Chapter 13

Naruto sighed as he killed another Cyclops that came through the Labyrinth. It had been a week since his daughter left to go in there.

He knew she was okay and from the memories he got from the clone it was disorienting and time felt differently in there. He found that he couldn't warp in there as the Labyrinth was constantly moving and shifting though he could warp once he was in there so if she needed him he'd have to go in there to actually warp anywhere.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Shizen nudging him. "All clear buddy?" he asked making the large boar nod and snort a bit. "Well let's get back, we need to relax for a bit"

Shizen nodded and trotted off to camp as he walked back himself. He wanted to take a breather, all week he had been busy killing monsters and defending camp. Quintus aka Daedalus went missing the day after the quest group left for the Labyrinth.

Plus the fact that Hestia was busy trying to hide her pregnancy he couldn't sneak in as it would alert the Asshole King since even if he was hidden any presence on Olympus the King and Queen would feel so he had to stay off it and would only send Shimizu via water travel to talk with her.

He felt it would come out sooner or later but until then he'd rather not make it known sooner than it would normally.

"Naruto, thank you again for defending camp" Chiron said with a nod. The centaur was still weird around him but considering their first meeting the slight fear was understandable since he crushed a lightning bolt in his hand.

"As I said many times before do no worry. I have to defend these young kids when they cannot" he said as he ran a hand through his hair and chuckled at the sight of a group of Nymphs sitting and laying on Shizen's back.

"Training will start soon and since Quintus is still gone you must be the trainer" he said with a frown.

"I know, I know. I will be there shortly or send a strengthened clone" he waved him off as the centaur nodded and trotted off.

Naruto was about to go when Shizen bolted up startling the Nymphs until Naruto went over to calm him.

"What's wrong buddy?" He asked as Shizen snorted fire and charged off disappearing entirely. "Sorry girls he must have been called by his mother..." Naruto said as his eyes widened and he felt a marker appear and disappear three times.

That was Hestia's signal for big trouble. He summoned a strengthened clone and turned to the Nymphs. "Tell Chiron I had to go. It was very important" he said as he flashed off.

Hestia was in trouble.


Hestia smiled as she pet her lovely animals. Things had been tense but thankfully all her animals were there to ease her worries and none of her siblings that hadn't been to the wedding had come by to visit her yet.

She wasn't looking forward to that conversation as she wanted to hide it from them considering Zeus smited anything that threatened him or he didn't like and then Hera was jealous of her at times, which she never quite understood.

She was brought out of her thoughts by Mamoru who nuzzled her hand and growled a bit towards the door alerting her of someone coming their way. She then grew worried as she felt who it was. Aphrodite had found her.

Hestia always made sure that her love was hidden from the Love Goddess but since she was pregnant her powers were a bit hay-wired. Especially the food part considering her pregnancy cravings.

She flinched as the door to her temple burst open to reveal an annoyed looking Aphrodite.

"I finally found where the love was coming from!" she yelled as she glared Hestia down. "Do you know how annoying it was to not be able to find who it was!?" She started to walk over to her until she noticed something.

"Oh my Chaos, you're pregnant and married!?" Aphrodite yelled as she pointed to her four month old pregnant stomach and the ring on her finger.

"Yes now please just let me explain this before you go telling everyone" she said as she put up a hand to keep Jigoku and Ryoken back from attacking the Love Goddess for yelling and flaring her power.

"Oh no, you are not keeping me from spreading the best gossip since Helen and Paris" she said with a smirk as she ran off.

Hestia tried to run after her but due to her pregnant belly she couldn't. She held onto her pups to take a breather just as she heard her sister.

"She is what!?" Hestia heard Hera yell and she was pretty sure everyone on Olympus and possibly New York City also heard her.

"Hestia get your ass here now!" she heard Zeus yell as the animals growled but she calmed them down.

"Be good babies, I will be fine. Stay here" she said as she kissed them all and started walking to the council room with the help of one of her handmaidens.

"Will you be okay Lady Hestia? Should we call Lord Naruto?" her handmaiden asked with a worried look on her face.

"Oh Dear do not worry" Hestia said as she stroked her maiden's cheek. "It has not the first time I have had to deal with Zeus or Hera when they were having a temper tantrum though thank you for worrying and I will call Naruto if it is needed" she said as she smiled at the worry her maidens had for her.

