Chapter 40

The three days before the Argo II went by quicker than he expected.

He had spent the last three days helping the Romans to understand the stakes of the coming battle and once getting past their stubborn fronts had grown serious about working together to fight Gaea. With the help of the harpies they were able to gather all of the weapons and armor off the battlefield to ready themselves for the trip to Greece.

Over the few days he had spent a lot of it with Thalia, who had apparently on her travels to Alaska, amassed a flock of harpies that looked towards her like a mother hen. Currently the harpies had been sent off to Olympus, where Hestia and the twins.

The only harpy of her flock that she chose to keep behind was Ella, a sweet but odd harpy that Thalia had told him how she had recited prophecies. Thalia had spoken to him about bringing her along with them and honestly he would have sent the harpy to Olympus as well but the harpy was incredibly nervous around others besides her for some reason and Thalia worried about how Ella would handle it.

Plus with the amount of gods on board the Argo II she would be just as safe with them as long as she didn't stray too far from the ship. Mainly since the ship was able to keep everyone on it safe from anything Gaea might try, even more so with numerous gods on board.

His thoughts though were interrupted as a nervous looking camper ran up to him, nervous as if he would smite him if he looked at him. "Don't be so nervous. Just tell me what they told you to tell me. I'm not like other gods with how they snap so quickly" he said as the kid, who looked no older than 13, nodded and cleared his throat.

"T-They need you for a senate meeting. T-The Greek airship is nearing and they sent a message to expect them soon and they want to finalize the plans you told them yesterday" the boy said as Naruto nodded and pat the kid on the head.

"See was that so hard? I'll head there now so your duty is done" he said before he opened a Yomotsu Hirasaka portal to take him there quicker than it would have taken to deal with Terminus.

"Reyna is everything ready on our end?" he asked as he walked into the senate room to see they were rushing to get things finished for their armies.

"We have readied our armies for being led by the three gods you said would be leading. Hylla has her Amazons armed and ready. Plus the centurions are ready to lead their Cohorts with Michael Kahale being voted into the position of temporary Praetor while Thalia and I are away" Reyna said as she looked a bit nervous and run thin since for the last three days he knew the daughter of Bellona was a bit worried about her role as part of the 10 of prophecy.

"If I may ask which gods will be leading us and will they be in their Roman forms?" Michael, the son of Venus asked as Naruto nodded.

"I have it set up so Mars and Apollo will watch after and lead you all to meet the Greek army on its way to Greece. Mars will be mainly leading the army and Apollo will be working medic and in charge of archers. Ceres will also be here but to watch after New Rome while your armies are out of the camp. They will stay in their Roman forms around you all as you are children of Rome" he said as they all nodded, most likely a bit excited of the fact they were going to be led by their patron Mars.

Before Naruto could say anything more a senate member burst into the building, a nervous look on his face as he turned towards him. "Lord Naruto! The ship has begun landing in the Field of Mars" he said as Naruto smiled and turned towards the members of the senate as well as the remaining 4 of the prophecy.

"Well? Let's not keep them waiting" he said as they all quickly nodded and started to follow him, his daughter falling in place at his side. "You excited to see Annabeth again?" he asked as Thalia nodded with a slight nervous look on her face.

"Yeah, it has been a while since I've seen her and I bet she's been worried" Thalia said as Naruto nodded. "Though…I still need to talk with her about Reyna" Thalia whispered to him as he was fully aware of his daughters budding crush on the Roman Praetor that as far as he could see was mutual between the two of them.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now let's just get things set up here and get into the air" he said as Thalia nodded, remembering the seriousness of the situation.

It didn't take long for them to reach the Fields of Mars and by the time they did the god named after the field was standing at the side of the massive Greek war ship with Ceres, Apollo, Luke and Annabeth.

"Bout time you all show up as we already loaded up the pegasus you told us about and that red headed harpy darted in there once it was open, I hope she was allowed it. Thought it's really not good to keep us waiting" Mars said before Annabeth, at the mere sight of Thalia, ran forward and leapt into her girlfriend's arms.

"I've missed you Thalia" Annabeth almost sobbed into the chest of Thalia before quickly kissing her for the first time since Thalia had to go missing. And due to the length of time the two had been apart Annabeth clearly put some passion into the kiss.

Naruto chuckled as he opened up his coat to give the girls some privacy from the eyes of those around them before turning to Mars. "Sorry Mars we just got your message not that long ago so we didn't have time to get them straight out here to meet you all. They are aware of you three leading them though" he said as Mars nodded while Luke welcomed Percy back after being gone for so long.

"Girls, as much as I am glad you are happy to see each other I think we need to get on board" Naruto said while he looked over his shoulder to see Annabeth basically on stop of Thalia with kiss marks all over both of their faces.

