Chapter 12

Naruto walked through the forest in search for an entrance to the Labyrinth. He needed to test something out.

Eventually after half an hour he found it. It was marked with a blue delta symbol. He peered inside to see if it really was to the Labyrinth, he summoned a strengthened clone and nodded to it.

"I want you to navigate the Labyrinth and set up markers in it to see if I can warp there with a solid marker in the ground or if you can flash around once you are in there" he said as the clone nodded and left to navigate the Labyrinth.

He left the entrance and made his way back to camp to see his daughter, Annabeth, Percy, Grover and Luke all getting ready to go somewhere. "Where are you all going?" he asked as he could see Annabeth looking nervous about something.

"Annabeth was issued a quest to navigate the Labyrinth to try and stop Ethan from using it" Thalia said as she smiled to her dad. "Apparently Daedalus is in there or something since they were originally connected" she said as he frowned.

"Be careful and don't be afraid to call me Thalia" he said as he ruffled her hair making her smile but still swat his hand away

"I know Dad I just want to prove I can do this on my own and handle stuff" she said as he smiled and rubbed her back.

"I know Thalia but don't be afraid to rely on others. That shows true strength" he said as he kissed her forehead. "I and your mother love you Thalia so very much" he says making her smile and hug him.

"I love you too dad. I'll be safe and call you if I need to" she said as she kissed his cheek and went to join the group as they were making their way into the Labyrinth.

"Aren't you nervous about her going in there without you?" Chiron asked curiously.

"Of course I am. What kind of father would I be if I didn't? But I know she can handle anything that comes her way and even if she couldn't she knows how to call me. Plus I have a clone in the Labyrinth to navigate and be there to get my attention. Plus I had someone sneak onto the quest to help her with her eye" he said as he tugged as his sleeve with a smirk.

It was the first time having Thalia away from home on a quest so of course he was having Zetsu go with her.

He smiled and waved to Thalia as she entered the Labyrinth. He took a deep breath and focused on the marker he had felt since returning, if anything it was the one he gave to Rachel.

'Well time to explain this whole new world to her' he thought with a chuckle as he left in a flash of yellow making Quintus stare in shock.

He turned to Chiron "I thought he was just a demigod? How can he teleport away like the gods do?" he asked.

Chiron sighed and shrugged his shoulders "We do not know, but he can only warp to certain markers that are three-pronged knifes" he said as Quintus frowned.

He needed to be wary of that man.


Rachel was not a patient girl in any sense of the word. Only when it came to waiting for her pranks and tricks on her jerk of a father was she ever patient.

She had been waiting on Naruto for around four months and he had yet to show up.

She nearly gave up until she met those kids that apparently knew him. He was apparently on his honeymoon so it made sense he wouldn't respond, she just hoped he returned soon.

She was about to leave for her art group when there was a yellow flash that filled her room. She looked up shocked to see Naruto standing where she had set the marker.

"Sorry it took so long. Personal stuff, I'm sure my daughter explained it to you" he said to Rachel with a smile.

"It's about time you showed up" she said with a groan as she glared at him, playfully though.

He chuckled as he grabbed a chair and sat down "So now that I am here ask your questions" he said as she nodded and sat up on her bed.

"First, what the hell was with all those weird skeletons and other stuff I've noticed since meeting you? I mean I've always seen weird stuff but I just figured it was my active imagination" she said making him chuckle.

"Those are monsters or creatures that oppose the gods. Now when I mean gods I'm talking about the Greek gods like Hestia, the goddess of home and hearth and all the others you hear in the myths" he said making her rub her temples.

"So they aren't really myths? Ze-" she said only to get her mouth covered.

"Do not say their names, they have power and can notify them of people talking about them" he said as she nodded. "I only said Hestia as she is my wife and does not mind" he said making Rachel groan.

"Stop making more questions!" she yelled as she pointed at him. "Well to get back to my original statement, the big guy really fires bolts at people?" she asked nervous of being hit.

