Chapter 15

Naruto let out a sigh as Percy fell back down again. He had decided to give the young son of Poseidon chakra last month at his birthday so he was focusing on training him up to near the level as the others.

Which was why they were currently inside his Tsukuyomi world so he could train Percy as much as he needed but only take up around a few hours due to the time slowing inside the illusionary world.

They were currently focusing on chakra control before he went into the chakra affinity and training in elements. "You need to keep your focus when climbing the tree, only when you have got it down will you be able to do it without thinking" he said as he helped the 16 year old boy up. "This isn't going to be something you can just whizz through".

Percy groaned as he sat up and nodded. He knew the moment he accepted training from Naruto it would be difficult if not painful though so far he has only seen the difficult aspect.

"Come on Percy, we are staying in here for as long as we need to so you can fight with chakra and not make me have to worry about you in the battle field" he said as Percy took up running up the tree he had formed for him to use as practice.

Tsukuyomi was very useful at training, even more so than his Kamui pocket dimension since they could be training in here for years and only have a minute or two pass in the real world since he had near infinite reserves to keep it going and his control was perfect. The only downside of the technique was he couldn't train Percy's body, only teach him techniques and skills. Plus no need for rest or food while training.

He was generally impressed at Percy's progress so far. Only a day or so had passed and the boy nearly had his chakra control exercise down, and that was with Percy's large chakra reserves.

Naruto meditated as he connected the mental link to his grandfather 'Shinju, you ready for the coming battle?' he asked with a slight frown.

There was a slight rumble before "Of course Naruto, any chance to be able to be free again and kill some monsters is something I've been waiting for," Shinju said with a massive smile "plus being able to see your grandmother again is always a good thing."

'I still wonder how the Greeks will react to me being Shinto and all' he said with a chuckle. He knew most of the gods were fine with him being in a different pantheon, he was just curious to how Hera might react to it though the Queen of Olympus had changed a lot since he met her and he had a feeling she would fine with it.

He was brought from his musings as Percy fell down again from the tree. He let out a chuckle as he stood up "Get up and keep going. You asked for this" he said with a smirk that sent chills down Percy's spine as he quickly got up and ran back up the tree. He had a good feeling that Percy would be a good and interesting student.

-Roughly Two Months Later In Tsukuyomi Realm-

Naruto smiled as he dodged a jet of water as Percy fired it at him. Percy had some very unique affinities. Not only did Percy have the natural Water affinity that was to be expected but he also had Lightning, Yin and Yang affinities. The lightning he figured was something that came from Poseidon recently becoming the god of Lightning.

Percy was even able to form Storm, Brine and Wave secondary elements.

His Storm release was different that Thalia's as it seemed more like electrified water than Thalia's stronger lightning based Storm. He couldn't use his Lightning element alone, only as an additive to create the Storm release.

The Brine and Wave were very unique so he did his best to train him in it and help him create jutsus for him to use with them.

Wave was quite strange, as it looked like normal mist but it could act as a kind of sand similar to Gaara's. It was useful more as a defense as Percy was able to thicken the mist to shield himself just like how Gaara could with his sand.

Brine was, if anything, like acid water that seemed to be able to melt through things at a quicker pace. It reminded him of Saiken's acid though much weaker though still useful.

Percy's water affinity was insane, he could draw water from the air like it was second nature to him. He even theorized he'd be able to draw water with no difficulties even in the hottest deserts.

"You need to be faster with your hand seals!" Naruto said as he used his Preta path to absorb the water Percy shot at him. Over the two months Percy was growing at insane speeds. His creativity was great and useful to him when it came to his unique elements and making jutsus for them.

The only thing Percy had trouble with was the hand seals since the boy was use to using his sword in battle. He had to create a sheath for the sword so he could quickly sheath it to free his hands. Gradually he was getting more and more use to it. He planned to create a real one once they were done of the same design of the one he made while in the illusionary world.

Percy let out a groan as he went through the hand seals faster before taking a deep breath "Water Style: Water Bullet!" he yelled as he fired a barrage at Naruto even faster than before. The only part that was annoying about Naruto so far was the fact he wouldn't move onto the next jutsu until Percy had mastered the one before to its full potential.

