Chapter 9

Naruto got back to the train car via his marker that Thalia set up and chuckled at the sight in front of him.

Luke and Grover were sleeping in a big SUV and Zoe was sleeping in a Ferrari.

Then there was his daughter. She was sleeping in a Mercedes with Annabeth, who was currently being held in his daughter's arms and smiling happily in her sleep.

He knew almost for certain that Annabeth had a crush on his daughter and he felt his daughter felt the same way. He had no problem with it, especially since incest was a major thing in his home realm as well as something big here with the gods. A little same sex relationship was nothing compared to the weirdness of it all.

He moved the blanket over them more and smiled as her brushed some of her hair out of her face.

She smiled and cuddled with Annabeth and pulled her closer unconsciously.

He chuckled as he silently closed the car door. He knew Percy was still inside his pocket dimension, he definitely needed to talk to the kid and he summoned a clone to go bring someone else who could help.

He activated his eyes and warped into his pocket dimension.

-Pocket Dimension-

Naruto could see Percy slashing at a pillar with an annoyed look on his face. "Percy you won't be able to cause much damage. Get over here, we need to have a serious talk" he says making Percy turn around and glare at him.

"Why? Your just gonna call me an idiot again and knock me out" he says with a frown.

Naruto runs his hands through his hair and sighs "Yes I might have been a little rough recently but you have realize I was very much like you when I was your age. Always rushing into things and not thinking things over" he says as he sits down and Percy looks at him confused.

"Since the day I was born I had been an orphan. My dad died protecting me and well long story with my mother" he said as Percy sat down but still had somewhat of a glare. "At the age of 4 I had to raise myself so I wasn't that good. But over the years I learned rushing into battle only gets people killed. You really need to think stuff over. Just because your dad is who he is doesn't automatically make you strong, you make yourself strong" he says with a sigh.

"But you're a son of Chaos? Doesn't that make you like instantly strong?" he asks.

Naruto chuckles "Kid, when I graduated my village's training academy I was dead last, I couldn't make a decent clone, I had no techniques like the other kids did but after a war started I learned to get serious and worry of others, getting stronger to protect my precious people" he says making Percy nod.

"But you must remember one thing: Not everyone can be saved. There will always be casualties and if you think you can stop them then you will only cause more" he says making Percy frown as he was about to interrupt him. "Now I'm not saying to just stand by and let people die but to try and save those you can and protect those precious to you, like your friends, family and loved ones" he says as Percy nods, understanding his point.

"I don't mean to be rash, it's just when I see a friend in trouble I feel the need to help them" he says nervously.

Naruto chuckles and nods "That is understandable but sometimes they can handle themselves better than you can. Though I will still do everything I can to protect my fiancé and daughter, call it a fatherly instinct" he said with a smile. "But the thing is you don't need to save everyone, just get strong enough so you can back them up if they were to falter and start to fall. Easiest way to protect them without coddling them" he said as Percy nodded.

"Thanks Naruto" he says with a small smile.

"Anytime kid, now you can either chose to stay with us but you have to listen to Thalia or go back to camp. Normally I wouldn't be offering this but I feel you could learn something from this" he said as he ran his hand through his hair with a sigh.

Percy shook his head "No I think I should return to camp and train. I need to think by myself and figure things out. Tell Thalia I'm sorry for being a jerk" he said as Naruto nodded and summoned a clone to take Percy back to camp.

He smiled as the kid left his realm as he nodded to him. He nodded back and made his way back to the train car.

-Next Morning-

He was woken up by someone shaking his him. He chose to sleep up against the car Thalia and Annabeth were sleeping in, feeling it would be better for him to not be in a confided car so he could defend them easier if he needed to.

He opened his eye to see Luke looking at him "We need to get off, it's the last stop" Luke says as Naruto nods and stands up.

He could see Zoe still glaring at him a bit, Grover was eating his cans as Annabeth and Thalia both had red faces. He smirked as he figured they had woken up in their embarrassing position, he found it cute.

He stretched his sore limbs as Thalia opened up the train car "Well, last stop" she says as she jumps out and tumbles to protect herself. Annabeth follows after her as Zoe and the rest also jump out.

Grover had a bit of trouble but Luke helped him.

Naruto jumped down and landed gracefully and dusted off his pants "Well we know where Artemis is but what of this bane of Olympus she was hunting? I think we need to grab that first" he says as Zoe frowns.

