
Aria was waiting patiently for pretty sister to come back . She sat on the bench with this bulky uncle beside her . She's still afraid but because the uncle didn't really hurt her or anything , she's not as afraid as before .

The uncle beside her started to dial a number in his phone and put his phone on his ear waiting for the person to receive his call .

" Hello , sir . I think your presence is needed here . "

" What happen ?! "

The rage from the other person's voice even make Aria clasped the fabric of the uncle's shirt .

" I think the madam needed you ... "

With that , the call got cut off leaving him dumbfounded there .

As a bodyguard , there's nothing he could do but be patient with his boss .

Li Jian looked at his side and smiled towards the little girl . Looking at her clasping her hand at him making him feel relieved at least , she's less afraid of him than before .

He tried to speak as gently as he can to her . His work revolve with protecting his boss's family but he's not only does protect , he goes beyond of that . He doesn't usually interact with the young masters and even if he is , the young masters were like the mini boss , looking at him with their cold face .

Just with this little girl , he needs to be gentle and obviously , he was awkward with this .

" Miss Aria , are you okay now ? Did you get hurt while getting lost earlier .. ? "

Aria looked at the big uncle and gulped before she tried to speak without getting afraid of him .

" Uhh .. Awia .. Awia is owkay .. "

Li Jian bend down in a perfect height with Aria .

" Are you scared of me .. ? Don't be afraid , I won't hurt you .. Let's wait for madam together , okay .. ? "

He patted Aria's head in a careful gesture .

" .... Owkay , uncwle .. It's just that uncwle .. "

" Hmm ? "

Li Jian raise his eyebrows looking at her .

" Uncwle is so bwigggg and tall . Awia think it must be shcary if uncwle hwurt Awia .. "

She gestured with her little hands indicating how big and scary he is .

Li Jian paused for a second while patting her . So , that's what she think about . He just remembered her history of being abused . It must have been scary for her to be around him .

He should hurry to find out who's her real family are . In this case , he can avoid her being in their care again ..

He's determined to protect this little poor girl .

He smiled at her again and focused on the person who runs towards them in a hurried steps .


Gu Xiaomeng was currently crying her heart out in one of the stall of the washroom . She was holding a bundle of tissue with full of red colour .

She knew she had to hold on . She knew she had to be strong . For her husband , for her kids and now , for Aria ..

But ...

At this moment , it's as if god have been told her , her effort of being strong need to stop . That she ..... that every remaining strength in her body was losing out day by day , minutes by minutes .

She thought she had enough time but unfortunately time ... won't wait for her .

She put her hand on her mouth to prevent her sobs to escape . She was literally a mess with all these crying and she can't even stand straight to went to Aria again .

She literally can't do anything ..

While she's crying , she heard some footsteps before a knock landed outside .

" Darling ... I know you're in there .. please .. open this door , hm .. ? "

She trembled hearing her husband's voice . How can .. how can she tell him she can't do this anymore .. how ?

" Mengmeng , I don't know what happen .. but whatever happen to you .. to us .. Let's get through this together , okay .. ? "

He used the gentlest voice ever just so that he could see his wife .

With that , Gu Xiaomeng wiped her tears slowly and tried to prep herself up eventhough she knew she would still look horrible . She take a deep breath and tried to calm herself .


The door open and there stood Qin Ruming with a worried face , wrinkled suits but his face turn to the worse just looking at his wife appearance .

Her face was full with her tears , her eyes was red , her blouse .... Her blouse literally painted with a dark red ..... blood ...

Yeah , it's definitely blood and he could even see a stain of it at the edge of her mouth ..

Gu Xiaomeng walked forward while trembling and Qin Ruming hurriedly held his wife .

" Mengmeng ... What happen .. ? Please ... Don't do this to me , darling .. You said you'd become much better these days .. Mengmeng , please hold on ... huh ? "

He held her face trying to look at his pale-face wife , begging desperately not knowing the supposedly cold Qin Ruming shed tears .

" .... Ruming ... Don't cry .. Everything is gonna be okay .. hm ? I promise .. it's going .. to .. be .. o .. kay ... "

Leaving those words , he saw his wife closed her eyes , limping in his arms .

All he knows right then and there , he doesn't want to lose her , he can't afford to lose her !

He just run desperately holding his wife leaving Aria who he didn't realize was there , leaving everyone behind him ..

He can't afford to be a perfect president at the time , he can't afford to be a stoic and cold man . He can't afford to act like everything is fine just like his wife said .

Because he knows ...

He knows ..

This is definitely gonna be his worst nightmare ever .