The only real trouble he had difficulties with was his Storm element as drawing forth lightning was something he wasn't quite use to yet.

"You're getting better there Percy but you still need a lot of practice before I let you out of here" Naruto said as he effortlessly dodged the water bullets. It wasn't that Percy's techniques were weak it was just it would take many years before he would getting close to hitting him.

Thalia was around the level of a high jonin or an ANBU, Luke and Annabeth were very high chunin or low jonin. He definitely wasn't letting Percy out until he was at least at a chunin level or higher, preferably higher since Percy was the child of prophecy to fight Kronos in the coming battle.

He would be there to help but for the most part he would be fighting Ethan as he was the vessel to the Titan. He hoped the boy couldn't use all of the Titan's abilities, since he doubted the boy's body could handle a full Titan in him. The only reason he was able to handle his Primordial of a grandfather being in him was because he had had his largest fraction, Kurama, in him since birth.

Naruto silently counted the rounds of water that Percy fired at him as they whizzed through the air around him. 'Hmm 11 shots, pretty higher than average. He's getting better at it. He just needs to work on hand seal speed but we can work on that more outside Tsukuyomi' he thought with a proud nod.

"Good job Percy. I'd say it's time to advance onto the hard stuff" he said as he cracked his neck "that is of course your Brine and Wave elements and then finally your reflexes." A dark grin slowly appeared on Naruto's face that terrified Percy "And good thing you can't die in here so I can train you as hard as I want" he said as he chuckled.

"Enough about that, let's get started on those elements" he said as Percy couldn't help but sweat in fear at the look in the blonde's eyes.

-Five Months Later In Tsukuyomi Realm-

Percy's entire body felt like it went through hell numerous times. He hadn't died in this illusion world yet but he damn well felt like he got close to dying a few times. Naruto had trained him to the ground and then down to the Underworld itself.

"Are we done?" Percy asked in-between pants of exhaustion. He had been training with Naruto for who knows how long with little to no breaks. He knew that Naruto was just making sure he could handle everything but damn was it tough.

Naruto rubbed his chin in thought. He could easily say that Percy was very close to being around mid-jonin level. All in all the boy was roughly ready enough for the battle ahead of him. He knew the boy had a lot of luck like him when it came to fights but Naruto would definitely keep Percy safe at any cost. He wasn't about to let the kid die.

"I can safely say we are done" he said getting a large sigh of relief from Percy that made a tic mark appear on his forehead. "You want me to keep you in here for another two months?" he asked with a slight edge to his voice.

Percy immediately shook his head "No! No! I'm good. Honestly!" he said panicking a bit until Naruto let out a chuckle.

"Relax kid, you're done. Outside of this realm I want you to keep training and getting stronger" he said as he smiled down at Percy. "You have to be strong for the days to come. You are a Child of Prophecy and take this from one to another that as long as you are strong and fight to protect those most precious to you and there won't be anything that can stand in your way" he said as Percy smiled and nodded as the world faded around them.

-Real World-

Naruto caught Percy as he fell down from mental exhaustion "It's okay Percy, just a little mental feedback from the seven or so months of training in Tsukuyomi realm" he said as Percy nodded. He summoned a clone "Go and rest Percy, you desperately need considering what is happening in the coming days" he said as Percy went off with the clone and he made sure the clone would create the sheath for his sword later.

It had been around two or three months since the Battle of the Labyrinth and he figured Hestia was going to be delivering her baby any day now and at the same time he figured Kronos was going to strike soon as well.

Thankfully Hera had a handmaiden of hers watching after Hestia and even Calypso was watching after her as well. Plus they all had markers of his so they would call the second she went into labor.

He had a lot to worry about as of late. From Kronos, to Hestia and even Typhon, who had just broken out of his jail and was barely being held back by the gods. Hera was helping hold the Giant back with the Master bolt that she was able to wield after becoming the new Ruler of Olympus.

Though they couldn't stop him for long. They needed help. Especially since Poseidon was caught up facing Oceanus and his minions.

'Gramps, I think you're needed soon' he thought with a frown as he walked through the camp.

"I know Naruto but we have to wait. If I go out now it will just change the course of things. I have to wait until Kronos leads his charge and has no time to react" Shinju said as Naruto nodded.