He nodded "Yes but he only hits people who piss him off like me or…well, me" he said with a chuckle.

"So you mentioned the gods, does that mean like heroes, children of the gods exist?" she asked. She knew enough about mythology from what she heard briefly in class in-between naps to remember that gods occasionally got freaky with humans and made demigods or heroes.

"Yes they are real. My adopted daughter is originally a child of the big guy, Annabeth's a child of a goddess and Percy is the son of a god" he said as he didn't feel like mentioning Athena or Poseidon right now.

"What about you?" she asked confused "What god or goddess gave you those weird eyes?"

"Well I'm undercover as a child of Chaos, basically the mother of this universe but I am from a different pantheon all together" he said as she frowned, not understanding it. "Basically I'm the child of a Shinto goddess, Japanese. My mom is Kaguya Otsutsuki and I am the grandchild of Amaterasu and Shinju, a goddess and primordial respectively" he said making her nod.

"Wow, freaky" she said as she stared at him.

"Yeah, I came here to try and calm things down and it's going pretty well" he said as he looked out her window. "Any other questions?" he asked her with a smile. He really didn't mind as he didn't have anywhere to be immediately, he might need to check up on the animals as he guessed they were in Hestia's hearth on Olympus.

"You mentioned being married to a goddess, how did that happen?" she asked confused, normally they married other immortals.

"Well I was originally her champion and I developed feelings for her, confessed to her and as time went on we got engaged and most recently married" he said with a smile as he rubbed his wedding ring. "We are even are expecting a child soon" he said as Rachel smiled.

"Congrats" she said with a smile before looking at the time. "Oh dang! I really have to go" she said as she pulled the marker to hand to him.

"Keep it. Just in case you need to contact me again" he said as she nodded and slipped it into her backpack. "Stay safe Rachel" he said with a smile.

She nodded as she left the room and he flashed away. He wanted to visit his wife.


She was enjoying being pregnant. Sure she had weird cravings but that's to her abilities she could easily satisfy them. Only downside was the mood swings she felt at times but all the lovely animals helped her a lot.

All of the animals had grown while she was away, when she got them they were just a few months old but being animals of godly connections they grew faster and now were nearing their teen or adult sizes essentially.

She had to remember to thank her brother Poseidon for installing an aquarium for Shimizu, their little dolphin that could apparently jump from one source of water to another but he seemed to stay around her and try and make her laugh whenever he got the moment.

Shizen the boar was roughly the size of a Mini Cooper and his tusks were roughly three feet long. His dull red fur grew darker more blood red but he was still a softy around her as he always was wanting his belly rubbed.

Jigoku and Ryoken, the hellhounds that could merge grew to massive sizes. They were the size of a Hummer or an American truck when they were split apart. Apparently Artemis trained them to guard Hestia at all times as they followed her around everywhere she went. Though it was helpful when she had dizzy spells so they could help her stay up.

Then there was Mamoru, who was living up to his name. He growled at any minor god, minor goddess or woodland spirit that got anywhere close to her. The only ones she didn't do it towards were the siblings of hers that attended the wedding.

Artemis was very proud of her wolf as it was doing just as she wanted.

She was relaxing in the hearth when a yellow flash filled the room and she smiled. She turned around to see her new husband standing there.

"Wow these guys definitely grew" he said as he pet Jigoku and Ryoken as they nuzzled against him, nearly pushing him over as Shizen actually did knock him over. Shimizu made a clicking noise as he splashed him.

"Nice to see you all and thank you for the splash Shimizu" he said as the dolphin seemed to laugh a bit as it swam around. He pet the others and smiled as he walked up to Hestia.

"How have you been feeling today?" he asked as Mamoru rested his head on Naruto's lap as he crouched down to rub her belly as Mamoru did the same with his nose.

"I have been good, a little tired but nothing too bad. The animals have been looking out for me" she said with a smile as she pet the massive hellhound the animals all sat around her. "How is Thalia?" she asked as Shizen nuzzled against her leg.

