Life with half the truth!

After wandering off in the bushes, my head spinning with all the information I had to take in a few minutes ago, I decided to go home to take the day, and decide what I'm going to do! Aunt Susan came into the kitchen, At that time I almost finished a whole bucket of ice cream what's wrong" aunt Susan asked. " Nothing just eating away my sorrows" is it boy trouble" Susan asked with a teasing voice. I just looked at her with a smile why are you in such a good mood" I asked still with a mouth full of ice cream" I happened to be invited to a ball dance with the sexiest bachelor in town" ow wow" I replied. "And who may I ask is this Bachelor" come with and found out" Susan said with a snarky attitude yeah you know what I think it will be fun, What time does it start" I ask aunt Susan before changing my mind and go back to over eating myself with ice cream and bad food. "We have to be there at six" Susan said. " Ok let me see if I can find a dress" I went upstairs searching through my closet. I decided on the dress that I have worn on the day my brother got his degree, I was so proud that day we both enjoyed that night so much, I would give anything to see him again. I changed into the dress, comb my hair and put on some make-up stared at myself in the mirror and for a moment I was thinking how simple life was before all this, when it was just me and my brother and how much I miss him, he gave his whole life up looking after me, and the only thing I am left with is memories, how fair is that!!! I took a tissue and removed the smuch under my eyes and put on some black heels and went downstairs to meet aunt Susan" wow" Susan said while I was coming down the stairs" you look stunning

yeah, do you think I'll get a mysterious date like you" haha Susan laughed I'm sure you'll meet the man off your dreams".

We arrived at the Hall were the dance took place. Susan's date was waiting outside for her. " miane I want you to meet Darrel, Darrel this is Miane my late sisters beautiful daughter." Darrel stuck out his hand like he knew ! He had a snark on his face! I froze I got flash backs of the night at the barn were Darrel and Jade were fighting, and I couldn't speak. " Nice to meet you Miane" Darrel said to me with a grin on his face" nice to meet you I said with a soft and frighten voice declining his offer to shake his hand" excuse me" I said to Darrel and aunt Susan. I went behind the tree and took out my phone, I nearly dropped it the way my hands are shaking I tried to phone Jade. The phone just kept ringing and ringing why the hell is he not picking up" Jades POV

The caller ID that came on is Miane. I wasn't sure what to do, should I answer it or not? I declined the call, and took another shot of whiskey. Why would she call if she said she doesn't want anything to do with me and need to stay away from her. Fuck this, I took the whiskey bottle and pour it down my throat. The whiskey burns like hell, but I kept pouring. I need to get wasted forget that this beautiful girl ripped my heart out, and she doesn't even know why. The phone start buzzing again.

"Miane why are you calling? ", She couldn't get the words out" Jade, Jade!!! She just screamed!!" Miane calm down what's wrong" you need to get to the City hall where the ball dance is" why ?" I ask. Putting the bottle on the counter. "Darrel is here, and he is my aunts date" I dropped the call and rush to the door, Lizzy jumped in front of me.

" You are not stopping me this time" I said with an angry voice don't be stupid Jade, you need to let it go" I looked at her angry and furious, every bone in my body wants to fucking murder that son of a bitch so I need to let it go, when your ex-boyfriend found a way to make himself Miane's aunts fucking date at the dance tonight?" at that moment I was screaming, Lizzy moved out of my way then I'm coming with you" Lizzy said

"No" you being there will make things just complicated. Lizzy backed off" please Jade you can't tell her" Lizzy has no idea that Miane already knows, well parts, but I don't give a fuck I need to get to her now. I rushed off. when I arrived Miane was standing outside she is shaking, I don't know if it is the cold or that she is scared, I want to hug her and just hold her, crush every fear I see in her eyes! " Where is he". "They are inside" she looked relieved when she saw me, the fear I saw in her eyes turned into relieved.

"Wait here" No I'm coming with you" Miane please I can't protect you, you don't know this man please" I pleaded. " Jade he knows, he knows that I know what you are, I could see it in his eyes.

