Chapter 10

Naruto chuckled as he ducked under a wave of water "Percy stop trying to control the water, let it flow!" he yelled as he ran his hands through the hand seals "Water Style: Water Bullet" he yells firing 3 globs of water at Percy high speed.

Percy skids back from the force of the hits but was unaffected by the water. For the last few weeks Naruto had been training him in using his water abilities.

The first bit of advice Naruto gave him was "Don't control the ocean or water in general, it never goes well. Let it flow through you, move with it and make it strike at the last moment".

It was difficult but he was making good progress.

Naruto smiled as the water made a whirlpool around him as it moved to constrict him. He quickly substituted with a log and pat Percy on the back. "Great job Percy, you are making good progress. I think that's enough for today. I need to get ready as do you" he said getting a nod from the boy.

"I almost forgot it was today" Percy said with a chuckle "Meet at Hestia cabin?" he asked as Naruto nodded.

"Be sure to hurry, I can't be waiting on you or anyone else" he said as Percy nodded and ran off.

Naruto was incredibly nervous for today as today he was getting married. He was surprised he had been able to focus on training Percy and Luke today.

He made his way to Hestia cabin to see Luke chatting with Annabeth and Thalia. Over the few weeks he was happy that the boy had lightened up.

After a long talk with the boy he eased his worries.


Naruto sat in front of Luke in his pocket dimension as Luke asked for privacy.

"So why are you acting so weird ever since we got back from the quest?" he asked making Luke frown.

"It's nothing" he said as he looked away.

"Luke I can sense negative emotions and you are a variable cocktail of negative emotions. Plus don't think I haven't noticed how you avoid going into Hestia's cabin" he said making Luke frown.

"I don't feel like I deserve going in there" he says in a quiet tone but Naruto heard him clearly.

"Why do you think that?" he asked confused.

"Because I could have been Ethan!" he yells "I could've betrayed my friends and by the luck of Chaos I was saved!" he said as tears threatened to break out. "I was about to go through with it the next day but you found me before that and saved me" he looked to Naruto.

"At times I still fell dark, to think I almost went through with it. I don't feel like I'm allowed to enter such a pure cabin" he said as Naruto put his hand on his back.

"Luke you remind me of how my ex-friend Sasuke. But the difference between you and him is that you changed and stayed in the light without anyone having to beat the crap out of you to do so" he said making Luke chuckle and wipe his eyes.

"You have done nothing but stayed in the light. You have grown so well and stayed strong" he said as his circle mark glowed. "Hestia can sense the light in you that outweighs the dark and so can I" he said as he placed the mark on Luke's back.

"Sage Art: Gift of a Pathway" he said as Luke was enshrouded in a light blue aura. "You deserve this Luke, and I know you will do good with this".

Luke looked to him in shock but all he could do was nod and smile

-Flashback End-

Over the weeks he trained Luke in his elemental affinities. His were unique, Earth and Yang. He figured that earth was from Hermes as Hermes was the patron saint of travelers. Yang was surprising since he's never seen anyone with the natural ability to separate Yang from chakra without any thought about it.

Luke could use Yang chakra to strengthen his body and enhance his strength to near levels of himself when he was in Sage mode.

He also could mix the two to make a Land sub-element. It was similar to Sand release which was like Magnet but only with moving sand and nothing else like golden dust or iron sand. With Land release he could move chunks of earth as a shield.

(AN: Imagine a pieces of earth moving around him like a moon orbiting the earth but can be used with many pieces and moved around at will. Plus a bit of earth bending)

It was an interesting release in his opinion.

Also his daughter and Annabeth were an adorable couple in his mind. He would occasionally catch them kissing when they thought they were alone but he let them keep thinking it was a hidden relationship.

He smiled to the kids "You guys all ready? We need to leave soon" he said as they nodded.

"We'll go change, be ready in like 5 minutes" Thalia says as she and Annabeth go change inside the cabin.

Luke chuckles and heads over to his cabin to change.

He sighed and chuckled. He had his outfit all sealed away so all he had to do was wait and open the portal.

He smiled at Zetsu in his sleeve "Ready Brother?" he asks as Zetsu smirks.

"Of course, I know mom is excited for this day" he says as he connects with Naruto to help him open the portal back to the Elemental nations. "Never thought we'd be returning so soon" Zetsu says as he chuckles.

Naruto nods "Well I never expected to get married either so surprises everywhere. Now let's get this thing open" he says as Zetsu crawls over half of face and activates the Shinju's eyes.

"Kamui" they say as a black portal reminiscent of the ones his mother used in their fight appears.

"There, it'll stay up as long as you keep your eyes active" Zetsu says as he slides back into Naruto's sleeve.

He patiently waited for the kids as slowly Percy, Luke, Annabeth and Thalia all showed up. The guys were dressed in tuxedos and girls in dresses, even if Thalia hated being in a dress.

He smiled at them "Well, everyone ready to go visit my home?" he asked as he placed a henge on himself. He changed his appearance to alter his skin tone, hide his whisker marks and make his hair turn light brown. He also made his eyes greyer since his blue was a dead giveaway to anyone who knew him.

Thalia nodded "Hell yeah! Can't wait to see Grandma and Great-Grandma" she says as the others looked confused.