"What of Lady Artemis?" she asks glaring at him.

"Relax we know where she is but I think we should capture this beast she was hunting first so it doesn't get into the hands of the Titans" he says as he walks past her. "If I go into Sage mode I can feel for any strange energies and we can fly there since Zeus is out of commission still" he says as they follow him.

"What do you want us to do?" Thalia asks as they look around to where they were.

"Gila Claw, Arizona. Can't say I like this place" Luke says as he had a bad feeling about it.

"Be on guard, I feel this might be the land without rain" Naruto said as he sat down in front of the convenience store. "Go inside and get some food and supplies, I need to focus on Sage mode otherwise I would have summoned it" he said as he closed his eyes to ease into it.

He eased into it and felt out for any strange energies. He felt a strange energy a few miles away as well as 2 gods coming their way. He could feel Ares's energy and another that felt like a goddess.

If Ares and another were coming to visit he would deal with them later, he focused on the original strange energy and stood up as the others came out from the store.

"We need to head west from here as I think I found what Artemis was hunting but we have to head through there" he said pointing off to the nearby junkyard.

They all frowned and were about to follow him when a large limo drove up.

He sighed "What do you want Ares?" he asked as the War god stepped out of the driver's seat.

"Well the lady in the back wishes to talk to you and your daughter" he says as he lowers his glasses. He didn't have any bad feelings towards the blonde but he still disliked being beaten in battle by him so easily and the fact he was controlled by the damn Titan.

Naruto sighed "Ares we are in a hurry, please just let us go on our way. Apologize to Aphrodite for us please" he says as he could practically feel the lust rolling in waves from the back seat.

Ares shook his head "She is here to help, it won't take long" he says as he opens the door.

Naruto groans "Fine! Come on Thalia" he says as he heads in the limo. It was much bigger on the inside and frilly and pink.

At the end of the car was a woman that was very beautiful but she had nothing on Hestia. She had long blonde almost golden hair and dark blue eyes. She was wearing a long red gown and had a smile that reminded him of Shion whenever she tried to get a baby from him and he wasn't very fond of it. Thalia followed him in shortly after and frowned at the pink just as he did.

"Well I have got to say you are just as handsome as I remembered" she says with a flirty smile.

He frowned, he knew Aphrodite would be like this but he had hoped it wouldn't be this bad. "Aphrodite, we really do not have time for this. Artemis is in trouble and I know where to go. What can you tell me that could be of use?" he asks with frown as Aphrodite frowned and Thalia smirked at her father being unaffected by Aphrodite.

"You are no fun, here I came here to help and you are being so cold to little ol' me" she says wiping away a fake tear.

He sighs "Please, just tell me what you came to tell me and my daughter" he says as he leans back and crosses his arms.

She sighs, slightly upset her charmspeak wasn't working "Fine, I know where you are heading and I have to warn you that my husband's junkyard, he gets testy whenever there are people in there" she says as she waves him off until looking to Thalia.

Thalia frowned, she was happy to be silent throughout the interaction between her father and the love goddess.

"You are a very unique love life, who would have ever guessed you were a-" she says getting interrupted by a blushing Thalia.

"Shut up!" she yells as she covers her dad's ears.

He chuckles and lets her continue.

"Look I don't want you messing with anything of mine" Thalia says as she uncovers her dad's ears. "I don't like being messed with and I can deal with myself" she says as she kicks open the door and walks out.

Aphrodite smirked and turned to Naruto "Did you know she likes Annabeth?" she says wanting a bit of revenge for being yelled at by a demigod.

Naruto chuckled as he went to the door "Yup and I'm proud of her" he says closing it behind him, never noticing the frown from the goddess.

Naruto smiled as he saw Thalia storm off with a blush to Annabeth and the group. He turned to Ares "Feel free to call me whenever you want a good spar or fight. I kinda want to see how strong you are when you are in control of yourself" he says silently slipping him a marker.

Ares nodded and smirked "Always one for a good spar. Maybe I'll do it when I'm bored" he said as he went into the driver's seat.

Naruto watched the limo drove off. He turned his attention to the large junkyard as he had a bad feeling about it all. He didn't want to go through it but he knew it was the only way to where they needed as he felt ancient energies blocking their path to everywhere but the junkyard.

He could've broken through it but he'd rather not put the others in danger from doing so.

