Chapter 39

As the miles flew by them Thalia found her memories returning nearly as fast.

She remembered everything, her crappy childhood, arriving at camp, becoming a tree, being saved by the man she would later call dad and all the way to before she agreed to the switch between camps.

A part of her was excited to see her dad again, knowing he would be showing up soon, but also nervous to see Annabeth again with everything weird going on between her and Reyna. For now she shook those last thoughts out of her head as Arion started to slow down letting see the view of the camp as the attack had seemingly started.

"Crap! The attack is already going on!" Thalia yelled in annoyance as Arion slowed all the way down, allowing them to get off the chariot.

"Do you think they knew and started when Alcyoneus died?" Frank asked as Percy frowned and drew Riptide.

"I wouldn't put it past them. We need to distribute the weapons to the others fast" Hazel said as Thalia smirked as she picked up the scroll and held her fingers up to her mouth.

"I got it covered" she said as she let out a loud whistle which was easily ignored by the others around her. Though it was picked up by the ones she was calling for, the sound of flapping wings being proof before Thalia braced herself and was tackled by a flock of harpies, the same ones she had sent after Phineas.

She chuckled as she pet their heads and quickly got them off her, noticing they were all still wearing the shirts she had given them. "It's nice to see you all again girls but now is not the time for a dog pile" she said as they quickly listened and got off her, still looking at her happily, ignoring the scene around them as they were excited to see her again.

Percy couldn't help but laugh as he realized what she had in store, watching as she unsealed the massive pile of weapons and armor before slipping a helmet on all of the harpies. "You're planning to use the harpies as a delivery service?" he asked as Thalia nodded.

"Girls do all the campers know not to attack you?" Thalia asked as they all nodded quickly. "Good then I want you to fly around and give some weapons to everyone with Hazel and the nice horse Arion. Be careful and once you are done I want you all to stay out of the battle okay?" she said as the frowned but nodded before they piled up on the chariot, half of the weapons fitting on there while the other half stayed behind for them to return to.

Thalia froze a bit as she saw Reyna and her Pegasus Scipio flying in the air towards where she felt the biggest energy which she quickly figured to be the Giant Polybotes, the same one they saw leading the army before.

"I have to go help her and deal with Polybotes" Thalia said as she summoned her swords, tightening her grip on them as Percy frowned.

"You do have an idea of how to defeat him right? You need a god to help actually kill him don't you?" Percy asked as, while he was Poseidon's son he felt he wanted to fight the bane of his father, he also understood Thalia's desire to help Reyna and felt she'd do best against him instead of him.

"I think I have a plan so don't worry. Plus the Amazons should hopefully be coming to help with the rest as Hylla should have won and should still be leading them" Thalia said, her eyes still locked on Reyna as she flew above, diving down from time to time with her spear before flying back up into the sky.

"Go but be careful. I know you'll probably do better against whatever water counters Polybotes has but still, Giants are deadly for a reason" Percy said, putting his hand on Thalia's shoulder before she nodded and patted his hand.

"Got you, you all be careful as well" she said before stepping back and igniting her lightning armor, leaving them in a burst of speed towards where she could feel Polybotes.

She narrowed her eyes as she leapt over the formation of Roman soldiers, using a nearby flag pole as a springboard to fly towards the Giant Polybotes. "Lightning Straight!" she yelled as her lightning cloak infused fist smashed into Polybotes' chest, creating a powerful burst of lightning that sent the Giant flying backwards.

"Thalia! You and the others have returned?!" Reyna asked in shock as she quickly landed Scipio behind her.

"Yes but stay back! I only knocked him down" she said bracing herself as she heard the Giant laugh before standing back up.

"I was honestly expecting the ocean spawn to come face me but mother will be definitely pleased when I beat you down and bring you to her" Polybotes said, stabbing his massive trident into the ground with a sick grin, as if he thought he had just won the lottery.

"Reyna tell the others to stand back and focus on the other monsters in camp. We raided a stockpile of weapons in Alaska that my harpies should be dropping around" she said, infusing the swords in her hand with her lightning.

"Did you find my sister and enlist her help?" Reyna asked before Polybotes chuckled.