"She is good" he said with a frown. "She is on a quest to go into the labyrinth, I sent Zetsu with her but I still worry" he said as she held his hand.

"That is normal of a father, it would be more worrisome if you didn't worry. Just have faith that she can accomplish her task" she said as she kissed his hand.

He nodded and rubbed her hand "I know" he said with a smile. "So has the King and Queen found out yet?" he asked as Mamoru growled a bit as if he knew they were trouble.

"Not yet but as I said I can handle myself unless they get too troublesome" she said as she smiled in a way that made him sweat a bit.

"I know you can handle yourself Dear, I just want to be there if he gets too violent" he said as the animals grumbled. "You guys aren't fighting. They are gods, you are young creatures" he said making them all grumble as he just sweat dropped.

He went up and kissed Hestia softly "I have to leave to watch over the camp. Call me if you need anything" he said after she kissed him back and stroked his cheek. "I love you" he said as she smiled.

"I love you too" she said as she pet Jigoku and Ryoken. "Please at lease take Shizen with you, I'm sure Shimizu will visit but I'd like if one stayed with you" she said as he nodded and Shizen nuzzled her.

"I still love you Shizen, I just want you all to spend time with Naruto as well" she said as the large boar nodded and trotted over to Naruto who pet his head making him snort happily.

He kissed his wife one last time before he flashed away with the large Erymanthian boar.

Hestia smiled as she pet Mamoru as Jigoku and Ryoken laid down at her feet. She loved these animals and couldn't wait to have them look after her child or children. She had already claimed them as her sacred animals so they would never fade or die, she modified it so they would age to their prime before they stopped aging altogether.

She sighed and summoned some tea for herself and meat for the animals except for the Shimizu who she gave some fish to. She just hoped her siblings weren't too difficult when they found out about her pregnancy.


Naruto arrived at camp to see everyone was getting ready and equipped. They nearly freaked out when they say Shizen but one look from Naruto stopped them from doing anything.

He made his way up to Chiron and looked confused "What is happening?" he asked as Shizen was being fawned over by the nymphs and satyrs due to him being an Erymanthian boar and was connected to nature and Pan. He looked a bit uncomfortable as he started trying to move away from them.

"Monsters have been finding their way through the Labyrinth. It's just small fry for now but we are readying ourselves for anything possibly larger" Chiron said as he raised an eyebrow at the Erymanthian boar that was now running away from nymphs and satyrs before hiding behind Naruto.

Naruto chuckled and pet Shizen "Well I'm here to help guard the camp and so is Shizen here" he said as the boar nodded. "Though don't be too pushy with him, he is still a baby" he said as the boar nuzzled against him and oinked a few times.

Many demigods sweat dropped at that considering the boar's massive size.

"Where did you find an Erymanthian boar?" Chiron asked as Naruto scratched under its chin.

"A gift from a friend" he said as he went off with Shizen behind him. "Let's get to work Shizen and get this camp all set up" he said as Shizen nodded and squealed.

-Thalia, shortly after heading into the Labyrinth-

Thalia looked around the Labyrinth corridor. It looked like old ruins as there were broken mosaic depictions on the walls. From what she could see it showed the first Titan war as it showed the asshole king chopping up Kronos with his scythe.

"This place feels weird" Grover says with a shiver. "Like it is alive and staring at us" he said as the others nodded.

"Don't worry" Annabeth said as she looked around "I have studied the Labyrinth extensively since it is an architectural masterpiece". She ran her hand over the wall and furrowed her brow before looking around at the two paths she could take.

"We need to go left, it looks the oldest and if the tomes on the Labyrinth are correct then Daedalus will be found in the deepest and oldest parts of the Labyrinth" she says as they follow her.

They kept going down the corridor until it started getting narrower and narrower. "What the hell is up with this?" Percy asked confused as they side shuffled through the corridor.

