First Round of The Competition

Helkep walked towards the basket which was where they were supposed to place their dimmed down token and placed his inside.

Just as he did that, the portal flashed again and Ella walked out. Seeing him, she grinned warmly while walking in his direction and placed her token inside the basket as well.

Helkep and Ella walked out together, waiting for them in the front were Noil and the rest.

"Let's get going! I am itching to try out the various foods!" Comilian rubbed his tummy in excitement.

"Games after breakfast!" Bawak grinned cheekily and raised his hand high into the air.

"Girls after games." Noil shut his eyes and looked solemn, his hands clasped around his waist as he took in the sweet air filled with various perfumes of varying brands. He-as a self-proclaimed master could differentiate the ones which belonged to girls' rather easily.