Chapter 8

Naruto stood next to his daughter and her friends as they chatted with the twins that he knew for certain were Hades's kids after he sent a message to him via Hestia. The god asked for him to look after them and explained the situation with them.

He definitely gave him credit for using the Lotus casino to keep them frozen in time essentially, keeping his oath intact and still having children.

The hunters were still behind him glaring daggers at him but he bared them no mind.

Artemis stood next to him "My brother is so lazy in the winter time I swear" she said with a sigh. "Can't you warp everyone to camp?" she asks confused. She had seen him using his warping technique a few times but she wasn't sure.

He shakes his head "Larges groups are a no go. Too many energies to match and warp and I can't store them in my pocket dimension as I have an angry son of Poseidon in there and it's not the most friendly area" he said with a chuckle as Artemis nodded in understanding.

"Is he there all alone?" she asks wondering if he was destroying the place as much as he could.

"Naw Zetsu is there and he is keeping him calm. Though I doubt he could damage it very much" he said as the sun started to peak over the horizon.

"Avert your eyes until he lands" she calls out as everyone averts their eyes except Naruto as his eyes weren't affected by it and he was curious as to how it went.

He could see a Maserati Spyder hovering down and landing as the light died down. Seconds later a man that looked like an older, non-scarred Luke came out wearing khakis and a white button up.

"Little sis! What can I do you for?" he says as Artemis glares at him.

"Shut up Brother! I am older than you! I helped mother birth you for goodness sake!" She yells pulling his ear down hard.

"Fine! Fine! Just let go!" He yells in pain as she lets go and he clenches his ear in pain. "What do you need" he says with a sigh as he looks around.

Artemis sighs "I need transport to camp for my hunters and Naruto's groups" she says as Naruto nods to Apollo but keeps on guard.

He didn't want the sun god to flirt with his daughter.

Apollo smiles and nods "Sure thing sis! Just have to change my ride" he says as he clicks his car key remote, changing the sports car to a shuttle bus.

"Now brother do not flirt with my hunters, do not look at them and don't be yourself" Artemis says with a glare as Apollo waves it off and nods before looking at the group.

"Thalia Grace, you caused a lot of trouble up in Olympus" he says looking her over "Though I'm glad you didn't really become a tree, such a shame when a pretty girl becomes a tree" he says making Thalia glare and look away.

She knew he voted to turn her to a tree. The only ones who didn't were Demeter, Hermes, Poseidon and Athena.

Annabeth rubbed her friends back and sent her a smile that she returned and stayed close to her as Apollo stares down Naruto.

Naruto shows no sign of being intimidated. Considering how he defeated Zeus like it was nothing. Apollo instinctively shuddered when Naruto looked him in the eye with his Shinju eyes.

Apollo walked away, deciding not to say anything making Artemis chuckle.

She turned to Zoe "Watch after the hunters and remember, use that knife to summon a great warrior if you are in need. She will help you, I made sure of it" she says sending a pleading look to Naruto silently.

He chuckled and gave her an 'okay' symbol, he didn't mind having to henge to a girl if Zoe summoned him. He sighed as he leaned against the bus waiting for everyone to get on.

"Also do not attack Naruto, I know you don't like him but we have made peace and he is legions stronger than you all or even me" she says making Zoe nod and grumble. "I will be gone for a while as I have to hunt this beast but it shouldn't be too difficult" she says getting a nod from them as she heads off into the forest.

The hunters glare as they pass him and Zoe glares most of all. He chuckles and smiles as the twins, Grover, Annabeth and Thalia all get on.

Annabeth and Thalia sit together as do the twins as Grover tries to sit as close to the hunters as he can.

Naruto sighs and sits behind his daughter and leans against the wall.

Apollo gets on and smiles "Well the Apollo express is about to take off. Any volunteers for driving?" he says with a mischievous smirk.

Nico raises his hand making Apollo frown "Too young" he looks to Grover who was also raising his hand "Too furry as well" he frowns looking around until he looks to Thalia "Daughter of Zeus, seems fitting" he said until he felt a massive killing intent coming from her.

"I am NOT that bastard's kid! My dad is sitting behind me!" she says as her chakra flares until she feels her father's hand on her back.

"Calm down Thalia, not many gods know of your disowning of him. Apollo I think it is best if you just drive, we need to get back to camp plus the sooner we get back the sooner Percy can get out of my pocket dimension" he said making the sun god nod and rush to his seat.

Naruto sighs and decides to take a small nap as they chariot flew.

Annabeth smiled at Thalia and was confused when she didn't start freaking out "Did you get over of your fear of heights?" she asks making Thalia chuckle.

"Yeah Dad and some people I trained under helped me get over it though mostly my Dad" she says smiling back to her sleeping dad.

Annabeth smiles and nods "I'm glad you have him. He has changed you and made you better" she says with a smile as she leans on her crush and they enjoy the ride.


They land in camp and Naruto smiles "Well time for the idiot to get out of his time out" he says extending his hand and activating his eyes. "Kamui" he whispers out as a portal appears as Percy and a black blob appear from it.

Apollo who stuck around a little longer was confused of this as were the hunters.

Percy stands up and glares at Naruto "The hell was all that! You fucking put me in that weird place with that scary thing!" he yells pointing to the black blob that stands up and reveals 2 glowing eyes and a smile of sharp teeth.

