Chapter 20

Naruto chuckled as he saw Artemis, with the help of Zoe, take the twins off to her cabin to look after them. Hestia followed them to help get them situated and everything

They both knew that Artemis could handle looking after the twins but Hestia was just being the doting mother she was known to be and Artemis understood sine she knew how the new mother worried about her kids.

He was free to relax for a bit until Hera called him with her marker so they could talk about whatever important decision she had to tell him about. He had tried to get some hints out of Hestia but all he got was 'I am okay with her decision' and 'it all depends on you'.

He was confused so until Hera called him he was relaxing alone since everyone else had things to do.

Thalia was off on a date with Annabeth in the city, Luke was with Silena most likely doing the same, Percy was back at home with his mom and Rachel was even in heavy debate with Apollo to negotiate her Oracle terms since she, and he, personally believed that the virgin thing was useless but Apollo was surprisingly set in his old ways.

He smiled as he summoned a glass of tea when he blinked as a flash filled the room.

"Oh hello Demeter, here to visit your kids?" he asked as the goddess of the harvest frowned and looked around.

"Yes but I was also hoping to talk with Hestia about something" she said as Naruto frowned and summoned another cup of tea.

"Come sit down, I'm told from many people I am good at solving problems and helping" he said as she nodded and sat down.

"Well you are my brother in law so as Hestia always says 'Family can solve any worries'" she said with a smile.

Demeter took a sip of her tea and frowned "Well you know Persephone's ordeal with Hades and Fall is coming soon, the mark of when she has to be locked up in the Underworld" she said as he nodded.

"That is true but from what I have seen between the two their relationship isn't as bad as it used to be" he said making Demeter frown. "Now I'm not saying that kidnapping her is good but compared to how Zeus and some other gods got their wives it's pretty tame" he said with a shiver.

"But she is forced to stay there!" she said as she slammed her hand down.

"Yes I know that but from what I have seen Hades didn't touch her until she grew comfortable with him, he made her feel welcomed in the Underworld. Letting her plant gardens and mess with his temple. If anything he is a caring husband to her and he even lets you visit" he said as she frowned but nodded.

"If anything sit her down and ask her about it. If she is happy with him then just continue visiting while she is there" he said as she nodded.

"I just don't like having her not up here" she said as he nodded.

"Makes sense, having one's child away from them feels weird but Hades is a good man, he isn't as bad as Zeus always made him seem" he said as Demeter nodded as she stood up.

"Well I better be getting to the real reason I came here. Where's the sign in sheet?" she asked as he pointed to the door to show a scroll that was partially unrolled to reveal lines to be written on.

"Right there and then you just go have fun until you have to leave" he said as she smiled and nodded.

He was fond of Demeter, she was a kind woman and a sweet mother to her demigods and godly children. Plus she was always fun to talk to. They often talked about his Mokuton and other abilities as she found the ability to control Nature and harness it very interesting.

Even Persephone was very nice to talk to as well since she shared her mother's plant based domain. And he had already talked to her about her situation with Hades and she had told him she was actually happy with it. It seemed Hades was a real softie and sweetheart when they were alone and he was even like that when they first got married.

He left her alone until she was comfortable to come out of her room and didn't lay one finger on her until she was okay with it.

To Naruto it seemed Hades inherited Rhea's kindness towards others, even when you considered his domains.

Naruto smiled as he saw Demeter's children run up to her with large smiles as she gave all of them hugs.

It was always great to see the demigods with their godly parent.

-Hestia and Artemis-

"Now they can only eat mashed food and they tend to be messy eaters" Hestia said as she wiped the twin's faces with a wet wipe.

"Yes and they can only drink your milk" Artemis said with a smile. "Aunt relax I think I am capable enough to look after my little cousins"

Hestia giggled as she nodded. "I know but I just have to make sure. They are my darling girls" she said as Artemis nodded

"Go and relax with Naruto, you deserve it" she said as Hestia chuckled.

"He has a very important meeting with Hera today so he will be gone most of the day probably so I am going to relax in my main hearth for a bit" she said with a smile

"Something important?" Artemis asked as Hestia chuckled.

"Something very personal that is all" Hestia said as she smiled.

"Have fun with them and don't try and make them make any vows as they aren't even one year old" Hestia said as she narrowed her eyes lightly making Artemis sweat in slight fear and nod quickly.

"That was only one time, I swear I won't do it again" Artemis mumbled as Hestia smiled and kissed the twins on their heads before leaving the cabin.


Hera frowned as she paced her temple nervously.

'I-I have to do it today. I can't hold back any longer' she thought as she took deep breaths and tried to calm her nerves.

"So the feelings of love are coming from you" a feminine voice spoke out as Hera quickly turned around to see Aphrodite standing behind her with a smirk.

