Chapter 16

Naruto frowned as Zoe woke him and Percy up. He had decided to stand guard in Percy's room near the door just in case anybody tried anything.

"Wake up Jackson a Titan has come into camp to negotiate with us" she said as Percy frowned and got up, looking at Naruto.

"Do you want me to come as well?" Naruto asked as Percy nodded.

"It would be best to have my general there" he said with a smirk as Naruto nodded.

"Come on then" Zoe said abruptly as they followed her.

"Did you wake anyone else up?" Naruto asked as they walked out of the hotel.

"No, I figured everyone needed their rest" Zoe said as Naruto nodded, thankful that she didn't wake anyone else.

As they made their way towards Central Park Zoe frowned and looked over to Naruto. "I'm sorry if I'm still a bit sour. I have been around Lady Artemis for many years and she has never affiliated with males and for her to have a male friend is still something to get use to" she said as Naruto smiled at her.

"I understand but I mean Artemis and the Hunters no ill will" he said as she slightly smiled and nodded.

Naruto frowned as he got to Central Park. Prometheus, the Titan of Forethought stood with a Hyperborean giant, and an empousai to his sides. "Hmm I never would have expected the son of Chaos to have horns" Prometheus said with a slight smirk.

"Yeah, mom likes to give me unique traits" Naruto said as his eyes shifted to the dojutsu and made the titan flinch a bit at their aura.

"Never mind that, I have come under the flag peace to talk" he said as he motioned to a picnic table and sits down at it.

Percy looks to Naruto who nods as he sits down.

"Oh son of Poseidon in charge? Here I thought that the son of Chaos would take charge" Prometheus said with a smirk.

"Well it is his prophecy so it makes sense for him to lead though I am his general in a sense" Naruto said as the Titan nodded.

"Getting to the point, I believe it would be in your best interest to surrender. You demigods are going against Titans, the gods are away facing Typhon and with the absence of Zeus they will lose as well" he said as he stared at Percy. "Where is the supposed King anyways? Is he hiding in Olympus?"

"No he is in the dungeon" Naruto said shocking the Titan.

"Why is the King of Gods in the dungeon?" He asked amused.

"Well after he threatened my wife and unborn child I fought him, ripped his godly aura from him, reverting him to a human and I divided up the domains among the other gods" Naruto said as his eyes spun slowly, silently terrifying the Titan.

"So to put it simply we aren't surrendering. Naruto has a plan for Typhon and I have one for Kronos. We decline your offer" Percy said as Prometheus frowned and slid a vase across the table.

"If you ever change your mind just open the pithos" the Titan said with a smile. "Inside there is Elpis the spirit of Hope".

"Wait isn't the spirit of Hope the last spirit in Pandora's box?" Percy asked as he remembered Annabeth telling him that story many times.

"Yes and if you ever find yourself wanting to give up then release Elpis the spirit of Hope and I shall know" he said as he stood up and left.

Naruto frowned as Percy looked at the vase. "Don't give up Percy, as my wife says "Hope survives best in the Hearth"".

Percy nodded as he looked to Naruto. "We need to wake everyone, I know an attack will be coming soon" he said as Naruto nodded.

"You go, I have something to do" he said as he looked to the moon.

Percy got the idea as he walked off to alert the campers.

Zoe stayed behind and frowned "You are letting the Primordial out?" She asked as she had been told last night by Artemis of Naruto's plan and was ordered to defend him while he completed it.

"Yes it is the gods only chance at defeating Typhon without Zeus's extra power or Poseidon's since he isn't battling either" Naruto said as he sat down on the ground.

'Ready Gramps?' He asked as he burst into his cloaked form.

"Of course Naruto, I have established the connection to the moon and I plan to have myself drop onto Typhon himself. It shouldn't take too long to destroy that annoyance, just have to worry about collateral damage" Shinju said as Naruto nodded.

"Good then let's get this done with" he said as he ran through the seals with the help of Shinju.

"Great Sage Art: Moon's Eye Open! Descent of the Beast!" He yelled as the moon turned blood red and grew the markings of Shinju's eyes.

In a great burst of speed a large silver mass of chakra shot up into the sky and towards the moon.

