An array of breath could be heard from the faraway corner . Aria stopped somewhere where no one was there . She didn't know where she is . All she could think about only the memories of her father and brothers .

TW !!

Bang !

It was a mistake . She just wanted to clean the flower vase but ended up breaking it into pieces .

Aria started to tremble .

It was her fault . If her father and brothers knew about this . They would get mad . Once they get mad , they won't care about her anymore . They won't give her any food or water . She would end up in darkness .

She doesn't want that . She wanted them to love her not abandoning her in that darkness .

Hurry , hurry up .. She needs to clean this up before they stumbled into her .

She kneeled down and started to pick up the pieces in a hurrry . She doesn't care about the drops of her blood , she's more afraid of her father abandoning her .

But ....

How luck never befalls on her .

" ARGHH ! "

She shouted with her little energy . Her hair was being pulled by someone . It hurts .. It hurts like crazy ..

" Ungrateful thing ! How dare you destroy my expensive vase ! Do you know how much that cost ?! "

He yelled while pulling her messy hair .

" I'll teach you how to behave properly . Such a dirty one but still dare to make a mess in my house ?! "

Pa !

A harsh force can be felt on her left cheek .

Pa !

Another force on her right cheek .

There's nothing she can do except crying and a slight whimper can be heard even if she try hard to resist it .

Her father hated it more when she cried and begged him but how can she stand all this pain ? She's only a small girl who doesn't even know how to speak properly yet her father treated her as if she's a grown up .

" F-fathwer , I-I'm sowwyyy . Pweasee , it hwurtss . S-stop it .. Awia ish sowwyy .. "

She begged him over and over again but all she get was ..

" Shut up ! Who told you to speak ?! "

Pa !

She earn a harsh kick on her stomach .

Pa !

Another kick on her left leg .

And lastly ...

" Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh "

A hysterical scream could be heard throughout the mansion but even if the person who lived there heard it , nobody ever wanted to help her and nobody allowed to help her .


" Hiccup ! Hiccup ! "

Remembering those memories make her body more scared than ever . However , her mouth stated a different word .

" Fathwer , bwothers ... Awia mishes youu .. "

Her body slumped beside the wall , she hugged her knees and keep comforting herself with the same words .

" Fathwer loves Awia ..

Bwothers loves Awia ..

They awe waiting for awia ..

Awia loves my fwamily ..

Awia mishes her fwather ..

Awia mishes her bwothers .. "

She keeps repeating the same thing until she heard several of hurried footsteps near her .

" Hurry up ! Search for the little miss . If you can't find her , madam will passed out and you guys are the one who's gonna receive master's wrath ! "

She heard a familiar voice and finally remembered that she come here with a pretty sister !

" Pwetty sistwer ! Awia ... Awia lost pwetty sistwer ! Oh no ! "

With her small body , she gets up and run away towards the voices .

There , she saw the pretty sister currently crying her eyes out on the bench .

" .. pwetty sistwer .. ! "

" — Aria ! "

Gu Xiaomeng shouted and quickly wiped her tears . She runs as if there's no tomorrow , picked up her sweet little girl and hugged her tightly .

" Oh , Aria .. Where did you go ? I was so scared that you might lost and met someone bad . What if — what if someone hurts you .. please don't do this again , sweetheart .. "

She hugged her tightly not waiting for Aria's reply , kissed her little forehead  and kept thanking god in her heart .

" Pwetty sistwer .. Awia' s sowwy .. hic— Awia's just scawed . "

Her hiccups that's gone earlier now coming back after looking at Gu Xiaomeng who's worried about her .

She never felt having a mother in her life . Only now she realize how her heart flutters when someone worried about her .

" It's okay , sweetheart . At least , you are okay .. "

Gu Xiaomeng kissed her forehead again before calling Xiao Jian to withdraw the team because they already met Aria .

" Xiao Jian .. I'm sorry to trouble you .. It's such a relief that we found Aria .. "

" It's okay , madam . I'm glad you're okay .. "

" Yeah .. "

She trailed of her words before pinching her uncomfortable chest . While searching for Aria , she kept feeling her body started to become weird but she just chose to ignore it for the sake of not worrying others but now that uncomfortable feeling kept coming back .

" Madam , are you okay ? Should we just go back instead ? "

Gu Xiaomeng heard the worries in  Xiao Jian's voice and she just smiled towards him telling him in silence that she's fine .

Sigh ... Please don't tell me that thing come at this time and place . Please ... God ... I don't want to make Aria more scared than she is now ..

" Aria , sweetheart ... "

Aria moved her head towards Gu Xiaomeng with a curious gaze .

" That ... Aunt really sorry , but can you wait for a while with this uncle ? I promise he would treat you nicely , you don't have to be scared of him .. "

" Madam , where are you going ? "

" ... I just need to go to the toilet for a second .. "

Gu Xiaomeng continued to look at the small girl in her arms with a pleading smile . She needs to go fast in case they knew .

Aria looked back and forth between the pretty sister and the uncle she avoided before . Her hands started to become sweaty and clammy proving she's still scared of strangers . However , looking at her pretty sister's desperate look , she decided to just agree as to not burden her .

She doesn't want to be hated by her pretty sister .

She doesn't want to lose that feeling of having a mother .

A mother ....

She wished she had that too .

With a reluctant gaze , Aria nodded and let go of Gu Xiaomeng's embrace . She stared at the tall uncle with the difficulty and slowly held a little bit of the man's pants fabric indicating that she will stay behind with the uncle .


At the time , Gu Xiaomeng already run ahead towards the ladies room . Although she's worried leaving Aria alone knowing the little one is scared but she's more scared of herself right now .

She only wished she could get to her destination as soon as possible .

Hurry !

Hurry up !

I need to get there now !

Please !

Please don't let anyone notice me !

Bang !

She pushed the door with a harsh force and checked the surrounding . Luckily , there's no one there .

She stands infront of the sink and looked at her face in the big mirror . A bead of sweats can be seen on her forehead but that's not what she worried of .

Soon , several noise of loud coughs surrounded the ladies room .

Cough ! Cough ! Cough !

Cough ! Cough ! Cough !

Cough ! Cough ! Cough !

She tried to suppress her cough with a piece of tissue but when she pulled off the tissue from her mouth after the coughs ended .

The thing she wished wouldn't happen , happened .

She could only look at the tissue and herself on the mirror with pity .

And ...

The most pitiful fact ,

She can't do anything about it .

She can't ..... do anything about it ..

She can't do ...

She can't .....

Plop , plop ...

One by one , her tears started to fall down again ...