"Aphrodite!? What are you doing in my temple?!" Hera asked as she narrowed her eyes at the love goddess.

"Well I felt such strong love coming from someone on Olympus so I had to find out who it was coming from" Aphrodite said as Hera continued to frown.

"My feelings are none of your concern Aphrodite as you already know you are not allowed to mess with the love lives of other gods and goddesses" Hera said making the love goddess frown and pout.

"But this is you! The last person I would have thought to have these feelings since you have only loved Zeus and that love pales in comparison to this one. It's like comparing an ant to a god" she said as Hera started to blush

"So who is the lucky god to get your love? Does he already know?" Aphrodite asked as Hera cleared her throat and shook away the blush

"Neither of those things are your concern" Hera said as Aphrodite pouted but let it drop since the glare Hera was giving her was getting scary.

"W-Well have fun then" Aphrodite said as she quickly flashed away

Hera sighed as she made sure to build up her temple's defenses to hide her emotions from being sensed by others since she would be soon summoning Naruto here to confess to him.

The thought of confessing to a married man felt wrong but she honestly couldn't deny that she loved him. And the fact that her sister was willing to allow it was even more touching.

She nervously pulled out her marker and clutched it in her hands as she looked at the time. 'Artemis should be there already meaning Hestia is with her and Naruto is alone. It's now or never' she thought as she stabbed the marker into her temple floor.

-Thalia and Annabeth-

Thalia smiled happily as she looked her girlfriend. She had taken her through New York for most of the day. It was their first official "date" outside of camp and Thalia was pulling out every stop.

So far they had been to nearly every museum around them and she could see the joy in Annabeth's eyes as she told her about every exhibit in the museum.

"Have you had fun today?" Thalia asked as they currently were sitting in an old fashioned diner, snacking on French fries and sharing a milkshake as well.

Even after she expressed how embarrassing (because of the cheesy-ness factor) it was to share one in public but she couldn't say no to Annabeth after she started begging for her to do it.

"It was amazing Thalia, thank you so much for it" Annabeth said as she leaned across the table and kissed her softly.

Thalia smiled as she returned the kiss. She may be embarrassed to do cheesy things like share milkshakes but she was never embarrassed to kiss the girl she loved.

"It's the least I can do. Though I am sad we can't leave New York" Thalia said with a frown.

She didn't know what was going on but her father had told her to stay in New York because something was stirring and they weren't sure what exactly it was and that it was better safe than sorry.

"It is fine Thalia, we don't have to leave New York to have a great date. As long as I am somewhere with you that is all that matters" Annabeth said as she kissed Thalia again with a smile.

Thalia's smile fell as she heard wolf whistles from behind them.

"Woo! Slip her some tongue!" one man called out as Thalia narrowed her eyes and was about to get up only for Annabeth to stop her.

"Don't let them ruin our date. Just ignore them" she said as they kept calling out to them.

"Come one show some ski-AH!" another man said with a scream as Thalia turned around and smiled at the sight.

Standing over the fallen two boys was her grandmother, the powerful Rabbit Goddess. She wore her usual kimono with a soft smile on her face.

"Grandma? What are you doing here?" Thalia asked as Annabeth nervously hid behind her.

"I came to visit your father but Hestia said he was in an important meeting so I came to visit my granddaughter before visiting the twins. I didn't know you two were on a date, I hope I'm not interrupting it" Kaguya said as she hugged Thalia and smiled at Annabeth.

"Don't worry, you actually helped get rid of an annoyance" Thalia said as Kaguya looked at Annabeth

"Is this the girlfriend Naruto told me about?" Kaguya asked as Thalia nodded.

"Yup, this is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and the girl I love" Thalia said as she squeezed Annabeth's hand.

Annabeth nervously bowed until Kaguya stopped her.

"No need to bow Annabeth, I have never been one for it and you are family, you never need to bow to me, my mother or my father" Kaguya said as Annabeth smiled and nodded.

"It's nice to meet you" Annabeth said as Kaguya smiled warmly at the two.

"Same to you. Enjoy your date, I'm off to go and see my little baby grandchildren" Kaguya said as she kissed Thalia and Annabeth on the top of their heads before flashing away.

"Good thing it wasn't great-grandma, she would have crushed us in one of her deadly hugs" Thalia joked as Annabeth slowly recovered from meeting the powerful Shinto goddess.

"Is she always that welcoming?" Annabeth asked as Thalia nodded.

"Dad's family is always warm and welcoming. Must be a Shinto thing" Thalia said as she put down money for the bill. "Come on, we still have more places to go"

Annabeth smiled as she held her girlfriend's hand and nodded as she let her lead her off, back into New York.

-Naruto – Hera's Temple-

Naruto smiled as he arrived in Hera's temple as she had finally put down the marker to summon him. "Hello Hera, how has your day been so far?" he asked as he walked into her main room.

