Aria looked at the woman who's smiling gently at her . She was so mesmerized by the woman's beauty that she suddenly thought how pretty her biological mom is ? She never got to know what her mom looks like .

" Hello , Sistwer .. "

The woman laughed when hearing the girl called her sister . She's already 36 with two kids . How can she let a little child called her sister .

" It's not sister . You should call me auntie . "

" Hngg ? But sistwer looks young ! "

" I did .. ? Thank you ! By the way sweetie , where are you going ? You shouldn't run around without your parents . "

" It's not sweetie . It's Awia ! Awia doesn't have pawents ! Awia is twying to go to owphernege . "

The woman looked at Li Jian with a curious look after hearing what the girl said . Anyway , she already expected that she was either abused or just a beggar living in the street when she looks at how skinny the girl is .

" T-thats what she has been saying , madam . But I ... I don't understand her , so she's trying to leave . I was worried to leave her alone so I prevent her in going somewhere else . "

" It's okay , you've done a good job , Xiaojian . "

She looked at the little girl again and gives her the lollipop she has been holding .

" Then .. your name is Aria right ? Such a pretty name . Why do you want to go to the orphanage ? How did you get here ? Orphanages are quite far away from the heart of the city . "

Aria grins widely when someone understand her perfectly not like the guard earlier .

" Waaa !! Auntwie undwerstand me ! How can .. How can auntwie did that .. ?! "

" Pfft- you are such a cute girl . Auntie is a mother too so auntie knows how hard it is for you to try to make the adults understand your words . My husband used to suffer a lot trying to learning their ways . "

" Oohhh ! Awia .. Awia walks here ! Awia just .. just want ... to .... go to owphernege .. "

Earlier , she was already tired with her body kept hurting from the past wounds . Now , using the energy to talk to the woman and being enthusiastic is completely draining her out .

How she wish the woman give her the location of the orphanage quickly .


With that , she fainted once again with the darkness enveloping her .




The woman nervously waiting for the doctors to come out to notify her of Aria's condition .

She doesn't know what happen when suddenly the little girl fainted infront of her . Luckily , she caught her in time .

At first , she was just wanna have a talk with the little girl after she saw her with XiaoJian but after looking at her body and face , she felt so sad and pity to the girl . At this age , she should has lives like other kids playing with toys happily but just looking at her condition , you will know how hard the little girl life is .

She is a mother so when she looks at the girl , it reminded her of how will happen if her kids someday turn like this girl . So , she felt the responsibility to help her .

Anyhow , she also has a weakness over a girl since she doesn't has a daughter ..

" Madam .. "

Three doctors respectfully standing in front of her wearing a white coat with a grave expression as if they gonna relay a bad news to her .

She looked at one of the doctor that leads the other two doctor and speak ..

" Director , what's wrong with Aria .. ? "

" Madam , I suggest you should call police in this case . "

" What ?! What are you talking about ?! "

" Madam , I'm sorry to say that the little girl you brought had a severe case of malnutrition that caused her growing to stop . Furthermore , there is a lot of wounds and bruises all over her body and some of it is infected that caused her to faint . From the wounds , we suspect that this is the case of severe abuse . So , I think you should call the police .. "

The woman trembled with his words . Although she expected Aria to be abuse , she never thought that it was so severe . Just how much the little girl can handle that much pain ?

If she was raised appropriately , she was sure Aria is gonna be a pretty and cute child . How .. how can someone be so cruel towards a child ?!

Her emotion fluctuates making her lose her breath . She grasp her chest and almost kneeled towards the floor when an arm catches her in time .

She felt she was being hugged by someone and she heard the voice soothingly trying to calm her down .

" Darling .. It's okay .. It's fine .. take a deep breath and everything is gonna be fine . I'll be here and it will be fine .. It will be fine .. "

The person who holds her kisses her on the forehead and after some time she finally can catch her breath ..

The director who is standing in front of her earlier froze when he saw the person who is currently intimately hugging the madam .

" P-president Qin !! "