"The Labyrinth is constantly changing apparently Percy, meaning its corridors will be varying of designs" Luke said as he ducked under a root that went through the higher area of the corridor, since he was the tallest there he was the only one that needed to duck. The only reason he knew this is because of the fact he would often be the one Annabeth went on her architecture talks to.

"Well they can stop trying to squish us" Grover said as he was having difficulties navigating the corridor considering his hooves and all.

Thalia was glad her father wasn't in here with them. She found out her father had claustrophobia from a time he was swallowed by a giant snake during his chunin exams. She didn't blame him, being eaten by a giant animal and being forced to create clones to make it explode was bound to leave behind something.

"Annie, do you think if Daedalus is alive, which I doubt considering how old he would be, do you think he'd actually help us?" she asked confused. "Didn't he get cursed by your mother?" She remembered how Annabeth had told her of Daedalus's story and the whole curse thing.

"Well I'm not entirely sure. Naruto though told us of a story of how there was a man that stayed young by switching bodies every three years. Daedalus is resourceful, he might figure something out, and we don't even know if we are meant to find him. Maybe we are just supposed to find his workshop" she said as the prophecy wasn't too clear, but prophecies never are.

"So we don't even know what we are supposed to do?" Percy asked as he let out a sigh of relief since the corridor was opening up. "What did this prophecy even say?" he asked as he nearly tripped over a root, only to be caught by Luke.

Annabeth looked around nervously but Thalia sent her an encouraging smile. Thalia had heard the prophecy and true she had been worried but prophecies always could have multiple meanings.

Annabeth took a deep breath and nodded "The Oracle told me

'You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze,

A one of spirits, evil and the lost one raise,

Helped or defeated by queen of spirit's hand,

The child of Athena must make a choice beforehand,

To be heroic in their final stand"

As soon as she said it everyone was worried. "Don't worry Annabeth, prophecies always have double meanings" Luke said as he rubbed her back.

Annabeth nodded and looked ahead "Come on, we need to keep moving" she said as they nodded.

Everyone looked at one another and one thing was silently shared between them. They wouldn't let Annabeth die or make her stand alone.

They continued through the Labyrinth. It was a mess with twist and turns. They'd go down one corridor only to hit a dead-end and backtrack to find themselves in an entirely new area.

"Ugh! This place is annoying me!" Thalia yelled as she kicked an overturned marble column. "I hate regular mazes and this stupid one isn't any better!"

Annabeth sweat dropped as she looked around. "This seems like a good enough place to rest for a bit. I don't know how long we have been going but we might as well" she said as everyone nodded and started unsealing their supplies.

Luke held onto Grover and Percy's supplies since only three of the five could use chakra to seal things away.

Thalia was resting against a pillar when she felt her sleeve shift, making her peer inside it. "Zetsu what are you doing here?" she asked confused as the black blob of an uncle(?) came out of her sleeve.

"Well Naruto, being the overprotective father he is, he sent me just as a last resort type thing" he said as he smiled, showing his shark like teeth. "Don't let that seem that he doesn't trust you. He knows you can do it but he wouldn't be a father if he didn't worry none the less" he said as Thalia sighed but nodded.

"Fine but only help if I ask for it" she said as Zetsu nodded and went back into her sleeve. She sat next to Annabeth as she started building a camp fire but couldn't get it started. "Here let me help" she said as she grabbed a stray twig and focused.

She had been working on elemental manipulation since even if she didn't have other elements she could still access them. So far she could just access fire. Slowly her chakra started to heat up the twig before it burst into flames and she tossed it into the camp fire, making it burst to life.

"Man you guys are lucky" Percy said with a pout. "You get all these cool abilities from Naruto" he said in a tone that it was clear that he wasn't annoyed just sort of jealous. Ever since Naruto started training him, and even after the wedding where he was training on his own, his control over his water abilities skyrocketed to a point where he could draw water from the air around him.