"I'll explain more later but we really need to get going" he says as they nod and walk through the portal. Once everyone was in he smiled and stepped through the portal. He may have been betrayed by the village but he still considered it home in a sense.

-Elemental Nations-

Tsunade was tapping her foot impatiently waiting for Naruto to arrive.

"Relax Tsunade-sama, he wouldn't dare be late, if anything he is getting all the kids he said he was bringing ready" Shizune says with a calm smile.

Gaara nodded "Knowing Naruto he will be here soon. He isn't one to keep others waiting unlike Hatake" he said as he sipped some tea.

Tsunade sighs as a portal appears in the room as she slams down her saucer "Finally! The brat was starting to cut it close" she says as 4 kids walk into the room. She stares at them blankly "Who the hell are all of you?" she says as the one with black hair looked around.

"I'm Thalia Otsutsuki, daughter of Naruto" she says making the people in the room smile as they looked her as a man came through the portal.

"Now Thalia I wanted to tell them that" he says with a smile.

"Sorry Dad, I couldn't help it" she says as the man ruffles her hair.

"Naruto?" Gaara says as he looks the man over.

"Yup, just hidden under henge" he says flashing his Shinju eyes.

"Who are the little ones?" she asks as she stares at them confused as to why he brought young kids.

"Well you all know Thalia, my daughter and these are her friends Percy, Luke and Annabeth. Hestia likes them and invited them along. Thalia and Annabeth are bridesmaids of hers while Luke and Percy are groomsmen for me" he says the kids smile to the new people.

"Well that's good but shouldn't you get around to bringing your mom and grandmother here?" Tsunade says as pours out 2 more saucers.

"Right" he says as he smiles to the kids "First I need all of you to swear not to reveal what you are about to see to anyone other than who is attending this wedding" he says as they nod and swear on Styx.

"Okay good now I guess you all know of different pantheons, even if Zeus tries to hide them" he says as he pulls out Kokinjo, the Golden Canopy Rope from a seal as he laid it in a circle on the ground.

Annabeth nods "Yes, the other pantheons are out there but they stay out of America" she says watching Naruto curiously.

"Well that is somewhat true but mostly because they aren't in your realm and neither are we. We are in my home realm, the realm of the Shinto's my real ancestors" he says as he runs through the seals and slams his hands on Kokinjo.

"Opening Art: Entrance to Heaven" he says as the rope raises from the ground to make a gateway as two women walked through it.

The kids, minus Thalia were speechless at the two women. One had long ankle length white hair with pale white eyes wearing a white Japanese gown. She had long horns on her head and what seemed to be a vertical slit on her forehead. She gave off the aura of someone incredibly powerful and wise.

The other one was much more so. She had long black hair and dark red eyes. She too had a red Japanese gown that had black trimmings. She gave off the aura of a leader and someone you didn't want to anger but still someone kind.

"Everyone, say hello to Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Shinto Rabbit Goddess my mother and Amaterasu, the head matriarch of the Shinto pantheon as well as my grandmother" he says motioning to the two so they would know who is who as the demigods (again minus Thalia) stare in shock.

They were speechless as the black haired one tackled Naruto "My darling grandchild! I am so excited for today!" she squeals as she buries his face in her chest again making Percy and Luke blush a bit.

"Mom please stop suffocating him. He can't give me more grandchildren if you suffocate him" Kaguya says pulling her mom off her son with a smile.

Amaterasu pouts but straightens her kimono "Fine" she turns to the demigods. "Welcome children of Greece to my realm. Normally I would never allow any demigods or actual gods and goddess from the Greco pantheon in here but after making them swear and once you all swear never to mention this to Zeus or anyone else we can begin this" she says flashing them a smile that made them shiver and quickly swear on Styx.

"Grandma please don't scare the kids" Naruto says as his mom pats his back.

"Naruto, I'm a bit confused" Luke says as he looks to Naruto. "So you aren't a child of Chaos?" he asks.

Naruto nods "Nope, I am the son of Kaguya and grandson of Amaterasu and the only Shinto Primordial Shinju but we can do all the revealing stuff later. We need to summon the guests" he says as his grandmother smiles to him.

"Yes" she clears her throat "As the matriarch of the Shinto's I allow the Greeks to enter my realm, but only the ones who have sworn my oath" she says as the Kokinjo glows again, creating another gateway.

First one in was Ares as he looked around and smiled "Never would've guessed you were a Shinto kid" he says looking at Naruto (he still had his Shinju eyes active). "Not that I have anything against them, they are a good breed of warriors" he says as Artemis walks in.

"Oh, the nature is so pure here, congratulations on keeping it this way Lady Amaterasu" she says as she flashes Naruto a quick smile before going back to her semi-serious face.

Next walks in Poseidon who makes Percy smile "Hmmm I can't wait until you are revealed Naruto, then I can brag to my brother that I got to visit the Shinto's realm" he takes a deep breath "I have got to say the Sea here feels cleaner than mine. I definitely need to talk to your sea god" he says as he smiles and walks over to Percy.

After the sea god walks in Athena who was inspecting everything around her. "It really is too bad we cannot speak of this realm until the boy reveals himself" she says as she looks around.

