Qin Lijun was so annoyed when his parents suddenly being lovey-dovey in front of him and little bao . Nevertheless , he has gotten used to it and keep his poker face like usual and make sure that his little brother is still happy hugging their mother .

After that , he moved his body a little to avoid his father's hand in touching him . The place they were hugging was on a tip of a bed that has little girl on it . When he comes in , he only focused on his mother and forgot to ask his father what they were doing in the hospital so he didn't notice there is another person here .

The little girl look so pale and small plus she is wearing a half short sleeve clothes allowing him to saw some old scars on her arms making him furrowed his brows a little .

What happen to her ? Is she the reason mommy is here .. ?

Suddenly , he sees her eyes fluttered and she open her eyes . The little girl doesn't realize that he was watching her instead he saw she was watching his family with sadness and enviousness .

Her eyes was full with tears but she still held back making her small face red in instant . He wanted to say something when he heard his little brother's gentle and small voice .

" Why .. are you crying , baby ? "

Qin Lijun kept his mouth shut and act like he doesn't care as his little brother already asked the question he wanted to ask .

Aria's body stiffen as the boy asked him a question . She was also dumbfounded that he's calling her a baby . Although she's indeed quite small among the kids in her age , it was not to the extent to calling her a baby !

Opposite of what she feels inside , her body started to tremble with the existence of strangers . Being abused for so many times , her body gradually become stiffen when it comes in contact with strangers especially men .

Gu Xiaomeng loosen the hug when she realized Aria was awake . She saw how her body started to tremble and she remembers how the doctor said that she was suffering in some sort of child abuse .

" Xiao jun , little bao , mommy is sorry , but the little girl is scared because she's not used with others presence . Can you go sit with your daddy while mommy go speak with her to make sure she's not afraid ? "

There is a long sofa near the door . She wanted them to sit there first since she can't possibly told her husband and kids to go out after they come here to visit her .

Qin Ruming grunted when he heard that but still pull both of his sons to give his wife and the kid some space . Gu Xiomeng smiled in satisfaction looking at them being so obedient .

She turn her body in Aria's direction , lifted the petite body on her lap and hugged her gently . Aria was so shocked that she started to hiccup .

It was a strange feeling . Neither her father nor her brothers ever treated her like this . Her heart feels like it's gonna explode for a moment . Because of the abuse and long for love , she finds it hard to recognize this feeling . It's even more awkward to find it comfortable in a stranger's arms but somehow her heart feel soft .

Gu Xiomeng patted her back and her head in a soft and gentle manner . Her soft voice surround Aria as if they are the only one there .

" Shhh — It's okay .. No one gonna hurts you here .. Aunt will protect you and hug you whenever you feel hurt , whenever you feel sad , whenever you feel uncomfortable . Aunt will be beside you , comforting you like this .. You don't have anything to be afraid of as long as Aunt is here to hug you ... It's okay , it's okay .. "


With Gu Xiomeng words , her trembling body started to subside and she suddenly embarrassed when she realized there are still other people in the room .

After that , the doctor came for a full check-up and confirm that she's fine and can check out now . However , the doctor also remind that the abuse affected her greatly thus the people around her has to shower her with love and care for her to move on from those things .

When Gu Xiaomeng told her that she doesn't have to be treated in the hospital anymore , her heart feels troubled . She doesn't has anywhere to go , she's afraid that she'll be sent back to her father . She's afraid that she'll be back at that dark painful life .

Gu Xiaomeng asked her several questions but all she can think about of her destination is the orphanage . That was her reason to run away afterall , she wanted to go to the orphanage .

Instead , Gu Xiaomeng asked her something she didn't dare to think about .

" Sweetie , if you don't mind , rather than the orphanage how about you stay with me at our home .. ? Auntie has long wanted to has a daughter .. You can just be my daughter then , hmm ? "

Daughter .... ? How can I even think of that .. ?