"If you say so Lady Hestia" the handmaiden said as they got to the throne room and she left Hestia there.

Hestia sighed as she opened the door to reveal all of the gods and goddesses of the counsel sitting in their thrones looking at her in shock, or in the case of those who knew, fake shock.

"Figured how long it would take you all to figure out" she said as she materialized a sofa for her to sit in.

"You have a lot to explain Hestia. You broke your vow on Styx and got married without our approval" Zeus said as he glared down his elder sister.

"I didn't know I had to tell you everything that happens with my personal life?" she said in a deadly sweet tone making him sweat a bit.

"You had an oath on Styx to remain celibate and yet here you are pregnant" Zeus said as he narrowed his eyes. He didn't like that his eldest sibling was pregnant and married to someone he did not know.

"Yes but I talked with Styx before marrying my husband and getting pregnant unlike you who just broke it and pushed the consequences on your used to be daughter" she said as she smirked her fuming brother.

"That is another thing that worries me" Hera said with a frown. "How is it you got married without my approval, blessing, or a proper wedding" she asked as she had a feeling this had to do with the gods and goddesses that went missing for those four months.

"Well I wouldn't say you didn't bless it. You did give us your blessing during the Winter Solstice and we didn't need you as anybody ordained can do it for us" she said making Hera frown and hold in a glare before the dots connected.

"Wait, I have only given one person's blessing recently at it was…oh my god," Hera said as she stood up "you married your champion!" she yelled as she was in shock.

Zeus turned beat white as his wife revealed that fact. "No! I will not allow this!" he yelled as the storm kicked up.

"Zeus calm down already, you are acting like a child!" Poseidon yelled as he tried to calm down his brother. He didn't want a stray bolt of lightning hitting Hestia or only Chaos knew what Naruto would do to Zeus.

The gods and goddesses that went to the wedding sighed as Zeus started to over react.

"You cannot be married to him Hestia, he is a demigod and you are a goddess" Hera said as Zeus was glaring at Hestia.

"I will never allow you to make him immortal! He is a dangerous demigod and will only try and dethrone me!" he yelled as he grabbed his Master Bolt and stared down Hestia. "Renounce your marriage or I will make you reform" he said as numerous others glared at him and almost attacked him but were held back by a barrier.

"Zeus if you do that her babies will die!" Artemis yelled as she tried to blast through the barrier.

"I don't care! That man will not be her husband and I will do whatever I can to stop this man from getting stronger!" He yelled as he waved a hand over the barrier making it sound proof.

Hestia glared as she rubbed her belly. Her eyes changed from their normal calm flames to a venom colored green as flames roared from the hearth and wrapped around her, changing into Greek fire. "I will not allow you to hurt my precious babies Zeus. You have to get off your high horse and stop thinking everyone is against you!" she yelled as the flames took the form of a dragon around her and roared.

She already felt dizzy from using her powers but she had to defend her babies and she was not going to allow Zeus, her baby brother to order her not to love Naruto or get rid of her children.

"Zeus I think you went far enough, as much as you don't like the man you do not threaten to kill unborn babies, you are acting like Father" she said making Zeus turn to her.

"I thought you were on my side Hera" he said as he turned his bolt to her. "I guess not" he said before blasting her with his Master Bolt and sending her crashing out of Olympus.

Hestia quickly sent her flames to catch and bring Hera back but just as she did it Zeus turned his bolt to her and fired. Time seemed to slow down and she acted on instinct and slammed Naruto's marker into the ground three times, hoping he was listening. She saw Shizen run into the room worried just as a yellow flash filled the room and she passed out.


First thing Naruto saw when he flashed in was a lightning bolt coming his way. He wasn't surprised as it was Zeus after all.

He quickly ran his hands through the hand seals and took a deep breath "Wind Style: Dust Airstream!" he yelled as he quickly blew out a long stream of dust at the lightning bolt to disrupt it through the air since non-pure air was a terrible conductor for electricity.

