Chapter 27

Enceladus, tried as he might, couldn't stop the slight shiver that went through him as he stared into the odd blue eyes of the god that had just appeared.

"I am a Giant! I oppose the Gods and will not die again! I will come back for you!" Enceladus yelled as he slammed his foot on the ground and tried to escape using his mother's blessing but grew pale when he had yet to be absorbed into the earth.

"Your mother cannot save you Enceladus for as long as I am here we are in a dome of energy to keep out outside help" Naruto said as he fully formed his Susanoo around him and Luke.

"Luke, I will keep him busy, you focus on wearing him down" he said with a smirk. "You think you can channel your father's speed with a bit of help?" he asked as he patted Luke on the back and a red bubbly aura started to form around him.

Enceladus widened his eyes slightly as he saw the cloak of red energy completely surround the demigod. It had long ears and a single tail as it formed claws and his hands and feet. He also noticed how it turned the scar on the boy's left side of his face darker.

"So the boy gets a flashy cloak," Enceladus said as he pulled his spear out of the ground "it won't keep him safe from me!" he yelled as Luke and Naruto chuckled.

"Let's show him what a Bijuu cloak can do" Naruto said with a smirk as Luke disappeared in a burst of speed.

Enceladus barely had enough time to dodge as a red blur shot past him and he hissed in pain as three slashes appeared on his face with the same red energy eating away at his cheek as his spear was sent flying across the clearing.

"Bijuu energy, corrosive to all that aren't the user" Luke said as he appeared behind Enceladus in a crouch as his one tail flickered behind him. Thalia, Annabeth, Percy and Luke had all trained in using the Bijuu cloak, though they each used a different Bijuu.

Thalia commonly used Gyuki's for his durability and lightning nature, Annabeth used Kokuo's for her speed that she let out with her boil release, Percy used Isobu for his water nature and coral defenses, while Luke stuck to Kurama for the power of the nine tailed Bijuu's cloak.

Enceladus glared at Luke before he was sent flying into the excavator by Naruto's Susanoo. "You're fighting two opponents here Enceladus, so keep focused or this fight isn't going to be fun" Naruto said as he slowly walked toward Enceladus as his Susanoo followed around him as its six arms summoned their six swords.

"Y-You are breaking Ancient Laws! Interfering with a quest and the quest members!" Enceladus yelled as he pulled himself from the excavator and barely dodged Luke's claws again.

"Luke has done his job on the quest and screw Ancient Laws. We've been at war the moment you all woke up and the second you kidnapped Hera so those have been thrown out the window" Naruto said as he glared at the Giant before his instincts kicked in and he leaned to the side as Enceladus's spear shot through his Susanoo and towards Enceladus's open hands.

"So be it god but even if I cannot escape, you cannot deny the blessings my mother has given me!" Enceladus yelled as he cockily smirked at them as Luke appeared next to Naruto.

"What was that? It broke through your Susanoo" Luke said with a frown as Naruto nodded.

"I know, that spear is infused with Nature energy so it may not be harness like we use it but it still seems a bit more potent than chakra and it still might be the weakness of my Truth Seeking Orbs" he said as he saw Enceladus dusting himself off. "Keep out of the spears range and wear him down before we go in for the kill" Naruto quickly said before Enceladus charged at them.

Naruto frowned as he quickly blocked Enceladus's spear with his swords. "You claim to be a god and a primordial! Then show me the power!" Enceladus yelled as he swung his spear at him.

He effortlessly blocked the spear, using multiple swords to strengthen the defense as before Naruto slammed two off his fists into Enceladus's stomach just as Luke slashed his back before Enceladus was sent flying.

"I am the god of nature, time, heroes and family as well as the primordial of peace, balance energy and beasts! You want to see my power!? Let's see if you can actually handle it!" Naruto yelled as he lowered his Susanoo as wooden tendrils burst from the ground around him.