Naruto frowned until he felt his daughter come and hug him. "Dad I'm about to go off with Luke to try and destroy Ethan's ship" she said with a smile.

"Do be safe and don't be afraid to have Zetsu get you out of there quickly" he said as she nodded and kissed his cheek before running off.

Things with her father had been great since she decided to come out to him.


Naruto was drinking some tea as he sat on the couch in Hestia's cabin as Thalia and Annabeth walked in with very nervous looks on their faces. "Something wrong girls?" he asked as they shook their heads.

Thalia had been meaning to tell her father about her relationship with Annabeth for a long while now but she was honestly afraid to do so since it could have meant him shunning her but after a long talk with Annabeth she decided she needed to get it out and tell him.

"Nothing is wrong Dad, I just need to tell you something" she said as she sat down in the couch across from him and Annabeth sat next to her holding her hand.

"You can tell me anything Thalia, you don't need to be so nervous" he said in a soft tone as Thalia smiled and nodded.

"Ever since after we saved Artemis I realized something" Thalia said as she squeezed Annabeth's hand. "I realized that I love Annabeth and we have been together ever since then. I just hope you can accept this" she said as she closed her eyes expecting him to yell at her or get angry but all she felt was her father's arms around her.

"Thalia, I love you, you are my daughter and there is nothing you can do to ever make me love you any less" he said as he looked into her eyes and wiping away a few tears that leaked out of her. "I have known for a while but to have you tell me means so much"

Thalia smiled as she hugged her father tightly as she cried a bit. She was terrified of possibly losing him that she was so relieved that he was okay with her being gay.

"All I care about is you being happy and if this makes you happy then I am happy for the both of you" he said as he hugged Thalia and Annabeth as they hugged him back. "Though I am sad I won't be getting grandchildren" he teased making the girls blush and hit him in embarrassment making him laugh as he kissed the tops of their heads.

"I am glad you both told me and I am always going to love you two and be proud of you" he said as they nodded and smiled.

Thalia smiled to Annabeth as she squeezed her hand "Well welcome to the family" she said with a smile as Annabeth nodded and hugged Thalia happily.

-Flashback End-

Ever since Thalia had came out to him he had spent a majority of the time teasing the two girls, much to their embarrassment but he assure them it was a father's duty to do that.

"Be safe!" he yelled to Thalia as the she and Luke waved to him and set off in a chariot.


"You know the mission right?" she asked Luke as he nodded.

"We need to sink Ethan's ship to slow him down and give us more time to think before he does anything" he said as Thalia nodded.

"I will hit the engine, you damage the hull as much as you can" she said as her Sharingan came into effect and transformed into its EMS form. Over the months after the Labyrinth she had gotten a stronger control over her Sharingan and most of its abilities.

"Got it" Luke said with a smirk as he steered the Pegasus towards the large cruise ship that had 'Princess Andromeda' written on the side. "Let's drop down and run across the water so they don't possibly spot us" he said as she nodded.

"Scorpio wait for us at the beach" Luke said as the horse nodded before they dove down closer to the water before Luke and Thalia jumped out of the chariot.

Luke drew his Kusanagi as Thalia drew her Kiba blades as they silently ran across the water and eventually got to the boat. Silently they scaled up side of the boat and killed two monsters that were peering over the side.

"You go for the engine, spike you chakra when you are about to do it and I'll time my attacking the hull at the same time" Luke said as Thalia nodded and they split up.

Luke ran through the boat placing explosive tags everywhere and killing whatever monsters that unfortunately (for them) to run across him with his Kusanagi as it was able to slice through the monsters like butter.

He continued to run through the hull, not hiding his presence since he needed to somewhat draw attention to himself to keep anybody from going to the engine. He was quickly brought out of his thoughts as he blocked an all too familiar sword.

"Ethan or should I say Kronos?" Luke asked as he narrowed his eyes and parried the demigod's strikes.

"Castellan, to think you could have been my vessel" Ethan said as his voice mixed with another that Luke figured to be Kronos's. "It is of no worry as you will die here" he said as he dashed at him as Luke felt himself slow down and Ethan's eyes glow gold as he disarmed Luke and placed his blade at Luke's neck.

