The truth and nothing but the truth!

Jades POV

I can't stop staring at her, she looks so peaceful when she is asleep, her beautiful blond hair, her lips are so fucking full, I just want to kiss her, hold her and keep her safe. I want to be with her forever. " You are so damn sexy I whispered hoping she is still asleep.

"What time is it" she asked me her voice soft "its still early go back to sleep" she just moaned and went back to sleep. My mind wandered off, its quiet way to quit, something is up, I haven't heard from Darrel since the night I promised him that he can see Lizzy if he leaves Miane and her aunt alone. Where did he take off, and what is he up to. It Its been 5 months now and no one has seen him or heard of him.

There is a loud bang on the door, Miane jumped up

" who is that" she asked confused.

I don't know" Do you want me to go look? I asked her

"yes, I will be down just now"

When I opened the door, a lady and young man were standing on the front porch they both walked past me, not greeting. "Were is she?" The lady ask searching the room. " I'm sorry but who the fuck are you" I asked trying not to sound like a dush.

"Aunt Kiara" Miane said coming down the stairs. " What are you doing here" she hugged Kiara, and when she turned around The boy hugged her, and they were doing this silly dance together. I took Miane's hand marking my territory. " O my gosh aunt Kiara Sam this is Jade" The lady was just staring at me, like she knew what I was. Sam just nod his head Ok" Miane said wondering what is going on" what are you doing here?" Miane asked aunt Kiara, and they went to sit on the couch. Sam and I are staring at each other awkwardly like we have a price to be won, and not one of us are backing down. " Jade" Miane said to me. " He is my oldest friend we've been friends since we were in diapers, my dad and aunt Kiara worked together ok" I manage to say still looking at this dark haired boy with tattoos all over his body. What the fuck is he trying to do, scare me! I will eat him for lunch. " Jade!" Miane said louder this time. I walked up to her and sit on the other side of the couch.

Miane's POV

What the hell is going on with Jade, why is he acting like some spoiled brat that lost a toy!!

" Miane I need to tell you something" but you have to promise me that you will stay calm" aunt Kiara looked at Jade like she wants him to leave the room. What's wrong aunt Kiara" I asked her. " I know you know about vampires and that he is one of them" I turned ice-cold like someone just punched me in the stomach" what" is all I could manage to say" I know he is a vampire, and you need to leave this town and come with me" aunt Kiara sounded serious" Jade stepped into the conversation she is not going anywhere with you witch" he said to aunt Kiara. He walked up to her, Sam raised his hands and started talking in a different language, the only thing I could hear was Devil and drop!  Jade dropped to the floor, I jumped up and yelled at Sam to stop! " What is going on" I looked back and forth between the three of them" Jade stood up from the floor, and tried to calm me down, I pushed him away and demand that someone is telling me what the hell is going on. " Sit down" aunt Kiara said to me. " You to Jade, cause as much as I don't like Miane dating a vampire, you need to hear the truth as well, and I just hope to God that you yourself won't put her life in danger after this"

" First myself and Sam are witches. We come from a coven very powerful and can take down any vampire" at that moment she looked at Jade. My head is exploding in what world am I living, witches, vampires, next thing I hear is there are werewolf and zombies.

Jade kept quiet, like he knew they exist at this point I'm furious you said that I need to leave with you why" Jade jumped up Miane?" I raised my hand to silence him, he sat down I could see the disappointment in his eyes, but at this moment I don't care, I need to know the truth Your father and I were working together for years" aunt Kiara explained" your dad was a brilliant science, but he needed a witch to help him with his project, by the time your dad and I finished the project, and wanted to tell you and your brother everything, they got killed, and I had to keep the truth in order to protect you and your brother. Aunt Kiara kept quiet. " What project Aunt Kiara? " I ask a serum that was spelled to wipe all vampires of the earth, your dad injected himself with it, and I spelled it. With every new generation the serum will live through your veins, whenever a vampire would have bitten your father or you or your brother it would wipe the whole species of vampires of the earth, and you would still live as the serum would protect you"! How did they die?" I knew aunt Kiara knows please tell me how they died Aunt Kiara!!!"

Aunt Kiara took a deep breath..."

