Chapter 28

Thalia groaned as she slid down a hill with her friend Percy as they ran away from two monsters that called themselves Gorgons.

Ever since she and Percy had woken up in that weird house everything in the two of their lives had started to go weird.

The only real things the two of them remembered were a few flashes of names, her strongest one being Annabeth who she somehow knew was her girlfriend, while the other thing was their odd powers.

According to Lupa, the wolf goddess of the Wolf House, both she and Percy had powers that were given to them by a powerful goddess. They didn't remember how to use them except when they were in combat.

She remembered the first time they had been training with Lupa and by instincts alone Thalia had summoned a pair blades from almost out of nowhere that could conduct lightning naturally. After a week or two of training she learned how to at least summon the swords and use a technique or two.

Lupa said that their muscle memory would help them remember their techniques fully so to just trust how their body moves in battle but there was really nothing else they could have done.

"Percy come on!" Thalia yelled as the black haired boy, who was the only person besides Annabeth that she remembered, nodded and quickly followed her.

"Honestly how many times have we killed those things!? They just keep coming back!" Percy yelled with a groan as nearly their entire trip from the Wolf House towards the direction Lupa had sent them in the two Gorgon sisters had followed and attacked them. Every time they had killed them they kept leaving behind two little bottles that they had stuffed into a small panda stuffed animal backpack that they had stolen from a shop when they stole other supplies.

"Let's just keep going Percy, they are a hassle and we need to find this camp" Thalia said as she helped up Percy after he slid down the hill as well. 'Crap' she thought with a groan as she saw the two Gorgons reach the top of the hill and sneer down at them.

"See I told you sister's scent wouldn't leave the girl" the red snaked Gorgon Euryale said as the green haired one Stheno scoffed.

"And I told you sister that your nose is as senile as your head since sister hasn't been seen in ages and if she was around some demigod then the child would have been dead" Stheno said as they started to bicker until a ball of lightning flew at them and blew up at their feet, sending them flying back.

"Damn, my aim with this is crap" Thalia said with a frown as she brought her swords apart as they still coursed with a bit of lightning from firing the ball of condensed lightning at the two monsters.

"Come on Percy, we need to go like now" Thalia said as she grabbed Percy's arm and tried to pull him away until globs of green liquid splashed down in front of them, making the ground melt away.

"You aren't going anywhere children! Our mistress promised to help us get our sister back if we give her the both of you!" Euryale hissed out as Thalia glared at them until they heard a chuckle behind them.

"As much as the sentiment touches me I would rather you not kill my patron's child" an almost familiar voice to Thalia said as she turned around to see a Middle Eastern woman walking towards them with a smile.

"M-Medusa?" Stheno stuttered out as the woman, now identified as Medusa nodded.

"I will get to you in a second my sisters but first Thalia and Percy you need to continue now there are more monsters coming and you need to go to camp" Medusa said as Thalia frowned.

"How do I know you!? You mentioned that my dad is your boss! Where is he!?" Thalia yelled as Medusa frowned and placed her hands on her shoulders while looking her in the eye.

"I knew you before you lost your memory but it is not my place to tell you who you are. Your father is watching you but he cannot interfere. Your father loves you more than anything and I know somewhere inside your mind you know I speak the truth. You need to trust him" she said as Thalia frowned and slowly nodded.

"O-Okay" Thalia stuttered out as something about Medusa's words hit her hard before she looked towards Percy. "Let's go Percy before more monsters arrive" she said as she grabbed her friend by the wrist and dragged him away.

"One more thing Thalia, in the future, go for the smell of cinnamon" Medusa said as Thalia nodded before running off.

"Sister why are you letting the boy go!? He is a son of that god" Euryale hissed out as Medusa let out a sigh.

"Sisters come, let's talk" Medusa said as she smiled to her sisters as a bright flash took the three of them away.

Thalia and Percy frowned as they could almost hear the roars of monsters coming closer to them before they reached highway and noticed two old women being surrounded by hellhounds.

