronze of course.

The only blades he could think of giving her was a pair of trench knifes similar to Asuma's. They were a bit bigger than his and they were made of steel and bronze with specs of what seemed to be gold.

He noticed ever since he fought Diana, Artemis's Roman form his weapons seemed to gain some Imperial Gold. Even his markers gained it.

He sighed as he rolled up the scroll, pocketing the trench knifes away for later. He exited the cabin and made his way to the arena to begin his training of Annabeth. When he got there Thalia was training with her Kiba blades as Annabeth watched.

Other campers also watched her train and he could feel jealousy rolling off some of them. He sighed as he walked in. He waved for Annabeth to join him.

The girl nervously walked over to him.

"Now I understand you use knifes I want to see how well you do" he says as he pulls out the trench knifes and wields them "use your knife to fight me, I need to see how good you are" he says motioning for her to come at him.

She stands nervously, looking over to Thalia who gives her an encouraging nod. She takes a deep breath and draws her knife. She charges him and takes an experimental slash.

He blocks it with his knife and goes for a slash but Annabeth quickly brings her knife down to block and sweep kicks him.

He jumps over it easily and kicks the knife out of her hand by coating his foot in earth chakra. The knife flies into the air and he sticks his trench knife to her throat as he catches her knife in-between 2 fingers.

She frowns, upset that she was defeated so easily. She might not have many useful abilities like other demigods but she tried to make up for it. Tears threatened to roll out until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Naruto smiling at her.

"Good job. I could tell you are pretty good at using your knife but you need something more versatile and I think these trench knifes will work" he says handing them to her, confusing her greatly. "You have a good understanding in using a knife, you just need more training and the right tools and you will be a deadly warrior" he says patting her back.

She stared at him confused "But you defeated me so easily" she says frowning.

He chuckles "Well true but I have fought a lot longer than you and have much more hardened senses as well as more techniques. If I didn't use chakra it would've lasted as long as it would've taken for me to disarm you without it" he says with a smile.

Annabeth smiled understanding his reasoning. She smiled as she felt Thalia rub her back "You did pretty good Annie, with more training you will be great especially once you get chakra" she says making her blush a bit.

He chuckled as he ruffled Thalia's hair making her blush and swat his hand away quickly "Relax, training won't be too bad and who knows, it'll most likely be fun" he says making her smile and nod. She was ready to get stronger and maybe overcome that fatal flaw of hers.

-1 Month Later (Book 3 basically starts now)-

Naruto sighed. Over the few months he had been at camp the only reprieve he had to the annoying campers was his daughter and fiancé, who showed up every other night and sometimes even stayed 'til mornings.

Annabeth's training went nicely and it seemed that her fatal flaw all but vanished around Thalia and even when Thalia wasn't nearby it didn't show up as often as it did in the past. Maybe having Thalia out of her tree fixed it for her.

Annabeth took to the trench knives greatly. She flowed with them nicely and had the agility to be deadly with them.

She had gained charka a week or so ago and was a quick learner. She had earth and wind affinity and mastered the basics very quickly. He even gave her tips on coating her blades in chakra as well as the basics on Flying Swallow Style. Thalia was also helping her with her wind jutsus and she was making good progress on her own with the earth jutsus.

He currently stood in front of Percy, who was being his usual idiot self. Annabeth was holding back Thalia, who lucky for her no longer had her natural lightning ability but could still generate it with lightning.

"Let me get this straight Percy, because I am training Annabeth, who is my daughter's friend, you think you can order me to train you just because? I understand you want to be strong for your role but I don't like people demanding things from me and I feel you'd do your usual idiot behavior with my training" he says making the boy glare.

"Stop calling me an idiot! You gave Annabeth those knifes and gave her your weird energy so why can't I get training from you as well" he complains.

"Percy it is my decision who gets chakra and who doesn't as well as who I train and who I don't. Don't demand things if others" he says as he walks off to his daughter. He knew the boy had no truly bad intentions he just had a strong urge to protect others…even if they could defend themselves easier than he could defend them. His idiocy sometimes got to him in a bad way.

