Chapter 17

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he parried Kronos's strikes. The Titan of Time was skilled and thankfully the blessing of his grandparents prevented the Titan from affecting him with his control of time.

"For a demi-god you put up an actual fight" Kronos said as Naruto pushed him back with the katana that radiated light.

"Shouldn't you be saying demi-primordial?" he asked as he sent blades of energy at the Titan for him to dodge them easily since they could be affected with his powers over time.

"No, I know what you are young child of Shinto, I felt it the moment I laid eyes on you. You give off the aura of them clear as day" he said as Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"So you know, doesn't matter, I will still kick your ass!" Naruto yelled as he attack in a fury, pushing Kronos back. "I will not let you rule and endanger my wife, my daughter or my coming children" he said as Kronos started laughing.

"It took my son and all the gods to take me and my army down, I will admit you all are giving me a run for my money but if I were to get serious you would be finished in a heartbeat" Kronos said as his aura grew more golden. "So kiss your family goodbye because once I defeat you I am going to chain you up and make you watch me kill them" he said as he started attacking with more power.

Naruto's felt a fire burn in him as Kronos's words hit him, he parried the strikes from the Titan with no trouble as his eyes spun at such a speed the tomoes couldn't be seen and only the rings could as they glowed with a dark red aura. "You will die!" he yelled as a powerful shockwave knocked back Kronos.

"Susanno: Avatar of Asura!" he yelled as his Susanno formed around him. It was a massive silver six armed, three faced being. It was covered in Shogun armor as Naruto stood in the center of it.

Kronos paled a bit at the massive size of it until it started to shrink until it encased Naruto perfectly as if it was just a set of armor and not an ethereal battle avatar.

Kronos chuckled at it. "You ditch your hulking monster to make it smaller and weaker! You are a fool!" Kronos yelled as he dashed at Naruto with his scythe only for one of the hands to grab it mid-strike, hit him in the chest and send him flying, back through many columns.

"I condensed it" Naruto said as he walked towards the fallen Titan as he drew Ten No Kuroi Hono in his left hand and Yamato in his right as astral swords appeared in the hands of his other arms. "I made every inch more powerful, also looks are always deceiving" he said as he vanished from sight and appeared above Kronos with all six swords raised.

Kronos had no time to react as the swords cut through him at rapid speeds before they pinned him to the ground as he let out screams of pain.

Naruto left him pinned to the ground as he picked up the scythe and stabbed it into Kronos's chest making him scream louder. "First mistake: attacking Olympus, Second mistake: challenging me, Third and Final mistake: threating my family" he said as his eyes slowed down but the Susanno stayed active.

"I'll reform! And next time I will kill you!" Kronos yelled as he writhed on the ground, trying to get free.

"Not if I have anything to say about it" Naruto said as he placed his hand on the Titan's head. "Like father like son, or in this case other way around" he said as his eyes glowed purple. "Human Path" he said as he pulled out Kronos's dark golden Titanly aura that turned into a golden orb with a crown, clock, skull, and a stalk of wheat flowing around inside it.

Kronos gasped as if the wind was knocked out of him as his blood turned from gold to red and his eyes became amber instead of pure gold.

"You will die a human Kronos, never to revive, never to reform and without power. May you suffer in the afterlife" he said as he pulled out his blades and made two extra arms pull out the scythe as it glowed and turned into skull ring on his right middle finger.

He looked at the orb in his hand and sealed it away as he lowered his Susanno releasing a sigh until he felt numerous pulses from his marker as he knew what this meant since it was in a pattern he had told Calypso and it only meant one thing.

Hestia had went into labor.

He summoned a clone to stay with the body of Kronos as he flashed to Hestia.


Hestia yelled in pain as another contraction started just as a flash rang out and she felt her husband's hand in hers.

"It's okay I'm here" he said as she smiled as she squeezed his hand harder as she felt another contraction.

"Is everything dealt with?" she asked in-between ragged breaths.

He nodded as he kissed her hand "The war is over, I can feel the gods back on Olympus" he said as she smiled and let out a scream as he looked to Calypso, who nodded at him.