"Dad, do we really have to go through there?" Thalia asks as everyone else follows behind her. Zoe was to the side as she didn't like being near the others.

"Yes, why are we going through there? With your abilities I'm sure you could easily find a way around" Zoe says with a mocking tone when she said abilities.

"Yes I could but some ancient powers are blocking it and I'd rather not alert them of where we are right now. They would know we are going through here but not of when so we need the surprise element" he said as he activated his eyes to double check.

All around them was swirling golden energy and it acted as a wall to the junkyard and it surrounded the town as well. He didn't like leaving it be or going into their hand but then again whenever he use to rush into things it would never go well.

He opened the gate and turned to the group "No one take anything and I think we will be fine" he said as the others nodded along.

Grover looked around "S-So Naruto, what did you and Aphrodite talk about?" he asks as he looks around the junkyard as he followed the blonde.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders "She tried to mess with me but thankfully illusions don't work on me, plus I am loyal to my fiancée" he says rubbing his ring with a smile.

Luke was walking next to Annabeth and Thalia as Zoe was ahead of the group as she didn't wish to dirty herself with the presence of males.

"So how exactly was living with Naruto? Also you mentioned something of a house" Luke asks as he never had gotten around to visiting Hestia cabin, mostly because he felt he didn't deserve being in it. He still felt too dark to be in there.

Thalia nodded "Living with him was great. He always cared for me and looked out for me. He also trained me hard but not to a breaking point. And yes he owns a house but he doesn't want me to say so no god finds out" she says as she smiles and follows after her father.

Zoe frowned, she didn't like the man. He defeated her Mistress like it was nothing and then Artemis became nearly friendly with him. She needed to summon that warrior that her Mistress set up with the weird 3 pronged knife.

They continued through the junkyard until they came up on a large robot laying in a heap, submerged in a pile of junk. Naruto knew what it was, Talos or at least an earlier version of it and he didn't feel safe around it as he could see gold energy pooling into it.

He held up a hand and got on guard as Talos burst from the pile as it loomed down on them.

"Dammit! Zoe cover us long range with Annabeth! Thalia and Luke try and cut its feet with your blades! Grover use your magic to try and slow it down!" he orders as they nod, or in Zoe's case glare, and go off to help.

He stares down Talos as it struck its fist down on him. He easily summoned a Susanno arm to block it as he held the fist to allow Thalia and Luke to try and slash at it.

Strangely none of the blades could cut through it, not even Kusanagi. He noticed the golden energy was keeping it from getting hurt or even bound up by Grover's vines.

He knew one weakness to metal and that was heat, intense heat. Like lava.

"Get back! I can handle this!" he says as Thalia and Luke back off to where Zoe was.

He took several deep breaths as he opened his eyes to reveal 2 yellow eyes with white irises "Beast Transformation: 4 Tails".

His body turned into a gorilla form with crimson red fur and 2 of his teeth became large tusks with black tips and a bone like crown grew with 2 upward pointing horns also with black tips. He had a green chest with 4 long tails with alligator like spikes on them.

He pounded his chest as he smirked at Talos as lava dripped from his mouth and coat his arms "Son Goku, the great and proud. He was also a powerful user of lava" he said as he flexed his fingers.

Talos tried to attack him but he was able to melt through one of the arms and pierce its chest. He frowned as the arm reattached as it was shrouded in the golden energy.

It was going to be harder than he thought.

He ran his hands through the seals "Lava Style: Earthen Eruption!" he yelled as he slammed his hands down making the ground quake and lava burst from underneath Talos and melt it to nothing but a bile of molten metal.

He erased the excess lava and turned to the group as he eased back to normal "Well that was interesting" he said as he stretched his limbs.

Everyone was surprised, except for Thalia. The power Naruto had was insane and it slightly annoyed Zoe.

He looked back to the melted pile of metal to see a 2 fists sticking out of it. They shrunk down to the size of his hands and seemed to roll down to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and sealed them away, curious as to what the hell they were but would find out later.

They made their way out of the junkyard and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Glad to be out of there. Talos was insane" Annabeth says with a frown. She worried how they would've handled it without him.

Luke nods "Well now where do we go?" he asks as Naruto strokes his chin.

"We need to go to the strange energy I felt so we can capture whatever Artemis was hunting" he said as he ran his hands through the seals and slammed them down "Summoning Jutsu: Hawk contract" he calls out as smoke enveloped the area.