Zoe watched in awe as the moon opened up like a flower and a massive beast dropped from the moon. At first it looked like a human with a weird shell on its back but then it started to change.

It grew more animal like and grew fur until it looked like a massive silver wolf with ten tails.

"Is that the Primordial's true form?" Zoe asked as she had never seen anything that felt so powerful before.

"Yes, Granps' body was stuck in his incomplete form until his true soul returned to it so he was able to return his body to how it should be" he said as he saw the body of his grandfather drop out of sight, though a loud boom could still be heard all the way from Manhattan.

-Battleground with Typhon-

Hera frowned as she blasted another bolt at the massive giant. Even with her wielding the Master Bolt they could barely keep the giant held back.

She was about to order a retreat after Dionysus was sent crashing into a mountain but her attention was distracted as the sky turned black and the moon glowed red.

"Artemis what are you doing!?" Hera asked confused and a bit worried.

"I'm not doing anything! It's Naruto, he asked for permission to use the moon for something, he says he was sending help!" She yelled back as they saw the moon open up and a massive wolf bore down on them and crashed into Typhon and sent him flying backwards. Once the beast was out the moon reverted back to its normal form and the sky became normal as well.

Hera paled considerably as she instantly recognized who it was.

"Shinju the Shinto Primordial, what are you doing here?" She asked confused. She had no problem with the other pantheons she was just surprised that they were allowed in the realm.

"You can thank my grandson later" he said as he turned to Typhon and charged up a toned down Bijuudama since he didn't want to destroy the landscape too badly until he got him up into the air or somewhere that would cause less damage. He fired it off and sent the Titan back a large distance.

"Keep attacking him while I am his focus. I will slow him down with Mokuton until I him to a place where I can kill him safely" he said as Hera nodded.

"You heard him!" She yelled as she continued to launch bolts of lightning at the giant with her Master Bolt.

Shinju smiled as he slammed his hands down as he sent chakra through the ground. (AN: Since Kurama had human like hands so will Shinju) "Wood Style: Grand Convergence of Nature!" He yelled as massive wooden textiles broke through the ground and wrapped around the Giant's arms and hit him hard in the chest, getting him closer to an area where he could fire off a full Bijuudama and not cause too much trouble.

"Keep pushing him back!" Shinju yelled as he tackled the Giant and threw him away with the use of his tails as the wooden roots struck the giant as well. "I can't kill him here without destroying too much! Get him to the ocean or some deserted area" he ordered as the gods helped him willingly.

'Good luck Naruto, I have this front covered' Shinju thought as he launched fireballs at the massive Giant.


He panted as he felt drained from no longer having his grandfather stored inside him. He was thankful his grandfather chose to leave half of his immense reserves behind. Even at half the amount felt larger than all of the Bijuu did when he held them inside him separately.

It really made him realize how screwed he would have been if Madara had full control of his grandfather during the 4th Shinobi War.

"Are you okay Naruto?" Zoe asked as she helped him up.

"Losing half of a near infinite reserves is very draining but I am still more than able to fight and fire off my techniques with no worry" he said as he dusted himself off.

"Come on we need to rejoin Percy, he's leading the campers back to Olympus" he said as Zoe nodded.

As Naruto rejoined the group he spun around as he heard an explosion behind them as he saw fire bursting from the ground and a set of golden armor that seemed to be worn by the man made of fire. He was muscular and tall with glowing skin, golden eyes like miniature suns. Along with the golden armor he had a golden sword strapped to his waist.

"Hyperion the Titan of Light, Fire and Power be careful Percy" he said as he saw Percy charging at the Titan as he summoned water around him. His body was still sore from releasing his grandfather otherwise he would be fighting with Percy.

"Get the injured campers into the building! I can at least keep any monsters back" he said as Zoe nodded and with the help of the other hunters helped get them in.

"Dad!" he heard Thalia yell as she, Annabeth and Luke ran up to him. "Was that who I thought it was?" she asked as he nodded.

"That is your Great-Grandfather, I let him out to help the gods fight Typhon" he said as he turned his attention back to Percy. "Keep guard around the entrance to the Empire State building and help hold back whatever Hyperion came with".

"Got it dad!" she yelled after she hugged him and ran off.

