Can you handle it

Miane's POV

What is that smell?

" Jade! " I called out, but he doesn't answer me. I opened my eyes with Jade now were to be seen. I took the blanked and wrapped it around my body and walked to the small kitchen.

" Hey" Jade greeted with a smile" did you sleep well?" He asked while busy making toast and coffee and eggs.

" I did.... with a smile on my face. " What are you doing?" I ask, clearly he knows that the toast is burning.

" I wanted to surprise you with breakfast, but to be honest I have no idea what I am doing"

Jade switch off the stove, looking miserable.

" Let me" I said walking past him kissing him on the cheeks. I removed the burn toast from the toaster and cleaned the counter. Jade was sitting on top of the counter his eyes locked on me.

" What?" I finally asked

" nothing, I he couldn't get the words out.

" What's wrong?" I asked while folding the towels that he messed up with coffee spills and bread crumbles.

" Your mother called"

The life is draining out of me, by the words my mother called. I looked away and trying not to sound surprised

" what did she want?"

Jade jumped of the counter walking up to me grabbing me to stand closer.

" She wants to talk" Jade said.

" About what, she clearly doesn't know what the hell my Fathers intentions was by making all these syrups and if she did, she is not talking"

I removed myself from Jades grip and put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, trying not to make eye contact with Jade.

" Miane?" jade said with a soft voice.

" Jade please don't make me talk to her, I know you want answers, I do too, but she is not the answer. She keeps telling us stories that we already know, and to be honest I don't believe a word coming out of her mouth.

Jade kept quiet. I could see in his eyes that he is still hopeful. To get rid of the serum that runs through my veins, and of course I would do anything to keep him safe, and to never have to let him go, but my mother is not the answer.

I can see how much he wants to help not just for him, but for me, to live a normal life and not to worry about every other vampire that wants to kill me, but that is not for him to decide. I don't trust my mother.

" Jade please let just see if we can try and get answers from somewhere else, I don't trust my mother and if she really wants to help, then she should've given us more than just a sob story about how my father turned her into a vampire and me and my brother into a vampire killing machines."

" Ok" Jade said to my surprise.

I removed the pan from the stove and placed it in the sink.

" Ok" I replied and went in for a hug.

" Lets just enjoy the time we have here before we have to go back to reality please" I pleaded while holding Jade.

He kissed my hair and tucked a string of hair behind my ear.

" You know I love you, so much that I would die for you. I would gladly give up my life if it means you could live a long happy life"

I didn't respond. My head rest on his chest my arms around his body. I hate it when he talks like that, because I know he will do it. He will give up his life for me to live.

" Miane, did you hear me?" I looked up and kiss him.

" I love you too" that's all I managed to get out.

" Will you please show me around the cottage?" I could see that he knows I am desperately trying to change the subject.

Jade just not, walking out of the kitchen, leaving me wondering if I said something that upsets him, or not responding in the way he wanted me to. Does he really think that I would agree for him to die for me? I just stared in front of me with no words coming to my thoughts.

I'm finally dressed in a light pink dress and my hair in a high pony tale. The sun is out, and I can finally see the blue sky again. I love this weather, it reminds me of Florida. It was always a bright shiny day there. We wished some days for rain and for storms. Here you get a sunny day once every 2 weeks. I walked outside to found Jade shirtless busy cutting some wood. I couldn't help myself by staring at him. His body is so perfect. His muscles showing while he picks up the wood. He caught me staring, and I quickly recovered from my perv stares.

" You look nice" he says with a hiss in his voice.

" Thank you, I manage to say.  Wondering why he's so distance. Why can't he just talk to me.

" Is something wrong? "

Jade kept cutting the wood not answering me.

"Jade?" I nearly screamed.

" Do you think its easy for me Miane? Seeing you suffer, seeing you not having hope or even just the slightest bit of hope. I know your mother disappointed you, the little girl you once were believing in your parents, having a life full of hopes and dreams, and all of a sudden gets crushed by the return of your mother"

I felt the tears rolling down from my cheeks. I am so tired of crying and to feel hopeless.

" I know you think your mother is not the answer, and I know you think you have to hide all your pain from me, but I love you and I want to be there for you, please let me be there for you"

" how Jade, you are a vampire, my blood can kill you, my mother is a vampire and guess what my blood can kill her. No one understand how that makes me feel, you all want what's best for me, but in reality all of you are bad for me".