In a flap of their wings the hawks cleared the smoke. "How may we be of service Naruto-sama?" one of the 4 hawks says as he looks around.

"I need transportation to somewhere and possibly after to another area. Am I allowed to do so?" He asks as the Hawks nod.

"Yes you may, as long as next time we get some meat" he says with a slight smirk.

Naruto chuckles "Okay! Luke and Grover on one, Annabeth and Thalia in another, Zoe on the third and I will take the head chief" he says as they nod and the Hawks help them up.

"How are you able to bring talking animals to you?" Zoe asks confused.

"I have a contracts with their clan. I can summon them to help me in battle or in this case transportation when I need to as long as I don't abuse it" he said as he put his hand on the Hawk's head.

"Can you feel the energy source I marked?" He asked getting a nod from the hawk.

He got on and smirked at everyone "Hold on everyone!" He said as the Hawks took off.

Thankfully Zeus was still unconscious or else who knows how long this would have taken as the wolves don't like being used for transportation, the foxes were better for stealth and sneaking in areas, and the slugs were healing kind but could still be strong with their acid.

As they flew for an hour or two he remembered how he always enjoyed flying. He would be doing it on his own but he wanted to keep that secret for a bit, he didn't like his abilities being known to everyone. He only summoned the hawks since it would be easier to explain.

"Naruto-sama, do you know what exactly we are looking for? I can sense the energy but that is about it" the hawk said as the got near a dam.

"Just drop us off near the entrance and I can take over the search" he says as the hawk nods and caws to others making them go down for a landing.

Everyone got off their hawk and looked at where they were and Annabeth squealed.

"Do you see where we are!? The Hoover Dam!" she says with metaphorical stars in her eyes that make Grover, Luke and Thalia chuckle and roll their eyes.

Naruto chuckled and summoned a clone "I want you all to find some food and maybe relax a bit. I need to find this beast she was hunting, sadly something is messing with my senses" he says as they nod and head off with the clone.

He stared up at the massive concrete construct and sighed 'Might as well go from the top to the bottom' he thought as he started walking up the dam, hiding himself with a Genjutsu.

He eventually made his way up to the top to hear a strange sound, one of a cow mooing.

He peered over the water to see a strange beast, a mix between a bull and a fist. The Ophiotaurus a cursed beast burdened by having the ability to bring down Olympus if sacrificed.

He couldn't understand it but it could feel what it felt. It was scared and it just wanted to live peacefully and live.

The Ophiotaurus swam over to him and looked at him curiously as he stuck his hand in the water to pet it. "Poor thing, you just want to be able to live your life don't you?" he asks getting a sad moo from it.

"How about I bring you somewhere safe until I can get you a definite safe area?" he says getting a vigorous nod from the cow fish. He summons another clone to swim next to it "Now I will keep this clone with you to keep you company, just don't be too rough with it" he said as it nodded and nuzzled against the clone.

'Strange beast' he thought as he sent the clone and the Ophiotaurus to his pocket dimension.

He sighed and made his way to the top entrance just as his clone dispelled and the group appeared at the door with a look of worry on their faces.

"Dad we need to go!" Thalia says as she bars the door.

-With the Clone shortly after parting ways-

Thalia was currently being dragged along by Annabeth as she wanted to show them all the Hoover Dam.

Naruto just chuckled as Luke and Grover just shook their heads at their friend.

Zoe on the other hand wasn't enjoying herself at all "Stop messing around! We need to find the dam snack bar" she says making everyone look at her and start cracking up.

"T-The dam snack bar?" Thalia says in between laughs "I could really use some dam French fries" she says hunching over in laughter.

"And I really need to use the dam restroom!" Grover says cracking up with Thalia.

Annabeth tried to hold in her laughs as she leaned against Luke as he also was struggling to hold in his laughter.

Zoe looked confused "What? What is so funny?" she asks confused.

Naruto just sighs and chuckles "Just let it go Zoe, let's make our way to the snack bar" he said as he was able to hide his laughter.

They went off to eat as he felt dark energies making their way towards them. He was just a clone so he couldn't do much.

"Guys grab your food and make your way to the food, some things are coming our way" he says as they frown.

"The skeletons again? They attacked us at the museum while you were fighting the Lioness" Annabeth says with a frown as Thalia stands up.