He let out a sigh as it burst away revealing an enraged looking Zeus. He ignored him as he looked behind him to see Hestia, who was being looked after by Shizen. "Is she okay buddy?" he asked getting a nod from the boar. "Good, you stay by her side, take her over to Artemis" he said as Shizen carefully carried Hestia over using his tusks to scoop her up and rest her on his snout.

"Now Zeus, what the hell went on here" he said as he glared at the god. He noticed how all the gods and goddesses were held back behind barriers and how Hera was smoldering and gave off the occasional discharge from next to the hearth and the ground was scorched with Greek fire.

"You happened!" he yelled as he tried to fire another bolt but Naruto dodged it and knocked him back with a gust of air. "You turned everyone against me and made me turn my hand towards my wife!" he yelled making Naruto glare at him.

"Please tell me you did not fucking blast your wife because she didn't side with you" he said almost shocked from how stupid and paranoid Zeus was acting.

"She dared to say I wasn't in the right for threatening my subject to denounce her marriage or reform" he yelled before he was silenced by a heavy killing intent.

"You dare threaten my wife and my children?" he asked as his eyes became red and his pupil became a thin vertical slit. His whisker birthmarks returned and his hair started to become dark red. "You just made your last mistake Zeus" he said as his voiced changed into Kurama's.

His body gradually became covered in dark red fur as his body grew. Two large ears sprouted from his head as he grew to Kurama's full size. His nine tails billowed behind him and he got a sense of sad nostalgia but he didn't delve on it as he had more important things to do.

"Yes I dare! They are my subjects and so are you!" he yelled as he tried to blast the giant fox to find it had no effect on it. "You are trying to dethrone me and I would never let your offspring live!" he yelled before being sent flying by one of the tails

Once Zeus was sent flying the barrier holding back the gods and goddesses fell.

"Poseidon you look after Hestia, Artemis make sure she is okay and Apollo get on healing Hera" Naruto said as he activated his eyes and stared down Zeus as he got up from the rubble. "Do any of you care if I make him have to reform?" he asked as they all shook their heads.

He grew a large smile as he nodded "Good" he said as he dashed out of the room making a large hole.

"You dare strike me!" Zeus yelled as he summoned a storm and a tornado to try and slow it down.

"I dare because you are a terrible king!" Naruto yelled as he grabbed Zeus and threw him down to the ground of Olympus and fired a fireball at him. "You threaten everyone! Constantly make enemies and run your kingdom into the ground! A toddler could be a better king!" he yelled as he batted away bolts of lightning.

"I am the king! I won't let you take that away from me!" he yelled as he summoned the strongest bolt he could. He would never let a child dethrone him.

"Too bad!" he yelled as he noticed the large cluster of lighting forming above him as he fell from the sky towards the asshole king. He smirked as he made Kurama's eyes change to Shinju's eyes "Susanno!" he yelled as samurai armor formed around him and he summoned a Rasenshuriken with Amaterasu flames. He pulled his hand back to throw at Zeus "Die you asshole! Blaze Release: Jet Black Halo!" he yelled as he threw the massive black pinwheel at the god as a massive bolt of lightning hit his back but the Susanno armor protected him.

Zeus stared in fear at the massive ball flew down towards him. The last time he was hit by a Lava variation of this he felt massive pain and this one looked deadlier. He summoned a massive bolt in his hand hoping to stop it and fired it only for it to be burned away once it got close enough.

Naruto watched as it exploded on Zeus and the ground around it, luckily the area he did it at was barren of trees and other plant life. He landed with a thud as he lowered the armor around him and shrunk down to his human form.

He started walking through the flames as with his grandmother's blessing the black flames could not harm him. "Zeus several others and I are fed up with your rule. I have been reading up and I for the safety of others hereby remove you of your throne" he said as he placed a hand on Zeus's head and activated his eyes.

"Human Path" he said as he started pulling out Zeus's godly aura. It was like pulling out someone's soul but he essentially he made Zeus human by removing his godly powers. He watched as the aura transformed into an orb a bit larger than a Rasengan.

It was electric blue with Zeus's symbols swirling around it. He groaned as he didn't want Zeus to die, if anything he needed to teach him a lesson he erased all the flames and called for help "Apollo! Come and heal Zeus after you are done with Hera!" he yelled and a second later the Sun god appeared next to him.