"Wood Style: Draining Vines!" Naruto yelled as they shot towards Enceladus.

Enceladus smirked as he took a deep breath before fire shot out of his mouth in a white hot stream as it collided with the wooden tendrils. "Fire defeats wood you foolish god" he said as the black smoke from the burning wood rose and clouded his vision.

"Who said that is all I can make?" Naruto asked from inside the smoke as more tendrils shot towards the Giant from out of the smoke.

Enceladus tried to dodge again but found himself moving slower than normal before he saw two glowing golden eyes glow from inside the smoke as the tendrils wrapped around him. "You forget I am the god of time, a domain I earned from making your brother Kronos fade into nothing" Naruto said as the smoke blew away in a burst of wind to show his normal blue eyes were entirely gold.

"Your hubris is worse than Athena's and is your downfall again" Naruto said as he walked towards Enceladus while he was squeezed by the wooden tendrils that slowly drained him from energy.

"Mother will not go back to sleep! Right now Porphyrion is draining Hera's power to revive mother and then you all will be crushed!" Enceladus yelled as Naruto rolled his eyes and summoned a wind release Rasengan.

"Luke lets finish this!" Naruto yelled out as he looked back at Luke who had stayed back to charge up his special Rasengan. Luke's Rasengan was dark brown with chunks of earth floating around it as they formed circles around it and made it look like an atom of sorts.

While Luke's land release Rasengan was powerful, he couldn't create it without some boost of sorts such as a Bijuu cloak.

"I'm ready" Luke said as he charged at Enceladus while Naruto charged as well. "Land Release: Petrifying Rasengan!" Luke yelled as he slammed it into Enceladus as the Giant's back slowly turned to stone while Naruto's wind style Rasengan bore into the Giant's front.

It didn't take long before Luke's land release Rasengan petrification had reached Enceladus's front, letting Naruto's wind release Rasengan shatter the Giant easily. The only remains of the Giant were his spear.

"Good job Luke but we need to hurry" Naruto said as he sealed away the Giant's spear as Luke panted in exhaustion as he had spent the full one tailed cloak on creating the land release Rasengan and keep himself from getting petrified.

Luke nodded as Naruto put his hand on his shoulder "Hold your breath I am going to godly warp instead of Hiraishin since no one has put down a marker" he said as Luke frowned a bit as he disliked the feeling of godly warping compared to the Hiraishin warp.

"Fine, just be careful" Luke said as Naruto nodded before they both disappeared with no sound or light.

-Wolf House-

Jason let out a grunt of pain as he was thrown back by Porphyrion into the wall of the Wolf House. "Foolish boy! I am a Giant! I can only be killed if you have a god with you and the Huntress is busy with the wolves and the Queen is trapped! You cannot best me!" Porphyrion yelled as Jason frowned and tried to summon more electricity before the Giant grabbed him by the throat.

"Jason!" Piper yelled as Leo frowned but pulled her back towards the cage Hera was in.

"Princess! Super boy will be fine we need to focus on getting Hera out of her cage" Leo said as Piper nodded.

"He can't defeat Porphyrion like this!" Piper said as a new voice laughed out.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine" the voice said as Hera smiled warmly.

"Glad to see you finally found me sweetie" Hera said with a warm smile as everyone turned towards the new voice and the Giant started to turn pale.

"Well with this asshole hiding you it was difficult but thank you three for finding her since I was able to track you three" Naruto said as he and Luke had appeared in the middle of the Wolf House.

"You! You're not supposed to interfere with a quest!" Porphyrion yelled as Naruto chuckled and held out his hand towards Jason.

"I've grown tired of these rules so I chose to ignore them since we are at war, plus my wife is in danger so they mean even less to me" he said as his eyes spun at Porphyrion. "Bansho Ten'in" he muttered as Jason flew out of the Giant's grasp and towards him before he caught him.

