
Looking at his boss's running like a crazy person , his face turn to a worried state .

" I guess it's come to that time , already .. "

Li Jian whispered by himself ..

He looked at the little girl who's currently sleeping with her head on his lap .

He slowly tried to carry her in his arms whilst trying not to wake her up . Likewise , he signaled the other bodyguards to follow him and their destination was definitely the hospital ..



A few hours have passed and all Qin Ruming did was just blankly staring on his wife who's currently sleeping with all wires attached on her .

He knows this day would occur one day , but he himself always avoid imagining that this day would really come ..

But then again , it did come ..

Looking at his wife , he remembered their conversation back when she refused to marry him .


" Ruming , I'm sorry , but I reject your proposal . You know you can't do this . There are so many better women out there . Much , much better than me . You deserve better than this .. "

He held her hand to convince her once again .

" Why can't I ? I love you , that's the only thing I need to make you mine . I don't care how many women come to me , you know the only woman I want is you . So Mengmeng , please marry me .. "

" .... Ruming , you do know I have a sickness .. I have a fatal disease ! Are you .. did you really want to spend your life with me , a woman who's currently counting her days ? Don't do this , Ruming .. you're only going to hurt yourself .. "


What she said was true . He's hurt looking at her like this , but he didn't regret marrying her . At least , they share an abundance of happy memories together .

He could live .... with that ... right ?

He removed his single tear that escape from his eyes before anyone realized .

" Master .. "

He caught one of his security guard calling him and beckons him to get near .

" What is it ? "

" That ..... The young masters continued to insist on coming here after they heard the madam collapsed . "

" How did they learn about it ? "

" That ... "

He saw the bodyguard had struggled to answer , so he just sigh . He already know it's must be his first son's doing .

" Forget it . Where are they ? "

" They're still at the school . They refused to get in the car , afraid that the driver would only drive them to the house . We even called Nanny Xueyi to help us but they won't budge ."

He brushed his hair in annoyance with his right hand and just sigh again .

" It's fine , I'll pick them up myself . "

Qin Ruming looked at his beloved for the last time before he went out , informing Li Jian to watch his wife .


Aria has woken up for several minutes , but she was still dazed by her surroundings .

There's only her and that uncle in this area , but it seems like this was not the mall anymore , where is she ? And importantly , where is the pretty sister ?

Aria rubbed her sleepy eyes and pull uncle's sleeve with her little strength .

Li Jian bend down again with a smile .

" You've already woken up , Miss Aria . "

" Yes .... Uncwle , where are we ?? "

" Ahh ... That , we're in the hospital .. "

" Hospital .....? Why .... ? "

" Umm ... Madam .. Madam is sick , Miss Aria . "

" Huh ? Pwetty Sistwer is sick ?! W-why ? Hic— Awia .. Awia wants to see pwetty sistwer .. Hic— Pwetty Sistwer .... "

She started to cry , hearing her pretty sister was sick . She's afraid of losing her . What if - what if pretty sister didn't want her anymore and threw her away ?

Because , because it's her fault .. It must have been because pretty sister tried to search for her earlier , that's why she's sick now ..

Aria is sorry , pretty sister . Please don't leave Aria ...

She cried harder , leaving Li Jian doesn't know what he has to do .

" Uhh , Miss Aria , please don't cry .. What should I do .. Oh my god , I don't even know how to coax kids crying .. "

Li Jian just ended up picking her up in his arms and tapped on her back several times , hoping she would stop crying .

" Shh , Shh , It's okay .. Don't cry , madam is going to be okay .. Shh , Don't cry .. "

" Pwetty sistwer , hic— she's gonna be owkay ? "

" Yeah ... probably .. Anyway , don't cry , hmm .. ? "

He patted her back again , trying to soothe her tears until she only hiccups .

" Awia ... wants to see pwetty sistwer .. "

" Okay , okay , but promise you won't cry , and it's only a while , okay ? She needs rest , you won't disturb her , right ? "

" Awia pwomise .. Awia just wants to see pwetty sistwer .. "

" Sure , let's go .. "

Li Jian walked with Aria in his arms and open the door carefully . She puts Aria beside madam's bed carefully . He patted her head several times before telling her to stay put and wait for him to come back because he's still needed to watch over the room outside .

Even though this is the VIP area , and the security was tight , he's still sceptical , and he's given the responsibility to take great care of madam while master is out , so he can't just lower his guard relying on the hospital .