"Oh you mean the Amazons? Mother has seen to them as by now Otrera should have regained control of them and be leading them to help us as I speak" the Giant said as in the distance Thalia could see the Amazon's battle forklifts coming their way.

"I do wonder though how Otrera handled Shibuki" Thalia said with a smirk, which instantly faltered Polybotes' smirk as the Giant narrowed his eyes at her.

The glare only intensified as the forklifts quickly changed direction and drove themselves into the army, killing monsters easily as the Amazons were clearly on their side.

Thalia quickly had to cross her Kiba blades in defense as Polybotes thrust his trident at her in an attempt to skewer her. "I have had enough of your meddling! I will break every bone in your arms and legs and dump you at the feet of my mother!" he roared as Thalia grit her teeth, his strength being enough to slide her back despite her using chakra to stick to the floor.

"Reyna! Leave and get the others away from us now! This isn't going to be pretty!" Thalia urged as she held back Polybotes' trident tips from poking her as they were inches away from her.

Reyna thankfully didn't need to be told again, casting her one last worried look before flying off with Scipio, quickly issuing her commands as the troops quickly retreated.

"Leaving you all alone to face me? You must be quite cocky to think you can defeat me alone" Polybotes said with a smirk as he continued trying to push his trident further towards her.

"Not cocky, just confident" Thalia groaned out with a smirk before she charged her blades with lightning, which quickly arced through the trident and forced the Giant to drop it.

As the trident feel to the ground she acted fast, kicking it back up and with a swift punch sent it shooting towards Polybotes, piecing his shoulder before it pinned him to a nearby column.

She felt her confidence in fighting a Giant alone raise up a bit as he roared in pain only for it to crash down after he effortlessly pulled the trident out and the wounds that it caused healed in a matter of seconds.

"I told you before that the combined efforts of a god and a demigod are needed to kill my kind! And I don't see a god around here! Do you?" Polybotes asked, slamming the pommel of his trident down to create a minor earthquake around them.

Thalia frowned as she leapt off the ground to stick to the side of a nearby column to avoid the fissure Polybotes tried to have her fall into. The frown though turned to a smirk as she reached into her pocket and pulled out one of her father's markers.

She just hoped he'd show up since with her memories back there shouldn't be any interference.

"And who says I don't have a god up my sleeve?" Thalia asked before she quickly threw the marker at Polybotes.

The Giant smirked as it moved its head to the side to avoid the knife, allowing it to embed itself in the column he had been pinned to moments ago. "If that knife was your trump card, it being somehow embedded with godly power, you've missed your chance" he said before a quick flash burst behind him.

"Did she?" a new male voice asked before Polybotes felt a something crash into his back before he was sent flying across the plaza they were fighting in with a searing pain tearing away at his back.

Thalia couldn't contain her grin as she saw her father, the same as she last saw him, still wearing his usual kimono as he smiled up at her.

"Well it's about time you called Thalia so shall we take this Giant down?" he asked, smiling up at her as she nodded and jumped down from the column.

-Naruto POV-

As he saw New Rome and Camp Jupiter he was a bit surprised to see himself summoned by Thalia while an attack was going on since he figured she was going to summon him during a senate meeting or something.

Though that didn't mean he didn't mind fighting by his daughter's side.

"I can't wait to brag to Porphyrion that I am to be the one to take you down! Ever since finding out about Zeus's removal from power he has claimed himself as your new bane so when he hears I defeated you maybe mother will make me king!" Polybotes said excitedly as the Giant stood up from the rubble of the building that he had sent him crashing into.

"You can tell Porphyrion, after I kill you and you undeniably respawn, that I am going to enjoy killing him for kidnapping Hera" he said as he drew slipped his two sword sheaths into the band of his kimono before he stood beside Thalia.

A simple look between the two was all that was needed before they burst towards Polybotes.

Polybotes quickly found himself of defense as he struggled to block and withstand each hit from the both of them as they were both incredibly fast and shrouded in what looked like lightning.