Jades eyes are full of tears. Shocked by what I said.

" No, no Jade I didn't mean it like that"

Jade turned away from me walking towards the cottage.

" Jade!" I screamed. But he just kept walking.

When I got inside the cottage Jade was busy packing all our stuff. Not looking at me or even saying a word.

"Jade" I said my voice full of sadness

" We can leave now" Jade said still not looking at me.

" I'm sorry, that's not how I meant it"

" clearly" he said picking up my clothes in front of the fireplace.

" Would you please stop so that I can explain"

Jade still busy picking up the blankets and clothes not making eye contact with me.

" Jade, would you please stop and listen to me please"

Jade dropped the clothes on the couch and stared right through me.

He sat down on the couch waiting for me to speak and all of a sudden I am lost in words.

I sat next to him, the air thick between us and I feel like I am suffocating.

" What I meant by you being bad for me, I know it sounded like, ok it sounded bad I know, but I just meant that no matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, I was not meant to be with a vampire" Jade looked away no, no I grabbed his hands and turned his face to look at me. " I want to be with you, you know that, I love you and I want this stupid serum to disappear, but There is no hope Jade"

" would you please stop saying that" Jade pleaded. I know he wants all of this to go away, but this is something none of us knows.

" Please just try and have some faith and just here your mother out"

" Ok" I said to him, him clearly surprised by my answer.

" Ok?" He asked his eyes searching mine for hope.

" Ok, I will hear my mother out"

He smiled and grabbed me to sit on his lap.

" I'm sorry" I said to him kissing his hair. He laid his head on top of my chest with his eyes closed.

Both of us still full of emotions.

" I know I am bad for you, I wouldn't want a life like this for you, you know I would choose better for you and if I knew someone else could protect and love you better than me, I would let you go in a heart beat.

" Jade stop please"

Jade kept quiet" we sat like that for a while not saying anything to each other. Jade eyes still closed, his head resting heavy on my chest me still sitting on top of him. " Are we going to sit like this the whole day" I said picking up hos head to look at me.

" Jade started to kiss me, his face still full of emotions his eyes pitch black, and I can't find the emotion behind his eyes.

" Kiss me baby" Jade said to me starting to kiss me in my neck unzipping my dress, his hands gliding over my back. My whole body full of goosebumps again. Every time he touches me my mind is raising ten thousand times faster.

" I thought you wanted to leave?" I asked him, not getting a response from him.

" You know you want to!" Jade sliding my panties to the side not giving me n change to even respond to him. I tried to hold my grip while he drags his fingers all over me. My hart jumping up and down. How does he do it?


I can feel how wet she is for me. I don't want anyone else making her feel like this. I know its selfish and I know that she loves me, but she was right, I am bad for her. I will never be able to give her the life she deserves. And just like that I stopped. Her eyes full of questions. I zipped her dress up.

" Why did you stop?" She asked me her face inches away from mine.

" We have to leave"

I picked her up and placed her on the floor not saying anything else.

She fixed her dress her face full of questions, but she doesn't say anything. 

I grabbed her suitcase and walked out the door.

We drove back to Portland in silence. Miane starring out the window, and for once I wish I knew what she was thinking. I kept my hands on the steering wheel, but kept looking over to her to see if I can maybe just get a glimpse to what she is thinking, but her eyes are ice-cold.

Finally, we made it back. Miane fast asleep. I hate for her to wake up now. She looks so peaceful after the morning we had.

" Miane" I said not even sure she can hear me.

She opened her eyes and her face turning sour when she saw she is back at home.

" Thank you is all she said, and she climbed out of the car.

" Miane" I said while she walks up to the house

" Your suitcase" I said removing it from the back seat.

" O" she manages to say.

She grabbed it and turned away.

" Why did you stop, and why did you bring me here" she blasted out on me.

" I don't know" I replied to her knowing exactly why I did it.

" You still pissed at me, after I explained myself, after we promised each other that we will do this together, you made me promise to have faith and hope, and here you are not opening up to me, letting me go inside this house while you're the one searching for answers. You know what Jade, maybe I was naive to think that we would beat this thing. Clearly you changed your mind.