"Well if you keep improving, who knows my dad might gift you with it. Just prove to him you will be good with it" Thalia said as she put a marshmallow on a skewer and started to roast it over the flame.

Percy nodded as Luke handed out marshmallows to everyone.

"Well so far we know the first line, endless maze means the Labyrinth" Luke said as he bit into a s'more he made.

"Yeah but this one of spirits and queen of spirits person is confusing me" Thalia said with a frown.

"Well it could be demigod of Melinoe, the goddess of ghosts" Annabeth said as he stared into the fire.

"I think I know her" Percy said getting everyone to look at him confused. "Well I've been having demigod dreams of a girl with black and white hair that was muttering something about getting out of her prison and get revenge on her mother" he said with a frown.

"Okay, hopefully she is willing to help" Grover said with a shiver. He did not like ghosts.

"The evil one is pretty obvious" Luke said with a frown. "Ethan is the only evil one we can really think of".

"The lost one has to be Pan!" Grover said excited and hopeful. "It only makes sense".

"Let's stop trying to analyze the prophecy, it'll only worry us and give us headaches" Annabeth said as everyone nodded.

They rested for what they figured to be an hour or so until they started packing up their things.

"We can't rest for too long. We need to keep going" Annabeth said as they continued through the corridors.

They all kept going until they reached a large room. It was of Roman design and falling apart. There was a large fountain in the middle that was broken and dried up as well as a large long table that was covered in dust and old plates.

"Why does this stuff look Roman? I thought the Labyrinth was Greek?" Thalia asked as she kicked a Roman helmet away from her.

"Well the Labyrinth has always been growing, it could have picked up on some other nations and empires" she said as she frowned at the mural. Something in her blood made her want to destroy the mural but from all her training with Naruto she didn't let her instincts rule her.

They made their way to the end of the room when the room suddenly fixed itself and the two pathways closed off with large blue and red doors, both bolted with a large silver padlock.

There was then a large statue in-between the doors. It had two faces that jutted out of either side of his head. It was dressed like a New York City doorman: a long black overcoat, shiny shoes, and a black top-hat that somehow managed to stay on his wider than normal head.

The statue crumbled to reveal it was a real person.

"I don't like this" Thalia said as everyone nodded along.

"That's not very nice of you" the left face said as the right one glared "Like your one to talk!" it said before looking at Annabeth "Annabeth Chase, please step forward".

Thalia relied on her cloak to enter Sage Mode, resulting in her hair and eyes changing before she stepped in front of Annabeth "No! Name yourselves first before we do anything" she said as she glared at the two faced person.

She could feel negative emotions coming from the man but it would filter back and forth between the two faces so she didn't know which one for sure they were coming from. But all of her instincts were telling her not to trust this person.

"Fine, where were my manners" the left one said as the right one scoffed. "I am Janus, god of doorways, beginnings, endings and choices and you Miss Annabeth Chase must make your decision" both of the heads said in unison making Annabeth frown.

"I will get to you Perseus Jackson and Thalia Otsutsuki later" the right face said. "But now it is Annabeth's turn" he laughed in a creepy manner "Such fun!" He was passing a silver key from one hand to another as if to tease them.

Luke frowned as he looked behind them to see the way they came was closed with mosaics. He doubted any of them could make any dents in the Labyrinth, and frankly he didn't want to try.

"Shut up!" Thalia yelled "Let us through!" She did not trust this god and she wasn't about to let him get them into trouble. She activated her Sharingan and evolved it to its EMS form as she stared him down.

"She has to make a choice young demigod. You can't delay fate" the right one said as Thalia growled until Annabeth patted her back.

"I'm fine, I can do this" Annabeth said with a frown as Thalia frowned as well.

Thalia kept her eye trained on the two faced god, ready to burn him with her great-grandmother's flames if he did anything that warranted it.

"I...I choose..." Annabeth started to say until golden light came from behind the doors and into the room.

Janus raised his hands to shield his eyes. When the light died there was a woman standing at the fountain.