"I've dealt with one Giant already today so let's get this finished quickly. Luke go help the others get Hera free, Jason you can help me with this fool" Naruto said as he stared up at the 40 foot Giant like he was a normal monster since size never intimidated him.

"I am the Bane of Zeus, the king of the gods, and am the king of the Giants. You may be enough to defeat Enceladus but not for me!" Porphyrion yelled as Naruto let out a scoff with a chuckle.

"With Enceladus I didn't even get remotely serious. I used roughly 10% of my power so let's see how you stack up to roughly 25%" he said as his skin started to turn brown and four octopus tails sprouted from his back.

"What are you? I didn't know the Greeks turned monsters into gods" Porphyrion said as Naruto chuckled.

"This an ability I gained from my primordial of a grandfather. I don't know if you know him but his name is Shinju" Naruto said as Porphyrion took a shaky step back. "Oh so you have heard of him. Good, makes things easier" he said before his tentacles shot forward at the Giant.

Porphyrion shook of the shock of the god before him being a descendant of Shinju, a being on par with Chaos, and quickly grabbed the tentacles with a smirk. "Do you know why I am the Bane of Zeus? It's because I can absorb lightning and redirect it!" he yelled as he sent the lightning he had absorbed from Jason's strike through the tentacles.

Naruto smirked as the lightning went half way up Gyuki's tentacles before it stopped, which surprised Porphyrion. "I know you were bound to have some lightning powers, hence why I chose a form that is immune to lightning. Though I'm curious to see how much you can absorb" he said as his body was covered in black lightning.

"Lightning Armor: Black Variant" he said before he quickly appeared in front of Porphyrion and slammed his hands into the Giant's chest, sending the powerful lightning coursing through him.

Naruto's smirk grew as Porphyrion roared in pain before being sent crashing back from the force of the lightning. "Jason, finish it!" Naruto yelled as Jason came out of his daze from seeing the lightning powers and nodded before charging at Porphyrion's smoking form.

"No! I will not die!" Porphyrion yelled as the earth quickly opened up and let him fall through before Jason could get to him or Naruto could stop him.

"Dammit, it seems like I can't stop that as much as I would like here" Naruto muttered as he eased out of his lightning armor before he heard the cage shatter behind him as something warm crashed into him.

"Thank you for coming for me" Hera whispered into him as he turned around and wrapped his arms around her.

"You are my wife, I've been searching everywhere for you since you disappeared but the damn Giants were too good at hiding you until Jason and the others found you" he said as he kissed her forehead softly until he heard Luke clear his throat and chuckle behind them.

"Not that I don't find this very touching but what now?" Luke asked with a smirk as he leaned against the wall of the Wolf House.

"Well first shouldn't we go help Lady Artemis with the werewolves outside?" Piper asked as the door of the Wolf House burst open and a dead wolf flew in before bursting into golden dust.

"Not needed, they fled after the Giant ran away" Artemis said as she nodded to Naruto and Hera.

"Good," Naruto said as he rubbed Hera's back as he turned to Piper, Leo and Jason "now Piper your father is safe. I sent him to a hospital to have them look after any injuries Enceladus might have gave him and I can send you all there if you want" he said as Piper smiled happily and nodded.

"Thank you Naruto" Piper said as he nodded and summoned a clone.

"Go with the three of them and bring them back to camp once they are done" he said as the clone nodded and disappeared in a godly warp.

"So what about me then?" Luke asked as Naruto smirked.

"I'm sending you back to camp. Tell everyone that I will be back soon and I will have a big announcement to make if everything goes right" he said as Luke nodded and smirked.

"It wouldn't have to do anything with possible Roman pantheon would it?" Luke asked as Artemis and Hera looked at him surprised while Naruto just smirked at him.

"Figured you'd be the first to naturally find it out" Naruto said as he placed a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Yes, it involves that but don't tell anyone until I get there" he said as Luke nodded before he used the Hiraishin to warp him away.