" I didn't change my mind Miane" But maybe you were right, maybe letting you go would be best for you, you can leave here and start a life somewhere safe. " don't do this again Jade, you promised me to never leave me again, and promised" Miane's crying nonstop her hands in the air trying way too hard to explain how she feels, I know how she feels and that's the problem, I keep making her miserable. I walked up to her and grabbed her in my arms.

" I'm sorry" she stopped crying my T-shirt wet from her tears. " You promised"

"I know" I said to her, my eyes looking at the house, catching Susan looking through the window.

" I know" I said again.

" I will not leave you I promise"

I grabbed her suitcase and walked into the house. Miane opened the door with Susan sitting in the kitchen. Miane didn't greet. She removed her shoes and as she wants to go upstairs her mother called out.

" Miane"

Miane looked at me her eyes big.

" Yes mother" she said her voice full of hate.

" Can we please talk? You, too, Jade I have answers"

Miane grabbed my hand and walked towards the kitchen.

" I spoke to Lizzy, there is a witch that might be able to reverse the spell. It's not a promised but its worth the try.

" What does this mean?" I asked Susan, not being convinced but Miane's face full of hope.

" It means that she might be able to reverse the spell that Kiara spelled"

" How? Kiara herself can't even reverse the spell, how will this witch do it?" Miane's face turning to wonder now.

" Mother, please answer the question."

" I don't have all the answers Miane, All I know is that Lizzy and I reach out to her, and she agreed to study it and help you"

I turned around to walk to the front door.

" Were you going" Miane asked running to me.

" I need to found out from Lizzy what this deal is, if this is true we can finally move on" Miane smiled at me. " You really think this will be over?"

I walked up to her, kissed her I don't know baby, but we'll find out soon, I will call you"


I walked back to the kitchen, my mother looking excited.

" I know this is a long shot Miane, but we should hear her out. She is an old witch one of the very first witches"

I poured myself a glass of water.

" I know this will change" as my mother wants to finish her sentence I cut her short" this doesn't change anything, you left me, you left me as a little girl, made my brother raise me. When this is over I want you gone.

I put the glass on top of the counter and went upstairs. I closed my bedroom door and prayed for my mother to stay away from me. I really hope this is true. I know Jade is full of hope and to be honest for the first time I feel hopeful to.

" Miane?" My mother calls from my door

" please go away mother" I said sitting cross legs on my bed holding my pen and notebook in my hands.

" We can go see the witch Ariane, she called she will meet as outside the town in the school hall close to the lake, Jade is on his way there with Lizzy now" I jumped up and opened the door.

" Lets go then" I said to her running past her, "I will drive" grabbing my keys from the counter.

" I don't see any cars" I said to my mother while pulling up in the parking lot.

" They should be here any minute" my mother replied opening the door to get out.

" Lets wait inside"

I followed my mother to the school hall.

I stand with my back facing my mother

" did Jade said they will meet us here?" I asked my mother.

" I'm sorry Miane" she said to me her eyes full of tears. I turned around to face her, confused.

" What's going on?"

I cannot live like this anymore, I can't live in fear, you hating me, I could never accept what your father did to me"

" what are you talking about mother" my eyes searching for a way to escape. " Jade is not coming, and there is no witch" she said to me" but Lizzy" I asked

" I lied, I had to lie, for Jade to leave to get more answers from Lizzy, and to get you to come here I had to lie"

"Mother what are you doing?"


" Lizzy?"

I search the house but can't seem to find Lizzy.

" Lizzy??" I screamed one more time. Lizzy rushed through the front door Mrs and Mrs Lane behind her and Celine and Zoe with Riaan standing on the porch.

" What a fuck is going on? Susan said you met a witch with her to remove the spell" Lizzy cut me short.

" I never met a witch, where is Miane now?"

I froze, I knew something was not right.

I left her at the house with her mother" I said searching for answers.

" Jade Miane's mother made a deal with Darrel and the others. To get her out of town they're going to kill her" I rushed past them. I tried calling Miane a 100 times, but she is not picking up. " Lizzy where are they ?" I said over the phone in front of Miane's house. Her car is gone, so they must've left already. " School near the lake" I rushed through the woods, using every inch off vampire strength I got to get there as fast as I can. My mind racing with all the flashes of Darrel killing the one girl I have ever loved in my life. I will fucking kill him and her mother. I should've listened to Miane when she didn't trust her mother. I should've never let her mother near her. I will fucking kill her.