Life as we see it!


How can I be so stupid I shouldn't have left her making her own conclusions. "I need to go back.  While storming to the door Lizzy stopped me. Her eyes big, she was always faster than me. "You are not going back there"! She held up her hands "You can't fucking stop me I replied. "Are you stupid Jade!! Going there in the first place what were you thinking? What if it was not her at the barn you could've put all of us at risk, not to mention this girls passed will haunt all of us down, how can you risk telling her the truth.!" Lizzy rushed the words, her voice getting raspy the way she tried to explain how this whole situation is fucked up. " And you? What were you doing at her place earlier? I asked Lizzy. She didn't respond immediately. Like she knew I would explode the moment she tells me. "I was trying to convince her that she needs to stay away from you" "what?.!!" I asked with an angry voice" why?

"Because, I can see that you like her, and you can't get involved!, she is a nice girl Jade don't do this!" I looked away, feeling mad and confused and sad at the same time. I know Lizzy is right, but I know she knows something and not telling her the truth explaining to her everything. Seeing her the way she looked I hope you think this through and don't do something stupid that you going to regret Jade" I just stared at the wall behind Lizzy.

Miane's POV

The next morning I was still lying in bed, after a long night of twisting and turning, my head is so confused, and I can't think straight. I was thinking about what I have to do with what I saw at the barn, "I can't just tell anyone they won't believe me" how can I go to school knowing what I saw" after a few minutes I decided to get up, I need to confront him. I need to know what I saw, I need to know what and who he is. I grabbed my bag from the counter, Aunt Susan is still sleeping. Thank God, I look like shit and I can't explain why I look like this. The bus is full of loud teenage kids that has no idea what's going on around them, I don't even think I know what's going on around me anymore. A few months ago life was so simple and straight forward, now I have to question everyone that I meet. I was thinking of all the ways I can confront him, although I'm scared to death I need to know. The bus stopped and micke and Riaan was looking at me from the other side of the bus. I walked up to them and ask them if they saw Jade. No"! micke said to me. Riaan couldn't even look me in the eyes, "and you Riaan, have you seen him?" I asked folding my arms. Riaan just silently turned around and walked away. I was so mad and confused. Why is Micke so cold I haven't done anything to her, Jeez I don't even know these people, and Riaan, He can't even answer my question! I left the school not telling anyone where I was going. I was wandering off in the bushes and mountains trying to get my thoughts together, It feels like I'm going crazy, why am I so upset, or even obsess with this boy, I feel like a police officer trying to solve a murder case, every time you think your close to the evidence, the evidence disappear"! And that's when I saw Jade standing on a cliff. My heart started to raise again like I'm about to pass out with all the adrenalin pumping through me. I know he saw me to, so I walked up to him and From behind I asked him" Tell me the truth? "He turned around knowing that I already know. "You know what I am otherwise you wouldn't have been here" Jade said to me. "Now I don't know,!! You need to explain to me what I saw last night" Jade turned around to face me, his brown dark eyes cuts through me once again, I had to blink twice to regain my sanctity before I lose all perspective can you handle the truth Miane?" Jade asked. "Stop fooling around Jade and tell me." He took a deep breath! "I'm a vampire!" I froze and looked at him if he was joking, frightened and confused I asked him "are you joking with me now"? You know what you saw, did that look like a joke to you?" Jade asked me. "You need to stay away from me" I stepped back still facing him did you hear me Jade you need to stay away from me, my voice echo's in my mind saying the words over and over again. I rushed of, but Jade was fast, faster than normal, and he stopped me, "please, please let me explain" how did you do that? How are you so fast" I asked him my mind is twisted and confused, and I have no idea what just happened in front of me, how is he so fast, what kind of joke is he playing with me. "Please let me explain what is going on" Please leave me alone." I was screaming at him! Miane please, let me just explain if you still feel like I need to leave you alone then I will" I looked at him with eyes full off tears. Looking around, searching for a way to escape Him, but how, he is fast I won't be able to get away. Everywhere is bushes and trees and mountains I will never be able to out ran him, even though I have no idea how he just did that. A calmness came over me. I took a deep breath Ok" I said, ... "One hour! " We sat on a rock facing the waterfall. He started to explain to me" I was in grade 10, when it happens, my mom got sick, and I didn't know how to help her, I couldn't leave her to die. I went to a nurse who I knew would help, and she went to my house, but my mom was already dead, I was sitting outside when the nurse came out saying to me that my mom is fine, I was confused, I asked her why is she not taking my mom to the hospital, she said that my mom should be fine now. I went inside, my mom was sitting on the couch I was scared and confused, I asked her how is she alive. My mom smiled at me, crying. "I need to leave Jade" I asked her why. She said that it's not safe for me and that she needs to leave me behind. I gazed at Jade who seems lost in his story, like he was reliving it all over again. I felt more relaxed. Like I can relate by loosing a parent, but this story is way more complicated than what mine is. " Go on" I said to Jade