"Are you sure that was wise Naruto?" Artemis asked as he nodded.

"The camp will have to understand. These kids are not jaded like the Romans, we only have to worry about Athena's children but I have a plan for that as well" he said as Hera frowned but nodded.

"Artemis go and gather the council, tell them the second Giant War has begun" Hera said as Artemis frowned and nodded before she left the Wolf House, leaving Hera and Naruto alone inside.

"I was worried for you dear. I'm so happy you are safe" Naruto said as he stroked Hera's cheek with a frown. He knew she was a powerful goddess but it didn't mean he did not fear for her safety.

"I'm a fine Naruto, they did nothing to me besides drain some of my energy and keep me in that awful cage" Hera said as she glared at the cage she had been trapped in until a few moments ago. "This terrible war is beginning again, I thought we would have more time before then" she said as he nodded.

"We are prepared. The Greek side is complete, we only have to wait for the Roman side to be ready" he said as a chuckle sounded out behind him.

"You are playing a dangerous game but it is about time the Romans let go of their childish grudges" a new voice spoke out as he turned to see a chocolate red wolf with silver eyes walk towards him and Hera.

"Back in my world the five hidden villages were always at each other's throats until war began so let's hope the same thing can happen here" he said before he smiled down at the wolf. "It is good to see you again Lupa, are the two of them awake?" he asked as Lupa curled her lips into her form of a smile.

"Not yet King but when they do I will train them in the Roman way as well as I can. Will they remember any of your training or special abilities?" Lupa asked as she looked up at him.

Lupa was essentially the Chiron of the Romans and could be known as the "Mother of Rome". She trained the demigods that were called to the Wolf House before they were sent to Camp Jupiter when they were deemed worthy by her.

He also knew it was useless to try and correct her about not calling him 'King' since as a Roman they were very keen on respecting those above them. Even if the person hated being called by their title.

"Thalia will instinctively remember how to activate her Sharingan and summon her Kiba blades but the Eternal Mangekyo form will come later. Their chakra and jutsus will return when they return to camp and in battles after that but besides that they are a blank slate" he said as Lupa nodded.

"Well then I look forward to training them later but right now I must be off to push back the wolves that follow that insufferable Lycaon" Lupa said as Naruto nodded.

"We should return to Olympus and prep for war" Hera said as he nodded before they both flashed off to Olympus.


Naruto smiled to Hestia as she and the other Olympians flashed into the throne room. "Sister, I am so glad you are safe" Hestia said as she hugged Hera close to her.

"Is it true? Are they back again?" Poseidon asked as he walked up to Naruto.

"Yes, I defeated Enceladus with the help of Luke while Porphyrion escaped when I was close to defeating him" Naruto said as he frowned and nodded before he sat down on his throne, which took up the space that Zeus's use to.

"This isn't good. If they really are coming back then your plan needs to work more than ever" Athena said as she looked towards Hera.

"Jason is already gaining the trust of the demigods at Camp Half-blood, we only hope that Percy and Thalia can do the same" Naruto said as Hades appeared in the throne room.

"Sorry that I am late, things in the Underworld have been hectic" Hades said as he sat on his throne. "I also have very bad news" he added as Naruto frowned.

"Does it have to do with why monsters aren't dying as long as they use to?" Naruto asked as Hades frowned and nodded.

"Thanatos has been kidnapped as well it seems" Hades said as the council frowned at the news.

"Do we at least know where he is? With Hera they were repeating history but this could be much more dangerous, no offense sister" Demeter said as Hera nodded and waved it off.

"The one place we can't go, not even Naruto if he split his essence into Greek and Shinto" Hades said as they all knew what he meant.

"They took him to Alaska? Seems like they are actually pretty smart" Apollo said as he rubbed his chin.