"Can't keep up with the Lightning Armor? Can't necessarily blame you for that" Naruto said with a smirk as he appeared in front of Polybotes and kicked him up into the air with a strong upwards kick.

"Now Thalia!" he yelled as Thalia appeared above the Giant clad in the Black Lightning form of her Armor.

"Got it!" she yelled back as she rose her leg up in preparation. "Guillotine Drop!" she yelled as he heel smashed into Polybotes' face sending crashing down with a loud explosion of rubble and dust from the combined momentum of the two kicks.

Naruto smirked as Thalia landed beside him before they both heard Polybotes let out a roar of pain and anger.

"Enough!" Polybotes yelled as he threw the rubble off of him with his one good arm since it seemed the other was severely broken. "I no longer care if I bring you back alive! I will end you both here and now and bring your dead bodies back to my mother!" he roared as Naruto smirked and looked towards Thalia.

"Finish him off with the combo, a little homage to a friend of mine" he said as Thalia nodded and they both crouched down.

"Fine! You want to kill us? Let's see if you can catch us!" they both yelled as they disappeared in a burst of speed towards Polybotes.

Polybotes tried his best to swing his trident around in hopes of skewering one of them as they repeatedly ran towards and past him, hitting him from every angle they could to weaken him up for their finisher.

"Stand still you pests and die already!" Polybotes yelled before his trident was knocked from his hand.

"You can go and tell your mother I will bind the two camps together and we will come to end her" he said as they kept attacking Polybotes. "Now let's end this! Thalia!" he yelled as they both appeared mere feet from Polybotes.

"Double Lariat!" he and Thalia yelled as their arms, Thalia's in the back and his in the front, created a scissor effect. He had taken a note from Bee's handbook and taught Thalia to do the Double Lariat with him.

And just like with their training sessions with dummies Polybotes' head also flew off his body before it and the fallen body turned into golden dust, leaving only a trident behind.

As the nearby monsters saw the death of their commander they quickly got the message and quickly started to run away.

Naruto chuckled at them as he sealed away the trident just in time to catch his daughter as she jumped into his arms.

"It's so good to see you again Dad! I've missed you so much! This amnesia thing was more difficult that I thought it'd be" Thalia said, half muffled since her face was buried in his chest.

"I've missed you too Thalia so much. I've been watching you alongside your mothers' and I am so proud of how you handled yourself" he said as he kissed the top of her head before he set her back down on her feet.

"As much as I would love to continue this I think we have some more monsters to kill" he said while Thalia nodded, blushing a bit before she summoned her swords again.

"You aren't going to leave or anything right?" she asked before he shook his head.

"No I am going to help as well and when the senate meeting is called I will be there as well. For now go help Reyna, I'm going to go help the front lines" he said with a wink which only made Thalia blush more at the mention of Reyna.

Though before she could protest he quickly left in a burst of speed, drawing his own swords before he started to help clear up the monster infestation.

It didn't take nearly as long as he thought it would be since the death of Polybotes seemed to break all confidence the others had, leaving behind only a few cockier monsters that were quickly killed.

He smiled as the bell signaling the senate meeting went off before he sheathed his swords and started to walk towards New Rome. A slight chuckle escaped his lips as he could feel others looking at him in a mix of confusion and fear from not knowing who he was and the power he radiated.

As he made his way to the border of New Rome he thankfully didn't need to pass though Terminus as he felt Thalia stab down a marker, which he quickly flashed towards to see the Roman Senate staring at him in confusion with Thalia and Percy standing near the front.

"Ah thank you for that Thalia" he said with a smile as he patted her head, chuckling as she swatted it away like always while Percy chuckled, before he turned towards the Senate.

"I believe my daughter has explained her and Percy's upbringing?" he asked as the senate nodded, their eyes changing from confusion to a mix of annoyance and anger.

"What that she explained how she and Jackson are traitorous Grecians right after we had the decency to make her Praetor?" one senate member spat out before he seemed to collapse under an immense pressure.

"I suggest you holding back such comments" he said as one senate member stood up with a glare.

"And what right do you have to speak!?" they asked as Naruto smirked and looked up at the boy.