"Nothing works on them dad so be careful, we'll make our way to you" she says as the others go and run off to the roof.

He sighs as he activates his eyes 'Maybe I can use the Human path to kill them?' he thinks.

"Won't work Naruto. These things have no souls, they are just soulless soldiers summoned by that Titan you fought" Shinju says as he boosted Naruto's senses to help him.

Naruto frowned 'Well I can still slow them down' he thinks as he makes his way to the energies.

He was taken from his thoughts as someone crashed into him. He looked down to see a girl roughly Annabeth's age. She had very curly red hair and freckles lining her cheeks and bridge of her nose.

She wore paint covered jeans and a simple green t-shirt. She rubbed her face "Ow! What did I hit? A brick wall?" she says as she looks up to him. "Woah, freaky eyes" she says making Naruto raise an eyebrow in confusion.

'Hmm so she is clear sighted like Sally?' he thinks as he helps her up. "Sorry about that but can you really see my eyes?" he asks as he has them spin.

"Woah freaky and of course I can" she says as the door bursts open behind her to reveal an army of skeletons. "A-Are those skeletons?" she asks slightly afraid.

He nods and picks her up "I can explain later but first," he looks to the skeletons "Amaterasu" he calls out making a wall of fire set up to only burn the skeletons, thankful that his grandmother gave him the ability to choose what it burns.

He quickly ran off until he got somewhere safe to set Rachel down who was somewhat blushing "I think we are safe now" he said as he set her down. "Sorry about that but rather do that than get you in danger because of me".

She nodded "T-Thanks can you tell me your name?" she asks as she hides her blush with her hair.

"Names Naruto Otsutsuki, what about you?" he asks as he smiles at her.

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare now can you tell me what the hell all that was!" she yells waving her hands back to where they ran from.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair "I can explain later but not right now" he hands her a marker. "Stab that in the ground to call me but do it maybe in a few days. I am in a rush today" he says as she frowns.

She was about to question him more until he disappeared in a puff of smoke. She was definitely confused. She stared down at the weird knife he gave her and slipped it in her backpack.

-Back with the real Naruto-

He frowned at the fact that Amaterasu had little effect on them, they were like Impure World Reincarnations all over again.

"Thalia summon your eagles I can hold them back as I think I have a way to slow down their revival or even end them all together" he says as he summons the Truth Seeking Orbs.

He couldn't believe he forgot about them, hopefully they still affected these versions since they were similar.

He transforms them into giant senbons as the group went back some way away from the door.

Seconds later the doors burst open and he sent 2 senbons through 2 skeletons and sadly they didn't destroy them like they did with the Impure versions. Most likely due to the fact they had no soul and they were just pure bones.

At least he could slow them down with the orbs. He sent more through the skeletons to pin them to the walls as his daughter called out to him "Dad! Come on!" she yells.

He looks back to see a giant eagle with everyone on it. He quickly erases the orbs and dashes to the eagle and jumps on it. The second he got on the eagle took off.

"Where to?" the eagle asks in a booming voice.

"San Francisco, Mount Othrys. Feel for the dark energy and the energy of a goddess, shouldn't be too hard" he says as the eagle nods and focuses on flying.

"San Francisco?" Annabeth mumbles with a frown as Thalia holds her hand to show her that she is there for her. She smiled and held Thalia's hand back. Luke patted her back as well as they kept flying.

Naruto sat next to Grover as Zoe was closer to the head as she couldn't hold on with chakra and at least Grover and Luke were a bit better off.

He looked over the city as they flew. He very much wanted this to be over with so he could be with his fiancée and soon to be wife. He'd just need to contact Hera to get it all sanctioned, or he could contact his grandmother. All depended on what Hestia wanted.

He was mused from his thoughts as the eagle swooped down to dodge a lightning bolt as another came their way. He quickly extended his hand to absorb the lightning and spat out blood as the golden energy from before hurt the inside of his body.

"Land!" he yells as the eagle quickly does so. He limps off and eagle as his grandfather healed him.

"Was that Zeus? I thought you said he wasn't awake yet?" Thalia says worried as she quickly gets to her father's side.

"It was Kronos, he manipulated Zeus's domain and used it to try and stop us, his energy is so dark it hurt to absorb, I should be fine but we need to move" he says as he groans and falls onto the ground. "The poison is still messing with me, go ahead, I'll catch up" he says getting a worried look from Thalia.