"This will be the Roman's quest" Hera said with a small smile. "When Thalia and Percy wake up I will go there, with Hestia, and set things up so the quest becomes known but the actual god or goddess to issue the quest will be decided later" she said as Naruto frowned but nodded.

"Until then Artemis keep the hunters safe as monsters won't die so easily" Naruto said as the goddess nodded. "And Hades if you need help keeping souls of the dead in the Underworld send me a message and I will send some clones that can help with my Human Path" he said as the god of the Underworld nodded with a small smile.

"Are you still going to tell Camp Half-Blood about the Romans so quickly? Athena's children will have problems with it" Hera said to Naruto as the others stared at him in shock.

"You are going to tell them? This soon?" Poseidon asked as Naruto nodded.

"They need to think things over. The Greeks have never held the grudge like the Romans, minus Athena's children, so they will come to understand. I have faith in these kids" Naruto said as the gods frowned but nodded.

"Unless there is anything else to be added this meeting is adjourned" Naruto said before the council flashed away except for Athena, Hera and Hestia.

"While I may hold a grudge for what the Romans did to me my children should be at least somewhat willing to work along with them if it is for the safety of us all" Athena said as she frowned at him.

"That is all I can hope for" he said while she nodded and flashed away.

"Naruto, Medusa hasn't found her sisters but she has returned to camp" Hestia said as he smiled and nodded.

"Well I am sure they will show up eventually. Tell Medusa I'll keep an eye out for them" he said as Hestia smiled and gave him a soft kiss on the lips before she flashed away.

"What about you Hera? What are you going to do?" he asked as he stroked her cheek, making her smile up at him.

"I am going to rest at our house with Hestia and the twins until you are done. While I was not gone for long I still missed constantly being with you and being shoved into that cage drained me of a lot of energy" Hera said as he nodded and kissed her softly.

"Go and rest, I'll be there for you later" he said as she smiled and nodded before she also flashed away, leaving him alone in the throne room.

'Well, hopefully my gamble works' he thought with a smirk before he also flashed out of the throne room and to camp.

-Camp Half-Blood-

Naruto smirked as he arrived in the amphitheater to see the entire camp was already there while Luke was standing on the stage getting everyone calmed down. "Thanks Luke for getting everyone gathered so quickly" he said as he pat Luke on the back.

"No problem, pretty easy to do" Luke said as he hopped off the stage and sat down next to Naomi and Chloe as Calypso tried to calm them down.

Naruto smiled at his daughters and waved at them before he looked around at the campers, noticing that Jason and the others were back. "Sorry for the sudden call but there are important things I must tell you all!" he said, enhancing his voice with chakra so everyone could hear him.

"Does it have to do with why the monsters at the border won't die so easily!?" Clarisse yelled as he nodded.

"Yes but I will get to that later" he said as he frowned and looked to Jason. "I would first like the thank Jason and the quest members for saving Hera from her prison" he said before the camp started to cheer.

"Jason may not have been here very long before he was sent off on a quest but he has proven himself! He was willing to go on a quest after he had just got here! He stood strong, fought dangerous enemies and came back victorious! I'd say he is one of us through and through!" he said as the cheers grew louder for Jason.

"Who here thinks Jason is a good man?" he asked as nearly every hand went up at once. "Well that is good considering he isn't a child of Greece but of Rome" he said as silence fell over the crowd.

"Yes the Roman pantheon is still there, acting as separate personalities to the gods we know. Hestia becomes Vesta, Hera becomes Juno and so on. Jason is a child of Jupiter, Zeus's Roman half and was a leader of a Roman camp called Camp Jupiter" he said as someone stood up.

"I-If that's true then why is he here? Does it have to do why our two leaders left?" the child asked as he looked up to see it was a child of Athena.

"He is here because ancient evils are waking back up! Long ago Gaea, the primordial of the earth sought revenge on the gods for the death of Kronos so with the help of Tartarus she birthed the Giants, a race of monsters that were the bane of the gods. The truth is they are waking back up!" he said as he snapped his fingers and the hearth behind him shot up, the flames creating a screen of sorts as the image of Enceladus and Porphyrion appeared on it.

