Chapter 21

Naruto hurried around Olympus as he got it ready for Chloe and Naomi's first birthday.

Nearly all the gods and goddesses were there to visit for the special occasion since today was the day the small twins became full-fledged goddesses and get their domains.

"Naruto, honey please calm down most of the demigods are helping and so are the goddesses you don't have to freak out this much" a soft voice said as he felt two hands hold his shoulders.

He sighed as he turned around and smiled at the source of the voice.

It was his second wife-to-be Hera, the Queen of Olympus.

In the five or so months since she confessed a lot had happened between the two.

They had gone on several dates, spent a lot of time together (by dividing his essence so he could show attention to both her and Hestia) and even made out a few times but he never went further and wouldn't until they were eventually married since she wanted their wedding day to be special.

They were planning on having it soon but we're waiting since they both felt something bad was stirring.

"I know Hera but I just want today to be perfect for the twins" he said as she chuckled and kisses him softly.

"You have an army of clones, Hestia, me, numerous demigods, and other gods and goddesses all helping you make this celebration perfect so you need to calm down" she said as she stroked his cheek making him smile and nod

"I know dear it's just me stressing out but your right, it should be fine" he said as she chuckled.

"Come on, everyone is expecting us" Hera said as he nodded.

Besides the Twin's party he had other important things to do.

They needed to get Percy and his daughter Thalia to agree to their plan for what was stirring in the earth.

-Ballroom on Olympus-

Hestia smiled as she hugged the twins close to her.

Over the months the two girls had grown a lot. They were roughly the size of children nearly a year older than them and they had even talked.

She let out a chuckle as she remembered Naruto crying in joy that Naomi's first word was 'Dada' while Chloe's was 'Mama'.

He was also the ones that the twins first walked towards.

"Are you two excited for today?" She asked as the twins giggled and clapped their hands.

"Yay! Mama!" Chloe squealed and Naomi clapped along

"Dada?" Naomi asked as Hestia chuckled and kissed her daughter's head.

"Your father will be here soon, he is busy bringing your Aunt Hera" she said as the twin's smiled even bigger.

"Awntie! Awntie!" they said as they squirmed in her arms excitedly.

Hestia was happy that the twins had grown a bond with her sister from the times that Naruto brought them with him to spend time with Hera.

At first she had been worried about sharing her husband with her sister but for the last few months it had been no different.

Naruto made sure to show them both love and affection by dividing his essence and spending time with both of them simultaneously, only returning to his whole self at the end of the day to sleep next to one of them. Which they chose an on and off again schedule with Sunday the day they both slept next to him

"Tala!" Chloe squealed as she stretched out their hands towards the girl who walked in.

"There's my little sisters!" Thalia said with a large smile as Hestia handed the twins over as they hugged and played with her.

"And I brought around Annabeth, can you say Annie this time?" she asked the twins as Annabeth blushed at the nickname.

"Awbie?" Naomi said confused at how to say it but smiled as Thalia kissed their foreheads.

"Close enough cutie" she said making the twins giggle.

"Where is Naruto? I thought he'd be here?" Annabeth asked as Hestia chuckled as the twins looked around at the mention of their dad's name.

"He will be here soon, he is with Hera as she needed to talk to him about something important" Hestia said hiding a frown.

They had yet to tell Thalia about the relationship he had with Hera since they weren't sure how she would react. Especially since when Naruto and her relationship originally began Thalia had been nervous about it considering the weirdness and often cheating of other Greek relations.

"Sorry it took me so long my talk with Hera took a while" Naruto said as he flashed into the room with Hera and smiled as he saw Thalia and the twins.

"Dada!" The twins said with large smiles as they clapped their hands.

"Ah all my girls in one place" he said with a smile as he hugged his three daughters and pulled Annabeth in as well making her smile and blush a bit.

"Are you two ready for your big party?" He asked the twins as they squealed and giggled.

"Dada! Big boom" Naomi said pointing at the room.

"Yes big room and soon it'll be full of people like Granny and Great Granny and other nice people" he said as they giggled and smiled as they clapped their hands even more.

Naruto smiled as Thalia played with them and people started flashing in.