"What if I defeat you in battle" Percy says shocking the campers. Percy had just challenged someone who defeated Ares and Zeus, if the rumors were correct, to battle.

Naruto sighed as his daughter burst out laughing "You really think you can defeat my dad? You've saw him fight Ares and just to let you know that orb he hit him with was ¼ of the power it should have been" she says surprising everyone.

Percy stares him dead in the eyes "I still challenge him. If I can win he has to train me, if I lose I never bring it up again" he says drawing Riptide.

Naruto groans "Fine but I'm only using half power, any more than that and I fear I'd hurt you too bad" he says as he draws Yamato.

Percy glares and charges at him.

He dodges the fury of slices from Percy easily, the boy's style was full berserker. He activated his eyes and whispered out "Shinra Tensei" sending Percy rocketing away, crashing into the wall. "Going to have to do better than this Percy" he says as he draws Yamato.

Percy pulls himself from the wall to see Naruto extending his hand "Bansho Ten'in".

Immediately after muttering those words Percy is sent flying towards Naruto, once close enough he uses the sheath of Yamato and hits the base of Percy's neck, knocking him out immediately. "The boy was way too eager. Hopefully this will calm him down some" he says as he sheaths Yamato and seals it away.

Everyone was in awe. He had defeated one of their strongest campers with 2 moves and didn't even use his sword, only the sheath. But what else did they expect from the one who has defeated 2 gods.

Naruto went over to his daughter "I'm going to rest" he says waving to them.

Thalia smiles as she turns to Annabeth "Ready to keep training?" she asks making her friend blush and nod. Thalia had a feeling Annabeth liked her but she wasn't able to sense emotions like her father but she was fairly certain.

She was nervous to admit her feelings as well due to the fear her father might not accept her if he found out as well as not knowing if Annabeth really felt like that.

Naruto sighed as he walked to the cabin. He really was getting tired of this camp, more just getting bored but he knew he had to stay here for Thalia and because at the moment there was nothing else he could do.

He went into his cabin to sleep for a while before dinner. As he laid down he felt someone lay next to him. He opened his eye slightly to see Hestia as she cuddled up close to him and stayed in his arms while he slept.

She knew he was having an exhausting time at camp due to the kids and the boredom but he was being a good father and staying for Thalia. In the last month she had become close to the girl and she actually called her mom when they were alone which made her cry in happiness.

She was happy just to be here for her fiancé and future husband.

-Next Day-

Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose "You want us to go pick up some new demigods from a boarding school?" he asks Chiron. It wasn't that he was asked to go, he was more annoyed of how they brought the demigods over. He could think of tons of different ways to get them to the camp and explain it to them.

Chiron nods "Yes, you, Percy, Annabeth and Thalia will go help Grover retrieve the two demigods and help get them back to camp. Grover says there is a monster after them as well so be on guard" he says making Naruto sigh again.

"Any idea of the monster or are we going in blind on that aspect" he says as Thalia bounces in excitement to fight something.

Chiron sighs "The monster is hidden in human form and has shown no aspects of its true form except for its scent" he says in an apologetic tone.

Naruto stands up "Fine but I'm in charge of this mission and that means you have to listen to me Percy, I swear to Kami that if you do something stupid I am locking you away" he says staring at the boy dead in the eyes.

Percy glares back and grumbles. "When do we leave?" he says as he summons his scroll to him.

-Later that Day-

Naruto groaned as he drove the kids to the boarding school. He drove the black SUV he bought many months ago, he would've got it in orange if they sold it in that color. Percy sat in the back while Thalia and Annabeth in the very back.

Green Day was currently playing as he had no other CDs and Thalia used her damn puppy-eyes jutsu on him. He swore his mother taught her that as revenge for him using the reverse harem on her.

They were getting close "Get ready everybody we are pretty close. Once we get inside we need to try and get the kids alone and away from the group. That means no solo work and I especially say that to you Percy!" he says looking at Percy in the rear-view mirror.

Percy glares "I'm not going to do any of that so stop saying it every chance you get" he says in an annoyed tone.

Thalia chuckles "Knowing you it probably will happen. Don't worry dad we will keep an eye on him" she says getting a thumbs up from her dad.

