Chapter 19

-Naruto POV-

Naruto frowned as he walked down the steps, into the dungeon of Olympus. Though it really wasn't a dungeon if it was only one prison with one prisoner.

It was his monthly visit to check the seals and bindings that bound Zeus. He was entirely confident that his seals and chains would keep Zeus locked away but Hera often needed reassurance that he would stay locked up and away from her. And frankly he didn't mind being the one to calm her nerves.

"Ah so you're here again boy. And here it feels like you visited me only yesterday" a gruff male's voice said as Naruto sighed and opened the cell to see Zeus sitting on the bed with a frown evident on his face.

Ever since Zeus's removal from power his body had changed drastically. Gone was the large muscular and imposing god as now he looked frail, weak and skinny.

Naruto guessed that Zeus had used his godly powers to look imposing when in fact he never really trained or worked out.

The only thing that stuck around was Zeus's beard, which only seemed to grow to fit his much older look as Zeus now looked around 70 or 80 years old even though Apollo assured them he was essentially in his late 30's.

"It's the usual monthly check up Zeus. Show me the shackles" he said as Zeus groaned and rolled up the sleeves to his grey baggy long sleeve shirt to reveal two golden shackles that seemed a bit big on his wrists but were kept on him by his hands.

Engraved all over the shackles were small, heavily detailed and insanely powerful seals that he had created with his crescent mark.

"They are on the same as they always have been, every attempt I make to bang on them I feel massive bolts through me and the damn things repair themselves" Zeus said as Naruto nodded and summoned him his lunch.

Naruto or the Olympians weren't cruel to the former god, even if he was a massive asshole to everyone else so they made sure he had a nice bed, food when he needed it, bathroom to use and anything else such as clothes and what not.

Hera had various, trustworthy gods act as the usual guards to Zeus's cell though it wasn't really needed.

If Zeus by some miraculous way got out of his cell the seals on his shackles would shock him with enough electricity to render anyone unconscious and then it would activate a warp seal that would send him back into his cell, only this time bound in golden chains until his cell was closed and refortified.

Naruto didn't take any chances with Zeus since the man had a lot of knowledge of Olympus and absolutely no loyalties to them anymore since he hated Naruto and everyone else.

"How are those brats of yours" Zeus grumbled as Naruto glared at him.

"Don't call my daughters brats or I can make these like shock collars that respond to a spike in my chakra to zap you" he said as Zeus scoffed. "And if you must know they are great and everybody loves them"

"Whatever, just get this finished so I can get back to sulking" Zeus said as Naruto rolled his eyes.

"I still don't understand why you did everything you did. Attacking your own wife and my wife just because you didn't like me" Naruto said as he finished looking over the seals. "Your paranoia has always been your fatal flaw"

"Shut up! You aren't even Greek! I had every right to be suspicious of you!" he yelled as Naruto shook his head.

"I may not be Greek but I was here with permission of Chaos! Your essential god and creator of everything! If I was bad do you really think she would have let me come here!?" Naruto yelled back as Zeus grew silent.

"Whatever it doesn't matter, you got your punishment for your idiotic actions. I need to get back to camp" he said as Zeus grunted as he left.


-Luke POV-

Luke smiled as he watched the twins crawl around Aphrodite cabin as Naomi wore a wolf onsie and Chloe wore a rabbit onsie as the campers of Aphrodite's cabin were taking pictures and squealing over the twin's cuteness.

The twins were currently crawling after a shrunken version of Mamoru the wolf that was essentially the wolf in puppy form.

The animals often were seen around the twins in their younger forms so they could play with them and not have to worry about hurting them.

They were able to do so apparently due to Naruto's full blessing of time.

Naruto had given Thalia, Annabeth, Percy and himself all his blessings. For the most part it made their chakra more potent and even given Thalia an easier time going into her sage mode and complete control over her Sharingan.

It also was told to make them age slower than normal or even stop aging all together but only once he activated it on them.

"Come on girls we need to get them changed into their swimsuits" Luke said as a collective whine sounded out from the cabin.

