Chapter 31

Thalia sighed as she was glad the annoying Senate meeting was over with. She found that even though Romans were supposed to be all 'fearless' and 'courageous' they were afraid of water and Alaska.

Thankfully though Reyna was able to give them boat to travel to Alaska on since walking would take too long with the Feast of Fortuna time limit as well as dangerous with the Gaea threat.

"We can leave after lunch so we should get our things together for now" Frank said before a throat cleared behind them to show Reyna had caught up with them.

"May I have a moment alone with Thalia for a moment" Reyna said as the others quickly nodded from the serious look in her eyes and walked off as Reyna led Thalia to her private 'office' of sorts.

"So what's this about?" Thalia asked as Reyna sighed and sat down, her two automaton dogs standing at the sides of her seat.

"I need to discuss something with you more than Percy. Please sit down, I feel this will help the quest succeed and possibly help defend the camp more than anything" Reyna said as she motioned for Thalia to sit down.

Reyna frowned as she twisted off the ring from her finger and set it on the table between them. "Do you know what this is?" she asked as Thalia looked over the ring. It was a band of silver with a sword and torch design etched into it.

"It's the sign of your mom, um Bellona right? I'm not too good with names" Thalia said as Reyna smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yes but you really don't remember seeing this ring, me or my sister ever before do you?" Reyna asked as Thalia frowned and shook her head.

"I honestly don't have any memories, if you have seen me before please tell me where you have seen me before" Thalia said as her head started to throb in pain when she tried to remember her memories.

"You and this man came to my old home, Circe's Island and Resort after someone destroyed it and freed all these prisoners. They attacked the resort in revenge for Circe's imprisonment of them. I remember it, even after four years, when that man and you arrived to save us" Reyna said as she rubbed her thumb against her ring.

"My sister Hylla and I were surrounded by the prisoners, they almost overpowered us when a man with the same last name as you came and saved us. Though at the time he identified himself as a champion of Vesta and Chaos's child" she said as Thalia frowned.

"I remember seeing you in the distance, or someone that looked like you. You had different color hair but you had the same swords. You and your father saved me once from a destroyed home now I think the gods sent you and Percy to save my home before it is destroyed" Reyna added as she almost growled out Percy's name.

"So you do know me! And you know my dad!" Thalia yelled in shock and a bit anger that Reyna didn't tell her until Reyna held up a hand to stop her.

"I couldn't be sure until I had more proof but yes I remember you and the fact you just yelled he was your dad proved it. It's just while I can't give you much help besides what I have but your journey will take you close to Seattle. I'm asking you for a favor which may also help you. Just please find my sister Hylla"

"Why? What happened to her?" Thalia asked as she accepted the ring in her hand.

"I don't know, she hasn't spoken to me in weeks. She's gone silent and with these armies passing through that we have gotten reports from-" Reyna said before Thalia stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You want me to check up on her, I get it. Want to make sure she is okay" Thalia said with a smirk as Reyna smiled and nodded.

"Partially since I can't really bring myself to believe that she's been overcome. My sister has a powerful force and her territory is well defended. If you find her she could offer you valuable help, especially if you mention being that man's daughter as well as Juno's. It could mean the difference between success and failure on your quest. And if you tell her what is happening here-" Reyna said before Thalia snapped her fingers with a smirk.

"She might send help to you all" Thalia said as Reyna didn't answer but Thalia could see the desperation grow in Reyna's eyes and Thalia fully understood why.

"I'll find her and do all I can to have her send help down" she said as she patted Reyna's shoulder with a smile before it drooped a bit. "Where in Seattle is she anyways and what are these forces?" she asked as Reyna chuckled.

"Don't worry. Just go to Seattle and they will find you. With your aura of power around you it shouldn't be long for them to find you" Reyna said as Thalia's frown strengthened a bit before she shook it off and sighed.

"Well, I guess wish me luck" Thalia said as Reyna grabbed her and pulled her close to her, shocking her as she felt Reyna plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Good luck Thalia Otsutsuki and thank you, for before and for this" Reyna said as Thalia's cheeks lit up and she wobbled out of the room, making Reyna struggle not to laugh.

Thalia's mind, for nearly the rest of the day, was in a daze. The kiss had sent her into a daze as her mind was fighting how perfect it felt compared to the fact she knew she had a serious girlfriend back where ever her home was.

It wasn't until she found her face crashing against the floor of what looked like to be a boat, after she looked around, did she regain 'consciousness'.

"W-What? Where are we?" Thalia asked in shock as she looked around to see Hazel, Frank and Percy around her as the boat underneath her started moving.

"Welcome back to the world of the living Thalia. I swear you were like a zombie ever since you returned from the talk with Reyna. What happened?" Percy asked as he stood in the middle of the boat, staring out into the distance as he 'steered' the boat.

"J-Just some personal stuff. She was just offering some help and asked me a favor" Thalia said as she tried to stop the image of Reyna kissing her cheek from replaying over and over again in her mind.

