Chapter 38

Thalia smirked as she and the others flew through Alaska on Shihai, the boss summon of the Eagles that not only had flown nonstop from Canada but also beat the plane of the others there. The boss summon had ended up being much bigger than she ever expected when she had summoned in on top of Frank's house.

Thankfully it seemed to quickly move off the house the second it was summoned since it was bigger than the house itself. If she had to describe its size she would have to compare it to a New York City skyscraper.

"You see? With Shihai here we can reach the Hubbard Glacier in record time, I mean with each flap of hers we travel a nice chunk of miles" she said as she patted the giant eagle that she and the others rode on.

"Bird huge. Bird fast, really fast. Speed scary for Ella like this" Ella squeaked out as she stayed in her position of hugging onto Thalia's waist as a lifeline as the wind soared past them at an incredible speed with each flap of Shihai's wings.

"If it was this easy we should have used this before or something" Frank said as he stayed close to Percy as only he and Thalia could stick to the back of the bird as it flew.

"Well I couldn't really since my memory of the summons like just came back. At least it came back when I needed it to" she said while she looked back at Percy with a slight frown. "How are yours coming along?" she asked as he drank his gorgon blood much later than she did so his might be slower to return.

"I'm remembering more now, like more of Rachel and back home" he said as Thalia smiled and nodded.

"Good, hopefully you'll remember how to fight fully by the time we reach the glacier. We need to free Thanatos, defeat Alcyoneus, and get back to Camp Jupiter in time to help them defend against the army heading their way. We don't have much time to spare" she said while Percy nodded.

"I know and I can do this…we can do this" Percy said as he patted Hazel and Frank on the back with a smile as they wobbled a bit on the eagle.

"Yeah we'll do it all and return safely, we won't let him take you Hazel" Frank said softly, making Hazel smile nervously, one that grew as she saw the others smiling at her, showing they were with her.

"Thanks guys but we should get ready, I can see the glacier and what looks like a camp on top of it" she said as the others looked ahead of them to see just what she said, an odd frozen over camp that as they landed looked incredibly familiar.

"It looks like a giant version of Camp Jupiter" Thalia said with a frown as she helped the others off, since Shihai couldn't land without tipping the glacier, with Ella still clinging to her waist. "You guys go and locate Thanatos, just be wary of traps. I'll be right behind you, I just have to make sure Ella will be safe" she said as they nodded and slowly made their way into the giant version of Camp Jupiter.

"Ella not good with fighting. Fighting not good for harpies" she nervously squeaked out as Thalia nodded and gently pet her head, fixing her windblown hair.

"Its too dangerous for you to stay with us right now Ella. That's why I want you to go with Shihai back to her home. She will keep you safe until I call you back" she said as Ella frowned up at her, giving her a scared look that made Thalia want to hug the skinny little harpy tightly.

"Friend Thalia…will return…right?" Ella slowly said, a clear sign to how scared Ella was since she normally spoke a mile a minute.

"Of course I will sweetie, I will summon you back with Hio the second I can and am back at camp. Stay safe with the other eagles and you'll see me again before you know it" she said as she kissed the top of Ella's head, making the harpy quickly hug her and bury her face into her chest.

"Ella will listen to friend Thalia. Be safe" Ella muttered softly before she flew up back onto Shihai.

"I will look after Ella, do be safe Thalia. If you need us again do not be afraid to summon us" Shihai said as Thalia nodded before she and Ella disappeared in a plume of smoke that quickly dissipated.

It didn't take her long to catch up to the others as they had chosen to go slowly though the giant camp as it gave off a very eerie sensation, one that quickly made her summon her Sharingan and swords to be prepared.

"So far no traps it seems" Hazel said in an optimistic tone while they walked through the camp.

"Yeah but this is just creepy. It's exactly like Camp Jupiter to a 'T' but just sized up" Frank said as he looked around before they all stopped slightly at the sight of a tall dark-robed figure, bound in chains at the crossroads in front of them.

"Thanatos…" Percy muttered as Frank quickly caught Hazel as she almost collapsed.

"We've got you Hazel, nobody's taking you away" Frank said while he helped her back up to her feet.

"I'm all right" she shakily said before staying on her feet.

"This has to be a trap. There isn't anyone defending him and Alcyoneus is nowhere to be seen" Thalia said with a frown as she charged her Kiba blades with lightning as Percy frowned.

