Chapter 30

"Thanatos is trapped, monsters and mortals are coming back from death. Stop him or shit hits the fan, got it? My son Frank will choose three others to go with him but two of them have to be those two" Mars said as he pointed at Thalia and Percy as he and Frank returned to the rest with Frank holding a spear in his hands nervously.

"Of course Lord Mars but why four?" Reyna asked as Mars smirked.

"Because the little brat needs to learn respect for Mars," he said pointing to Percy before moving to Thalia "and as for her you can say I owe her parents a favor and this will help her out" Mars said before turning back to Reyna.

"The big boss has some requests to be done before they leave on the quest. I know it is unlike how it normally goes but trust me, it's what has to be done. You Romans can understand that, right?" he said as he handed Reyna a folded up piece of paper and put his hand on one of the grenades on his belt before Reyna nodded adamantly and accepted the scrap of paper.

Mars smiled and nodded before a boom of thunder rang out "And that is my cue to leave. For the last quest member do one of those senate meetings, you all are good at that" he said before his form flickered before completely fading away.

Reyna frowned before she unfolded the paper only for her frown to slightly deepen "Go to the temple of the goddesses and leave offerings to ensure Mars's orders are approved since we will need them for tomorrow's senate meeting" Reyna said as she handed the paper to another centurion who nodded and rushed off.

"What are we going to do with the murderer over here?" Thalia asked as she kicked the unconscious Octavian in the gut only for him to groan and roll over, still passed out.

"He will be placed in our jail and will be dealt with after this quest ordeal is finished with. For now I suggest you all rest for the senate meeting tomorrow as well as the start of your quest" Reyna said with a sigh as Frank nodded before heading back towards Thalia, Percy and Hazel.

"So, sorry that we were forced to come with but who is your fourth member?" Thalia asked as her swords disappeared in a puff of smoke as Frank put the spear inside his quiver.

"Well I'm kind of glad you two were forced since I would have picked you two anyways. Plus I was hoping Hazel would come with as well" Frank said as Hazel smiled brightly and nodded.

"I would love to come with Frank" Hazel said with a smile as Thalia smirked at the two of them.

"Well, then we better get prepared for tomorrow I guess" Thalia said as the two off them stopped blushing at each other and nodded before rushing off.

"You think they'll be able to handle all the monsters and everything as well as the whole 'not dying' thing?" Percy asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

"We'll see, they are trained to fight so it shouldn't be that bad. We should probably get our things together as well as something tells me we will be needing our vials of Gorgon blood" Thalia said as she walked through the battlefield with her friend following not far behind.

-Next Day-

Thalia frowned as she walked behind Frank and Hazel as they led her towards the entrance to the city. She hadn't officially seen the inside of it yet as during her tour it wasn't that in-depth. "How can you all wear these stupid togas?" she asked as she adjusted it over her normal clothes.

"Well they are only for special occasions like senate meetings. Think of them like tuxedos" Hazel said with a slight giggle as Thalia frowned as she wasn't fond of getting all dressed up in what was basically a dress.

"It shouldn't be so long and after you can tear it off if you want" Percy said with a chuckle as Thalia groaned and looked ahead in the line that they were waiting in to get into the actual city. She smiled slightly as she saw Reyna look her way and wave at her as her two metal dogs ran back and forth along the line.

As the line moved along she noticed the odd statue at the entrance. It was white marble life-sized statue of a muscular man with curly hair, no arms, a big block of marble as its legs, and an irritated expression on its face. There were numerous statues of the same man surrounding the city limits in about a hundred yard interval.

She noticed how they were all checking the tattoos of the other Romans and even talked to a few. Percy shook her out of her thoughts as they reached the statue that was at the front of their line.

"Ah who have we here?" the statue asked as Hazel took a step forward.

"Terminus, this is Percy Jackson and Thalia Otsutsuki. You guys this is Terminus, the god of boundaries" Hazel said as she introduced Percy and her to the statue god.