Hera squeaked as she jumped and turned around. "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" he asked with a chuckle as she frowned.

"I didn't know you would teleport here so soon after putting the marker down" Hera said as she composed herself and smiled.

"Well I had to split my essence, which always feels weird since it's not a clone or anything but really half of me. Plus Hestia told me you had something important to tell me so I rushed over" he said as she nodded nervously.

"D-Did she tell you what I was needing to tell you?" she asked as he shook his head and sat down on one of her arm chairs that sat opposite of her sofa.

"Nope, just said it was important and she was okay with it so it was all up to me" he said confused as she nodded.

"W-Well it's about me and I-I need advice on how to go about these feelings I have for someone" she said as he stared at her before cracking a smile.

"So you need advice? Ah you need my help getting his attention or something? Well as your advisor it is my job and I am glad you are falling for someone" he said as he smiled at her. "So who is the insanely lucky man to catch your eye?"

"That's the difficult part. H-He is married and it feels wrong to me" she said as he frowned.

"Well I'm sure he-" he said until she interrupted him.

"But then I talked with his wife and she said it was okay as long as he said it was fine" she said as his eyes widened and she walked over to him.

"Naruto, I love you" Hera said as she kissed him softly.

-Naruto – Camp-

(AN: He split his essence in half so there are essentially two of him. He only does it when he needs to watch over something and having clones do it won't work)

Naruto felt his cheeks heat up for whatever reason as he felt like something major had just happened to his other half.

He knew he'd figure out what happened soon since his half he sent to Hera would return soon.

Splitting his essence was still new and odd to him. It was like a clone but it didn't dispel, only merge back together with him and there was no memory feedback.

Well there wasn't memory feedback for anything anymore.

After becoming a god and a Primordial he had tested it out by making 1000 clones read every book in a massive library and then dispel only to find that the knowledge painlessly integrated itself in his head, not even the slightest headache.

Though he would admit he liked clones better since dividing himself always felt weird.

He blinked as a bright flash filled the room and brought a smile to his face once he saw who it was.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" he asked as she smiled and hugged him tightly

"I came to visit my grandbabies, I came by earlier and Hestia said you were in an important meeting with Hera, did you finish it?" She asked confused as he shook his head.

"Nope, I'm actually doing it right now, half of my essence is over there while I watch over things here" he said as she nodded.

"Splitting your essence is very useful, it's a good ability the Greeks have compared to the Shinto" she said as she smiled at him.

"So where are the grandbabies and Hestia?" She asked as he chuckled.

"Well Artemis is watching after them today so I'm sure she will let you say hi to them and Hestia is relaxing at her main hearth back in Olympus as a small break" he said as his mother frowned.

"That hunter goddess better not try and make them one of her little hunters. I want great grandbabies" she growled out as he chuckled.

"Don't worry Hestia warned her. Go and visit, you know how much they love you" he said as his mother smiled happily.

"Yes, and I visited Thalia and Annabeth, they are such an adorable couple" she said as he chuckled.

"Yes they truly are, I'm happy for them" he said as his mother smiled.

"As am I, now I better go check up on them before the goddess tries anything" she said as he nodded and she gave him a kiss on the forehead before walking off towards Artemis's cabin.

This wasn't the first time his mother visited the Camp. After the Titan War and the birth of his daughters Chaos allowed his mother Kaguya and grandmother Amaterasu to visit camp whenever they wanted as long as they didn't get involved with the events of the world.

Since then his mother made sure to visit at least three times a month and his grandmother, being the matriarch of the Shintos and a busy woman, she always visited at least once a month. His grandfather Shinju always came with her when she visited.

The campers had been nervous around the two utterly powerful woman at first but after the first few visits they grew use to them.

They had become role models for the female campers by being powerful women and leading an entire pantheon, just like Hera.

Naruto let out a sigh as he heard arguing between his mother and Artemis already.

His mother was insanely protective of his daughters to a point she was ready to put anybody who harmed them or made them sad in an Infinite Tsukuyomi. She almost did once when Aphrodite tried to set them up with someone in the future but thankfully his grandfather was there to help him calm her down.

'I really hope I don't have to break them apart...again' he thought as he sighed in relief as he felt the oppressive aura disappear.

-Kaguya - Artemis's cabin-

"They are my grandbabies! I am only going to see them for a bit before I have to go back to my realm so let me hold them" Kaguya hissed out as she stood in the cabin of the hunter goddess, unaffected by the 'no entry without god/goddess's permission' rule as she was the mother of the director of the small camp as well as a very powerful Shinto goddess

"Naruto is letting me look after them today and if you hold them they won't want to come back to me!" Artemis growled as Kaguya scoffed.

"It will only be a few hours, and I have seniority over you as I am their grandmother" she said as Artemis smirked.