Naruto glares back "I warned you many times that if you did anything stupid I would lock you up and guess what you did? You went straight up and fought a Manticore! Without any backup and endangered Nico and Bianca's life! You are lucky I saw you head out so I could back you up!" he yells glaring. "And hey! Don't talk shit about my brother!" he says as Zetsu nods.

"Not kind of you young child" he says as he slithers into Naruto's sleeve. "You owe me a lot of meat for that Naruto" he says as he closes his eyes in the sleeve to hide himself.

Naruto nods "I know, I'll do it later. Now Percy, you have no reason to be pissed but I have every reason as you were being your usual idiot self!" he yells as Chiron trots up.

"Please Naruto, cut the boy some slack" he says nervous as Naruto glared at him.

"No! He's been babied too much. His first quest he nearly crashes a bus full of mortals then from what I hear he forcefully tagged along and hijacked a quest, releasing pirates and destroying a safe haven for girls! If he doesn't learn he will just get more stupid!" he yells hiding the fact that he was there for the second quest to clean up after him. He groans as he storms off. "I'll be in the cabin" he says as he leaves.

Thalia sighs "Lucky he let you out. He hates people who put others in danger and that realm isn't that bad. Sure it's barren but it's good for training and Zetsu is nice once you get to know him" she says as she walks after her father.

Annabeth frowns at Percy and shakes her head as she follows after as well. Since she had gotten close to Thalia she was allowed in Hestia cabin and Thalia's room, which she was glad she was able to have. Plus she was able to have sleepovers as long as it was only once a week.

Percy frowned and glared at Naruto's retreating form.

Chiron cleared his throat "I suspect the hunters will be staying in Artemis's cabin?" he asks as Apollo drives off.

Zoe nods "Yes, we will be ready for capture the flag as well. Is that man going to be a part of it?" she asks as she was curious of his abilities. From the fight with her Mistress some years ago she knew he had power over black flames and some illusionary technique as well as cloning himself. From the fight with the Manticore she saw he could become a massive flaming cat with 2 tails. And just now she saw he could pull others into a pocket dimension, she wanted to test herself against him even if he could defeat Zeus.

Chiron sighed "No, he claims it is worthless as it teaches the heroes that war is a game but I believe Thalia, his daughter might be taking part in it and he has trained her for 4 years or so" he says making Zoe frown but nod.

"We will be in our cabin until lunch as some hunters are still tired" she says as she walks over, Grover following not far behind.

Chiron smiles at the two twins "Well how about I show you to the Big House, you can come too Percy" he says as he ushers them away.


He sighed as he sat in his chair with Annabeth and Thalia chatting on the couch. "I swear that boy really does have seaweed for a brain. He only does stupid things every time he acts" he says as he drinks some tea that he conjured up.

Thalia nods "Yes and this last act nearly endangered the two twins and himself. If I were you dad I would've just left him in Kamui until Zetsu said he calmed down" she says as Annabeth nods.

He sighs again "It's still late so sleep 'til lunch, you all need it especially if you both are fighting in capture the flag and don't worry you can also sleep here tonight as well Annabeth" he says as they smile and head off but not before Thalia kisses him on the cheek.

He smiles as they go to the room to sleep as he feels a presence next to him and holds it close to him. He smiled at his fiancé Hestia and kisses her cheek.

"I have had the worst day honey" he says as she smiles and strokes his cheek.

"I know I watched which is why I am here. I thought I could help" she said as she sat his lap and kissed him lovingly.

He always melted at her kisses. They tasted like honey and a mixture of brown sugar that he quickly got addicted to. Hestia was strangely dominant when kissing and always seemed to initiate any deeper kiss.

She smiled and pulled away looking into his eyes "Naruto I know this isn't the best time to bring it up but I think I found a way to get out of my deal with Styx so we can be together physically" she says as she blushes dark at the thought of being with her fiancée.

He frowned and looked at her before smiling "Whatever it is I will do it. Especially when it means I can be with the woman I love" he says as he kisses her cheek.

Hestia smiles warmly "You just need to fight Pallas, Styx's husband, in honorable combat. We can go anytime so it is up to you" she says as she kisses him softly before leading him to the bed to rest at.

He smiled and held Hestia close in his arms as he slept with the woman he loved.


He awoke to the sound of the horn and sighed as he noticed Hestia was gone but smiled at her note she left.

Thalia and Annabeth come out and smile as he gets up "What are you going to do dad?" she asks as Zetsu slides out of his sleeve.

"I am going to train and maybe go to my pocket dimension. Zetsu will stay with you two and see over your training" he says as he straps on his scroll with his scarf around his neck and heads out.

Thalia and Annabeth follow after and head to the table as he heads to the forest.

He had a special place for meditation and just to get away from the annoying camp. He set up barrier and illusion tags around an 'empty' clearing so no one would disturb him.

He walked through the barrier to smile at the massive Cherry Blossom tree. It was the same one he made when he first fought the Nemean Lioness and found it was a great place to train drawing nature energy with the scarf as if he drew too much too quickly the tree would absorb the extra energy.

Also since it was abandoned and hidden from others he could practice some other techniques. Like elements that were quite destructive or his Beast Transformations.

He could use most secondary elements and slowly making progress on tertiary elements like dust or crystal.

He was also up to 5 tails on his transformation and he could draw out each of the Bijuu's powers. Like Shukaku's magnet release or Matatabi's blue flames and even Gyuki's tentacles for shielding against lightning.

