The next morning , Aria woke up in a surprise . She sat up on the bed and wandered her eyes on her surrounding . Even she didn't know that she has been holding her breath while doing that .

Finally , she release her breath hurriedly after recognizing the place .

Luckily ...

Luckily , she's not in that home .

Luckily , she didn't feel any pain after waking up again . Luckily , she doesn't hear the voice telling her she's a bad luck , a trash , a dirty child . Luckily ...

" Baby ... Are you awake ? "

A childish voice rang in her ear and she turn around looking at the boy infront of the door . His hair looked tidy being brushed on the side . He wears a full blue uniform with a black tie and black pants . On his back is a tiny backpack suited for his build .

Last night , he looked like a childish little boy crying helplessly but now he really looks like a young master people can't afford to offend of ..... including her .

Looking at him like this remind her of her brothers . Is he ... going to school ?

" Baby ... You really are a baby . Mommy said babies need to sleep longer than adults ! When I woke up , you still sleeping peacefully . I even went to take a shower and you are still sleeping . "

He laughed with a smile in his face and come running towards her .

" Baby . How come you are such a baby ?! "

Aria blinked continuously with his words . He's just a child too but earlier does he tried to admit himself as an adult ? He kept calling her a baby when he himself a baby too .

She's not supposed to question him but it felt like wrong of him to kept treating her like a baby . So , with a determined yet nervous heart . She spoke quietly to him .

" ... Bwother ... How ... owld are you .. ? "

" Huh .. ? What did you say .. ? "

He close his distance towards her and tried to decipher her baby words .

" Awia said ... how owld are you , bwother .. ? "

" Ahhh — I understand now ! " He said while laughing again .

" You are so cute with your pronunciation , baby ! I am seven years old so I need to go to school with big brother today ! Now , let's go to eat , baby ! "

" Huh .. ? "

He's just a seven year old yet he treat her like their age difference is so great . Maybe it's because of last night , she doesn't feel any uncomfortable feeling with him . Yet , she also think of her third brother who's also seven years old this year .

They both were the same age and their build doesn't really have a big difference only that her third brother is a bit shorter than Qin Lixin . Her third brother looks resemble a scary eagle while Qin Lixin looks just like a cute cat with his eyes but she still doesn't know what he looks like when he's angry .

Remembering that , she actually felt that she can endure it .

If the time she lived here , he wanted to beat her just like her brothers . She can endure it . If that what it takes to make him treat her like last night .

That warm feeling .....


The breakfast started with all of them being awkward again . Not really all , probably just Aria feeling scared and awkward again .

Earlier , Qin Lixin held her in his arm after she freshen herself up . She wore an old clothes of Qin Lixin when he was 5 years old but it still looks baggy on her . It was a one piece of white shirt with a shorts but even a shorts looks like a long pants on her .

Nanny Xueyi brushed her hair and tied it into pigtails . Because her hair had never been care of , the hair has long been ruin and even the colour looks ugly . After Nanny Xueyi coaxed her to shampoo her hair , her violet hair finally looks slightly pretty than before .

At least now , she looks a little more like a young girl than yesterday . Qin Lixin was excited when he looks at the cute younger sister . So , he quickly picked her up and held her just like holding a baby . He run with her in his hands to the dining table excitedly with a smile .

His eyes literally showed how happy he was having her in the house . She wanted to retaliate as she wanted him to put her down . It's only been a day she's here . She's afraid of being a troublemaker just like the older brother said . At the same time , she's also afraid of this boy hating her for retaliating .

At the end , she just let him be and the next moment she knows , she saw Aunt and her husband looking at them with a surprised face . The older boy creased his eyebrows while looking at them .

She make a terrible choice .

Really terrible ....

Qin Lixin didn't realize how she felt instead he become more excited looking at his mother .

" Mommy ! Look at this ! Look at the baby ! She looks so cute ! How come you didn't brought her here before ?! I'm so happy of having such a cute younger sister !! "

He shouted like an excited puppy while giggling like a little boy he is .

Qin Lijun with his school uniform looks exactly like a cold devil waiting for his prey wearing his cold face . He walked forward to both of them and patted his younger brother . He only glanced towards Aria for awhile and speak to him in a gentle voice .

" Little bao , put her down and let's hurry for breakfast . We need to go to school later . "

Qin Lixin pouted a little but still put her down . He never defy his older brother words . Between his father and his older brother , obviously he's more lenient towards Qin Lijun .

" Fine ... baby , let's go eat with me ! You know what , our house has lots of delicious foods and ... "

He kept talking about how majestic the house is , how wonderful the cooks are , how he always looks forward to desserts but can't eat too much because his mother didn't allow him to .

He dragged her forward with his small hand but still bigger than her forgetting the facts that his parents and his older brother are behind him .

Because of that , Aria didn't realize how wide Gu XiaoMeng smile is looking at them , how cold Qin Ruming face is and how a frown was form on Qin Lijun face .

If she saw that , she wouldn't even dare to eat the breakfast with assist from Qin Lixin and Gu XiaoMeng . Because of Qin Lixin happy and excited voice during the breakfast while his eyes never leave her , she totally forgot that this was not her house .

And .....

She didn't even know that even with living a total of four past lifes . With how excited Qin Lixin is and how gentle Gu XiaoMeng treated her , a form of hope started to sprout deep in her heart .

Just like how she lived in her past lives with hopes and ended up getting killed .

Once again , she didn't realize that she totally walking towards the same path .

Maybe she pave a shortcut with running away but along the way , she still stumble the same path .

A path of dying .

A path of pain .

A path of naivety .

A path of hope .

Hope always come even if you tried to run away from it . Just like how the world run with imperfect people , just like how the world was full with people who makes mistakes because there's no one deserves to be perfect .

Just like how you breathe with an invincible air you can't see , hope is just like an air always trying to fit in people's heart .

And Aria was not an exception .

Even if she promised to not to be .

Aria is still Aria .