They eventually made it to the school and piled out "Now I want you all to stay together and keep an eye on the kids" he says as they enter to see Grover.

"Good you guys are finally here, hurry Dr. Thorn, the monster, and is starting to get antsy" he says as he pulls Percy along as Annabeth and Thalia walk in after him.

Naruto turns on his eyes and hides them behind a henge as he looks around. His eyes land on the two kids. They look exactly the same, around 13 or so years old, olive colored skin and dark black hair and dark eyes. From what his eyes could see they had an aura that reminded him of Hades. He'd have to send a message to Hades about it later.

He walked through the dance floor to see Annabeth being bothered by Percy for a dance. Poor boy, if what he could sense from the blonde haired girl was correct the girl had a crush on his daughter.

Thalia was having fun with Grover from what he could see and was joking around with him. Her cloak was sealed away as it would be a blatant sign of her being a demigod.

He frowned as he saw the Dr. Thorn, the obvious monster from its aura, go to the kids and usher the kids away. And then he groaned as he saw Percy rush after them, he was going to strangle that kid.

He sent a signal to Thalia and motioned for the door. She got Annabeth and Grover's attention as they left the dance. They left the building to see Percy facing off against the Manticore with the 2 demigods under the beast's paw.

"Annabeth and Thalia use long range jutsus to hold its attention as I go and back off the idiot" he orders getting nods from the girls. He takes a deep breath and transforms into Matatabi and pounces on the Manticore.

The beast never saw him coming as it roars in pain from his form's flames as it backs away firing off needles.

He slashes away 3 needles it fired at Percy and glared at Percy making the boy pale. He was about to say something but he didn't want to hear it. His yellow eye turns to the Shinju's eye "Kamui" he said making Percy disappear in a swirl.

He did warn the kid.

He turned his attention to the beast as it was hit with black lightning and a blade of wind. He used his claws to send the beast away from the kids as he summons a clone to take them to safety. He quickly grabs the kids and dashes back just as a volley of silver arrows hit it.

'Artemis?' he thinks as he looks back to see the hunters. Artemis sends him a subtle nod as she looks in his eyes.

He nods and transforms back into his normal form and walks away from the Manticore. Thalia glared at the hunters with a frown "Relax Thalia, you could say Artemis and I got over our differences and she's not trying to kill me anymore" he says making her frown more but nod.

The manticore roars "Goddess, you can't interfere with me! Ancient rules forbid it!" he yells as he fires needles at them only for them to disappear in a soundless swirl of air confusing him.

Artemis sends Naruto a thankful nod "I am the goddess of the hunt and you are a beast, therefor in my domain. Fire at will Zoe" she says getting a nod from her lieutenant as she orders them to fire.

She walks over to the group and looks at Naruto "Definitely improving your skills I see and you gave another child that energy of yours" she says as she looks over the child of Athena. "Another girl I see, if I didn't know better I'd think you were creating your own group of women fighters" she says making him chuckle.

"Naw that is your thing, I am just helping my daughter's friends out" he says as he ruffles Thalia's hair making her swat it away.

"Thank you for helping my hunters and leaving the target for them" she says as she looks around. "Where is the son of Poseidon?" she asks confused.

He chuckles "Oh he's just in time out in my pocket dimension for insubordination. I warned him I'd lock him up if he did something stupid. He can stay there until we return to camp" he says making the goddess laugh.

"Well that is a good punishment, now I am guessing you all are tired, I would like to invite you all to stay at my camp until we can get you all a ride back to camp" she says as she motions for them to follow.

He sends a clone to seal up his car as he follows Artemis with the others not far behind. Grover was a little worried for Percy but Thalia assured him he'd be safe. The two twins were being carried by clones as they had lost consciousness shortly after the fight began.

As Naruto walked behind Artemis numerous hunters were glaring at him heavily. He sighed as the entered the center of her camp.

"Milady why is he here!" Zoe yells angered and confused.

Artemis sighed "We have patched things up, I realized I was acting pig headed and he helped me. He is under my protection so no one will harm him or his group" she says in a chilling tone getting nods from the hunters. She smiles and turns to them "Please feel free to explain to the twins when they wake of their situation and send the female to my tent. When she comes over you may come as well Naruto" she says as she walks away.