"The fact that I am Naruto Otsutsuki, Greek god, Shinto Primordial, and the husband of Hestia as well as soon to be husband of Hera" he said as his titles had the desired effect of shutting them up before the one that had stood up now shakily sat down.

"I-If I may ask, why exactly did you swap our praetor with two Greek demigods?" a familiar voice asked as he turned to see Reyna, who along with her sister Hylla, didn't seem nervous of him at all.

"Yes you may Reyna, which it is good to see you and Hylla again" he said as the two daughters of Bellona smiled at him. "And I believe the attack on your camp and city is the answer to that question" he said as Hylla frowned.

"The Giants and Gaea really are reforming and waking up aren't they?" Hylla asked as Naruto nodded.

"Yes the offspring of Tartarus and Gaea are reforming under their waking mother's command and this time they are going for the roots of the pantheons. But," he said as he looked towards the senate "that is why the council has decided it is high time we combine the camps so that we can fight this threat together."

"Nonsense! We Romans cannot work with Grecians" one spirit near the top said as they started an uproar of all the other spirits.

"Silence!" he commanded as he narrowed his eyes and looked towards them all just as they instantly grew quiet.

"Now would someone very calmly tell me why exactly you Romans can't work with the Greek camp when they are more than willing to" he said as one hand nervously rose up.

"Yes?" he asked as the member stood up and nervously cleared their throat.

"B-Because Roman and Grecians have always hated each other" they said as Naruto scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? You hate them because of what happened in the past?" he asked as they, save Frank, Hazel, and Reyna nodded along.

"Raise your hand if a Grecian has done something directly to make you hate them and no lying since I can feel if you do" he said as he waited for hands to raise except there were none, like he expected.

"Exactly! You are all so caught in the past that you are seriously unwilling to put it aside to fight an enemy that is threatening the safety of all your lives?" he asked as he looked at them with a frown.

"We can handle it! We overtook Mount Othrys! What did the Grecians do?" another senate member said as Naruto rolled his eyes before Percy stepped forward.

"We defended Olympus and fought Kronos' full army before we took him down" Percy said while Naruto smirked.

"Percy here actually defeated Kronos' vessel before I fought and faded the Titan, turning him into a human just as I did with Zeus only I killed the human Kronos unlike with Zeus" he said while he rubbed the skull ring on his right hand before it transformed into Kronos' golden scythe that he then stabbed it into the desk of the senate member that questioned what the Greek camp did.

"It is about time you all get rid of this stupid hatred towards the other! It serves no purpose and has no reason other than old traditions. You have to get over it or else you all will die" he said as the senate grumbled but seemed to be getting to the point of agreeing.

"The Prophecy of Seven evolved to ten and the remaining five are coming here in three days' time to set forth on their quest. While they set forth the armies of the two camps will be led by the gods of Olympus to the fight alongside the ten of the prophecy" he said as he reverted the scythe back into his ring.

"Who are the five from our camp?" Reyna asked as Naruto smiled and motioned towards the four who had just returned.

"Percy, Thalia, Hazel, Frank, and you of course Reyna" he said as Reyna looked surprised but nodded.

"Who will lead our camp then? Our last praetor candidate was arrested for almost killing Gwen and we can't even rely on him since he seemed to have escaped and ran off" an apparent Kool-Aid drinking senate member said as Naruto pointed to Hylla.

"You all have the Amazons and their leader by your side and she even has a sword of mine that is a part of a set of seven. You still do have Shibuki right?" he asked as Hylla nodded.

"Yes but I had to leave it behind with Terminus" she said before he snapped his fingers and summoned the scroll blastsword back to his hand which was then handed back to Hylla.

"Plus some gods of Olympus will be standing by your sides as you go towards Greece" he said as they nodded, slowly getting use to the idea of fighting together.

He smiled as he looked back to his daughter while he answered questions and concerns of the Roman senate. He knew he had a lot to get set up before the others arrived in the Argos II but right now he was glad to have her back.

Whatever stood before them his main concern was making sure his family was safe in the end and he would never allow any harm to befall them, even against a Primordial like himself.

Gaea had her army and a plan but so did he and he was determined to come out on top.