Amaterasu smiles "Feel free to visit the collective library just remember your oath" she says as the goddess of wisdom nods and gets a small smile as she stands near her daughter.

The next man was someone Naruto quite liked. Hermes the God of messengers. He looked around. And let out an impressed whistle "Nice place you got here. Very clean and pure. No real monsters here" he says as he smiles to Naruto and walks over to a nervous looking Luke.

"It's okay son, I would like to talk with you more. Get to know you better" he says with a caring smile.

Luke looks to Naruto worried but Naruto just smiles and nods. Luke turns to his dad and smiles "I'd like that" he said as Hermes smiles and nodded before resting a hand on Luke's shoulder.

The next person was someone Naruto respected. Hades the God of death. Hades smiled to him as he looked around "Hmmm not much death I like it. Thank you for inviting me Naruto" he says with a genuine smile.

Naruto smiles and nods "Of course Hades, I wasn't going to forget you. Especially after you were very helpful after that quest" he says as Ares grumbles.

The war god was still sour about being controlled.

Shortly after Hades had his friendly moment Demeter walked in with a smile. "Oh I definitely like this place better. If only our realm was this pure" she says with a small frown before looking to Hades. "You didn't bring my daughter?" She asks confused and a bit upset.

He shook his head "She didn't feel like coming even when I mentioned you would be there. I think she just wants to relax a bit" he says as the gateway glows again.

As the next person walks in and Naruto's eyes were covered.

"You can't see the bride on her wedding day" he hears his mother say as he can also hear Hestia giggle.

"Don't worry it won't be long dear" she says as she squeezes his hand.

He squeezes back "I know I'm looking forward to seeing how beautiful you are in a wedding dress" he says making her blush.

"Who knew you could blush so red sister" Demeter says with a smile. "Don't worry Naruto Athena and I as well as the braidsmaids will go around town to get her ready. We will see you at the ceremony" she says as he hears them walk out of the room.

Only ones left are the gods, male demigods and Artemis.

Artemis looked to Amaterasu "May I bring my hunters here?" She asks respectfully to the powerful goddess that easily equaled a Greek Primordial not counting Chaos.

Ameterasu nods "Make them swear the same oath I made you take and we are fine. You can hunt as you like but do not venture past the main forest surrounding the village" she says as Artemis bows and walks out.

"We are going to help the others" his mother says as she pays his cheek.

"Have fun around the village. Come on Tsunade and Shizune" his grandmother says as she smiles and waves them off.

Naruto looks around at the gods and demigods left behind. "We'll do you all want to visit my old home?" He asks as they nod.

"And after I want a rematch. No powers just plain swordsmanship" Ares says with a large grin.

Naruto chuckles "Sure thing Ares just make sure not to show any powers as well as don't call me Naruto. I'm kinda wanted here for taking chakra a away" he says running the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Understandable. If others had the powers you had I wouldn't want them spreading around either" Poseidon says as he pats his son on the back. "I'm going to spend time with Percy as I guess Hermes is doing with his son" he says as Hermes nods.

"So it is just us three" he says as Hades and Ares nod. "Well let's go sightseeing" he says to them as they smile and nod after following behind him.

They travel around the village and he showed them all the different sectors.

"Hmm very interesting. I'm surprised they can all work together but without this chakra thing it's not surprising" Ares says as he strokes his chin. He may be a war god but he had to know peace to know war.

Hades nodded "I bet your Death god had his hands full with the recent war" he said as he could feel the aura of death off in the distance in large amounts.

Naruto nodded "Yeah, it was a tough war but it was all caused by 2 madmen that made everything go downhill. Kinda don't wanna talk about it" he said with a frown as the others let it go.

Moments later they arrived at the training grounds and Ares summons an impressive looking sword. It was a great sword with a glowing red blade that quickly hid itself to a red-ish metal.

"Well ready now?" he asks as Hades chuckles and sits down to watch.

Naruto nods and unseals Yamato and smiles at Ares "Definitely ready. What are the rules?" he asks with a smirk.

"No powers and no strange eyes. No killing blows, we stop once the other is incapacitated" he said as he stabbed his sword in the ground. "Let's get this started, Hades will be the ref" he says as Hades nods and sits back.

"Well let's get this started" Naruto says as Ares pulls his sword out and charges at him with surprising speed considering Ares's size.

Naruto ducks under a slice and slashes at Ares only for him to block with the large sword. It seemed while under the control of Kronos the war god's abilities were hindered and weakened.

Naruto leaned back to dodge a knee as he cartwheeled back and landed a strong hit on Ares's jaw sending him stumbling back a bit.

Ares wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled "Oh you are definitely good boy" he says as he charges again.

They both evaded the other's strikes, unknown they had gained a crowd of onlookers.

Naruto smiled as he blocked Ares's strike and spun a kick, landing it on Ares's side making him groan and send him skidding back with a strong hit with the great sword.

"Glad to see that you're actually a good swordsman and not just a rage induced fighter" Naruto says as he feels a broken bone in him arm mend together.

Ares smirked "You think after years of war I'd be that weak? Your words hurt" he says as he charges again.