"Wow you really did a number on Dad. Can't say I blame you since he did threaten your wife and your children" Apollo said as he got to work healing Zeus.

"Yea, at least I left him alive" he said with a scoff.

"So you gonna tell me why I wasn't invited to the wedding in the Shinto world?" he asked making Naruto choke on air in shock. "Oh come on I'm to god of Prophecy, I see all. Though don't worry Amaterasu made me swear not to tell" he said with a smirk.

"Well I only wanted to bring those I had met before or were parents of my groomsmen or Hestia's bridesmaids. Sorry" he said with a frown as he eyed the orb in his hand more.

"Its okay, makes sense. Just make Aunt Hestia happy okay?" he said as Naruto chuckled and nodded.

"Sounds fair, now I need to get back to Olympus. Can you take him to your temple once he is stable?" he asked as the Sun god waved it off as he was focused on healing. Naruto chuckled as he flashed off.

As he arrived back on Olympus everyone was surrounding a crying Hera. He frowned as he walked up to her and reached in the orb to grab the crown symbol before pulling it out.

"You okay Hera?" he asked getting everyone to look at him.

She stiffed as she wiped away another tear. She was bandaged up and still looked roughed up but that's what happens when struck by lightning, not everyone can shrug it off or bat it away. "I am better. Thank you for stopping him" she said as she looked at the orb in Naruto's hand. "Is he dead?" she asked with a blank face.

"No, I did something worse" he said getting everyone to look at him confused "I removed his godly powers, which are in this orb, minus the King part as I want to give it to you" he said as he placed the golden crown on top of her head making it sink into her.

"You did what!?" Poseidon asked confused. He didn't mind Hera being full ruler as he didn't want the throne but he had never heard of that ever happening.

"Well essentially I made him human so Zeus the god faded but Zeus the mortal is being healed by Apollo. When I made the god fade his domains came up for grabs but I kept them from running off" he said as he frowned at the orb.

"I still need a god or goddess of Justice, Lightning, the Sky and Honor" he said as Athena, Apollo (who had just returned), Artemis and Poseidon stepped forward as if being drawn to it.

Slowly the symbols for all of Zeus's domains rose from the orb and Naruto just stood there letting it happen. He watched as Honor flew to Athena, Sky flew to Artemis, Lightning flew to Poseidon and Justice flew to Apollo.

All the gods were in shock at what had just happened. "Are you saying there is one less god in the world yet he is still alive?" Hephaestus asked confused as Hera was staring at Naruto in shock.

"I think that's right but what about Jupiter?" Demeter asked as she saw some of the gods flicker in between the Roman and Greek forms.

"It counts for both Jupiter and Zeus. They are both gone" Apollo said as his eyes glowed green for a second as he accessed his ability to see the future. "Jason still has his abilities though" he said as the others grew more shocked.

Naruto looked around to find his wife resting on Artemis's throne and Shizen sitting at the base of it. "She is okay Naruto, just exhausted from using her powers," Artemis said as she eased Naruto's worries "and her children are fine as well".

"Thank you very much, may I carry her off it?" he asked as Artemis smiled and nodded allowing Naruto to touch her throne. Naruto smiled as he picked her up and kissed her forehead. He conjured a large sofa as the one she conjured disappeared after she passed out. He laid her down and turned to the gods.

"I think we need to talk more about all this if you don't mind" he said as they nodded and got to their thrones. For once it wasn't stress filled nor was it dreadful feeling. It felt like things were peaceful for once.


Thalia felt a shiver down her spine as she swore she could feel her father's KI but shrugged it off. "So where are we exactly?" Thalia asked as Luke carried her since she was still very exhausted from summoning a Susanno arm.

"It's Alcatraz (AN: I swear I almost wrote Azkaban)" Annabeth said with a frown. "I went here once during a school fieldtrip"

"But then that means we are all the way in San Francisco" Grover said with a frown, he was always warned to stay away from California at all stakes considering the Underworld and the Titan's base was here.

"The Labyrinth is constantly shifting. I'm honestly not surprised" Luke said as they made their way through the massive prison.

"Is it me or do I hear voices?" Percy asked somewhat afraid. They sounded like they were talking in some weird language.