"Any last words?" Ethan asked as he pressed the blade that flickered to a scythe for a quick moment to Luke's neck more, drawing slight blood on him.

"Well one thing comes to mind" Luke said as he smiled and looked to his blade "Kusanagi!" he yelled as the blade burst from the ground towards Ethan making him turn and parry it before it disappeared.

Ethan quickly turned around to slice through Luke only for him to turn into a mound of dirt.

Luke chuckled as he felt Thalia's chakra spike and he did the same. "Hope you know how to swim Ethan!" he yelled as he ran through his hand seals "Land Style: Spires of Terra Firma" he said as he his chakra connected to the ground at the bottom of the lake as massive spikes formed and shot up into the hull of the ship as the engine exploded and the spikes kept driving through until they broke into the room Ethan and Luke were fighting in, making it start to fill very rapidly with water.

"That man's energy is very dangerous" Ethan said with a frown as Luke quickly dashed out of the room and jumped over the side of the boat. He raised a hand as a portal opened up, taking him off the boat.

Luke grunted as he landed on the water surface and started running off. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw Thalia running towards the beach as well. He was slightly exhausted since the further he had to draw the earth towards him, the more energy it took.

Once they got to the beach they both laid down exhausted on the water. "How did the engine attack go?" he asked as Thalia chuckled and Scorpio trotted up to them.

"Exhausting. There were so many Telekhines in there and I had to kill them all and some Cyclopes before I was able to use Amaterasu on the engine room, what about you?" she asked as they sat up.

"A lot happened, come on I'll tell you as we fly off" he said as he put his hand in the tiger seal igniting the explosive tags making the cruise liner explode in a massive explosion.


Naruto frowned as he listened to the report of Luke and Thalia as the rest of the War council, which consisted of the head councilors of each cabin. "At least with this Ethan's army will be slowed down for the most part" Naruto said with a frown.

Chiron frowned as well "There is still the matters of Olympus not being defended, all the Olympians are holding back Typhon" he said as a mist image showed the Olympians fighting the massive storming Giant as he swatted away Hephaestus and Dionysus as the god of the forge created a new lake and Dionysus, well, he exploded.

Most of the campers winced as they saw their camp director into a mountain.

"I think it is time for Percy to know the prophecy, he needs to know what is ahead of him" Naruto said as Chiron nodded.

"Annabeth, go with Percy and retrieve the prophecy" Chiron said as they nodded and went up to the attic.

They waited for them to return with the slip of paper.

"Read it Percy" Naruto said as the 16 year old boy nodded as he unrolled the slip of paper.

"A half blood of the eldest gods,

Shall reach 16 against all odds,

And see the world in endless sleep,

A soul, the cursed blade shall reap,

A single choice shall end his days,

Olympus to preserve or raze." He said as Naruto frowned as his mind was racing to decipher the prophecy.

"Do not worry about the lines Percy, everything has a second meaning and it will only do you bad to worry over it. You aren't going to die on my watch" Naruto said as Percy smiled a bit and nodded.

"And we still need to devise a plan" Chiron said as Clarisse stood up.

"We need to go and defend Olympus!" Clarisse yelled as she slammed her hand down on the Ping-Pong table.

Various councilors started arguing and Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Silence!" he yelled lacing his voice with KI.

Everyone immediately quieted down.

"The campers are to get armed and ready we are going to Olympus. My wife is there and Hera did ask me to look after Olympus but I needed to slow down Ethan at first before heading there. We are leaving in an hour so get ready!" he ordered as they rush off.

"Percy stay behind I need to ask you some things" he said as Percy nodded and looked to him.

"What is it?" he asked confused why he was held back.

"Have you heard anything from Grover after he left to travel and find more sanctuaries of Pan?" he asked since Grover having Pan's powers such as Panic and control over nature would be very useful in whatever came up.

"Nothing since he left a month ago. I don't get anything, not even with the Empathy link" Percy said with a frown.

"What about with your father? Last I heard he is still defending his palace over helping Olympus" he said with slight frown.

"I don't know. I tried talking to him earlier but all I got was Tyson. I could try and visit" Percy said as he rubbed his arm nervously.