"If that's what you say. Just had us worried a bit" Percy said as he sent his friend a worried look out of the corner of his eye as she smiled and nodded.

"So this our boat? Seems like a crappy dingy" Thalia commented as she stood up on the boat and looked over the water.

"Hey, don't blame me, blame their Roman navy. Also at least it moves, we're heading towards the Golden Gate Bridge at 15 knots" Percy said while pointing to the large bridge in the not so far distance.

"Great well at least it floats" Thalia muttered as she felt a bit odd on a boat and in the ocean but something told her she was allowed to be here, even though it felt wrong.

"Do you not deal with water well Thalia?" Frank asked as Thalia nodded with a frown.

"I don't know, I'm just getting the feeling that the water doesn't like me but is allowing me go across it" Thalia said as she moved away from the edge of the boat, afraid of falling in.

"Well Romans are never been on good terms with Lord Neptune so it makes sense" Frank said as Thalia shook her head.

"No I think it has something to do with my lightning powers, these are my natural powers not my chakra ones" Thalia said as she made a bolt of electricity arc between her finger tips. "I think my dad did something to allow me to travel over water"

'Those look like Jason's power from Jupiter' Frank thought with a confused frown as they continued on through the water.

It wasn't for an hour or so until they heard a thud of Hazel falling over from where she sat down, causing Frank to rush to her side.

"H-Hazel? Are you okay?" Frank asked as he sat Hazel up only to find her non-responsive and that she wouldn't wake up.

"We need to get back onto land she is probably suffering from her seasickness" Percy said as he willed the boat towards land. The second they docked Frank quickly carried Hazel off the boat and back towards land.

Thalia frowned as they stopped on a cliff that was overlooking the beach since they didn't want to be on too loose ground with how Gaea was. Behind them was a grassy field that rustled in the wind.

"Where are we anyways?" Thalia asked as she looked around for any sign to show where they were.

"I think Mendocino if my sense of direction is correct with the water" Percy said with a frown as he stood next to Frank who was trying to wake Hazel up.

It was only after around ten minutes of trying to wake her up that Hazel finally started to stir.

"Hazel! Thank the gods you're awake!" Frank said as Hazel smiled and sat up right.

"W-Where are we?" Hazel asked as Percy and Frank talked with her while Thalia frowned and turned back towards the grassy field.

She felt odd about the grass behind her as it stirred in directions that even the wind was not blowing towards. Due to her affinity towards wind she could even hear odd whispers in the distance.

"Thalia are you okay?" Hazel asked, snapping her out of her daze as she turned around to see Percy had gone and Frank was nervously looking towards the field as well.

"No, where's Percy?" Thalia asked with a frown.

"He went to get our supplies since he left them there. What is wrong?" Hazel asked as Thalia stuck her finger in her mouth and held it up into the air.

"Do you feel that? The wind has died down right?" Thalia asked as Hazel nodded with a frown as Frank's face started to grow pale.

"If that's so why is the grass still rustling behind us?" Thalia asked as Hazel frowned and turned towards the field just as two beings grabbed their ankles and pulled them through the field.

'God dammit it! Just my luck' Thalia thought with a growl as she and Hazel were pulled deeper and deeper into the field until she saw Hazel fly up into the sky and Thalia smirked and ignited her Lightning Armor, causing numerous screams to ring out.

"You bastards want me? Come and get me?" Thalia asked with a smirk.

Thalia glared as she shot around with her lightning speed, killing monsters so fast that she couldn't even see what they were as she moved over to the ones that were bothering Hazel. "Are you okay Hazel?" she asked as she saw her friend smile at her.

"Yeah, the karpoi weren't able to get up to me on here" Hazel said as she got off the rock she had summoned as Thalia kept firing off small bolts at the reforming cherub like monsters just as Frank and Percy ran into the clearing.

"Hazel, thank goodness you and Thalia are okay" Frank said as he mainly kept his eyes on Hazel.

"Stay back or I swear I will burn you all to ash" Thalia said with a glare as she let a bit of fire chakra light out of her mouth to give her the appearance of breathing fire.

"I'd listen to her cause if she doesn't I will" Percy said as he let out some fire as well but much weaker due to his strong affinity to water weakening the strength of his fire.

They smiled as the remaining karpoi scattered off in the wind, dispelling into their respective grain and off into the fields.

"Guys, you really need to look at this" Frank said with a frown as he stood on top of the schist that Hazel summoned.

As soon as Hazel got up there she inhaled sharply "Thalia kill your armor and Percy put away your sword now!" she yelled as they quickly did it as they moved up next to her and saw her reason for freaking out.

Down below them was an army on the move. The whole ravine in the distance was full of monsters, column after column all moving south.

Thalia was in shock that she hadn't heard them shouting as they were so many of them. She even noticed a weird creature she didn't recognize. It was dressed in tattered bits of armor and animal fur with six arms, three on each side, giving them the appearance of cavemen that evolved from insects.