Naruto sees an opportunity like he did with Pallas. He ran and slid under Ares's strike and between the god's legs and quickly got up the second he was behind Ares. Using all of his natural strength he landed a strong hit on the war god's side sending him crashing forward into multiple trees.

A bit later laughter could be heard as Ares got up, seemingly unscathed except for his clothes that were ripped her and there. "That has to be the strongest hit I've felt from someone not my kind" he says with a smirk as he dusted off his clothes.

Hades stands up from his seat "As much as I believe you two would like to continue, I doubt Hestia or any of the girls would like the groom being injured or even you Ares" he says as they frown but nod.

"We will finish another time" Ares says with a frown. "And just when it was getting good".

Naruto nods "Sounds like a plan, we still do need to meet up with everyone else" he says with a frown.

Hades waves it away "I already sent them messages to meet us at our area. Demeter told me where to go" he says showing them a leaf that had Greek writing on it.

Naruto nods and sheaths Yamato and looks around with a frown. He could see Sasuke watching and glaring at him and Ares as he walked forward.

"You, man with the sword. Who are you?" he asked making Ares raise an eyebrow at it. He knew they weren't in the Greek realm but being this blunt with anyone was quite rude.

"I'm visit the village for the wedding of my aunt" he says as he stabs his sword in the ground again. "My name is none of your concern" he says as Sasuke glares at him.

"Maybe you can get the honor of training me. I haven't seen swordsman that talented" Sasuke said with a snide smile.

Ares frowned and picked up his sword he shook his head 'And here I though father was full of himself and cocky' he thought as he ignored the man and made his way over to Hades. "Come on lets go. I fear what Hestia would do if we were late" he said with a shiver.

He may not fear most of the Olympians but he was wary around Hestia. At times she could give off an aura stronger than his father's.

Hades chuckled and nodded as Naruto made his way over, hiding the glare. "Come on we three still need to get ready" he said as Sasuke glared at them.

"Stop! I am talking to you" Sasuke yells in anger.

Ares lowers his sunglasses and glares at Sasuke "Yes and I am choosing not to listen to you otherwise I'd break your bones and twist you into a pretzel" he says making Sasuke shiver in fear from the war god's aura.

Hades shook his head "Come on nephew, we need to go. Now" he says as Ares waves it off and follows.

Naruto chuckled at Ares's threat and just followed along.

"So, why the all the hate towards that boy?" Hades asks as they made their way to the meeting area.

Ares also noticed it but didn't comment on it.

Naruto sighed "He used to be my friend. That was until he betrayed the village. Eventually he came back to defeat the madmen in the war. After everything was done he called for a revolution. We fought in the Valley of End and we both lost an arm. But strangely enough he was still able to place me under an illusion. He trapped me away for 3 years until I was able to break out with the help of my grandfather" he said as the two gods frowned.

"Well I'm surprised you didn't kill the boy afterwards. And if he called for a revolution how is he not banished?" Ares said confused.

"I'm not one to kill. Even after all he did, he was my first real friend so I could never bring myself to do it. And as for the why is he here thing, I'm guessing that after he returned her to try and recapture me the other Kages saw no reason to really keep him banished as he is isn't dangerous anymore" he said in a tired tone.

The two gods decided to drop it as they kept walking.

The eventually made it to the meeting point with time to spare. They were getting married in the ruins of Uzushiogakure, the same place his mother and father were married at. They just had to meet up at the Kage building so they could warp over to the ruins.

He saw Poseidon, Percy, Hermes and Luke waiting on the roof of the building. He also noticed Artemis and her hunters were also there.

"Good, you guys aren't late" Poseidon says as he looks at them. "Where are your tuxes?" he asks as everyone else was all dressed up, even the hunters and Artemis.

Ares groans and snaps his fingers changing Hades's, Naruto's and his outfits.

Everyone looked at him confused.

"Being in a relationship with Aphrodite comes with a minor blessing of beauty so yes I can change clothes easier" he says everyone nods in understanding.

"Well we were told you'd get us there" Hermes says as he looks to Naruto.

Naruto sighed as he activated his eyes "Zetsu a little help making a pathway to mom" he said as the black blob in his sleeve nodded.

"Kamui" he says as a large portal appeared revealing the ruins of Uzushiogakure. "Well go on through, I need to be through last also make sure I don't see Hestia in her dress" he said as they nod and one by one walk through.

He looks back to the village and sighs. From what he saw today he was glad he took away chakra from these lands. It seemed even more peaceful than before.

Artemis came back through the portal "It's all clear Naruto. Come on" she said snapping him out of his thoughts.

He smiled to her "Thanks" he said as she went back through with him not to far behind.


Naruto undid he henge and smiled at the clearing that his mother got married at. It was a circular clearing surrounded by cherry blossoms and full of flowers with a clear path down the middle leading to a large Torii gate. There were chairs on either side of the pathway and he saw some familiar faces that he almost didn't believe.

There, in a more spirituous form was Haku, Zabuza, the 3rd Hokage, Jiraiya, Nagato and his father. They all smiled to him and waved him over.

He was in shock until he saw the Shinigami behind them. "Relax grandson of Amaterasu, your grandmother and mother convinced me to let them visit for the wedding. Consider it my wedding gift to you" he says as he floats away.