Naruto nodded and handed Percy a Hiraishin tag. "When you are done put that on your arm and I can summon you to me. Try and get him to help since the other gods need him a lot" he said as Percy nodded and walked off, deep in thought about something.

Naruto frowned as he ran his hands through the hand signs before slamming his hands down "Summoning Jutsu: Fox Contract" he said as a small black fox appeared at his feet.

"What can I do for you Naruto-sama?" the fox asked with a smile.

"I need you to take this letter to the Underworld and to Hades. Hopefully he listens," he said as he strapped the scroll to the fox's back "I even explained everything about Zeus so that should help"

The fox nodded before disappearing into the shadows.

Naruto ran his hand through his hair, he honestly wasn't looking forward to this battle but he would be damned if he was going to let any of the kids die


Hestia was worried. She could feel something getting nearer and she was nervous since she was due any day now.

"It'll be okay Lady Hestia," Calypso said with a smile "Lord Naruto is only a call away and all the animals are here to protect you as well" she said as Jigoku and Ryoken barked in agreement making the pregnant goddess smile and pet the large dogs.

"I know but I can't help but feel a lot is about to change" she said as she could see the storms of Typhon in the distance and streaks of lightning coming from her sister Hera as well as she could feel the energy of her father getting nearer and nearer.

'Please, Naruto, finish this quickly so I won't be so afraid about giving birth' she thought as Mamoru and Shizen nuzzled against her making her smile. "Thanks you guys," she said as she pet the glass tank as Shimizu was rubbing against the side of it to show he cared as well "your father will make sure to protect us. I know he will" she said as she smiled at the horizon as she felt the baby kick.


He watched as the campers rushed around "What about us?" he heard a feminine voice ask as he turned around to see Bianca, Nico and Allison standing behind them.

"How good are your control over your powers?" he asked as Bianca frowned a bit.

"I'm good at shadow travelling but Nico can summon dead skeleton warriors and Allison can summon ghosts" she said as she rubbed her arm.

"Then I want Bianca to act as a messenger as you two focus on summoning reinforcements. You two kids are not to fight" he said in a serious tone as they nodded. "Good, now help the others get ready" he said as they nodded and went off.

"How are we doing?" Naruto asked Thalia as she walked up to him.

"We are just now ready to leave" she said as he nodded.

"Good, then off to Olympus" he said with a smirk. Strapped to each of his sides were Ten no Kuroi Hono and Yamato. He had is eyes active as he was fully ready for the coming battle.

He marched with the rest of the campers as they made their way to Olympus. He could feel the energy of Ethan and numerous monsters making their way to Olympus.

He had felt Percy's marker and quickly summoned him to them.

"What is the situation with your father?" he asked making Percy wince a bit.

"He is too busy guarding his castle and can't come to help Olympus" Percy said with a frown as Naruto sighed.

"Percy, you are to take charge when we get there" Naruto said as the boy looked at him like he grew a second head.

"What!? Why me?" Percy asked confused "Why not you? You're the strongest one here?"

"True but this is your prophecy. I am but a solider here, your general if you will. You are the head of camp since I, for the most part, stay at my house with Thalia and occasionally you, Luke or Annabeth. You are the son of Poseidon and people see you more as the camp leader as they see me as a director like Chiron. Plus you know the camper's skills better than I do" he said as he walked beside Percy.

"Fine but I might need some help from you" Percy said as Naruto chuckled and nodded.

"I will be here, don't worry" he said as Percy nodded.

-Olympus - Manhattan-

Naruto stared at Central Park with a smirk as he turned to Percy and nodded.

"Okay, we need to set up a base. Go inside and get the keycard from the doorman so we can head up to Olympus, threaten him if needed" Percy said as the campers looked to Naruto confused.

Naruto sighed "You heard the leader! I am a solider here, he's in charge" he said with a hand wave. "I'm going to check out Central Park and figure something out" he said as Percy nodded.

Naruto looked around as he walked through the park, unintentionally getting the nymphs to follow him since it seemed the news of him being a Sage and having Mokuton was big news to them all. "Girls have you seen anything weird lately?" he asked as he could feel some left over aura of a god or goddess all around the park.