She was tall with bronze colored hair that reminded Percy of chocolate. It was braided in plaits with golden ribbons. She wore a simple white dress that still somehow looked stunning on her.

"Janus" she said with a frown "causing trouble again?"

"N-No Milady!" the right face of Janus stammered as the left one smiled and nodded "Yes!"

Percy chuckled "Way to betray yourself".

"Shut up!" the right face yelled making the woman frown.

"Excuse me?" she asked in a tone that made the god visibly shiver.

"Not to you Milady! I was talking to myself and the annoying son of Poseidon!" he stammered out.

"So be it" she said "You know very well that your visit is exceedingly too early. Her time has yet to come. So I will give you a choice" she said gaining an all too sweet smile "either you leave the heroes to me or I turn you into a door and break you down" she said in a way too sweet of tone.

"What kind of door? I'm hoping a French one, they let in so much light" the left one said with a smile as the right one looked pale.

"Shut up! Not you milady, my idiotic left side! Of course I'll leave. I was just doing my job. Having a little fun and offering choices" the right side said.

"Causing indecision and messing with the heroes of an all too important quest" the woman corrected. "Now be gone!" she yelled making Janus disappear using his silver key in his hand.

The woman then turned to them and smiled "Sorry about him, the minor gods are rebelling since they don't believe they get fair representation or a big enough role in the world" she said as Thalia got a clear look at her and frowned.

"Hera, what are you doing here?" she asked as she eased her eye out of the EMS state and hid it before Hera saw it. She didn't have any idea why the queen of Olympus was here in the first place and something told her it wasn't for any good reason.

"I came to help you all and save you from that annoying god Janus" she said as she smiled at them.

Thalia was still in Sage mode but strangely couldn't feel any negative emotions but she still didn't like Hera all too much.

"Please, come sit down, we can talk more" she said as she snapped her fingers making the table become brand new and clean as well as make it so the fountain was working. She waved her hand over the table making it cover itself in food and drinks.

Thalia was on guard but she still sat down. She wasn't her father, she didn't have protection against curses or the raw power to defeat gods, if anything she could handle a minor god, which Hera definitely was not a minor one.

"Grover honey use the napkin don't eat it" she said making Grover nod sheepishly and stop eating the napkin.

Luke wasn't eating anything as he was keeping an eye on Hera as she was closest to Annabeth. He didn't quite trust any gods outside of the few that were welcomed to Naruto's wedding.

Percy ate some of the food but he felt weird around Hera. She felt like she was acting all kind and motherly. He couldn't remember if she was the one who threw Hephaestus off Olympus or if that was Zeus.

"So why are you really here Hera? I doubt it's out of the kindness of your heart" Thalia said as she bit into one of the sandwiches.

Hera frowned a bit "I am here to help you all Thalia. I don't hate heroes as much as it seems" she said making them frown a bit. "I am here to help answer one wish of yours in this quest Annabeth" she said with a smile as she flicked her hand at her making Annabeth's hair clean and tidy up.

"What do you want in return?" Thalia asked as she stared down Hera. "You don't strike me as a goddess who helps just for the heck of it" she said as Hera frowned.

"Well I was hoping you'd tell me where your father went for those four months. Even if he is able to hide himself. I noticed as he went missing for four months so did Ares, Poseidon, Hermes, Hades, Artemis, Athena and Hestia all went missing as well" she said with a frown.

"Well Dad went off to do his own thing, maybe the gods did as well. There are things such as coincidences" Thalia said making Hera frown and very slightly narrow her eyes but only Thalia noticed it.

Hera turned back to Annabeth "So Annabeth, what do you wish for help with?" she asked with a smile

"U-Um…" Annabeth stammered as she looked incredibly nervous about talking to the queen of Olympus. "I would like a way to navigate the Labyrinth" she said as Hera smiled.