"Oh! My darling great grandbabies!" A familiar voice squealed out as he saw his grandmother Amaterasu run up to them and hug Thalia and the twins in her arms.

Thankfully it wasn't one of her bone crushing hugs

"Nice to see you were able to make it Grandma" Naruto said Thalia groaned as the Shinto goddess let them go.

"Of course I would make it! I am having Susanno look after the pantheon while I am away since I trust him fully" she said as she played with the twins as Thalia handed them to her.

"Your grandfather will be here soon. He is just busy keeping an eye on the Elemental Nations since that Uchiha is trying some revolution stuff again" she said as he frowned.

"Anything you need my help with?" He asked as she shook her head.

"You are needed here more" she said as she sent a knowing look towards him.

'The Giants' she mouthed as he nodded.

It didn't surprise him that his grandmother knew of the coming situation since she was a powerful goddess

"Well I will walk the twins around you enjoy and relax a bit" Amaterasu said with a smile as he sighed and nodded, knowing it was worthless to argue with her when it came to her and the twins.

-Few Hours Later-

Naruto chuckled as he saw his mother and Artemis getting into yet another fight over the twins as they stared up at the two from on the floor confused.

"I see your enjoying yourself" a familiar voice said as he tensed up a bit and turned around to see the mother of both of his wives, Rhea.

He had met her shortly after getting into a relationship with Hera and could instantly see the resemblance the other Olympian gods had with her.

She was the source of Demeter's golden blonde hair, Poseidon's sea green eyes, Hera's figure, and Hestia's personality as well as natural kindness. And not to mention Zeus's aura of power back when he used to be a god though it wasn't oppressive, it was oddly calming.

They had hit it off nicely but being around the parent of both of his wives made him very nervous.

"Yes I am, today is my two daughter's birthday and my family is here to enjoy it" he said as he smiled around.

He could see Thalia dancing with Annabeth making the blonde girl laugh and smile as well as Hera and Hestia talking about something as Hestia made the younger goddess blush and get flustered.

"I'm glad you care so much about family but considering that you are married to Hestia and engaged to Hera it only makes sense" Rhea said with a chuckle as he chuckled along.

"Yeah but even if I wasn't married to them I would still love family this much. I never had much of a family growing up so it's nice to see the universe is making up for it" he said with a smile as Rhea rubbed his back.

"Come on son, let's go rejoin the party" she said as she linked her arm through his with a smile. Rhea always called him her son and got upset when he didn't call her 'Mom' or 'Mother'.

"Sure thing….Mom" he said with a sigh as Rhea smiled and started to lead him through the party.

"Oh Naruto it sure is busy here" a male voice said as he turned to see it was his father, not the ghost version but the actual solid version.

According to his grandmother they revived him and made him immortal since his mother decided to make him her godly husband and the Shinigami let him go as a gift to him for saving them from the darkened version of his mother and grandfather which he was glad for since his mother had missed his father a lot.

They hadn't had time to talk until now but earlier he could see clearly that his dad was happy though his mom often got jealous of any other goddess staring at him.

Luckily he was able to stop her from strangling Aphrodite one time after she tried to flirt with him.

"Dad, it's nice to see you again" he said as he smiled at his dad

"Yes it is good to have a body back again and being able to be with your mother" Minato said as he smiled kindly at Rhea.

"Ah you must be Rhea, the mother of Hestia. It is a pleasure to meet you" he said as Rhea smiled and nodded.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well. You have sired a wonderful son who I am happy to call my son-in-law" she said as Minato smiled until they heard Kaguya yell.

"I should probably go calm down my wife." he said as they nodded "We will talk more later on son"

"Sounds good dad, we can talk later" Naruto said as his dad walked away to stop his mother from attacking Artemis.

He personally would have liked to spend more time with his father but he understood the need to keep his mother from attacking Artemis.

"Come on son, I want to play with my grandchildren and meet your grandmother since I have yet to meet someone from another leader of a pantheon" Rhea said with a warm smile as she pulled him along with a smile.

Naruto smiled as they walked up to his grandmother. Since the party had started she hadn't let the twins leave her side for more than a few minutes since she wasn't to make up for the time she had missed due to her busy schedule.