"Obviously but we really don't have any choice since we came for him" Percy said as they continued towards the cloaked figure, walking past giant versions of the cohort barracks, baths and armory before stopping about 10 feet in front of the cloaked figure they figured to be Thanatos.

"Hello? Mr. Death?" Hazel asked with a frown as the hooded figure rose his head.

Though just as the god's head rose the camp stirred to life, figures in Roman armor emerged from the barracks, the principia, the armory, and the canteen. Basically everywhere around them.

All the figures themselves weren't human, all being shades from the Fields of Asphodel. Their bodies only being mere wisps of black vapor, barely keeping on their scales of armor, helmets, and greaves as frost covered swords were strapped to their sides. They even held pila and dented shields, which floated, in their smoky hands.

Most of them were on foot but two soldiers burst out from the stables in a gold chariot, which was pulled by ghostly black steeds.

"Well…here's the trap" Frank said with a groan as he held the spear Mars had given him in his hand, well aware of it only possessing one charge that might be able to help them against the shades but not the Giant that was bound to come.

"These freaking ghosts are armed more than all of Camp Jupiter, this is crazy" Thalia said, sighing in annoyance as she knew this was already going to be a pain. "Hey! Grim Reaper! We're here to save you so call off the army and help us!" she yelled as Thanatos's hood fell and he spread his black wings.

She had to admit, as she looked over the dark skinned, golden eyed god of death, he was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. As she had looked him over she noticed how both of his wrists and ankles were shackled with icy manacles whose chains ran straight into the glacier floor.

"Holy crap its Cupid…a really buff Cupid" she said a bit surprised as Thanatos chuckled softly.

"Ah you compliment me young princess" he said, his voice matching his handsome appearance as it was deep and melodious. "I am frequently mistaken for the god of love. Death does have more in common with love than you might imagine. I assure you though that I am Death" he said as they all nodded, not doubting it as the aura he gave off was a clear giveaway.

"We-We're here to save you. Wh-Where is Alcyoneus?" Hazel stuttered out as Thanatos narrowed his eyes, though it seemed more like in confusion.

"Save me? Do you understand what you are saying and what that will mean Hazel Levesque?" he asked as Thalia groaned.

"We're wasting time we don't have!" she yelled as she swung her Kiba blades down at the chains, only to have them get stuck on the chain like glue, causing her to use a good deal of strength to pull them away.

"That won't work, and neither will the flames of your great-grandmother so don't try as I'd rather not get burnt" Thanatos said as Thalia groaned, looking up from the chains she was about to light up with Amaterasu. "As for the Giant he is close, the shades are his after all" he said, scanning across the ghost soldiers, who shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Then how do we get you out?" Percy asked since if flames hotter than the sun couldn't work he wasn't quite sure what could work.

"You are aware the second you try and free me these shades will attack?" Thanatos asked as Percy nodded impatiently.

"Yes we'll deal with them now how do we break the chains?" he asked making Thanatos chuckle softly with a smile.

"Only the fire of life can melt the chains of death" he said as Frank drew a shaky breath and they all slightly widened their eyes.

"Frank no, there has got to be another way" Hazel said as Thanatos basically told them the only way to do it was to use the flame off of the piece of wood that held Frank's life.

But before she could say anything else a loud bout of laughter boomed across the glacier. "My friends! I've waited so long!" a rumbling voice said as they turned to see a massive figure at the gates of the camp.

The giant was even larger than Polybotes with metallic golden skin and armor made of platinum links with an iron staff the size of a totem pole in his hands. His rust-red dragon like legs pounded against the ice as he entered camp while the precious gems in his red braided hair glinted in the light.

"Welcome Percy Jackson! Welcome Frank Zhang! Welcome Hazel Levesque! And most of all welcome Thalia Otsutsuki, princess of Olympus! I am Alcyoneus, bane of Pluto, new master of the death. Let me welcome you to your new legion" he said, spreading his arms to show off the ghostly soldiers as a grin was plastered on his face, his silver teeth glinting at them as he looked down at them.

"Hazel quickly, I need the package I gave you" Frank said as Thalia and Percy clenched their swords, already ready to defend him once he started freeing Thanatos.

"F-Frank no, there must be another way" Hazel pleaded as he shook his head.

"I know what I'm doing and we have to hurry" he said as Hazel solemnly nodded before reaching into her coat as Alcyoneus stepped forward towards them.

