After that , Gu Xiaomeng kept brooding in her bedroom about what she was supposed to do that she forgot about Aria's existence . Fortunately , Nanny Xueyi disrupt her wandering thoughts with the knocks on the door .

She open the door looking at Nanny Xueyi with her usual apron tying on her body .

" Madam , sorry for disturbing you . I just wanted to ask , yesterday you said you wanted to brought Miss Aria out . If you're still planning to do that , I wanted to prepare Miss Aria for going out . "

Gu Xiaomeng held her head and completely forgot about that plan . She wanted to buy a few outfits for the girl as she doesn't has anything to wear . Afterall she only had boys so naturally she could only give Aria her children old clothes for her to wear right now . Nevertheless , she's still a girl and a boy outfit was not suited for her and even that old outfit look big on her body because of her abuse .

Half an hour later , Gu Xiaomeng was ready with her pretty peach colour long blouse done with a light makeup and a ponytail . She looks exactly like a young woman having fun in her youth .

She quickly search for Aria and found her with Nanny Xueyi . Nanny Xueyi currently brushing her hair and tied it with a pretty ribbon . Eventhough she doesn't look any near with pretty little girl in a princess dress with her loose white shirt and her scrawny body . At least , she looked a little better than the first time Gu Xiaomeng picked her up at the mall .

Gu Xiaomeng bend her body to look at Aria's eyes . She smiled sweetly just like how she smiled at her sons .

" Sweety , today I'm gonna bring you to buy some clothes . Look , this clothes doesn't suit you at all . This is my first time shopping for a daughter . Hope you understand my excitement . I've long wanted a daughter unfortunately I don't have enough luck to achieve that . So , sweety .. can you give me the honour to let me feel the excitement of buying pretty clothes to my daughter , hmm ? "

Aria stared at Gu Xiaomeng pretty smile as if she was bewitched by it . Ever since she met this pretty auntie , she always felt like there's no trouble in her life . She completely forgot about her anxiousness , her painful experience , her family .. She only felt that in her eyes , there's only exist this kind auntie who shared her love and care towards her .

This love was like a poison . She can only see Gu Xiaomeng and how Gu Xiaomeng actually treat her like a real daughter . Her kindness make Aria's mind blurred other things except for Gu Xiaomeng . Just like a person who's addicted to drugs , she completely let her guards down infront of Gu Xiaomeng , forgetting the fact that she's not supposed to depend on her .

Aria nodded her head and smiled widely to Gu Xiaomeng .

" Owkay , Swister ! " Her soft voice uttered those words and Gu Xiaomeng giggle softly remembering she's still a small baby who's not big enough to say a perfect word .

" You're so cute , sweety ! But remember , I'm not a sister , just called me aunt , okay ? " She pinched Aria cheeks and picked her up in her arms . She was still surprised at how light Aria is and can't help but sigh over her lack of weight compared to her peers .

She will make sure that Aria will get to eat many food in her house to fatten her up !


At the mall , Gu Xiaomeng had to put down Aria to let her walk because of her weak physic . Although Aria is as light as a feather , she still had to think of her weak health or else her worrywart husband gonna be more worse than he is now .

The bodyguard , Li Jian still follow the madam at a moderate distance . Once he saw madam put the little girl down , he quickly went towards them afraid that madam needs help .

" Madam , what happen ? Do you need me to held the little girl ? I could do it .. "

Before Gu Xiaomeng could reply , Aria who heard that quickly looked at the tall and big man . She completely forgot that she had met that man before and quickly grasped the end of Gu Xiaomeng clothes . Eventhough she remembered she had met him , she will still feel anxious meeting tall and big men .

Although she felt comfortable with Gu Xiaomeng , that doesn't mean she's fine with other person . She's still afraid of people because of her abuse and her experiences . Living so many lives doesn't mean she knows everything , even now the memory of her past lives started to become blurry . Because of that , she completely hid behind Gu Xiaomeng and her array of breath started to become disoriented .

Li Jian looked at the little girl who's suddenly hiding and he started to think , did he do something wrong .. ?

" Little girl , are you okay .. ? "

Li Jian tried to touch her but Aria started to get anxious and before she could think it through , she started running away from the scene forgetting that there is still Gu Xiaomeng with her .

All she could think about at the time was ..

She had to run !

She doesn't want to be beaten again !

It's hurt !

It's really hurt !

She can't take it anymore !