He still missed the Bijuu but he knew that the Sage wasn't as good as he was made out to be.

He sighed and sat under the tree, looking up at its petals wondering how everyone was doing back in the Elemental Nations.

-Elemental Nations-

Tsunade sighed as she drank from her sake cup. It had been some years since Naruto left and from what she heard from Kaguya, he was doing good, adopted a girl and even found a fiancée.

She was glad for him that he was finally happy and had his own little family.

She wished she could visit but her work had gotten annoying as of late.

Ever since Naruto left with the chakra as well as numerous scrolls things in the new elemental treaty village had been hectic.

The damn Uchiha and other leaders demanded they get Naruto back and their chakra. They complained to her since Shizune, Gaara and herself were the only ones close to him left.

She told them he left the realm using his new eyes and hasn't been seen back since. But being the arrogant asshole all of them were they didn't believe her.

She paid them no mind as she was more focused on the ninja's uprising from losing chakra. It was mostly those with Kekkai Genkai or Kekkai Tota. The Hyuga's, majority of the Kiri as well as Iwa since they used Kekkai Tota and Genkai the most.

Kiri was angry they lost their 7 swords of the mist. Many village's lost special artifacts when Naruto left.

Other ninja's like Tenten or Gai were fine though that girl Tenten was angry at losing the Sage's items.

She guessed that Naruto took them with him seeing as he is technically the brother of the Sage so he does have every right to them.

For the last years she had to quell uprisings along with the other Kages, badly enough. She kept the fact that 3 people still had chakra. Gaara was often questioned why he still walked around with the gourd of sand on his back. He always said it was to remember Shukaku and what his mother gave him.

She desperately wanted to beat the annoying Kages but Shizune kept scolding her not to.

She sighed and went outside to walk around the village. The village was name the Shinobi village and each portion that belonged to the original village were called sectors such as the Konoha sector or the Iwa sector.

There weren't much disputes except between the Kumo sector and the Hyuga clan or the Iwa section and the Aburame clan. Nothing big, just getting to points where they would avoid the other.

She shook the thoughts about the annoying village out of her head and continued on her peaceful stroll through the village.

She got near her new compound and glared as the Uchiha was standing in front of it. "What the hell do you want Uchiha" she says pinching the bridge of her nose.

Sasuke scoffs "I need your prowess" he says with air quotes at prowess "in the medical field. You have to know some way of regaining what is mine by birthright, my eyes" he says glaring. "And another thing I have realized is how you look. You still have that mark on your forehead and you still look young instead of a wrinkly old hag" he says as a fist collides with his face sending him into the wall.

"I may not have chakra but that doesn't mean I'm not strong on my own. Also when chakra vanished I'm guessing the excess Yin chakra in my seal went through my body to keep my appearance as well as dying my skin that color. The only reason Sakura isn't the same is I have had much more time using it than her" she says as she cracks her knuckles.

She thankfully held back from using any chakra as that was all her natural strength.

Sasuke got up from the wall and glared at her "You can't act like that with me hag! I am an Uchiha!" he yells drawing his sword only for her to grab it and snap it like it was a twig.

"I told you, I am strong even without chakra and you are just a spoiled boy who lost his precious eyes. I am still a Kage and someone strong enough to back up my title so I'd leave before I break your skull" she says glaring and releasing her killing intent on him.

He looks unaffected but sweats a small amount as he walks away discarding the sword. She picks it up to reveal it wasn't broken as she chucked it over the wall of her compound. Genjutsus were a good thing to mess with the brat.

She really wished Naruto would have killed the annoying boy but oh well, he isn't powerful anymore, now he's just an annoying brat.

She sighed again as she saw Hinata walking towards her with a nervous smile. Over the years she had talked with the shy Hyuga and the girl apologized for betraying Naruto as she was afraid of going against her clan and the villagers.

She thought about asking Naruto to give her back chakra but erased that thought as 1. The girl had the same amount of courage of a groundhog after seeing it's shadow 2. She feared what her clan would do if they found out she had it, they might even start making her a breeding stock which made her shudder.

She kept to having her as an ally and a new student. Sakura had lost all her respect when she helped Sasuke and the other Kages chain up Naruto. If only she had gotten her before all this, the Byakugan was a great tool for medics.

"H-Hi Lady Tsunade. How has your day been?" she asks nervous.

Tsunade looks over the girl and nods "Just the usual annoying work and complaining from people for me to bring back someone I can't as he left the realm and I don't blame him for leaving" she says as she sighs.

"D-Do you still hear from Naruto? Is he happy?" she asks with a frown.

Tsunade nods and walks past her "He is happy and he forgives you so don't be so sad. Now come along, we have muscle training to do. Just because you have that huge chest under that jacket doesn't mean you can't be strong" she says with a smirk.

Hinata blushes dark red and nods "Y-Yes Lady Tsunade" she says as she follows after her new teacher.


Naruto wiped sweat off his forehead.

He may be a stamina powerhouse but learning new things always tired him out as he wasn't use to them.

Over the years he theorized all the combinations to make Kekkai Genkai and Tota.

So far the Genkai ones he knew of were Scorch, Explosion, Lava, Boil, Blaze (but that was Amaterasu), Swift, Ice, Magnet, Storm, Dark, Wood and Crystal while he only really knew of Dust for Tota as not many people had 3 affinities nor the imagination to test them out.

