Chapter 18

-Naruto POV-

Naruto smiled as he fed his six month old daughters some puréed food as he sat in the Big House, which he made bigger to accommodate the new family and the horde of animals that stood guard nearly all day and absolutely loved the twins. They even installed a large pool in the back for Shimizu to be able to play with the twins by splashing and doing tricks, which they loved.

But right now the two small girls were being a bit messy.

"Naomi, Chloe please stop being so messy for Papa" he said as the twins smiled and splashed their hands in their food.

"They are always like this ever since they have gotten old enough to eat mashed food" Calypso said as she tried to wipe the twin's hands as they squealed and giggled.

"Most likely they miss Hestia. Also the fact they act hyper and excited whenever the both of you aren't here together adds to it" Medusa said as she wiped their mouths and cheeks.

"She is busy with an Olympian meeting so they need to be nice for Papa" he said as he pet their heads making them smile and hold onto his hands.

"You weren't needed today?" Medusa asked as she knew how Naruto was Hera's advisor and often was called in to meetings to offer his level headed side of things.

"Not today, nothing important was being discussed so Hera let me be with my girls" he said as he kissed their cheeks making them giggle more.

"Well once they are done I'll heat up some bottles for them before bed" he said as the two handmaidens nodded and started helping clean things up, with some clones of Naruto, as the original picked up the twins and spun around making them squeal.

"Let's get you messy girls changed and ready for bed" he said he kissed the tops of their heads.


-Hera POV-

Hera sighed as the council meeting. Not out of annoyance or exhaustion from the meeting, more from some waves of emotions that have been swirling inside her since about halfway through the war, when Naruto saved her and defeated Zeus.

She knew he was married to Hestia and they had two twin girls but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her feelings for the blonde to go away. Every time he smiled or laughed in a meeting she had to focus heavily on hiding her blush.

And the fact she was single and he was married made things many times worse.

She was brought out of her thoughts as Poseidon got her attention. "Hera do you have anything else to bring up?" he asked.

She shook her head and smiled "Yes, I thank you all for another peaceful meeting. We can adjourn" she said as the council nodded and flashed away except for Hestia.

Hestia was frowning as she walked up to her "Sister is something wrong?" she asked as Hera sighed.

She was nervous, afraid even, that if she told Hestia the feelings she was harboring for her husband then her relationship with her would be ruined.

"No sister, just tired from the recent happenings. I'll be fine. You go back to your daughters and relax" she said as Hestia looked confused but nodded and warped away

She sighed and clenched her hands. She needed to get some control over her feelings or possibly get rid of them.

Things were hectic with Hera's emotions to say the least

-Next Day-

-Naruto POV-

Naruto smiled as Thalia carried the twins through camp so she could spend more time with them. "Come on you two, let's go find Annie" she said as Naruto chuckled as Shizen and Mamoru followed her.

"It's great that she has taken being an older sister so well" Hestia said as she sat next to him with a smile. She currently wore soft blue jeans with sandals and a long sleeve cinnamon colored shirt with a soft bronze necklace that had her and her husband's symbol on a small circle of jade, hers on one side and his on the other.

It was a matching necklace they both had. His always had her symbol showing and hers had his symbol showing.

"She use to have a younger brother but he disappeared" he said as other campers started following Thalia to play with the twins and chuckled once he saw her get over-protective of them.

"Well she still has the natural instinct to protect them and love them" she said as he kissed her cheek.

-Thalia POV-

"No Drew you will not play dress up with my sisters!" Thalia yelled as she narrowed her eyes at the daughter of Aphrodite.

"Come on, it's just a cute little outfit and it'll look perfect on them" she said as Thalia merely glared more and summoned her Sharingan.

"No! I will not let you make them all girly when they are just six months old!" she growled as the daughter of Aphrodite rose her hands in surrender.

"Stop being so protective Thalia, the girls love the attention and we both know no one in Aphrodite cabin would dare put make up on them since Naruto would get furious" a familiar voice said as she turned to see Luke sitting on a tree branch.

"Why are you taking her side? Is it because you are dating Silena?" She asked as she glared up at him and the twins squealed, trying to reach their hands up to him.

Luke chuckled at the twins as he got off the branch and let them grab his fingers "I am just saying that Naruto loves seeing them in cute outfits. Remember the fox and rabbit onesies he put them in a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah but Aphrodite cabin always goes overboard plus the girls don't like how their cabin smells" Thalia grumbled out as she frowned.

"We aired out the perfume and made it so if campers want to do it they have to do it outside" Silena said as she walked through the crowd and gave Luke a kiss on the cheek.

"Talk to Naruto about it, I need to find Annie" Thalia said as she walked away with the help of Mamoru and Shizen.