"Well that is easy, considering you already know, or at least young Thalia does" she said as she smiled and waved her hand over the table making all the food vanish in mist, table return to it's dust covered mess and the fountain returned to its broken state

"B-But you said you'd tell me, not say I know" Annabeth said with a bit of anger in her tone.

"Well I'm sure your mother would like it if you figured it out for your own" she said as she smiled uncaringly. She waved to them as she flashed away.

Instantly after Annabeth let out a frustrated yell "Ugh! She said she would tell me! Not some stupid cryptic message!" she yelled as she banged her head on the table in annoyance. "Why must the gods be so annoying!" she yells as she stands up.

"Relax Annie, I'm sure we will figure it out" Luke said as he rubbed her back as did Thalia.

"Is it me or did she seem fake?" Percy asked curious as he looked to the seat Hera was sitting in not too long ago.

Thalia, who was easing out of her Sage Mode, nodded along "Yes, she was masking her real emotions behind a veil of positive ones. If my dad was here he would've been able to see through it but oh well. We need to keep going. We'll figure out what she meant later" she said as everyone nodded.

They went off to the place where Janus use to be and looked at the paths.

"Which way should we go?" Luke asked as he looked down each path.

Grover took a sniff and looked terrified "Left! Definitely left" he said as he started to push them down the left path.

"What's wrong? Why left?" Annabeth asked as she looked to Grover.

"Something big is coming down the right path and no is" he paused to take another sniff before pushing them faster "coming after us!" he yelled as everyone started running.

"What can we do to slow it down!?" Percy yelled as they ran down the corridor. Lucky for them it was a straight path so far, no side breaks or twists.

"Fuinjutsu!" Annabeth yelled as she pulled out kunais with tags.

While Luke and Thalia were being taught in kenjutsu she had taken up the very rarely studied art of seals or Fuinjutsu like a fish to water. Considering it was an advanced art that needed steady hands and a creative mind it suited Annabeth perfectly.

She threw the kunais down the corridor and listened as they exploded and gravel was heard crumbling down. "That might help but keep running!" she yelled as they kept going.

The only bad thing about the corridor was it was a dead end.

"Crap what do we do!?" Grover said as he tried pushing the bolder out of the way.

"I don't think any of us could move it" Luke said with a frown as he drew his sword only to get stopped by Thalia.

"I can do this" she said as she activated her EMS eye. She knew this was her worst skill with her eye but it was a last resort type thing. Her dad told her not to use it in battle unless she was more skilled in it.

"Once I am done I need one of you to catch me as I will most likely pass out" she said as she took a deep breath and focused all her energy in her eye.

"Susanno!" she yelled out as she felt her body burn up. Her eye was special in the sense that she could summon a Susanno without both eyes. Shisui's eyes were very powerful in the sense he was able to do it with one eye and so was she since it was an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Her body was shrouded in a green aura as a skeleton arm started to form over her shoulder. This was the most she could do at the moment. A single arm or half a ribcage.

Once the arm was fully formed she grabbed the boulder blocking their path and started to move it out of the way. Sweat was pouring off her body "Everybody! Go now!" she yelled as they hurried in. She took a few more deep breaths as she had to ready herself. Moving with a Susanno was very difficult as since she wasn't skilled at using or forming one the second her main body moved it would start crumbling.

She nodded and dashed through the hole and started using the fading arm to push the boulder back in place just in time to block off the monster, which they all could hear it wailing from behind the boulder.

"Woo, just in the nick of time" Thalia said as she passed out, landing in Annabeth's arms and her head on her chest.

"Too close" Luke said as he looked around "So where exactly are we?" he asked as Grover frowned.

"I think we are in jail" he said as he ran a finger down the bar of their cell.

"No one drop the soap" Percy said trying to lighten the mood.

Everyone just looked at him blankly and shook their head.

"We need to find a way out of here" Annabeth said as she picked up Thalia only for Luke to take her and position her on his back.

"Lead the way Annie" he said as she nodded just as they heard another monstrous scream in the prison.

"Well that's just great" Percy said with a frown.