Naruto let out a breath of relief as he smiled to the spirits "It's nice to see you all" he says as they smile.

Haku smiles at him "It is nice to see you Naruto, you have grown so much from the short boy that I met in the forest" he said with a smile as Zabuza smirked.

"Heard you are wielding my blade boy. Hope you do it honor and use it to protect instead of kill" he says as he ruffles Naruto's hair. "I saw the lady you're marrying. She is definitely a beauty and a goddess. Such a lucky guy" he said making Naruto blush.

Hiruzen smiled "I hear you fought in a war against Madara and were a major component in defeating him" he says as he rubs Naruto's arm. "I am also sorry for the actions of the villagers, abandoning you again afterwards. Please do not hold it against them" he says as Naruto shakes his head.

"Don't worry Jiji, I've never been on to hold grudges. I am helping others now and I even adopted a girl. She's just as spunky as me" he said making Hiruzen chuckle and smile.

"I'm glad you saved someone" he said as he moved off to let Jiraiya talk.

"Gaki! I hear you republished my works. Are you finally on my side? The side of the Super-Perverts!" he said only to get hit with a sake bottle most likely from Tsunade.

"Stop trying to turn Naruto into a pervert!" he hears Tsunade yell from across the clearing where Hestia was most likely at. It was blocked by wooden tendrils but he could see Tsunade standing guard with a glare on her face directed at Jiraiya.

Naruto sighs "I only republished them to have some money to raise Thalia" he said as Jiraiya got up and frowned.

"Jeez kid. So disappointing, you could learn from them especially considering your honeymoon is going to start soon" he says with a big grin only to have his shoulder crushed by his mother.

"Stop trying to dirty my son's mind you pervert. Or else I'll have to shove you back in the Shinigami's gut" she says with a dark aura making the toad sage shut up and nod vigorously.

He smiles to his mom "Thank you Kaa-san" he says as she smiles and pats his cheek before smiling at his dad.

His dad was about to speak up until she held up a finger to his lips "Later Minato, I need to help with our son's wedding" she says as he smiles and nods.

Jiraiya, deciding to be silent moved away as Nagato walked up. He was no longer skin and bones but he still had the Rinnegan and his red hair was lighter. He looked healthy and happy. He was still dressed in his Akatsuki cloak but it no longer was a symbol of what it became in the end, more of a symbol of what it originally was.

"You went through with your word Naruto. I knew I was right to place my faith in you" he says with a smile as he looked around. "I can feel the pain in the world has lowered and the world is truly at peace. True you took away chakra but you did what no one has done before. Ended the cycle of hatred in this war torn land" he said as Naruto smiled.

"I never go back on my word Nagato. I'm glad I was able to convince you in the end. How has the afterlife been?" he asked as Nagato chuckled.

"It is peaceful. I am with Konan and Yahiko. Though I am happy to see you wedding day. Not many Shinobi's of my time ever got to retire and marry. I'm glad you finally are able to" he says as he looks to Minato. "I'll leave you to talk with your dad" he says as he pats Naruto on the back and walks off to sit next to the other spirits.

Minato smiled at his son "I am so glad you were able to return your mother back to original self" he says as he smiles off to Kaguya who smiled back.

Naruto nodded "Why didn't you say anything when she appeared?" he asked as Minato frowned.

"Because she wouldn't have wanted that. I hoped she'd snap out of it and if not then I knew her mother would fix her and she'd find you" he said as he ran his hand through his hair. "I really am proud of you son" he said with a smile.

Naruto smiled brightly and hugged his dad as Minato smiled and hugged his son back.

"As much as I would love to keep talking with you I believe you need to be with your groomsmen and get everything ready" Minato said as Naruto nodded.

"I'll talk to you all later" he said with a smile as he bounded off to his groomsmen.

Zabuza shook his head "I'm glad the boy is happy. He deserves it" he says as everyone nods with a smile.

Naruto ran up to his groomsmen with a smile. "Everyone ready? Hades do you have the rings?" he asks.

Hades nods and takes out the two rings "I had to use help from a friend named after a planet to make them but they are all good and no weird curse or anything. I checked" he said hinting that he had to turn Roman to use his control over gemstones and precious metals to gather to components.

Naruto smiles "Thanks again. Just hold onto them until I need them" he says as Hades slips them back in his tuxedo.

Naruto looked in a mirror as he straightened his tuxedo. It was a classy tuxedo with a lavender sash around his waist since it was one of Hestia's colors. Pinned to his jacket was a Datura of the breed Angel's Trumpet. The outside was purple with white near the bottom as the inside was completely white with light purple around the bottom of the inside.

He smiled to his groomsmen "How do I look?" he asked as they looked him over.

"You look great kid. But just remember, you hurt Hestia. We hurt you" Poseidon said as the others nodded and glared at him making him shiver.

He nodded "I would never hurt her. I love her with everything I have and I would never dare hurt someone precious to me" he said making the gods smile.

"You nervous any?" Hermes asks as he stands next to Luke who had a genuine smile on his face.

"A little bit. I just hope it all goes good" he says as he straightens the flower on his jacket.