"Dada! Gammi!" he smiled as he heard Naomi and Chloe squeal and try and reach for him and Rhea as Amaterasu smiled at them

"Hello Naru-chan the twins are having a great time" she said as he smiled.

"They always love being with you, just like with Rhea" he said as his grandmother smiled at his mother-in-law.

"We mothers have an amazing way with children so that isn't surprising to hear" Amaterasu said as she handed Naomi to the Titaness who smiled and bounced a bit to make her giggle.

"So when do we expect the Fates to arrive?" Amaterasu asked as Naruto rubbed his chin.

"They told me they would arrive once they officially turn one so probably in 30 minutes to an hour or so since their official birthday is soon" he said as he smiled at the twins as squeezed his hands with massive smiles.

"We should get things ready for them then" Rhea said as she clapped her hands and everyone grew quiet.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Rhea asked as she stepped up next to the muses' stage as she smiled at the crowd.

"The Fates will be arriving soon so we need to get started on the gifts to these adorable girls before they arrive but do hold off on any blessings until after they become goddesses" she said as Naomi clapped and smiled.

"Pwesants?" she asked as the crowd laughed a bit at the young girl's cuteness.

"Yes it is present time young one" she said as Hera and Hestia walked over and accepted the twins from Rhea and Amaterasu as the demigods, gods and goddesses all gathered around.

"The twins are so spoiled I swear" Naruto said as Thalia sat next to him as Hestia and Hera helped out with the massive group of gods and goddesses.

He knew they would get a lot of gifts, though thankfully they (Hestia, Hera and himself) made sure to tell everyone to send any weapons to Hestia's temple hence why there weren't too many going up since it seemed that they had gotten them weapons.

"What can you expect, it has been a while since there has been a new goddess, let alone two so everyone wants to spoil them" Thalia said as she smiled at her father.

"True," he said as he ruffled her hair with a smile "so have you been enjoying yourself with your dances with Annabeth?" he teased making her blush a bit.

"She's my girlfriend, of course I am" she said as she crossed her arms with a smirk making him smile sadly at her.

"After all of this I need to talk to you and Percy about something. Something very important but it'll involve you being away from Annabeth for a while" he said with a frown.

She frowned at him and was about to yell at him until he saw the look in her father's eyes. The last time she had seen that serious look was a year ago during the war. "F-Fine but can you promise me I'll get to return to her?" she asked as he nodded.

"I swear on all I am that you will return to her but it might be a few months until then but I need you to understand a lot will be at stake" he said as she sighed.

"Fine, we can talk about it later since I think it is time for the big show" she said as it seemed time had went faster than expected as the Fates arrived in the room.

"Ah Fates pleasure to meet you all again" he said with a smile as the three women nodded.

"Indeed it is young one and today we are here to give young Naomi and Chloe their domains" Clotho said as she pet the twin's heads, leaving her hands on their heads, making them smile at the old women.

"We can sense they will be strong and kind goddesses that will help Olympus greatly as well as the Shintos" Lachesis said as she held Chloe's hand.

"They are so pure and with parents like you two they will always be so" Atropos said as she held Naomi's hand and the twins started to glow gold

"By our decree we name thee Naomi Otsutsuki, goddess of seals, whirlpools, energy, family and twins, and Chloe Otsutsuki, goddess of fire, infernos, energy, family and twins" the three Fates said in unison as the light around the twins died down.

Naruto smiled as above Naomi showed the Uzumaki spiral made of water while Chloe's was one of fire.

"May the real party continue!" the Fates declared as they disappeared leaving the twins to bat at the symbols above their heads.

"Do not worry they will have the same domains in the Shinto realm" Amaterasu said to him as he nodded and smiled.

"You heard the Fates! Let's get it started!" he yelled as they cheered and the twins smiled and clapped happily.

-Few hours after the party-

Naruto smiled as he laid the twins down as they had been tuckered out from the party. They had gotten numerous gifts ranging from weapons to even more animals that oddly the small rabbits took charge of and kept them in line.

"Honey Percy and Thalia are here for the meeting" Hestia said as he frowned and nodded as he kissed her softly.