They were killed by a vampire by the name Darrel" aunt Kiara said. My heart felt like it stopped! I couldn't breathe the name Darrel echos in my mind, the room started spinning, I can hear Jade calling my name Miane, Miane, are you ok?" But I can't answer him, all I can see is Darrel ripping my father to peaces, my mother lying on the side of the road not breathing! Finally, I could speak, but the words that came out of my mouth was not what I expected please tell me you didn't know?" Jade looked at me with tears in his eyes I can't!" He responded by looking down. " You knew, .... you knew, and you didn't tell me!" I started crying again this time the tears were pouring out of my eyes. " I stormed out of the room, with Jade behind me please Miane let me explain, leave me alone Jade I started walking faster, in a blink Jade was next to me, grabbing my hand please, please let me explain! "

" What can you possibly say to me, to trust that you are telling me the truth, all you have done so far is lie to me" I wanted to hit him and scream at him, how can he do this to me, that's why he was so afraid of me, not because I'm Human, but because I could kill him if he ever tries to bite me, How could I be so stupid.

How did you know" I ask Jade, and for some reason I regret asking that question! 

" The day at the beach wasn't the first time I saw you

" what?!, what do you mean it wasn't the first time you saw me!!

" When Darrel told us about how he killed a doctor and his wife because of the serum, I looked it up, I couldn't find anything on the internet except for your dads past life and your mom when she graduated, nothing about they're wedding, the life they had in Florida or if they had kids, it was like they never existed after they're life here in Portland, so I went to Florida and search for more answers, I went by the hospitals, and from there I could make my dots, your mom was a nurse at the Florida clinic, but no one said anything about your dad, I found it weird and started digging deeper"

At this point i was crying non-stopped! Jade knew all this stuff and kept it from me, he had no right, I am so angry right now. Jade tried to touch me, but I jerked him off, I could see the pain reflecting on his face, but he had no right keeping the truth from me. " I want to tell you everything please let me do it" I breathed out, I didn't even realize I was holding my breath.

" Go on" I said to him. Jade showed his hand to a rock to sit down.

" I kept searching and searching, I went through your moms medical records and there were no records or forms or any evidence that they had children together. So I gave up, until I heard a nurse walked by saying that I wonder what's going to happen with Elaine's daughter, and will her brother look after her? I knew they were talking about your mother So I asked.

The nurse asked me at first who I was, so I lied and said that I was your cousin and only found out now that your mother and father died, and I can't reach either one of you, so she gave me your home address. And ever since then, I looked after you up until when you turned 16, I fought of any danger that could lead to you and your brother, I had to make sure no one found out that you exist. The only people that knew, were my family. And the reason Lizzy agreed to date Darrel was to keep him away from you and your brother. I sat in silence that's why Lizzy invited me to the bon fire, o my gosh none of you wanted to be my friend, you used me all of you, you used me!!!" I cried louder the pain that I'm feeling is crippling me.

" No, no Miane, please you have to believe me, I never used you, I fell in love with you, at first yes, I was shocked to see you at the beach, this beautiful blond hair girl that I promised myself to look after, is standing right in front of me. Lizzy didn't say it was you, when I saw you, I had to get away from you, not because I was afraid of you, but afraid of what I feel, I've been watching after you since you were 8 years old, and when you turned 16, and I saw how happy you are after the death of your parents, I knew you would be ok, your brother were doing fine looking after you. So I left, every time I got to close I wanted to tell you, I wanted to make you feel better, but you were fine, and I knew by telling you the truth would only re-open old wounds, so I left!" I could see Jades face turning into pain, for the first time, after months of knowing him, I saw how frightened he is. " How did my parents die, if the serum was supposed to protect them?" " Your dad was torn to peaces, if they were bitten they would've survived, Darrel knew it, and that's why there were no signs of a vampire attack, how your mother died, I have no explanation for that, there were no bruises or any sign of attack against her, no one knows what happened to her!"

" I need a moment to process all of this, I will call you in the morning"

" No please Miane, let me stay with you"

I could hear the desperation in his voice, but I need a minute, this whole day was way too much. My head is spinning with all the news" please Jade" I pleaded I just need to get my head straight just give me a day please"!

" Ok, but please call me if you need anything"

I just nod and walked away.