The second Thalia's eyes connected with the eyes of the auburn haired woman's something snapped in her, causing her to rush forward towards them, slicing through hellhounds until there were none left standing.

"Thalia! Are you okay?" Percy asked worriedly as he had just seen his friend jump into a pack of hellhounds and decimate them.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" Thalia said as she looked down at the smiling auburn haired older woman before she helped her up.

"Aren't you two such dears. Thank you for coming to our aide" the other older woman, a dark haired woman who seemed to wear a wolf skin as a cloak. "I am June and this is my sister Vera and thank you for getting rid of those vicious dogs" she said as Percy nodded.

"But there are more coming and we need to hurry" Thalia said as she pulled her eyes away from the woman named Vera.

"Yes you two should hurry but we too need to hurry and I fear those dogs injured us more than it seems" Vera said as she tried to stand and nearly fell before Thalia caught her.

"Can you dears carry us to that tunnel? There we will be safer" June said as Percy looked to Thalia who nodded.

"We can't leave these old ladies here when more monsters are coming. You carry June I'll take Vera" she said as Percy sighed but nodded as he carefully picked up June while Thalia did the same with Vera.

"You are such a good girl. Your mother must be so proud" Vera said as Thalia couldn't help but nod with a smile.

Thalia could remember two versions of a mom in her head, a drunk that she had left long ago and a caring mother that was always smiling at her and loving her. She figured the last one was the one she counted as her mom.

"I think she is, I can't remember" Thalia muttered with a frown as she looked to Percy. "Come on Percy, the horde is getting closer" she said as Percy nodded and they slid down the slight hill and to the highway as the tunnel was just across it.

"Nearly there sweetie" Vera said as they carefully made it halfway across the highway before a massive pack of hellhounds burst out of the tree line.

"Run!" Thalia yelled as she readjusted Vera in her arms before booking it toward the tunnel.

Percy didn't need to even look back as he heard Thalia yell before they crossed the highway as two kids, a Chinese looking boy and a dark skinned golden haired girl rushed towards them.

"Halt! Who are you and what business do you have here!?" the Chinese boy yelled as Thalia growled.

"Not the time boy! Especially when we have a pack of hellhounds chasing us!" she yelled out as they grew closer to the two of them before the two kids widened their eyes in shock.

"Open the damn door and let us through!" Thalia yelled as the golden haired girl nodded quickly before she pulled down a lever, letting the massive gates open.

"Sorry Vera but we can't let you down here" Thalia yelled as she, Percy and the two other kids ran through the tunnel.

"Get across the river! There we can defend easier!" the girl said as Thalia nodded and ran as the hellhounds followed them through the tunnel.

"The bridge is over there!" the Chinese boy yelled as Percy frowned.

"Screw the bridge!" Percy yelled as he and Thalia ran across the top and the river, an ability they could apparently do due to the strange energy in them as it acted on reflect.

The two other kids stared in shock as the two black haired teens ran across the river like t was nothing before they set the old women they were carrying on the ground.

"Now we can clear this stupid pack away" Thalia said with a growl as she pulled out her twin swords and summoned lightning from them while Percy clicked his pen to summon his own sword.

"You get one half I'll get the other" Percy said as Thalia nodded and the both shot back across the river and towards the pack of hounds who were about to pounce on the two other kids.

"Water Style: Water Bullet Barrage!" Percy yelled as his hands ran through the signs before he shot out rapid fire globs of high pressured water at the hellhounds as it tore through them, turning them to dust almost instantly and cutting down nearly half their numbers.

"Chidori Senbon!" Thalia yelled as she waved the Chidori across the clearing, sending countless senbon of pure lightning into the pack of hellhounds, wiping out their numbers and scattering the remainder of the hellhound dust into the air to make reforming much more difficult for them.

"What was that?!" the Chinese boy asked in shock as two flashes of bright light came from behind them.

"Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque what you just witnessed was the powers of two new powerful demigods" a commanding voice spoke out as the four demigods turned around to see not only nearly the entire camp staring at them but the familiar forms of the goddesses Juno and Vesta looking down at them from where the old women June and Vera use to be.

"Romans! We bring you Thalia Otsutsuki adopted child of Vesta and Percy Jackson son of Neptune to join the legion!" Juno said as the Romans stared in shock at the two new demigods as Thalia walked towards Vesta in shock.

Vesta wore a dark brown dress as her auburn hair was coming down her shoulders in waves as her warm fiery eyes smiled down at Thalia.

"M-Mom?" Thalia choked out as Vesta nodded and stroked her cheek.

"Yes my lovely daughter, it is me" Vesta said before Thalia flew at her and hugged her tightly, surprising the Romans at the display of emotion from a goddess as Vesta hugged her back.

"Your father misses you greatly and he cannot wait to have you back again" Vesta said as she kissed the top of Thalia's head.

"Is my dad a god like you or a human? Does he love me?" Thalia asked as she wiped some tears away from finally meeting someone from her past so soon.

"Thalia, your dad is a powerful god. He would have loved to come here but he cannot just yet despite his want" Vesta said as she let Juno take care of setting up Thalia and Percy into the Roman Legion. "And your father loves you more than anything, always remember that and keep this close" she said as she handed Thalia a three pronged knife.

"I must go but next time you see me your father will be with" Vesta said as she and Juno smiled warmly down at her before they disappeared.

"Thalia, are you okay?" Percy asked worriedly as he slowly made his way towards Thalia as the Romans remained frozen in place by the fact two powerful goddesses had arrived in the middle of their camp.

"Yeah Percy, I'm perfect" Thalia said with a smile as happy tears rolled down her cheeks.

Percy smiled and rubbed his friend's back consolingly before a clearing of a throat stopped the moment.

They both turned to see a tan skinned girl, looking about 16, walking towards them. She had glossy black hair worn in a single braid that draped over her shoulder and regal purple toga that was worn over golden armor and medals while her piercing black eyes looked at the two of them. "I hate to ruin your moment but we must discuss what just happened as well as your place in the legion" the girl said as Thalia stood up and nodded.

"I am Reyna and the praetor or leader of this camp. Lady Juno said you are both without memories of your pasts, is that correct?" Reyna asked as they nodded.

"We only remember a few names, some techniques of ours and that we are friends" Percy said as Thalia nodded along.

"Well wait out here Thalia, Percy I must talk to you first" Reyna said as Percy shivered slightly from the cold look in Reyna's eyes.

"I'll just wait out here" Thalia said as she sat down outside the building Reyna had taken Percy inside.

Thalia frowned as she looked over the three pronged knife that her mother had given her. It looked so familiar as if she could picture it in the hands of her father. She struggled to make his face lose its blur before she felt numerous pairs of eyes on her.

Her frown turned to a glare as she saw some people glaring at her or pointing and whispering. She quickly grew annoyed by it as she started to conduct electricity, sending them nearly running away.

"Thalia I am ready for you" Reyna said, snapping her out of it as the lightning stopped.

"Sure, sorry 'bout that" Thalia muttered as she walked past a slightly frowning Percy and a curious Reyna.

"Do you always have lightning around you?" Reyna asked as she motioned for Thalia to sit down as she sat down on her chair with a golden and silver greyhound dog at either side of her.

"Apparently when I am angry it happens and the constant pointing and whispering is getting to me" Thalia said with a frown as Reyna nodded.

"Well it is not every day that we get a child, even an adopted one, from one of the virgin goddesses. The other Romans will come to accept it in time" Reyna said as she noticed the three pronged knife if her hand.

"Have you ever seen a knife like that before?" Reyna asked as Thalia shook her head.

"I see glimpses of it but I can't remember fully. My mom said it was linked to my dad and he would come to me when he can as long as I keep it" Thalia said as Reyna nodded with a smile, the first one Thalia had seen on her face.

"You honestly don't remember anything?" Reyna asked as Thalia shook her head.