"You aren't the only one boy" Zetsu said from Thalia's sleeve. "They are speaking in some ancient language. All I can make out is something about Kronos's army and serving him" he said with a frown "I don't like the voice though, sounds dark".

"Maybe we should stay away from them and just work on finding a way through here" Percy said as he didn't find the voices pleasant.

"Stop and hide" Zetsu ordered out as he took control of Luke and carried Thalia into the closet cell as the others followed quickly.

"Why are we hiding and please never do that again" Luke said as he glared at the black blob.

"Because of that" he said as a massive beast walked by. It had a half human body, like a centaur, but with reptilian skin and a dragon wings, with gigantic claws. It had a feminine head and snakes for hair like Medusa used to.

"What the hell is that?" Percy asked afraid to talk too loud.

"Kampe, guard of the Elder Cyclops in Tartarus. She was the first person Zeus destroyed with the Master Bolt" Annabeth said quietly as the watched the massive beast fly away.

"If she is here then what is she guarding?" Percy asked as Grover shook his head.

"I don't care, it could be Zeus for all that matters but we need to leave, we cannot fight that thing" he said as everyone nodded. They weren't dense enough to test their luck with a beast like that.

Luke looks outside to make sure it wasn't close by and sighs one of relief as he nods and motions for the others to follow. "Where is an entrance to the Labyrinth?" he asked as the started looking at every cell.

"Well it would have to be somewhere where no one can accidently go into or something" Annabeth said as she looked around. She seriously wanted to get out of her, all these spider webs were not doing good for her right now.

"Like a broken door or sealed door?" Grover asked as he carefully walked through the prison. He had his fake feet on so he wouldn't make noise but he was still nervous since the monster was still somewhere in here.

"Yeah, just keep looking" she said as she looked around just as they heard a roar and they turned around to see the Kampe charging them.

"Shit! How'd she find us so quickly?!" Luke yelled as he ran with Thalia still on his back. Thankfully due to his training it was nothing for him.

"Doesn't matter! Just run!" Thalia said with a frown as she turned around deciding to see if she could slow it down any. She had enough energy to use her eye again but even if her body was still sore and exhausted. This time she would use the Amaterasu flames since they barely drained her. Most likely from her great-grandmother's blessing. "Eat this you ugly lizard! Amaterasu!" she yelled as she made the beast erupt in black flames.

The Kampe roared in pain and started trying to roll to extinguish the flames, giving them more time.

"Hurry up! I think she is shedding her skin!" she yelled as she could see the skin of the Kampe falling off as new skin appeared to get the flames off it. She cursed as she erased the flames as they fell. She really didn't want anyone getting hurt.

"We found it! Go in now!" Annabeth yelled as she slammed her hand on the delta symbol that she found on a cell door, opening up the Labyrinth. She quickly hurried them inside the Labyrinth and closed it behind them.

Everyone let out a breath of relief once they were inside. "Can we please just rest, this has been exhausting and I'm still sore from the Susanno" Thalia said as she deactivated her eye and they all nodded. They were inside a large room so it was a perfect chance to get some rest.


As Thalia was resting inside the Labyrinth Naruto sent a clone off to take Hestia back to her temple. He felt like she should rest. The meeting actually went well. Hera was fine with everything once he explained why he kept it hidden, though he kept his Shinto relations a secret for now. For all she knew he had gotten married here but used his abilities to keep it all hidden, she seemed to forget the missing four months amidst all the confusion of the day.

He felt things were changing for the better. Hera had taken to being the full ruler of Olympus quite well and even started to change things around Olympus such as the part concerning the demigods.

She decided as long as they are not on a quest and you do not try to lead them down a path you should be able to see your children. She chose to initiate it after the coming war with Kronos.

He was glad with how things were changing. He watched as most of the gods and goddesses left except for Aphrodite, Hera and Poseidon.

"I-I'm sorry for causing all this. I just wanted to tell people as I felt Hestia's love was very huge" Aphrodite said somewhat nervously from behind Poseidon.

Naruto sighed "It is fine Aphrodite, just please think twice before spouting out secrets" he said as she nodded and flashed away.

He turned to Poseidon and smiled "So how does it feel to be the new god of Lightning? It makes sense since you are a god of storms and all" he said as Poseidon nodded and chuckled.