"New?" the god asked before they showed him the probatio tablets that Reyna had given them earlier today since it turned out while they were accepted into the legion they were still on probation to see if they were truly worthy or something.

"Yes, probatio tablets look in order. Ah! Weapon in your pocket boy? Take it out! Take it out!" Terminus said shocking Percy as he fished his hand into his pocket and pulled out his pen with a confused look as if to wonder how the statue had known about it.

"Quite dangerous, leave it in the tray" Terminus said before frowning. "Wait, where is my assistant? Julia!" he yelled as a small girl who looked about six years old peeked out from behind the statue.

Thalia thought she looked adorable with her pigtails, pink dress and the little impish grin she had that showed off her two missing teeth. She had to struggle not to laugh as she watched the little girl go back and forth to avoid Terminus until he caught her and the small girl let out a squeal of delight from being caught.

"Ah there you are. Front and center Julia, bring the tray as well" Terminus said as Julia scrambled out and brushed off her dress before she picked up the tray and presented it to Percy. Thalia rose an eyebrow as she noticed that there were several knives, a corkscrew, an oversized container of sun lotion and a water bottle already on the tray.

"You can pick it up on your way out and Julia will take good care of it. She is a trained professional after all" Terminus said as Julia nodded.

"Pro-fess-ion-al" she said as she spoke out each syllable carefully as if she had been practicing, making Thalia struggle not to hug the adorable small girl who for some reason made the image of two babies appear in her head.

"Well the thing is the pen returns to my pocket automatically so even if I do give it up it will-" Percy said before Terminus cleared his throat.

"Not to worry, we'll make sure it doesn't wander off. Won't we, Julia?" he said as Julia nodded before Percy shrugged his shoulders and put the pen on the tray before Terminus turned his attention to her.

"Hmmm you're quite odd. I feel weapons on you but I can't see where they are" Terminus said as Thalia chuckled.

"Well my weapons are odd they like to come," she said as she brought her swords out before spinning them in her hands and making them disappear again "and go" she finished as she saw the deep frown on Terminus's face.

"Bring them back out and put them in the tray" he said as Thalia shrugged her shoulders.

"Sorry sir but seeing as I am still an amnesiac I can't fully remember how to do that all the time. I guess they'll just have to stay with me" she said as she gave the statue a smirk making it frown before letting out a sigh and nodding.

"While I may not like it I do like the use of the technicality" Terminus said as he shot her a smirk making her smile and give a small bow. "Now a few more rules since you are new," he said as his face returned to the irritated expression that she figured to be his normal look "you are entering the boundaries of the city proper. Keep the peace inside the line and yield to chariot traffic while walking on public roads. When you get to the Senate House sit on the left hand side" he said as they nodded.

"Thank you Terminus, we will do so but we really do need to get going" Hazel said as Terminus frowned but nodded.

"Fine, fine, you may pass but stay on the right side of the road! And that rock right there – No, Hazel, look where I am pointing! That rock is entirely too close to that tree. Move it two inches to the left" Terminus said testily as Hazel chuckled and did as he instructed before continuing into the city.

"He does know he has no arms right?" Thalia asked as they got far enough away from him.

"We aren't too sure on that. There are some legionaries that swore they felt Terminus slap them for disobeying the rules. We think we just can't see them or something" Frank said with a chuckle as they continued through the city.

Thalia couldn't help but take in the sights as she walked through the city and saw all the people around that she knew from her earlier tour were all demigods or descendants from them. She continued to smile as her thoughts drifted to living peacefully in this city with Annabeth, even though she knew deep inside her that she didn't truly belong here.

She was brought out of her thoughts as they made their way to the senate building on the west end of the forum. It was a large building with a large white dome at the top.

As they entered the building she instantly thought the interior looked like a high school lecture hall with a semicircle of tiered seats that faced a dais with a podium and two chairs.