"It's time to push Lady Hestia" she said as Hestia bit her lip and nodded as Naruto squeezed her hand reassuringly.

Hestia squeezed his hand hard, not caring even when she felt the other gods warp into her hearth, she was just focused on giving birth to her twins.

Hestia looked over as she felt another hand hold her unused hand as she turned to see her sister Hera holding her hand with a reassuring smile as Artemis crouched down next to Calypso to help her.

"Push Aunt, you're doing great" Artemis said as Hestia let out another scream as she felt the first one coming out.

Artemis quickly cut the umbilical cord and handed the first baby to Calypso who smiled and looked at Naruto "It's a girl" she said as Naruto grew a large smile, as did Thalia.

"One more sister, keep going" Hera said as Hestia screamed again as she started pushing again.

Naruto kissed her hand softly as she smiled weakly at him and kept pushing. "You are doing wonderfully dear, soon we will have two babies to raise and love" he said as she nodded and kept pushing.

"Nearly there Aunt, keep going" Artemis urged on as the baby started to come out.

Artemis, like with the first, cut the umbilical cord and with Calypso they both handed Hestia her two baby girls.

"They're so beautiful" Hestia said in a weak voice as she nuzzled against the small babies in her arms.

Naruto stared at them in awe as he felt his chest heat up as it dawned on him he was an actual father. He already knew what it felt to be a father with Thalia but this was him truly being a father, and he loved the feeling as he looked at his two daughters from Hestia's side.

The first one had fair skin and tufts of vibrant red hair on her head. It instantly reminded him of his mother's mortal form she took as Kushina.

The second one had tannish skin and tufts of auburn hair.

They both had a warm aura that reminded Naruto of Hestia.

He smiled as he very gently pet their heads and let them clasp their tiny fingers around on of his. "They're gorgeous" he said as Hestia smiled at him.

"They quite are" Hestia said in her exhausted voice, making him smile and kiss her softly. "What about names?" she asked as he smiled.

"Can we name the red haired one Naomi?" he asked as she smiled and nodded.

"Of course, the other can be named Chloe" she said as he kissed the twins on top of their heads.

"That sounds lovely, Naomi and Chloe Otsutsuki, we can talk more but you need your rest dear" he said as she frowned a bit

"Yes, you need to relax sister, Calypso can watch over them as can Naruto's clones" Hera said as Hestia shook her head.

"I want to sleep next to them" she said as Hera smiled and nodded, looking to Naruto who created a clone to carry Hestia off, who had been cleaned by Artemis, as Calypso took the twins in her arms.

He gave Hestia one last kiss as she started drifting off to sleep as the clone carried her off to her temple's bed.

He turned to the other gods and smiled as Poseidon patted him on the back with a smile.

"We are sorry to take you away from your new family but we need to talk about the outcome of the war" Hera said with a frown as Naruto nodded.

"Was Kronos's body secured?" he asked as Hades nodded.

"You reverted him to a human and killed him?" Hades asked as Naruto nodded with a serious look on his face.

"He threatened my wife and children, you would have done the same" he said as Hades nodded.

"Enough of the somber topic, I believe it is time to reward our young heroes!" Poseidon said with a smile as the others nodded and they flashed Naruto, Percy and the others away.

-Throne Room-

Naruto smiled as he saw a man standing in the middle of the throne room. He had silver hair that went down to the middle of his back. He was wearing a dull grey kimono with a black obi.

His eyes were a clear give away as to who it was since the red eyes with six rings and nine tomoe was something only one other person had in both eyes.

"Ah Naruto, good to see you handled the Titan and did I just feel my great-grandchildren being born?" he asked with a large smile showing off his fangs.

"They were, two girls named Naomi and Chloe, they are beautiful" he said as the man smiled and pat him on the back.

"So this is your grandchild you were talking about Shinju?" Hera asked as Shinju, who was in his human form nodded.

"Because of circumstances that are to be explained later but for now let's just say I adopted him" he said as Hera looked confused but she trusted Naruto, who gave her a smile and nod.