"You all know that Naruto wants them getting use to the water and it could help them build their leg muscles up for them to walk in time" Luke said as they grumbled but picked them up so they could change them

"Just imagine how they will look in little one piece swimsuits with little ruffles and everything" Silena said as a spark got in the eyes of the campers before they started working.

"See, that's how you motivate Aphrodite cabin" Silena said as she kissed his cheek.

"Well that definitely works" Luke said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled at the twins as they giggled while being changed.

"These little girls are going to be such heartbreakers when they get older" Drew said as Luke rolled his eyes.

"You do know that Artemis is gunning to have them join the hunters and might even get them to take a vow of chastity when they reach that age" he said as Drew frowned

"That's no fun, they need to experience love and some heartbreak" Drew said as Luke scoffed but a smack on the arm from Silena silenced him.

Luke still rolled his eyes at them. He personally took his role as uncle and godfather very seriously and was often protective of them. Not as bad as Thalia but enough that he always had them in view and was often the chaperone of the group that looked after them.

The only reason Calypso or Medusa weren't with them was because Naruto gave them the day off to relax and take care of whatever stuff they needed to.

Calypso was checking up on her island since she still had flowers and plants growing on it.

Medusa on the other hand was looking for her two other sisters who she had heard rumors about being somewhere in California so Naruto let her have time to search.

"Come on, we can't keep them waiting for too long" he said as Drew nodded and finished changing Chloe as Silena finished up Naomi.

They both were wearing soft cream one piece swimsuits with small little soft bronze tutus around their waist.

"Are you all in your swimsuits as well?" Luke asked as he pointed to his gold trunks that had branch designs on them and he picked up the twins.

"Well we still need to change but you can always stick around to watch" Silena said in a sultry whisper as Luke grew a blush as she started to pull up her shirt before he rushed out of the cabin with Mamoru right behind him.

"He is so fun to tease I swear" Silena said as her cabin mates laughed before they started to get changed


Luke smiled as he bounced with the twins making them smile and giggle before he had to cover their eyes as gods and goddesses started flashing in. He wasn't affected by it since Naruto's blessing also seemed to protect him from the blinding light of the gods flashing into the area.

He wasn't sure about a god or goddess's divine form but he didn't feel like testing that theory just yet.

"Ah so I'm not late" he heard Poseidon say as the light died down to reveal the god of the sea standing ankle deep in the water wearing an open Hawaiian shirt and blueish-green trunks with his normal trident in hand.

"No, you are just in time brother" Luke heard Hestia say as she walked down to the beach wearing a soft blue bikini top with a blue wrap around her waist as she smiled at him with the twins.

"Why don't you tow just look adorable" Hestia said as she picked up the twins from Luke. "Thank you Luke for looking after them while I had a meeting and Naruto had to check up on something"

"It is no worries Hestia, I always love looking after them and I feel they like me as well" he said as he let the twins squeeze his fingers as Hestia giggled

"You know they love you Luke, you are their godfather after all" Naruto said as he entered the beach before multiple flashes filled the beach until basically the entire Olympian council appeared at the beach in their swimsuits.

The only two that seems to be missing were Athena and Ares. Athena was most likely missing because it was a beach party and that ensured that Poseidon would be there and Ares most likely choosing not to go because it was a party and not a battle of some sort.

"Ah it is always good to relax at times like these" Hera said as she smiled at Naruto as more demigods started to arrive.

"And where better to relax and unwind then with your children" Naruto said as he smiled and went over to Hestia who was easing the twins into the water with Poseidon.

"My little nieces already love the water" Poseidon said as he watched the twins splash around in the water as the water nymphs came up to tickle their feet making them giggle and smile even more.

"They love everything Poseidon but yeah, they do like making messes and with the water they think they are" he said as Shimizu tried getting close to them but they were in too shallow water.

"I want to take them in a bit deeper but I just don't want to rush it" Hestia said as Poseidon chuckled.

"They will be 100% safe in my domain sister, the water will keep them afloat and the nymphs and Shimizu will all keep them safe," he said as he turned to the nymphs and dolphin "won't you all?" he said as they nodded adamantly and Hestia smiled.