Thalia followed Frank and Hazel as they led Percy and her to theirs seats. She noticed that the first was occupied by nine senators since Octavian had been imprisoned and she even noticed Bianca sitting with them. The upper rows seemed to be filled with several dozen ghosts and a few older veterans from the city as they were also in formal togas.

As they sat down close to the front they noticed Reyna walking to the podium, causing the room to fall silent by the time she reached it.

"Now as this is an emergency meeting we won't stand on formalities" she said in a serious tone as she looked around the room.

"But I love formalities!" a ghost from the upper rows complained before she shot it a scolding look which made the ghost grow silent.

"First of all, we are not here to vote on the quest itself as it was issued by Mars Ultor, the patron of Rome and we will obey his wishes. Nor are we here to debate the choice of Frank Zhang's companions" she said as a senator snorted.

"All three from the Fifth Cohort? That's not fair" Hank from the Third said as the boy next to him nodded.

"And not smart since we all know the Fifth will mess up. They should take somebody good" he said as Dakota shot up so fast his Kool-Aid spilled from his flask.

"We were plenty good last night when we whipped your podex Larry or was I hallucinating when I saw Thalia zap you with lightning!" Dakota yelled before Reyna held up a hand to quiet them down.

"Enough Dakota, leave Larry's podex out of this. As quest leader Frank has the right to choose his companion as Mars forced him to take Thalia and Percy with him, which I believe all of you wouldn't dare question Lord Mars's orders" she said as Thalia chuckled from the sight of several people turning pale.

"Absurdus! Frank Zhang isn't even a full member of the legion! He's on probatio! A quest must be led by someone of centurion rank or higher! This is completely-"

"Cato," Reyna interrupted with a glare "we must obey the wishes of Mars Ultor and that means we must make some certain adjustments" she said as the ghosts grew silent, letting her point to Frank and wave for him to come up.

"Frank Zhang, it is my pleasure to bestow upon you the Mural Crown for being the first over the walls in siege warfare" Reyna said as Frank stood next to her, allowing her to hand him a bronze badge shaped like a laurel wreath. "Also I would like to promote you to the rank of centurion" she said as the senate exploded in protest.

"He's still a probie!" one yelled

"Impossible!" said another,

"I still have water in my nose!" yelled a third before Thalia growled and stood up to turn around.

"Shut the hell up!" Thalia yelled as lightning arced off her making everyone flinch and grow silent again.

"Thank you Thalia but please sit down" Reyna said as Thalia nodded and sat down. "Now as you all stated no one under the rank of centurion may lead a quest so since Mars Ultor issued the quest to Frank this is the only way around it. Please if any of you are against the orders of the patron of Rome do speak up, I bet he would love to know of people going against his orders"

"There is of course more than one opening for centurion since two of our officers, one auger and another senator, has been arrested and decided to step down respectively" Reyna said as she turned towards Gwen. "After ten years of service to the legion Gwen will retire to the city and attend college. Gwen of the Fifth Cohort we thank you for your service" Reyna said as Gwen smiled and nodded.

"Also as praetor I have the right to replace officers and while I admit it is unusual for a camper on probatio to rise directly to the rank of centurion and I think we can all agree last night was entirely unusual. Now Frank Zhang, your ID please" she said as Frank removed the lead tablet from around his neck and handed it to her.

"And now your arm" she said as Frank rolled up his arm sleeve before she raised her hands up with a serious look on her face. "We accept Fran Zhang, son of Mars, to the Twelfth Legion Fulminata for his first year of service. Do you pledge your life to the senate and the people of Rome?" she asked as Frank grew nervous.

"Ud-dud. I-I mean I do" he said as the entire senate stood up.

"Senatus Populusque Romanus!" they yelled as a fire came ablaze on Frank's arm.

Thalia widened her eyes as the flame burned before it died down to reveal the new marks that were seared onto Frank's skin: SPQR, an image of crossed spears, and a single stripe that represented the first year of service.

"You may sit down" Reyna said as Frank nodded before she cleared her throat. "Though before we discuss the quest, under the orders of the entire Olympian council we must bestow another camper with the mark of the legion" she said as the entire senate grew confused and murmured amongst themselves.