She nods and frowns "Fine but you better hurry" she says as they run off.

Luke gives him a serious nod as he follows Thalia.

Naruto groans and spits out golden liquid, Kronos's poison in liquid form.

'Shouldn't be much longer. That poison is nothing compared to the strength of a Primordial' Shinju says as Naruto already could feel the poison evading away.

He nodded as he felt it going way. He heard a roar of a dragon and crackling of lighting as it whined in pain. He figured Thalia handled it but he still didn't like being in this situation.

He felt the last of the poison fade away as he pulled himself up and felt the pull of a marker. 'Must be Zoe's' he thinks with a chuckle as he changes to his female henge since Artemis told her a female warrior would come to the marker.

-With Thalia and co as Naruto stayed behind-

Thalia had her blades drawn as she and the others made her way up the mountain. She worried about her father but she knew he'd be fine after a little while.

"Come on we need to hurry" she says as the reach the gateway to the mountain.

Zoe frowns "When we get in there you need to let me take lead" she says with a serious look on her face.

Thalia was about to say something but Annabeth just held her hand and shook her head making her sigh and nod.

Zoe opened the gate and led the group to a golden tree with a large dragon wound around it. "Oh well look who returned" one of the girls in the garden surrounding the tree.

"You know he won't let you through, father made especially sure of it" another one said with a snide smile that made Zoe glare at them and turn to the group.

"Walk around the tree, do not get too close. I will keep its attention" she says as they agree though Thalia was on guard, she felt something bad was going to happen.

Zoe inched her way to the sleeping dragon as it rose and stared at her. She silently gave them the signal to go. Ladon growled slightly as he saw others passing from the sides.

"Shh it's okay. We aren't here to steal anything we just want to pass to get to Atlas. Don't you remember me? I'd feed you apples and read to you" she says as Ladon looks at her confused.

Zoe thought it was all okay until Ladon lunges at her. She closed her eyes expecting a strike until she felt herself move and Ladon cry out in pain as electricity coursed through the air.

She opened her eyes to see herself with the rest of the group as Ladon pierced Thalia with lightning coursing from her until she turned into a large ball of lightning and electrocuting Ladon.

"Come on! We need to go!" Thalia says as they run up to the old throne room of the Titans.

Zoe made her way up but noticed she got sliced on her forearm. She could see the green poison of Ladon, she chose to keep it silent as she hid it under her sleeve.

They arrived at the throne room to see Artemis cut and bruised under the sky. "Milady!" Zoe yells as she was about to rush off but was blocked by Thalia as she pointed to Atlas.

The Titan smiled and clapped his hands "Well it seems the party has finally arrived though I am sad the blonde man isn't here" he says as he summons his sword and armor. "No worries though, not like you all can pose much of a threat to me and my partner here" he says pointing to the boy behind him.

He had an eye patch over his left eye and black metal armor on himself. He had a sword made of dark metal, bronze and steel. His hair was shaggy and dark black as was his lone eye. He was roughly Annabeth's age but he gave off an aura that felt much older and very deadly.

"Ethan, why did you have to go through with it" Luke said as he drew Kusanagi and glared at the boy. "Kronos is the greater of the two evils! Yes the gods can be unjust but you think a Titan would just let us demigods live? He'd kill us and enslave all the mortals!" he yells as Kusanagi vibrates in his hand.

Ethan glares at him "I don't care Castellan, I am doing what must be done!" he yells as he swings down his sword and glares at Atlas. "End them, leave Castellan to me" he says as Atlas nods and smiles.

Zoe frowns as she pulls out the marker and looks to Artemis.

"Do it" she says in a hoarse voice.

Zoe nods and stabs the marker down.


Naruto appeared in the female form he normally used for his sexy jutsu but minus the pig tails and with dark red hair in memorial to his mother's mortal form. He had Yamato in his hand as he stared down Atlas and looked to Luke as Kusanagi vibrated in his hand.

"Congratulations, Kusanagi accepted you, now don't lose" he said as Atlas charged at him. He ducked under the strike and landed a strong palm thrust on Atlas "Shinra Tensei!" he yells as Atlas rockets off into stone pillar.