"There was this strange guy walking around earlier, maybe a week or two ago and then again yesterday" one nymph with dark orange leaves as hair said as she pushed her way to the front of the group making the other nymphs scowl at her.

"Could you show me where he was last seen?" he asked as they nymphs fought to get to him until a nymph with pink flowery hair led him away as the others mumbled and glared at her.

"He was around the entrances and the main walkways" she said pointing to the areas.

Naruto frowned as he looked around and noticed a pair of goat legs sticking out of a bush. "Thank you ladies" he said flashing them a smile, making most faint with a large blush, as he walked away.

Crouching down he frowned as he saw it was Grover. Placing a hand he sent a spike of chakra through the satyr making him yelp and sit up, immediately awake.

"W-Wha?" he asked looking around.

"Nice to see you again Grover" Naruto said as Grover looked around. "You've been gone for nearly a month or two. I hope you have a good reason" he said as Grover nodded and was about to tell him.

"Tell Percy, he's the leader" he said as he summoned a clone to warp Grover away. He needed to set up a little trap for anything that came their way.

He ran his hands through the hand signs and slammed his hands down "Wood Style: Seed of Protection" he said as a large seed formed in the ground before sinking away.

He felt his clone disappear as the knowledge of Morpheus being in the forest those many weeks ago entered his mind. He also gained the knowledge of Athena telling them to use Plan 23 and Hestia talking to them.

Naruto cracked his neck as he looked up to the moon.

'Almost time Gramps' he thought with a smile as the symbol of Shinju's eyes faintly appeared on the moon.

"Indeed it is son. This battle is important, just like the Fourth Shinobi War. Are you ready?" Shinju asked as he slowly reconnected to the body of his in the moon.

'Of course I am, this is my second war and just like the first I'll win this one as well' Naruto said as he cracked his neck and felt the presence of Morpheus again as the mist around the city became thicker.

'Seems it starts now' he thought as he flashed away to the marker Percy set up.

-Main Lobby-

Naruto nodded to Percy as he spoke to the other campers.

"Kronos has begun the attack" Percy said as he pointed at a map of Manhattan. "He has gotten Morpheus to put all the mortals to sleep. We need to get the roads clear and guard the five entrances to Manhattan"

"I want Clarisse, Annabeth, Luke, Thalia and Naruto to lead five groups to each tunnel or bridge to provide defense. I will take care of the rivers" he said as they nodded.

"I will be going alone since we don't want to divide our forces too thin. I can handle myself and whatever Kronos throws at me" he said as everyone nodded.

"Okay then divide into four groups, we need to keep everything balanced. Nico and Allison will summon skeletons and ghosts to reinforce each squad" Percy said as he drew Riptide as the two kids nodded and held hands with a slight blush on their faces. "The Battle for Manhattan is beginning" he said as everyone piled out.

"Naruto can you do something for me?" Percy asked as Naruto nodded.

"Of course leader" he said with a smirk as Percy chuckled.

"I need you to send some clones out to the statues around Manhattan and repeat the phrase 'Activate Plan 23, directive, Protect Olympus'" he said as Naruto smiled.

"Of course do you have a map of them and which ones you want activated?" he asked as Percy handed him the map that had various red circles on it. "Got it" Naruto said as he summoned some clones and sent them out.

"I'm heading to Williamsburg Bridge, you guys get the rest" Naruto said as he jumped off Olympus and went into his Shinju Cloak to fly off.


Naruto frowned as he landed on the bridge. He chose this bridge as he felt the strongest energy coming from this direction, he suspected that Kronos might be coming from here or possibly something strong would be here as well.

Slowly he drew out Yamato and looked at the blade as he could hear the sounds of the monster's marching. He never quite used Yamato to its full potential but that was because he never really had a chance until now since the blade was great at cutting down massive mobs of monsters.

"Yamato, the light forged blade, a weapon of near godly strength and the sword representing the sun of Amaterasu" he said, mostly to himself as he smiled up at the massive army in front of him as he also saw Ethan, now Kronos, behind a chariot led by two dragons.

"Feel the wrath of the Shintos!" he yelled as he sliced the blade at them, sending a massive wave of wind at them, stopping them in their tracks as he made numerous more slices at them before slowly sheathing the blade.

