Chapter 14


Hera frowned as she walked through Olympus. It had been a week or so since the ordeal with Zeus and Apollo had alerted her that Zeus was showing signs of waking up. She honestly didn't want him to wake up since things were going so smoothly for her. She was even planning to work on fixing their strained relationships with the other pantheons like the Shintos or the Norse.

The only thing that really worried her was her current confusion towards Naruto, her sister's husband. She would shake off the feelings and honestly figured it was just because of the fact he had saved her from her long time tormentor.

She always had put on the façade of being happily married and she didn't hate Zeus per say, just hate what he forced her into. Not many knew and those who did were often silenced by Zeus when they brought it up but she and Zeus didn't get into their relationship in the happiest way.

Zeus had been pinning for her and for the longest time she had nothing to do with him. Then she had found an injured cuckoo. She had held the small injured bird to her breast to keep it warm and it turned into Zeus who proceeded to rape her. She was forced to marry him to cover her shame.

Thankfully she was able to create her sacred bath to make herself pure again. Eventually she just went along with it all and sired Ares and Hephaestus. Though Zeus threw Hephaestus off Olympus and blamed her for it.

Frankly she was glad she was free from Zeus, she had erased their marriage and for the first time she felt free. She could find someone she truly loved and be happy for once instead of doting on her tyrant of a husband.

She had gotten started on abolishing idiotic rules that Zeus created and trying to better her kingdom. First though she needed to smoothen her rocky relationship with her older sister.

Carefully she knocked on Hestia's temple before opening the door slowly "Hestia? Can I come in?" she asked before jumping back at a large two-headed hell hound running towards her.

"Jigoku! Ryoken! Heel!" she heard Hestia yell as the large beast skidded to a stop but still looked on guard. "I am sorry Hera, they are just over-protective" Hestia said as she walked over to the door with Mamoru helping her walk around.

"Wh-Where did you get all these animals?" Hera asked as she looked around to see a dolphin in a tank, the large hell hound still watching her, a silver wolf and she remembered seeing a large boar before but it wasn't here at the time.

"Wedding gifts from the others but please come sit down Hera, I feel you are troubled" Hestia said as she held her sister's hand and led her to her large sofa near the hearth.

Hera nodded and frowned as she sat down on the sofa "Tell me sister, what is on your mind?" she asked as Hera looked nervously at her sister.

"I came to apologize" she said as Hestia looked at her with a warm smile. "I have been rude to you and jealous of you. I am the goddess of family and yet I have treated you terribly and I am so very sorry" she said as she held Hestia's hands in hers as tears build up in the corners of her eyes.

Hestia smiled to her sister as she stroked her cheek and smiled at her. She had no ill feelings towards her sister but to know she understood how she acted was wrong did help. "Oh Hera it is okay, I forgive you as you are my family and I love you" she said as she kissed her sister's hands.

Hera felt tears spill down her cheeks as she carefully hugged her sister and smiled "Thank you Hestia, so much" she said as Hestia smiled.

Hestia knew something else was the matter with Hera but she felt she shouldn't mention it. "You should talk with Hades as well since Zeus is not in charge anymore. I feel it is time for the family to be all together again since he was shunned by Zeus for his domains" she said as Hera nodded.

"Of course but I need to wait. With father stirring and everything it would be best to focus on that" she said as Hestia nodded.

"Yes but my husband can handle whatever comes our way, we just need to let him do his thing" she said with a giggle as Hera nodded and smiled.

"You couldn't have picked a better husband" Hera said with a smile as Hestia nodded.

"He is quite perfect"


Naruto let out a sneeze as he decapitated another Hellhound and let out a sigh. "I am really getting tired of constantly killing monsters that came out through the Labyrinth" he said as he stabbed Yamato into the ground before sealing it away.

For the last week monsters had been spilling through the Labyrinth even faster than before. He was killing monsters nearly every day and he had zero time to relax. Thankfully Shizen was very helpful at killing monsters.

"Go on home Shizen, Hestia probably misses you and it will only get more dangerous buddy" he said as he pet the large boar's head as it snorted and nuzzled against him before running off and disappearing in the forest.

He didn't have any news from the quest members except for they were still alive since he could still feel their energy very faintly since the Labyrinth blocked him from fully sensing them.

Recently in the news he heard about the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens and was slightly worried about Typhon being released but he would deal with that later since he wasn't released just yet. He didn't know what could cause such an eruption since he knew it wasn't the gods considering they locked the beast up in there and wouldn't risk releasing him.