He smiled as they left and at how well Percy was fighting the Titan.


He ducked under a slash as he ran his hands through the seals. "Water Style: Water Dragon" he yelled as he used his abilities to summon the water needed for it.

Hyperion hissed in pain as the water dragon hit him hard in the chest. "You are going to have to do better than that puny demigod!" he yelled as Percy smiled and mist started to form around them.

"Brine Style: Vortex of Erosion" he said as a large vortex of water started to form around them.

Hyperion fell to a knee as the water started to douse his flames and melt away his armor as well as causing gashes on him.

"How can a puny demigod like you bring me down!" the Titan yelled as he tried to ignite his flames again but couldn't get the tiniest of spark.

"I will defend Olympus from all enemies! My strength comes from protecting those precious to me!" Percy yelled as he saw wooden tendrils coming from the ground. He looked over to Naruto who nodded at him and made him smile as the roots wrapped around the Titan entirely until a large cherry blossom tree stood in the place where the Titan use to stand.

He quickly ended his taxing jutsu and looked to Naruto who gave him a thumbs up just as they hear the sound of a loud pig's squeal.


Naruto groaned as he saw the Clazmonian Sow, a large pink pig with even brighter pink wings came flying through crashing into buildings. He turned to Thalia as she nodded "You summon an eagle and help Percy" he said as he saw Percy immediately fly after it with Blackjack.

She nodded as she ran through the seals, as did he, and slammed her hand down "Summoning Jutsu!" she yelled as a massive eagle appeared as a massive hawk appeared under Naruto.

"Follow the giant flying pig, not hard to miss" he said patting the side of his hawk making the bird chuckle before the two massive birds took off.

Naruto easily caught up to Percy as Thalia shot lightning at the pig but all she could do was singe it a bit. "Percy you have a plan right?" he asked as the son of Poseidon nodded.

"Yeah! Kill it!" he yelled as he jumped from Blackjack and onto the back of it.

The pig bucked as Percy landed on it before he was able to steer it into the ground near a bronze lion statue. "Command sequence: Daedalus 23, destroy the flying pig. Begin activation" he said as the lion's eyes lit up and it roared as it jumped onto the pig.

He quickly went around and activated some other automatons.

"Well delegating is a good skill to have" Naruto said with a smirk as he landed down next to Percy, still on the back of his summon as Thalia hovered above him.

"Guys the campers are being pushed back!" Thalia yelled as she held a walkie-talkie in her hand.

"Come on Percy, in war your job is never done" he said as Percy nodded and quickly got back on Blackjack and flew back to their base.

Naruto jumped from his hawk as they neared the battlefield and slammed down his hand "Summing Jutsu: Wolf Contract!" he yelled as a pack of nearly 50 wolves of varying sizes appeared around him.

"Kill monsters and save the kids!" he yelled as they howled and ran off just as a hoard of centaurs joined the fray.

After the centaurs, the dubbed 'Party-Ponies' started decimating the monsters with the wolves helping as well the army retreated.

"Chiron good to see you here to help" Naruto said as Chiron nodded at him.

"I can see you are doing a good job leading the group" he said as Naruto chuckled.

"That is all Percy, I made him leader as we got here and he has done an amazing job" he said as Chiron looked shocked but nodded.

Chiron turned to Percy and nodded "We need to pull back and heal the injured campers" he said as Percy nodded and went to get Michael Yew to lead the infirmary.

"I'll send a clone to summon Katsuya to help as well" Naruto said as he sent off a clone to help the med-bay.

Naruto stood out as he sighed, looking out into Manhattan. He knew the war was just beginning and he'd have to stay focused to make sure everyone survived the war for the most part.


Percy sighed as he sat down on a couch in the lobby of the Empire State Building. Ever since this battle had started they barely had any chance to relax.

"You hanging in there Perc?" Luke asked as he groaned.

"I have been running around all day defending everywhere" Percy said as he stretched, popping his bones "and I haven't had any time to relax until now"

"Well you have been doing a great job with keeping everyone safe for the most part" he said as Percy nodded and sighed and laid back as he felt a familiar glass vase that he was 100% sure he had locked away.

