When death becomes part of life!

" Miane, Miane please, please wake up. Jade pleaded desperately. " Please I will take you away from here and never come back, please just wake up..... I love you"

Tears are deep in Jades eyes.

"Jade" I whispered so softly not even sure he heard me. Jade picked up his head, looking relieved. His tears immediately turned into a smile.

" Thank God you ok, how are you feeling"

" I'm ok, what happened, o my gosh, how, what?!!" I picked up his t shirt to see if he has any wounds, but there ain't nothing. " It healed he said holding and kissing my hands.

I felt relieved, I don't think I have ever been more scared.

" What happened"

Kiara saved the day" Jade said and thank her. Aunt Kiara nod and smiled at me.

Sam was sitting on a couch looking pissed as hell.

" This should've never happened, you put her in danger!" Sam said to Jade. " You used her in getting revenge, what is wrong with you?"

Jade immediately jumped up to his own defense You have no idea what I would do, to keep her safe, I will give my immortal life for her"

Sam jumped up, looks like he is about to explode, and I, for one, had enough. This whole day was a disaster. I should actually chase them all away. Aunt Kiara lied to me my entire childhood, not to mention my best friend, who can drop a vampire, my boyfriend that knew me since I was 8years old, and the best part is, my father that created me in a killing machine.

" Stop it, both of you just stop!"

Sam sat down on the couch, and Jade walked out.

Why the hell is he so difficult, and Sam had no right to speak to him like that.

Lizzy, aunt Kiara and Sam kept quite just staring at me.

" Excuse me" I said and removed the blanket from me. When I got outside Jade were standing on the front porch. I know he is scared, but so am I.

" Are you ok?" I ask him, I can see by the way he moves back and forth, that he is angry.

"Are you?" He asked me, as if my answer will determent how he feels.

"I'm ok, I still don't know how I ended up passing out" Jade turned his back on me.

"Are you sure you ok?"

"You need to leave with Sam and Kiara"

Did I just hear him say, that I need to leave?

"What?" I ask hoping that I heard wrong.

You heard me Miane, you need to leave it's not safe for you, Kiara can put a clocking spell on you, no one will ever found out where you are!"

"No, no I'm not leaving, you can't make me Jade, what happened? A few minutes ago, you bit Sam's head of, telling him...." Jade cut me of by turning around and pushed me against the wall with my hands pinned behind my back... you think I want this? I will do anything to fucking be with you forever" I'm surprised by the way he reacts to my outburst. His eyes turned soft.

"So be with me forever!" I started breathing heavy, our lips nearly touch.

Jades POV!

Fuck it, she is so perfect, she is everything I ever wanted and needed. Her Lips are soft, moist, warm. I could burry myself in her and not care a day. But I can't I need to let her go. And just like that the moment was over. I pulled away from her.

" You have to go Miane, please, you have to"

She looked surprised and hurt at the same time

" I heard what you said" I kept quiet and turned around to face her. " Jade did you hear what I'm saying?" She looks like she is about to cry, my heart cannot handle this anymore, the constant worry if she will be ok. Why the fuck must love be so difficult.

"What did you hear?" Miane's eyes turned soft her eyes are red from all the crying.

" That you love me!" I turned my back on her again, hoping that she will let it go. I do love her, I love her more than I ever though I could love anyone.

" Jade?..... I don't want to go anywhere without you, I want to stay with you, I know it's the right thing to do, I'd rather take the chance of dying, than live a life without you. I love you Jade!"

I turned around to face her, she is so fucking beautiful. Jade..."

before she could finish her sentence I picked her up, her eyes went from sad to relieve, I could feel that she loves me, And I love her! I can't let her go, I know its selfish and dangerous, but this girl is mine!

My heart feels like it wants to explode. My face inches away from hers, and suddenly my breathing is hard. My heart rises powerfully.

I went into a trance and I hope this never ends.

Our lips molted together and I cannot stop. I want to live At this moment forever. I kissed her, and she responded back, I can hear her heart pumping, her pulse racing. " fuck" that's what I responded with, when she grabbed my hair. Her eyes went big but this time I'm not apologizing for cursing. She drives me crazy. I can take her up now and show her how much I love her.

"Miane!" Aunt Kiara said coming out the front door.

I put her down on the floor. she started apologizing sorry, o gosh sorry aunt Kiara" Her cheeks are red not only from the embarrassment but from the way we just kissed. Kiara shoot me a glare, warning me with her eyes. I ignored her, and turned my back on her. we have to go back to Florida, are you coming with?" I turned around stopping Miane from responding to Kiara's question. Not this again, I said. " She will be staying with me, I can protect her. She is not leaving" The responsible voice inside my head finds its way in, reminding me that this is a terrible idea, but I ignored it and grabbed Miane by her hips, pulling her closer to me. " I can't go Aunt Kiara, I know it's safer that way, but I need to stay here. Face my demons that my father created. Aunt Kiara looked disappointed in Miane's decision, but she just nods and walked back inside.

Sam came out and just stared screaming. " You're not staying here with this demon" and just like that my anger returned. " Stop telling her what to do, you not her father" Sam responded angrier than earlier, neither are you. " Stop it both of you, none of you are my father, my father is dead, and the reason were in this mess" Miane said to the both of us. I walked towards her, but she held her hand up. " Jade please give Sam and Myself a minute" I turned ice-cold, what if he changes her mind to leave with them. " I'm not going anywhere, I promise" Miane said to me kissing me gently. Like she knew what I was thinking. I nod and kissed her back.