The two girls, a bit embarrassed at how the let themselves get a bit too into it, quickly wiped their faces clean before standing back up and allowing him to lower his cloak.

"Well you heard the man! I want the armies ready! Those staying behind will stay in New Rome where Ceres will ensure you are safe!" Mars roared off while Reyna and Hylla shared a tight hug and Luke led Percy, Frank, and Hazel up into the Argo II.

"Stay safe sister, after this we will catch up again" Hylla said as she kissed her sister's forehead before turning to follow Mars, Apollo, and Ceres back towards New Rome.

"Come on Reyna let's get you on board to meet the others" Naruto said as he patted Reyna's back with a smile before the sound of barking grew louder behind them and two metal dogs seemingly caught up with them.

"Aurum? Argentum? What are you doing here? I told you to stay behind in New Rome!" she chided them as they whined and nuzzled against her as if they were sad that she was leaving. "I am so sorry Lord Naruto I will send them back" Reyna said quickly before he waved it off.

"Don't worry about it. In fact you can bring them along if you want since they are part of your equipment" he said as she smiled softly and nodded as the two automaton dogs yipped happily and followed her up into the ship.

"Leo raise the door and get us in the air!" Naruto yelled as the plank and door behind them rose and closed while Reyna took in the view in front of her and Naruto chuckled as he couldn't blame her.

The ship itself naturally was large, easily big enough to house 8 people. But with the use of some seals that bent space it was easily big enough to house the ten demigods of the prophecy as well as the seven gods that were currently travelling with them.

"Here I'll take you on a quick tour and show you where you can put your stuff" Naruto said as Reyna nodded and walked with him, her two dogs by her side while he was by his.

"This is the first floor as below us are the stables, storage, main engine room as well as the sickbay and armory. Up here we have the mess hall, where all meals will be served. On the left side are the god's rooms which are in order my room, Hera's, Aphrodite's, Poseidon's, Hades', Hephaestus', and then Hermes'. Try not to go in there unless invited as they are a bit private about their rooms. On the right side means we have the demigod's room from here leading up are Thalia's, Annabeth's, yours, Hazel's, Piper's, Luke's, Leo's, Frank's, Percy's, and Jason's" he said before directing her to her room.

"I know the room is a bit basic, only really having a bed, some shelves, and a desk but if you want anything else to personalize it let me, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, or Hermes know as we are more suited to making things" he said before he created two large dog beds for her two automatons.

"Thank you Lord Naruto. I'll let you know as long as it isn't any trouble" Reyna said as she set down the bag of items she had packed for this trip.

"It is no worries Reyna and drop the Lord title, right now all the gods are forgoing the titles as this is a serious battle ahead of us and not the time. Here drop off your stuff and we can meet the other demigods you will be fighting with as they are probably in the mess hall" he said as Reyna set her things on her bed and snapped her fingers at the dog beds, making her automatons lay down on top of them before she left with him.

"So why aren't all the gods of the children of prophecy on the ship?" Reyna asked as Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"With how we need the armies of both camps being led Mars had to lead Rome and Athena, given her history with Rome, is leading the Greek camp alongside Artemis and her hunters with Dionysus looking after the camp and those who cannot fight. Athena will join us as will your mother, who I believe Mars might call to help later, but for now this is the set up until the real fight begins" Naruto said as Reyna nodded and they entered the mess hall and instantly was nervous at the scene in front of her.

Being Roman, where the gods didn't visit much at all, made the sight of seven gods mingling with demigods like normal adults, confused and unnerved her a bit.

"The boy looking like he is being teased by Hermes is his son Luke. The girl next to Aphrodite who is trying to keep her from messing with Ella is Piper her daughter. Leo, Hephaestus' son, is on the floor below us probably with his son to ensure this thing stays in the air. Hazel is over there talking and calming her dad Pluto as I think he was trying to grill Frank. Thalia and Annabeth are over there with Hera as she catches up with her other mom. Percy is over with his dad alongside Jason who I don't think needs much of an introduction" he said as the boy talking with Poseidon with Percy was her past co-praetor Jason.

"Oh Naruto, is this the last member of set of ten?" Hermes asked as he had seemingly finished talking with Luke and noticed that they had entered the mess hall.

"Yes her name is Reyna Ramirez-Arellano and is the daughter of Bellona and the last member of the prophecy of ten" he said as Hermes smiled at her and gave her a two finger salute.

"Nice to meet you. I look forward to sharing a boat ride with you" Hermes said as he shook her hand before she nervously nodded. "Relax, no need to be so nervous we aren't going to smite you for talking or anything. Even doom and gloom Pluto over there is along with the whole 'we are equals while fighting against the Giants' plan Naruto brought up" he said as Reyna nodded and cleared her throat.