"Luke did you lock up the Pandora's pithos?" Percy asked as he stared at the vase in his hands.

Luke, who was looking at the main entrance until now, nodded "Yeah I locked it up in the safe behind the lobby desk once you returned with it" he said as he turned to Percy and stared in confusion at the vase in his hand.

"It must be enchanted to return like Riptide" Luke said as Percy frowned.

Percy felt a strong urge to open the pithos but focused all of his will not to open it. His mind recalled Naruto's words.

'As my wife always says "Hope survives best in the Hearth"'

"I need to head to Olympus, guard the entrance until I get back" he said as Luke gave a salute with a smirk as Percy rushed to elevator and used the key card to access the button that led him to Olympus.

Once he got to Olympus he quickly went towards the Hearth, to the only goddess present in Olympus at the current time.


"Ah Percy nice to see you again. Is everything okay?" She asked as he nodded, still holding on tightly to the pithos.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked as he held up the pithos as he walked nearer to the heavily pregnant goddess so she didn't need to bother herself with getting up.

"Yes that is Pandora's pithos, why do you have it?" She asked a bit confused.

Percy nodded as he explained how Prometheus gifted him the pithos so that he would be able to surrender at any time and how it was becoming too tempting to open, even if they were edging back the Titan army.

"And you came here since you heard Naruto tell you that Hope survives best in the Hearth?" she asked as Jigoku and Ryoken both helped her up as they had decided to be separated as to defend her easier.

"Yes, the temptation is too much and I will not risk accidently opening it so I am here to offer it to you Lady Hestia" he said as he bowed and presented her the pithos.

Hestia smiled as the pithos disappeared in a burst of flames as she pet Percy's head. "Very wise of you Percy" she said as he stood up. "Though I would suggest returning back to your group since I feel something big" she said as he frowned.

"Oh and do tell my husband I am fine for now, my maidens are looking after me while he defends Olympus and I" she said as Percy nodded.

Once Percy left Calypso poked her head out from behind the sofa. "Is he gone?" she asked still a bit nervous to see Percy considering the fact he promised to save her even though Naruto did it instead.

"Yes he is gone Calypso" she said as the Titaness helped her back to the sofa. "I do wish my father would just let himself be defeated, the baby will be coming very soon and I'd rather not have it during war" she said with a frown as she rubbed her belly.

-Naruto (While Percy was talking with Hestia)-

Naruto surveyed the city with his dojutsu since he didn't want anything sneaking up on them.

The city was dead quite except for the sounds of the campers. Thought that was until he heard the familiar whirring of what he believed to be a helicopter.

Focusing his eyes in as he got a clearer view and frowned as he saw the wild mess of red hair trying to get control of the helicopter that was spiraling out of control as the pilot fell asleep.

"Thalia watch after the campers, there is something I need to take care of" he said as she nodded.

"Need any help dad?" she asked as he shook his head.

"I can handle this, and you all need to save your energy for whatever is ahead" he said as two insect like wings grew from his back.

'Good, my partial transformations are still there' he thought as he lifted off the ground and darted towards the helicopter. He decided he wasn't going to go into cloaked mode just for flying when he could use Chomei's wings for it, especially when he didn't know how long his cloaked mode could last without his grandfather in him anymore.

He quickly buzzed towards the helicopter and quickly swept into the helicopter, somewhat scaring Rachel.

"Relax I have you" he said as he picked her up and quickly summoned a clone without seals to steady down the helicopter as he jumped out of the machine and glided down to the ground.

"Just how did you get here and why?" he asked as he set down the shaken up red head.

Rachel took some shaky breaths as she sighed "I had to come tell Percy something that is very important" she said as she stared at him with determination in her eyes.

Naruto chuckled at her until he noticed something on her that confused her. She had a green aura around her that reminded him of the Oracle back at camp yet very toned down.

"It's about Kronos and Ethan, he has to know it before he fights them" she said as Naruto nodded.

"Okay, then come on I can take you back" he said as he picked her up and summoned his wings again.

The red head blushed as she was carried by the elder father towards the Empire State Building.

Naruto set her down one they reached the Empire State Building "Go inside he should be in the main lobby talking to the cabin counselors" he said as she nodded and walked off just as a roar sounded out.