The gods went to sit on their thrones and Hera smiled at the group of demigods that had all taken part in the Battle of Manhattan.

One by one rewards were given out to those who played the biggest roles in the Battle such as Annabeth, Luke, Thalia, Percy and Naruto.

Annabeth was given the opportunity to help Athena be the architect to build a monument to honor the campers lost in the battle. Plus the chance to help Athena design plans to rebuild the broken parts of Olympus.

Luke was given the curing of his mother's mind by Hades, who removed the Oracle's curse and Dionysus, who said he would check up on her and make sure her madness was fully gone.

Thalia, who didn't want much, was given access to her old powers that she had while she was the child of Zeus and some others that she would learn to control according to Hera.

Percy was the next to step up…

(AN: Same as cannon, Hestia and Hades are on the council, amnesty for the gods and peaceful Titans and all the 'Pay attention to your kids' part, I don't feel like stating something that is the same)

Naruto was next as he walked up next as he stood in front of the council.

"Naruto, for defeating a Titan Lord, stopping his rein and ensuring that he never rises again definitely deserves a reward" Hera said with a smile. "And like young Percy Jackson it can even be godhood" she said as he nodded.

"I am thankful for that but first I need to ask one thing of you" he said as he unsealed the Shinju peach behind his back silently.

"Of course as long as it isn't something large since you are becoming a god" Hera said as he shook his head.

"It isn't anything big, I just need you all to let me explain myself before you jump to conclusions" he said as Hades chuckled.

"Naruto, Zeus isn't on the council, we won't do that" the god of the Underworld said as some of the other gods and goddesses chuckled at it.

"Then first I should explain that I am not the child of Chaos" he said as everyone stared at him confused. "I came from another world, the Elemental Nations, which is ruled by the Shinto religion." He said as Hera connected the dots but chose to stay silent.

"My name is Naruto Otsutsuki, child of Kaguya Otsutsuki, grandchild of Amaterasu and Shinju. I was sent here with Chaos's blessing to help bring peace to this pantheon like I did with my home world after a madman controlled my mother and grandfather against their will" he said as he brought forth the peach.

"And I hope you still trust me after this" he said as he bit the peach and was enveloped in a golden light.

When the light died down his appearance had changed.

His blonde hair had grown more golden and reached the middle of his back in a ponytail with the same spikey bangs that framed his face. His horns had changed from coming from his forehead to coming out of the top of his head (same horns as Kaguya now). He wore a white kimono with black magatama markings around the collar and nine on his back in three rows of three. On his feet were two wooden sandals as Yamato and Ten no Kuroi Hono were strapped to his waist.

His eyes had become a darker sapphire blue with black concentric circles in his right eye and three tomoes in his left though with the dark blue color of his eyes they could barely be seen.

"My name is Naruto Otsutsuki, Shinto Primordial of Peace, Balance, Energy and Beasts" he said as the gods and goddesses that did not know stared at him in shock.

Hera only smiled at him "I do not mind of you being Shinto relations Naruto, you have done so much for our world, saving us from the rule of a tyrannical king and an ancient titan. I still have no doubt in my mind that you should be a god of our pantheon as well" she said as she stood from her throne.

"You would make me a Greek god even when I essentially lied from you?" he asked as he stared at her with a raised eyebrow.

She stepped down and walked towards him as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "You have saved us from destruction, you could be a Titan and I would still trust you" she said as he smiled. "Do you still accept my offer?"

Naruto looked to his grandfather who nodded to him as Naruto smiled and looked to Hera "I accept"

Hera smiled as she used her powers as Ruler of Olympus to instate Naruto as a god as the Fates appeared behind them.

"Hmm, a deity of two different pantheons has never happened before" Clotho said as she rose her hand.

"But we can see many great things coming from this" Lachesis said as she too rose her hand.

"We will come for your daughters when they both reach one year old for their domains. We wish you luck and look forward to your changes unfolding" Atropos said as Naruto glowed gold again.