"I am sorry it is just being raised Roman we don't see the gods too often" Reyna said as Hera, who had walked over after hearing Hermes nodded.

"Yes and frankly it is a bit sad that our Roman halves aren't close with our kids but I do plan on changing that soon" Hera said as Reyna only grew more nervous.

"Take your time Reyna, if you need to take a breather then feel free to" Naruto said as he rubbed Reyna's back before she nodded and hurriedly walked out of the room. "Don't take it personally, she's just busy dealing with all of this" he said as he watched Reyna head downstairs, most likely to the stables where her pegasus was stored alongside Percy's.

"I'm going to go check on her and maybe help her" Thalia said before hurrying after Reyna, Ella quick on her trail to avoid Aphrodite, and leaving behind a slightly frowning Annabeth who walked up to them.

"Don't worry Annabeth, Thalia is just worried for her friend as this is new for Reyna being around everyone" he said as Annabeth nodded before he cleared his throat.

"Everyone take your time getting settled. Leo mentioned earlier we are turning around and heading in the direction of New York so we don't have to cross over Russia or China to reach Greece. Tomorrow I will give the remaining few of the prophecy chakra soon as well as fully start all of your training! Be ready for serious training as I'll be damned if I don't ensure you are well prepared" Naruto said as they nodded before he left and reached his room before stopping as he heard Hera chuckle behind.

"Do you have plans for what weapons they all will use already?" Hera asked as he turned around with a smirk before shrugging his shoulders.

"A bit of an idea for a few of them but some of them from what I can see have their gear well enough already. We'll see tomorrow when it really starts" he said as he had somethings in mind and was actually excited to see how the demigods would handle them.

-The Next Day-

Naruto smiled at the demigods in front of him with, whatever their current weapons were, drawn in their hands. He didn't have to worry about Luke, Thalia, Frank, or Hazel as they were either already were equipped with the weapons he gave them long ago or had weapons that fit them already.

The others though were a bit of a worry as they either didn't have something that fully fit like, were completely ill equipped, or could do well with something extra.

"Piper, Leo, Reyna, Jason, Annabeth, and Percy. I think you all could do with either better weapons like Piper and Leo, could do with something extra like Annabeth, or could have something better fitting, which is the rest of you" he said as Reyna, Piper, Leo nodded, knowing their choice of weapons could be better since they only had a knife and a hammer and Annabeth was a bit excited to gain something new while Jason and Percy frowned as they thought their choice of weapons were good.

"What's wrong with Anaklumos?" Percy asked as Naruto shook his head.

"Nothing is wrong with it or the sword Hera gave you Jason but I just think you both could have something that fits you better. First I'll deal with Jason and Piper" he said as the two stepped forward before he unsealed three items.

"Ladies first so Piper these are yours" he said as he handed Piper a senbon launcher and a chakra blade from Konoha but instead of Konoha's insignia he had engraved it with a dove for Aphrodite. "The senbon launcher isn't to be your main weapon as it is more support. The chakra blade is longer than your dagger, which you can still keep for its mirror properties, but this will suit you better even more so when you and the others gain chakra" he said as Piper nodded and gingerly strapped the blade to her hip and strapped the senbon launcher to her non-sword wielding arm.

"Thank you Naruto" she said before Aphrodite appeared beside her.

"Hmm not to stylish but mother can change that, come with me sweetie" Aphrodite chimed as she smiled at them making them both sweat drop a bit.

"Uh don't mention it Piper. I'll help you learn how to wield it but it isn't much different from a kunai only the length of a short sword instead" he said before he walked over to Jason, unable to stop Aphrodite since once she got on something it was hard to stop her.

They were only able to save Ella because of Ella's tendency to freak out when touched by anyone other than either Thalia or oddly himself.

"Jason you on the other hand could do with a sword that can handle your lightning generation better than your current can. Again you can still keep it as Hera will enjoy the sentiment but I believe this Supervibrato sword can suit you better" he said as he tossed Jason one of Bee's signature swords.

"Those are light weight but made to generate lightning better than any other sword out there save for Thalia's Kiba blades. They should help you manipulate your lightning in more creative ways" he said as Jason slipped the sword onto the holster on his hip.

"What about use then? What cool weapons do we get?" Leo said excitedly as he bounced a bit while Naruto and Hephaestus chuckled.

"You know if you wanted a weapon I could have made one for you Leo" Hephaestus said as Leo frowned and rubbed the back of his head.

"That would be cool but this is a ninja weapon! Those are bound to have a bunch of weird and cool abilities with them" Leo said as Hephaestus could only nod his head as he understood the interest in Naruto's weapons as they were incredibly unique.

"If you're done I can give you your 'ninja weapon' now" Naruto said with a sweat drop as it brought Leo back into the lineup with a salute.