"It is a new experience but it fits me well so it's nothing new for me. I feel the domains went to those who fit them best" he said as Naruto and Hera nodded.

"Honor fits Athena the best and since Apollo sees all he will be great for Justice. Also since Artemis's is the moon as that is in the sky it works as well" Hera said as Poseidon nodded.

"They will do fine Sister and under your rule I feel we all will grow to be better" Poseidon said as she nodded. "I must go as Amphitrite needs to be filled in to my new domain since I will be having more duties" he said as he flashed away.

Hera frowned as she turned to Naruto "Naruto, I would like to tell you that I am sorry for how I acted towards you. I was wary of you because of your lineage but I shouldn't. You are a great ally that brought about great change and even after everything Zeus has done to you, you still didn't kill him, you merely took away his power to save others" she said as she nervously went up to hug him.

Naruto understood as he could still feel her fear and worry over the situation. Her husband, the man she loved, had just blasted her with his Master Bolt because she refused to go along with his paranoid and violent tendencies.

He smile softly as he rubbed her back "It is okay Hera, I understand and forgive you. You refused to go along with him to protect my children and wife. Plus you will be a great full time Queen since you don't have to follow along with Zeus's ideas" he said with a smile, not noticing Hera's minor blush.

Hera smiled and cleared her throat "Well I feel you will be very helpful when you become an immortal" she said as she started to walk out the chamber and he followed. "I still have to find someone to fill in the empty space in the council".

Naruto nodded "I have a feeling you have a couple ideas of who but you want to wait to see if they prove themselves to you?" he asked with a smirk.

Hera smiled and nodded "Yes, I have to make sure they are still loyal after all though one of them I have no doubts that they are but I still need to test them"

"Very wise of you Queen" he said with a smile as he pulled out a marker "If you ever need me stab this into the ground and I will be there to help".

Hera took the marker and smiled at him "Thank you Naruto, I might just have to make you my advisor" she said with a smirk.

"That is perfectly fine with me" he said as he looked over to his wife's temple.

"Go to her, she needs you after this exhausting day and I think you might be needed back at camp soon" she said as he smiled at her.

"Thank you Hera, until next time" he said as he bowed slightly and walked off to Hestia's temple. He was instantly bombarded my all the animals (minus Shimizu) and knocked over.

"Okay guys please let me up, I am not an enemy" he said as they licked his face and got off him. He wiped off the slobber and chuckled as he saw Hestia sitting next to her hearth.

"How are you feeling dear?" he asked as he sat next to her and held her hand.

"Exhausted but glad my babies and you are safe" she said as she squeezed his hand and rubbed her pregnant belly. "I heard from Artemis about what happened".

Naruto frowned and nodded "I know you are upset at Zeus but he is still family to you, hence the reason why I kept him alive" he said as she nodded.

"Thank you for that, as much as I hate him for threatening our children and harming my sister he doesn't deserve to die. What you did was much better" she said as she kissed his hand. "Hopefully he learns from it"

"I doubt it" he said before he was silenced by Hestia's lips as she sat on his lap. He could feel lust rolling off her and sighed mentally. Pregnancy was messing with her more than it seemed.

He chuckled as he went along with it, feeling that her emotions would change in a moment.


Thalia woke up with a groan as she found herself roped up with Luke, Annabeth and Grover. She was confused at how this happened until she remembered how this came around.

'Damn Ghost Girl' she thought as she glared at the girl in mention.

They had found her in the Labyrinth and she led them to the Triple G Ranch. It was a nice place since Eurytion was a nice guy and a child of Ares with his two headed hellhound named Orthus but things went sour when they met Geryon.

The damn three bodied man had knocked them out except for Percy.

"Ah so the little ones have woken up?" Geryon said with a smirk that made Thalia shudder before she realized she had an eye patch on over her Sharingan. "Yeah, don't think about using that crazy eye of yours. I came prepared so good luck there"

"Damn bastard take off this patch so I can burn you to ash!" she yelled as she tried to get her hand together but found that her hands were bound apart from each other. She didn't want to rely on Zetsu but she would if she needed to.

She continued to look around until she saw a girl with black hair with white streaks. She had pale skin and wore a black dress that reminded her of a maid's dress. She was bound up with a Stygian Iron sword at her neck curtesy of Geryon.