"Besides my girlfriend Annabeth's name and how to use a bit of my powers no, I don't remember anything about my past. Apparently though my mom is Vesta and my dad is a powerful god as well" she said as Reyna rose an eyebrow in minor shock.

"He's a god? That's new…" Reyna muttered as Thalia rose an eyebrow.

"What was that?" she asked as Reyna waved it off.

"It is nothing, you are good and I know you are not lying" she said as Thalia frowned.

"And how is that?" Thalia asked as Reyna pointed to the silver and golden dogs at her sides as their red eyes glowed at her.

"My automaton dogs Aurum and Argentum can detect lies and if you did lie they would have growled" Reyna said while petting the dogs before looking back up at Thalia. "One last question though, do you remember a place called C.C's Spa and Resort?"

"No, should I?" Thalia asked as Reyna shook her head with a slight frown.

"No, that is fine. I will have a Roman take you and Percy to our camp's auger to determine where you can be placed" she said before she led Thalia back out to where Percy was waiting outside.

"You! Take these two to the former temple of Jupiter. Octavian should still be there trying to rebuild it" Reyna said to a random Roman who nodded and waved for them to follow.

"Wait why is it former?" Percy asked as the Roman frowned.

"Because a few years ago it randomly exploded. We were assured by Lady Juno that we did nothing wrong and apparently Jupiter committed a heinous crime that resulted in him losing his godly power. Of course we were in shock but we learned to adapt as apparently Lady Juno is leading Olympus better than before" the Roman said as Thalia frowned.

"Then why is someone trying to rebuild it?" she asked as their guide let out a tired sigh.

"Octavian refuses to believe Jupiter could do any bad. Even our lost praetor Jason accepted that his father had to have done something terrible to be punished that badly and denounced his parentage, claiming only as Juno's champion" he said as Thalia rubbed her temple as she could feel her head hurting from the mention of Jupiter and this 'Jason' guy but shook it off.

"Octavian! The two who were introduced by Lady Juno and Lady Vesta are here to be approved by you in sanction with Reyna's approval" their guide said as they arrived at what would be best described as a half a building as the roof of the building was entirely gone as well as the upper half of the walls.

The building, even if it was made of marble, looked like it had nearly been burnt to the ground and Thalia guessed it had been struck by lightning since she could almost feel the charge in the air as a boy exited the burnt temple.

The boy looked around 18 with blonde hair, crazed blue eyes and incredibly pale skin. He wore a white toga over a blue shirt and jeans as he held an orange teddy bear in one hand and a dagger in the other.

"Ah these are the two that made the flashy entrance, please come it" Octavian said with a smile that both of the new demigods felt was incredibly fake.

"Good luck" their guide whispered to them before they had to follow Octavian.

Once they were inside the temple they realized it was just as destroyed in the inside as it was outside. The tiled floor under them had numerous cracks through every tile while in the center of the room was a pile of rubble with half of a lightning bolt made of gold on it. She figured it was a makeshift altar or something to Jupiter.

"You were the one that used lightning weren't you? Does that mean you are a child of Jupiter?" Octavian asked energetically as he moved incredibly close to Thalia.

Thalia glared at him and moved away from him with a frown. "No my dad isn't Jupiter, according to my mom he is still around so it can't be a faded god" Thalia said as Octavian clenched the teddy bear and dagger in his hands tighter.

"Why did Reyna send you again?" he asked with a slight growl as he threw the teddy bear onto the pile of rubble.

"She said you had to use your skills as an auger to find out where we can be placed" Percy said as Octavian nodded and tied to grab the stuffed animal backpack off Percy's back before Thalia stopped him and pulled it away.

"Oi! There are important things in here so goes stab your own bear" Thalia said as she figured that was what he did due to the stuffed animal filling scattered across the room.

"What is so important in there" Octavian asked with a glare as Thalia pulled out one of the ten Ziploc baggies that each contained two vials of Gorgon blood from the bear and held it up.

