Dance of Chaotic Arts

"LETS NOT WASTE TIME AND START WAVE 3!" The host shouted loudly while flashing his bright teeth.

The door opened up and four wolves came outside. Saliva dripping from their mouths.

As they stared at the bloody and messy ground with their brethren's bodies, their white eyes became somewhat red.


But this time, they weren't the beasts. Their opponent wasn't Helkep and the the prey wasn't him but them. And the hunter was a beast this time. Who was grinning widely.

The wolves didn't start charging. No boy o boy! Of course. It was chaos itself whose existence comprises of the purest of light that started charging at them rapidly.

"UNBELIEVABLE! CONTESTANT 2 HAS DECIDED TO TAKE THE BATTLE TO THEM!" The host shouted in excitement as he took a step forward.