"All Hail Naruto Otsutsuki, Greek god of Nature, Time, Heroes and Family" they said as they disappeared and the low faded

Only change to Naruto's looks were that his horns disappeared though there was still slight bumps where they use to be, meaning they could appear again. His hair also had thin streaks of bronze and his kimono now was dark blue with the magatama markings still on it.

In his hand was the golden orb of Kronos's domains and he noticed the crown and clock were gone from it.

'We have taken the domain of the Titan ruler and given it to the one who deserves it' Naruto heard the Fates speak in his head as he nodded his head.

He watched as the skull flew off to Hades and the wheat went to Demeter. "Hades gets evil because that is what he judges in the Underworld and Demeter gets the harvest because of her already present domains" he said as the orb dissipated in his hands.

"Now that the rewards are done let the celebration begin!" Poseidon yelled as everyone cheered and was flashed away leaving only Naruto and Hera in the room.

"Today was been an exhausting day hasn't it?" he said as Hera chuckled.

"Yes but good things have come out of it such as your children and becoming a Shinto Primordial and Olympian God" she said as he nodded.

"True, my two beautiful daughters" he said with a large smile.

"I was wanting to talk to you about something" she said as he nodded.

"Can we talk while we head to Hestia? I want to check up on her and the twins" he asked as Hera smiled and nodded as they started walking towards Hestia's temple.

"Being that you are such a strong being and the fact that you are the god of heroes I wanted to know if you would mind watching over Camp Half-Blood and possible be my advisor" she asked nervously as she fidgeted the hem of her dress, a slight blush getting on her cheeks.

"Watching over Camp-Half Blood would be perfect and being your advisor sounds very fun" he said as she smiled and they reached Hestia's temple.

"I must go back to the party, I hope you can drop by after checking on Hestia" she said as he nodded and smiled.

"I most likely will since I know my daughter Thalia will want to dance with me" he said as she chuckled and walked off as he entered the temple.

He smiled as he saw Hestia sleeping, curled up to the small babies that laid next to her as Calypso sat next to the bed watching over them all.

"How is she and the twins?" he asked softly as Calypso smiled.

"Lady Hestia is immensely tired, the second she laid on the bed she passed out" she said as Naruto chuckled.

"So tell me how did the reward ceremony go?" She asked as Naruto started recalling all the rewards as well as his.

"Wow," Calypso said in shock of how powerful the man in front of her was "you should go enjoy the party, the animals and I will watch over Hestia and the babies since they are in heavy guard" she said point to the animals that were standing guard all around them.

"Fine but if anything happens I am but a stab away" he said pointing to the marker that was next to her as she nodded with a smile.

He exited the temple, after going his wife a kiss on her forehead and made his way to the bustling celebration that was going on.

He smiled brightly as he saw his daughter and Annabeth dancing in the center as Rachel and Percy danced as well.

Luke was even dancing with Silena Beauregard, the child of Aphrodite. He knew the two of them had been flirting before the war but he was glad to see the two of them so close since they seemed to be dancing to a slow song.

Even Nico and Allison were dancing with smiles on their faces as they enjoyed themselves. Though they were being heavily watched by Bianca and strangely Hades as they danced.

Naruto nodded to the gods and goddesses as he walked through the ballroom. He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes as numerous nymphs and satyrs that were following him because of his domains until he saw Hera standing alone near the drinks.

"Well, my new queen, will you this humble servant of yours the honor and join me in a dance?" he asked as Hera smiled softly at him with a light chuckle.

"Are you sure Hestia will be okay with this?" she asked as he nodded.

"She is sleeping from giving birth and I can't let my sister-in-law be alone during the party" he said as she smiled and nodded, enjoying the company of someone she could consider a close friend.

As the party went on he also danced with Thalia, Annabeth, and Rachel before she had to leave for something he vaguely knew of.

He was happy with how things turned out and he only hoped it continued to be as such as he got to raise his children.

-Four Months Later-

Quite a lot had changed over the four months since the war with the Titans.

