Aria panted with haggard breath when she successfully coming out from the neighborhood . There is only one gate of coming in and out from the neighborhood so she roam around the side of the gate that hindered away from anyone's eyes and find a small hole probably makes by dogs to come in and out . She was small so she didn't find any problem in crawling out . She pats the dirts on her knees and sleeves at the blanket on top of her while thinking which way she should go .

This neighborhood is well-known as the people living here is mostly wealthy and powerful so only the the person living here can access the neighborhood and it strictly forbids stranger from coming here . That's why there was not even a single transport can be seen ! This place is located at the heart of the city but remain quite far from the noises and bustling city .

Aria has no choice but to walk at the side of the road to go to other places . She actually didn't know where to go but when she remembers her escape plan , she thought that maybe she should just go along with it and find some orphanage to live in .

For a kid like her to wander around , it would attract people and she might became a victim to robbery and kidnapping . Just imagine it make her shudder . She quickly make the blanket tightly hugged her body so that people can't see her face . She also hide her necklace that she wear afraid it'll get missing or something .

Within thirty minutes , she come across some large building and realize that this is the place that people frequently stop by to shop . There are many people coming in and out of the shopping mall infront of her .

Since she doesn't know which way to go to the orphanage , she thought she could rest for a while here . Her body started to feel weak since she just wake up earlier after fainted for three days plus her wounds from the beating of her brother still not recover yet . She only came this far because she doesn't want Nexy's actions become useless .

She walks towards the entrance with the blanket wrapped over her . She saw the guard there and thought maybe they know the way to go to the orphanage .

One of the guard is guarding outside of the one of the dress branded shop . Usually , the security is tight since branded shops treated their VVIP highly therefore it is a must to keep guards there in case of emergency .

She blinked several times to see the guard and encourage herself to speak .

" .... Mwister , do you no where is twe owphernege ? "

Mister , do you know where is the orphanage

The guard didn't realize there is someone tiny infront of him until he heard some soft voices with crooked words . He saw a bundle of grey blanket infront of him only exposing a tiny bit of her body and legs .

He squatted infront of her to reach the same height and got to look at her pale , sunken face .

" Kid ... What are you doing here ? Where's your parents ? You must've gotten lost , want me to find your parents .. ? "

Li Jian talked gently to the little girl while wandering his eyes around to see maybe her parents are searching for her .

He is actually an elite bodyguard who was trained in one of the powerful family in this country . He is indeed not a normal bodyguard , he is a special assistant to his master where he's given tasks in handling underworld works . It's just that today he's not following his master instead he's given special instructions to guard the madam who's currently shopping .

To him , this is not a useless work instead he felt proud his master trusted him in protecting the madam .

He had a stern face and a bit bulky body as a result of training so he's trying so hard to talk gently to the child scared she will cry when she look at him .

" Ummm ..... No ! I .... dwon't have parents ! Awia ... wanted to go owphernege ... ! "

She's trying so hard to make him understand what she said since she can't properly speak well but the guard just look blankly at her ! This is so frustrating ! Why in the world I was so bad at speaking !

" What are you saying , kid ? You don't have parents ? Then why are you here ? And what's with the owphernege ? Is it some kind of toys that I don't know ? "

Li Jian try to think of some popular toys but he can't think of any similar words like the child said .

" It's so fwustwating talking to you , mwister .. gwoodbye .... "

Since she can't get any information from this guard , it's better she just ask another person .

" Hey kid ! Wait ! Don't go yet ! It's dangerous for a children to go alone ! "

He caught her shoulders trying to not let her go while Aria is struggling to escape from him .

" Xiaojian , what are you doing ..... ? "

Suddenly , there was a gentle and sweet voice coming from the side . There is a woman holding two jewellery boxes in her hand . She wears an elegant blouse with a denim jeans paired with a one centimetres high heels . Her shiny black hair is let loose while her smooth jade face only got a simple makeup . Her looks was gentle with a smiling face . What Aria sees is such a beautiful woman exactly looked like a young woman in her prime .

" M-madam , apologies . Let me hold those for you .. "

He loosen his hold from Aria and grabs the boxes from the madam with a respectful gesture . No matter how he looks , madam didn't look like she's aging at all ! People may not believe that madam is already a mother of two !

" Xiaojian ... I'm asking you what are you doing .. ? "

She stares at his hand who's holding some bundle of blanket .

" Oh ! Ummmm .... this ... madam ... actually I just stumbled into this kid . I was worried she'd lost her parents and wanna send her by myself since it's dangerous for her to go alone . That's why ... "

He nervously explain to the madam . To him , madam is a gentle and elegant woman . She's soft-spoken and always smile to other people . He already has much respect for her since the beginning when she can catch his master's attention since his master is such a cold man . Who knows when his master is so in love , he'll be more worse than other husband in this world which is he's such a slave's wife ! Whatever she said , he will always follow her words and childishly , he always saw his master's fighting with his own children to steal the madam's attention to him .

The woman searches for something in her handbag and finally found a lollipop . She squatted at her height and brush off the blanket a little bit to see her face . She can feel the child flinch when she did that and only patted her to calm her down .

She looked amazingly at her rare pinkish eyes and found that the child is adorable except that she was too thin and small for her age .

" Hello , sweetie ... "