"Relax, with multiple Shinto gods and goddess as well as some Greek ones nothing could happen. Hell Amaterasu is as strong as a Greek Primordial if the legends are true. Nothing can possibly happen today" Ares says in a surprisingly understanding tone.

Everyone looks at him confused "What? I can't be nice?" he said making them chuckle.

He smiles as his mother walks in and smiles at him "Oh Sochi you look so handsome" she says as she strokes his cheek. She turns to the groomsmen "It is almost time for it to start, you should all head out. I just want a short moment with my son" she said as they all nodded and left the area to head to the gate.

He turned to his mom and smiled "I'm glad you were able to make it" he said as she smiled.

She smiled and hugged him "It is every mother's dream to see her child off on their wedding day and I am no exception my Sochi" she says as she pats down his hair as best as she could.

He smiles as he puts her hands to her side "Well, we better go get all set up" he says as she smiles and lead him to the alter under the Torii gate. The groomsmen and bridesmaids were except for Hades.

He smiled to the crowd as he noticed the priest in a sense. It wasn't anyone he knew but if he was here it meant his grandmother trusted him.

He had short black hair and kind green eyes that gave off the same feeling as Itachi did during the war. "It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Naruto. I am Gekka-O the Shinto god of love and marriage and I am honored to be the one wedding you and your wife together" he says with a bow.

Naruto was about to tell him not to call him 'Lord' but the look from his mother told him not to "Well I'm thankful that you are here. I'm sure you will do a great job" he says making the Shinto god smile.

Shortly after the music started and he turned to see Hades leading Hestia down the aisle. He stared at her and lost his breath.

She was gorgeous.

She wore a strapless cream colored gown that cascaded off her and trailed behind her. It accented her bust and complexion. It had cinnamon colored vines trailing from the bottom up to right around her waist. I he hands was a bouquet of a collection of her sacred flowers. She had a veil over her face but from what he could see, she seemed to have bare amounts of make-up on.

For as long as he had been with Hestia she never wore makeup. She had a very natural beauty that had no need for makeup. The most he had ever seen her use was lip gloss.

Now she had light eye shadow and very minimal lip stick. She was beautiful in his mind with or without makeup and this only proved to make his point.

He nodded to Hades as he smirked and led Hestia to him.

Gekka-O smiled and turned to Hades "Do you give her away?" he asks.

Hades nods "As her eldest brother I do give her away to be wed" he says as he kisses Hestia's hand and went over to join the other groomsmen.

Gekka-O cleared his throat "We are gathered here today to wed together Naruto Otsutsuki and Hestia together in immortal matrimony. With the access in my domain I can feel a large amount of love between these two and it is incredibly pure and I am sure I speak for everyone that we are all happy that they found each other" he says as Naruto holds Hestia's hand. "They will now exchange their vows, I believe the groom is going first" he says as Naruto nods.

He clears his throat and brings out a piece of paper. He unfolds it and smiles at Hestia as he reads it off. "Hestia, throughout my life I never really got much love. As time went by it somewhat got better but not really. For the longest time I seriously thought I was going to be alone for my whole life and never have someone to love" he said making Kaguya frown a bit.

"But then I found you and you changed that. I fell in love at first sight and every day we were together made my hopes of being with someone and loving someone more and more strong. When I proposed and you said yes it was one of the happiest days in my life and hopefully one of many more to come in the future" he says as he smiles at her.

"Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home. I love you with my mortal and future immortal life. I will always be here for you and I hope to build a large happy family with you" he says as she wipes some tears away and smiles at him.

"That was beautiful Naruto" she says as she looks him in the eyes. "Through my immortal life I had been yearned after by numerous men that never got my interest. I had no interest in any men so I swore celibacy to never give up my maidenhood. That was until I found you. I felt a strong familiar pull with you when you were raising and looking after young Thalia" she says as she smiles to a slightly blushing Thalia.

"I grew closer with you as you were my champion and after the Master Bolt I confessed my feelings. I was afraid you'd turn me down. I never had any experience with relationships but you were in the same boat and we grew together. To a point where I can't see my life without you in it" she says as she wipes another tear.

"I love you Naruto Otsutsuki with all of my immortal life. You are the only one I want to spend my life with" she says as many people in the audience wipe some tears as do the groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Gekka-O smiles "I doubt anyone here could doubt their love for one another so I will get straight to it" his hands glow as a red silken cord appears around their feet. "First may we have the rings?" he asks as Hades nods and takes out Naruto's ring to give Hestia as Artemis takes out the one for Hestia to give Naruto.

Gekka-O smiled at the rings and turned to the two of them "Do you Hestia take Naruto as your immortal husband for all of your life?" he asks as she nods.

"Of course I do" she says as one end of the cord ties itself around her right ankle as Naruto slips on her ring. It was a dazzling bronze band with a cream colored diamond and smaller bronze diamonds around the band.

Gekka-O turns to Naruto with a smile "Do you Naruto take Hestia to be your wife for all of your mortal and eventual immortal life?" he asks as Naruto squeezes Hestia's hand.

"Yes, yes I do" he says as the other end of the cord ties around his left ankle as Hestia slides his ring on. It was a dazzling brown that remind her of oak and it had vine designs on it with hinds of green gems on the vine and even a small pink diamond on it to resemble a peach.