"Such a shame, I wanted to play with the twins today" Silena said with a pout.

"Don't worry Naruto lets me spend time with them tomorrow" Luke said as Silena and the Aphrodite cabin cheered.

Spending time with the twins was something everyone at camp absolutely loved and the fact the twins loved everybody only made it better.

From Ares cabin (who denied liking spending time with them though everyone saw how much Clarisse liked it) to Hades cabin (with Melinoe cabin) who were a bit worried the twins would be afraid but they loved it when Allison made ghost rabbits and birds fly around them or when Nico and Bianca played with them.

All in all the twins were the camp mascot and everyone got to spend time with them as long as the animals as well as Thalia, Calypso or Medusa were there it keep watch.

Thalia grumbled as she walked over to Hestia cabin since Athena apparently wasn't too fond of having small children in her cabin.

Probably something about possibly damaging books.

"There you are Thalia, I was wondering if you forgot and went to Athena cabin instead" Annabeth said as she leaned against the door.

"I didn't forget I just got held up by Aphrodite cabin and Luke" she said as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek.

The twins merely smiled as they reached for Annabeth who smiled and held them both in her arms.

"How are my two little sisters-in-law?" She teased as Thalia blushed dark red and the twins squealed as she bounced with them in her arms.

"T-They'd be better if people didn't tease their sister" Thalia stuttered as she blushed and grabbed Annabeth's hips making her squeak and jump a bit.

"T-Thalia not when I am holding the twins" she blushed as the twins looked at them confused.

"Well then I can wait" Thalia said as she kissed Annabeth's neck before kissing the twins on their cheeks.

"Fine let's start their little lesson" Annabeth said as her blush died away.

Over the last few weeks the both of them were trying to help the twins with making more noises to help them develop. They also played with them a lot with toys and everything.

Thankfully Hestia cabin had diapers and wipes since they had them until lunch or so until Naruto wanted them back so he could feed them and lay them down for a nap.

Thalia smiled as she watched her girlfriend played with her sisters. Annabeth was amazing with the twins and the sisters-in-law made her start thinking of their future.

She wanted to be with Annabeth forever and had often contemplated marriage but it always made her nervous.

The fact that Athena didn't know of their situation is another reason for her nervousness as Athena wasn't the most understanding goddess at times.

And the fact that Annabeth often teased about having kids of their own made her sad for the fact she couldn't provide that for her.

Sure Hera or Artemis could set up some special conception but she wasn't too sure about it.

"Thalia, are you okay?" Annabeth asked as the twins crawled over to their sister.

"I'm fine, just in thought. Come on girls, I think you're a bit hungry" she said as the twins smiled as she picked them up.

Annabeth knew something was on Thalia's mind but she knew this wasn't the best time to talk about it since the twins were with them.

"Come in Annie" Thalia said as Annabeth nodded, deciding to bring it up later when they were alone.

-Naruto POV-

Naruto smiled as he saw campers running around, enjoying themselves as things had been calm since the war ended.

He often saw minor gods visiting camp and even a majority of the major ones as well.

All they had to do was sign a sign-in sheet when they got there and when they left so he would know who all was there.

The only god he had troubles with was Ares since he constantly wanted to train his kids but that would be against the new rule so the god of war settled for watching over their training and making comments since it was criticism and not training.

He smiled as he saw Hermes flash next to him.

"Sup Naruto, I got some time off so I wanted to check on my kids and Luke. Is that okay?" He asked as Naruto nodded.

"Just sign the sheet as usual. I think Luke is with Aphrodite cabin hanging out with Silena but I'm sure he'll spend time with you" he said as Hermes smiled, signed the sheet and darted off to his children.

Hermes and Apollo were the most common gods to see at camp.

Aphrodite was next as she liked to teach her kids make up tutorials and how to accessorize much to the girls delight and males dismay. She also caused a bit of trouble with her aura but he was able to suppress it so no demigods got lust crazy

Naruto always liked seeing gods and goddesses drop by to see their children, even the most strict gods and goddesses like Ares or even Athena at times.

"Sup Blondie who dropped by" Rachel asked as she walked out of the house wearing a large t-shirt and shorts as her unruly red hair looked like a large mane or afro.

"Hermes doing his usual visit. Why were you hoping for someone else?" He asked as she sighed.

"I wanna talk to Apollo about this virgin business and if there were any ways around it" she said as she ran a blue brush roughly through her hair.

"Well I'm sure you can figure something out" he said as he patted her hair making her pout.

Naruto looked at his clock as it was nearing time for lunch just as he saw Annabeth and Thalia carrying Naomi and Chloe towards him.