Naruto groaned as he turned and saw a large drakon flying towards them. Naruto instantly recognized it as the Lydian drakon.

He was getting tired of Kronos constantly sending his minions to them. Though he knew it was a smart act. It tired out your enemies and kept them busy though it could be risky considering everything Kronos sent at them they were able to defeat easily.

Moments later Luke and Thalia ran out "Where is Clarisse or someone of Ares cabin?" he asked as Luke frowned.

"Clarisse took Ares cabin to patrol the borders" he said with a frown.

"Damn I'll have to hold it back until she gets here. When she does give her a Hiraishin tag so she can come to me to kill it" he said as Thalia took the tag.

"We'll hold off any monsters that come as well, Percy is resting from having to battle so much as Annabeth and Rachel talk with him" she said as he nodded.

"Good, I'll hold it back as long as it needs" he said as he focused on Saiken.

"Beast Transformation: Six Tails" he said as his body grew white and slimy as his eyes disappeared. His arms became shorted as he grew bigger and six tails came from him. Two stalks then appeared on top his large head as the transformation ended

"Bring everyone back from the city so no one gets hurt while I hold back the drakon" he said as his voice was mixed with Saiken's soft feminine voice as they nodded and rushed off.

He quickly ran off towards the roaring drakon. He slammed his tails into the drakon as it hissed in pain and tumbled away.

"Wisdom Wolf Decay!" he yelled as he expelled a large cloud of acid at the drakon making it writhe in pain as it started to slither away even faster.

Even though the acid of Saiken's form would normally burn through anything and kill them near instantly but because he wasn't a child of Ares he couldn't kill the thing only damage it severely and keep it from causing damage.

He saw the drakon trying to escape so he quickly wrapped his tails around the drakon and solidified his slime to trap the drakon in his slime as he felt the marker and quickly summoned Clarisse to him.

She looked around in confusion until she landed her eyes on him and brought up her spear.

"Clarisse it is me Naruto, put down your weapon and kill the drakon while it is still bound" he said as Clarisse looked still confused but looked to the drakon and nodded.

Though right as she brought up her spear to stab it in the eye the slime encasing it broke and it flailed hitting her away from it.

Naruto quickly caught Clarisse and set her atop his head "Hold on and when I get the chance I'm going to toss you at the drakon to end it" he said as she nodded and he ran after the quick retreating drakon.

Naruto quickly jumped over it, cutting it off and threw Clarisse to the drakon. He saw the drakon rearing its head back to spit acid. Acting fast he gathered acid in his mouth "Soap Bubble: Bubble Dome!" he yelled as he spat out a bubble to encase Clarisse as she dropped down to it with her electric spear crackled with power.

The acid hit the dome and rolled off as he released the jutsu just in time for her to stab it in the eye with a roar, killing it instantly.

"Good job Clarisse" he said as he eased out of his beast transformation "we need to return to base though so hold on"

Clarisse quickly picked up her hide and grabbed onto the blonde hero's arm as they disappeared in a flash.

-Back with Thalia and the rest of the campers-

Thalia frowned as she killed a hydra with her great-grandmother's black flames and returned her eye back to her original electric blue.

She looked over as a flash burst in the park and saw her father and Clarisse, who was brandishing the hide of the drakon.

The sight of the powerful drakon's hide in the hands of Clarisse seemed to strike fear in the other monsters as they quickly started to retreat.

"We need to regroup and build our defenses" Naruto said as Percy nodded.

"Percy, Naruto and Thalia should head to Olympus to form the final defenses" Luke said as they nodded.

This was the final descent of the war and Naruto knew it was about to hit the fan.


As they entered Olympus Naruto quickly went to check on his wife. "You guys can handle the defenses right? I really need to check on my wife" he said as they nodded.

"Of course, go check on mom" Thalia said as he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

He quickly made his way to the Hearth and let out a sigh of relief as he saw his wife safe still sitting next to Calypso, who was knitting something.

"Dear how is everything going?" she asked as he sat next to her.

"Kronos is restless and has been sending monster after monster to us and we are getting some defenses set up here and I need to set up seals around here" he said as he summoned three clones to set up the barrier.