"You go and play in the water with the girls, I need to talk with Hera for a moment" he said as she kissed his cheek with a smile.

"Okay, love you" she said as he smiled warmly.

"Love you too" he said as he watched Poseidon and Hestia slowly get deeper in the water as the twins smiled and pet Shimizu.

Naruto smiled as he saw many demigods enjoying their parent's company. He even saw Annabeth and Thalia splashing around in the water. He waved to them as he neared Hera, who sat in a lounge chair.

"Why aren't you enjoying the water?" he asked as she looked nervously at him.

"Well ever since I married Zeus he never really let me in the water, claiming that I would cheat on him or betray him if I did so" she said with a frown. "How was the check up on him?" she asked as she rubbed her arms with a nervous look.

"The seals are as strong as ever and he is the same jerk as ever. And why not go in now, you are a single woman and your brother is allowing everyone into the water today for the party. Plus even if it wasn't the party he would still let you in" he said as she smiled

"W-Well I guess I can go in" she said as she took off her shawl, revealing her dark blue bikini that had a lotus flower designs on them.

"Come on, it'll be fun" he said as he grabbed her hand with a smile and led her into the ocean as he was unaware of the light blush on the goddesses cheeks.

She watched as he led her to Hestia and the twins as the two small girls looked at her with curiosity as they tried to get over to her.

"Oh it looks like the twins want to see you" Hestia said as Hera nervously accepted the small girls

"This is your first time holding them isn't it" Naruto said as Hera nodded as the twins patted her cheeks with smiles.

"Well it seems they already love you" Hestia said making Hera smile softly as the twins smiled and Hera eased into the water with her

Naruto smiled at Hera enjoying the twins as he felt someone jump onto his back.

"Sup dad, where's mom?" Thalia asked as he saw Annabeth come over as well.

Thalia was wearing a black bikini top with orange waves on it with dark orange shorts as Annabeth wore a grey bikini with darker grey vertical stripes on it.

"She is with Poseidon and Hera with the twins, she's helping them get use to the water" he said as she sat in his shoulders with a smile.

"Hey you think you could use Gyuki to give us something to jump off of" Thalia asked with a smirk.

"My forms are not playthings" he said as she whined

"Oh come on, everybody wants somewhere to dive from and there is nothing around" she said as he sighed and stood up as she fell back into the water

"Fine but only for a bit" he said as she smiled and nodded as she went off to tell the others.

"I swear she still acts like a child at times" he said as Annabeth chuckled.

"Yeah but it's one of her best features" she said as she followed after Thalia.

Naruto smiled at them as he walked onto the water as Hestia turned to him.

"Is everything okay?" She asked as he nodded and chuckled.

"Just the kids wanting to use my Gyuki form to jump off of" he said as she covered her mouth to hide a giggle.

"Have fun and be careful" she said as he kissed the twins as they smiled at him before he fell into the water.

"Does he often take his beast forms for the campers?" Hera asked as Hestia nodded

"Wether it is for training, lounging or messing around he gets along with the campers amazingly so they often like seeing the forms. The smaller campers like them too since they find them cute" she said as she remembered the time he took Matatabi's form in the winter to warm up the camp a bit

Naruto waved to the nymphs as he drifted to the bottom of the lake "I hope you all don't mind this" he said to the nymphs as he made an air bubble around his mouth.

"We do not mind Lord Naruto. We personally love your water forms" one nymph said as he chuckled and slowly changed into his Gyuki form.

The campers, and even some gods and goddesses watched as the eight tailed bull octopus form of Naruto peeked its head out of the lake and its tentacles reached to the beach.

"Wow it's larger than I remember" Hera said as the twins tried to reach over to it with massive smiles as they squealed. "And it looks like the twins want to see their dad now"

"They often love crawling over his beast forms. Their favorite would have to be Matatabi or Kurama" Hestia said as with the help of Poseidon stood on top of the water with Hera.

Naruto smiled as he helped them onto his snout as the twins crawled over to his eyes as he used his tentacles to take campers up for them to jump into the lake.