"Zoe I want you to focus on long range. Thalia keep him focused with your blades, just keep your lightning armor on and Grover use your vines to try and bind him as much as you can. Annabeth go back up Luke with long range wind jutsus" he said as he went to the sky and summoned a strengthened clone to hold the sky. He put 3 tails worth of Shinju's chakra in the clone to keep it able to withstand it, hopefully.

"Come on Artemis, let's get this asshole under the sky" he said as Artemis shakily got to her feet and drew her daggers.

Artemis nodded as Atlas dusted off his armor and glared at them as Thalia put on her Black Lightning Armor. Zoe drew her bow and shook away her blurry vision as she notched an arrow.

Annabeth went over Luke who was trading blows with Ethan with ease as it seemed Kusanagi had awoken. Naruto told her stories of how the sword was sentient and would help its wielder and even form a telepathic link to them.

It seemed Luke was in full synch with it as he was blocking everything with relative ease. She ran through the hand seals and took a deep breath "Wind style: Wind bullets!" she yells firing off 5 wind bullets at Ethan.

The half blind demigod was struck by 3 of them causing him to crash backwards into a pillar as the other 2 disarmed him. He glared at her as he dodged strikes from Luke.

Naruto looked to Artemis "We can't kill him though I know you want to badly but he needs to bear the weight of the sky. If you can get him close to the clone I can substitute with him but with how strong he is it needs to really close" he said getting a nod from Artemis.

"Follow my lead, I know how to corner a beast" she says as she dashes off with Naruto not far behind.

Thalia chose to attack long range with Zoe who was acting strange. "Lightning style: Black Panther" she calls out as a large black panther grows from her lightning armor and crashes in Atlas, electrocuting him as her father and Artemis hit him strongly towards the sky.

He wasn't affected for long as he skidded to a stop and slashed at Naruto.

He quickly substituted with a piece of rubble as he appeared behind Atlas with Grover's vines bursting from bellow him.

Atlas quickly tried to dodge but Artemis kneed him upwards as Naruto jumped with him.

"In memorial of Bushy Brows" he says as chakra chains wrap around him "Frontal Lotus!" he yells as the point downwards and start to spin rapidly as they crash into the ground at an incredibly high speed.

The smoke clears and Atlas is shown heavily beaten on the ground as he had open gashes on his arms and legs. Naruto on the other hand was entirely unscathed.

Artemis nodded to him as she swept his legs and Naruto kneed him in the face towards the sky.

"No! I will not go under the sky!" he yells as he attacks in a fury of rage.

Naruto worked to block the strikes as Zoe fired arrows but all of them missed. He ducked under a strike as Artemis went into her full goddess mode and was warping around everywhere. He could see her pushing him further back to the sky.

He got ready as Atlas was in range as he made the clone use the rest of its chakra to replace itself with Atlas who got crushed by the weight of the sky.

"No! Damn you all! I was finally free!" he yells as he struggles against the weight.

Naruto turned to Luke and Annabeth as Luke ducked under a slice and kicked Ethan off the mountain with a sad look on his face.

He went over to Luke and laid his hand on his shoulder "It is okay Luke, I fear he isn't dead but you did your best to get him to cross over sides" he says as Luke nods and Annabeth rubs his back. He looks over to see Thalia crouching next to a downed Zoe with Artemis next to her.

He went over to them. Artemis was crying "You have to help her, the poison is too much for me to remove. You have to have something to help her!" she pleads with tears falling from her cheeks.

Naruto crouched down and placed a hand on her wrist where the poison entered her system. He focused medical chakra in his hand and activated his eyes "Healing Art: Yang Cleansing" he spoke out as he cleansed her tainted body.

She woke up and started spitting out the poison as Artemis hugged her close.

"Thank you Naruto! Thank you" she says as Zoe looks at him confused.

He lowered his henge and smirked "Yeah it's me, should've figured when I used some techniques but I don't blame you" he said as Zoe glared at him.

"Stop that Zoe, he removed Ladon's poison and saved you. If he was really as vile as you think he would've let you die" she says making Zoe look to him and nod.

He sighed and sat down as Artemis cared for Zoe and Annabeth, Thalia and Grover talked with Luke who was had a worried look on his face. After some time Artemis stood up, helping Zoe as everyone gathered around her.

"We need to get to Olympus for the Solstice. Just hold your breath" she says as she flashes them away.


Naruto groaned as he arrived in the council chambers. He could see all the Olympians, minus Zeus in their thrones.