Letting out a sigh he made his way back to his cabin until he felt the markers for Annabeth and Thalia get stronger before Thalia tackled into him and hugged him.

"Dad! I missed you!" she yelled with a smile as she hugged him. She needed her father after everything that had happened back in the Labyrinth.

"Thalia, I wasn't expecting you back for a while now" he said as he pet her hair with a smile until he noticed Annabeth's slight frown. He could feel some sadness and guilt flowing from her. "Here, lets go to Hestia's cabin. I'll send a clone to tell Chiron your back once you tell me what happened and where Percy, Luke and Grover are" he said as they nodded and he noticed Thalia's smile dropped.

He let out a sigh as he helped Thalia up and led them to the cabin. They were sitting down on the couch as he summoned some tea for the two girls. "Take a breather and tell me all of what happened" he said as they nodded.

He listened as Thalia told him everything. From Janus and Hera to how they had met Hephaestus and how Luke, Grover and some girl named Allison had split up to follow the trail of Pan. He was honestly surprised when Annabeth brought up the Sphinx and how she defeated it in a match of wits with a riddle that made the Sphinx's eyes glaze over like Annabeth's did when she was in deep thought. When they got to the part of how Percy exploded Hephaestus's forge to destroy the Telekhines and slow down the rebuilding of Kronos's scythe.

"That is troublesome" he said quoting Shikamaru as he sat down his cup of tea. He didn't like the fact that Percy was being the weakening of Typhon's seal but he knew the boy didn't mean to and had no knowledge about the prison or that destroying the forge would result in that. "Well don't worry Percy isn't dead I can feel him very far away as the marker I have on him is still active" he said as Thalia and Annabeth released a huge sigh of relief.

Thalia felt like a weight was off her chest. She had wanted to stay behind to help Percy but the look in his eyes was so serious and determined she knew he could handle it and apparently he did and he didn't even die from it either so her guilt over possible leaving him to die went away.

"Go and tell Chiron what happened I'll take care of Percy in a bit but you girls need to relax and take a breather before returning to the Labyrinth once Percy returns" he said as the girls nodded and left as Naruto leaned back in his chair.

'Gramps, if Typhon escapes would you be able to handle him?' he asks as his grandfather stirs inside him.

"Of course I would be able to. I am a Primordial and he is but a Giant. It would take an incredibly old Primordial to equal my strength. Chaos is the only one I can think of that could match me" Shinju said with a smirk.

'Then if he is released I'm letting you out to take care of him' he said as Shinju nodded in agreement.

He closed his eyes as he started focusing on Percy's marker. It was incredibly far away but at least it wasn't constantly changing position like it was back in the Labyrinth as well as being masked by the Labyrinth's aura. After a minute or two he finally got a lock on it before he warped away.


Naruto stopped the warp before he actually got to Percy as he had felt another presence near the boy and didn't want to interrupt anything.

It took a second to realize where he was but once he saw the girl Percy was talking to he knew where he was. The girl had cinnamon brown long hair and she wore a modest cream dress that accented her light tan skin. He noticed she had light freckles across her cheeks and nose as well as on her arms. When his eyes landed on her dark almond eyes he knew who it was.

It was Calypso and this was Ogygia. He was surprised the Percy landed here but when he sensed leftover bits of Hephaestus's aura he guessed the Smith god sent him here.

He watched as Percy got on a raft and slowly faded from view. Naruto silently dropped from the palm tree he was sitting on top of and frowned as he saw Calypso wipe her tears. He could feel sorrow and regret coming off her. He remembered how Zeus imprisoned her just for who her father was. He was happy that he dethroned the bastard.

"It is okay Calypso, you can be free" he said as he startled the girl and made her nearly scream as she stared at him in shock.

"H-How did you get here?" she asked as she was in shock. She had never had anyone get on her island without her noticing. Plus the fact that she knew no god or goddess had brought him since she could always feel their aura once they stepped foot on her island.

"I teleported here though it was very difficult since it is so far away" he said as he walked towards her with a smile. His hands were in the air showing he meant no harm towards her. "I just came to offer you a way off the island and a life of your own" he said as she looked confused.

"Who are you? You know if you try that Zeus would be very angry" she said with a frown. He wasn't the first that offered her this. There had been others that had tried to get her to join them on her raft but she was always unable to as when she tried she would get a massive bolt of electricity coursing through her.

"Oh sorry bout that, my name is Naruto Otsutsuki, child of Chaos and husband of Hestia" he said as he bowed a bit. "And to be honest this wouldn't be the first thing I did to piss off the Royal Asshole though we don't have to worry about him" he said with a chuckle and a smile.