"I'm scared" She took my hand, and it surprised the shit out of me, I looked down on how our hands melted together.

" I know" I said to her while looking down at our hands. " How are we going to get Susan away from him"

I don't know, but we'll get it done, come lets go" We went inside looking for Darrel and Susan. " There they are" Miane said to me looking across the dance floor, Darrel and Susan were standing by the cocktail bar laughing, and he is all over her. "Aunt Susan I want you to meet Jade. " Nice meeting you I said not looking at Susan but staring with hate at Darrel. Susan looked at the two of us with a concerned face. "Aunt Susan do you mind coming with me to the restroom" Miane asked her" before she starts asking question that none of us can answer yeah sure" Susan replied.

Miane's POV

" Susan you need to tell me where you met Darrel?" We were standing in the bathroom and aunt Susan has no idea what's going on, all she thinks is that Darrel is a nice and sexy guy, he is sexy and that's what's making it so dangerous, any girl will fall at his feet and die

" it was at the hospital, he came to bring flowers to his aunt, the poor lady is in a coma for 6months now, I was the nurse on duty that night, he thanked me for taking good care of her and asked me if I want to go for a coffee later that night, he was so handsome and charming, ok Susan you need to stay away from him please" I said to her. "Why" Susan asked. " Just trust me please" We went back inside to look for Jade, Jade was not there anymore. I searched everywhere, but Jade and Darrel was nowhere to be found, I couldn't take off without aunt Susan noticing that something is wrong. , "Where is Jade and Darrel?" Susan asked. " I have no idea" I said to her, with a smile on my face, trying to hide what I know. I made aunt Susan believe that Darrel ditched her. After the ball we went home. " Tonight was a waste" Susan said. " How do you know Jade" Susan asked Me" he is just a friend from school, will you be ok I need to take care of something" yes" Susan answered, I need to take a long bath and get over the fact that my mysterious handsome guy, turned out to be a total failure. I smile at her, feeling guilty about not telling her the truth and convince myself that I'm trying to protect her. I left the house and drove to Jade's house. The cars seats are cold, I should've changed into something more comfy and warmed. Why can I not stay away from him? He frightens me and excites me at the same time. I know this is dangerous, and I should stay away, I pulled up the driveway. I can see Jade sitting at the kitchen table drinking what looks like a bottle of whiskey. I knocked on the frond door. Jade opened the door and looked surprised to see me Miane" Jade answered. " You just left, what happened"

"Darrel won't bother you or your aunt anymore. Jade is leaning against the wall not looking at me at all. " What do you mean" I asked Jade with a frightening voice" what did you do?" Jade still not looking at me" I took care of the problem, that's all you need to know" I looked at him pissed why are you so cold Jade, I know I asked you to stay away from me, but..., I kept quiet and try to search for awns er in his cold eyes, "please look at me Jade" Do you think its easy for me, staying away from you, walking away from you, while every bone in my body just wants to hold you and protect you, protect you from getting hurt, all the fear you have I want to crash it, I want to take away all the pain you have, when I look at you, I see fear, I see pain, I see confusion, I don't want that for you, I want you to be happy I want you to be mine, I want to kiss you right now" and just like that I felt relieved, I should be running for the heels, but I want to kiss him right now

" so why don't you I asked him" Jade looked away" He whispered because I'm afraid I won't know how to stop" I touched his face turning his face towards me, I tried searching for a reason why he is so afraid of me, while I should be the one afraid of him" I'm not afraid" I said to him. He looked deep into my eyes don't do this Miane" Jade said to me, removing my hand from his cheek why? Why are you so afraid" I ask him. " I'm afraid that one day I have to say goodbye to you, you are human I'm not" we don't have a future together". I looked at him smiling" who said anything about a future together, why not just now, being together now"