He theorized he could add Wind and Earth to make pure Sand, Fire and Yang would make pure Heat which was different from Scorch, Wind and Yin would make Sound, Wind and Yang might make Typhoon, Lightning and Yang would make Light, Earth and Yang would make Land, Water and Yin would make Brine, and then Water and Yang would make Wave.

He had no idea how to test out any of those and he didn't really want to as he had a bad experience with things exploding in his face.

He focused on what he had scrolls of and knew what they looked like.

Most of them came easy to him as he had used some of them before when he had the Bijuu in him. Magnet, Lava and Boil came to him easy as they were the elements of Shukaku, Son Goku and Kokuo respectively.

Storm, Swift and Wood he already could use with some mastery since he taught two of them to Thalia. Though he realized that her storm was different than his. His needed Lightning and Water while hers only needed Lightning and Wind. He chalked it up to her being a child of Zeus and the whole no water thing. Similar to how Percy can't be in the air.

He had also seen Dust, Dark, Explosion, Ice, Scorch and Crystal before through his life from enemies he had fought.

So far he could use the basics for them all and mastery in the few he knew best.

He might not use much of them but it was best to be fully rounded. Dark wasn't useful since only Thalia and Annabeth had chakra. Explosion he could use for an ace, Ice could be interesting, Scorch could be interesting with his Rasengan or Truth Seeking Orbs. Crystal would be a strong defense if he studied with it more.

He noticed it was getting around dinner time. Hopefully nothing bothersome had happened.

He exited the clearing after feeding his tree. He entered camp to see Thalia and Annabeth getting ready for capture the flag.

Bianca seemed to be sitting out of it as her brother got excited and all geared up with Percy who seemed to still be upset as the boy looked to him and glared.

Naruto sighed and walked over to his daughter "Don't be too cocky Thalia by using your powerful techniques or showing off" he says bopping her head.

She chuckled "Don't worry, I won't be doing that. Only with Zoe as it is a bit of revenge for the past but I won't go overboard" she says as she draws out her Kiba blades as Annabeth readies her knifes. "Also watch out, apparently something happened to Artemis and Zoe tried to leave while we slept" she says looking over to Zoe

He sighs and pats her head "We'll figure out what to do later so no worries" he says with a smile until he hears the hunters.

"You aren't joining boy? Afraid we might beat you" one hunter says making the others laugh at him.

He chuckled and flared his eyes as looks to them "Girls, I don't doubt your skills but I am someone who has defeated 2 gods and 1 goddess. If I fought I could most likely defeat all of you with one technique and no I am not being arrogant, I am confident" he says as they silence up and go back to getting ready.

Thalia chuckles "Why don't you join us dad? It would be insane if you fought" she said smiling brightly at her dad.

He chuckles "Naw, if I did it would get too crazy and even if this game is stupid it does help get them a bit ready" he says as he waves them off and goes to sit next to Bianca.

He smiles to her as the others get ready "Not joining?" he asks as she nods.

"I'm not the fighting kind and it seems dangerous. I tried to get my brother to not go either but he was too excited" she says with a sigh.

"Yeah my daughter can be the same, but don't worry no one truly gets too hurt here. It is mostly just a game for them" he says calming her nerves.

"Is Thalia really your daughter? You don't look old enough to be one" she asks curious.

He laughs "No I am not her biological father I am her adoptive father as I saved her and looked after her for nearly 4 or so years. She saw me as a father and I accepted it" he said as he smiled at his daughter as she and Annabeth made plans for the game.

He had a strong feeling Percy was going to be an idiot during this. Hopefully Thalia could smack some sense into him.

He relaxed and waited for it all to go crazy.


"Now I think this time we can actually win against them. Annabeth with provide defense with Percy and Clarisse while myself and Luke can go offensive with some other campers. The rest will provide defense against the hunters when they come for the flag" she says getting some nods from others.

"Why do you get to go for the flag?" one camper yells.

"Because I have been trained by my father and have the use of his energy like Annabeth does and I can cause the most damage to them. Luke is coming along because he is the best swordsman here" she says getting grumbles of acceptance from them.

"Ready for this Luke?" she asks with a smirk. "Think you can keep up with me?" she says making him chuckle.

Luke smirks "Oh yeah I can, especially with the new sword your dad gave me" he says drawing the jian from his waist. It had a black sheath and a brown handle.

Thalia smirked "Sword of Kusanagi. Suits you. If dad gave you that it means he trusts you" she says as everyone gets ready.

Annabeth frowned as she stood near the flag watching Thalia and Luke talk. She hoped that Thalia felt towards Luke like she did, like a brother. She also sighed as Percy tried to flirt a bit with her in his awkward way. She wondered how he didn't realize she didn't like him like that. Plus he was the son of Poseidon so it wouldn't work between them as well as the fact that she liked girls so that was another reason it wouldn't work. She shook the thoughts out of her head as the game began.

Thalia smirked as she ran through the forest with Luke. She charged her blades with lightning chakra and was getting excited. She saw arrows flying towards her as she cut them easily.

Her father had trained her to block projectiles of much faster speed and of stronger metal.

Luke also was making quick speed of striking down arrows with his sword that seemed cut through them like they were nothing. Naruto told him this Sword of Kusanagi would cut through anything, seemed like he spoke the truth.

He and Thalia quickly reached the flag to see Zoe and 2 other hunters. "You take the two I want Zoe" she says charging her blades again and dashing towards her.