"Do you have them Naruto? I need to go and pick up Percy" Poseidon said as Naruto nodded lightly so he didn't knock anyone off. Poseidon ruffled the twin's hair before making sure Hestia covered their eyes before flashing away.

"It still is odd to see you in your beast forms" Hera said as she gingerly sat down as Hestia sat down

"It's still him he is just in a different form" Hestia said as she watched the twins pat Naruto's snout as he chuckled.

"Um Hestia, can I talk with you about something in private?" Hera asked as Hestia rose an eyebrow but nodded.

"Can you look after the twins?" she asked as Naruto nodded softly again as he formed a normal clone inside the beast form as it kept it solid and he appeared next to the twins with a smile

"I've got this, you two go talk" he said as he covered the twin's eyes as they flashed away.

Naruto smiled as he picked up the twins "Why don't we go visit some of the others and have some fun" he said as the twins smiled and pat his cheeks.

-Hestia and Hera-

Hestia smiled at her sister as they arrived at the her hearth in Olympus as everyone was at the beach, even Athena's cabin begrudgingly after Annabeth made them come down

"So sister what is it you need to talk to me? You seem worried about something" she said as Hera fidgeted and sat next to her.

"Well for nearly a year, shortly after Zeus was dealt with, I started to fall for someone" Hera said as Hestia smiled at her.

"Oh I'm so glad for you. I was worried that you wouldn't find someone to love" she said as Hera gained a worried look as she wrung her hands together.

"T-That's the bad part. The person I love is someone who is already married and as the goddess of marriage I shouldn't be having these feelings" Hera said as Hestia rubbed her back

"Never be sorry for who you fall in love with. And if it is a god then I am sure his wife can settle something out with you" Hestia said as Hera bit her lip.

"I-Its Naruto" she said as Hestia stared at her in shock.


Naruto smiled as he saw Hades holding Chloe as Persephone held Naomi. "See they still love you. I don't know what your fear is of your nieces being afraid of you Hades" he said as the good of death gave him a deadpan look.

"Naruto, I am the god of death and now evil, my own children are normally afraid of me so the fact that these two aren't affected surprises me greatly every time" he said as Persephone chuckled.

"I think the twins can sense how you really are and not how others perceive you" she said as Naruto nodded.

"I figure they have my negative-emotion sensing that I got from my grandfather but they are affected by some auras, such as Ares or Aphrodite and I figure that is because they aren't use to feeling love or anger all too much" he said as Chloe bounced in Hades's arms.

Naruto's attention was pulled away as he felt a spike of fear and worry coming from Olympus but was pulled away as he felt someone hug his arm.

He looked over to see Rachel smiling at him. She was wearing a white bikini with paint splatter designs with jean shorts. Her red hair was pulled back in a ponytail as she stared at him.

"Come on Blondie, you need to help me talk with Apollo about my situation and now is the best time!" she said as she started pulling him away.

"We can look after the twins with Jigoku and Ryoken, you help young Rachel" Persephone said as the two headed hellhound nodded and let out a bark as Naruto nodded.

"Thanks you two" he said as he let Rachel pull him away.

"Holding these two makes me want more kids" Persephone said as Hades grew a light blush as his wife moved closer to him.

-Dinner Time-

Naruto frowned as he didn't see Hestia or Hera anywhere as dinner started.

He decided to cook homemade food for the campers and gods instead of the automatically created food. He had clones working the grill to make hamburgers, corn, potatoes and even tofu burgers for the vegetarians.

His talk with Apollo was a bit exhausting but he got him to agree to let her be in a relationship as long as she stays a virgin, it was better than 'no-relationships-at-all' deal she and Apollo had originally.

He smiled as he saw Poseidon talking and laughing with Percy as they sat at his table. It could just be the feeling he got from his family domain but it always made him smile to see the gods and goddesses spend time with their children.

Artemis was even being there for Athena's kids as Aphrodite was being there for Ares's as the two of them were elsewhere.