His face is unreadable, his eyes turned red, and I jumped away. " don't!" he said I will never hurt you" I noticed how his muscle move when he grabbed me to stand closer to him. He brings his hands up to my face and I flinch. I could see the pain in Jades eyes. The only thing I could think of was by saying I'm not afraid of you" My mind is racing. I look at his lips, and I can feel my conscience and my hormones battling, and at this very moment I hope my hormones win the battle. Before I could decide who will win, Jade crash his lips against mine. He could feel every inch of my body shaking, he could sense that I'm no longer afraid, he could feel how I just let go and that makes him afraid, afraid that one day he needs to leave, he pulled away and apologized. " don't" I said to him so soft that I don't even think he heard me. Both of his hands go to my hips and pulled me even closer this time. " You sure you up for this, my life is not exactly a very-tale, I have so many shit in my closet that I'm afraid to open it. His chest is moving up and down. " One day at a time" that's all I could say to him. He pulled me closer and hold me. After standing outside for a while looking at the stars, for once the sky is clear. This rain is killing me, its still cold outside. Lets go in" he said against my hair, shooting goosebumps all over my body. I took his hand and went inside. We were sitting on the couch with a fire place burning. Jade took a blanket and covered my shoulders. We talked for hours. " Not to be pushy, but you need to tell me more about how it feels being a vampire. Jade smiled as if he was expecting the question.  We are fast, but faster at night, strong, but stronger at night. We have the ability to sense when something is wrong, or someone is in danger, especially when it's someone close to us. We can smell fear. We can hear things from far. As a vampire everything you felt as a human is in fact magnified when you become a vampire, that is true. Like me, I had a thing for blond beautiful girls, as a vampire it was magnified!" I laugh at him haha nice try" I said to him, and he just smiled and gave me a cup of coffee. " How is your eyes brown, I can swear that I saw it being red at the barn!" Jade took my feet and put it on his lap playing with my toes. " Our eyes only turn red when we are angry or hungry. I smiled at him and assure him that what ever he tells me, will stay between us and that I am not afraid for the truth or him. The wood is almost finish" Jade said I'll be right back" ok I will be right here when you get back" he leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead.

Jades POV

When I returned Miane was asleep. I looked at her, smiling thinking how can I be so happy, she knows who I am and still she wants to be with me. I played with her hair. She smells like roses and her beautiful skin is bronze with the fire in the background. She looks so peaceful. I want to keep it like that for as long as I can. I don't know how, but I will fucking kill anything or anyone trying to take this peace away from her. I kissed her on the cheek. When I turned around Lizzy was standing at the back door. Sjooh I showed her. I walked out with Lizzy before she makes a scene. " What is she doing here Jade" Lizzy was asking. " She knows" I replied to Lizzy what do you mean she knows" I trusted her with the truth, and she is ok with it, she wants to be with me" Lizzy looked shocked wow the whole truth, and she is ok with it? How do you feel" she asked Me. "No, I can't put her in danger and as long as she is with me, I can protect her from that" Lizzy looked surprised and scared at the same time will you be able to control yourself? She is not just any Human"

" I can" I replied hoping that I can, that scares the shit out of me, but I will protect her

" She's amazing I was so scared but now, I feel relieved. " What happened how is she ok with this" that's not a problem now, we might have bigger problems what do you mean?" Lizzy asked Darrel knows that She knows what we are, and he is using that to get to us. " How did you get rid of him, Darrel is not someone that will just leave because you asked him nice"

" He agreed to leave them alone if he can see you" I replied to her question and waiting for her to explode" and you agreed to that" Lizzy said to Me with an angry voice, " No, yes but I have a plan. " What plan?" I don't know yet but I will figure something out" I said to her hoping to figure out what to do before the time comes "it better be good Jade cause if he founds out about her, were all doomed". Lizzy left and I went back inside.

Miane's POV

" what time is it?" I asked Jade" its late" Jade said while closing the door" I need to go home" Jade sat next to me, kissing my hands "I want you to come with me tomorrow to meet my family" I was surprised and smiled like a little girl I thought you don't have a family" I said with a smile" you now what family I'm talking about" I know, I was just teasing you" Jade walked out with me to my car, he kissed me goodnight and dragged me back for another kiss drive safe and let me know when you're back at home

" I will I said to him giving him another kiss.

" Goodnight" I said to Jade good night Miane"

Please don't forget to comment what you think new chapter will be posted today!