Luke chuckled and readied himself for the hunters, he had to change his style a bit to get used to it but it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Thalia smirks as she makes Zoe back up. "This all is what my dad taught me" she says as she over charges her blades to make an explosion as she strikes down.

In the smoke she quickly summons a lightning clone and shadow clone to go steal the flag and take it back to the other side. She had the lightning one guard the shadow clone. She just hoped nothing happened to it but whoever hits it will get zapped very badly.

When the smoke cleared Zoe glared at her and attacked in a fury of anger. She could not be beaten by the supposed daughter of that man. It angered her more that the girl was able to block all her hits. She was about to attack again when the horn blew.

She looked in shock until she looked behind her and saw the flag was gone.

"My dad isn't the only one who uses clones" she says heads back and glares at Percy who was twitching after he ran into her clones and nearly lost them the game, luckily Annabeth was there to carry it across.

"What the hell Percy! I had it, why the hell did you try and sneak across. My clones had it but you nearly cost us the game by attacking them blindly when they burst through the clearing!" she yells pinching her nose.

"Well I thought I could help" he says as Luke walks through with his sword sheathed away.

"You should have faith in your comrades and their strength. Thalia and I had it under control" he says until Percy snaps.

"Stop yelling at me!" he yells hitting Thalia with water subconsciously.

Thalia glares at him and sparks up with chakra and pokes his chest sending him blasting back with lightning. "Don't get angry, take your scolding s like a man instead like a bratty kid!" she yells as he gets up.

"It was an accident!" he yells hitting her with more water.

"It wasn't an accident! You are being a brat and were tired of being scolded for your idiocy so stop hitting me with water or I will really get pissed!" she yells sealing her swords away.

Percy, feeling cocky summons more water "Bring it! At least my dad is a god and wants me!" he yells making everyone back away and glares at him.

Thalia releases a great amount of KI as her body was enshrouded with black lightning. "My dad is a million times better than any god! He saved me! He trained me! And he loves me so shut up about him!" she yells as she dashes towards him faster than he expected.

She hits him strongly in the jaw, sending him crashing through the ground and a tree.

"Enough!" Chiron yells but no one listens until Naruto appears between them.

"Both of you stop it" he says in an authoritative voice.

Thalia frowns and lowers her Black Lightning Armor and looks guilty.

Percy on the other hand is having nothing of this "I'm tired of you constantly calling me an idiot!" he yells controlling water around him.

Naruto sighs "I will stop doing it when you stop being an idiot now stop this stupid shit!" he yells casting Percy in a sleep Genjutsu making the boy pass out and dowse himself in water.

He sighed as Zoe walked in and looked around in confusion.

Everyone else gasped at the sight. The Oracle came out from the attic and appeared before Thalia.

She looked around confused as it spoke to her "Speak, Child of Zeus for the prophecy to save the goddess" it said making Zoe glare.

Thalia looked to her father who nodded and smiled at her. "Okay Oracle, what is my prophecy to save the goddess?"

(AN: Prophecy won't rhyme too well but I'll try my best)

Smoke poured out of the Oracle's mouth and she took the form of a blonde woman with a gigantic chest that made her self-conscious. She had a diamond on her forehead and her shirt was very revealing.

Thalia knew it was Tsunade but she thought her dad was being fictitious about the whole giant chest part.

"6 shall go west to the goddess in chains,

Close call in the land without rain

The bane of Olympus will be brought in

A helper can show the trail

Campers and Hunters combined prevail

Titan's Curse must one withstand

And they all can be saved by her parent's hand" she says before falling down.

Luckily she landed on Percy who awoke from his Genjutsu and let out a high pitched scream.

-Camp Council-

After Grover and Percy put the Oracle away the meeting took place.

"Clearly this talks about Artemis as she is the only goddess missing according to Miss Nightshade" Chiron says with a frown.

"Yes! And the hunters will go west to save her!" Zoe yells slamming her hands on the table.

"No! The Oracle gave me the quest. It said 'hunters and campers combined prevail' so as much as I hate to admit it we need to work together or everything can go downhill and your precious Lady won't be saved" she says staring the girl down.

Zoe was about to speak up when she was interrupted.

"That is why you are coming along. You probably know most of Artemis's patterns and ways of hunting and tracking" she says making Zoe nod and sit down. "Also I am bringing along Annabeth, Luke and Grover. The last spot can go to a hunter of your choice Nightshade" she says getting nods from the people she chose.

"Wait! I think I need to be on this quest" Percy says making Thalia groan.

"Shut up Jackson! Stop trying to be a glory hog!" One Ares camper yells at him.

"You shut up! I know I need to be on this quest" he says glaring out into the crowd.

Grover looks nervous, Annabeth scoffs, Luke just shakes his head and Thalia laughs "You think I am going to let you in after you insulted my dad and hit me with water numerous times" she says glaring at him.

"W-Well he isn't a god and mine is" he mumbles making Thalia glare at him.

"He may not be a god but he is as strong as one and a better father than any damn god so shut up Jackson before I break something" she says as she walks out. "We leave tomorrow morning so meet by my old tree" she says as Annabeth follows after.

"I swear I was this close to killing Jackson" she says as Annabeth nods.

"He really needs to learn to think before he speaks. Naruto is a great father" she says as they get to the cabin to see her dad smiling near the fire place.

"So how did the meeting go? Hopefully no one but Percy was too annoying" he says taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

Thalia groans and retells the meeting and sighs. "Why don't you wanna come?" she asks with a frown.