" I know you are trying to protect me Sam, but this is way more complicated than what it looks like" SAM still looking angry" how is it complicated Miane, your not safe here, you cannot believe for one second that you will be safe with that demon!" I started feeling irritated with Sam for calling Jade a demon. " His name is Jade, and I know it's dangerous, but I love him, there is a connection between us from day one, and I cannot just pack up and leave, besides Aunt Susan is also living here I cannot leave her. If something happens to her, I will never forgive myself" Sam looked a little more relax than what he looked a few minutes ago. " You have to believe me Sam, if I ever knew what I know now, I wouldn't have moved here in the first place, but everyone kept the truth from me, I had to learn that my parents died by the hands of a vampire, and that my best friend is a witch, not to mention the fact that my boyfriend is a vampire the thing my father wanted to wipe of the earth, o and to put the cherry on top of the cake, one bite from him, and I could kill an entire vampire species including the man I love, so believe me the better option would be to pack up and leave, but I can't. I love him" Sam looked at me and just smiled. " I will trust that you will make the right decision Miane, and that you will stay safe, clearly you're not going to change your mind, so I will let it go. you know where we are if you need anything" I smiled back at him and gave him a tight hug you know I will call" you're my bestie and gave him a big smile again.

Aunt Kiara came out with Jade and Lizzy. " Please stay safe, she shoots Jade another glare, and Jade just rolled his eyes. " I will, I promise" aunt Kiara and Sam left. Jade held me from behind and whispered in my ear I thought they never left don't be mean, she saved your ass" and I slap him on his shoulder, and an arrogant laugh escaped his lips, he can be so damn difficult, but I love that about him so if the two of you are done thinking this is a joke, we need to leave" Lizzy said not entertained by either one of us. " I have to go back home" I said looking at Jade who I know will have a tantrum any moment No you're not going home and there it is. I rolled my eyes at him Jade, stop it now, please aunt Susan will be back home anytime now, I can't just leave we need to get her away from home or at least come up with a story why I'm not at home" Jade started rubbing his neck and sliding his fingers through his hair. " Ok then I'm coming with you, we can tell her that the family invited you to go on a hunting trip or something I looked at Jade amused and Lizzy and I started laughing, Jeez would you two stop, you know what I mean" hahaha, I said to Jade you're a terrible joker"

Jade smiled and kiss my hair.

" Ok lets go before I have to drag the two of you" Lizzy said. We left for aunt Susan.

Lizzy was driving I sat at the back and Jade in front of Lizzy. He kept on staring at me through the rare mirror. I feel like a naughty girl smiling my stomach turning every time he smiles at me. The song if our love was wrong by Callum Scott played in the car and Jade is singing along. I love how he uses emotions while singing along. Our eyes not losing connection for one moment. How did I ever fell in love with this mess of a boy. He is both sweet and damn difficult, dangerous but safe. I love him with all my heart. I stared out of the window my eyes feeling heavy after this day. Jade sat up straight in his seat and just said Miane!  We pulled up to aunt Susan's driveway.

" What is wrong ?" My eyes turned big, before Lizzy could fully stop the car I jumped out.

" No, no no no, that's all I could scream while running from the other side of the road to the porch were aunt Susan was lying. No aunt Susan please stay with me. "Jade call the ambulance" Jade was just standing there, the blood made his eyes turned red and his face was pale. " Jade, please !!!" And for what felt like forever he snuck out of his trance and grabbed his phone out of his pocket, but Lizzy stopped him before he could dail 911. " What are you doing Lizzy, I screamed she just shook her head. Jade walked towards me she's gone baby"

" No, no no she can't be, it's not true, Aunt Susan please open your eyes, please open your eyes. I have to tell you everything please I want to tell you. Please aunt Susan you can't go, please don't leave me!" I cried so hard that my t shirt was soak, My heart pained for what felt like the hundred time since I step foot into this town. " Miane !" Jade said and tried to pick me up from the floor. " She's gone, let me take care of the" "your not touching her" I said a little to harsh, but I don't care, I started kicking him and pushing him against his chest, it's all of you it's your fault I should've never called you at the dance. You ruined everything, you left me an orphan" I shouted so loud I was out of breath and my voice started to squeak" Jade grabbed my wrist leave me alone" Jade eyes flinched with pain, and he backed away from me. I nealed down next to aunt Susan again pleading for her to come back. I was so caught up in my own world. After mom and dad died and then my brother, I just wanted to die myself, but aunt Susan kept me going. She can't be gone. This is wrong. I was supposed to graduate and make her proud. I was supposed to protect her. " Please aunt Susan!" I begged one more time. Jade was just standing there.

" Go I will take care of this" Lizzy said to Jade. " No I'm not leaving" Jade said to Lizzy Jade!!!" Lizzy said to him, harsh. He never knows when to back down.

Lizzy sat next to me. She left me to mourn yet another death. " Are you ok?" She asked me, but I don't respond to her question. " I'm sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen" she said soft tears coming out of her eyes. " What are we going to do?" I said to her. " We have to come up with something to make your aunts death look like an accident, or maybe someone broke in or something. I know that's not what you want, but ... I stand up and cut her short" I know just give me a damn minute to process this" and I walked inside the house.