"Gegenes, the Earthborn" Hazel whispered in shock as Percy looked over to her.

"You've fought them before?" Percy asked as she shook her head.

"No, just heard of them in monster class. They were the monsters that fought the Argonauts" she said as Thalia looked out at the crowd of monsters ignoring the others, and the fact Percy's head was becoming scrambled as his memories threatened to return, as her eyes landed on the giant.

He was insanely tall, taller than the siege tower at 30 feet at least with scaly reptilian legs that reminded her of a komodo dragon from the waist down and green-blue armor from the waist up. His breastplate was shaped like rows of hungry monstrous faces with their mouths open like they were demanding food.

His face was human but his hair was wild and green like a mop of seaweed that had snakes dropping from it.

Thalia frowned slightly as she noticed his massive trident and weighed net. The way he held it showed he knew how to use it.

"Who is that?" Frank asked in a quivering tone. "That's not-" he said before Thalia interrupted him.

"It's not Alcyoneus, I think it's his brother I think. The one Terminus warned us about, Polybotes" Thalia said as her Sharingan spun into life before she was momentarily blinded as the store in the distance, which she didn't really register, shone to life with what looked like a rainbow surrounding it.

Thalia found the whole sight confusing as numerous cyclopes were throwing things into the rainbow barrier to have them burn up in multi-colored fire. They continued to throw rocks, spears, swords and even pieces of armor before the giant roared at them to stop.

She watched as the giant, with some difficulty regained control of his troops. "Goddess! Come out and surrender!" the giant yelled as the rainbow only continued to shimmer.

The giant glared as he raised his trident and net "I am Polybotes! Kneel before me so I may destroy you quickly!" he yelled before a tiny dark object flew out of the window and landed at Polybotes' feet.

"Grenade!" the giant yelled as he covered his face while his troops hit the ground. It wasn't for a few seconds before Polybotes cautiously picked it up before his face morphed into one of rage.

"A chocolate muffin!? You dare insult me with this!" he yelled in outrage as he threw the muffin back at the shop only for it to vaporize in the light.

"Let us attack, my boy and I are hungry" the lady cyclops said as Polybotes glared at her.

"No! We're already late. Alcyoneus wants us at the camp in four days' time and you Cyclopes move inexcusably slow. We have no time for minor goddesses!" he yelled, aiming the last comment at the store but got no response.

"Yes the camp! Vengeance! The orange and purple destroyed my home! Ma Gasket will destroy theirs! Do you hear me Luke!? Leo!? Jason!? Piper!? I come to annihilate you!" the lady cyclops, now named Ma Gasket yelled as the other monsters bellowed in approval.

"Jason? She fought Jason. He must be still alive" Hazel said as Frank nodded.

"Do the other names mean anything to you?" Frank asked as Hazel shook her head but Thalia's head stirred around at the names of Luke and Jason. Something about those names were personal to her but her head still didn't want to tell her why.

She shook the thoughts away for later as the army started to move again towards the south before the giant Polybotes stood to one side, frowned and sniffed the air.

"Sea god, I smell the sea god" he muttered as they turned pale as Percy was still in his have present state from the shock of the army including cyclops and centaurs.

Hazel and Thalia acted fast as they held down the shaking Percy closer to the rock to hide him as best as they could.

"Of course you smell sea god! The sea is right over there!" Ma Gasket snarled as she pointed to the sea.

"No, more than that. I was born to destroy Neptune, I can sense…" he said with a frown as he turned his head, shaking it as more snakes fell from his head.

"If I don't get snack you don't get sea god!" Ma yelled as Polybotes glared at her before growling.

"Very well. March!" he yelled as he took one last look at the rainbow encased store and raked his fingers through his hair, bringing out three snakes that were larger than the rest with white markings around their neck.

"A gift for you goddess! My name, Polybotes, means 'Many to feed'! Here are some hungry mouths for you. See if your store gets many customers with these sentries outside" he said as he laughed wickedly and threw the snakes into the tall grass on the hillside.

Thalia watched as he and his army marched south, his komodo legs shaking the earth with each step. Gradually the monsters passed over the hills and disappeared into the night.

Once they were gone the blinding rainbow shut off like a spotlight, leaving them all alone in the dark and staring across the road at the closed up convenience store.

"That was different" Frank muttered as Percy shuddered violently as the army triggered some memory that his head wasn't ready for just yet, leaving him shell-shocked.

Thalia frowned as she didn't like the idea of them going back to the boat in the middle of the night with Percy like that, even if the ocean could heal him. The field was still in between them and the boat so the karpoi could come back or the sentries could sense them and head after them.

"We need to get to the store. If there is a goddess inside then maybe she can help us" Thalia said as Frank frowned at her.

"Yeah except a bunch of snake things are guarding the hill now and the burning rainbow might come back" Frank said as the both looked at Percy, who was shivering like he was suffering from hypothermia.

"We've got to try and hey, any goddess that throws muffins at a giant can't be all that bad" Thalia said as she smirked at the store and cracked her knuckles.