"Luke and I have defeated the bane of Athena while the bane of Zeus escaped" he said as Enceladus's image disappeared. "But to kill these beasts the might of a god and demigod are needed and Hera and I decided we need the full power of ALL the demigods to fight this war!" he yelled as he pointed to Jason.

"That is why we made a swap. Jason, a powerful leader in exchange for our two leaders, my daughter and Percy Jackson. This is a dangerous gamble because the Romans have a strong hate for the Greeks but that is why we have taken away their memories for now to make them earn trust" he said as he snapped his fingers again and Jason appeared next to him.

"I am telling you all this because I know unlike the Romans we don't hold grudges! The safety of the whole world is at stake so whatever has happened in the past needs to stay there!" he yelled as everyone started to cheer.

"So I ask you to place your trust in Jason, his friends and the Romans. We gods cannot fight this battle alone and we need the demigods help for this so please, at least be willing to work together with the Romans" he said as Clarisse stood up.

"We have fought in one war, what's another for us?" Clarisse asked with a chuckle. "If we have to work together with the Romans then so be it! We can't be whiny little brats when every one of us is in danger!" she yelled before everyone started applauding in agreement with her.

"Thank you all, with the Giants awakening the new Great Prophecy is beginning so we need to be ready to stand strong against the new foe! I will tell you all once the other side is ready" he said as they nodded before filing out of the amphitheater. The only ones left in it were Piper, Leo, Luke, Annabeth, Calypso, and the twins with him and Jason still on the stage.

"Jason, I hope you don't feel betrayed or anything" Naruto said to Jason before Jason shook his head.

"I understand why you and Lady Hera did what you did. I just hope the others get the trust of the Romans" Jason said as Piper and Leo got onto the stage.

"If you want I can return your memories" Naruto said as Jason chuckled and shook his head.

"No, I think I am good with them coming back in time. I want to figure out who I am before the old me comes back" Jason said as Naruto nodded.

"Super boy! I knew something was odd about you but to be a leader of a whole camp sounds awesome" Leo said as Piper smiled and held Jason's hand as she noticed how nervous Jason looked.

"Well, right now I can't think about that. I need to focus on getting ready for this prophecy" Jason said as Piper gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Yeah about that, I have an idea for transportation since we will be going all the way to Rome and Greece won't we?" Leo asked as Naruto nodded. "Well if I could get some help I think I could get it all settled" he said as Naruto smirked.

"Well go with a clone of mine and explain everything. If you need materials I can get them" he said as Leo nodded as he and a newly summoned clone walked off with Piper and Jason following behind.

"I may not like how everything happened or that Thalia agreed to this without asking me about it I can understand why" Annabeth grumbled out as Naomi sat on her lap.

"Thalia didn't want you to worry about it beforehand. This way you weren't stressing over it up until the point it happened and then so much afterwards" Luke said as he gave Chloe a sloppy kiss on the cheek that made her giggle.

"Thalia will still remember that she has a girlfriend. It was one of her conditions for her to agree to the mission" Naruto said as he hopped off the stage and smiled at his daughters as they wobbled over to him, letting him pick them up.

"They still have a while to go before they start towards their side so all we can do is wait and prepare for the prophecy" he said as they nodded.

"Well I have faith the two of them will be able to go through with it, especially with all the training we all have gone through" Luke said as he cracked his neck with a smirk. "The best we can do is keep at it and stay ready for the eventual meet up."

"Luke's right, we need to stay ready since this will be more difficult than the war with Kronos" Naruto said as he started to walk back towards the Big House with Calypso following close behind.

"We will start tomorrow after the quest members get their rest. We have a lot to do until we can say we are ready for what is to come" Naruto said with a slight frown as he knew this war would be much worse than the last.