He thought it was going to peaceful until thunder boomed and a bandaged up Zeus "Well looks like the king woke up from his nap" he said making Zeus frown and glare at him.

Hera cleared her throat "Before anything happens can we just get on with the meeting?" she says as everyone nods.

"I am glad that Artemis was able to be saved by the quest group with no casualties but something must be brought up" she says looking to Thalia who frowned and moved behind her father. "She is turning 16 tomorrow and we know she isn't going to be the child of prophecy but she is still dangerous" Hera says making Naruto glare.

"She is not going to be touched Hera! She hasn't done anything wrong! If anything she has helped you more as she helped save Artemis!" he yells as his eyes spin and make Hera flinch.

"Just leave the boy and his daughter alone for Order's sake" Poseidon says rolling his eyes at his sister. "Just thank them and be done with it so they can go home and relax" he says as the others nod.

"Fine what can we do to thank you, but know it cannot be anything too rewarding" she says as Naruto smiles and Thalia nods to him.

He holds up his hand to show his engagement ring "I want Hera's blessing on me and my fiancée's engagement and eventual wedding. And you can never take it away, swear it on Styx" he says as he sees Hestia smile happily near the hearth.

Hera frowns but nods waving her hand and swearing to the river "Fine it is done now you all can leave" she says as Luke walks up and bows to Poseidon.

"Lord Poseidon can you tell me if Ethan died from the fall" he says worried as he clenches his hand.

Poseidon understands the kid was worried about killing someone. He shakes his head "NO, Ethan is alive. Father protected him from the fall but I feel he is damaged severely".

Luke nods "Thank you Lord Poseidon" he says as he rejoins the group.

Naruto looks to Hestia as she nods and flashes them away only Zoe deciding to stay behind with Artemis as she was still worried about her lieutenant's health.


Naruto sighed and immediately went to his cabin, he seriously just wanted to sleep.

Luke and Grover waved goodnight to them as they were much more exhausted since neither of them had chakra.

Thalia and Annabeth followed behind him as Percy walked up.

She glared at him but her father put his hand on her shoulder "Relax, he's all good. He's changed and he is sorry. I would've told you beforehand but we really had no time to do so" he says as he opens the cabin to go inside.

Percy nodded "I am sorry for being dumb, just I don't really think when I see friends in danger. Your dad is pretty awesome" he says making her chuckle.

"Yeah he really is. Look I'm sorry for all that but we can talk more later. Rough day you know?" she says making him chuckle and nod.

"Of course, go and rest. Good job on the quest" he says before he walks off.

She was about to follow her dad in until Annabeth grabbed her hand "I-I need to talk to you Thalia" she says with a dark blush and a stutter in effect.

Thalia nods and follows her to behind Hestia's cabin, unbeknownst to them Naruto was watching them under camouflage jutsu.

"What is it that you need Annabeth?" she asks as she yawns, a bit tired from using Black Lightning too much.

"W-Well I need to tell you something. Something I have been very nervous to do" she says as she looks down at her feet.

Thalia was a bit confused but nodded "Sure, go ahead" she said with a smile.

"Over the years of when I thought you were trapped I realized something. You weren't just my best friend but someone I had a lot of feelings for. Thalia, I love you" she says as she leans forward to kiss Thalia.

Thalia's mind went blank as Annabeth's lips crashed against hers. She had feelings for Annabeth but she never expected Annabeth to kiss her like this. Her mind kicked back on and she kissed Annabeth back and held her close.

"Annabeth, I love you too" she says making Annabeth smile happily as they kiss again.

Naruto smiled happily and shushined back into the cabin as he didn't want a flash to ruin their moment.

Not to say he didn't take pictures.

A couple minutes later they walked into the cabin sporting huge blushes "D-Dad we are going to bed, see you in the morning!" Thalia said as they rush into her room.

He chuckled as he laid on his bed as he felt Hestia lay next to him and cuddle "I'm glad everything went well Dear and nice going getting Hera's blessing" she says as she kisses him lovingly.

"Yes now we can be together and not worry about anyone getting between us" he says as he kisses down her neck making her shiver and bite her lip.

"Yes but not right now. I want it to be special" she says making him nod.

"Of course Honey, let's just get some sleep for now" he says holding her close.

She nodded "Night Dear" she says as he fades into sleep.