"By the power in me as the Shinto god of marriage I hereby pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" he says with a smile as the cord glows and leaves behind two red rope tattoos on their ankles where the cord was tied.

Naruto flips up her veil and pulls her close, kissing her gently before she deepens it.

All the while they are kissing the crowd was applauding.

Poseidon had a happy smile on his face as he saw his sister smile happily while in the arms of Naruto.

"She truly looks happy doesn't she brother?" Hades says as he watched their sister look truly happy for the first time in far too long.

Poseidon nods "I haven't seen her like this since back when Father was defeated and everything was peaceful before the Giants woke up" he said as the others gods nodded and frowned. Luckily the demigods were all over near Hestia.

Artemis smiles at her aunt's happiness as Zoe pouted. "He doesn't deserve to dirty Lady Hestia" Zoe says making Artemis frown.

"Zoe, Hestia is happy and you really need to let go of your feelings towards Naruto. He saved not only me but you. And he didn't have to save you. Be happy" she says as Zoe pouts but nods. "Now come on, I want to congratulate my Aunt" she says as Zoe follows behind her.

The other hunters came up from the audience as she could only get Zoe as a bridesmaid.

Everyone slowly made their way to the reception that was set up behind the Torii gate that Naruto and Hestia passed under as everyone else went around.

Immediately after she was bombarded by hugs from Amaterasu "Welcome to the family Hestia. I expect many more great-grandchildren. I love Thalia but I want little babies to nuzzle" she says making Hestia blush darkly at the thought of making babies.

Kaguya pulled her mother of her daughter in law "Please don't embarrass her too much. She still needs to cut the cake and dance with Naruto" she says as Amaterasu pouts.

"You never let me hug people" she says as she sulks away making Kaguya roll her eyes at her mother.

"Come on Hestia, enjoy your precious day" she says as Hestia nods and smiles before leaving to catch up with Naruto.

He was surrounded by her siblings and nephews. They smiled at her "So how does it feel to be married?" Ares asked with a smirk as he loosened the tie around his neck.

"It feels wonderful Ares" she says as she rubs the ring on her finger. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

Ares smiled at his aunt and nodded as he went off to go eat some of the food.

"I am going to go socialize with my son Hestia, have fun at your wedding" Poseidon says as he rubs his sister's back and smiles as she nods to him.

Hermes gave her a thumbs up as she figured he was off to do the same.

Hades shook his head at his relatives "Oh don't worry Hades, they rarely get anytime to see their kids. Let them have their moment. I'm just happy they were able to make it" she said as Artemis came up to hug her.

"You look lovely Aunt Hestia and your ring looks very pretty" she says as Hestia smiles.

"Thank you niece, you look very beautiful in the dress" she says as Artemis blushes making her chuckle. "Go and enjoy the food, Naruto cooked it all and I have got to say he is a great chef, almost as good as me" she says as Artemis drools a bit and makes her way to the buffet making her and numerous hunters chuckle as they followed her.

She smiled at Naruto who was talking with his dad "I'm sorry to interrupt this moment but I do believe it is our time to dance" she said as the spirit nodded.

"I am very sorry for taking him away from you Hestia" Minato says as he pat Naruto on the back. "Enjoy yourself son, I am going to speak with your mother for a bit" he says as Naruto smiles.

Naruto smiled at Hestia and held her hands "I am so happy to finally be your husband" he says as he kisses her hand.

She giggles and nods "I'm the same, I can't be anymore happy that I am your wife" she says as music starts to play.

"Will you give me this dance, as my wife?" he asks as she smiled and nodded.

"Of course my love" she says as she enjoys the moment.

The party goes along wonderfully. The dance was enchanting, the cake was delicious even after they shoved a piece in the other's face.

The gifts didn't really matter to them but they were thankful.

Ares got Naruto a sword and Hestia a pet baby Erymanthian boar that she fell in love with quickly.

Poseidon got Naruto a trident and Hestia a baby dolphin that she begged Naruto to build a lake behind their house for her. It went without saying that he agreed.

Hades gave them both a baby 2 headed hell hound that was an adorable little thing. It even had the ability to split apart much like Nagato's old summon was able to do.

He got the feeling Hestia loved animals. He didn't mind the animals, as a Sage he cherished life and he could feel how pure the creatures were and he knew Hestia, along with himself, would care for them.

Hermes gave Naruto a pair of winged sandals and Hestia an unlimited free orders for a clothing site. She appreciated it since she liked the occasional break from using her powers, it was the same with cooking. She liked to cook for herself more than she used her blessing and Naruto was the same.

Artemis gave Naruto a bow and quiver that would refill on its own. She also got a silver wolf for Hestia that took an immediate shine to her.

Athena had given him an ancient book of Greek monsters and heroes. It was a sweet gift from the goddess of wisdom.

He chuckled as the party went on. This was one of the happiest days he has had in a long time. He looked over to see his new wife petting all the new animals she got, even the dolphin.

He was truly thankful for everything that had happened since he found out who his mother was.

He looked around to see Thalia dancing with Percy as Annabeth danced with Luke. Artemis was having fun with her hunters as the Greek gods conversed civilly with the the Shinto gods, even Ares to his surprise.