"Thalia Otsutsuki, please come down" Reyna said as Thalia stared at her shocked and confused until Percy nudged her, getting her to get out of her seat and head down towards the podium.

"This is nonsense! This probatio has been here even less than Zhang!" a senate member yelled before thunder boomed through the senate building.

"I believe that proves the seriousness of the order and please for the next part do not interrupt as I have been told that if you do the gods will smite those who do" Reyna said as the senate nervously nodded and entirely silent, some fearful to make the slightest noise.

"Now, we accept Thalia Otsutsuki, adopted daughter of Vesta and Juno, to the Twelfth Legion Fulminata for her induction. Do you pledge your life to the senate and the people of Rome?" Reyna asked as Thalia was shocked at the fact that she was adopted by two goddess before Reyna tapped her on the shoulder.

"O-Oh sorry, I do" she said nervously as Reyna nodded to the senate to tell them they could do their normal shout.

"Senatus Populusque Romanus" they spoke out, only much less enthusiastically and more afraid than the time before.

Thalia bit her lip in pain as a fire ignited on her right arm before the pain faded away and she found herself surrounded by a golden glow.

She grew incredibly confused of where she had gone as instead of the senate room she found herself in someplace that entirely consisted of golden light. She only grew more and more confused until she looked around and saw the familiar form of Juno smiling at her from a few yards away.

"M-mom?" Thalia asked confused as only a few moments ago did she learn that not only did Vesta adopt her but so did Juno. Her confusion and worry for mistaking the situation lessened as Juno smiled and nodded at her.

"Yes Thalia, I am also one of your mothers" Juno said as she walked towards her.

"What is going on? Why am I being claimed by both you and Vesta? Why not my dad?" she asked as Juno sighed and waved her hand, making a bench form behind her.

"Please sit down dear, I can explain" she said as Thalia frowned but sat down anyways with Juno sitting next to her. "Now your father, while a god, cannot claim you at camp as he is not one of the gods they worship. Though do not misunderstand as he does love you and care for you very much. That is why he asked us to claim you in his stead."

"Wait why? Why do I have to be officially claimed by you both?" she asked as Juno frowned and stroked her cheek making Thalia smile at the familiar feeling.

"Because your father wants you safe and with our symbols on you there is a higher chance your quest will succeed and you will be safe from potential danger" she said as Thalia frowned.

"Fine but can I at least have his name? In case I want to talk to him" Thalia asked as Juno smiled and nodded.

"His name is Naruto Otsutsuki, he is always looking after you, just as Vesta and I will be doing as well" Juno said as Thalia nodded as her vision started to go blurry.

"Wait one last thing! Who is my main mother or something?" Thalia asked confused as Juno let out a melodic laugh that made her blush slightly from the pleasing sound of it.

"Vesta has been your mother longer than I have been but don't think I love you any less. Your father made me realize how much of a sweet girl you are and made me love you like my own. All of your parents will be watching after you sweetie. We love you very dearly" Juno said as Thalia smiled happily just as she found herself back in the senate house with the fire on her arm gone.

As she looked down she noticed the same SPQR that Frank had only instead of the crossed spears to represent Mars she had what looked like a fire place with a peacock's plumage sitting on the top of it as a mantel piece of sorts.

"Thalia? Are you okay?" Reyna asked as Thalia turned to her and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm perfect" she said as Reyna smiled and nodded.

"Then you may sit down so we may continue the meeting and discuss the quest" she said as Thalia nodded and went back to her seat, ignoring the looks of shock and confusion she was getting.

"Whoa, I didn't know you were the daughter of Lady Juno as well" Hazel whispered to her as Thalia chuckled.

"Neither did I but I'm just happy to know my moms are looking out for me" Thalia said as she rubbed her new tattoo with a warm smile as Reyna cleared her throat.

"Now, back to the reason we were brought here. The quest"