Original author's notice

Chapter 41: Notice

(This is being posted on the stories that apply to it – as you will see later if you read the notice)


This is a very important announcement that will be broken into 3 sections: Reasons/Decisions, Rewrites/Reboots, and New Story Info


Due to factors, which included: being sick for the last bit of September and the whole month of October, brother and nephew moving in with me (which brought a lack of sleep), and depression brought upon from not being able to write or work on anything I have decided to do two things.

1 – I am going to post a handful of new stories at random intervals that I have had completed for a few months now. I originally was going to wait until I completed stories to post but point 2 will address why I'm doing this more.

2 – I have decided to rewrite a few of my older stories or ones where I made errors early on that messed with the rest of the story too much to salvage. I am NOT abandoning them, I am merely rewriting them. So while I work on them you all can enjoy some entirely new stories.

Honestly my drive these last few months has been on ups and painful downs. I feel doing this will not only help my depression lessen but also restart my drive to write in general so I can gather the strength to work on my other stuff since I HATE just leaving them there but it's gotten to where when I look at the Word Doc I just stare at it and my fingers can't move or write and I really REALLY hate it :/


Here are a list of the stories I am going to rewrite and the reasons why

- Fox of the Wild: I'm rewriting this one due to being unable to balance two main characters (Naruto and the original male MC from the Manwha). I have trouble doing this but this was before I really realized it was something that would bring me trouble (hence why there is no Jaden in my Yugioh fic). Plus I feel the romance and whatnot was too 'Eh' you know?

- Sage of Infinite Possibilities: This one became a bit of a mess in certain parts and I feel I can do much, much, MUCH better with it if I wipe it clean and build it up again with the same underlining plot of 'Naruto arrives in the KP world after arriving via one of Draken's Portals'.

- Shinju + Snow: Somewhat of the same reason as Sage of Infinite Possibilities but less so. Plus I want to work on being able to make the chapters longer for it and make things feel better. The underlining thing of him being only with Mizore while the Spider Girl and Ruby follow him around would be the same more or less

- Naruto, Son of the Heavenly Rabbit: I know this would be the second time rewriting this but if you look at the early chapters and then my newer stuff you can feel a very big difference in writing skill. Also there are several errors I made early on (like bashing Percy a bit) as well as things getting cluttered a bit.

I also decided I want to rewrite two of my older stories due to feeling I could do so much better with them now.

These are the two I decided on

- Naruto Forgotten Child of Prophecy: This was one of my first stories and it shows honestly with how I just pile on strength for Naruto continuously and make him too OP and a bit weird honestly (like how I totally forgot about Jiraiya at one point). I still like the Neglect aspect but I'm going to tinker with it

- Rabbit and Fox Meister: Same as Forgotten Child. I plan to make the weapon forms less all over the place and different all together with only two carrying over (naginata and scythe) and adding three other girls to the pairing.

All in all I've been looking forward to rewriting those two and the prospect of rebooting the other four listed makes me excited as I am certain I can do better and make even better versions of those stories

-New Story Info-

For certain I am planning to post three stories (will hint in a bit) and I have a ton of other stories half or even more way finished (will hint a few)

To keep them hidden and not spoil anything I'll just mention what they are crossed over with (everything is Naruto/ something so I'm just going to list what is being mixed with Naruto)

- Hellsing (challenge from Sage of Fanfiction)

- One Piece (non-challenge – Kfbanime87 collaborator)

- Code Geass (non challenge)

These are a few of the maybe stories (as their first chapters are half or more so finished)

- FLCL/Teen Titans (challenge from Kfbanime87

- Infamous (challenge from Noctus Of The Thousand Blades)

- DBZ (non-challenge – a few collaborators)

- DBZ (challenge from Kfbanime87)

I hope you all understand why I'm doing this and support me. Expect the new stories soon with the rewrites/reboots depending on how well posting the new stories helps revive my drive