He sets down his cup and sighs "I have something I need to take care of and I trust in both of yours abilities and skills. Also if you do need help I am but a call away with the marker I gave either you, Annabeth or Luke" he says ruffling her hair. "Plus who knows one of you might actually need to call me if the last line means anything since it said 'her father' and was talking to you" he said as he stood up.

Thalia nods "I will make you proud dad" she says as she heads to her room.

Annabeth bows slightly to him, confusing him as she followed after Thalia.

He chuckled as he felt Hestia's arms hug around him and as she kisses his neck. "I have it set up for tomorrow, you just need to gather your weapons as you aren't allowed to use any of your jutsus or your eyes in battle. You can still use chakra as long as it doesn't make projectiles or in the form of jutsus. Also no cloaked form" she says as he nods.

She made sure of everything before coming here. She had never wanted to get out of her oath this badly, mostly because she never found a man she loved like this. No man had ever even caught her attention.

He smiles and strokes her cheek "Don't worry, I can do this. I just want to make sure nothing happens to Thalia so you set it for night?" he asks getting a nod from her.

"Yes, they only do this at night as it is when Styx is strongest and can manifest herself so no worries" she says as she pulls him to the bed. "You need your rest so let's get some sleep" she says making him lay as she laid in his arms.

"I love you Hestia" he said kissing her deeply.

She returned the kiss and smiled at him "I love you too Naruto" she says as the fall asleep.

-Next Morning-

Naruto stood next to the quest group and smiled. Apparently a son of Hermes had pranked the hunter Zoe chose so now only 5 and were considering the hunter the 'close call in the land without rain' as centaur blood was quite poisonous. They were still going and they offered him the extra place. He still turned down the offer as he needed to be ready for the fight with Pallas. "Be safe while you are out and be on guard. I hope everything goes well" he says getting nods from everyone but Zoe.

He pulled Thalia away for a moment "If you need to summon me do it away from Zoe and tell the same to Luke and Annabeth, okay?" he asks getting a nod from her.

"Okay dad, I'll be safe. Love you" she says kissing his cheek.

He smiles and kisses the top of her head "Love you too now go and get this over with" he said with a smirk as they head off. He frowns as he sees Percy head for the Pegasus stable. He went to his clearing and summoned a hawk.

The hawk was medium sized and a coal black color. He then realized he hadn't summoned a hawk. It was a crow and the same one that Itachi forced down his mouth.

He shuddered and looked down at it. It still had the Sharingan in it and it seemed to be okay with him as it went up his arm. "Okay, wrong summon but why are you here? Weren't you Itachi's summon?" he asks the bird.

The crow nods and caws.

"I think since that Uchiha burnt it with Amaterasu's flames it became loyal to her and I think she sent it to you. It says it's willing to lose its eye as long as you revive its old one with your mark" Shinju said translating it for him.

Naruto looked at the crow it went to his forearm so he could look at it "If you really are okay with it" he said carefully extracting the Mangekyo Sharingan to see it had changed. "Let me guess since grandma has connections to the Sharingan she evolved it?" he asked getting a nod from the crow.

"Yes that is true. Since she is the leader of the Shinto religion and the eye came from Kaguya's descendants she can alter it how she wishes" Shinju says proving his thoughts to be true.

He quickly sealed it away and put his sun mark on the crow, returning its eye to him. The crow cawed and flapped its wings.

"Since you are here can you do something for me? Follow a boy on a flying horse that I suspect he will be taking" he asks getting a nod from the bird as it flew away.

He sighed and sat down. He quickly got a solution for the eye to stay in all ready. He screwed the glass jars shut and stared at the Sharingan in it.

He guessed his grandmother sent it to him for Thalia but he wanted to wait a bit longer before giving it to her. He felt giving her a Sharingan would just complicate things and make things more hectic.

His daughter was plenty strong but having a Sharingan would protect her more and ease some worries he has whenever she leaves him, plus it was evolved by his grandmother so no blindness threat from it.

He sighed and sealed the jar away and frowned as he saw a black horse fly away with the crow shortly behind. He should have stopped the boy before he left but if he did that the boy would've denied everything. At least this way he can yell at him for being an idiot.

He had a feeling that he'd be called by his daughter soon to get rid of the boy possibly or even yell at him.

He left to go gather his weapons and any gear he needed as he felt he might be pulled into the quest soon.

He wanted to leave that to his daughter but between him or Percy on the quest he was more wanting him on it that the idiotic son of Poseidon.

-Thalia- (Few Hours Later)

So far the quest was going nicely. Zoe had interrogated a monster to get info about a meeting up of some high ranking people in Kronos's army at the museum.

They had no idea if he was telling the truth, she wished her father was there as he could sense negative emotions whenever he wanted to.

Thalia frowned as they arrived at the Museum and found someone she was not looking forward to.

Percy had literally crashed into her. "Umm hi?" he said before getting kneed in the junk and promptly falling to the ground.

"Dammit Jackson! You are not forcing yourself on my quest!" she yells as she turns to Annabeth. "Go call my dad in the main room with Grover" she says getting a nod from the two as they rush off.

After a couple minutes of wheezing Percy groans "Monsters coming, skeletons and General. Artemis on mountain" he said in a hoarse voice.

Zoe glares down at him "He can't be here boy" she says in a deadly tone.