He smiled as his mom and grandmother came up to him and hugged him. His dad and the other spirits had to leave an hour or so ago as they reached the limit of how long they could be outside the death realm.

"Sochi I am so happy that you found love" she says as she hugs him.

Amaterasu smiled as well "You are the first child of Kaguya's that I think of as a child of mine. Hagoromo and Hamura betrayed Kaguya and my husband for power. You trusted Shinju after one meeting, even after you fought his uncontrolled self in the war. That is why you are my grandchild as well as Shinju" she says with a smile.

It made sense. He never saw any children of Athena being claimed as grandchildren of Zeus. He was special if his grandparents were actually claiming him and giving him their blessing.

"I would like to give you this" Amaterasu says as she hands him a peach that had the design of Shinju's eye on it. "It is the equivalent of a golden apple from Hera's garden. It will grant you godhood but I want you to wait until Shinju tells you to eat it" she says as he nods and seals it away before hugging her close to him.

"Thank you Obaa-chan" he says as she smiles and hugs him back.

"Now go and enjoy your soon to start honeymoon. We can take care of transporting everyone back and taking care of your animals until you get back. Though I expect her to be pregnant by the time you get back" she says with a smirk as he blushes dark and Naruto stutters.

"Mom please leave him alone" Kaguya says before turning to him. "Though I wouldn't object to more grandchildren" she says as he blushes even darker before running off.

He gets to Hestia as she smiles up at him "They are all so cute" she says as she pets the little animals. "Do you have any names for them? Only fair if you name them" she says as she scratches the boar under his chin.

Naruto sits down and picks up the boar and looks it over before setting him down "Well for this little guy since he has a connection to the nature god Pan how about Shizen, it means nature" he says as the little boar squeals and runs around him happily.

"He likes it" she says as she sees the little boar nuzzle against her husband.

He smiles at the twin headed hell hound that resembled a Rottweiler pup as it splits apart and runs all over him. One of the hounds had a small brown diamond on its head as the other had a crescent moon on its head. They seemed to like to play rough with one another but was careful around the boar and wolf. "How about Jigoku for the diamond headed one and Ryoken for the crescent headed one. Means Hell and Hound essentially" he says as they yipp around him and reconnect before laying on his lap.

He watches as the small wolf approaches him, somewhat cautiously "Well aren't you a nervous one" he says as he picks it up making it whine a little bit before he pets it softly making it nuzzle in his arms "For you I am thinking Mamoru, means protect which I know you will be doing a lot of when the little ones arrive" he said as he whispered the reasoning being the name as he didn't want Hestia to get flustered.

He passed the sleeping wolf over to Hestia as a spurt of water splashed him in the face making him chuckle. He smiled down at the dolphin that was squeaking and swimming around quickly. "Such a little trouble maker, aren't you?" he said making the dolphin nod its head. "Well I doubt you want to be named anything like clown fish so how about Shimizu, stands for clear water" he says as the dolphin does a little flip and chatters around the little pond.

He turned to Hestia "How were those names?" he asks as she smiled and nodded.

"They were great. Is your mom and grandma going to look after them until we return from our h-honeymoon?" she asks as she blushes at the thought of going on a honeymoon.

He nodded and chuckled "Thalia I going to love playing with these little guys" he says as he helps her up.

Hestia smiles as she sees a limo appear at the end of the clearing "I guess that's our ride" she says with a blush.

He nods and holds her hand "I guess it is" he says as Thalia and the other demigods come up to say bye as his mom and grandmother walk up as well.

Thalia hugs her dad "Have fun on your honeymoon dad. I want siblings" she says making Hestia stutter and blush.

Annabeth smacks her arm with a light blush "Don't embarrass Lady Hestia, I think she's been embarrassed enough for today" she says as Luke chuckles.

"Just enjoy yourself, I can look after everyone until you get back" Luke says as he gives Naruto a thumbs up.

Percy groans "It's gonna be boring without you there to train up but I'll keep on my training. Have fun, you deserve it Naruto" he says as the gods come up as well.

"You better take good care of Hestia. I don't want to come after you" Hades says with Poseidon nodding in approval the Hades's semi-threat.

"Brothers, please. Naruto is someone I trust with everything and I love him. If I didn't do you think I would have married him?" she asks making them grumble.

Ares chuckles "Got them there" he says with a smirk before patting Naruto on the back and slipping in some Viagra in Naruto's pocket making him heat up.

"Come on guys, I think our time is up as well" Hermes says as Amaterasu nods before opening a portal.

Artemis and Athena, who were conversing with their hunters and watching over her daughter (respectively) rejoin the group. Athena had been somewhat avoiding them, most likely because she wanted to learn more of the Shinto gods and goddesses.

"Remember your vow and speak nothing of it until the time Naruto reveals himself" Amaterasu says as she smiles to them, not in a threatening way.

They nod and say there goodbyes as Naruto and Hestia pile into the limo.

He holds her close and kisses her gently "I love you Hestia, you made me the happiest man alive today" he says making her giggle.

"I love you too Naruto, so very much. I haven't been this happy in a long time. Thank you for coming into my life" she says as she leans against him and the limo disappears