"A package? Have you bought me a present?" Alcyoneus asked with a smirk as Frank frowned and glared slightly.

"Nothing for you Golden Boy, nothing except a whole lot of pain" Frank said as he clutched the package in his hand while Alcyoneus roared with laughter.

"Spoken like a child of Mars! Too bad I have to kill you and these two" the giant said as he pointed his staff towards Thalia and Percy.

"Percy Jackson and Thalia Otsutsuki, I've followed your progress closely. You both, especially you Thalia, have caused a lot of trouble. Mother is especially angered at your father for fading Kronos. What better revenge than killing the child of his and the princess of Olympus" he said as Thalia narrowed her eyes.

"What's with this princess crap you keep spouting?!" she asked as it was starting to get on her nerves.

"Why with your dad the essential king of Olympus it would make sense to be a princess wouldn't it?" he asked before sighing, ignoring the slightly shocked look from Thalia at hearing her dad was king. "Though sadly I am not to be the one to kill you, maim you sure, but the honor goes to my mother. I will enjoy spilling some blood of Neptune, Vesta, and Juno though" he said as Thalia and Percy narrowed their eyes.

"You sure as hell won't get any blood from us" Thalia growled out as she was enshrouded in a green aura, the beginnings of her Susanoo. "I am the child of Hera and Hestia, Greek in blood and trained by Shinto at Camp Half-blood, I'd like to see you try" she said as she started to form the spine of her Susanoo.

"Greek, Roman, it doesn't matter as we will crush both camps underfoot" Alcyoneus said as he smirked down at them, his teeth giving off a resemblance to a car grill. "You see, the Titans didn't think big enough. They planned to destroy the gods in their new home of America. We giants know better! To kill a weed, you must pull up its roots. Even now, while my forces destroy your little Roman camp, my brother Porphyrion is preparing for the real battle in the ancient lands! We will destroy the gods at their source!" the giant said as Thalia narrowed her eyes, her Sharingan unknowingly spinning faster.

"You mean Greece don't you?" Frank asked as Alcyoneus chuckled and waved him off.

"You have no need to worry about that as you won't live long enough to see our ultimate victory! I will replace Pluto as lord of the Underworld. I already have Death in my custody and with Hazel Levesque in my service I will have all the riches under the earth as well!" he bragged as Hazel narrowed her eyes, gripping her spatha in rage.

"I don't do service! I may have been tricked to give you your life but I know my role now and I will not allow you to continue!" Hazel yelled back as she looked towards Frank and Percy with determination.

"Frank you free death, Percy defend him. Thalia and I will deal with Golden Boy" she said as she drew her spatha.

"Got it and Thalia," Percy said as Thalia smirked at him "make him bleed for us" he said as her Susanoo's ribcage started to form around her.

"Of course and I feel like I'll have some help" Percy said as he saw Gray pull itself out of the ground while Frank discarded the now useless spear.

"You think your little incomplete avatar and a girl with a mere sword will be able to actually hurt me?" Alcyoneus asked as Thalia smirked, the Susanoo forming four arms which four large katanas in their hands.

"True but one Hazel isn't just armed with a sword," she said as almost on cue a boom sounded out and the snow around them was blown away to reveal Arion, who she had felt coming towards them the second they landed "and my Susanoo isn't incomplete!" she yelled as the green shroud around her burst and grew.

Tendons formed around bone, armor formed over tendons. As the head grew, it possessing four horns that were two on the forehead and two near the top of the head and two pairs of large wings sprouted from behind.

She didn't know how she was pushing it past her limit, figuring it was her great-grandmother's blessing, but she kept making it grow as then legs formed and pulled her up to the height of the giant before her.

The others stared at her in shock as the appearance of her Susanoo reminded them of a Tengu from old Japanese mythology only much deadlier from the raised sandals, the straw cloak, the wings and even the long nose, which in Thalia's case was much more of a sharp beak.

Not wanting to give the giant any time to adjust, she immediately charged with her swords as Hazel quickly followed behind. She could hear the winds howling behind her as she figured Percy was already working defense for Frank and fighting the shades though her main focus was the giant in front of her.

For his size Alcyoneus was rather fast and skilled with his staff but she was able to get some solids hits in with her multiple swords only to notice the wounds kept instantly healing the second after they appeared.