"There are my four girls" he said making Annabeth blush since she wasn't use to being considered a daughter to him. "Were you good for your big sisters?" he asked the twins as he picked them up from Thalia.

"They were the perfect angels they always are. Silena and Drew wanted to play dress up but I stopped them" Thalia said as he chuckled.

"You know they can play with the twins as the animals would stop them from doing anything dangerous or harmful to them. Plus the twins love playing dress up" he said as he bounced a bit making them giggle.

"Come on its time for lunch and they need a nap soon" he said as he kissed their cheeks and the conch horn blew.

"Fine but if they do it I'm watching over them" Thalia said as she followed her dad, dragging Annabeth along as the blonde girl chuckled at her girlfriend's antics.

-Dining Area-

Naruto sighed as he sat at the dining area with his wife and the twins.

The twins were being great since both of them were there so that wasn't what he was sighing about.

It was more because of the mixture of Athena cabin, minus Annabeth, glaring heavily at Medusa (who ignored it completely and refused to acknowledge them) as they had been since she was hired and Aphrodite trying to fuss over the twins but they didn't seem to like the goddess's aura.

The twins were a bit hypersensitive to very odd things. They could handle Hades and Dionysus but were odd around Ares and Aphrodite.

He figured it had something to do with their possible empathy that they might have inherited from him but until they were older he would have no clue.

"Aphrodite please go sit with your kids, the twins need to eat before they take a nap and you're making them fussy" he said as the goddess of love pouted.

"They always do this with me!" she whined as she crossed her arms. "They never do this with Hades for Chaos's sake!" she complained as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Please just sit down, we can figure this out later but they need to eat" he said as she walked away grumbling about 'Hades' and 'unfair'.

"It does seem weird that they act like this around her" Hestia said as she fed them some baby food as they clapped and smiled for her.

"I would act like that too if Aphrodite kept trying to pinch my cheeks and make me all gussied up" Medusa said as she crossed her arms.

"Maybe if she drew in her aura they'd be better?" Calypso said as Naruto sighed.

"Honestly I don't know but all I want is for them to be comfortable and if they aren't comfortable around her then she needs to do something" he said as he played with the twins.

Lunch went great, even though Hermes tried to start a food fight with Apollo but a stern scolding from Hestia stopped the two near instantly, which caused many demigods to laugh at them being scolded.

He smiled as he saw the twins starting to fall asleep as Calypso and Medusa carefully picked them up from their high-chairs.

"We can lay them down" Medusa said as Hestia smiled and kissed the twins on their foreheads.

"Thank you Medusa and Calypso. You two are always huge helps" she said as the two smiled and nodded before carefully taking the twins to the big house.

"Hey Dad I was wondering if you could help me train with my Sharingan?" Thalia asked as she sat down next to him on his table.

"Sure thing Thalia, I've been meaning to help you more but the twins have been taking up most my time sadly" he said as he ruffled her hair. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel unimportant or not worth his time.

"I totally understand Dad, the two of them are handfuls at time and thanks" she said as she hugged him with a warm smile.

"We can start in a bit if you want I just have to grab a few scrolls from the Big House" he said as she smiled and nodded.

"At the usual clearing?" she asked as he nodded.

"I'll be there shortly" he said with a kiss on her forehead as she bound off to the clearing as Annabeth followed behind her.

"You really are a great father with making sure to still be here for Thalia as well" Hestia said as she held his hand.

"Well I have to care for all my children, which means the twins and Thalia. Even Annabeth since she is so close with Thalia" he said kissing her hand.

"You go and spend time with Thalia, tell her I love her as well" she said as he nodded and went off to the Big House as she tended to the hearth with a warm smile.


Hestia smiled down at her twins as she pet their heads as they slept softly.

Naomi's red vibrant hair was coming through thickly and Chloe's auburn hair was following just behind her sister. Naomi's eyes were slowly becoming a vibrant purple as Chloe's were becoming an amber shade.

To Hestia her daughters were becoming beautiful and were going to be gorgeous when they grew up. She might have to worry about gods going after them but if it got too much she could have them swear on Styx the same way she did until she met Naruto.

She loved being a mother and everything but the last week or so had been exhausting.

All the meetings and the old enemies stirring as well as the discussion of the new Prophecy of Seven it was all quite tiring.

Hera didn't want to announce anything about the possible threat as she didn't want to cause panic until she was entirely sure and she understood the reason for that.

She was a bit worried for the safety of the demigods but she knew whatever happened they would be strong and Naruto would stand behind them to help.

She smiled as the two small twins' grabbed ahold of her fingers as they slept. She wanted her children safe and she put all her faith in Naruto and knew that he would do everything he could to save them