"Thank you dear, I will be leaving half of myself here with you while I talk with them" he said as she smiled and nodded as he split in two and one of him flashed away.

"Come on honey, I want some alone time with you" Hestia said with a wink as she led him off to the bedroom with a smirk as he blushed and nodded.

-Hera's Temple-

Naruto frowned as he entered his second wife's temple. "So what did you want to talk to us about Dad?" Thalia asked as she stood across from Hera with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.

"Yeah I'm a bit confused as well Naruto, why are we here?" Percy asked as he frowned.

"I'm afraid that the peace Olympus was set into after the war ended is only temporary. Something much older and stronger that Kronos is rising and like me, it is a Primordial" he said as the two demigods stared at him in shock

Over the next few hours he fill them in on Gaea and the Giants. Safe to say they were shocked.

"S-So what do you want our help for? Can't you just crush her Dad?" Thalia asked as his frowned and shook his head.

"I am bound by ancient laws to not act until the threat is clear and she has full awakened. As much as I would like to attack her head on I cannot for now but you all, demigods, are able to fight against her forces and keep them at bay until she actually awakens and it begins. If you all destroy her forces the fight with her will be easier" he explained as Percy frowned.

"So what are we to do?" Percy asked as Naruto nodded.

"We are going to unite the camps. Both Roman and Greek together to fight against her" he said as they nodded.

"I always wondered if the Romans existed and I figured if the Shinto pantheon exists others might as well" Thalia said as Naruto nodded.

"Yes they do exist, you can consider them an alternate personality of the Greek gods. Now normally the two camps are separated due to the grudges and hatred between the two but we need to get rid of that to save you all" Hera said as she flickered between her Roman side, Juno, and her normal form.

"We plan to switch you two, the main leaders of the Greek camp with one of the leaders of the Roman camp. We are going to erase your memories except for a few key things and let you gain the trust of both sides so we have a much better chance at uniting against her" Naruto said as Thalia glared at him.

"I won't do it! I refuse to forget about Annabeth!" she yelled as she could already see where it was going.

"Thalia I never said you would forget about her!" he snapped back making her flinch a bit. "We are going to erase the memories of anything relating to your Greek side, you will still remember that you are in love with someone named Annabeth as well as how to call upon chakra and how to fight. You will at most forget my name and think of yourself as an adopted child of Vesta" he said as she frowned.

"But I don't want to forget about you dad, or grandma and great-grandma" Thalia said with a frown as he hugged her.

"It is not permanent, you will regain your memories once you gain the trust of the Romans" he said as Percy rubbed his chin.

"Are you sure this is the only way to do this?" Percy asked as Hera nodded.

"I have weighed all options and this is the only way we can do it without blatantly forcing it, which would only cause more distrust and strained relations" Hera said as Thalia broke the hug between her and her father.

"So when does the trade happen?" Thalia asked as she wiped her eyes from the few tears that threatened to spill.

"In two months but you mustn't tell anyone of the coming swap. If anyone was to find out then it would be ruined" Naruto said as they nodded. "In two months you both will be called out on a duo mission and will go missing" he said as Thalia frowned.

"So everyone will think that we went missing!? Annabeth with worry like crazy!" she said as he set his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them reassuringly.

"I will assure her that you are okay, claiming that I can feel yours and Percy's chakra but something keeps me from sensing either of you and that should keep her from chasing after you but not give up entirely" he said as she nodded.

"Trust your father, he has everything thought up and you will not go unarmed. Your Kiba blades will be enchanted into rings that will never leave your side and your Sharingan will still be able to activate since those memories will stay" Hera said as she smiled softly at Thalia.

"Please I only do this to protect everyone so please, what do you say?" he asked as Thalia looked to Percy who nodded back at her.

"We'll do it" she said with a smirk as Hera and Naruto both let out a sigh of relief.

-Elsewhere under the Earth-

"Hmmm I can sense some strong entities out there" a soft but powerful voice spoke out as the earth shifted with each word.

"I will have to shift my plans to rectify their changes" the voice said with a smirk.

"Let's see what you have Shinto, I refuse to sleep any longer…the earth will wake and the Giants will rise"