Jades POV

What a fuck. That's all I could say to myself. " Why didn't I tell her the truth the moment she found out, I'm a fucking idiot!" What if she never comes back? She can't face this alone, I want to be there for her, I want to protect her. I want to crash all fear that I saw in her eyes. I don't want her to be angry sad or even happy without me. Stop it Jade, I said to myself, she needs to make the decision by herself.

After a few hours of wandering around thinking how will I fix this, I decided to go home.

At the front porch Lizzy was waiting for me

" What the Hell Jade" she just started screaming

" what are you doing here Lizzy?" "

"You can't answer your phone? "

" I was busy go away" I said to her

" Well Get over yourself, and stop being such a pussy, Jozell ran into vampires that are not from here, somewhere there is something going on, we need to find out, and Get Miane out of town before we all turn into dust"

" she knows" I said to Her not caring how she will react to that.

Lizzy snapped her head towards me what do you mean by she knows?"

At this point I was tired and did not feel like explaining myself again.

" She knows, about Darrel her parents everything"

" what a hell Jade, do you have any idea how complicated things just got, you had to go and pour some petrol on the fire"

" I had no choice, a fucking witch showed up at her door step, Miane's dad used to work with her for years, she is the one that spelled the serum, she told Miane everything, what was I supposed to do, let Miane wander of and decide for herself why her parents died and how we knew about it?"

Lizzy walked up and down, scratching her head.

" I warned you, none of this would've happened if you just stayed away!"

" Well its to late now, what are we going to do?"

" I don't know, you need to get back to Miane's and explain to her about the vampires in town, and get her to agree to leave town with this witch, get the witch to put a clocking spell on her

" she is not leaving I said a little more aggressive than I wanted to.

" Jade do you have any idea what we are facing now, Miane knowing makes things a little more complicated, Darrel most probably figured out who she is, you need to let her go"

The words coming out of Lizzy's mouth, you need to let her go, is cutting deep, I know she will be safer if she leaves with the witch.

" Ok I will go to her and get her to leave, what about Susan?"

" For now, our only problem is getting Miane out of town and deal with whatever is coming, just go I will handle the rest"

I left for Miane's, there were a few times I just wanted to turn around and go look for Darrel and rip his fucking head off, but that would make things just worse, we don't even know if he knows.

As I stepped up to Miane's house, I could feel something is wrong, the door is open, and its way too quiet.

" Darrel!! What the fuck are you doing here?"

" O you though you could keep her to yourself"

He grabbed Miane from behind the wall, and started kissing her in her neck, she looks frighten, her beautiful eyes are big, she looks at me, pleading with her eyes to help her. Darrel opened his mouth like he is about to bite her.

" don't!!!!" I screamed. I will fucking kill you!!!"

" O so you know!"  Darrel said with a grin on his face.

" I don't know anything, just let her go, and we can talk about whatever you want!"

I started shaking, I don't care about me, or any other fucking vampire, I just want her to be safe.

" I don't want anything from you, except for this problem to go away" He looked at Miane dragging her pony-tale.

" Please!" I pleaded hoping that he will let her go.

" So the mighty Jade cares about someone other than himself"

I stepped forward.

" A a a, Darrel said, I will rip her to peaces, like I did with her father"

Miane tried to hit him, but he grabbed her hand and started kissing her wrist

" please let her go, kill me, you can kill me" I pleaded with him

" now there is an offer I can take you up on! A man from behind said.

My eyes turned big, my fear turned into anger, my heart raised be-hound a point where I thought I'm going to pass out.

" What a fuck, I thought you died in the fire" !!!

Miane's POV

I've never seen Jade so angry and frighten at the same time. Who is this man, Jade clearly knows him.

" O I am very much alive, and I intend to stay alive." He looked at me. He looks much older than all the other vampires that walked into my house. I hope aunt Susan doesn't come home anytime soon.

" You bastard" At this time Jade was furious, I could here in his voice that he is about to explode.

He ran up to the man, screaming You killed my mother you fucking moron!!!!"

My heart ache for Jade, the desperation the sadness in his voice.

3 other vampires who I presume are also much older than him, jumped him, one punched his fist in his chest and the other 2 were holding him, he turned around and looked at me, I'm sorry" that's all he could get out!!

"Noooooo" I screamed, Jade closed his eyes and that's the last thing I remembered