"That sounds tiring" she said as she held his hand with a slight frown.

"It is fine since I do it to keep you safe" he said as he kissed her softly. "How is the baby" he asked as he rubber her pregnant belly making her smile warmly at them.

"They are safe" she said until she covered her mouth. "Drat I meant to keep that secret" she said with a frown.

"They? As in two or more?" he asked excited as he placed his hand on her belly.

"Yes I am having twins though I wanted to keep it a secret from you until I gave birth" she said as she held his hand.

"Can I know the sexes?" he asked as she poked his nose with a smile.

"Nope, we have to keep that secret" she said as he pouted a bit until he kissed her.

"I have to go, summon me the second you go into labor" he said as she kissed him back and nodded.

"I have Calypso here to help and all my animals" she said the Titaness smiled at him.

"No one will get in here, I have wards set up and with your seals it'll take a primordial to break in" she said as Naruto smiled at her.

"Thank you Calypso, having you here eases my worries even more" he said as he kissed his wife's pregnant belly and stood up. "This war will be over soon, I promise" he said as Hestia smiled.

"Please do, I don't want our babies born during the war" she said with a frown as he nodded and left.

As he returned to Percy he saw the boy sitting on Poseidon's throne, most likely talking with him.

"So what did Rachel have to tell you?" he asked as Percy got off the throne.

"She warned me to defeat Ethan before he started to glow" Percy said a bit confused.

"Well if she came all the way to do that then keep that in mind" he said as Percy nodded. "Did you convince Poseidon to help?"

"I think, that or I pissed off my dad a bit. Hopefully not since I really like being able to be in water" Percy said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"He'll be fine. Did you guys set everything up?" Naruto asked as Thalia nodded.

"We set up the tags everywhere and your markers as well" she said as he nodded and Annabeth burst into the throne room.

"Guys Kronos is leading his entire army to us" she said as Naruto smiled, confusing the others.

"Well good thing reinforcements have arrived" he said as they went down back to Manhattan.


Almost all the demigods were in shock as Hades, Demeter and Persephone all rode into Manhattan with a massive army of undead soldiers behind them.

"Took you long enough Hades" Naruto said with a smirk as the death god smiled at him.

"Well when Kronos's forces were piling out of Tartarus and trying to get control of the underworld it slowed me down a bit but with the help of Styx and Pallas I was able to leave without worrying" he said as Nico and Bianca ran up to their father, who hugged them.

"I am glad you two are safe" Hades said as they smiled.

"I have made sure they don't fight yet and just focus on summoning the undead. Plus Nico's little girlfriend is helpful as well" Naruto said as Nico and Allison blushed dark red.

"Enough teasing my son, we have a war to win" Hades said making Nico pout. "You all focus on Olympus, we can take care of the army" he said as Naruto, Percy, Thalia, Luke and Annabeth nodded.

As Naruto was rushing off with the others he felt the barrier surrounding Manhattan shirk as it tried to cut them off from entering Olympus. Acting fast he grabbed ahold of all of them and warped into Olympus.


Naruto groaned as they landed in Olympus. He still wasn't use to warping groups of people but he was glad her could do it. "We need to hurry, I can feel Kronos in the throne room" he said as they nodded and rushed off.

Just as they were going in a statue of Hera fell over and crashed onto Annabeth.

"Go ahead I can save her and regroup" Naruto said as they nodded.

Thalia looked like she didn't want to go but once Annabeth nodded, giving her a smile, Thalia followed them.

"It'll be okay Annabeth, nothing is broken" he said as she nodded.

He chose to stay behind to let Percy do his thing and to get himself ready for whatever awaited him.

-Throne Room-

As they entered the throne room they saw Ethan with his Stygian iron, Celestial bronze and mortal steel sword and black armor standing in the center of it.

"Do you all really think you can defeat me? I am a titan and you all are mere demigods." Ethan said as Kronos's voice came from him instead.

"A god, or a titan in your case, can still fall to a dagger" Percy said as mist started to form around him.

"Well we'll just have to see that" Ethan said as he waved his hand sending them crashing backwards but to his surprise Luke crumbled into dirt, Thalia evaporated in the wind and Percy faded into mist.