As the click of the blade echoed through the air almost all the monsters exploded into golden dust leaving behind only about 1/10th of the original size of the army and Kronos himself as he was protected by the two dragons that were now golden dust.

"Surrender now Kronos!" he yelled as his eyes spun ominously at the Titan in a demi-god's body. "If one sword is able to take you down then Percy is going to kick your ass!" he yelled with a massive smirk.

Kronos narrowed his eyes as he commanded his soldiers to charge as he retreated.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he summoned his Truth Seeking Orbs "Sage Art: Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken" he yelled as the orbs transformed into 9 Rasenshuriken. One of Magnet, Blue Flames, Water with bits of Coral, Lava, Boil, Acid, Scales, Ink and Golden Fire. He smirked as he sent them flying at the army making them explode to finish them off and destroy the bridge.

He frowned as he saw Kronos running but chose not to follow. 'You are Percy's responsibility and he can handle you just fine' he thought with a smile as he made his way back to Percy, who seemed to set up camp in a hotel near the southeast corner of Central Park.


Naruto walked in to the hotel to frown at the injured campers. "How are the campers?" he asked Michael Yew as the son of Apollo frowned.

"Several are hurt and some in critical condition" he said as he was stretched thin trying to heal them all.

"I can help" Naruto said as he ran through the signs before slamming hands down "Summoning Jutsu: Slug Contract" he yelled as a medium sized slug with a blue markings looked at them.

"Lady Katsuya thank you for coming" he said with a bow as Michael just watched in confusion.

"Of course I would come Naruto, you are our sage after all" Katsuya said in her same kind tone as she nodded to him. "How may I help?" she asks as she looks around her.

"I need you to help heal some of the campers, I can summon more sections of you if you need it" he said as she nodded.

"Four more please and I would be more than happy to help" she said as she divided into smaller sections as they all went off to help.

Naruto quickly summoned more sections as they all got to work. "Work with Lady Katsuya, she is an amazing healer and can help a lot" he said as Michael nodded as a small section rested on his shoulder.

Naruto set off to find Percy and found him looking very ragged and exhausted in one of the hotel rooms.

"How did your battles go?" he asked as Percy looked to him.

"They went fine, a little rough but some unexpected help arrived" Percy said as Naruto heard a throat clear behind him.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and turned around to see an annoyed looking Zoe staring at him. "Ah Zoe, let me guess Artemis sent you to help?" he asked as the hunter nodded.

"Yes but we are not to be ordered around. We are to help guard Olympus and that is it you boy" she said with a slight glare.

"Whatever, we need to rest for the night. I'll have clones watching over us while we rest" he said as they nodded.

He sighed as he went outside and summoned a mist to make a call "O Lady Iris, goddess of rainbows connect me to Lady Artemis" he said as the image changed to Artemis as she struck Typhon with a blast of moonlight.

"Artemis! I need to ask you a favor" he said catching her attention.

Artemis was about to yell at Naruto for bothering her at an inappropriate time but the serious look in his eyes told her it was important.

"What is it Naruto!" she yelled as she shielded Apollo with a wave of moonlight as he was weakened at night.

"I need your blessing to access the moon. There's something in it I need to release soon and it will help you guys a lot" he said as she looked confused.

She was confused until she saw his eyes change to their special form making it click. "Your letting the Primordial out?!" she asked shocked.

"Yes, it will be able to help you guys a lot. How is the situation?" he asked as she frowned.

"It's rough, we definitely need the help but will you be okay losing him?" she asked as he nodded.

"I have his blessing so I will still have all the powers I have right now so no worries. I will send him to you tomorrow morning, can you guys hold out until then?" he asked as Artemis nodded.

"Yes and thank you, my hunters should have made it there to help, Zoe will help as much as she can. Make sure she is okay" she said as he nodded.

"I will make sure nothing happens, I wish you and the others luck" he said as she nodded and ran her hand through the mist, cutting the connection.

'You ready to be out?' he asked as Shinju chuckled in him.

"Of course and yes you will keep your blessings like you guessed, the eyes, the cloak, and the Beast forms. Use them well and cause some trouble." Shinju said with a massive smirk "Sleep well, tomorrow is when it all ends."