"He isn't lying" they hear a voice say behind them.

Thalia smiled at her dad "Sorry for calling you so fast but Percy tagged along and if Percy is true this General might be hard" she says with a frown.

He ruffles her hair as the crow landed on his shoulder "Relax it is fine. I just have to leave tonight as I have an appointment but ill return in the morning" he says as he activates his eyes. "Percy you are going back to camp, you can't force yourself on every quest" he says as Percy disappears in a swirl.

"I will send a clone back at camp to work as a route so he should be fine. I can sense some big energies coming this way. I can hold back the stronger ones as you focus on the others and escape back to the van and head west" he said getting nods from them all, even Zoe.

"The others are heading towards the entrance to block you so some fighting will be expected" he says as he hears a familiar roar. "Hmm so the Lioness reformed and I think it remembers my smell" he says with a chuckle. "I'd leave as my fights can be destructive" he said in a serious tone as he went into his cloaked form and the crow dispels.

Thalia nodded "You heard him! Let's move out!" she yells getting them to head to the entrance. They hurry out as Naruto stretches and readies himself.

Seconds later a massive lion bursts from the doors in front of him. It looked larger than last time and much more pissed off as it glared at him and roared loudly as it pounced on him.

He quickly slides under it and fires Truth Seeking Orbs at it to keep it away. He frowned as he noticed it was keeping its mouth closed. He remembered that Hercules used his strength to kill it.

He had Tsunade's super strength technique but he doubted he could get it to let him beat it without it trying to claw his eyes out.

Susanno was a bit too big for this small enclosure as he wanted to try and hold off on destroying buildings for something like the Lioness and the only thing devastating enough would be a Bijuudama or a Rasenshuriken and even then it would cause a lot of damage to the area around him. He would've used his Kamui to draw the Lioness into his dimension but Percy wasn't out of it yet as he had yet to send a clone back to camp to return him there.

He smiled as he started to run his hands through the hand signs. When you need something that can destroy something but not cause too much damage why not make something that explodes in a contained area.

A white see-through cube with a small white orb in the middle materialized in his hands as he threw it to the beast as it expanded and encased it. "Dust Style: Detachment of the Primitive World" he said as the orb exploded in a massive burst, killing the beast.

He smirked as it left behind a large pelt, its skull and a femur that from what he could feel were incredibly durable. He sealed them away as he heard clapping behind him.

He turned around and drew his Truth Seeking Orbs again and readied them to be fired. The man had dark slicked back hair and eyes the color of stone. He had light brown skin and was very muscular. He was wearing a fancy business suit but it occasionally flashed to Greek armor as if waiting for battle.

"Who are you and why shouldn't I blast you like I did the Lioness for the 2nd time" he asked making his eyes spin, ready to summon a Susanno, he felt like he would need it. Not destroying the building didn't matter as the man gave off a powerful aura. The man in front of him felt incredibly dark and the only reason he was still standing was he felt the man might know where Artemis was.

"My name is inconsequential to you but I think you would do well on my side instead of the puny demi-gods and the damn gods" he says with a sneer.

Naruto's memory finally caught up to him. The stone eyes took a while to notice as the man wasn't as noticeable when he wasn't under the sky.

"Atlas, titan of endurance, astrology and strength. If you are out from under the sky I think I might know where Artemis is" he says with a smirk as Atlas glares at him.

"So it is true, you can find out about anyone from looking at them. Seems I can let you leave just yet" he says as his suit changes to armor and a sword materializes in his hand as he charges him.

Naruto quickly fires his orbs at him to find them not affecting him as he ducks under a slice only to get his by a strong knee through the wall. He spat out some blood as his grandfather healed him.

"Oh you definitely hit harder than Ares but so do I" he said as he warped using a thrown marker to appear under him and hits him with a Tsunade strength uppercut.

Atlas shrugged it off and sent him crashing back.

Naruto smirked and made his eyes spin faster "Susanno" he says creating the massive skeleton construct form around him. It was a complete Susanno as it had weapons as well.

Atlas grew slightly worried as the sword he broke under the punch of the skeleton thing the son of Chaos created. He wasn't able to dodge the punch as it sent him crashing through several walls.

The second he stood up he saw the thing draw back a giant arrow to send firing towards him. He barely had any time to dodge and got a nasty cut on his arm from it and he felt it burn badly. He feared he wasn't strong enough to fight him right now so he flashed away.

Naruto sighed and eased out of his Susanno. His strength was nothing compared to Atlas but he was the Titan of strength after-all. He felt a new pull of his markers and flashed to it after bashing off his pants.

He saw there were on a train with a bunch of high end cars. "So I'm glad to see you all got out safely" he said with a smile.

"What happened to you?" Thalia asked worried as her father's clothes had some blood stains and a bruise on his face that was disappearing.

He nodded "Yes I am fine, I just was roughed up a bit by a Titan but I got rid of the Lioness" he said as he unsealed the pelt as it transformed into a jacket.

It had 2 coat-tails in the back and sleeves with fur trim. The hood was the same way with fur trim. He handed it to Annabeth. "Keep it, since I don't need it and Thalia has one you might as well do the same" he said as he sat down.

Annabeth smiled and she put it on. Thalia smiled "Looks good on you Annabeth" she said as she sat next to her father.

Annabeth blushed dark though no one but Naruto noticed as it was dark inside.

"Now I think I know where Artemis is being held at but it is a dangerous area" he says with a frown.