"Going to have to do better than that!" Percy yelled as he finished the seals "Mist Style: Crashing Wisps" he yelled as large wisps of mist crashed into Ethan and sent him crashing back into one of the many pillars of the throne room.

"Activate the barrier!" Percy ordered as Thalia nodded and formed the tiger hand sign.

"Kai!" she yelled as a golden barrier formed around Percy and Kronos, keeping them in there and keeping Kronos from destroying the thrones, essentially weakening the gods.

"Mist Style: Instinctive Defense" he said as the mist around him started to shift. Naruto had created this jutsu for him from inspiration of his friend's Gaara automatic defense.

It was draining but at the time he needed something to defend him when he was too slow.

"Not a smart move demigod, trapping yourself in here with me" Ethan said as he drew his sword and it transformed into a large golden scythe.

Percy knew what it was and knew how dangerous it was, especially since it was deadly even in its unfinished state like how he saw in Mt. St. Helens.

Percy barely had time to react as Ethan appeared in front of him and brought down his scythe. He thanked his lucky stars that his mist defended him and gave him time to draw Riptide.

Acting fast he lunged at the Titan but watched in shock as his sword bounced off Ethan's exposed arm.

"Tough luck Jackson, I readied myself for this" Ethan said as Percy struggled to parry the scythe though the mist helped a lot.

Percy's mind ran through what was happening. Thankfully his time of having lessons with Annabeth paid off as he realized that Ethan had the curse of Achilles and he knew a way to defeat Ethan even with the invulnerability.

He quickly sheathed Riptide and started running through the seals as his mist struggled to block the blows of the Titan of time.

"Brine Release: Coating of Acid" he said as he drew Riptide and a coat of green water coated the sword.

Percy ducked under a slice from the scythe as he stabbed at Ethan's gap in the armor and smiled as the acidic water spread over Ethan.

"I am invulnerable Jackson nice try though" Ethan said before he fell to a knee. "W-What did you do?" he asked as he started to cough up some blood.

"I sent acid water to cover your entire body below your neck and made it burn you everywhere, including your Achilles spot" he said as he looked down at Ethan as he saw Ethan getting paler.

"No! I will not be killed by some puny demigod!" Ethan yelled as his golden eyes started to glow and soon Percy couldn't look at Ethan.

"Relax Percy I have it now" Percy heard Naruto say as he was warped away.

Percy looked up to see himself on the other side of the barrier as Naruto stood in front of Ethan, who was on the ground and a black haired man that was wearing an orange toga and wielding Kronos's scythe, his eyes were closed as well.

"This is what Rachel meant" Annabeth said as she leaned against Thalia.

"What do you mean?" Percy asked confused until the man opened his eyes to reveal them to be pure gold.

"He's Kronos Percy, the real one, not the one that was trapped inside Ethan, his real body reformed and he used the release of Ethan's life to form it" Thalia said as she stared worried at her father.

"Thalia get everyone on Olympus to Hestia's hearth, it is set to guard against dangers" he said as she nodded and helped Annabeth up.

"Be careful dad" she said as he nodded, not looking back at her as he was focusing on Kronos.

"Of course Thalia, protect your mother" he said as they rushed off.

"So this is your real body Kronos?" he asked as he activated his eyes and burst into his cloaked form.

"Yes, the death of the weak Ethan let my pieces fuse together. Seems he isn't as useless as I thought" he said as he inspected his new body.

"Well enjoy it while you can, it won't be together for much longer" Naruto said as Kronos laughed at him.

"Olympus is doomed, Typhon is pushing the gods back and I am a Titan lord!" he yelled with a massive grin.

Naruto chuckled as he looked to the Titan "Have you even checked on Typhon's progress? Because I can assure you he isn't winning" he said confusing Kronos as he waved a hand and the image of Shinju shooting a cone variant Bijuudama at Typhon as he was restrained in the water by Poseidon came into view.

Kronos stared in shock and a bit fear as the Primordial felt Kronos looking and grew a massive smile that made Kronos wave his hand through it with a yell.

"I am still a Titan lord! You are a demigod!" he yelled as Naruto smiled.

"Well we'll see about that" he said as his eyes spun.

The final fight had begun