Played By Fate

"Oh! One last major thing we forgot. What's our team name?" Bawak suddenly remembered that they should still choice a name, even if they would be coming back in a short while.

"Shooting Stars!" Ella immediately proposed, she wanted to quickly go inside and start the action.

"...No! It doesn't have the impact, though its still good." Noil shook his head and started thinking of one himself.

"Blazing Guardian!" Comilian proposed one, Noil pondered long and hard and shook his head.

"Little Innocent Lily!" Everyone stared at Bawak, who quickly looked away.

"How about, All Mighty Noil?" Noil looked at everyone with his pale yellows eyes blinking, 'Hmm?! Why are they acting as if.... they didn't hear me?'

"Lets forget about a name and go inside." Helkep wondered what a name would do, since they would be coming back in a few minutes.

"Hey! Name is ve--" Before Noil could continue... a loud cracking sound occurred in the sky.