There was an air of peace in the air around camp as he had become the new director of camp as did Hestia in a sense since she basically lived in camp with him, in the new Big House that he had created with his Mokuton.

Both Naomi and Chloe were absolute perfect babies, not crying too much and being absolute sweeties as the whole camp loved them.

Though Thalia had become heavily protective of her two sisters, watching over everyone who held them with her EMS fully active.

With the two new baby goddesses more gods visited the Camp like Artemis, Demeter or even Poseidon, which was allowed since Hera had abolished the no visiting your children rule as long as the god or goddess did not train them or try and make them go down a certain path.

His own side of the family had even visited from time to time since Chaos allowed them.

He had to keep his grandmother from hugging the two girls, much to her disappointment. His mother was very proud of him for doing so much and becoming not only a Greek god but a Shinto Primordial.

Hera had changed and improved the Greeks so much in the short time she took rule and with Naruto by her side it was even more so.

Though with all the meetings Naruto had to bring in another person to watch his children, someone he trusted and had blessed as his first follower of sorts.

He turned and smiled at the woman. She had olive toned skin with long black hair with blue eyes as she wore a green toga like dress as she held Chloe in her arms as Calypso held Naomi in her arms.

"I am so sorry that it took so long how were the girls Medusa?" he asked as the use-to-be monster, now immortal woman smiled as she nuzzled against the happy baby that was making gurgling noises to prove it.

Around two months or so after the battle he had tracked her down and offered her the position, telling her of his situation and how his blessing would give her full protection and some other powers that she would use to protect his daughters.

Thankfully for him she accepted and the twins instantly loved her

"They were absolute darlings as they always are" Medusa said as Chloe patted her cheeks with a large smile.

"I'm so glad my darling girls were so well behaved" he said with a massive smile as he scooped up his two daughters and swayed with them making them both giggle uncontrollably as Hestia walked into the Big House.

"He is such a great father wouldn't you say Lady Hestia?" Calypso said as Medusa nodded along.

"I never doubted that fact, the way he cared for Thalia like she was his own" she said as she walked up to her husband as he continued to make the two girls giggle. "They need their dinner, you can continue to love on them after" she said as he smiled and handed them to her.

"It's okay, they probably need to sleep after and I need to check on Thalia to see how her training has been" he said as he kissed his two daughters softly on their heads and his wife deeply on the lips.

Hestia smiled as her husband left to check on their first real child.

-Hestia Cabin-

Thalia smiled as she snuggled up with Annabeth as the kissed each other softly. Ever since her father had become the director of camp her life had been great.

She was officially a child of her father since he claimed her in both pantheons, which gave her absolute control over her Sharingan, meaning no more massive drain and the unlocking of all its powers.

She still had to train with them but it was less painful to do and easier to do so as well.

She was supposed to be training but she wanted to be with her girlfriend more right now.

Thalia traced kisses down Annabeth's neck making the girl smile happy and moan lightly as she held Thalia close to her.

"I love you Thalia" she said as her black haired girlfriend smiled at her and kissed her deeply.

"I love you too Annie" she said as they snuggled closer to each other.


Naruto smiled as he overheard their conversation and decided to leave them be for since the life of a demigod was dangerous and he felt he needed to let them have their time alone.

He was brought out of his thoughts as a voice belonging to a familiar redhead rang out "Naru! What's up!?" Rachel yelled as she jumped onto his back.

He rolled his eyes at the camp's new Oracle.

It turned out that Rachel was the ideal and perfect host for the Oracle and had accepted the role shortly after the celebration.

She now lived in the new incredibly large attic, which he had decorated to her liking so whenever she was at camp she had a place to stay. She even helped watch over the twins occasionally.

"Just thinking about the way things are going in camp" he said as he walked through camp with Rachel still on his back.

"Hoping it stays this peaceful?" she asked as he nodded.

"Yes but even when this peace ends I will be here to stop whatever is coming with the help of my precious people since there is no chance in the Underworld that I am letting my family get hurt" he said as he stared at the falling sun.

He could only hope it would last a while longer.