Calypso felt her head swirling at all the info. From child of Chaos to husband to a virgin goddess like Hestia honest confused her. "W-What?" she said as she stared at the man in front of her with pure confusion in her eyes.

The man looked handsome to her with his blonde hair to his pure blue eyes. Even his horns worked to add to his charm in her mind.

"Well considering he isn't king anymore and Hera is in charge and divorced from him I doubt he has any control or Olympus and Hera wouldn't mind you being free" he said as her jaw dropped a bit.

Her mind was swirling even more before her vision went black and she passed out.

Naruto caught her carefully before he laid her down. 'Hmm haven't had someone faint on me in a long time' he said with a chuckle. He tapped his foot on the ground to create a small Four-Pillar House out of Mokuton so she wouldn't be in the sun.

He went outside and looked around. It was a moderately large island but he could feel it was very far away from the rest of the world. Almost in another dimension but at the same time not.

With a serious look on his face he laid his left hand, the one with the crescent mark, down on a large palm tree and focused his chakra through it to create a very large and much more powerful Hiraishin seal since he wasn't going to let this secluded island go to waste since it was so peaceful and full of nature.

He sat beside Calypso for a few hours before she started to stir. "So finally awake now?" he asked with a smile as she bolted up and scooted away from him.

"You were real, not some hallucination" she said with a thankful tone and a small smile on her face.

"Yes I am real and my offer still stands" he said as he stood up and extended his hand to her. "I can take you from here with no worries of being attacked by the gods or anything"

Calypso stared at him with a look of slight fear and joy. She was happy to be free but worried if it was really true. "Are you sure he won't hurt me if I try?" she asked as she rubbed her arms, cringing at the memories of being zapped every time she tried and how it got stronger each time she tried.

"Trust me, the Asshole Ex-King won't be able to do anything I swear on the River Styx" he said as thunder boomed in the distance, sealing his vow.

She looked at his hand again as she bit her lip before accepting his hand and smiling. "Please don't be lying" she said as he smiled.

"I never break my promises Calypso, I have something perfect in mind for you" he said as they both disappeared in a flash.

-Olympus – Calypso-

Calypso smiled as she realized where they were. She was honestly surprised that he was actually able to take her away.

"Calypso?" she heard a somewhat familiar voice call out as she turned to see Hestia the only goddess that would occasionally visit her smiling towards her.

The first thing she noticed was her pregnant belly "Lady Hestia? Is that really you and are you pregnant!?" she yelled out in shock as she rushed over to her to rub her belly.

Hestia chuckled "Well this is honestly a surprise but considering my husband it really doesn't surprise me that he did something like this" she said as she looked to Naruto.

"Well what can I say? Saving someone falsely imprisoned and messing with Zeus's rules are two things I can resist" he said with a chuckle as Jigoku and Ryoken bound over to him to show their affection and Mamoru went over to Hestia to stand guard. Shizen was sleeping next to Hestia couch near the hearth.

"Please come sit down so I can know what led up to this" she said as she whistled and Jigoku and Ryoken bound over to her with Naruto following behind the massive hellhound.

Naruto spent the next few minutes explaining how he warped to Percy and found Calypso and offered her freedom as Hestia offered the Titaness some tea.

"It is so good to see you again Calypso I am glad Naruto decided to save you" Hestia said as she stroked the younger girl's cheek.

"I'm glad to be free but are you sure Zeus isn't going to try anything" she said as Hestia frowned.

"He can't do anything since he isn't a god" she said shocking Calypso. "He tried to kill me for being married to Naruto so Naruto came to save me and he removed Zeus's powers making him mortal, now Hera rules and she is doing great at it" she said as the Titaness stared at Naruto in shock.

He chuckled "Yeah, I had to. It was either let him stay in power and endanger my children or remove him and not have to worry" he said as he stood up. "I brought you here to possibly be a maiden of my wife so she can have someone powerful to look after her and to give you a family in a sense" he said with a smile as he kissed his wife lovingly.

She returned the kiss and smiled "Do you have to return to camp so soon?" she asked with a frown.

"Yes I am sorry but I am the only one keeping them from being overpowered by the monsters coming through the Labyrinth. Once I am done I will return I promise" he said as she smiled and stroked his cheek.

"I'll hold you too it" she said with a wink. "I love you" she said as he smiled and kissed her again.

"I love you too" he said before he flashed away.

"So as my husband said, do you wish to have a place to stay?" Hestia asked with a smile as Calypso grew a massive smile and nodded adamantly.