He was surprised at how much Artemis had changed but was worried about what the hunters would do, even if their mistress ordered them didn't mean they would fully listen. He turned to Thalia and Grover "Tell me when they wake and explain everything to them. I doubt I'd be good at it" he says as he sits against a tent as they nod and head inside.

He sighed as he saw hunters glaring at him as they go about their work.

An hour or later his daughter comes out "They woke up and the girl doesn't believe us though she is ready to go with you" she says as he nods and pats her head.

He walks inside to see the boy talking excited with Grover as Annabeth tried to calm down the female twin. "Relax girl, she speaks the truth" he says getting her attention.

"Who are you? And no she isn't this is crazy talk" she says shaking her head.

"I am Naruto Otsutsuki, child of Chaos and champion of Hestia and I think I know who your father is. May I have your name" he asks as he looks her over with his Shinju eyes, shocking her a bit.

"I am Bianca Di Angelo and my brother Nico is over there. What the hell is going on!?" she asks a bit scared.

Naruto sighs and pats her head "Relax, just follow me and I will explain everything better. I will keep you safe" he says as she at him and nods slowly.

He smiles and leads her out the tent "Thalia stay here and keep everything calm as I don't feel like breaking up any fights" he says with a groan. Thalia pouts but nods before sitting next to Annabeth.

He smiles as he leads Bianca to Artemis's tent. "Come in, I can feel you two outside" he hears Artemis say as they enter.

She is sitting in a chair with Zoe next to her, who was scowling at him with rage in her eyes. He nods to Artemis as they sit down.

"I trust they explained everything to you" Artemis says as she looks to the girl.

Bianca nods "But it can't be true, can it? Me being the daughter of a god is just crazy, gods don't exist" she says shaking her head.

Artemis "They exist as one is in front of you" she says making the girl pale as Artemis aged herself slightly from her usual 13 year old form.

"S-sorry I-I didn't know" she says worried that she might be struck down with lightning.

Artemis waves it off "You had no way of knowing. Now I believe they told you about the camp but there is another choice" she says getting the girl's attention. "You can join my hunters, be immortal, be free and learn to live for yourself. The only drawback is you have to abstain from the company of men and cannot visit your brother" she says as she stared in the young Demi-god's eyes.

Bianca thought it over deeply for some time. She could be free but she'd have to leave her brother. Sure he was a goof sometimes but he looked out for her and was always there for her. She sighs and shakes her head "I can't leave my brother, he wouldn't do that to me and I'm not doing that to him" she says looking the goddess in the eyes.

Artemis frowned but was glad the girl valued family "I respect your choice now if you could return to the tent as Naruto and I have a lot to talk about" she says getting the girl to leave.

Naruto smiled at Artemis "What may I help you with Artemis?" he asks as he sits down.

Artemis looked to Zoe "Please leave Zoe, this is something personal" she says shocking her lieutenant but after a slight glare Zoe leaves. "I want to ask you a favor" she says shocking Naruto.

From his memories Artemis never asked any males for any favors "Sure, what do you need help with?" he asks. He wasn't going to turn it down. Artemis could be a good ally for the future, even if they had butted heads in the past.

"I need you to look after my hunters while I am gone I fear something ancient is free and I need to hunt it down. My hunters can look after themselves but if something were to happen while I was hunting the beast I fear they would run rampant to find me. I ask for a marker so I can tell them that if anything were to happen to me they could summon a strong warrior to lead them in my stead" she says nervously. She wasn't use to asking males for favors and she felt somewhat bad for lying to her hunters but felt it was needed. She had a dark feeling about this hunt.

He nods and hands her 2 markers "Of course but keep one yourself. If you feel the need, call for me" he said staring into her eyes with a serious look on his face.

She nods and stands up "I will keep it in mind. Now head back to your tent, I will have a hunter call for you when the ride for camp shows up" she says as he stands and heads for the door.

He nods and leaves the tent to see numerous hunters glaring at him even harsher. He sighs and just leaves for his tent.

Hopefully Zoe wouldn't call for him as he feared they wouldn't dare listen to him.