Zoe frowns "If the general is who I believe it she is at Mount Othrys" she says with a frown.

He nods "Yes and with Atlas out from under it I fear Artemis is holding the sky" he says as he looks out the window of the train car. "It is getting late and I have something I must do, call for me when you reach the land without rain" he said as he kissed Thalia's head. "Stay safe and I love you" he said as he stood.

She smiled and nodded "Love you too dad, good luck" she said winking at him as she knew what he was doing.

He nodded to the others and smiled "Keep strong, I know you all can do this" he said as Luke nodded and gave him a look that read that he'd look after them while he left to do what he must.

Naruto smiled and flashed away.

He arrived at the underworld to see Hades standing there next to Hestia. He nodded to Hades who smiled and nodded back.

He saw a woman with glowing green hair with streaks of blue and murky swirling green eyes. She had a shadowing dress that reminded him of Hades's but he knew she was Styx.

Next to the woman was a man with dark brown hair and red eyes. He had bronze armor on and a Greek great sword in hand. The man gave off a similar aura to Ares but more refined and much less enraging.

Styx steps forward and smiles "So you are the male that is a relationship with Hestia and wishes to abolish the oath she made with me to be a virgin. To do so you need to defeat my husband in battle. You cannot use your chakra other than for physical strength. You can use one blade and none of its abilities" she says as Pallas steps forward and smiles at him.

It wasn't a condescending smile like how Ares did, this seemed kind. "I can see a seasoned warrior in you. If you were allowed to use all your techniques I know I would fall very quickly" he said as he stepped into a clearing.

Naruto nodded and unsealed Yamato and held the sheath in hand to use it as a shield of sorts. He hoped he could put enough power behind Yamato

Pallas nodded in appreciation of the blade and readied himself. "I am not arrogant but no one has defeated me in honorable battle. Sure others have in normal combat but they relied on their special abilities too much" he said with a smile.

Naruto nodded "Well I am winning, I want to be with the woman I love without fear of breaking the oath" he said as he brought the blade in front of him. "Ready on your call" he said to Styx.

She smiled and nodded "Begin" she says and instantly Pallas is at him.

He blocks with his sword and found that Pallas hit incredibly hard. Luckily right before he hit Naruto used the sheath to block

He ducked under another swing and tried to hit Pallas but was blocked by the hilt of his sword and kicked away.

Naruto used Yamato to slow himself down by stabbing it in the ground. He needed to make sure he hit Pallas hard and fast. He infused his chakra in his fist and struck Pallas's sword and quickly swung Yamato at him making him skid back.

Pallas was back on him in an instant with a fury of powerful strikes. Lucky his instincts kept him from getting hit.

He swept a kick to Pallas legs and made him buckle before landing a strong hit to his jaw. Pallas tumbled back but righted himself before charging again.

He cursed as Pallas seemed to be unaffected by anything he did. Titans were an entirely different caliber than the gods.

Pallas's hits were nearly as hard as Atlas and his sword skills were much greater.

He needed to distract Pallas enough to land a full charge hit on the Titan with his sword since he could channel it into the blade more than he could his fist.

He blocked another strike from Pallas and leaped up, kneeing the Titan in the face.

Pallas staggered a bit and smirked.

Naruto decided to try something that nearly got his grandfather once. He threw up the sheath distracting Pallas slightly as he swung the sword horizontally. Pallas easily moved his sword to block but Naruto dropped the sword, grabbed it with his other hand in a reverse grip and slashed under Pallas's guard with all the strength he could.

Pallas wasn't ready for it as he was sent crashing back into his wife's river.

Naruto quickly grabbed the sheath as it fell and stood ready for retaliation until he heard laughter.

"I have got to say I have never seen that before" Pallas says as he climbs out of the river with a smirk. "I will definitely have to use that next time I fight one of my annoying siblings" he says as he extends a hand to him.

Naruto smiled and shook his hand "It's called Hidden Vine and only someone with reflexes like crazy or someone who has seen it before would be able to block it. The only one who blocked it was my grandfather as he taught me my skills with the sword" he said getting a nod from Pallas.

Pallas turns to Styx "He definitely beat me in honorable combat, even with that distraction it was still honorable. He passes" he said rubbing her shoulder.

She smiled and turned to Hestia "I erase your vow and free you from it. Have fun" she says waving with a wink as she and Pallas disappear.

Naruto falls down "2 Titans in a row and I have got to say Pallas was the trickier one" he said as Hestia sat next to him worried.

"What happened today? Last I heard you weren't getting involved in the quest and when did you have to fight a Titan?" she asks confused and worried.

He sighs "It was either I go or Percy tags along and I didn't want that boy's idiocy to endanger my daughter. Oh yeah I forgot to summon a clone to drop him off" he quickly does that before leaning against her.

She nodded in agreement, as did Hades. Both worried about how stupid the boy could be. "How is the quest?" she asks.

He sighs "It's going fine, we know where she is and we just have to get there. Is Zeus awake?" he asks as she shakes her head. "Great then we can fly" he said as he stood and helped her up.

She was still blushing as Hades turned around with a smirk. He kissed her lovingly "I love you Hestia, we can talk more later, maybe after the quest" he said making her smile and nod as he flashed away after giving Hades a smile and nod.

After he left Hades smiled to his sister "So am I going to get any nephews or nieces from you?" he asked before running away with a smile from the embarrassed, blushing flaming goddess.