The man with a full black suit with a cold demenour enveloping him stares coldly towards the doctors . The doctors trembled realizing it is the popular President Qin as well as their biggest shareholders in this hospital .

Even if he is not the biggest shareholder nor the president , most of the doctors already know the face of President Qin . He is known as being overprotective and possessive towards the madam .

Everytime the madam got a slight sickness , he would come running towards the hospital with a grief expression . He would make sure his wife got the best treatment and make sure his wife doesn't get any discomfort or else he would threw his anger towards the doctors .

When the madam got pregnant with their first child , the president often come to the hospital to get advice of what he need to be cautious and what vitamins his wife needs , the emotions that pregnant women have and so many more .

Even when with the second child , the president still running around in the hospital despite he already had experience with the first child . He even take a month leave before and after the madam gave birth .

However , he only spare his gentleness towards his wife . His warm eyes and gentle smile only reserved for her . For other people , President Qin RuMing is just a cold , scary and yet handsome person .

" What are you guys doing ?! Don't you see my wife is having difficulty in breathing ?! And you doctors just stand there watching ?! Do you really want her to suffer , huh ! "

Qin RuMing started to shout towards the doctor while hugging his wife tightly . He barely manage to keep his anger down so that his wife doesn't get scared of him . He doesn't want his wife to see his scary side .

" Darling .. Are you okay ? I'm sorry I'm late .. I didn't know you were sick and even come to the hospital . If I know , I would've stopped my meeting earlier today . I'm really sorry .. "

He started to caress her cheeks and kissed her forehead to relay how sorry he is . His tone is completely different from the way he talks to the doctors . Their marriage almost coming to ten years long but their sweetness is just like they are a newlyweds .

Gu XiaoMeng already calm herself from the difficulty earlier and started to realize that it was her husband who kept trying to calm her down , hugging her and saying sorry to her . It was not even his fault but he was always like this , everytime he saw her like this , he was always the first one to apologize just for the reason he didn't come earlier to pacify her . How could she not fell in love with him if he is like this ?

Gu XiaoMeng hugged him back putting her hand on her back and patted it slowly .

" Honey .. I'm fine .. you should have be in your company instead of being here . I'm not the one who is sick but thank you for being here for me . "

" Of course , darling .. Anything for you .. "

He loosened his hug when he realized her latter words .

" Wait .. What do you mean it's not you ? I clearly saw your pale face earlier . Then why are you here .. ? "

" ..... I was just shocked about something that was why I got a slight difficulty earlier . I .. I brought a little girl here . She was just so pitiful .. that's why .. I ..... "

Her eyes started to be a bit teary remembering the report earlier . She still cannot believe the little girl had to endure so much pain with her skinny body .

Qin RuMing stare at his wife's face which didn't even change from the first time they met instead his wife keeps getting younger and more beautiful each day . He raises his hand and touched her eyes gently .

" Shhh .. Don't cry .. it hurts me .. tell me what happen , I'll listen to everything , take your time .. "

At the end of the day , the doctors who was forced to eat dog food retreats from the place and leave the two there . While the two of them sit at the nearest waiting room to talk about Aria .


After listening about everything and hearing XiaoMeng's decision , Qin RuMing sigh deeply while massaging his eyebrows .

" MengMeng , are you sure about this ? Do you realize there are two kids waiting for us at home .. ? "

She holds his hand and stares deeply towards his eyes without avoiding any eye contact .

" RuMing ... ofcourse I remember our kids at home . I never said I gonna neglected them . It's just .. Aria doesn't wake up yet , I don't want her to feel nervous when she wakes up knowing no one around . And .. you heard what the doctors said , her condition .. is severe and they told us to call the police . Just ... I don't want her to feel scared .. Let's not call the police right now ... okay ? "

" ... Fine , but did you really have to spend the night here ? The little girl is not even our daughter ... What am I gonna say if the kids ask about you and .... I can't sleep without you , MengMeng ... "

He hugged her again in an attempt to change her mind . He had always known that his wife is this kind . They do not even know the origin or the background of the girl , who knows maybe she is an enemy ? Yet here she is , his wife wanted to waste her time in accompanying the little girl ... Ughh ... How can we even trust some stranger , wife ?

" RuMing .... please ... you need to go home to our kids . Let me accompany Aria .. okay ? She's such a small girl and she's too young to be alone .. "

" Ughh ... Then , I will come to you in the early morning , tomorrow , alright . ? No rejection ! "

She tightened the hugs and kissed her adorable husband lightly while laughing ..

" Anything for you , honey .. "