"That's not the only thing you have seniority over, senior citizen" she muttered in a low tone only to start sweating as an oppressive aura filled her cabin.

"What was that? Did you call me old?" Kaguya asked as her third eye opener up and started spinning.

Then twins, who didn't seem to be affected by any of what was going on between the two goddesses giggled as they looked up to Kaguya, making grabbing motions showing they wanted to be picked up.

"See they want me to hold them" Kaguya said, leaving Artemis is her scared stupor and picked the twins up as she held them close to her and kissed their cheeks.

The twins giggled as they patted their grandmother's cheeks and tried to grab her horns.

"No no little ones, my horns are sharp and I would never want to hurt my precious little angels" Kaguya said as she kissed their hands as they continued to pat her cheeks.

Artemis grumbled as she pouted on her bed as her hunters watched the scene from the doorway connecting her room to the rest of the cabin.

"You get one hour! Two hours top! I'm am looking after them today" Artemis grumbled as Kaguya waved her off.

"Whatever" she said as she smiled at the twins. "Do you want to see what grandma got you two?" She asked as the giggled and squealed with large smiles.

Kaguya giggled at them as she sat them carefully on the floor and brought her hands in front of her.

She smiled as she focused her energy and two balls of light formed in her hands.

The twins giggled as the orbs of light formed long ears, long hind legs and small arms and the light turned to fur to reveal two small rabbits.

"These are Usagi and Mochi, they are your little rabbits and will always be yours" she said as the small rabbits nuzzled against the small girls making them smile.

"Now you have to be gentle and hug them softly" Kaguya said in a soft tone as the twins smiled showing they somewhat understood.

"Another two animals? Don't they have enough animal guardians?" Artemis asked pointing to Mamoru who laid near the entrance.

"Yes but those are my son and his wife's animals, the girls need animals of their own" Kaguya said as she smiled and watched the twins pet the small rabbits

"And you chose small rabbits?" Artemis asked with a scoff before the bunnies disappeared in quick white blurs and she felt two things hit her in the stomach quite hard, making her fall over.

"Usagi and Mochi are the fastest beings I could create and they are as strong as the other animals as they are blessed by me, my father and mother" Kaguya said as she pet the small rabbits as they hoped around letting the twins follow them.

"As sad as it is I have to go" she said as she stood up making the twins frown until Kaguya picked them up and gave them a kiss on their cheeks. "I will visit again soon my sweet grandbabies, don't worry"

The twins hugged her tightly until she set them down and Usagi and Mochi gained their attention long enough for her to leave.

Artemis frowned as she stared down at the small rabbits with a glare as they stared back up at her with cold red eyes. She broke their stare down with scoff as she picked back up the twins.

"Come on you two, let's go play with the others" she said as the rabbits hoped after her.

-Naruto – Hera's temple-

Naruto stammered aimlessly as his brain essentially turned back on.

The shock from Hera kissing him, confessing her love for him and his mind connecting the dots that his wife essentially was okay with this since she had said that Hera needed to tell him something and that she was okay with it.

"I-I-I" Naruto stuttered as Hera blushed darkly

"I-I'm so sorry for kissing you so suddenly. I should have waited for your response before doing that" she said as she tried to turn away to leave but found she couldn't as Naruto was holding onto her wrist.

"Do you really mean that? You honestly love me even when I am married?" he asked as she blushed and nodded.

"I have honestly tried to push my feelings away ever since the appeared after you saved me from the man" she said with a shiver. "It tore me apart to feel them as you were married to my sister but I talked with her and she is okay with it. It is all up to you though" she said as he nodded.

"There are weirder relationships compared to having two wives" he muttered as Hera chuckled.

"Hestia said the exact same thing" she said as he chuckled as well.

"Hera, it's not that I do not find you beautiful, as you truly are, but this whole sharing thing would be new to me. Back in my home there were often some men with multiple wives and the Shintos are like that as well but it still feels weird" he said as she frowned.

"I-I understand I'm sor-" she said until she was cut off by his finger on her lips.

"I didn't say no, just that this would be new territory for me. If you are really okay with this then I think it could work, we just have to go slowly and naturally. No rushing into anything either of us feels uncomfortable with" he said as she grew a massive smile and hugged him tightly.

"It's the same for me. I have only been with one other man and sharing the man I love is very new to me but this can be very nice. And I don't want to do much without being married" she said as she looked up at him and kissed him softly with a smile.

"What about Thalia though? Will she be fine with this?" she asked nervously as he frowned and rubbed her back.

"We will have to tell Thalia about it later but I think she'll understand…hopefully. Just have to wait a bit before revealing it since we don't entirely know where this will go" he said as she nodded and held onto him.

She was with the man she loved, she honestly couldn't be happier.

At least, not until they were officially married and had children of their own.