"Gorgon's blood, we killed the gorgon sisters Euryale and Stheno five times each and they left behind these each time. The blood from right side can cure anything while the left side kills if it is drunken. We don't know which is which though but we did keep each set together so there are no two left sides together or anything" Thalia said with a frown before stuffing it back in the bear.

"Fine, but my reading will be less accurate" Octavian said with a sneer as he walked over to the broken rubble that he apparently used as an altar and stabbed his dagger into the orange bear before ripping it open and looking into its 'entrails'.

"What can he see exactly in bits of fluff?" Percy whispered to Thalia who frowned and shrugged her shoulders.

"The gods have shown me that you are allowed to join the legions!" Octavian declared as he threw the bear and its fluff into the fire at the side of the altar. "Come with me and we will figure out who is willing to take you and might I say that the first cohort is open for you, Thalia was it? And might I say your black hair is lovely" he said as Thalia frowned at his smirk and attempt to get close to her and flirt.

"No thank you, I have a girlfriend even if I don't know where she is" she said with a bit of disgust directed at Octavian as the man frowned and quickly turned to guide them towards the legions.

"There are five cohorts. The first is the one that comes with letter of recommendation or claim from a god or goddess like you two have. Two is the same as first only without a god or goddess's claim. It goes on until the fifth where they are only here by the allowance of other campers and have no real proof to their parents" Octavian said as they walked along, not knowing Thalia and Percy weren't paying any attention.

"Cohorts! Call your centurions!" Reyna ordered out once she saw them near as nearly everyone rushed up to see where the two new powerful demigods would end up.

"First Cohort reporting" Octavian said with a chuckle as the others from his cohort stood behind him.

"Second Cohort here" a boy with light blonde hair and green eyes said as he rolled up his sleeve to show a caduceus on his tattoo.

"Third Cohort" a tan skinned boy said with reddish brown eyes and shaggy brown hair as his tattoo showed an anvil with a hammer.

"Fourth is right here" a girl with sleek black hair and dark forest green eyes said as she had a tattoo of two torches with a grain of wheat behind it.

"And the failure Fifth is right here" a boy with black hair and blue eyes said before taking a sip from his goblet. Thalia noticed he had red lips while his tattoo seemed to be a staff of sorts with a grape vine across it.

"Who here wishes to accept these two into their cohorts?" Reyna asked as she saw everyone raise their hand, though in the last boy had to have his arm forced up. "Then now it leaves the two to decide for themselves" she said as Thalia frowned and looked around.

"Thalia, those are the two from the gate" Percy whispered to Thalia as she noticed Frank and Hazel in the last group near the red lipped boy.

"Yeah, they seemed nice. Want to go there?" Thalia asked since she wasn't going to be moved away from the one person she knew.

"It would piss off Octavian and get us away from him" Percy said as he smirked at Thalia's smile.

"Percy and I choose the Fifth Cohort!" she yelled as she pointed to the now shocked group of teens.

"Are you sure?" Reyna asked as she struggled not to smile at the angry look on Octavian's face.

"Definitely!" Thalia said as the Fifth Cohort started to cheer.

"Well congratulations Fifth Cohort. Dakota I expect you to get them up to date with everything and get them ready for the eventual War Games" Reyna said as the red lipped boy, now names Dakota, nodded with a smile.

"If that is all you are free to go" Reyna said as Octavian walked after her with a glare on his face. Once the door closed you could instantly hear Octavian's voice yelling at Reyna.

"So why did you choose this sad little cohort?" Dakota asked with a chuckle as Percy pointed to Frank and Hazel.

"Well these two were the first two we met so I went with my gut. They seemed nice and they fought along with us" Thalia said with a smile as Dakota clapped his hands on the backs of the two of them.

"Well then they can show you around. It'll be good for them in the end" Dakota said as he waved to them before walking off.

Thalia smiled as Hazel giggled and smiled at them "Come on, me and Frank will show you around. It'll be fun" she said as Percy and Thalia smiled, happy and content with their choice.