Qin Ruming wanted to speak more when his eldest son suddenly walk away leaving him alone in that state .

Within seconds , he saw both of their son staring at him intently with his second son appearance looks messy with a pouted mouth .

His second son is rather the opposite of his eldest son . He likes to play around and is so clingy towards his wife . Rather than a son , he deserves to be called a ' daughter ' because of his cutesy side . Despite all that , his second son resemble his eldest son the most when he had to deal with him , his own father . He never knew why but everytime his son looks at him , it only filled with coldness and that remind him with his own self so much .

He spoke with a tone that completely different from his elder brother instead his tone was gentle but childish at the same time looking like his young age .

" Dad ! I want mommy ! I want mommy ! If mommy is not here , I don't want to eat ! Don't want to go to school ! Don't want everything ! "

He shook his elder brother's hand and used his puppy eyes towards his father so that he can bring them to their mommy .

Both of their sons eyes resemble his wife so everytime his sons tried to use this move , he never win because he always reminded of his sweet wife .

Because of that , he had no choice than to bring his two sons to the hospital with him .

" Fine ... but today is the only exception of you guys not going to school , if this happen again , you will get your punishment , understand ? "

He spoke gently but also with a cold voice to make his sons understand how important studying is .

Both of them nodded their head and getting ready to go out with their father .

His first son brought a bag of exercise books to replace his absence of school but his second son brought a bag of snacks and chocolates for going out . That is already the stark difference between them .

Half an hour later , the whole family arrived in the parking lot of the hospital . The driver brought them there to take a VIP elevator to avoid other people breach their privacy .

Qin Ruming signaled his driver to leave him alone with the kids and he watched two of his kids showing no concern about him . His first son seem to realize it's the hospital but still hide his worry over his facade meanwhile his second son just can't wait to get down from the car .

" Qin Lijun , Qin Lixin , I already bring you here to meet your mom so you should know how to have your manners . Remember , we are not at home so restrain yourself from being a burden to your mom , understand ? "

Both of them agreed with their father words and suddenly little bao is not smiling anymore instead he kept his facade just like his brother . Whoever watching this could not have denied that they both indeed Qin Ruming's sons .


At this time , Gu XiaoMeng is still accompanying Aria in the room while listening to the doctor explanation . She was often worried that Aria never wakes up so although it's too much for her to kept calling the doctor , she can't help but to do so .

The doctor's explanation is still the same no matter how many times she asked for him .

" She's a little child who had so many scars in her life . It's normal for her to not wake up since her body is recuperating . Don't worry Madam . She's not in pain or in a coma , she's just in a deep sleep , sooner or later she will wake up . "

Gu Xiaomeng just wanted to make sure she's truly fine . Afterall , Gu Xiaomeng herself can't be here too long with her poor health . She might have looked healthy outside but in fact , she got tired too easily if she doesn't take care of her body . That's why , she hoped the little girl will wake up soon .

Thump , thump , thump !

She heard some running footsteps after the doctor got out . She turn her head to look at the door and saw two little head hiding beside the gap of the door . She frown her eyebrows but quickly smile when she realize who are they .

Her gentle voice flowed out with excitement .

" Xiao Jun , Little Bao , what are you doing here ? "

Qin Lixin who's hugging her bag of snacks with his cold facade finally smiling like a little baby looking at his lovely mom . He runs toward her and hugged her tightly .

" Mommy .. ! BaoBao missed you .. ! You are not there when I went to sleep and not there when I'm awake .. Hnngg — Why did you leave BaoBao , Mommy .. "

He sniffled as if he's gonna cry and his eyes looked like a sad puppy being leave behind .

Gu Xiaomeng hugged her youngest son back and patted his cheeks gently .

" Oh my ... my BaoBao is so clingy with mommy , what should mommy do ~ "

She laughed when he pouted his mouth and she glanced at her eldest son who's still standing infront of the door looking exactly like her husband with his non-existent emotion . Ofcourse , only her knows how soft both of her son and husband are .

" Xiaojun .. why are you still standing there .. Don't you want to pity your own mom who's waiting for her son to hug her , hmm ... ? "

Qin Lijun flinched for a second when his mother mention him . It's quite embarrassing to be like his little brother though ..

Gu Xiaomeng speak again knowing that her son only held back his urge just to be a cool older brother . Her voice sounded a little weak as to attract her ' cold ' son .

" Ohmy ... Since my son is already older , he won't even hug his mommy anymore , what should I do .. I'm so pitiful .. "

Qin RuMing appear beside Qin Lijun when she speak those last sentence . He glanced at his eldest son who's pretending to be cold and his younger son who's pretending to be pitiful . At last , he stared at his beloved wife who's currently only cared about their sons .

" Tsk , Qin Lijun , if you want to be so cool , then don't hug my wife , she's my wife , I'll hug her instead .. "

He strode forward to go to his wife who's he missed so much eventhough he already met her yesterday when a little leg strode quickly than him and hugged his wife tightly while rolled his eyes at him .

He's so annoyed at the sight of his wife being lovey-dovey with their sons .

Those two are not his sons at all !

Never !!

Gu Xiaomeng laughed looking at her husband and her sons who act as if they are enemies . She speak again to coax her husband .

" Don't show such a face like I cheated on you , honey .. If you want to be in a group hug , come here .. If not , lose out then .. "

She laughed again looking at her husband's complicated face . At last , Qin Ruming walked forward and hugged the three of them with his hand on his wife's waist and his lips kissed her forehead gently .

" I missed you .. I told you .. I can't sleep without you .. "

His helpless voice sounded in her ears , she chuckled while hugging him back with her right hand while her left hand holding her two sons .

This looked like a tearful reunion as if the four of them didnt meet each other for a long time . Although Qin Ruming looked as if he despised his sons but he still hugged them tightly with his wife .

This is such a perfect family to be envious of .. With love flowing everywhere ..

At least that's what Aria thought ..