"Artemis have you seen Hera or Hestia lately?" he asked as the goddess of the hunt bounced with the twins before looking over at him

"Not since they left the beach" she said as she wore her usual outfit as she had changed out of her silver one piece swim suit. "Did something happen?" she asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea, one second they were sitting with me and then the next moment Hera said she needed to talk with Hestia alone and they have been gone since then" he said as she nuzzled against the twins.

"They'll come back once they are ready and done talking" Artemis said as the twins smiled at her.

"More importantly can I borrow these adorable girls for a couple days" Artemis whined as she held them close to her.

Naruto chuckled as he rolled his eyes "Only if you stay at camp so they can still get fed and everything" he said as she whined louder

"Fine but I get to look after them for the whole day and Hestia will be the one to feed them since every time they see you they want to be near you" she said as he nodded and she cheered.

Ever since the twins were born Artemis was in love with them as in her eyes they were the perfect girls, but to be fair everyone thought that.

Artemis was gunning on making them hunters or eternal maidens like she was. Naruto kept having to tell her it would be the twin's decisions once they reach that age and he wasn't going to let anyone force them to make a decision.

He turned away from Artemis as he felt another spike of emotions, only this time it was joy, gratefulness and even love and it came from Olympus again but right now, just like last time he was too busy to check it out though he had the strongest feeling it was about him

-Hera and Hestia Back Before Dinner-

Hestia started at Hera in shock as her mind worked to go through what was just told to her by her sister.

"Y-You love Naruto?" Hestia said as Hera stared at the floor in fear.

"I've tried many times to get these feelings out of my head but I can't. He is the first man to ever treat me like a real person and not some dainty queen" Hera said as she refused to meet Hestia's eyes.

"I never planned to fall for him, it eats me away every time I see him or you or especially the twins" she said as tears started to build up in the corners of her eyes. "I haven't made any moves on my feelings as I would never do that to you, just please don't hate me" she started babbling until she was silenced by Hestia hugging her and shushed her softly.

"Shhh sister, I would never hate you. As I said, never be sorry for who you fall in love with" Hestia said as she rubbed Hera's back. "I have known for a while but I knew you had to gather the courage to tell me" she said as Hera looked at her in shock

"You knew?" she said as Hestia nodded

"I have seen the way you look at him Hera but I knew you would have to tell me yourself since I saw how you were coming to terms with it" she said as Hera looked at her.

"I don't want to ruin our relationship Hestia, we just recently fixed it and falling in love with your husband would have done that" Hera said as Hestia held her closer.

"Hera I know how you don't throw around the word love since you have only loved one other person" Hestia said as she held her sister's hand. "If you truly love him then tell him, whatever he decides will be fine with me. We can both be with the man we love, I mean there has been weirder relationships" Hestia said as Hera chuckled and wiped her tears.

"You are really okay with this?" Hera asked nervously as Hestia nodded.

"Hera you are my sister and I love you so much, and if this makes you happy then this can work" she said as she rubbed her sister's hand.

Hera smiled as she hugged her sister "I love you too sister. I'll tell him first thing tomorrow but first we should probably head back as I think he might be worrying about us" she said as Hestia nodded and flashed back to camp.


Naruto smiled as he saw Hestia and Hera return, still in their bathing suits as it was only slightly after dinner and they had left earlier in the morning, shortly after lunch.

"There you two are, I was worried something happened to you" he said as he kissed Hestia on the cheek.

"Sorry, it was girl talk" she said with a smile. "Where are the twins?"

"They are being watched over by Artemis who begged to watch after them tomorrow so I let her as long as she stayed at camp" he said as Hestia smiled.

"Perfect, you need to spend time with Hera tomorrow as she has an important topic to talk to you about and I approve of it, all that matters is your decision" she said as she kissed him and went inside.

Naruto looked to Hera in confusion as she nodded to him.

"I will see you tomorrow, I must return to Olympus. Today was fun" she said as he nodded.

"See you tomorrow then" he said as she flashed away.

Naruto felt curious about the important topic and all the secrecy but figured he'd figure it out tomorrow. He shrugged his shoulders as he went back inside to the Big House, he'd figure it all out tomorrow.