The night comes as the sun goes down and the moon shine brightly as any other days .

Gu XiaoMeng prepared a VIP room in the hospital for Aria so the room was quite big and there was an extra bed for the guardian . She was quite worried that Aria never wakes up even after hours but the doctor said that it was normal as she is only a little child , with a severe injuries on her bodies , it will take time for her body to recover .

Gu Xiaomeng pondered for a moment and sit on the bed beside Aria . Looking at her pale face and steady breathing , she just caressed her head and sigh softly .

" I hope you'll wake up soon and lead a happy life like other children , .. sweetie .. "


In other side of the hospital , the staffs are quite stirred up and wondering who was the patient in the VIP room that makes even the madam and reserved President Qin to care for greatly .

Talking about President Qin Ruming , there's no one who would not know how powerful the Qin Family is .

Qin Family's existence can be said as strong as the stand of King back in histories . Even so , they climb the ranks from the scratch until their name is known throughout the countries . Qin Family is rooted for generations and became the powerful and high influential family that envied by other people . They ventured into businesses , politics , militaries and various things but they only avoid entertainment as it's not their things .

It's not only because of their power but the strict learning that they applied to the heirs became one of the reason why people didn't dare to mess with them . They are even known as the cold and mysterious family because they hardly can be seen in the social standing however the 'mysterious' gradually erased in other people's mind as the current President Qin's presence increased over the years .

The Qin Family was said to be so strict because they only prefer males rather than female because until now there's no female kids being born and Qin's only full with males . Unbeknownst to the outsiders , they didn't have preferential treatment over male and females rather they didn't even have any single luck in producing girls .

In this Country B , other than the Qin Family , there was some family that was quite known and almost as powerful as the Qin's .

The Gu Family , the wealthy family that is also the blood related family of the Madam . The Fu Family that holds entertainment world greatly . The Jiang Family that was always compared to the Qin Family .

Although this four families held great powers and always stirred up people and make people shivers thinking that they had enmities with each other . In truth , they had maintain a stable relationship to avoid causing trouble for each other rather they provide help for each other in things they need .




Veylor Xeryl rushes home with his kids when he received the news from the butler that something major had happened in the villa . He flew to the another region to sign an important project with his business partner . He had always brought his kids whenever he had works in another area and the kids know how to handle themselves so he was not worried of them disturbing him to work .

But suddenly the butler called him that the kitchen's villa almost engulfed in fire and it was fortunate that it didn't spread to other place so after he completed his job , he hurriedly flew back to handle this matter .

The moment he arrived , he frown at the side of ashes in the back side of villa . Because of this , several neighbours and even police come to the villa to ask about the situation . Luckily , it ended without much involvement of other people .

At the wide hall in the center of the villa , Veylor watched the servants infront of him as they trembled his temper would flare out . He watched one by one until he finally remembers that the dirty kid is not here .

He gritted his teeth and thought that the fire must be caused by her that's why she's too scared to be here .

" Where's that girl ?! "

He shouts asking the question with a stick in his hand . He hated that his schedule is being messed up just because of that wretched girl ! The servants kept quiet not because they don't understand who's he's asking but rather they don't know how to answer .

" Are you f***ing deaf ?! You guys didn't even know how to take care of this damn house and that dirty girl and you dare to call me back ?! "

Veylor swing his stick towards the nearer vase and it crashed with a bang . The glasses flew everywhere but the whole villa knows that the master had a terrible temper and this is quite normal for them eventhough it's frightening .

Denice watched the master with a trembling hand . She hated that master always threw his temper towards them and they are always the one who's gonna suffer . She looks at Nexy who's behind her still with a teary eyes . I'm gonna disclose this ! If no one gonna speak , I'm gonna do it !

She pulled Nexy's wrist and avoided her other hand that's trying to push her and walked towards the master hurriedly . She pushed Nexy on the floor with a thump !

The voices of the servants whispered coming to her ears .

" Denice , what are you doing ?! "

" Denice , don't you see the master's temper ! "

" Denice , come back here ! "

Veylor's anger stop in a sudden halt with the interference of this two women .

" What are you doing ?! "

Denice speak while glaring at Nexy .

" Master ! The fire , it came from that girl's room ! But when we get there , the room is already in ruin and the girl , you have to ask this Nexy ! She was the one who always with that girl ! "

Veylor glared at Nexy and waved his hand at Denice to go back .

" So , you are the one who's always provide that girl with unnecessary help , right ?! "

Nexy is still thinking about Aria at this time so her mind is like in a cloudy state . She doesn't know how is Aria right now . What if she stumbled into dangerous people ?

That's why when Denice pulled her , she was too absentminded to avoid it and now the master is infront of her with his stick in hand .

Aria .... I wish you well outside there .. Please don't come back here ..

" M-master , The fire ... The fire spread abruptly . And .. I-I can't do anything .. Aria .. She was in there ... I can't save here .. I-I'm so sorry , Master ... I apologize , please .. forgive me .. please .. "

Nexy kneels infront of Veylor and the whole servants while trying to suppress her tears .

" What are you saying ?! Why do I need to care about her ! "

He shouts again towards Nexy .

" Master , Aria ... Aria is .. dead ... She's gone "

Her tears falls one by one and the servants shocked with the statement . Really , that child .. is dead .. ?!

Veylor's eyes bulged and the stick falls from his hand .

" WHATTT ?!!!! "