Naruto sighed as he arrived at camp and saw that it was in chaos as monsters kept constantly coming from the Labyrinth.

"Naruto! Where have you been!?" he heard Chiron yell at him as he looked to the horse man.

"What do you mean? I left not too long ago to check on Percy after Thalia and Annabeth returned" he said as Chiron sighed.

"That was two weeks ago" he said with a frown.

Naruto held in a curse as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 'Damn Ogygia and the stupid time difference! I knew it was in a pocket dimension but two weeks!' he thought with a groan.

"Unexpected circumstances!" he yelled as he eased into his cloak and activated his eyes. "I need a report of what is going on and what happened while I was gone!" he yelled as he summoned the Truth-Seeking Orbs to fire off and kill monsters.

"Monsters have been coming out for the last few hours" Chiron said as he let another arrow fly to kill another Cyclops "we are being overrun and we fear something big is coming if the sounds from the Labyrinth is anything to go by"

Naruto frowned "Get the archers picking off monsters. Have the campers build a strong line of defense so that anything that gets by me will be handled by them" he ordered out as Chiron nodded and went off to inform the campers.

Naruto cracked he jumped into the air using his cloak's ability to fly to overlook the battlefield. Thankfully the campers were moving back so he didn't need to worry about them.

He knew that destroying the entrance would just cause trouble as it would pop up somewhere else, possibly inside the camp so he had to kill them where they were.

He unsealed Yamato as he landed in the battlefield to see a massive army charging towards him. He let a smirk show as he strapped his blade to his side. He never had a real chance to use this ability so he was a little glad to be able to.

Slowly he raised a hand "Asura Path of Destruction" he said as his hands changed into two cannons that glowed blue before he swept them across the horde of monsters and a beam of dark blue light devastated the massive army in front of him.

"I freaking love this path!" he yelled with a laugh as his forearms burst off him with two jets coming out of them. His arms was attached by metal cables as large canisters grew on them before being released and having the charges detonating creating explosions everywhere.

Everyone was watching in a mixture of shock, awe and fear. Every time they saw Naruto fight they only saw him get stronger and stronger. He was literally becoming a weapon and killing a massive army of monsters like it was nothing.

"Don't fire!" Naruto heard come from the Labyrinth as he held back from firing another beam as he saw the quest members pile out.

"Good you guys are back now get defending!" he ordered out as he fired a small chakra beam from his finger to kill a harpy that was trying to attack some girl with black and white hair that he figured to be Allison considering the description that Thalia gave him.

They looked around and nodded before Thalia and Percy went running off to camp. He didn't question it as he figured they had a plan.

He turned his attention back to the entrance as a massive beast that he recognized as Kampe burst through it as he frowned at it. He doubted the Asura Path could handle that, he needed something with a lot of hands.

He smirked as his pupils and irises turned white and a brown outline showed around his irises. "Beast Transformation: 8 Tails" he said as his skin grew brown and four horns grew from his head. His head turned into a bull's head as his torso grew larger and his legs became eight large octopus tails.

"Wheeeeee!" he yelled in Gyuki's voice as he slammed his fists together. "In memorial of Octopops!" he yelled as he tackled the Kampe.

He held back the Kampe's scimitars with two tentacles as he coated his fist in lightning chakra "Lightning Straight!" he yelled sending the Kampe flying into the lake as he jumped after it.

The Kampe yelled as she flew towards the massive bull octopus. "Your gonna have to do more than that you ugly beast!" he yelled as he clasped his hands together and slammed them down on the Kampe making it crash down on into the lake as he brought it down under the water with his tentacles.

The Kampe roared underwater as he bound her arms, wings and tail as he charged a Bijuudama in his mouth as he aimed it towards it. Kampe was struggling until they heard a massive scream even underwater that made her go still long enough for him to fire it at her face.

He quickly darted away as the Kampe burst into golden dust leaving behind her two scimitars that he grabbed and swam back to the shore. He laid the weapons on the shore as he transformed and came out from the water completely dry.

He placed his hands on the weapons as he sealed them away. He looked at the camp to see the Labyrinth fall as Allison released Daedalus's soul from his robotic body.

'Things will only heat up' he thought with a frown as he saw campers rushing around to heal others that were injured in the battle. He saw that Thalia and everyone else was okay so he at least smiled at that.

'These kids are strong but they are going to have to fight against Titans and their army. I still have a lot to do and a lot to learn' he thought as he walked through camp. 'Lets see how strong they can get'.