"I am immortal in my homeland girl! As long as I am in Alaska you cannot kill me!" Alcyoneus yelled as he slammed his staff down, making a shockwave that sent Hazel and Arion tumbling back over the ice, crashing into the ramparts.

Thalia couldn't help the smirk on her face as she sent away two swords and used the beads around the arms of her Susanoo to quickly wrap around Alcyoneus' arms. To make sure he wouldn't fight she quickly had her Susanoo head-butt the giant, visibly breaking his nose as oil drenched down his face and his eyes half-lidded.

"You really are stupid, next time you pick a homeland make sure you don't fight so close to a border!" she yelled as he wings spread and she quickly picked up Hazel and rose into the sky before letting Hazel into her Susanoo core.

"Hazel which way to Canada from here?" she asked as Hazel, still in shock from the Susanoo pointed towards the north.

"J-Just a few miles that way" Hazel said as Thalia quickly flew off, leaving a bit of slack in her beads so Alcyoneus would get dragged along the ground, banging his head into nearby rocks to keep the giant unconscious.

"We should be safe now Thalia! We can kill him!" Hazel said over the wind before the landed, swinging the giant over into a nearby bolder.

"Y-Y-You b-brats! I told you I cannot die in Alaska! Fighting me is useless so just die!" the giant yelled, reaching around for his staff, which was left back on the glacier before Thalia set Hazel down.

"Here's a tip big guy. Next time you choose the biggest state for your home don't set up base in the part that is only 10 miles wide. Welcome to Canada asshole" Thalia said as she had one of her swords change into a large lance, one that covered the forearm before she drove it down straight into Alcyoneus' chest.

Hazel could only let out a sigh of relief as Alcyoneus dissolved into a pile of very expensive rocks and she fell to her knees in exhaustion before her eyes widened. "Frank and Percy! Oh gods we need to get back!" Hazel said as Thalia's Susanoo collapsed and faded away.

"I-I'm sorry, a Perfect Susanoo is too difficult to maintain for too long but I think our ride is here" she said as Arion quickly arrived in a burst of speed before kicking his feet at the pile of gems as if to get back at the giant for throwing him into a building.

Thalia groaned as her body felt like every cell was on fire before Hazel carefully helped her onto Arion and they set back off towards the glacier only to see the camp gone, only the main gates left standing as Percy was leaning against a staff that bore an eagle at the top and an odd bear clawing up a few remaining shades.

"Hey glad to see we weren't abandoned" Percy joked as the bear turned towards them, and to their massive shock, turned back into Frank.

"Did you kill Alcyoneus?" Frank asked as if turning back from a bear was literally nothing.

"Y-Yeah, did you free Thanatos?" Thalia asked as he pointed up to show Thanatos, the black angel look up from his tablet and wave as Hazel gingerly walked up towards Frank before she grabbed his head and planted a deep kiss on a shocked Frank's lips.

"We will talk more later, I promise, but I think I need to talk with Thanatos first" she said as Frank nodded robotically as he was in shock from the kiss.

"Bout time that happened don't you think?" Thalia asked as she patted Percy on the back, who chuckled and nodded.

"So how are we going to get back to camp? Even with your eagles I doubt we'd make it fully in time" Percy said as Arion grunted and almost rolled his eyes. "Okay a simple 'I can do it' is fine, no need to swear so much" Percy said in a flat tone as Hazel quickly walked back.

"Guys we need to get back to camp Thanatos said the giant's army is moving ahead of schedule and is heading their way real soon" Hazel said as Thalia frowned before smirking.

"Say are you three up for dredging the sea a bit cause I think the chariot is down there and a crap ton of weapons so we can not only get a ride pulled by Arion but some reinforcements" Thalia said as she accepted the eagle from Percy as he smirked and fell back into the ocean for his answer.

Grabbing all the weapons as well as the chariot out from the bottom of the ocean somewhat took a bit of time bit in the end it was going to be worth it as the weapons were sealed into an extra scroll she had inside her wrist seals while she kept the eagle on hand and the chariot, which was sure not to disintegrate, was strapped onto Arion.

"Well everybody ready?" Hazel asked as they nodded, preparing themselves for the speed as best as the can.

"Okay, well Arion. Giddy up!" she yelled as a sonic boom echoed across the bay as they sped south, avalanches tumbling down mountains as they made their way towards camp, fully ready to defend and kill anything in their way.