I cried and tried to stop her, then her eyes turned red, and she was so fast and unimaginable strong, I fell on the floor trying to get away from her, she just stormed out. A year after she stormed out on me, I went looking for her, I came across a desert where there was just a few people and almost nothing to eat. I search village by village, and finally when I showed a picture to a woman, she said that she saw my mom by the falls, I went from door to door, and there I saw her. She was so scared when she opened the door, asking me what I'm doing there, I told her that she needs to tell me what happened to her, why is she not dead and what she is!! She closed the door so fast behind her, she was scared, I only saw that look on her face once, and that was the day she ran out on me. She kept on telling me that I need to leave, and I kept on telling her no I want to stay with her! Then a man came out asking her who I was, the fear on her face multiplied she turned to face the man and immediately answered no one, just someone that's lost. I knew she was scared, but she won't tell him who I was.! He looked at me, like I'm some kind of animal and kept staring, my mom tried to drag him by the arm back to the cottage, but he stopped her, and he removed his hand from her and looked at her with a fucking grin on his face. " Sorry" he said to me, I just nod, so the guy said to my mom he's human. She pushed him up the wall and with every bone in her body she held him and screamed Jade run!! " Jade stopped talking and tears were running off his cheeks, soaking his t shirt. I looked at him, feeling sorry for him and I can't help myself, I removed his tears from underneath his eyes. I said with a soft voice, "Go on" Jade then continued his story. " I started running, shortly after, the man was behind me, he attacked me from behind starting to bite me in the neck, I couldn't breathe, my mom came from the back she was so strong, she kept on fighting him off and then, Jade kept quiet again catching a breath, !" he then ripped her heart out" I could see my mothers pale face lying next to me her veins disappearing in her face, I tried to reach her, but I couldn't touch her, I think I blacked out. The next thing I remember was waking up near a cliff with mud all over me. I was thirsty, and hungry everything smelled brighter, looked brighter and my skin was ice-cold. I was wandering back from the desert to got to the nearest train station and got onto it. People were staring at me like I just came out of a trash can, the noises was a load, peoples face looked like food to me, I can remember a Young lady asking me if I was ok, but I couldn't answer her, All I was thinking of was food and how much I need to eat. I didn't know what was happening to me, and then I met Lizzy on the train on my way back to Bulgaria. " I stopped him and said "what Bulgaria? I thought you stayed here" Jade was standing at this time not facing me.  We moved here 4years ago," I felt confused wait a minute how old are you if you are in grade 11 now? He replied" 80 years now!" I was shocked and couldn't believe what I was hearing." I want to tell you everything" Jade said to me.

Jade continued I was cold, and I looked pale, and I was scared but mostly confused. Lizzy was looking at me from the other side when she walked up to me, I could sense that something was different, different from the way the other people were looking and smelling on the train. She nealed down, and whispered to me" do you know what's happening to you" I said to her No" she then stands up and just said o Gosh"

The train stopped, she waited for most of the people to get of the train before she said come lets go. I trusted her I don't know why, but every bone in my body was telling me to get the fuck of that train with her sorry" he apologized for his cursing. I started seeing visions and blood and I kept on asking her what is wrong with me"! When I walked up to her house there Riaan and Micke was standing, along with Misses Lane and Mr Lane. Lizzy told them that she found me on the train, and she thinks I am in transition. Mr Lane looked at me, again asking me if I know what is happening to me, I said no, I told him what happened in the desert, and he then told me that the man who bit me was a vampire and that my mom tried to protect me, he asked me that after I blacked out, did someone try to feed me blood, But I couldn't remember, everything was a blank after my mother died in front of me. I tried to remember but, the only thing I remember was how that bastards face looked when He ripped my mothers heart out, I wanted to get up and fight back, but I couldn't.

I wanted to hold Jade and tell him that I am sorry for what he had to go through, but my body is glued to the rock I am sitting on.

Jade is still facing the other side, he's hands in his pockets, I don't think he wants me to see his face

Jade continued his story

Mr Lane explained to me that when a human dies with vampire blood in his system they become a vampire, but first they need to drink from your blood in order to transfer you into a vampire. After the vampire drinks your blood they need to give you their blood, and then you die. He then gave me the choice, either I feed or I die." My head snapped looking at him confused!. I think I know what He means, but I pray that I heard wrong. "What do you mean feed or die" Jade looked at me, knowing that I will look at him different after he tells me what he did! " I fed, and I couldn't stop" Jade said. " What do you mean you couldn't stop" I asked Jade. Jade just lowered his head and replied I killed a human I went into silent mode just staring at Jade. Tears pouring from my eyes please don't be scared I am not like that anymore, I don't feed on people anymore, we found ways to obtain our hunger" He finally turned around to face me, he stepped closer to me, but I stopped him" what do you mean by we?" Jade then told me that Lizzy Mrs and Mr Lane Riaan and Micke as well as Jozell and Celine and Zoe are vampires. I felt shocked. " I know this is a lot to take in, but before you decide what to do, this town is very much aware of vampires the very same man who killed my mom, tracked me down 2years ago, he and a few of his vampire friends, this town was a bloodbath" only a few people knew what happened, the truth was kept quiet, the major and the council was telling everyone that there was a virus that killed nearly a hundred people, but we knew the truth, it did not end well for the vampires they trapped them and set them all on fire" I asked Jade who was the man he fought in the barn, maybe I didn't want to know, but curiosity was always my weakness it was Darrel, he was Lizzy's boyfriend a few years ago. He was cheating and killing people, he comes from a family before he was a vampire that was very dangerous , Lizzy tried to help him, but some people are not meant to be helped. He drinks from humans like they don't exist" I kept quiet my mind is exploding this is too much for one day. Jade didn't say anything in stead he kept searching my eyes for comfort, but at this moment I just want to leave.

"I believe you, That you have changed, but you need to stay away from me, I won't tell anyone, but you all need to stay away from me please" Jade then looked at me, ...sad and disappointed, but he knew that it was for the best! "If that's what you want, then I will stay away from you" he said to me. I turned around and walked away.