"Sir yes sir!" he chimed before Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose and held out a scroll.

"Stop being a smart ass and just open the scroll" he said as Leo wasted no time laying it on the ground and unrolling the scroll, resulting in a puff of smoke that quickly dissipated to reveal what was inside.

"It's a giant hammer and axe attached together by a leather cord?" Leo asked as he picked it up, holding the hammer in his right hand and the axe in his left.

"Its name is Kabutowari or Helmet Splitter and it is of the same set of seven swords that includes Shibuki and Thalia's Kiba blades" he said as Leo grew a massive smile.

"Awesome! What can it do!?" Leo asked as Hephaestus had the decency to bury his face in his hand.

"It can break through any defense if you attack with the axe and then hit the backside of the axe with the hammer to drive it through. You can use one or the other or them both. When you get chakra you'll be able to wield it better than you can right now as well as infuse your element into it" he said as Leo quickly rushed off to show off his new weapon to his father making Naruto sweat drop and roll his eyes.

"Moving on, Reyna. Your current weapon is a dagger and a spear right?" he asked as Reyna nodded, holding the Imperial Gold spear and dagger in her hands.

"It was all the camp could spare. I have come to master it so I am curious what you have in mind L-no Naruto" Reyna said as she kept herself from calling him Lord again.

"It, like Leo, Thalia, and your sister's, is a set of seven" he said as he handed her a scroll that she promptly opened to reveal a narrow longsword that resembled a large needle with cloth around its handle.

Reyna also noticed a wire sticking out of the pommel of the sword that, as she started pulling, didn't seem to end.

"That is Nuibari the Sewing Needle. It should fit you well enough and I don't doubt you'll be able to use its infinitely spawning wire at the end in creative ways. Its moderately long like a spear but you also use it like a sword so we'll see how you do when I give you chakra and how you can incorporate your element or elements into it" he said as Reyna nodded a bit in shock before stepping back to inspect her sword.

"So does that mean I get a sword from your set as well?" Percy asked as Naruto nodded and handed him a scroll of his own before Percy also opened it.

Percy was a bit confused by the shape and size of the bandaged wrapped sword as it was rather large, wide, and flat blade with two curved indentations near its bae making a cross-guard of sorts. The blade overall was shaped like a flounder with two handles at the bottom that were connected to one another by a short length cord.

"I know it looks odd but Hiramekarei or Flash Splendor are what others have called it and what I occasionally call it as the only other translation of its name is Flounder Flounder" he said with a sweat drop that made Poseidon laugh at the odd name.

"I don't know there Naruto, I like flounders" Poseidon said before Naruto shook it off and rolled his eyes at the sea god.

"Anyways the blade itself is a very versatile and crafty blade. It stores chakra and releases it to shape the sword differently and with your reserves you shouldn't have trouble keeping it stored up with chakra" he said as Percy smirked and stuck the sword to his back.

"And finally Annabeth. I admit your skill with the trench knives are great I feel like you could honestly do with something extra should they fail you" he said as he handed her a very special scroll that he had to consider for a while about giving her, only actually deciding after talking to his mother about it.

"Do your best to be careful with it and train to practice absolute chakra control when using it" he said while Annabeth unsealed a rather special item.

The item was a red and white feathered fan with a long handle. With it being a Tool of the Sage he was nervous about handing it off or giving it to Annabeth due to its massive drain but he knew she could handle it. Especially since her chakra control was on Tsunade's level.

"It is called Bashosen or the Banana Palm Fan and I know it's a bit odd to hold with its size but with its versatility I know a mind like one of Athena's would be more than able to handle and wield it skillfully. I also made it so it can fold in on itself so you only have to carry around a handle" he said as Annabeth's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates before she seemingly willed it to a handle and slipped it into her belt with a nod.

"Wait you mentioned chakra? Does that mean we all get chakra?" Leo asked as for the longest time he had been wondering when he, Piper, and Jason would get it but every time he asked the only answer he got was 'when everyone was together'.

"Yes you all will get chakra soon. Take the next few hours to get accustomed to your weapons while I get the technique ready to give you chakra as well as how I plan to train all of you. I plan to make sure none of you die in this war so I'm sorry I'm a bit rough but I'd rather be rough then have any of you die" he said as all ten of them nodded while each of them spread across the top deck of the ship that was currently flying towards New York and then on to Europe.

They didn't have much time so he had to advance their chakra training with Tsukuyomi and train them heavily in the real world. He doubted they'd have much time to relax but this was war.

'Rather busy than dead. I seriously hope this is the last war I'm a part of as I just want some peace' he thought with a sigh as he looked towards the horizon, still hopeful for a happy ending at the end of all of this.