"Heh, seems like they got you too Allison. Told you that you should have just helped us" Thalia said as the daughter of Melinoe opened her golden and coal colored eyes to glare at Thalia.

Allison had been wandering the Labyrinth as her mother had thrown her in at a young age. The girl had barely survived but her mother, the goddess Melinoe had recently promised if the small girl brought her powerful demigods to brainwash she would let her out of the Labyrinth.

"Mother promised me!" she yelled as she struggled. "You are on mother's side so let me go you mutant man!" she yelled as her golden eye glowed for a bit before the Stygian blade pressed against her neck more.

"You really are a dense and idiotic child, you think she would let you join our side?" Geryon said with a smirk. "She threw you here because you were weak and only found you useful when this group entered here. Kronos wants the daughter of that son of Chaos and now that we have her you have served your use" he said as Percy returned.

Thalia groaned as she remembered that he left to go get their safety from him by cleaning some stables. Thankfully he made Geryon swear on Styx but he doubted the man would be bound to his word.

"I did your stupid chore now let my friends and Allison go!" He yelled as he drew out Riptide and glared at the three bodied man.

Geryon frowned as he looked to Eurytion "Go make sure he actually did" he barked out making the adult demigod sigh and walk out of the room. "You know it would be simpler if you had just died boy" he said as Percy glared more and Thalia smirked as she say water carefully make its way into the room.

After about a minute Eurytion came back in "The boy did it and he didn't dirty our river like Hercules did" he said making the Geryon glare at Percy.

"You swore you'd let my friends and Allison go Geryon! Keep to your side of the deal" he said as Geryon glared and swung his sword at Allison but Percy dived in to block it.

"I figured you would lie you bastard. I thought Styx oaths were binding" he said as he battered the sword out of his hand and went to cut off his head but the second he did it another grew on his other torso.

"Good luck there kid" he said as he kicked Percy away.

"Percy you need to hit his three hearts at the same time! Killing one will only slightly hinder him as he heals" Zetsu ordered out as he slithered over to Percy and took control of his arm. Zetsu made him throw Riptide through Greyson's center heart making it turn grey and make the man stop moving towards the spear. "You need to stab through them with an arrow to kill him all at once"

Percy worked fast and grabbed the bow from Greyson's hunting display. He drew back an arrow as Greyson pulled out the sword and grabbed the spear. 'Please Artemis or Apollo, make this hit him!' he thought as he took a deep breath and let the arrow fly.

Greyson stopped mid throw of the spear as the arrow drove straight through him hitting all three hearts. "H-How? You a child of Poseidon?" he said before turning to gold dust.

Percy let out a relieved sigh "I honestly didn't know if it would work" he said as he dropped the bow and went to go unbind his friends. "You didn't help me any Zetsu did you?" he asked as the black blob slid off him and back to Thalia.

"I had no help in your arrow. I saw trusted you and if it did go wrong I would have impaled him or ate the man" he said slightly scaring everyone.

"Glad the bastard is dead, I wanted to burn the damn man" she said as she kicked the dust around.

"Why did you save me? I gave you all to him?" Allison asked as she rubbed her wrists and sheathed her sword.

"Well you were being made by your mom and I felt we could help. We have a way out of the Labyrinth so if you come with us we can take you outside once we are done" Percy said with a smile making the girl smile a very tiny amount.

"F-Fine but you better not be lying or I will attack you with ghosts" she said as Luke patted her on the back.

"Relax, we aren't ones to lie, now come on we need to figure out where to go next" Luke said as Annabeth turned to Eurytion.

"What are you going to do? We can take you with us if you want" she said as the older demigod shook his head.

"Naw, I'm going to care for this ranch better than he did and change some things. You guys get on your quest, I'll only slow you down" he said as they nodded and went off, back into the Labyrinth.

"Do you know where to go next?" Grover asked as he sniffed the air but found nothing useful.

"Well only thing we can do is delve deeper into the Labyrinth until we find Daedalus" Annabeth said as she skillfully squeezed Thalia's hand without anyone seeing. She wanted alone time with her girlfriend but knew it wasn't the time right now.

"Well," Thalia said with a smile to her quest mates "let's find this stupid workshop"