' Dying For Wishful Love '

Ahhh — other novels would have stated that this is what they read on their phone in their other world but nope ! Not her !

She was alone in her dark and isolate room when she caught fever because her room doesn't have any warm blankets and on that particular night too , she didn't close her open windows that blew cold winds that makes her body grew weak . Her throat was parched but she saw that her bottle water beside her bed was empty and she was too weak to go anywhere . She also didn't think that anyone will come to give her medication because she knew that nobody cares about her . Her fever got worse by time and she forced herself to sleep to forget about her pain .

She thought that she must be dying since she saw her own self infront of her . There was a book that her other self hold on . She saw the tittle ' Dying For Wishful Love ' .

The female lead of the book was a naive and kind girl . She loved her family with all that she has . It doesn't matter when her family mistreat her , using her kindness for their own benefits . As long as the hope was still there , she was willing to everything and anything .

She saw herself read the ending and she was utterly shocked by that . Now she knows why the tittle insert dying . The female lead was fated to died in her own family's hands . She was a genius girl but naive one , when her dad's company was going to bankrupt , she helped her dad and her brothers to make loans , she begged anyone that she can to and she create ideas to make the company grew again . When her brothers saw her fantastic ideas , they got mad at her and slapped her hard telling her that she only going to screw their company more further but behind her they steal the ideas make it as she was not part of it and the company was saved making her dad more and more proud of his sons . The violence , the stealing and everything continues on but she was still there stupidly holding her expectations of a loving family .

Everyday she suffered mentally and physically but she still did everything her family told her to do even if at the end of the day , she was scared , terrified , traumatized and she like a foolish gullible girl held a string of hope in yearning for a family love . Nevertheless , when she turns 25 , everything ends horribly for her . She was an obstacle in their life and only a stepping ladder for their success , they no longer need her and killed her horrendously . They pretended to go to a holiday with her which of course she accept gladly when they brought her to a mountain leaving her there with animals and lastly she was killed accidentally falling from the edge of cliff .

At that time , she knew . She knew that this was all her family's plan . Still , eventhouh people may be thought of her as terribly foolish and hilarious for wanted to yearn for their love . She wanted to . Eventhough she knew , she wanted their love even at the brink of her death . It doesn't matter , she won't blame them , she won't resent them , she just ..... just wanted them to remember her after she died . Yes , she was stupid but who else can she held her hopes to ? They are cruel , heartless and never care about her but yet she .... She closed her eyes and death caught her . THE END .

Her heart terribly shook when she reads all that . How ? Just how did that female lead being such a person ? Doesn't she know how to retort ? Or even resent them when she knew hundred percent that the family kills her ?! Why , just why ?! Why is she still wanted that damn love !!! Her heart hurts so much with that fact ! The fact that the female lead was treated like a doll and yet she was willingly wanted to be a doll . That damn love !!! Why is love so important anyways ! Why is she ruining herself when she didn't even received the love that she needs !! Is she trying to become an angel ?! Hell no ! That was not an angel at all ! That was just being stupidly foolish , letting people used her as if she was really a doll !

Yes ! She was mad ! She was angry for the sake of the female lead !

More than ever , she knew the book was such a familiar cliche plotline for her because the female lead .... was her ...

Aria Xeryl ...